Appalling error handling!!!
I've just spent a couple of hours trying to work out why I kept getting a completely unhelpful and misleading message when trying to login via the portal.
I ended up having to add loads of error_log() statements going right down to the vtlib/thirdparty/network/Request.php class.
I discovered that something wasn't working right around this test:
If you look what happens after the elseif, you'll see this class just returns true.
When I dumped the response just BEFORE this test in line 783, e.g.
error_log("response: " . print_r($this->_response,true));
I see in the _body the following:
[_protocol] => HTTP/1.1
[_code] => 403
[_reason] => Forbidden
[_headers] => Array
[server] => nginx/1.14.1
[date] => Mon, 09 Nov 2020 11:08:25 GMT
[content-type] => text/html
[transfer-encoding] => chunked
[connection] => close
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[x-frame-options] => SAMEORIGIN
[x-content-type-options] => nosniff
[x-xss-protection] => 1; mode=block
[content-encoding] => gzip
[_cookies] =>
[_body] => <html>
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
I can now go back to my customer and tell them their server is rejecting the call but why on earth is this information NOT more easily available? It was a total waste of my time trying to find this out!!!