<?php /************************************************************************************ * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger. * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. * All Rights Reserved. * Author : Francisco Hernandez Odin Consultores S de RL de CV * Author : www.odin.mx * Author : Proudly, the best Vtiger's Partner in Mexico ************************************************************************************/ $languageStrings = array( 'Recycle Bin' => 'Papelera de reciclaje' , 'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Seleccionar módulo' , 'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN' => 'Vaciar Papelera' , 'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurar' , 'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES' => 'No hay módulos disponibles', 'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista de registros de papelera' , 'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'No se encontraron registros para restaurar en el módulo', ); $jsLanguageStrings = array( 'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Estas seguro de quieres eliminar PERMANENTEMENTE todos los registros borrados de tu base de datos?', 'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Estas seguro que quieres restaurar los registros seleccionados?', );