Portal need access to data linked to Contact without profile restrictions through CRM user linked. Depending on the default admin of the CRM for API operation is preferable (as we have default assignee now).
In the old Portal (over the SOAP api) using a Profile allowed me to customise the Portal and provide read/write for certain fields to Portal users, and let the admin control this using the Profile. We now have several of these modifications in the field. Re-writing this functionality is going to be "interesting" ;-)
@lord_alan - as you can see the configuration provides control on readonly and read-write for customer portal API (instead of routing through a User profile like earlier).
Yes, but as I mentioned on the mailing list, this is very limited at the moment. I think during my tests only two modules give me the option to select read/write: Tickets and Assets.
The other modules in the portal such as Products, Services, Quotes should not be editable by the contact. i.e., Contact should not be able to create a quote or product or edit them.
Alan, Thank you for pushing on this. I would love to learn more about these use cases. Can you share some real use cases. Once we have them, we can expand the behavior to allow edits on other records.
These are live in production using vtiger 6 and the old portal code: we deploy modified vtiger systems for the Energy Brokerage market (both in the UK and USA). Some of these systems have custom vtlib modules to model things like the Energy Contract, the Customer's Energy Meters and process of changing or renewing an Energy Contract. The "end customers" of our customers use the portal to provide information about their Account. They may update address information, submit a Meter Reading, or they may request a new Quotation for a new Contract and then select and choose the new Contract from the supplied list of Quotations.
These are all bi-directional communications.
We have another client who provide specialised educational services to students in schools, colleges and universities. They want to be able to have their suppliers (a Vendor in vtiger) submit timesheets for services they have already delivered, and their customers (students) the ability to request a booking of a service for a particular date/time. I was about to start developing this one based on the previous Portal code, but then discovered that there was no control available at the vtiger end (they are on v7) to handle field-level access (as we could do in vtiger 6 using a "dummy" profile and Role).