vt71: British Language translations
I'm not in a position to make a pull request right now but here are some lines in the en_gb/Vtiger.php translation file which are not correct for British English:
Customise, Authorise, Synchronise... (All use a "s" not a "z").
641: 'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Customize Main Menu', //TODO REVIEW
877: 'LBL_CUSTOMIZE' => 'Customize:',
929: 'IMPORT_CONTACTS_GOOGLE_HELP_TEXT' => 'We can bring contacts from Google and <br> you can also enable bi-direction sync to keep our<br>
Vtiger contacts and Google contacts(in selected group updated.<br>
Click the button to authorize and get Contacts from Google.',
941: 'TELL_US_ABOUT_YOU_HELP_TEXT' => 'We continue to make improvements to the CRM, and <br>
knowing our users better will help us prioritize enhancements.',
1213: 'SYNC_REMOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Google synchronization removed successfully.',
'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing Gmail authentication. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.',
'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION' => 'Remove Synchronization',
'FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Field Mapping',
'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Synchronize Now',
'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Synchronizing....',
'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'You have not synchronized yet',
1337: 'JS_REMOVE_SYNC_CONFIRMATION' => 'Remove synchronization will only remove existing authentication, it will not delete synchronized records. If you synchronize
1361: 'OFFICE365_REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing Office365 authentication. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.
1461: 'JS_MORE_VTIGER' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in vtiger',
'JS_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in Google',
'JS_MORE_OFFICE365' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in Office365',
'JS_TOKEN_EXPIRED' => 'Office365 Authentication has expired. Click on Sign in with Office365 button to re-authorize.',