I have a custom module wich has a relation (2) to different modules (UITYPE = 10). If I change the moduletype in the select box (1) this have no effect when opend the popup. Always the first entry in the select box is choosen in the popup window
The reason why, is an error in layouts/v7/modules/Vtiger/resources/List.js at Line 1366
My solution:
` registerAutoIncludeFieldsInMassEdit: function () {
var autoIncludeFieldsInMassEditCallback = function() { var fieldName = $(this).attr('name'); if( fieldName == undefined ) // <<-- check value of fieldName return; fieldName = fieldName.replace(/\[\]$/, ''); //remove trailing [] for cases like multiselect $(this).closest('tr').find("input[id=include_in_mass_edit_" + fieldName + "]").prop( "checked", true ); }; var formInputFields = jQuery('#massEdit :input').not('[id^=include_in_mass_edit_]'); formInputFields.on(Vtiger_Edit_Js.referenceSelectionEvent, autoIncludeFieldsInMassEditCallback); formInputFields.change(autoIncludeFieldsInMassEditCallback);},`