vt7 Import bug for sequence number starting with zeros
Really annoying bug when import records (more than one)
Set prefix PREF and sequenceNumber 000241
Vtiger just removes the zeros before positive numbers
Check logs, first record imported ok (PREF0002421,2673)
Now, check the second record (PREF2422,2674) here the bug
02/22/20 18:13:45,681 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT productid AS recordid FROM vtiger_products WHERE product_no = '' OR product_no is NULL
02/22/20 18:13:45,683 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : select cur_id,prefix from vtiger_modentity_num where semodule=? and active = 1
02/22/20 18:13:45,683 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [Products]
02/22/20 18:13:45,683 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : UPDATE vtiger_products SET product_no = ? WHERE productid = ?
02/22/20 18:13:45,683 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [PREF0002421,2673]
02/22/20 18:13:45,684 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : UPDATE vtiger_products SET product_no = ? WHERE productid = ?
02/22/20 18:13:45,684 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [PREF2422,2674]
02/22/20 18:13:45,684 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : UPDATE vtiger_modentity_num set cur_id=? where semodule=? and active=1
02/22/20 18:13:45,685 [4813] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [2423,Products]