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Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Dec25212019151413121164129Nov242221201413987227Oct26191215Sep6131Aug23221817161426Jul222115743219Jun18141215Dec14124Nov22181716121187329Oct2625131211765430Sep2928272624232221205316Aug16Jun25May233228Apr11229Mar1716109125Feb24985229Jan242218119818Dec1328Nov1812108327Oct2143224Sep1226Aug2423830Jul292826232120191598765228Jun262521181716151615131283131May2519141278Mar25Feb28Jan2725191210418Dec425Nov24212019161312543230Oct29262723201913125Sep232221188432131Aug30181714131211107654#Fix:158016278::Company details logo vulnerability when uploading images#Fix:158016278::Company details logo vulnerability when uploading images#Fix:Disable ajax edit of signature field in Users#Fix:Disable ajax edit of signature field in Users157963787::When we select the multiple documents from the browse crm field...157963787::When we select the multiple documents from the browse crm field while sending the mail ,emails send only with one documentMerge branch 'master' into security#157925755::When we select the multiple documents from both CRM and local folder to send mail , getting 500 error#157925755::When we select the multiple documents from both CRM and local folder to send mail , getting 500 error#156857530::Despite the organization name being mandatory on invoices, the system allows the invoices to be saved without entering an organization name.Merge branch 'master' into nikhil_issues156857530::Despite the organization name being mandatory on invoices, the system allows the invoices to be saved without entering an organization name#157229586::When we choose an invalid expression in the workflow condition, the target page breaks after it has been executed.#security::XSS: In Dashboard Name#Fixed: Installation is failed#266296::Unable to import the records in the invoice and purchase order module#1800::Undefined array key "languageStrings"#1799::Undefined array key "LIST_PREVIEW"#156058834::XSS in default Value while creating custom field#1796::Fixed::Undefined variable $fileicon#1797::Undefined Array key#1798::Undefined variable $outgoingCallPermission#Fixed: Installation is failed#266296::Unable to import the records in the invoice and purchase order module#Fixed:#157940339:In image upload field,ts allowing to save other than image file#Fixed:#157940339:In image upload field,ts allowing to save other than image file#Fixed: 1. Events and tasks scheduled for Saturdays are not being shown in the agenda list within the Calendar module. Reports save is failing if we select Assign to #Fixed:Reports:When we are selecting module field as assigned_user_id the report is not generating#CalendarAgenda: Saturday events are not showing up in agenda view#Fix:failed to read request variables in smarty#Fix:fixed to read request varaiables in client#Fixed:internal issues#Fixed:internal issues#282510::when we upload .png file in the documents ,preview is not displaying#282510::when we upload .png file in the documents ,preview is not displaying as well when we download same file it getting corrupted#157831827::Unable to create the new role,showing 500 error157831827::Unable to create the new role,showing 500 errorPHP8 compatibility: Fix PHPCompatibility.Function Use.RemovedFunctions.splitDeprecatedRemoved error#157773041:Not able create new tags#157773041:Not able create new tags