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Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- "admin" user goes missing when change owner is applied.
- vt8.1.0 Import merge
- Optimize memory usage in PearDatabase pquery - flatten_array and implode for log.
- Default currency decimals should be 2 instead of 0.
- Discount popover is not working in the inventory modules
- ForgotPassword - Email identified as spam or blocked, because "from" is empty
- Mass Edit related Module not selected
- ShortURL handler_data column should hold more data than 255 chars.
- Listview Editing Layout issue
- Taxes on charges were not exporting to the pdf in inventory
- when we change the tax region ,the values is changing to 'Nan'
- When we edit the tags it is displaying with the characters name ("..quote)
- "undefined" is displayed along with the alert popup
- Default values is not saving when we create the event from the quick create
- task date changing to 1970 when we change the date format to 'dd/mm/yyyy' format
- Not able to unlink the emails from the project module
- Canceled status is not updating in the project task module
- When we click more in the comment section in inventory module, more comments is not loading
- When we select more than 2 values in the default in multi select combo box ,after saving it is displaying only with one value
- when we update the fields from the workflow it is displaying along with the ##
- It is allowing to hide the mandatory fields
- Percentage custom field is not saving in percentage form in event module
- After deleting mail in the mail manager,preview is not showing properly
- Bundle cost details is unable to display properly
- When we check duplicate based on the created time ,error is displaying as 'result is not an object'
- When we import the calendar ,source is updating as crm
- Gmail outgoing-server and mail-manager with App Password
- French Language 'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS' Incorrect translation (causes 500 error)
- After installing extension addon only ,non admin user able to generate the new reports
- when we change the language to "Pack de langue français" showing with the 500 error
- Getting 500 error while resetting password for the instance
- When we unlink the SO from the Organization,SO is getting deleted permanently
- Allowing to save multiple activity types of same name in same module
- When we edit the date of birth field list view condition ,it is displaying as'result is not an object'
- When we attached the document of more than maximum upload size ,the document is still saving in the list
- When there is an empty field in the update field page is breaking
- PickList items not Saved in Project (possibly other modules too)
- Next/Last 7, 14 days
- Mass Edit toastr message "Error" with primary name field displayed
- Typo in config.performance.php
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Monolog\Logger::fatal() in /var/www/html/vtiger8/modules/PBXManager/PBXManager.php:235
- When we import the contacts,source field is updating with the 'WEBSERVICE'
- Listview: No Picklist values for Last Modified By / Created By Fields
- mb_convert_encoding(): Argument #3 ($from_encoding) contains invalid encoding "default"
- Potentials Filtering Malfunction in Quotes/Sales Order Modules When Account is Selected: Displays All Potentials Instead of Only Those Related to the Selected Account
- initializeListViewContents being called twice on each List View
- ProjectTasks class file $list_fields incorrect
- Percent field does not accept comma values
- vt750: Warning: Undefined variable $params in /var/www/html/vtigercrm/modules/CustomView/models/Record.php on line 238
- Layout of Edit View Line Items could be improved...
- Deprecation of Basic authentication in Office365 [October 1, 2022]
- Email Attachments, wrong file name used
- Update Bootstrap and dependent libraries
- Google Sync "Contacts API" turned down since Jannuary 19, 2022. We have to switch to "Pepole API"
- app.helper.checkServerConfig() returns true when Emails_CheckServerInfo_Action returns false
- Service name is too short in DB
- vtws_retrieve() of a User - roleid always empty.
- vtws_recordExists($recordId) returns true when $recordId is empty or it doesn't exist as crmid in vtiger_crmentity
- app.getRecordId() not working right
- 7.4 search bar issues after 7.3 to 7.4 migration
- s_h_percent column only changed in Invoice module
- can't copy address from accounts in quote if quotes module is private and user is non admin and does not have the administrator profile
- vtws_create fails if hidden fields are mandatory
- vt730: potentials not work after uninstall Project Module
- vt730: Bug in Contacts_Detail_Js.checkForPortalUser()
- vt7.4: php7.4 has deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc()
- Vt7*: Colour of Group by columns in Task Management screen is not consistent with picklist colour
- Vulnerabilities detected by Github dependabot
- Bug function getFieldArrayFromTaxRow($row, $tableName, $prefix)
- vt721: each() function is deprecated
- Inventory - Save with more than 200 Items takes a long time to save (200sec).
- Mismatch of Pre Tax Total in Quote Detail page and Edit page (TaxMode: Individual)
- MailManager module fails to fetch related records
- Unable to set outgoing server with an Office 365 account
- SendReminder.service sets *ALL* reminders as sent
- creating INV through web services does not set summary or tax value - vtiger 7.0.1
- rounding in vtiger -- half_even vs. half_up
- Doublon search bug
- Vtiger 7.1 Inventory Records can be saved without all taxes being loaded for lineitems
- Javascript library updates