diff --git a/languages/en_us/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/en_us/Settings/Workflows.php
index 4c7af094339bcd6ee353a695fd460dfe3c3e0c7c..953e5a35a9edd3965f93ec0452004aab28fd10c1 100644
--- a/languages/en_us/Settings/Workflows.php
+++ b/languages/en_us/Settings/Workflows.php
@@ -151,6 +151,48 @@ $languageStrings = array(
     'LBL_VTPushNotificationTask' => 'Mobile Notification',
     'LBL_VTCreateEntityTask' => 'Create Record',
 	'LBL_MAX_SCHEDULED_WORKFLOWS_EXCEEDED' => 'Maximum number(%s) of scheduled workflows has been exceeded',
+    'is' => 'is %s',
+    'contains' => 'contains %s',
+    'does not contain' => 'does not contain %s',
+    'starts with' => 'starts with %s',
+    'ends with' => 'ends with %s',
+    'has changed' => 'has changed',
+    'is empty' => 'is empty',
+    'is not empty' => 'is not empty',
+    'equal to' => 'equal to %s',
+    'less than' => 'less than %s',
+    'greater than' => 'greater than %s',
+    'does not equal' => 'does not equal %s',
+    'less than or equal to' => 'less than or equal to %s',
+    'greater than or equal to' => 'greater than or equal to %s',
+    'is not' => 'is not %s',
+    'has changed to' => 'has changed to %s',
+    'has changed from' => 'has changed from %s',
+    'before' => 'before %s',
+    'after' => 'after %s',
+    'is today' => 'is today',
+    'is tomorrow' => 'is tomorrow',
+    'is yesterday' => 'is yesterday',
+	'previous month' => 'previous month',
+	'current month' => 'current month',
+	'next month' => 'next month',
+    'less than days ago' => 'less than %s days ago',
+    'less than days later' => 'less than %s days later',
+    'more than days ago' => 'more than %s days ago',
+    'more than days later' => 'more than %s days later',
+    'days ago' => '%s days ago',
+    'days later' => '%s days later',
+    'between' => 'between %s',
+    'in less than' => 'in less than %s',
+    'in more than' => 'in more than %s',
+    'is added' => 'is added',
+	'week days later' => '%s week days later',
+    'more than week days later' => 'more than %s week days later',
+    'less than week days later' => 'less than %s week days later',
+    'week days ago' => '%s week days ago',
+    'more than week days ago' => 'more than %s week days ago',
+    'less than week days ago' => 'less than %s week days ago',
 $jsLanguageStrings = array(
diff --git a/modules/Settings/Workflows/models/Record.php b/modules/Settings/Workflows/models/Record.php
index 4d8344da905d7a6b69a9689e517b64b118952fd7..4377ac23e1976ea341dff6a3556e7cf1063e3882 100644
--- a/modules/Settings/Workflows/models/Record.php
+++ b/modules/Settings/Workflows/models/Record.php
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ class Settings_Workflows_Record_Model extends Settings_Vtiger_Record_Model {
 				if($fieldLabel == '_VT_add_comment') {
 					$fieldLabel = 'Comment';
-				$conditionList[$conditionGroup][] = $fieldLabel.' '.vtranslate($operation, $moduleName).' '.vtranslate($value, $moduleName);
+				$conditionList[$conditionGroup][] = $fieldLabel.' '.vtranslate($operation, 'Settings:Workflows', $value);
diff --git a/packages/vtiger/optional/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx.zip b/packages/vtiger/optional/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx.zip
index a6d3e3a035c3a8755608712c46561113fd7ce408..6a323f7c3480217589adc3319cfe739bf2d26b93 100644
Binary files a/packages/vtiger/optional/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx.zip and b/packages/vtiger/optional/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx.zip differ
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/modules/Settings/Workflows.php b/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/modules/Settings/Workflows.php
index 8e77ae95cd10489a2b94426996df8a45f65b09aa..c0ef0685782cce3cf8ed89c8f622d400cc51d2d8 100644
--- a/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/modules/Settings/Workflows.php
+++ b/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/modules/Settings/Workflows.php
@@ -145,6 +145,48 @@ $languageStrings = array(
   'LBL_WORKFLOW_SEARCH' => 'Búsqueda por nombre',
   'LBL_UPDATED'                  => ' - Actualización'            ,
     'LBL_CREATION' => ' - Creación',
+    'is' => 'es %s',
+	'contains' => 'contiene %s',
+	'does not contain' => 'no contiene %s',
+	'starts with' => 'comienza con %s',
+	'ends with' => 'termina con %s',
+	'has changed' => 'ha cambiado',
+	'is empty' => 'esta vacio',
+	'is not empty' => 'no está vacío',
+	'equal to' => 'igual a %s',
+	'less than' => 'menos de %s',
+	'greater than' => 'mayor que %s',
+	'does not equal' => 'no es igual a %s',
+	'less than or equal to' => 'menos de o igual a %s',
+	'greater than or equal to' => 'mayor o igual a %s',
+	'is not' => 'no es %s',
+	'has changed to' => 'ha cambiado a %s',
+	'has changed from' => 'ha cambiado de %s',
+	'before' => 'antes de %s',
+	'after' => 'postre',
+	'is today' => 'es hoy',
+	'is tomorrow' => 'Es mañana',
+	'is yesterday' => 'es ayer',
+	'previous month' => 'mes anterior',
+	'current month' => 'mes actual',
+	'next month' => 'próximo mes',
+	'less than days ago' => 'Hace menos de %s días',
+	'less than days later' => 'menos de %s días más tarde',
+	'more than days ago' => 'Hace más de %s días',
+	'more than days later' => 'más de %s días más tarde',
+	'days ago' => 'Hace días %s',
+	'days later' => ' %s días más tarde',
+	'between' => 'entre %s',
+	'in less than' => 'en menos de %s',
+	'in more than' => 'en más de %s',
+	'is added' => 'está agregado',
+	'week days later' => '%s días de la semana más tarde',
+	'more than week days later' => 'más de %s días de la semana más tarde',
+	'less than week days later' => 'menos de %s días de la semana más tarde',
+	'week days ago' => '%s días de la semana hace',
+	'more than week days ago' => 'más de %s días de la semana hace',
+	'less than week days ago' => 'menos de %s días de la semana hace',
 $jsLanguageStrings = array(