Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Webservice retrieve api is not fetching tag details of record.
- Calls to deprecated (& removed in php7) function split() in ReportRun.php
- vT 7.1 (and earlier) - Duplicate Ticket No. being generated
- Role based picklist access not enforced when saving a record
- Gsuite will not support less secure apps from October 31
- Documents module - quick edit
- vtiger_field | ui type 7 | column 'presence' is not working as expected
- PHP Compatibility
- Security: OWASP SQL Injection rule triggered by Cloudflare
- Vt*: History Widget and Updates show incomplete message
- Security: Possible SQLinjection via Pagination parameters
- Vt*: Sharing rules, user creation fails if Organization module is disabled
- Security: Possible to list all users
- unable to modify Activity using webservice's Revise method
- v.7.1 Reports module bug
- Security: DDos
- Security: SQL Injection
- Security: Possibility to Execute any file
- Security: All data is shown in Widgets
- Security: Incorrect validation of Permissions
- Security: Access any record
- Security:You can display all records in any module and any related module
- Security: SQL Injection in all modules on the admin side
- Security: You can read all fields from a record
- Security: You can create users with the same parameters as yours (with no admin permissions).
- Security: isPermited (main function for permissions verification) provides access to the tool (e.g. export) if this action isn’t available in the profile.
- Security: If you have export permissions in any module, you can export Any data from any module
- Security: Email Attachment are stored in publicly accessible folder
- Vtiger 7.1: Webservice relatedtypes operation does not return correct result
- Picklist elements order in customer portal not sorted according to picklist order configuration in CRM
- vt7.1 - vtlib FieldBasic.php does not define $headerfield so it cannot be set
- Listview Filter
- Listview with Filter not working properly
- No Detail View Edit for Documents module
- vTiger 7.1 - Report hidden from List View if Primary module is Documents, and contains condition on Folder Name
- Insufficient permission checking on "roleid" parameter during profile edition
- Bug in Calendar_DetailRecordStructure_Model
- Oddity in 660_to_700 migration.
- Few more PHP Warnings to clean up
- Edit Workflow RawValue
- VT711: Settings_Picklist_Module_Model->renamePickListValues() bug
- vt711 master: Assigned To field in Advance Search no longer populating
- vt711: Bug in Report Record model
- Bad Relation products if to helpdesk vt 6.5
- DateRangePicker doesn't work in related-list after searching
- app.getModuleName() doesn't return correct module name
- Validation .qtip over top and bottom bars
- VT710: missing Vtiger_Util_Helper::toSafeHTML()
- I have version 7.1.0 of the vtiger.
- vt71: ModTracker Updates layout/code broken. No paging.
- multiple email for multiple recipient
- vt71: Customer Portal Settings Bug
- Bug in the migration code 701_to_710.php
- Not all emails showing in account emails tab
- vtiger 7.0 customize and share reports issues
- Export module error
- When Field name have accent this broke repport
- Security: Save logo bypasses bad extension and can result in RCE
- Mass action in allMode with tag filtering modify all records (VT 7.0.0+)
- vTiger 7.1 - PHP Version compatability
- Add Event Error - VT7.1 on MariaDB 10.3.11
- Global Search box disappears on browser widths less than 991px.
- vt71: Another Report Regression Bug (Fields not keeping column order)
- vt71: Another Report Regression Bug (Export data doesn't respect Modify Conditions changes)
- vt71: Report Creation/Editing Regression Bug (Save and Generate Buttons missing)
- Report with Related Module Filter Fails
- Update Integer in Fields Task in Workflow Problem
- Deprecated use of split in vtlib/Vtiger/Filter.php
- Bug in vtlib Module_Basic->initTables()
- RecalculateSharingRules() is incredibly slow
- 7.1 - user_hash column remain unused and capturing password MD5
- vt71: Adding Picklist Colour - performance issue on large database...
- Minor Visual Issue on menu organisation
- Minor Visual Issue with module management
- Visual Button is in upper letter but the text is normal
- Migration 5.4 to 7.x Modules updated multiples times
- vt7: Deprecated: Function spliti() is deprecated in modules/Vtiger/models/Module.php on line 1517
- vt7 dev release - class.phpmailer.php is ~6 years old...
- MySQL - sql_mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLE hiccups.
- security issue with user access control