vtiger 7.0 customize and share reports issues
Hi, I've noticed the following issues in the vtiger 7.0 version:
customize reports don't work for non-admin users. If non-admin user clicks on it, the user can go all the procedure until the save and generate button but after clicking the save and generate button, the users get a json response with success false and permission denied
An admin user shares a report and click on save and generate to create the report. At this point the admin user sees no change but the non-admin users have no customize button anymore
An admin user creates a shared report. Later he decides to remove everything from the sharing options so he goes to customize report, removes the sharing values, click on save and generate to save the changes but the changes are not saved: if the admin user click again on customize report, the sharing values are still there. If the admin user modify the sharing values, the new values get saved but he cannot remove all the options entirely.
To reproduce these issues:
- create a detail report with an admin user
- view the report with a non admin user who has all the permission
- hit the customize button and proceed til the save and generate button, then click on it
- What I expect is to save the customization. What I get instead is the json error message : {"success":false,"error":{"code":"Permission denied","message":"Permission denied","title":null}}
- create a detail report with an admin user and fill in a sharing option (eg: share it with a non admin user)
- view the report with the non admin user who has been shared the report
- what I expect is that the shared/non-admin user can see and use the customize button. Instead, the customize button is missing
- create a detail report with an admin user and fill in a sharing option (eg: share it with a user)
- later, enter the report with the same admin user, hit customize, remove the sharing option and save and generate the report
- what I expect is that the report is not shared anymore. What I get instead is that the sharing otpion is still there.
- try creating the report with multiple sharing values (eg: two users)
- later, customize the report and remove/add/edit only one of the sharing values
- enter the customize report again and check the sharing option values
- what I expect: I expect to see the the modification the user saved in the previous step. That's what happens, so this procedure works