@satish.dvnk This is similar to #556 (closed) but also includes the fact that if you remove some fields to be displayed in the Portal Configuration, they do NOT get removed from the Portal.
The Portal settings screen for Tickets (also note the incorrect label for Create Permissions)...
This is what I see when I click the New Ticket button in the Portal:
@lord_alan@satish.dvnk yes, this is a big issue because most users expect this to work and don´t have the minimum idea that clients see everything. Please, fix this
I have also tried creating a "dummy" user just for the portal, created a dummy role just for the portal and created a VERY restrictive Profile to make fields invisible, then I set this user as the Privileges user in the Customer Portal Settings screen and saved it...
It looked like it was OK. But, when I refreshed the Customer Portal configuration screen, the Privileges user had reset back to the user (an admin) it was set to before!
This gets worse... The field on-screen, that holds the "Privileges user" has a name of "privileges". This is being passed in the POST request but it is not being saved to the database. And I can't see a field for it in the vtiger_customerportal_settings table either :-(
I manually edited the database and changed the prefvalue of the row tabid = 0, prefkey = 'userid' so it was set to this new dummy user I created (id = 52). The Picklist in the Customer Portal Settings now shows the right user. But it still makes no difference to the fields shown to a Contact logging into the Customer Portal.
@prasad I installed the new portal code this morning and it seems to be working OK with the small test I made so far. I note I was unable to add any editable fields to any other modules apart from Tickets and Assets: as discussed in #802.
I also note the labelling issue is still present in the configuration for Tickets... Both Edit and Create privileges are labelled "Edit":
I did test internal comments and these worked as expected :-)
I did think however, that it would be a good idea to be able to change a Comment to be internal or not... A user is able to edit the contents of a comment, but they would have to delete it and re-create it if they wanted to change its internal status.
Comment posted on ticket which is not marked internal will be reflected on the portal (to customer) so it cannot be changed. Edit is allowed on comment marked as internal (by accepting the edit-reason - this is for more team collob).
If you are meaning something specific - please file a separate issue.
I'm closing this since most of the other discussed issue is addressed.