Alan Bell authoredc703c94e
Vtiger CRM
Vtiger is a PHP based web application that helps businesses manage their sales and marketing processes.
Development on vtiger is done at http://code.vtiger.com which is a gitlab server.
To register for an account, please contact info @ vtiger.com, you will need this to file issues and/or fix the code Once you have an account, you can browse the code, see if your issue is already reported and if you have a new problem to report you can create an issue
If you then want to fix the issue (or another issue) you can create your own fork of vtiger to work on using the fork button on the vtiger project, this will create a new git repository for you at
on your computer you will need a git client installed and you need to tell git who you are:
git config --global user.name "YOUR NAME"
git config --global user.email "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
now clone your fork of vtiger
git clone http://code.vtiger.com/yourname/vtigercrm.git
this will pull down from the server your copy of the vtiger code and all the history.
You will make a new branch for your changes, you can give it a descriptive name, once the branch is created you will switch to that branch using the checkout command
git branch fix_projects_on_calendar
git checkout fix_projects_on_calendar
Now you can make your changes and commit all changed files with
git commit -a
Do reference the issue number in your commit message, e.g. "fix #2 display projects on the calendar" the number will allow the system to link the commit to the issue.
Now you can push your branch to the server, this creates the branch on the server end and populates it
git push --set-upstream origin fix_projects_on_calendar
look at the branch on code.vtiger.com and create a merge request from your branch to the upstream master, this will be reviewed to see if it fixes the issue and if all is good will be merged into the upstream code. You can then switch back to your master branch with
git checkout master
And you can create additional feature branches from there to fix different things.
If there have been other changes to the central vtiger code that you want in your work area then you can add the central repository as an upstream remote (only need to do this bit once), then you can fetch changes and merge them
git remote add upstream http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master