You cannot create chart reports on Events grouped by Status
We have a simple chart to make, a bar chart which shows record counts grouped by Event's Status.
When we go to create a chart report firstly, we can select only one module Calendar, there is no separate Events and Tasks.
Secondly, under Group By field selection we get only one Status field! Whereas in conditions, we get Status field 2 times with same name "Calendar Status".
So if we set the group field by status and save the report, it will show results only based on Tasks. We can not get a report which is for Events.
Doing some debugging found out that it is because the field list is generated based on Field labels! I don't know why in the world.
So to try a quick hack, we changed the fieldlabels in the database to Task Status and Events Status respectively. This fixes the issues partly. Now we get 2 fields to select from, but even then the data is not generated.
But this introduces another issue in Calendar List view, where now both the Event Status and Task status columns would show same values.