Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Webservice history api enhanced to support unlink relatioship
- jQuery library upgrade to v2.2.4
- log4php library upgraded to v2.3.0
- Enhancing transferRelatedRecords() api of core file CRMEnitty.php
- Strong password regex has been centralized
- Enabled every 4 months frequency for Recurring Invoice service
- Improvised mexican language pack
- Package updates during migration has been centralized
- Webservice extendSession api throws authentication failure error
- Marketing section links in login page is not clickable
- Filter field values for XSS vulnerability
- Removed duplicate cron phpmailer classes for sending emails, using Emails phpmailer class
- Google cal sync minimum date ERROR
- comments in tickets module should be internal by default
- vt740: Calendar load issue
- Vendors records set to private is accessible through related list.
- vt730: Use of undefined constant in QueryGenerator
- vt730: Bug in CRMEntity->buildSearchQueryForFieldTypes() method.
- Filtering field values for XSS vulnerability
- Provide hooks to plugin custom connectors and avoid modification in core files
- Clean installation of vtiger 7.4.0 breaks due to Pre-computation of username
- 7.4 - date format prevents saving dates
- Pre-Computation of username for better customization and performance.
- Extend versioning support to all client side resources.
- Quotes: Send Email with PDF
- Optimization of record label computation.
- V7.3 Account and Contact Description Field Display Size
- Eliminate MySQL CAST on datetime columns when expected value type is datetime.
- PBX Manager fails to save the information
- vt73 - KCFinder 500 error - Browse Server to select image when editing workflow Send Email task
- V7.3 Migration - Saving images and linking email attachments
- vt730: wsid displaying in portal...
- Portal download file results on zero length file.
- Documents Module: image preview not working for some images
- SendRemider service throws fatal error.
- 7.3 - DateTimeField sanitizeDate function error
- vt730 master: In Edit View currency type fields do not line up.
- 7.3 beta: No text wrapping in related list
- 7.3 beta: Filter UI is broken
- Vt*: No secure format forcing for passwords
- Inline-edit: boolean fields are always unchecked with non-English language package
- Admins can't remove/edit Lists from Shared Lists.