Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- New user permission denied on first login
- Issue with new commit for Users_Save_Action
- PDF Generation Missing Base Line
- Extension Store listing image should have same aspect ratio as Marketplace website.
- ModTracker template not showing User for relationship activities
- CSV exported data issue with quotes
- export of records fails if we have large number of records.
- Missing vtranslate function in tpl files
- Signature does not support html
- Mass edit with search condition bug
- report generation fails for custom module
- Bug in Date Handling in Events EditView
- Module Event of LayoutEditor can not drag and save
- Recurring Invoice option payment duration only limited to 3, but in cron script support for more
- Little translation issue
- Uploading images under contacts: failed to open stream
- Google Log-In for chrome extension
- [Suggestion] export Campaign data
- Unable to create Events if STRICT_ALL_TABLES enabled
- external links to file paths don't work
- Email Notifications via Workflow v6.4.0
- bug in Sales order module
- Problem with field labels
- Scheduling Workflows v6.4.0
- Vtiger_Module_Model->getRelatedModuleRecordIds() can include deleted records
- links of type DETAILVIEWTAB in vtiger_links don't get used
- Update invoice with API fails with "productid does not have a value"
- listview-popup stays open in chrome all the time, can't close on the close (x) button
- Shared Calendar view all tasks
- Can not upload images and document in Dashboard
- [6.4] user_privileges files aren't created if $root_directory doesn't end with a trailing slash
- create PO from SO link missing
- Outlook plugin 6.1, fails to save emails with attachment in Vtiger 6.3 + patch and 6.4
- percent discount will overrule amount discount because percent 0 was manually entered before
- Report Module : multi-criteria filter not working in vtiger 6.0.0
- URLs in workflow emails are not clickable
- Update italian translation
- SMSNotifier check status variable
- Modify single field, if you add 0 before saved field and field have number, the 0's are not taken
- security issue with image display
- use of depreceated PHP function mime_content_type()
- Workflow email strike-through text bug
- Hudge description in SO, PO, Q, I module ~"discussion"
- Login doesn't work if you connect to the server using the wrong host alias
- Picklist dependency does not work with special characters
- It is not entirely clear to a new user how to use this system to fix a bug in vtiger
- Projects don't show on the calendar
- The upload files in documents and company logo fails as mime_content_type deprecated