vt7 dev release - vtlib created custom modules do not create the required prefix_modulename_user_field table
Also note that the code is trying to insert into vtigerlssatellites_user_field. When I create a vtlib module we "namespace" our modules using an ls prefix as opposed to vtiger_.
insert into vtiger_lssatellites_user_field(recordid,userid) values(?,?)
Mon Dec 12 11:40:19 2016,096 [31887] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [226,1]
Mon Dec 12 11:40:19 2016,097 [31887] INFO VT - PearDatabase ->ADODB error Query Failed:insert into vtiger_lssatellites_user_field(recordid,userid) values(?,?)::->[1146]Table 'talia7.vtiger_lssatellites_user_field' doesn't exist
In this instance, my module tables (which are correctly created in my vtlib bootsrap script) are ls_lssatellites and ls_lssatellitescf.