 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.
$languageStrings = array(
	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campañas'                   , 
	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campaña'                    , 
	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar campaña'            , 
	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de campañas'          , 
	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Información de campaña'    , 
	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectativas y Reales'          , 
	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nombre de campaña'          , 
	'Campaign No'                  => 'Núm.  de campaña'              , 
	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tipo de campaña'            , 
	'Product'                      => 'Producto'                    , 
	'Campaign Status'              => 'Estado de la campaña'      , 
	'Num Sent'                     => 'Número de envíos'          , 
	'Sponsor'                      => 'Patrocinador'                , 
	'Target Audience'              => 'Público objetivo'           , 
	'TargetSize'                   => 'Cantidad objetivo'           , 
	'Expected Response'            => 'Respuesta estimada'          , 
	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Beneficio estimado'          , 
	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Costo estimado'              , 
	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Costo real'                  , 
	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Estimación de respuestas'   , 
	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Estimación de ventas'       , 
	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Estimación de ROI'          , 
	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Respuestas'                  , 
	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Ventas'                      , 
	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Retorno de inversión'       , 
	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
	'Referral Program'             => 'Programa de referidos'       , 
	'Advertisement'                => 'Publicidad'                  , 
	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banners'                     , 
	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing'                     , 
	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
	'Others'                       => 'Otros'                       , 
	'Planning'                     => 'Planeada'                    , 
	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactiva'                    , 
	'Complete'                     => 'Completa'                    , 
	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelada'                   , 
	'Excellent'                    => 'Excelente'                   , 
	'Good'                         => 'Buena'                       , 
	'Average'                      => 'Normal'                      , 
	'Poor'                         => 'Pobre'                       , 
	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--'                 , 
	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contactado - Éxito'         , 
	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contactado - Fracaso'        , 
	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contactado - No volver a contactar', 

$jsLanguageStrings = array(
	'JS_APPENDED_TO_EXISTING_LIST' => '%s de la lista seleccionada se anexará a la lista existente.',