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Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
	'LBL_JOINED' => 'Joined',
	'LBL_SEARCH_PROFILES_IN_TWITTER' => 'Search Profiles In Twitter',
	'LBL_CHOOSE_ANOTHER_PROFILE' => 'Choose Another Profile',
	'LBL_ADD_TICKET' => 'Add Ticket',
	'LBL_ADD_OPPORTUNITY' => 'Add Opportunity',
	'LBL_RETWEET' => 'Retweet',
	'LBL_RETWEETS' => 'Retweets',
	'LBL_UNDO_RETWEET' => 'Undo Retweet',
	'LBL_FAVOURITE' => 'Favourite',
	'LBL_UNDO_FAVOURITE' => 'Undo Favourite',
	'LBL_TWITTER_HANDLER_MSG' => 'To see this contact\'s profile summary and history add their Twitter Username or search profiles using the link below.',
	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_OR_TODO' => 'Add Event/Task',
	'LBL_ADD_TICKET_CONTACT' => 'Add Ticket + Contact',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_ADD_CASE_CONTACT' => 'Add Case + Contact',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_ADD_OPPORTUNITY_CONTACT' => 'Add Opportunity + Contact',
	'LBL_TWITTER_HANDLER_DETAILS' => 'Twitter Username Details',
	'LBL_PRIMARY_TWITTER' => 'Twitter Username',
	'LBL_ADD_TWITTER_HANDLER' => 'Add Twitter Username',
	'LBL_VIEW_TICKET' => 'View Ticket',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_VIEW_CASE' => 'View Case',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_VIEW_OPPORTUNITY' => 'View Opportunity',
	'LBL_CLICK_TO_SELECT_PROFILE' => 'Click to select profile',
	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE' => 'Invalid Image',
	'LBL_NEXT' => 'Next',
	'LBL_FINISH' => 'Finish',
	// Module field to store Source of Record
	'Source' => 'Source',

	'LBL_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO' => 'Default Reply To for Emails', 
	'outgoing_server_from_email' => 'Outgoing Server From Email', 
	'hepldesk_support_email' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id', 
	'user_primary_email' => 'User Primary Email', 
	'LBL_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO_INFO' => 'This setting is applicable only for direct emails from CRM. It doesn\'t affect emails sent from workflows, email campaigns, etc.', 
	'search_in_all_fields'=>'Search in All fields',
	'search_in_name_field'=>'Search in Name field',
	'LBL_LOOKUP_SEARCH_MODE_INFO'=>'Ex: In Contact creation form, when you enter text in the organization name box this setting will control what fields in Organization are to be searched',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'VAT' => 'VAT',
	'Sales' => 'Sales',
	'Service' => 'Service',
	'Pre Tax Total' => 'Pre Tax Total',
	'Received' => 'Received',
	'Balance' => 'Balance',
	'S&H Percent' => 'S&H Percent',
	'Tax Region' => 'Tax Region',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed

	//Singular Modulenames
	'SINGLE_Potentials' => 'Opportunity',
	'SINGLE_HelpDesk' => 'Ticket',
	'SINGLE_Accounts' => 'Organization',
	'SINGLE_Contacts' => 'Contact',
	'SINGLE_Project' => 'Project',
	'LBL_ROLLUP_COMMENTS_INFO' => "If Roll up is set to 'On' comments on related records will be shown. 
								 For example, if you are viewing comments on an Organization record, comments added to related Contacts, Opportunities, Tickets, ..etc would also be displayed.",
	'LBL_ROLLUP_COMMENTS' => "Rollup Comments",

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'Engagement Score' => 'Engagement Score',
	'group' => 'Group',
	'individual' => 'Individual',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_VIEW_FILE'=>'View file',
	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE' => 'Download file',
	'LBL_PREVIEW_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'Preview Not Available',
	'LBL_PREVIEW_SUPPORTED_FILES' => '<b><strong>Supported File Types : </strong></b><br><br><b>Pdf files</b><br><b>Text files - </b>txt,csv,ics<br><b>Open Document Files - </b>open document text(odt),open document spreadsheet(ods) and open document presentation(odp)<br><b>Multimedia files - </b>image, audio & video files<br>',
	'Mailing Address' => 'Mailing Address',
	'Other Address' => 'Other Address',
	'LBL_PREVIOUS' => 'Previous',
	'LBL_NEXT' => 'Next',
	'Workflows' => 'Workflows',
	'Primary Twitter' => 'Twitter Username',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	/* Vtiger7 Language Strings */
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_CLICK_HERE_TO_SELECT_ALL_RECORDS'=>'Select all records in this page',
	'LBL_CLICK_HERE_TO_MANAGE_LIST_COLUMNS'=>'Click here to manage List columns',
	'LBL_SHOW_MORE' =>'Show more',
	'LBL_DISPLAYING_RESULTS' => 'Displaying Results',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_ADD_STAR' => 'Add Star',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_REMOVE_STAR' => 'Remove Star',
	'LBL_UPDATE_LIST' => 'Update List',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_SHARE_THIS_LIST' => 'Share this list',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES' => 'Add users and roles',
	'LBL_LISTS' => 'Lists',
	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR_LIST' => 'Search for List',
	'LBL_MY_LIST' => 'My List',
	'LBL_SHARED_LIST' => 'Shared List',
	'LBL_MERGE_SELECTED_RECORDS' => 'Merge selected records',
	'LBL_MATCH_CRITERIA' => 'Duplicate Search Criteria',
	'LBL_MATCH_FIELDS' => 'Match Fields',
	'LBL_EDIT_CUSTOM'=>'Edit List',
	'LBL_SHOW_MAP'=>'Show Map',
	'LBL_ADD_TAB'=>'Add Tab',
	'LBL_TAB_NAME'=>'Dashboard Name',
	'LBL_SHARED_TAGS_ACCESS'=>'Shared tags are accessible by all users in Vtiger',
	'LBL_GOTO_TAGS'=>'Go to Settings > My preferences > My Tags to Edit or Delete your private tags',
	'LBL_SWITCH_TO_OLD'=>'Switch to old version',
	'LBL_SLA_INFORMATION' => 'SLA Information',

	//configure columns
	'LBL_UPDATE_LIST' => 'Update List',
	'LBL_CONFIG_COLUMNS' => 'Configure Columns',
	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS' => 'Selected Fields',
	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS' => 'Available Fields',
	'LBL_SEARCH_FIELDS' => 'Search Fields',

	// Extensions
	'ExtensionStore' =>'Extension Store',
	'LBL_EXTENSIONS' => 'Extensions',
	'LBL_SYNC_LOG' => 'Sync Log',
	'LBL_SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Sync Settings',
	'LBL_SYNC_NOW' => 'Sync Now',
	'LBL_DATE' => 'Date',
	'LBL_TIME' => 'Time',
	'LBL_SKIPPED' => 'Skipped',
	'vt_create' => 'Records Created in Vtiger',
	'vt_update' => 'Records Updated in Vtiger',
	'vt_delete' => 'Records Deleted in Vtiger',
	'vt_skip' => 'Records skipped in Vtiger',
	'app_create' => 'Records Created in %s',
	'app_update' => 'Records Updated in %s',
	'app_delete' => 'Records Deleted in %s',
	'app_skip' => 'Records skipped in %s',
	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_AS_CSV' => 'Download As CSV',
	'LBL_SOURCE_MODULE' => 'Source Module',
	'LBL_RECORD_NAME' => 'Record Name',
	'LBL_REASON' => 'Reason',
	'LBL_SELECT_MODULES_TO_SYNC' => 'Select modules to sync',
	'LBL_DATA' => 'Data',
	'LBL_ENABLE_SYNC' => 'Enable Sync',
	'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Field Mapping',
	'LBL_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Sync Direction',
	'LBL_SYNC_BOTH_WAYS' => 'Sync Both Ways',
	'LBL_SAVE_SETTINGS' => 'Save Settings',
	'LBL_CONFIGURE' => 'Configure',
	'LBL_VIEW' => 'View',
	'LBL_CHANGE_USER' => 'Change User',

	'LBL_CREATE_LIST' => 'Create a New List',
	'sent' => 'Sent',
	'accepted' => 'Accepted',
	'SINGLE_Users' => 'User',
	'LBL_RECENT_COMMENTS' => 'Recent Comments',
	'LBL_ENGAGEMENT_HISTORY' => 'Engagement History',
	'LBL_NO_ENGAGEMENTS_FOUND' => 'No related Touchpoints',
	'LBL_TAGS' => 'Tags',
	'LBL_SHARE_TAGS' => 'Public Tags',
	'LBL_SHARE_TAG' => 'Shared Tag(s)',
	'private' => 'private',
	'Tags' => 'Tags',
	'public' => 'shared',
	'Private/Shared' => 'Private/Shared',
	'LBL_TAG_FOR' => 'Tags For %s',
	'LBL_CURRENT_TAGS' => 'Current Tags',
	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_TAG'=> 'Create New Tag',
	'LBL_ADD_TAG' => 'Add Tag',
	'LBL_REMOVE_TAG' => 'Remove Tag',
	'LBL_TAG_SEPERATOR_DESC' => 'Use comma to separate multiple tags',
	'LBL_ENTER_TAG_NAME'=> 'Enter tag name',

	'LBL_SELECT_COLOR' => 'Select Color',
	'LBL_NO_TAG_EXISTS' => 'No Tag Exists',
	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAG' => 'Add Tag',
	'LBL_SELECT_EXISTING_TAG' => 'Type here to select an existing tag',
	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_TAG' => 'Create new tag',
	'LBL_ADD_OR_SELECT_TAG' => 'Add/Select Tag',
	'LBL_SELECT_FROM_AVAIL_TAG' => 'Select from available tags',
	'LBL_MARKET_PLACE' => 'Market Place',

	'LBL_SHARE_THIS_LIST' => 'Share the list',
	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES' => 'Add Users, Roles...',
	'EmailTemplates' => 'Email Templates',
	'LBL_BILLING' => 'Billing',
	'LBL_ENABLED' => 'Enabled',

	//Title added for buttons
	'LBL_CREATE_FILTER' => 'Create Filter',
	'LBL_IS' => 'is',
	'LBL_CREATION' => 'creation',
	'LBL_UPLOAD' => 'Upload',
	'LBL_ATTACH_FILES' => 'Attach Files',
	'LBL_KEY_FIELDS' => "Key Fields",
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_ADD_TODO' => 'Add Task',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed

	"LBL_VIEW_DETAILS" => "View Details",

	//Engagements History
	"LBL_HAPPENED_ON" => "Happened On",
	"LBL_HAPPENED" => 'Happened',
	"LBL_TYPE" => "Type",
	"LBL_STATUS" => "Status",
	"LBL_CUSTOMER" => "Related To",
	"LBL_SUMMARY" => "Summary",
	"LBL_ENGAGEMENTS" => "Touchpoints",

	'LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select at least one option',
	'LBL_STARRED' => 'Click to unfollow',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_UNSTARRED' => 'Follow',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_EDIT_EMAIL_PREFERENCE_TOOLTIP' => 'Edit these preferences from Settings dropdown in modules detail or list view',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_SYSTEM' =>'System',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_SHOW_MAP' => 'Show Map',
	'LBL_GOOGLE_MAP' => 'Google Map',
	'LBL_CREATION' => 'creation',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_ADD_TODO' => 'Add Task',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed

	'LBL_KEY_METRICS' => 'Key Metrics',

	//Print template strings
	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Template Name',
	'LBL_MODULE' => 'Module',
	'LBL_IS_DEFAULT' => 'Default Template',
	'LBL_SELECT_RECORD_FIELD' => 'Select Record Field',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_PREVIEW' => 'Preview',
	'LBL_UNLINKED' => 'Unlinked',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed

	'LBL_FOLLOW' => 'Follow',
	'LBL_UNFOLLOW' => 'Unfollow',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'Any' => 'Any',
	'LBL_NA' => '-NA-',
	'LBL_DISABLED' => 'Disabled',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed

	'LBL_HELP_ANSWERS' => 'Answers',
	'LBL_HELP_ARTICLES' => 'Articles',
	'LBL_HELP_TOUR' => 'Tour',
	'LBL_NO_HELP_ARTICLE_FOUND' => 'Sorry, no Article found',
	'LBL_HELP_SEARCH' => 'Search Help',
	'LBL_HELP_BROWSE_ALL' => 'Browse all',

	'LBL_EXPORT_FILE_NAME' => 'Export Filename',
	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_NONADMIN' => '%s Sync is allowed only for admin users',
	'SINGLE_Invoice' => 'Invoice',
	'SINGLE_SalesOrder' => 'Sales Order',
	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder' => 'Purchase Order',
	'SINGLE_Quotes' => 'Quote',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_POST_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Post your comment here',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	// Phone Calls
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_CLICK_TO_CALL' => 'Click-to-Call',
	'LBL_SHOW_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS' => 'Click for this list size',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Fields',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_ROLL_UP' => 'Roll up',

	'LBL_TOUCH_POINTS' => 'Touchpoints',
	'LBL_HISTORY' => 'Touchpoints',
	'LBL_ENGAGEMENT_HISTORY' => 'Touchpoint History',
	'LBL_SETTINGS' => 'Settings',

	//List View and thumbnail view button labels
	'LBL_LIST_VIEW'=>'List View',
	'LBL_THUMBNAIL_VIEW'=>'Thumbnail View',
	'LBL_CHART_VIEW'=>'Chart View',
	'LBL_EMAIL_SUPPORT' => 'Email Support',
	'LBL_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND' => 'No %s found',

	'LBL_TRANSFER_ALL_CASES_TO' => 'Transfer All Cases To',
	'LBL_SLA_TO_BE_DELETED' => 'SLA To Be Deleted',
	'LBL_TO_USE_SWITCH_TO_NEW_LOOK' => 'To use <b>%s</b>, we recommend you to Switch to new look.',
	'LBL_INTERNAL_COMMENT_INFO' => 'The comment will only be seen by CRM users, if the internal comment checkbox is enabled. To notify customers (through configurable workflows or customer portal) leave this checkbox disabled',
	'LBL_CHANGE' => 'Change',
	'LBL_REVOKE_ACCESS' => 'Revoke Access',
	'GOOGLE_REVOKE_ACCESS_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing Google authentication for Contacts and Calendar. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.',
	'OFFICE_REVOKE_ACCESS_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing Office365 authentication for Contacts, Calendar and Emails. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.',
	'LBL_EMAIL_DOMAIN_HELPTEXT' => 'Email Domain field will be used to match Cases and Contacts created from Emails. For example, if a new support email comes from, it would be linked to Organization that has in the Email domain field. Multiple domains should be separated by commas',
	'LBL_START_GUIDED_TOUR' => 'Start Guided Tour',
	'LBL_MENU' => 'Menu',
	'LBL_EMAIL_DOMAIN_HELPTEXT'=>'Email Domain field will be used to match Cases and Contacts created from Emails. '
	. 'For example, if a new support email comes from, it would be linked to Organization that has '
	. ' in the Email domain field. Multiple domains should be separated by commas',

	'LBL_SHARED_LIST_NON_ADMIN_MESSAGE' => 'This is a Shared list. Please contact your CRM Administrator to configure columns for All list',
	'LBL_SHARED_LIST_OWNER_MESSAGE' => 'This is a shared list. Please contact %s to change the columns of this list',

	'Mr.' => 'Mr.',
	'Ms.' => 'Ms.',
	'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.',
	'Dr.' => 'Dr.',
	'Prof.' => 'Prof.',
	'LBL_TAX_MODE_INFO' =>'If Individual, Taxes will be picked from Product record. If Group, Taxes will be picked from Global settings.',
	'LBL_CURRENCY_INFO' =>'Values will be changed to the selected currency based on the configured conversion rate.',
	'LBL_TAX_REGION_INFO' =>'For Variable taxes, tax percentage will be based on selected Tax Region.',
	'LBL_TAX_CONFIGURE' =>'Configure tax region',
	'LBL_SEND_MSG_TO_SUPPORT' => 'Send email to support',
	'LBL_CHAT_WITH_SUPPORT' => 'Live chat with CRM expert',

	'LBL_ROLES' => 'Roles',
	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE' => 'Role and Subordinates',
	'LBL_YOUR_LEARNING_SCORE' => 'Your CRM learning score',
	'LBL_SWITCH_TO_VTIGER7_NOW' => 'Switch to Vtiger7 by Feb 15th',
	'LBL_VTIGER6_RETIREMENT_NOTICE' => 'This version will be retired on Feb 15th 2016',
	'ModTracker' => 'Updates',
	'LBL_MAIL_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mail Sent Successfully',
	'LBL_FAILED_TO_SEND' => 'Failed to Send',

	'LBL_ESSENTIALS' => 'Essentials',
	'LBL_ALL_SETTINGS' => 'All Settings',
	'On' => 'On',
	'LBL_OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB' => 'Open in new tab',
	'LBL_DELETE_FOREVER'=>'Delete forever',
	'LBL_PLEASE_CLICK_ON_EDIT_TO_ADD_NOTE' =>'Please click on edit to add notes here..',
	'LBL_PLEASE_ENTER_YOUR_NOTE' => 'Please enter your notes here..',
	'LBL_PORTAL' => 'Portal',
	'LBL_SESSION' =>'Session',
	'LBL_SESSIONS' => 'Sessions',
	'week days later' => 'week days later',
	'more than week days later' => 'more than week days later',
	'less than week days later' => 'less than week days later',
	'week days ago' => 'week days ago',
	'more than week days ago' => 'more than week days ago',
	'less than week days ago' => 'less than week days ago',

	'LBL_DUPLICATES' => 'Duplicates',
	'LBL_DUPLICATES_DETECTED' => 'Duplicate(s) detected!',
	'LBL_DUPLICATES_FOUND_MESSAGE' => 'This %s cannot be saved since duplicate %s exists in Vtiger with matching values for %s.',
	'LBL_VTIGER_NOTIFICATION' => 'Message from : Vtiger System Notifications',
	'LBL_DUPLICATION_FAILURE_FROM_WORKFLOWS' => 'The following %s could not be saved from "%s" workflow, as another %s exists with the same values.',
	'LBL_DUPLICATION_FAILURE_FROM_WEBFORMS' => 'The following %s could not be saved from "%s" webform, as another %s exists with the same values.',
	'LBL_DUPLICATION_FAILURE_FOR_ADMIN' => 'You can %s to modify duplicate prevention rules.',
	'LBL_DUPLICATION_FAILURE_FOR_NON_ADMIN' => 'Contact your administrator for revising the duplicate rules',
	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD_LISTS' =>'Duplicate %s :',
	'LBL_COLUMNS_ADDED'=>'of %s columns added',
	'LBL_SHOW_ALL'=>'Show all',
	'LBL_LanguageEditor_WEBTITLE' => 'Labels Editor',
	'LBL_Tags_WEBTITLE' => 'My Tags',
	'LBL_HIDE' => 'Hide',
	'LBL_PRINT' => 'Print',
	'LBL_FORWARD' => 'Forward',
	'LBL_NO_DEDUCTED_TAX'=>'No deducted taxes',
	'LBL_CLICK_TO_CONFIGURE'=>'Click here to configure',
	'LBL_KANBAN_VIEW_INFO' => 'Kanban view shows only the opportunities that match conditions of this list',
	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELDS_MAX_LIMIT' => 'You can add only maximum of %s custom fields',
	'LBL_EXCEEDED_MODULE_RECORD_LIMIT' => '%s records limit (%s) exceeded',
	'LBL_EXCEEDED_MODULE_RECORD_LIMIT_TEXT' =>'We found that you have more than %s records in %s. <br> Exceed maximum limit of this edition. <br>Please remove the excess records and try again',
	'LBL_TEMPLATE_INFO_PART1'=>'To see all templates or templates of other modules, enter the module name or "All" in the Module Name search box.', 
	'LBL_TEMPLATE_INFO_PART2'=>'If recipients in TO field are not of the same module as the template, tracking will not be enabled for those recipients, and merge fields will not be merged.',
	'LBL_HIDDEN_BECAUSE_OF_DEPENDENCY' => 'Field is hidden because of dependency rule',
	'MAILCHIMP_REVOKE_ACCESS_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing MailChimp authentication. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.',
	// Added for Event Forms
	'LBL_VIEW_ANSWERS' => 'View answers',
	'LBL_ANSWERS' => 'Answers',

	//Default sort order translations
	'LBL_DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER' => 'Default sort column and sort order',
	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMN' => 'Select Column',
	'LBL_SELECT_SORT_ORDER' => 'Select Sort Order',
	'LBL_ASCENDING' => 'Ascending',
	'LBL_DESCENDING' => 'Descending',
	'LBL_DEFAULT_SORT_MESSAGE' => 'List is always sorted on this column by default for every new user session.',
	'LBL_QUEUED' => 'Queued',
	// End
	//Added for Inbox
	'LBL_FROM_DISABLED_MESSAGE'=>'The mail server selected in Outgoing server settings page does not allow From address to be changed.',
	// End
	'LBL_MODULE_MANDATORY' => 'Module is mandatory',
	'Online' => 'Online',
	'Busy' => 'Busy',
	'JS_SHARED_WITH'=>'Shared with',
	 'LBL_REPLY_TO' =>'Reply to',
	'LBL_MODULE_ASSIGNMENT_RULES' => '%s Assignment Rules',

	'LBL_RECENT_UPDATES' => 'Recent Updates',
	'LBL_VIEW_UPDATES_IN_DETAIL' => 'Read More ...',
	'LBL_DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_TOOLTIP'=>'Make this dashboard as default by reordering it as the first tab!',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

$jsLanguageStrings = array(
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page',
	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD' => 'Please select at least one record',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	//dropdown categary
	'JS_USERS' => 'Users',
	'JS_GROUPS' => 'Groups',
	'JS_ALL' => 'All',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	//Validation Error Message
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_VALUE' => 'Please enter a valid value',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TAG_NAME' => 'Please enter valid tag name',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_TAG_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Tag Saved Successfully',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address',
	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'Contains illegal characters',
	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'Phone number length exceeded limit',
	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER' => 'Accepts only positive numbers',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_ACCEPT_WHOLE_NUMBERS' => 'Accepts only whole numbers',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'Value should be greater than zero',
	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE' => 'Please Enter Valid Date',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME' => 'Please Enter Valid Time',
	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER' => 'Invalid Page Number',
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Satish committed
	'JS_SUBJECT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Subject value cannot be empty',
	'JS_PERCENTAGE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage should be less than 100',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF' => 'Invalid number of',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'INVALID_NUMBER' => 'Invalid number',
	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?',

	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1' => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected ',
	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2' => 'address details?',
	'SINGLE_Accounts' => 'Organization',
	'SINGLE_Contacts' => 'Contact',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'SINGLE_Project' => 'Project',
	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone' => 'Project Milestone',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', // This is added as duplicate as we need to show different message for different modules. Ex:Accounts has different message
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'LBL_UNLINK_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to unlink?',
	'LBL_DELETE_USER_CONFIRMATION' => 'When user is suspended, user will be marked as Inactive and no new records can be assigned to the user, and the user will not be able to login. Billing will stop for the user. Any records assigned to the suspended user will remain as they are. These records can be transferred at a later time.',
	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION_NOTE' => 'Note : Deleted records will be kept in recycle bin and cleared after %s days',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?',
	'JS_LBL_SAVE' => 'Save',
	'JS_LBL_CANCEL' => 'Cancel',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION' => 'Organization Name already Exists.Do you want to create a duplicate record?',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY' => 'Must occur before today',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select at least one option',
	'JS_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Please Select Module',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select at least one Mandatory Field',
	'JS_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Please select a module',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_POSITIVE_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter positive decimal value',

Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_START_TIME_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_TIME' => 'Start Time should be greater than Current Time',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date',
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than Current Date',
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be greater than or equal to',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to',
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be greater than or equal to',
	'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Current Date',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER' => 'Accepts only numbers',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected',
	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS' => 'max file Upload exceeds',
	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_LIST_EXIST' => 'List already exists',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE' => 'Failed to save changes on server',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	//Import Translations
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one matching field',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty',
	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Map Name already exists',
	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION' => 'Please select a file with the following extension:',
	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than',
	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds',
	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.',
	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once',
	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS' => 'Please map mandatory fields',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_MAP_MERGE_CRITERIA_FIELDS' => 'Please map matching fields',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE' => 'Please enter some value to search',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_VCF_FILE_IMPORT_WARNING' => 'You have selected a VCF file. Only Contacts can be imported from VCF file. To import this file, please initiate import from Contact module',
	'JS_ICS_FILE_IMPORT_WARNING' => 'You have selected a ICS file. Only Calendar can be imported from ICS file. To import this file, please initiate import from Calendar module',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	//Select2 elements validation message
	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'=> 'You can select only',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_ITEMS' => 'items',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION' => 'Permissions',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY' => 'Check File Integrity',
	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD' => 'Duplicate Record',

	//advance filter checkbox type condition values
	'JS_IS_ENABLED' => 'is enabled',
	'JS_IS_DISABLED' => 'is disabled',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty',
	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD' => 'This field is required',
	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget',
	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date',
	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create',

	//Image Action
	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully',
	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED' => 'Image Not Deleted',
	'LBL_YES' => 'Yes',
	'LBL_NO' => 'No',
	'AM' => 'AM',
	'PM' => 'PM',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_ERROR' => 'Error',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_INFORMATION' => 'Information',
	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID' => 'does not have an email address',
	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit',

	//Notification messages for inventory module
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address',
	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy',
	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user',
	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user',

	//Tag Cloud validation messages
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG' => 'Please enter a tag',
	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'Tag name already exist',
	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS' => 'Tag length exceeds max size',

	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE'=> 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?',
	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this List',

	// Calendar Reminder popup
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_START_DATE_TIME' => 'Start Date & Time',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_END_DATE_TIME' => 'End Date & Time',
	'JS_POSTPONE' => 'Postpone',
	'JS_MESSAGE' => 'Message',

	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE'=> 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?',

	//Settings page translations
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED' => 'Shortcut added successfully',
	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED' => 'Shortcut removed successfully',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED' => 'This shortcut is already added',
	'JS_MESSAGE' => 'Message',
	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT' => 'Mass Edit operation can be done on 500 or less records at a time',

	//Module Manager
	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED' => 'Module Enabled',
	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED' => 'Module Disabled',

	//Crom tasks
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_MINUTES' => 'mins',

	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully',
	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item added Successfully',
	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'No item Selected',
	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected',
	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully',
	'JS_DUPLICATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value',
	'JS_SELECT_RECORDS_TO_MERGE_FROM_SAME_GROUP' => 'You have to select the records in the same groups for merging',
	'JS_SELECT_ATLEAST_TWO_RECORD_FOR_MERGING' => 'Select atleast two records for merging',
	'JS_ALLOWED_TO_SELECT_MAX_OF_THREE_RECORDS' => 'You are allowed to select a maximum of three records',
	//Notification message for dashboard widget delete
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_WIDGET' => 'Are you sure you want to delete widget - %s?',
	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_DASHBOARDTAB' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this dashboard tab - %s?',
	'JS_TABS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Sorry! Can\'t add more than 10 tabs',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_DUPLICATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value',
	'JS_SELECT_RECORDS_TO_MERGE_FROM_SAME_GROUP' => 'You have to select the records in the same groups for merging',
	'JS_SELECT_ATLEAST_TWO_RECORD_FOR_MERGING' => 'Select atleast two records for merging',
	'JS_ALLOWED_TO_SELECT_MAX_OF_THREE_RECORDS' => 'You are allowed to select a maximum of three records',
	'JS_TOTAL_RECORDS' => 'Total records',
	'JS_PAGE_NOT_EXIST' => 'Page not exist',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_YOU_ARE_IN_PAGE_NUMBER' => 'You are in page number',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	//More currencies message
	'JS_PLEASE_ENABLE_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT' => 'Please enable base currency for product',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT' => 'Please select base currency for product',
	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Base Currency has to be changed to disable ',

	//Delete Records message
	'JS_RECORDS_ARE_GETTING_DELETED' => 'Records are getting deleted',
	'JS_RECORD_GETTING_DELETED' => 'Record getting deleted',
	'JS_NO_RESULTS_FOUND' => 'No Results Found',

	'JS_RECORDS TRANSFERRED SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Records ownership has been tranferred successfully',

Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	//TextSearch Language String
	'LBL_SEARCHING' => 'Searching in ',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_RECORDS_TRANSFERRED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Records ownership transferred successfully.',
	'JS_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User deleted successfully.',

Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_MAX_RECORDS_LIMIT' => 'Maximum Records for Print is :',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',
	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',
	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'SINGLE_Vendors' => 'Vendor',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	//Feedback on removing old version
	'JS_PLEASE_GIVE_YOUR_FEEDBACK' => 'Please Fill your Feedback',
	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Call From',
	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Incoming Call',
	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Pick up the extension receiver to dial the number',
	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Please fill all the fields',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_PBX_CAMPAIGN_NAME' => 'Campaign Name',
	'JS_PBX_CAMPAIGN_NUMBER' => 'Campaign Number',
	'JS_MIN_SEARCH_KEY_LENGTH' => 'Search Key should have aleast 3 characters',
	'JS_NO_MATCH' => 'No Matching Records Found',
	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_CALL' => 'Outgoing Call',
	'JS_PBX_CALL_TO' => 'Call To',
	'JS_REQUIRED' => 'Required',
	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER' => 'Phone Number',
	'JS_NO_CREATE_PERMISSION' => 'Call need to be answered before creating record',
	'HelpDesk' => 'Tickets',
	'Potentials' => 'Opportunities',
	'JS_CALL_NOT_ANSWERED_UPDATE_PERMISSION' => "Call need to be answered before linking record", 
	'JS_CALL_NOT_ANSWERED' => "Call need to be answered before performing the action",
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	// ends
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_NO_EDIT_PERMISSION' => 'You don\'t have the permission to edit this event',

	//Google Synchronization
	'SYNC_REMOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Google synchronization removed successfully.',
	'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MESSAGE' => 'Clicking on this will remove existing Gmail authentication. It will not delete any records which are already synchronized.',
	'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION' => 'Remove Synchronization',
	'FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Field Mapping',
	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Synchronize Now',
	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Synchronizing....',
	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'You have not synchronized yet',
	'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Field Mapping',

	'LBL_RESTORE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to restore this user?',
	'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENT_CONFIRMATION' => 'Once deleted this user cannot be restored back. Are you sure you want to delete this user permanently?',

	'LBL_LANGUAGE_LABEL_VALIDATION' => 'Label value cannot be empty. You must enter some value.',
	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Your changes will be lost!',
	'JS_RECORD_DELETED' => 'Record deleted',
	'JS_NO_DELETE_PERMISSION' => 'No delete permission',
	'JS_CONFIRM_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Are you sure you want to mark Event as Held?',
	'JS_CONFIRM_MARK_AS_COMPLETED' => 'Are you sure you want to mark Task as Completed?',
	'JS_TODO_MARKED_AS_COMPLETED' => 'Task marked as Completed',
	'JS_EVENT_MARKED_AS_HELD' => 'Event marked as Held',
	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_MARKED_AS_HELD' => 'Future event cannot be marked as Held',
	'JS_PERMISSION_DENIED' => 'Permission denied',
	'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maximum 160 characters are allowed for text message',
	'JS_VIEWNAME_ALERT' => 'Maximum 40 characters are allowed for list name',
	'JS_EXCEEDS_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Exceeded maximum upload size',
	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Cannot Be Held For Future',
	'LBL_WARNING' => 'Warning',
	'DELETE_USER_PERMANENT_WARNING' => 'Deleting a user permanently will transfer all records including comments and history to new user.',
	'JS_CLOSE' => 'Close',
	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPERATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPERATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Cannot Be Held For Future',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_CLOSE' => 'Close',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	// For Line Iteam Currency Symbol select while Import
	'JS_CURRENCY_TOOLTIP_CONTENT_MESSAGE' => 'For importing Currency values in Line items, Vtiger will use this setting to identify the currency. Any currency values outside the line items tables, are assumed to be in User\'s preferred currency (selected in \'My Preferences\')',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_TRY_LATER' => 'Please try later!',
	'JS_FILE_NAME' => 'File Name',
	'JS_EXTERNAL_FILE_URL' => 'File Url',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_A_FILE' => 'Please select a file',
	// SMSNotifier Phone Format Warning
	'JS_PHONEFORMAT_ERROR' => 'Please check the phone number is in internatonal E.164 format with \'+\' prefix and the country code Ex +1 415 599 2671',

	// Leads and Potentials Field Mapping
	'JS_NONE' => 'None',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED' => 'is already been mapped',
	'JS_CANT_MAP' => 'Cant map',
	'JS_WITH' => 'with',
	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully',

	//JS Field Type Translation
	'JS_phone' => 'Phone',
	'JS_picklist' => 'Pick List',
	'JS_email' => 'Email',
	'JS_text' => 'String',
	'JS_currency' => 'Currency',
	'JS_multiSelectCombo' => 'Multi-Select Combo Box',
	'JS_time' => 'Time',
	'JS_textArea' => 'Text Area',
	'JS_url' => 'Url',
	'JS_string' => 'String',
	'JS_checkBox' => 'Check Box',
	'JS_date' => 'Date',
	'JS_decimal' => 'Decimal',
	'JS_percent' => 'Percent',
	'JS_skype' => 'Skype',
	'JS_None' => 'None',
	'JS_integer' => 'Integer',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_double' => 'Decimal',
	'JS_reference' => 'reference',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_image' => 'Image',

Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	// AutoFill Overwriting message
	'JS_OVERWRITE_AUTOFILL_MSG1' => 'Would you like to overwrite existing',
	'JS_OVERWRITE_AUTOFILL_MSG2' => 'with selected',

	//Demo Data Module Translatios
	'JS_ADD_DEMO_DATA_CONFIRMATION'=> 'Are you sure you want to add demo records to all modules?',
	'JS_ADD_DEMO_DATA_INFO'=> 'Demo records can be deleted by clicking the "Clear Demo Data" button.',
	'JS_CLEAR_DEMO_DATA_CONFIRMATION'=> 'Are you sure you want to clear demo data in all modules?',
	'JS_CLEAR_DEMO_DATA_INFO'=> 'Demo records can be added by clicking the "Add Demo Data" button.',
	'JS_DEMO_DATA_GETTING_POPULATED'=> 'Demo Data is being added, please wait...',
	'JS_DEMO_DATA_GETTING_CLEARED'=> 'Demo data is being cleared, please wait...',
	'JS_DEMO_DATA_ADDED' => 'Demo data added to all modules.',
	'JS_DEMO_DATA_CLEARED' => 'Demo data cleared from all modules.',
	'JS_HOME_DASH_BOARD_CLEAR_INFO'=>'Note: You can re-enable demo data from',
	'JS_SETTINGS_PATH'=>'Settings > Configuration > Configuration Editor.',
	'JS_PRINT' => 'Print',
	'JS_SAVE_AS_IMAGE' => 'Save As Image',
	'JS_DIRECTORY_IS_EMPTY' => 'Directory is empty',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_RELATED_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Lead / Contact Module to copy address',
	'SINGLE_Leads' => 'Lead',
	'JS_SELECTED_LEAD_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Lead does not contain address to copy',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_INVALID_EMAILS' => 'Invalid Emails',
	'JS_DIRECTORY_IS_EMPTY' => 'Directory is empty',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_INTERNAL_COMMENT' => 'Internal Comment',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_INTERNAL_COMMENT_INFO' => 'The comment will only be seen by CRM users, if the internal comment checkbox is enabled. To notify customers (through configurable workflows or customer portal) leave this checkbox disabled',
	'JS_NO_LINE_ITEM' =>'Line items cannot be empty.',
	'JS_INTERNAL_COMMENT' => 'Internal Comment',
	'JS_INTERNAL_COMMENT_INFO' => 'The comment will only be seen by CRM users, if the internal comment checkbox is enabled. To notify customers (through configurable workflows or customer portal) leave this checkbox disabled',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed

	'JS_NO_TAXES_EXISTS' => 'No taxes exist',
	'JS_CONFIRM_TAXES_AND_CHARGES_REPLACE' => 'Do you want to update tax & charge values corresponding to selected region?',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_PRINTTEMPLATEMODULE_DISABLED' => 'PrintTemplates module is disabled. Cannot perform the operation',
	'JS_SENT_FOR_SIGNATURE' => 'Sent for signature',
	'JS_FAILED_TO_SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE' => 'Failed to send for signing',
	'JS_SUITABLE_VTIGER_FIELD_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_MAPPING' => 'Suitable vtiger field not available for mapping',
	'JS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Settings saved successfully',
	'phone' => 'Phone',
	'email' => 'Email',
	'url' => 'Url',
	'home' => 'Home',
	'work' => 'Work',
	'custom' => 'Custom',
	'mobile' => 'Mobile',
	'main' => 'Main',
	'work_fax' => 'Fax',
	'home_fax' => 'Home Fax',
	'pager' => 'Pager',
	'profile' => 'Profile',
	'blog' => 'Blog',
	'home-page' => 'Homepage',
	'address' => 'Address',

	// Cron
	'JS_NONE_OF_THE_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED' => 'None of the values are changed',
	'JS_REMOVE_SYNC_CONFIRMATION' => 'Remove synchronization will only remove existing authentication, it will not delete synchronized records. If you synchronize with same Google account again, duplicate records will be created. Are you sure you want to remove synchronization?',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	//Recipient preferences labels
	'JS_LBL_GETTING_RECIPIENT_PREFS' => 'Getting recipient preferences..',
	'JS_LBL_SAVING_PREFERENCES' => 'Saving preferences..',
	// Social Module Strings
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_PLEASE_WAIT' => 'Please Wait...',
	'JS_SOCIAL_FIELD_ERROR' => 'field is required',
	// Twitter Specific
	'JS_ADD_FAVOURITE_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Added Tweet to favourite list successfully',
	'JS_UNDO_FAVOURITE_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Removed Tweet from favourite list successfully',
	'JS_UNDO_RETWEET_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'UndoRetweet successfully',
	'JS_STATUS_UPDATE_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Updated successfully',
	'JS_TWEET_DELETE_MSG' => 'Status Deleted successfully',
	'JS_INVALID_TWITTER_HANDLER_NAME' => 'Invalid Twitter Username',
	'JS_RELATION_ADDED_SUCESSFULLY' => 'Relation Added Successfully',
	'JS_FAILED_TO_ADD_RELATION' => 'Failed To Add Relation',
	'JS_SOCIAL_POST_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
	'JS_EVENT_OR_TODO_ADDED_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Event/Task added sucessfully',
	'JS_LEAD_ADDED_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Lead added successfully',
	'JS_OPPORTUNITY_ADDED_SUCESS_MSG' => 'Opportunity added successfully',
	'JS_TICKET_ADDED_SUCESS_MSG' => 'Ticket added successfully',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_CASE_ADDED_SUCESS_MSG' => 'Case added successfully',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_SELECT_OPTION' => 'Select an Option',

	'JS_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT' => 'Loading... Please wait..',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_SAVING_PLEASE_WAIT' => 'Saving.. Please wait..',
	'JS_DUPLICATE_EMAILS_PLEASE_CHECK' => 'Duplicate email addresses. Please check',
	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User already exists',
	'JS_ALERT' => 'Alert',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_SUCCESS' => 'Success',
	'JS_REMOVE_MASS_TAG_WARNING' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %s tag for selected records',
	'JS_VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'View already exists',
	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE' => 'Please enter value in the range',
	'JS_UPLOAD' => 'Upload',
Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_TODO_ADDED_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Task added successfully',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_EVENT_ADDED_SUCCESS_MSG' => 'Event added successfully',
	'JS_ACTIVE' => 'Active',
	'JS_SNOOZED' => 'Snoozed',
	'JS_INVALID_URL' => 'Invalid URL',
	'JS_MAX_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS' => 'Maximum allowed characters is',
	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
	'JS_TAB_LABEL_EXCEEDS_CHARS' => 'Tab label length should be less than %s characters',
	'JS_STARRED' => 'Unfollow',
	'JS_NOT_STARRED' => 'Follow',
	'JS_NO_TAG_EXISTS' => 'No Tag Exists' ,
	//help wizard
	'JS_HELP_AND_SUPPORT' => 'Help & Support',
	'JS_WHAT_DO_YOU_NEED_HELP_WITH' => 'What do you need help with?',
	'JS_SUBMIT' => 'Submit',

	/** Vtiger7 translations **/
	'JS_ADD_MAX_15_ITEMS' => 'You can only add 15 items',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_DEFAULT_ENABLED' => 'Default enabled',
	'JS_DEFAULT_DISABLED' => 'Default disabled',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_EDIT_FIELDS' => '%s Fields & Layout',
	'JS_MORE_VTIGER' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in vtiger',
	'JS_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in Google',
	'JS_MORE_OFFICE365' => 'There are more records to be synchronized in Office365',
	'JS_TOKEN_EXPIRED' => 'Office365 Authentication has expired. Click on Sign in with Office365 button to re-authorize.',
	'JS_EDIT_FIELDS' => '%s Fields & Layout',
	'JS_WISH_TO_PROCEED' =>"Are you sure you want to proceed?",
	'JS_SWITCH_TO_OLD_LOOK_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE' => 'Some features, including notifications, picklist colors, follow record, are not available in old version. You may switch back to new version by choosing new version from top right menu.',
	'JS_PROCEED_OLD_VERSION' => 'Proceed to old version',
	'JS_STAY_WITH_NEW_VERSION' => 'Stay with new version',

	//TimeAgo plugin Strings
	'JS_AGO' => 'ago',
	'JS_FROM_NOW' => 'from now',
	'JS_LESSTHAN_A_MINUTE' => 'less than a minute',
	'JS_A_MINUTE' =>'a minute',
	'JS_MINUTES' => 'minutes',
	'JS_AN_HOUR' => 'an hour',
	'JS_HOURS' => 'hours',
	'JS_A_DAY' => 'a day',
	'JS_DAYS' => 'days',
	'JS_A_MONTH' => 'a month',
	'JS_MONTHS' => 'months',
	'JS_A_YEAR' => 'a year',
	'JS_YEARS' => 'years',
	'JS_TODAY' => 'today',
	'JS_TOMORROW' => 'tomorrow',
	'JS_YESTERDAY' => 'yesterday',

	'JS_CREATE_TASK' => 'Create Task',

	'JS_MENTION_ATLEAST_ONE_USER' => 'Mention atleast one user',
	'JS_LOADING' => 'Loading...',
	'JS_CASE_ACCEPTED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Case accepted successfully',

Prasad's avatar
Prasad committed
	'JS_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL' => 'File Uploaded Successfuly',
Satish's avatar
Satish committed
	'JS_UPLOAD_FAILED' => 'File Upload Failed',
	'JS_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_FILE' => 'Failed to upload file',
	'JS_DOCUMENT_CREATED' => 'Document created',
	'JS_DOCUMENT_CREATION_FAILED' => 'Document creation failed',

	'JS_TEMPLATE_TEXT_EXCEEDS_LIMIT' => 'The size of the template exceeds the maximum allowed size of 100 KB. Please remove some text in the template and retry',
	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_IMAGE' => 'Please select an image',

	'JS_LBL_MY_PREFERENCES' => 'My Preferences',
	'JS_LBL_MY_PREFERENCES_TEXT' => 'Configure your personal preferences including Timezone, Currency, Date Format. You can also upload profile picture from My Preferences.',
	'JS_LBL_HELP' => 'Help',
	'JS_LBL_HELP_TEXT' => 'Click on Help button to find Guides and FAQs, and use the Help menu dropdown to get assistance from Vtiger support team',
	'JS_LBL_RESTART_TOUR' => 'Restart Guided Tour',
	'JS_LBL_RESTART_TOUR_TEXT' => 'Click here to start this tour again',
	'JS_GOOGLE_REMOVE_SYNC_CONFIRMATION' => 'Revoke access will only remove existing Google authentication for Contacts and Calendar, it will not delete synchronized records. If you synchronize with same Google account again, duplicate records will be created. Are you sure you want to revoke access?',
	'JS_OFFICE_REMOVE_SYNC_CONFIRMATION' => 'Revoke access will only remove existing Office365 authentication for Contacts, Calendar and Emails, it will not delete synchronized records. If you synchronize with same Office365 account again, duplicate records will be created. Are you sure you want to revoke access?',
	'JS_FOLLOW_RECORD' => 'Following the record',
	'JS_FOLLOWING' => 'Following',
	'JS_UNFOLLOW_RECORD' => 'Unfollowing the record',
	'JS_UNFOLLOWING' => 'Unfollowing',
	'JS_RECORD_CREATED' => 'Record created',
	'JS_RECORD_UPDATED' => 'Record updated',
	'JS_LIST_SAVED' => 'List saved',
	'JS_TAB_DELETED' => 'deleted',
	'JS_TAB_RENAMED' => 'Renamed',
	'JS_TAB_REORDERED' => 'Reordered',
	'JS_RECIPIENT_PREFERENCES_SAVED' => 'Recipient preferences saved',
	'JS_TASK_ADDED' => 'Task added',
	'JS_MARKED_COMPLETED' => 'Marked as completed',
	'JS_TASK_PRIORITY_CHANGED' => 'Task priority changed',
	'JS_NO_PERMISSION_TO_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'You do not have permission to mark this event as held',
	'JS_TAG_ADDED' => 'Tag added',
	'JS_TAB_DELETED' => 'deleted',
	'JS_TAB_RENAMED' => 'Renamed',
	'JS_TAB_REORDERED' =>'Reordered',
	//Convert Lead
	'JS_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR' => 'You have to enable either Organizations or Contacts module to convert the Lead.',

	'JS_CHECK_START_AND_END_DATE'=>'End Date & Time should be greater than or equal to Start Date & Time',
	'JS_CHECK_START_AND_END_DATE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER'=> 'End Date & Time should be greater than Start Date & Time',
	'JS_HOLD_FOLLOW_UP_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE'=> 'Hold Followup on should be greater than or equal to Start Date & Time',
	'JS_DUPLICATES_DETECTED' => 'Duplicate(s) detected!',

	'JS_IS' => 'is',
	'JS_IS_NOT' => 'is not',
	'JS_EQUALS' => 'equals',
	'JS_NOT_EQUALS_TO' => 'not equal to',
	'JS_ONLY_LETTERS_AND_NUMBERS_ALLOWED' => 'Only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and spaces are allowed',
	'JS_WIDGET_RESIZING_WAIT_MSG' => 'Widget contents will load after resizing.',
	'JS_BACKLOG'=> 'Backlog',
	'JS_AND' => 'and',
	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'=>'Sequence updated successfully',
	'JS_VIEW_RECORD' => 'View Record',
	'JS_SHOW_ALL'=>'Show all',
	'JS_SHOW_LESS' => 'Show less',
	'JS_SHOW_MORE' => 'Show more',

	'JS_KANBAN_ANCHORS_LIMIT_MESSAGE' => 'You can select upto 10 stages only', 
	'JS_KANBAN_NO_MORE_RECORDS' => 'No more records found',
	'JS_DELETED' => 'deleted',
	'JS_CLEAR_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_RECIPIENTS'=>'Changing the module will clear the template selected and recipients from TO field. Do you want to proceed?',
	'JS_WORKFLOW_ACTIONS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Exceeded maximum limit of actions in this edition.',
	'JS_RECORD_CREATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Create Record - Exceeded maximum limit of this edition.',
	'JS_KANBAN_NO_ANCHORS_CONFIGURED' => "You do not have any sales stages defined for your Sales pipeline.",
	'JS_KANBAN_NO_ANCHORS_CONFIGURED_NON_ADMIN' => "You do not have any sales stages defined for your Sales pipeline. Please contact your Administrator to define sale stages as per your sales process.",
	'JS_UPDATE_MAPPING_CONFIRMATION' => 'There are some matching columns in CSV file which are not saved in this mapping. Do you want to update this mapping with new columns?',
	'JS_MAPPING_UPDATED' => 'New mapping updated.',
	'JS_MAILCHIMP_REMOVE_SYNC_CONFIRMATION' => 'Revoke access will remove existing MailChimp authentication, it will not delete synchronized records. Are you sure you want to revoke access?',
	'JS_WARNING' => 'Warning',
	'JS_CANT_SELECT_LEAD' => 'Cannot select related Lead',
	'JS_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT' => 'Cannot select related Contact',
	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted records from your database?',
	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to restore the records?',
	'JS_COMMENT_POSTED_SUCCESSFULLY'=>'Comment posted successfully',
	'JS_SHARED_PUBLICLY_WITH'=>'Shared publicly with',
	'JS_SHARED_PRIVATELY_WITH'=>'Shared privately with',
	'JS_MAIL_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY'=>'Mail sent successfully',
	'JS_SHARED_PUBLICLY_TITLE'=>'Public Conversation can also be viewed by users outside the linked mailboxes, if they have access to the related Contact ,Opportunity ..etc',
	'JS_SHARED_PRIVATELY_TITLE'=>'Private Conversation can only be viewed by members of the mailboxes it is linked to.',
	'JS_LINKED_RECORDS_SUCCESS'=>'Linked records are successfully updated',
	'JS_MAIL_DRAFTED_SUCCESSFULLY'=>'Mail drafted successfully',

	//Custom view default sort translations.
	'JS_PLEASE_REMOVE_ONE_FIELD_FROM_CHOOSE_COLUMNS_LIST_TO_ADD_DEFAULT_SORT_FIELD' => 'Only 16 columns are allowed in a list view including sort columns.',
	'JS_DEFAULT_SORT_NOTIFY' => 'List is now sorted on default sort column ',
	'JS_ENABLED' => 'Enabled',
	'JS_DISABLED' => 'Disabled',
	'JS_ONLY_ALLOWED_USERS_ARE_ALLOWED_TO_DO_ACTION'=>'We could not mark the conversation(s) as unread/read/delete/done/private/public since you do not own it.',
	'JS_SHARED_WITH'=>'Shared with',
	'JS_DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_TOOLTIP' => 'Make this dashboard as default by reordering it as the first tab!',
	'JS_SET_DEFAULT_TAB' => 'is set as your default dashboard',