vt730: How to get more than 100 records using vtws_retrieve_related?
When using vtws_query_related if there are more than 100 related records, the api returns only the first 100.
It is possible to retrieve a total count using vtws_query_related, e.g.
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SalesOrder";
$relatedCount = vtws_query_related($query, $accWSId, 'SalesOrder', $current_user);
However it is not possible to add a LIMIT clause with this API - it fails.
$query = "SELECT * FROM SalesOrder LIMIT 100, 200;";
$moreRelatedStuff = vtws_query_related($query, $accWSId, 'SalesOrder', $current_user);
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught WebServiceException: Syntax Error on line 1: token 'WHERE' Unexpected WHERE(WHERE), expected one of: in /var/www/html/dev/include/Webservices/VTQL_Parser.php:1502
As I mentioned before here http://lists.vtigercrm.com/pipermail/vtigercrm-developers/2020-July/038724.html it seems the parser really doesn't want anything other than the very simplest of queries.