Repeated code in Users.php
I thing this repeated code can be removed
It is located in modules/Users/Users.php from line 1047 to line 1067
// TODO - This needs to be cleaned up once default values for fields are picked up in a cleaner way.
// This is just a quick fix to ensure things doesn't start breaking when the user currency configuration is missing
if($this->column_fields['currency_grouping_pattern'] == ''
&& $this->column_fields['currency_symbol_placement'] == '') {
$this->column_fields['currency_grouping_pattern'] = $this->currency_grouping_pattern = '123,456,789';
$this->column_fields['currency_decimal_separator'] = $this->currency_decimal_separator = '.';
$this->column_fields['currency_grouping_separator'] = $this->currency_grouping_separator = ',';
$this->column_fields['currency_symbol_placement'] = $this->currency_symbol_placement = '$1.0';
// TODO - This needs to be cleaned up once default values for fields are picked up in a cleaner way.
// This is just a quick fix to ensure things doesn't start breaking when the user currency configuration is missing
if($this->column_fields['currency_grouping_pattern'] == ''
&& $this->column_fields['currency_symbol_placement'] == '') {
$this->column_fields['currency_grouping_pattern'] = $this->currency_grouping_pattern = '123,456,789';
$this->column_fields['currency_decimal_separator'] = $this->currency_decimal_separator = '.';
$this->column_fields['currency_grouping_separator'] = $this->currency_grouping_separator = ',';
$this->column_fields['currency_symbol_placement'] = $this->currency_symbol_placement = '$1.0';