vt7 dev release - Import Value from field Currency
Import a value from previous crm of 1.5
is imported as 15.000
Note, same currency and same crm. Each time do a export and import adds 3 more 000 to value
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Another test:
Export a record with a field currency with value
and try new import. Right from the mapping fields of import can see15.0000
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@manuelgit Can you try this again ? because its not reproducible in my local instance
- Author Contributor
@satish.dvnk to reproduce this, change in user settings, Decimal Separator to "," and Digit Grouping Separator to "." and try again. You will see the bug
- Author Contributor
@satish.dvnk have you verified the bug?
- Satish mentioned in merge request !184 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !184 (merged)
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@manuelgit Please check the change in merge request
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@satish.dvnk that fixes. Still the small bit in the fields mapping preview while import where you see 55.55000000 as preview and will actually import the value 55,55
- Author Contributor
@satish.dvnk i see here a problem with this commit 70ae98a1. If you relate Products to Tickets will get a blank page in ticket details
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php'; $module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Products'); $relatedModules = array('HelpDesk'); foreach($relatedModules as $relatedModule){ $relmodule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($relatedModule); $relationLabel = 'Products'; $relmodule->setRelatedList($module, $relationLabel, Array('ADD','SELECT'),'get_related_list'); }
- Manuel Status changed to reopened
Status changed to reopened
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Can you enable dieOnError true in PearDatabase.php and check the error @manuelgit
- Author Contributor
@satish.dvnk sorry, for some reason, VtigerProductOperation.php was corrupt. Solved the error.
But what about this?
@satish.dvnk Still the small bit in the fields mapping preview while import where you see 55.55000000 as preview and will actually import the correct value 55,55
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Is it still reproducible @manuelgit ?
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@satish.dvnk only this:
Still the small bit in the fields mapping preview while import where you see 55.55000000 as preview and will actually import the correct value 55,55
- Author Contributor
@satish.dvnk this is not reproducible anymore. Closing
- Manuel Status changed to closed
Status changed to closed