+1 for this. My colleagues actually consider the "My Calendar" to be quite useless lol. If I get some help, I would be happy to give this a shot myself.
Starting point would be the "Calendar Settings" modal I guess, Calendar_Calendar_View::getCalendarSettings
Where to look at to change the default view "view=Calendar" to "view=SharedCalendar"? I'm guessing a getUrl method (which respects the user settings) in the calendar module, getting called from the navigation-template?
It needs a new field (picklist) adding to the User module and then a simple function to get the user's chosen default which should probably be added to the User Record Model. This should then be called inside the getDefaultViewName() function of the Calendar Module Model along with a fallback if the user record model is not set.
Happy to create a merge request if @manu.k wants it and thinks my approach is the "right" way ;-)
I have a patch ready which does almost everything but I can't figure out where, in the installation process, the LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS block is created etc. In the DefaultDataPopulator.php the calendar fields are added to the $userloginandroleblockid var and I can;t find any mention when grepping the code for where the CALENDAR BLOCK is even created!
populated, mmm I always thought the LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS block is being rendered on the fly with the function Calendar_Calendar_View::getCalendarSettings, but maybe I don't get it. Anyway, really cool that you are implementing this! Sweet! Can't wait for a merge request :)
@preexo Nope - LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS exists as a proper block (id 118 mostly) in vtiger_blocks in a clean installation. But I have no idea how it is getting inserted during the installation nor how the user fields are getting moved to it... @manu.k Care to help me out here?
@lord_alan The 'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS' block is created during installation in the modules/Migration/schema/540_to_600RC.php file.Please check the line no 893-896.Few fields are added to this block in the same file.
Bump. @manu.k Please can you explain why and how the migration schema is run on a clean 6.4.0 install, or alternatively, how on earth that block gets created in a new install? Thanks!
The only bit missing now is the label name & translations... vtiger already uses the label "Default Calendar View" to allow the user to choose, Today, Week, Month or Year views. So I need a different name for this field. Any suggestions?
This seems quite stuck at the naming of a panel. Please vtiger, can you assist Alan with that? It would be sad not to see this feature in the next release.