Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- vt71: Deperecated code warnings...
- vt71: Uneccessary code
- $adb->getUniqueID($seqname) sometimes returns 0 even if the sequence exists
- LOAD DATA command decoupling.
- V7: Invalid functionreference sent to setTimeout - Import module.
- V7: Importing about 355 leads shows Running... Cancel Import.
- VT71 Unable to add/edit Email Template
- Company Detail Logo dimensions incorrect.
- Send Email fail to work second time on detail view.
- Move starred featured to common entity table.
- 7.1 - CSV import with UTF-8 characters gets messed up.
- 7.1 - Dashboard widget is getting lost after refresh.
- Email attachements with same name.
- pop up in document list view
- Related e-mails leaves empty values when templates are used
- How to disabled edit functionality from Module record listing when edit permission was disable ?
- Vtiger 7: While creatinga SMS Task in Workflows, on selection of the Field for the Text, field token does not come in Text field
- 7.1 Services Module
- 7.1.0: Other issue on mobile module
- vt7: Delete List in Vendors presents user with scary message!
- vt7: Missing function when creating a new vtlib module
- Moscow time zone is UTC+3 not UTC+4
- Calendar bug
- vt7.0.1 CSV Import no longer works
- Change User name throws validation error
- VT7 - problem with '0' at the beginning of value of field
- vt7.0.x: Module Manager - Calendar Settings - picklist value forwards with wrong preset
- vt7.0.x: Edit Field Properties - changed label not saved
- vt7 - Merge Selected Records Error
- vt7 - More in sidebar menu is static defined
- vt7 dev release - Customer Portal have access to all data
- vt7 dev release - Am seeing a large number of Javascript warnings: unreachable code after return statement
- vt7 dev release - Warnings displayed, and unable to perform a clean install on Ubuntu 16.04 Server LTS (php7)
- Can't have a negative value in a percentage box
- Export to PDF bug