Fix for #1454 - In Edit View currency type fields do not line up.
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mentioned in commit 190b2e3d
16 16 {assign var="FIELD_NAME" value=$FIELD_MODEL->getFieldName()} 17 17 {/if} 18 18 {if $FIELD_MODEL->get('uitype') eq '71'} 19 <div class="input-group"> 20 <span class="input-group-addon">{$USER_MODEL->get('currency_symbol')}</span> 19 <div class="input-group inputElement"> 20 <span class="input-group-addon input-group-addon-right">{$USER_MODEL->get('currency_symbol')}</span> 21 21 <input id="{$MODULE}_editView_fieldName_{$FIELD_NAME}" type="text" class="inputElement currencyField" name="{$FIELD_NAME}" @uma.s The above changes need to be applied below for the uitype 72 and unit_price field in Products or else that field doesn't line up.
e.g. Just below the test for 'unit_price' the first two rows should be:
<div class="input-group inputElement" style="float:none;"> <span class="input-group-addon input-group-addon-right" id="baseCurrencySymbol">{$BASE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL}</span>
16 16 {assign var="FIELD_NAME" value=$FIELD_MODEL->getFieldName()} 17 17 {/if} 18 18 {if $FIELD_MODEL->get('uitype') eq '71'} 19 <div class="input-group"> 20 <span class="input-group-addon">{$USER_MODEL->get('currency_symbol')}</span> 19 <div class="input-group inputElement"> 20 <span class="input-group-addon input-group-addon-right">{$USER_MODEL->get('currency_symbol')}</span> 21 21 <input id="{$MODULE}_editView_fieldName_{$FIELD_NAME}" type="text" class="inputElement currencyField" name="{$FIELD_NAME}" @lord_alan changes accepted.
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