Targeting for strict sql mode support for product.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- vt7.3RC Update Field Workflow Task for Date field error when mismatching User Date Formats
- 7.3RC Events or Tasks with Date Format as or dd/mm/yyy are not visible
- 7.3RC Quick Create Event and Go to full form
- When language is changed, admin status is removed
- 7.3 beta: Text area fields do not parse data properly
- 7.3 beta: deletion of calendar type does not work
- 7.3 beta: Calendar does not show Project Tasks as per the Start Date and End date
- 7.3 beta: No translation for the email notification for completed import
- 7.3 beta: Filter on date condition does not work properly
- 7.3 beta: Filter condition on Date range changes the date after saving the filter
- 7.3 beta: Send Email> save into draft not working
- vt master branch: Can't Save Role2Picklist values.
- master branch: File Preview not working in Comments
- Vtiger_Record_Model->getImageDetails() not returning storedname...
- scheduled import email notification not working
- Error in Edit_Js, If you hide the contact_id field in Inventory records
- Another migration bug...
- Current master: Method signature warning:
- vt721: Another use of count() on a non-countable...
- vt721 Deprecated issues:
- vt721 - master pull: Couple more method signature warnings:
- vt72x: Mass Edit Multi picklist last selected value only saved
- Variables initialized as strings and then used as arrays cause fatal errors if PHP >= 7.1
- Missing close tag on templates
- Vt7*: Warnings Declarations
- Vt*: Using goddady email server does not store emails sent from CRM under Sent Items
- Syntax error in VTQL_Parser.php
- vt72x: much PHP Warnings with PHP 7.2+
- Wrong method signature in migration module
- Vt7: There is no clear option in the Listview Search, which leads extra efforts and confusion in daily operation.
- Field "Created Time" doesn't show up in key fields after setting it as a key field
- String Translation typo & missing translation entry in Vtiger_List_Js
- vt721: recent pull from master change in List View layout?
- Missing "Payment Duration" options in Sales Order's "Recurring Invoice" section
- Create "Next Invoice Date" field in SalesOrders
- vt721: Warning on count in another template file.
- vt721: Another method signature warning:
- vt721: Another method signature warning:
- vt721: count on non-countable warning generated in template file
- Odd warning from VTQL_Parser...
- COMMENTS do not use URL for Profile image of the User posting the comment so breaks the profile image
- Sorting list by ORGANISATION NO breaks vTiger
- vtws_describe of products not quite right?
- Vt*: Dashboard widgets do not follow permissions
- Vt 7.2.0: user profile image does not load
- Options in the "Customize" Menu not translatable
- Top menu icon allways stays on "Marketing"
- Record deletion clean Emails
- redundant date comparison operators in workflow conditions
- Vt7.2: Report sharing dropdown shows the current user as well, for the report owner
- vt721: No "zoomer"...
- Kcfinder cleanup
- values in german and UK format cannot be saved
- vt7 Import bug for sequence number starting with zeros
- vt7.2 Outgoing Server Password database column is too small and prevents it from being decrypted
- vt72x Vtiger Field Model->getFieldInfo() irrelevant for owner field
- vt72x: Mass Edit not able to clear reference fields
- mandatory relation fields do not have the * mark in portal settings fields picklists
- UIType bug in Vtiger_Record_Model function getCommentEnabledRelatedEntityIds()
- Workflows problem with Documents module "has changed to" filter condition.
- Attachments in emails should display proper filenames, Which is now showing encrypted filename
- In history form ModTracker only show admin as reported user
- missing array check in PickListUtils.php
- Encoding changed when sending emails through workflows causing funny looking characters in emails
- vtiger 7.2 does not save profiles
- Custom block deletion with no filelds is breaking
- Default populated reports
- vt7.0 - Dashboard History Widget gives Users access to Emails linked to records they are not able to access.
- Security : XSS Vulnerability
- Fetch tag details of records for requests made via Webservices.
- vt720: In the Find Duplicates layout, pagination buttons not working.
- vt720: Bug in ExportReport View class prevents exporting report with no secondary module
- Mail Manager fails to send email to other than linked email id's in crm
- Html bold tag indulged in compose popup to field
- attachments issue
- Inconsistent calendar feed colors on V-7.2
- V 7.2 Sort listview fails
- List Display of Users a bit broken in 7.2.0
- Could we increase MaxFileSize in
- Not possible to use backdrop: 'static' in app.helper.js showModal()
- VT7.1 Relation problem with the Calendar module
- restoring records doesn't work for custom modules
- vtiger.field.afterdelete not registered
- UI10/Reference Fields. Issue with translation for custom modules
- Can't save "standard" Email Templates
- vT 7.1 - Custom currency field database structure is broken
- service contract create through webservice takes 2 minutes
- ModComment Roll Up not retrieving Comments from all related Contacts in Opportunity
- Vt*: No REST API to get My Preferences
- vtlib setRelatedList - improvement
- vt71: Add Document UX issue.
- vt71: Confusing menu system
- Add Widget button not working after migration from version 6.5 to version 7.0.1 if user with id 1 is not enabled
- Condition to send Customers portal login is too restrictive.
- Vtiger_Module_Model->getRelatedModuleRecordIds() returing invalid values
- Mandatory UIType 10 field in v7 can't be edited/saved in Detail/Summary View...
- vtiger_activity Email records being DELETED during migration...
- vt 70: widget upcoming activities shows activities of not-selected user
- vt71: Warning messages re function declarations...
- vt7 - email from ticket
- vt7 dev release: Related Emails feature missing from Opportunity module
- triggering before links are made?
- Deleting trouble ticket leaves comments to database (vtiger 6.4)
- Workflow with advanced filter for fieldtyp "reminder" (module Event ->field reminder_time)
- Feature request : Allow each user to define default module
- Maximum number for scheduled workflows set to 10 ?