vt7.1 - Reports - Report on Documents module with condition on Folder Name makes the Report invisible
Verified this on vTiger 7.1 (not tried on 7.2 yet)
Create a Report with the Documents module as the Primary module. Add a Condition using the Folder Name field (e.g. Folder Name equals Activity Reports)
Save the Report. The Report will not be visible to Users, but is created in the Database with a folderid of 0. Changing this to a valid folderid (e.g. 4) makes it appear correctly. Every time you save the Report it resets the folderid back to 0.
It appears that this is because the POST request for module: Reports, action: Save has folder id listed twice - 'folderid: 14' AND 'folderid: Activity Reports' (the first value is the folderid for the Report and the second is the value for the Condition.) Clearly the second overwrites the first and it then fails to save the Reports folder correctly.