* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
$languageStrings = array(
'Roles' => 'Roles' ,
'SINGLE_Roles' => 'Rol' ,
'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Agregar Rol' ,

Ruben Estrada
'LBL_DELETE_ROLE' => 'Borrar Rol' ,
'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Transferir propiedad' ,
'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE' => 'a otro Rol' ,
'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Clic para editar/arrastrar para mover' ,
'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE' => 'Asignar Rol' ,
'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES' => 'Elegir Perfiles' , /
'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM' => 'Copiar privilegios de' ,
'LBL_TRANSFER_TO_OTHER_ROLE' =>'Transferir a otro Rol',

Ruben Estrada
'LBL_PROFILE' => 'Perfil' ,
'LBL_REPORTS_TO' => 'Reporta a' ,
'LBL_NAME' => 'Nombre' ,
'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES' => 'Asignar nuevos privilegios',
'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Asignar privilegios existentes',
'LBL_PRIVILEGES' => 'Privilegios' ,
'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Existe función duplicada',
'LBL_CAN_ASSIGN_RECORDS_TO' => 'Puede asignar registros a',

Ruben Estrada
'LBL_ALL_USERS' => 'Todos los usuarios',
'LBL_USERS_WITH_LOWER_LEVEL' => 'Usuarios con un Rol subordinado',
'LBL_USERS_WITH_SAME_OR_LOWER_LEVEL' => 'Usuarios que tienen el mismo Rol o un Rol subordinado',
'LBL_EDIT_ROLE' => 'Editar Rol',
'LBL_CREATE_ROLE' => 'Crear Rol',