Outgoing server is used send an email from CRM (if IMAP is configured a copy of it will be done to Sent Emails folder). Make sure outgoing server used allows override of FROM address set when sending email.
NOTE: Some SMTP servers (like Gmail) does not allow override of FROM address.
admin email was info@xxx.it
outgoing server configuration was:
email and password
in configuration file the email setting is support@xxx.it
@remigio.ruberto - I configured mailmanager with the above credentials (masked now).
Then sent email using local outgoing-server. Can you please review the email in which is available sent-folder and share your feedback. I saw From being set with Logged in Administrator.
@remigio.ruberto - I have a doubt on the outgoing-server you are using. Please check if it allows (From address override) or its enforcing something default.
@prasad I'm sorry I misunderstood. my server mail is: mail.100asa.it
if you want to see your sent email please goes to webmail.100asa.it (web client email)
I hope I understand you
@remigio.ruberto - I sent an email using mail.100asa.it as outgoing server and found the from-email address to be same as CRM user who sent email. Working as expected.
If your observation still differs please share ssh and crm access to investigate further (to my email).