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** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.

require_once 'includes/runtime/Cache.php';
global $log;

/** To retreive the mail server info resultset for the specified user
  * @param $user -- The user object:: Type Object
  * @returns  the mail server info resultset
function getMailServerInfo($user)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getMailServerInfo(".$user->user_name.") method ...");
	global $adb;
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		$sql = "select * from vtiger_mail_accounts where status=1 and user_id=?";
		$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($user->id));
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	$log->debug("Exiting getMailServerInfo method ...");
	return $result;

/** To get the Role of the specified user
  * @param $userid -- The user Id:: Type integer
  * @returns  vtiger_roleid :: Type String
function fetchUserRole($userid)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering fetchUserRole(".$userid.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	$sql = "select roleid from vtiger_user2role where userid=?";
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		$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($userid));
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	$roleid=  $adb->query_result($result,0,"roleid");
	$log->debug("Exiting fetchUserRole method ...");
	return $roleid;

/** Function to get the lists of groupids releated with an user
 * This function accepts the user id as arguments and
 * returns the groupids related with the user id
 * as a comma seperated string
function fetchUserGroupids($userid)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering fetchUserGroupids(".$userid.") method ...");
	global $adb;
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		$focus = new GetUserGroups();
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		//Asha: Remove implode if not required and if so, also remove explode functions used at the recieving end of this function
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		$groupidlists = implode(",",$focus->user_groups);
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	$log->debug("Exiting fetchUserGroupids method ...");
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		return $groupidlists;
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/** Function to get all the vtiger_tab utility action permission for the specified vtiger_profile
  * @param $profileid -- Profile Id:: Type integer
  * @returns  Tab Utility Action Permission Array in the following format:
  * $tabPermission = Array($tabid1=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                        $tabid2=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                                |
  *                        $tabidn=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission))

function getTabsUtilityActionPermission($profileid)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getTabsUtilityActionPermission(".$profileid.") method ...");

	global $adb;
	$check = Array();
	$temp_tabid = Array();
	$sql1 = "select * from vtiger_profile2utility where profileid=? order by(tabid)";
	$result1 = $adb->pquery($sql1, array($profileid));
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		$num_rows1 = $adb->num_rows($result1);
		for($i=0; $i<$num_rows1; $i++)
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		$tab_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'tabid');
		if(! in_array($tab_id,$temp_tabid))
			$temp_tabid[] = $tab_id;
			$access = Array();

		$action_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'activityid');
		$per_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'permission');
		$access[$action_id] = $per_id;
		$check[$tab_id] = $access;


	$log->debug("Exiting getTabsUtilityActionPermission method ...");
	return $check;

/**This Function returns the Default Organisation Sharing Action Array for all modules whose sharing actions are editable
  * The result array will be in the following format:
  * Arr=(tabid1=>Sharing Action Id,
  *      tabid2=>SharingAction Id,
  *            |
  *            |
  *            |
  *      tabid3=>SharingAcion Id)

function getDefaultSharingEditAction()
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getDefaultSharingEditAction() method ...");
	global $adb;
	//retreiving the standard permissions
	$sql= "select * from vtiger_def_org_share where editstatus=0";
	$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array());
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	$log->debug("Exiting getDefaultSharingEditAction method ...");
	return $copy;

/**This Function returns the Default Organisation Sharing Action Array for modules with edit status in (0,1)
  * The result array will be in the following format:
  * Arr=(tabid1=>Sharing Action Id,
  *      tabid2=>SharingAction Id,
  *            |
  *            |
  *            |
  *      tabid3=>SharingAcion Id)
function getDefaultSharingAction()
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getDefaultSharingAction() method ...");
	global $adb;
	//retreivin the standard permissions
	$sql= "select * from vtiger_def_org_share where editstatus in(0,1)";
	$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array());
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	$log->debug("Exiting getDefaultSharingAction method ...");
	return $copy;


/**This Function returns the Default Organisation Sharing Action Array for all modules
  * The result array will be in the following format:
  * Arr=(tabid1=>Sharing Action Id,
  *      tabid2=>SharingAction Id,
  *            |
  *            |
  *            |
  *      tabid3=>SharingAcion Id)
function getAllDefaultSharingAction()
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getAllDefaultSharingAction() method ...");
	global $adb;
	//retreiving the standard permissions
	$sql= "select * from vtiger_def_org_share";
	$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array());



	$log->debug("Exiting getAllDefaultSharingAction method ...");
	return $copy;


/** Function to update user to vtiger_role mapping based on the userid
  * @param $roleid -- Role Id:: Type varchar
  * @param $userid User Id:: Type integer
function updateUser2RoleMapping($roleid,$userid)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering updateUser2RoleMapping(".$roleid.",".$userid.") method ...");
  global $adb;
  //Check if row already exists
  $sqlcheck = "select * from vtiger_user2role where userid=?";
  $resultcheck = $adb->pquery($sqlcheck, array($userid));
  if($adb->num_rows($resultcheck) == 1)
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	$sqldelete = "delete from vtiger_user2role where userid=?";
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	$delparams = array($userid);
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	$result_delete = $adb->pquery($sqldelete, $delparams);
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  $sql = "insert into vtiger_user2role(userid,roleid) values(?,?)";
  $params = array($userid, $roleid);
  $result = $adb->pquery($sql, $params);
	$log->debug("Exiting updateUser2RoleMapping method ...");


/** Function to get the vtiger_role name from the vtiger_roleid
  * @param $roleid -- Role Id:: Type varchar
  * @returns $rolename -- Role Name:: Type varchar
function getRoleName($roleid)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering getRoleName(".$roleid.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	$sql1 = "select * from vtiger_role where roleid=?";
	$result = $adb->pquery($sql1, array($roleid));
	$rolename = $adb->query_result($result,0,"rolename");
	$log->debug("Exiting getRoleName method ...");
	return $rolename;

/** Function to check if the currently logged in user is permitted to perform the specified action
  * @param $module -- Module Name:: Type varchar
  * @param $actionname -- Action Name:: Type varchar
  * @param $recordid -- Record Id:: Type integer
  * @returns yes or no. If Yes means this action is allowed for the currently logged in user. If no means this action is not allowed for the currently logged in user
function isPermitted($module,$actionname,$record_id='')
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering isPermitted(".$module.",".$actionname.",".$record_id.") method ...");

	global $adb;
	global $current_user;
	global $seclog;
	$permission = "no";
	$parenttab = isset($_REQUEST['parenttab']) ? $_REQUEST['parenttab'] : null;
	if(($module == 'Users' || $module == 'Home' || $module == 'uploads') && $parenttab != 'Settings')
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		//These modules dont have security right now
		$permission = "yes";
		$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
		return $permission;


	//Checking the Access for the Settings Module
	if($module == 'Settings' || $module == 'Administration' || $module == 'System' || $parenttab == 'Settings')
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		if(! $is_admin)
			$permission = "no";
			$permission = "yes";
		$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
		return $permission;

	//Retreiving the Tabid and Action Id
	$tabid = getTabid($module);
	$checkModule = $module;

	if($checkModule == 'Events'){
		$checkModule = 'Calendar';


		//Checking whether the user is admin
			$permission ="yes";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;

		//If no actionid, then allow action is vtiger_tab permission is available
		if($actionid === '')
			if($profileTabsPermission[$tabid] ==0)
						$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				$permission ="no";
					return $permission;


		$action = getActionname($actionid);
		//Checking for view all permission
		if($profileGlobalPermission[1] ==0 || $profileGlobalPermission[2] ==0)
			if($actionid == 3 || $actionid == 4)
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;

		//Checking for edit all permission
		if($profileGlobalPermission[2] ==0)
			if($actionid == 3 || $actionid == 4 || $actionid ==0 || $actionid ==1)
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;

		//Checking for vtiger_tab permission
		if(isset($profileTabsPermission[$tabid]) && $profileTabsPermission[$tabid] !=0)
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			$permission = "no";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;
		//Checking for Action Permission
		if(isset($profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid]) && strlen($profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid]) <  1 && $profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid] == '')
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			$permission = "yes";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;

		if(isset($profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid]) && $profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid] != 0 && $profileActionPermission[$tabid][$actionid] != '')
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			$permission = "no";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;

		//Checking and returning true if recorid is null
		if($record_id == '')
			$permission = "yes";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;

		//If modules is Products,Vendors,Faq,PriceBook then no sharing
		if($record_id != '')
			if(getTabOwnedBy($module) == 1)
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;

		//Retreiving the RecordOwnerId
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			$groupId = getRecordGroupId($record_id);
			$recordOwnerArr['Groups'] = $groupId;

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		foreach($recordOwnerArr as $type=>$id)
		//Retreiving the default Organisation sharing Access
		$others_permission_id = $defaultOrgSharingPermission[$tabid];

		if($recOwnType == 'Users')
			//Checking if the Record Owner is the current User
			if($current_user->id == $recOwnId)
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
			//Checking if the Record Owner is the Subordinate User
			foreach($subordinate_roles_users as $roleid=>$userids)
					if($module == 'Calendar') {
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						$activityType = vtws_getCalendarEntityType($record_id);
						if($activityType == 'Events') {
							$permission = isCalendarPermittedBySharing($record_id);
						} else {
							$permission = isToDoPermittedBySharing($record_id);
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					$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
					return $permission;


		elseif($recOwnType == 'Groups')
			//Checking if the record owner is the current user's group
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;

		//Checking for Default Org Sharing permission
		if($others_permission_id == 0)
			if($actionid == 1 || $actionid == 0)

				if($module == 'Calendar')
					if($recOwnType == 'Users')
						$permission = isCalendarPermittedBySharing($record_id);
					$permission = isReadWritePermittedBySharing($module,$tabid,$actionid,$record_id);
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
			elseif($actionid == 2)
				$permission = "no";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
		elseif($others_permission_id == 1)
			if($actionid == 2)
				$permission = "no";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
		elseif($others_permission_id == 2)
			$permission = "yes";
			$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
			return $permission;
		elseif($others_permission_id == 3)

			if($actionid == 3 || $actionid == 4)
				if($module == 'Calendar')
					if($recOwnType == 'Users')
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						$activityType = vtws_getCalendarEntityType($record_id);
						if($activityType == 'Events') {
							$permission = isCalendarPermittedBySharing($record_id);
						} else {
							$permission = isToDoPermittedBySharing($record_id);
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					$permission = isReadPermittedBySharing($module,$tabid,$actionid,$record_id);
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
			elseif($actionid ==0 || $actionid ==1)
				if($module == 'Calendar')
					$permission = isReadWritePermittedBySharing($module,$tabid,$actionid,$record_id);
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
			elseif($actionid ==2)
					$permission ="no";
					return $permission;
				$permission = "yes";
				$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
				return $permission;
			$permission = "yes";
	}else {
		$permission = "no";

	$log->debug("Exiting isPermitted method ...");
	return $permission;


/** Function to check if the currently logged in user has Read Access due to Sharing for the specified record
  * @param $module -- Module Name:: Type varchar
  * @param $actionid -- Action Id:: Type integer
  * @param $recordid -- Record Id:: Type integer
  * @param $tabid -- Tab Id:: Type integer
  * @returns yes or no. If Yes means this action is allowed for the currently logged in user. If no means this action is not allowed for the currently logged in user
function isReadPermittedBySharing($module,$tabid,$actionid,$record_id)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering isReadPermittedBySharing(".$module.",".$tabid.",".$actionid.",".$record_id.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	global $current_user;

	if(! in_array($module,$sharingModuleList))
		return $sharePer;

	foreach($recordOwnerArr as $type=>$id)

	if($ownertype == 'Users')
		//Checking the Read Sharing Permission Array in Role Users
		foreach($read_role_per as $roleid=>$userids)
				$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
				return $sharePer;


		//Checking the Read Sharing Permission Array in Groups Users
		foreach($read_grp_per as $grpid=>$userids)
				$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
				return $sharePer;


	elseif($ownertype == 'Groups')
			$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
			return $sharePer;

	//Checking for the Related Sharing Permission
		foreach($relatedModuleArray as $parModId)
			if(php7_sizeof($parRecordOwner) > 0)
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				foreach($parRecordOwner as $rel_type=>$rel_id)
					//Checking in Role Users
					foreach($read_related_role_per as $roleid=>$userids)
							$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
							return $sharePer;

					//Checking in Group Users
					foreach($read_related_grp_per as $grpid=>$userids)
							$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
							return $sharePer;


						$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
						return $sharePer;

	$log->debug("Exiting isReadPermittedBySharing method ...");
	return $sharePer;

/** Function to check if the currently logged in user has Write Access due to Sharing for the specified record
  * @param $module -- Module Name:: Type varchar
  * @param $actionid -- Action Id:: Type integer
  * @param $recordid -- Record Id:: Type integer
  * @param $tabid -- Tab Id:: Type integer
  * @returns yes or no. If Yes means this action is allowed for the currently logged in user. If no means this action is not allowed for the currently logged in user
function isReadWritePermittedBySharing($module,$tabid,$actionid,$record_id)
	global $log;
	$log->debug("Entering isReadWritePermittedBySharing(".$module.",".$tabid.",".$actionid.",".$record_id.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	global $current_user;

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		if(! in_array($module,$sharingModuleList))
				return $sharePer;
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	foreach($recordOwnerArr as $type=>$id)


	if($ownertype == 'Users')
		//Checking the Write Sharing Permission Array in Role Users
		foreach($write_role_per as $roleid=>$userids)
				$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
				return $sharePer;

		//Checking the Write Sharing Permission Array in Groups Users
		foreach($write_grp_per as $grpid=>$userids)
				$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
				return $sharePer;


	elseif($ownertype == 'Groups')
			$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
			return $sharePer;
	//Checking for the Related Sharing Permission
		foreach($relatedModuleArray as $parModId)
			if(php7_sizeof($parRecordOwner) > 0)
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				foreach($parRecordOwner as $rel_type=>$rel_id)
					//Checking in Role Users
					foreach($write_related_role_per as $roleid=>$userids)
							$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
							return $sharePer;

					//Checking in Group Users
					foreach($write_related_grp_per as $grpid=>$userids)
							$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
							return $sharePer;


						$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
						return $sharePer;


	$log->debug("Exiting isReadWritePermittedBySharing method ...");
	return $sharePer;

/** Function to get the Profile Global Information for the specified vtiger_profileid
  * @param $profileid -- Profile Id:: Type integer
  * @returns Profile Gloabal Permission Array in the following format:
  * $profileGloblaPermisson=Array($viewall_actionid=>permission, $editall_actionid=>permission)
function getProfileGlobalPermission($profileid)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getProfileGlobalPermission(".$profileid.") method ...");
  global $adb;
  $sql = "select * from vtiger_profile2globalpermissions where profileid=?" ;
  $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($profileid));
  $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);

  $copy = array();
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  for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++)
	$act_id = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"globalactionid");
	$per_id = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"globalactionpermission");
	$copy[$act_id] = $per_id;

	$log->debug("Exiting getProfileGlobalPermission method ...");
   return $copy;


/** Function to get the Profile Tab Permissions for the specified vtiger_profileid
  * @param $profileid -- Profile Id:: Type integer
  * @returns Profile Tabs Permission Array in the following format:
  * $profileTabPermisson=Array($tabid1=>permission, $tabid2=>permission,........., $tabidn=>permission)
function getProfileTabsPermission($profileid)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getProfileTabsPermission(".$profileid.") method ...");
  global $adb;
  $sql = "select * from vtiger_profile2tab where profileid=?" ;
  $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($profileid));
  $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);

  $copy = array();
  for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++)
	$tab_id = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"tabid");
	$per_id = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"permissions");
	$copy[$tab_id] = $per_id;
  // TODO This is temporarily required, till we provide a hook/entry point for Emails module.
  // Once that is done, Webmails need to be removed permanently.
  $emailsTabId = getTabid('Emails');
  $webmailsTabid = getTabid('Webmails');
  if(array_key_exists($emailsTabId, $copy)) {
	  $copy[$webmailsTabid] = $copy[$emailsTabId];

$log->debug("Exiting getProfileTabsPermission method ...");
   return $copy;


/** Function to get the Profile Action Permissions for the specified vtiger_profileid
  * @param $profileid -- Profile Id:: Type integer
  * @returns Profile Tabs Action Permission Array in the following format:
  *    $tabActionPermission = Array($tabid1=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                        $tabid2=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                                |
  *                        $tabidn=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission))
function getProfileActionPermission($profileid)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getProfileActionPermission(".$profileid.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	$check = Array();
	$temp_tabid = Array();
	$sql1 = "select * from vtiger_profile2standardpermissions where profileid=?";
	$result1 = $adb->pquery($sql1, array($profileid));
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		$num_rows1 = $adb->num_rows($result1);
		for($i=0; $i<$num_rows1; $i++)
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		$tab_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'tabid');
		if(! in_array($tab_id,$temp_tabid))
			$temp_tabid[] = $tab_id;
			$access = Array();

		$action_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'operation');
		$per_id = $adb->query_result($result1,$i,'permissions');
		$access[$action_id] = $per_id;
		$check[$tab_id] = $access;


$log->debug("Exiting getProfileActionPermission method ...");
	return $check;

/** Function to get the Standard and Utility Profile Action Permissions for the specified vtiger_profileid
  * @param $profileid -- Profile Id:: Type integer
  * @returns Profile Tabs Action Permission Array in the following format:
  *    $tabActionPermission = Array($tabid1=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                        $tabid2=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission),
  *                                |
  *                        $tabidn=>Array(actionid1=>permission, actionid2=>permission,...,actionidn=>permission))
function getProfileAllActionPermission($profileid)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getProfileAllActionPermission(".$profileid.") method ...");
	global $adb;
	foreach($utilArr as $tabid=>$act_arr)
		foreach($act_arr as $utilid=>$util_perr)
$log->debug("Exiting getProfileAllActionPermission method ...");
	return $actionArr;

/** Function to get all  the vtiger_role information
  * @returns $allRoleDetailArray-- Array will contain the details of all the vtiger_roles. RoleId will be the key:: Type array
function getAllRoleDetails()
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getAllRoleDetails() method ...");
	global $adb;
	$role_det = Array();
	$query = "select * from vtiger_role";
	$result = $adb->pquery($query, array());