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DatabaseSchema.xml 209 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="0.2">

	<table name="vtiger_users">
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			<!-- Troublesome with STRICT_TRANS_TABLE mode depends on MySQL 5.5 or 5.6+ -->
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			<notnull />
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_crmentity">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_sharedcalendar">
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		<field name="sharedid" type="I" size="19">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_tab">
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		<field name="trial" type="I"  size="1">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_blocks">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_blocks" alter="true">
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_field">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_field" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_field FOREIGN KEY (tabid) REFERENCES vtiger_tab(tabid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_account">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_account" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_account FOREIGN KEY (accountid) REFERENCES vtiger_crmentity(crmid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountbillads">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountbillads" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_accountbillads FOREIGN KEY (accountaddressid) REFERENCES vtiger_account(accountid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountshipads">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountshipads" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_accountshipads FOREIGN KEY (accountaddressid) REFERENCES vtiger_account(accountid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountscf">
		<field name="accountid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<default value="0" />

		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_accountscf" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_accountscf FOREIGN KEY (accountid) REFERENCES vtiger_account(accountid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactdetails">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactdetails" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_contactdetails FOREIGN KEY (contactid) REFERENCES vtiger_crmentity(crmid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactsubdetails">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactsubdetails" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_contactsubdetails FOREIGN KEY (contactsubscriptionid) REFERENCES vtiger_contactdetails(contactid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactaddress">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactaddress" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_contactaddress FOREIGN KEY (contactaddressid) REFERENCES vtiger_contactdetails(contactid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactscf">
		<field name="contactid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<default value="0" />

		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_contactscf" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_contactscf FOREIGN KEY (contactid) REFERENCES vtiger_contactdetails(contactid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<field name="type" type="C" size="5" />
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		<field name="last_login_time" type="T" />
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		<field name="isactive" type="I" size="1" />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_portalinfo" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_portalinfo FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES vtiger_contactdetails(contactid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_customerdetails">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_customerdetails" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_customerdetails FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES vtiger_contactdetails(contactid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad's avatar
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Prasad committed

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			<key />
		<field name="roleid" type="C" size="255">
			<key />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_group2role" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_group2role FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES vtiger_groups(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<field name="groupid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
		<field name="roleandsubid" type="C" size="255">
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	<table name="vtiger_group2rs" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_group2rs FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES vtiger_groups(groupid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_campaign">
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		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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	<table name="vtiger_campaignscf" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_campaignscf FOREIGN KEY (campaignid) REFERENCES vtiger_campaign(campaignid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_campaigncontrel FOREIGN KEY (campaignid) REFERENCES vtiger_campaign(campaignid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
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Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad's avatar
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Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
			<!-- Troublesome with STRICT_TRANS_TABLE mode depends on MySQL 5.5 or 5.6+ -->
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
			<notnull />
			<deftimestamp />
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
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		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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Prasad committed

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Satish's avatar
Satish committed
			<!-- Troublesome with STRICT_TRANS_TABLE mode depends on MySQL 5.5 or 5.6+ -->
				<deftimestamp />
Prasad's avatar
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		<field name="status" type="C" size="25" />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

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		<field name="from_portal" type="C" size="3" />

		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_ticketcf" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_ticketcf FOREIGN KEY (ticketid) REFERENCES vtiger_troubletickets(ticketid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_productcf">
		<field name="productid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<default value="0" />

		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_productcf" alter="true">
		<constraint>ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_productcf FOREIGN KEY (productid) REFERENCES vtiger_products(productid) ON DELETE CASCADE</constraint>
		<opt>Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_users_last_import">
		<field name="id" type="I" size="36">
			<autoincrement />
			<key />
		<field name="assigned_user_id" type="C" size="36" />
		<field name="bean_type" type="C" size="36" />
		<field name="bean_id" type="C" size="36" />
		<field name="deleted" type="I" size="1">
			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />

		<index name="idx_user_id">
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_wordtemplates">
		<field name="templateid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
		<field name="filename" type="C" size="100">
			<notnull />
		<field name="module" type="C" size="30">
			<notnull />
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			<notnull />
			<deftimestamp />
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			<notnull />
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			<notnull />
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			<notnull />
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			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_accountrating">
		<field name="accountratingid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<autoincrement />
		<field name="rating" type="C" size="200">
			<notnull />
		<field name="sortorderid" type="I" size="19">
			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />
		<field name="presence" type="I" size="1">
			<notnull />
			<default value="1" />

		<index name="accountrating_rating_idx">
			<unique />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_accounttype">
		<field name="accounttypeid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<autoincrement />
		<field name="accounttype" type="C" size="200">
			<notnull />
		<field name="presence" type="I" size="1">
			<notnull />
			<default value="1" />
		<field name="picklist_valueid" type="I" size="19">
			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />
		<field name="sortorderid" type="I" size="11"></field>
		<index name="accounttype_accounttype_idx">
			<unique />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_leadsource">
		<field name="leadsourceid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<autoincrement />
		<field name="leadsource" type="C" size="200">
			<notnull />
		<field name="presence" type="I" size="1">
			<notnull />
			<default value="1" />
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			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />
		<field name="sortorderid" type="I" size="11"></field>
		<index name="leadsource_source_idx">
			<unique />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_opportunity_type">
		<field name="opptypeid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<autoincrement />
		<field name="opportunity_type" type="C" size="200">
			<notnull />
		<field name="presence" type="I" size="1">
			<notnull />
			<default value="1" />
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			<notnull />
			<default value="0" />
		<field name="sortorderid" type="I" size="11"></field>
		<index name="opportunity_type_opportunity_type_idx">
			<unique />
		<opt platform="mysql">Engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8</opt>
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Prasad committed

	<table name="vtiger_leadstage">
		<field name="leadstageid" type="I" size="19">
			<key />
			<autoincrement />
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