vt7.0.1 CSV Import no longer works
Please see ticket #588 (closed) which is no longer appearing in the list of issues and cannot be related here but I can still find from #618 (closed). The import process still appears to not be working in 7.01.
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- Author
I've added comments to #618 (closed) if you would like more details no this issue.
- Author
Is anyone monitoring these issues?
- Contributor
@Chris.thompson seems not. It´s again dead...
- Contributor
@satish.dvnk, @prasad, Import is still really messed up. I just installed a clean 7.0.1 (pulled from the master branch) to some dev work. I needed to import some leads.
The first time I tried it didn't work at all. Just came back after a few seconds to the import screen.
The second time, nothing happened twice when I clicked import, but when I clicked it for a third time (without closing the Import overlay) it looks like it is trying to import twice :-) I currently see:
There are only 355 records in the csv :-)
And the screen has stayed like the above for about 10 minutes now... It is not refreshing.
- Contributor
@Chris.thompson The problem specifically in #588 (closed) was addressed by the patch. #618 (closed) was almost certainly nothing to do with import at all.
However Import is still broken, in some kind of intermittent way, as I have mentioned above and in #588 (closed) before.
- Contributor
Just to update this - I now have 710 Leads imported. From a file which held 355. Because I clicked on an unresponsive button twice (or maybe more). Import is most definitely unreliable at best, and badly broken at worst.
- Contributor
@satish.dvnk @prasad something is really really wrong with import records.
To reproduce, just create one record, lets say Contact and export and try to import. No records are imported
Even says: Total records scanned : 0
Records successfully imported : 0 / 0 Records created : 0 Records overwritten : 0 Records skipped : 0 Records merged : 0
- Contributor
+1. I see this a lot. But try it a few times though and it sometimes does work - eventually.
- Contributor
@lord_alan well, tried 15 times and didn´t work.
And why the order of the menu modules on my clean testing installations are always different from the vtiger demos? losing confidence here!!!
also import mess with text accents:
Fernando Lourenço
@manuelgit - take a break and share the CSV you tried to import. Also, did you turn on db debug to trace the issue?
- Contributor
@prasad thanks but already had a coffee (one more)!
Check, just exported from demo vtiger wip:
You can see that doesn´t import accents.
- Prasad Milestone changed to 7.1.0
Milestone changed to 7.1.0
@manuelgit - checked locally and set the milestone. It's 1:00 AM here... so will get back tomorrow on this.
- Contributor
@prasad also the log:
Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,884 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : select * from vtiger_ws_fieldtype Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,887 [8297] DEBUG VT - query being executed : CREATE TABLE vtiger_import_1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, status INT DEFAULT 0, recordid INT,salutationtype varchar(200),firstname varchar(40),lastname varchar(80),phone varchar(50),account_id varchar(250),mobile varchar(50),leadsource varchar(200),homephone varchar(50),title varchar(50),otherphone varchar(50),department varchar(30),fax varchar(50),email varchar(100),birthday varchar(250),assistant varchar(30),contact_id varchar(250),assistantphone varchar(50),secondaryemail varchar(100),emailoptout varchar(3),donotcall varchar(3),reference varchar(3),assigned_user_id varchar(250),createdtime varchar(250),notify_owner varchar(3),isconvertedfromlead varchar(3),portal varchar(3),support_start_date varchar(250),support_end_date varchar(250),mailingstreet varchar(250),otherstreet varchar(250),mailingpobox varchar(30),otherpobox varchar(30),mailingcity varchar(40),othercity varchar(40),mailingstate varchar(30),otherstate varchar(50),mailingzip varchar(30),otherzip varchar(30),mailingcountry varchar(40),othercountry varchar(30),imagename varchar(150),description mediumtext) ENGINE=MyISAM Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,890 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/home/vt71/modules/Import/helpers/../../../cache/import/IMPORT_1" INTO TABLE vtiger_import_1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY "\"" LINES TERMINATED BY "\n" IGNORE 1 LINES (salutationtype,firstname,@ignore,lastname,phone,account_id,mobile,leadsource,homephone,title,otherphone,department,fax,email,birthday,assistant,contact_id,assistantphone,secondaryemail,emailoptout,donotcall,reference,assigned_user_id,createdtime,notify_owner,@ignore,@ignore,isconvertedfromlead,@ignore,portal,support_start_date,support_end_date,mailingstreet,otherstreet,mailingpobox,otherpobox,mailingcity,othercity,mailingstate,otherstate,mailingzip,otherzip,mailingcountry,othercountry,imagename,description) Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,890 [8297] INFO VT - PearDatabase ->TRANS creating new connection Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,891 [8297] INFO VT - PearDatabase ->ADODB error Query Failed:LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/home/vt71/modules/Import/helpers/../../../cache/import/IMPORT_1" INTO TABLE vtiger_import_1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY "\"" LINES TERMINATED BY "\n" IGNORE 1 LINES (salutationtype,firstname,@ignore,lastname,phone,account_id,mobile,leadsource,homephone,title,otherphone,department,fax,email,birthday,assistant,contact_id,assistantphone,secondaryemail,emailoptout,donotcall,reference,assigned_user_id,createdtime,notify_owner,@ignore,@ignore,isconvertedfromlead,@ignore,portal,support_start_date,support_end_date,mailingstreet,otherstreet,mailingpobox,otherpobox,mailingcity,othercity,mailingstate,otherstate,mailingzip,otherzip,mailingcountry,othercountry,imagename,description)::->[1148]The used command is not allowed with this MariaDB version Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,891 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT count(*) AS count FROM vtiger_import_1 Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,892 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,893 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_queue] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,894 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : INSERT INTO vtiger_import_queue VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,894 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [9,1,4,{"salutationtype":"0","firstname":"1","lastname":"3","phone":"4","account_id":"5","mobile":"6","leadsource":"7","homephone":"8","title":"9","otherphone":"10","department":"11","fax":"12","email":"13","birthday":"14","assistant":"15","contact_id":"16","assistantphone":"17","secondaryemail":"18","emailoptout":"19","donotcall":"20","reference":"21","assigned_user_id":"22","createdtime":"23","notify_owner":"24","isconvertedfromlead":"27","portal":"29","support_start_date":"30","support_end_date":"31","mailingstreet":"32","otherstreet":"33","mailingpobox":"34","otherpobox":"35","mailingcity":"36","othercity":"37","mailingstate":"38","otherstate":"39","mailingzip":"40","otherzip":"41","mailingcountry":"42","othercountry":"43","imagename":"44","description":"45"},[],0,"",0,,0] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,895 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,896 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_queue] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,896 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT * FROM vtiger_import_queue WHERE tabid=? AND userid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,896 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [4,1] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,908 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,908 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_locks] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,909 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT * FROM vtiger_import_locks WHERE tabid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,909 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [4] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,909 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,909 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_locks] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,911 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : INSERT INTO vtiger_import_locks VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,911 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [9,1,4,9,2018-01-30 19:46:56] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,916 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,916 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : select * from vtiger_ws_entity where name=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,917 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [Contacts] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,918 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT DISTINCT block, vtiger_field.tabid, name, blocklabel FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_blocks ON vtiger_blocks.blockid = vtiger_field.block INNER JOIN vtiger_tab ON vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid WHERE vtiger_tab.name IN (?) AND vtiger_field.presence IN (0,2) ORDER BY block Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,919 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [Contacts] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,920 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : select *, '0' as readonly from vtiger_field where tabid =? and block in (?,?,?,?,?) and displaytype in (1,2,3,4,5,6) Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,920 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [4,4,6,7,8,73] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,923 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT * FROM vtiger_import_1 WHERE status = 0 LIMIT 250 Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,923 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : UPDATE vtiger_import_queue SET status=? WHERE importid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,923 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [3,9] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,925 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,925 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_queue] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SELECT * FROM vtiger_import_queue WHERE tabid=? AND userid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [4,1] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,926 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Entering getColumnFields(Contacts) method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - in getColumnFields Contacts Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Exiting getColumnFields method ... Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - query being executed : SELECT status FROM vtiger_import_1 Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,927 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_locks] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,928 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : DELETE FROM vtiger_import_locks WHERE userid=? AND tabid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,928 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [1,4] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,929 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : SHOW TABLES LIKE ? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,929 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [vtiger_import_queue] Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,930 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query being executed : DELETE FROM vtiger_import_queue WHERE importid=? Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,930 [8297] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [9] Tue Jan 30 19:47:11 2018,565 [8346] INFO VT - PearDatabase ->ADODB disconnect
- Prasad Added ~11 ~10 labels
Added ~11 ~10 labels
@manuelgit - I did a quick check on instance and here are observations.
- Step 1: Started with clean Contacts module.
- Step 2: Import of Contacts CSV shared - 1 record imported.
- Step 3: Tried to import the Contacts CSV again
- Step 4: Import of Contacts CSV was 0 (as 2nd Step - Duplicate check was configured to Skip).
- Step 5: Tried to import the Contacts CSV again (now Skipped Duplicate check altogether - see). 1 record was again imported.
Source: current master
- Contributor
@prasad yes, but check this line of the log:
1148]The used command is not allowed with this MariaDB version
Tue Jan 30 19:46:56 2018,891 [8297] INFO VT - PearDatabase ->ADODB error Query Failed:LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "/home/vt71/modules/Import/helpers/../../../cache/import/IMPORT_1" INTO TABLE vtiger_import_1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY """ LINES TERMINATED BY "\n" IGNORE 1 LINES (salutationtype,firstname,@ignore,lastname,phone,account_id,mobile,leadsource,homephone,title,otherphone,department,fax,email,birthday,assistant,contact_id,assistantphone,secondaryemail,emailoptout,donotcall,reference,assigned_user_id,createdtime,notify_owner,@ignore,@ignore,isconvertedfromlead,@ignore,portal,support_start_date,support_end_date,mailingstreet,otherstreet,mailingpobox,otherpobox,mailingcity,othercity,mailingstate,otherstate,mailingzip,otherzip,mailingcountry,othercountry,imagename,description)::->[1148]The used command is not allowed with this MariaDB version
- Contributor
@prasad you must test this system not just with mysql, are you also testing with mariadb? @lord_alan and what's your database system?
Because with mariadb i see lots of:
vtiger_cv2role' doesn't exist
vtiger_cv2rs' doesn't exist
Look for this issue #740 (closed) and Here but seems no one is paying attention: #583 (closed)
- Contributor
MySQL 5.5 on one particular dev server (Ubuntu 12.04) but I also see this on customers' servers; mostly Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 but I think always MySQL. I only know of just one customer system we have running on MariaDB and that is 6.3.0.
@manuelgit - Accent issue during import got fixed with #778 (closed)