vt7- Google Extension and Sync not working-7.0.0
I have entered correct Client ID and Secret on the file "/modules/google/connectors/config.php" but when I try to authorize my google account to sync my contact and calendar the access tokes are not being retrieved and saved into the table "vtiger_google_oauth2". When I open this table (vtiger_google_oauth2), I get my access token field as {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing required parameter: code","created":1494390127} and refresh token as NULL.
In short: After success login with gmail. access_token in DB:{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing required parameter: code","created":1494390127} refresh token for same row: NULL
Try 2 (another method): On the other hand, i inserted access tokens and refresh token into the db table "vtiger_google_oauth2" along with my userid but even doing this, I can not sync contacts and calendar with my google account.
Is there any problem with google extension on vtiger 7.0.0 ???