Secure portal passwords
this requires the user_password field in the vtiger_portalinfo table to be expanded to at least 70 characters, I set mine to 255 to accomodate the hashed password. There is a minor additional change required to the customer portal to work with this, line 50 changes from
if(strtolower(result[0]['user_name']) == strtolower(username) && strtolower(result[0]['user_password']) == strtolower(password))
if(strtolower(result[0]['user_name']) == strtolower(username))
In a migration script as well as expanding the user_password field it should generate a salted hash for the existing passwords. to do that you would do something along the lines of:
for each $password in vtiger_portalinfo.user_pass {
$password = crypt($password,$salt);
then save it back into vtiger_portalinfo