Spelling mistake in EmailTemplates/views/Popup.php
I can't select an Email Template from the Send Email modal overlay due to the following bug:
Please see line 36 here: http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/master/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Popup.php#L36
The function called in the ListView model should actually be called "addColumnToSelectClause" NOT "addColumnToSelectCaluse"
Now the interesting thing is that this bug does not appear on demo.vtiger.com...
After fixing the bug in Popup.php - I was still getting the error. Turns out that someone copied the spelling mistake to ListViedw but then corrected it in the Popup.php. (None of this is in the commit logs from what I can see)
I think there is some discrepency between what is in the "pkg" directory and what is in the Packages zip module file.