<?php /************************************************************************************ * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger. * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. * All Rights Reserved. * Author : Francisco Hernandez Odin Consultores S de RL de CV * Author : www.odin.mx * Author : Proudly, the best Vtiger's Partner in Mexico ************************************************************************************/ $languageStrings = array( 'Campaigns' => 'Campañas' , 'SINGLE_Campaigns' => 'Campaña' , 'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Agregar Campaña' , 'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista de campañas' , 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION' => 'Información de Campaña' , 'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectativa y Real' , 'Campaign Name' => 'Nombre de Campaña' , 'Campaign No' => 'Núm. Campaña' , 'Campaign Type' => 'Tipo de Campaña' , 'Product' => 'Producto' , 'Campaign Status' => 'Situación de Campaña' , 'Num Sent' => 'Número de Envíos' , 'Sponsor' => 'Patrocinador' , 'Target Audience' => 'Público Objetivo' , 'TargetSize' => 'Cantidad Objetivo' , 'Expected Response' => 'Respuesta Estimada' , 'Expected Revenue' => 'Beneficio Estimado' , 'Budget Cost' => 'Costo Estimado' , 'Actual Cost' => 'Costo Real' , 'Expected Response Count' => 'Estimación de Respuestas' , 'Expected Sales Count' => 'Estimación de Ventas' , 'Expected ROI' => 'Estimación de ROI' , 'Actual Response Count' => 'Respuestas' , 'Actual Sales Count' => 'Ventas' , 'Actual ROI' => 'Retorno de Inversión' , 'Webinar' => 'Webinar' , 'Referral Program' => 'Programa de Referidos' , 'Advertisement' => 'Publicidad' , 'Banner Ads' => 'Banners' , 'Direct Mail' => 'Mailing' , 'Telemarketing' => 'Telemarketing' , 'Others' => 'Otros' , 'Planning' => 'Planeada' , 'Inactive' => 'Inactiva' , 'Complete' => 'Completa' , 'Cancelled' => 'Cancelada' , 'Excellent' => 'Excelente' , 'Good' => 'Buena' , 'Average' => 'Normal' , 'Poor' => 'Pobre' , '--None--' => '--Ninguno--' , 'Contacted - Successful' => 'Contactado - Éxito' , 'Contacted - Unsuccessful' => 'Contactado - Fracaso' , 'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contactado - No volver a contactar', );