Product & Sercice Taxes and Shipping & Handling Taxes dilemma
Product & Service Taxes and Shipping & Handling Taxes dilemma
Product & Service Taxes - just an example
in a p/s (product/service) I enabled all P&S taxes: available from Tax Calculations => Product & Service Taxes (vtiger_shippingtaxinfo)
p/s taxes stored into vtiger_producttaxrel
if I disable a tax into vtiger_shippingtaxinfo, this one is still available in my saved p/s because vtiger_producttaxrel: that's right!
one step forward
in an inventory entity (quo, so, inv, po) I have included my p/s with all p/s taxes available
p/s taxes stored into vtiger_inventoryproductrel
now, if I disable a tax into p/s and I open again my inventory entity, this tax, previously saved, is no more available (but numeric values include in calculation)
available tax depend on vtiger_producttaxrel, but not on vtiger_inventoryproductrel: that's right!?!?
similar behaviour for Shipping & Handling Taxes
I think dependencies should be
p/s taxes (should) depend on vtiger_shippingtaxinfo (enabled ones) !union! vtiger_producttaxrel (not NULL ones) (this last table if I'm not creating a new p/s => edit existing)
inventory entity p/s taxes (should) depend on vtiger_producttaxrel (associated ones) !union! vtiger_inventoryproductrel (not NULL ones) (this last table if I'm not creating a new inventory entity => edit existing)
inventory entity s&h taxes (should) depend on vtiger_shippingtaxinfo (enabled ones) !union! vtiger_inventoryshippingrel (greater then 0 ones) (this last table if I'm not creating a new inventory entity => edit existing)