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Prasad authored5a349ee9
Loader.php 7.34 KiB
* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
$LOADER_FILE_DIR = dirname(__FILE__);
class Vtiger_Loader {
protected static $includeCache = array();
protected static $includePathCache = array();
* Static function to resolve the qualified php filename to absolute path
* @global <String> $LOADER_FILE_DIR
* @param <String> $qualifiedName
* @return <String> Absolute File Name
static function resolveNameToPath($qualifiedName, $fileExtension='php') {
$allowedExtensions = array('php', 'js', 'css', 'less');
$file = '';
if(!in_array($fileExtension, $allowedExtensions)) {
return '';
// TO handle loading vtiger files
if (strpos($qualifiedName, '~~') === 0) {
$file = str_replace('~~', '', $qualifiedName);
} else if (strpos($qualifiedName, '~') === 0) {
$file = str_replace('~', '', $qualifiedName);
} else {
$file = str_replace('.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $qualifiedName) . '.' .$fileExtension;
return $file;
* Function to include a given php file through qualified file name
* @param <String> $qualifiedName
* @param <Boolean> $supressWarning
* @return <Boolean>
static function includeOnce($qualifiedName, $supressWarning=false) {
if (isset(self::$includeCache[$qualifiedName])) {
return true;
$file = self::resolveNameToPath($qualifiedName);
if (!file_exists($file)) {
return false;
// Check file inclusion before including it
$status = -1;
if ($supressWarning) {
$status = @include_once $file;
} else {
$status = include_once $file;
$success = ($status === 0)? false : true;
if ($success) {
self::$includeCache[$qualifiedName] = $file;
return $success;
static function includePath($qualifiedName) {
// Already included?
if (isset(self::$includePathCache[$qualifiedName])) {
return true;
$path = realpath(self::resolveNameToPath($qualifiedName));
self::$includePathCache[$qualifiedName] = $path;
// TODO Check if resolvedPath is already part of include path.
set_include_path($path . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
return true;
* Function to get the class name of a given Component, of given Type, for a given Module
* @param <String> $componentType
* @param <String> $componentName
* @param <String> $moduleName
* @return <String> Required Class Name
* @throws AppException
public static function getComponentClassName($componentType, $componentName, $moduleName='Vtiger') {
// Change component type from view to views, action to actions to navigate to the right path.
$componentTypeDirectory = strtolower($componentType).'s';
// Fall Back Directory & Fall Back Class
$fallBackModuleDir = $fallBackModuleClassPath = 'Vtiger';
// Intermediate Fall Back Directories & Classes, before relying on final fall back
$firstFallBackModuleDir = $firstFallBackModuleClassPath = '';
$secondFallBackDir = $secondFallBackClassPath = '';
// Default module directory & class name
$moduleDir = $moduleClassPath = $moduleName;
// Change the Module directory & class, along with intermediate fall back directory and class, if module names has submodule as well
if(strpos($moduleName, ':') > 0) {
$moduleHierarchyParts = explode(':', $moduleName);
$moduleDir = str_replace(':', '.', $moduleName);
$moduleClassPath = str_replace(':', '_', $moduleName);
$actualModule = $moduleHierarchyParts[count($moduleHierarchyParts)-1];
$secondFallBackModuleDir= $secondFallBackModuleClassPath = $actualModule;
$modules = array('Users');
if($actualModule != 'Users') {
$baseModule = $moduleHierarchyParts[0];
if($baseModule == 'Settings') $baseModule = 'Settings:Vtiger';
$firstFallBackDir = str_replace(':', '.', $baseModule);
$firstFallBackClassPath = str_replace(':', '_', $baseModule);
// Build module specific file path and class name
$moduleSpecificComponentFilePath = Vtiger_Loader::resolveNameToPath('modules.'.$moduleDir.'.'.$componentTypeDirectory.'.'.$componentName);
$moduleSpecificComponentClassName = $moduleClassPath.'_'.$componentName.'_'.$componentType;
if(file_exists($moduleSpecificComponentFilePath)) {
return $moduleSpecificComponentClassName;
// Build first intermediate fall back file path and class name
if(!empty($firstFallBackDir) && !empty($firstFallBackClassPath)) {
$fallBackComponentFilePath = Vtiger_Loader::resolveNameToPath('modules.'.$firstFallBackDir.'.'.$componentTypeDirectory.'.'.$componentName);
$fallBackComponentClassName = $firstFallBackClassPath.'_'.$componentName.'_'.$componentType;
if(file_exists($fallBackComponentFilePath)) {
return $fallBackComponentClassName;
// Build intermediate fall back file path and class name
if(!empty($secondFallBackModuleDir) && !empty($secondFallBackModuleClassPath)) {
$fallBackComponentFilePath = Vtiger_Loader::resolveNameToPath('modules.'.$secondFallBackModuleDir.'.'.$componentTypeDirectory.'.'.$componentName);
$fallBackComponentClassName = $secondFallBackModuleClassPath.'_'.$componentName.'_'.$componentType;
if(file_exists($fallBackComponentFilePath)) {
return $fallBackComponentClassName;
// Build fall back file path and class name
$fallBackComponentFilePath = Vtiger_Loader::resolveNameToPath('modules.'.$fallBackModuleDir.'.'.$componentTypeDirectory.'.'.$componentName);
$fallBackComponentClassName = $fallBackModuleClassPath.'_'.$componentName.'_'.$componentType;
if(file_exists($fallBackComponentFilePath)) {
return $fallBackComponentClassName;
throw new AppException('Handler not found.');
* Function to auto load the required class files matching the directory pattern modules/xyz/types/Abc.php for class xyz_Abc_Type
* @param <String> $className
* @return <Boolean>
public static function autoLoad($className) {
$parts = explode('_', $className);
$noOfParts = count($parts);
if($noOfParts > 2) {
$filePath = 'modules.';
// Append modules and sub modules names to the path
for($i=0; $i<($noOfParts-2); ++$i) {
$filePath .= $parts[$i]. '.';
$fileName = $parts[$noOfParts-2];
$fileComponentName = strtolower($parts[$noOfParts-1]).'s';
$filePath .= $fileComponentName. '.' .$fileName;
return Vtiger_Loader::includeOnce($filePath);
return false;
function vimport($qualifiedName) {
return Vtiger_Loader::includeOnce($qualifiedName);
function vimport_try($qualifiedName) {
return Vtiger_Loader::includeOnce($qualifiedName, true);
function vimport_path($qualifiedName) {
return Vtiger_Loader::includePath($qualifiedName);