diff --git a/languages/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/Settings/Vtiger.php
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diff --git a/languages/de_de/Accounts.php b/languages/de_de/Accounts.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Accounts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisationen'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Organisationen'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Zeige Organisationshierarchie', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Branche'                     , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Organisationsnr.'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Org. Namenszusatz'           , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Mitglied von'                , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Mitarbeiter'                 , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Besitzer'                    , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Ust. Nr.'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'andere E-Mail'               , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analyst'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Wettbewerber'                , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Kunde'                       , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investor'                    , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Presse'                      , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Interessent'                 ,
-       'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Prospect-Konten',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Wiederverkäufer'            , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Endedatum'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Assets.php b/languages/de_de/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 098801958ffef8f12f4f81fe050a6f90f34b1c92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Assets'                       => 'Bestandsverwaltung'          ,
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Bestandsverwaltung'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Bestandsverwaltung'      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Bestandsverwaltung List'     , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Bestandsverwaltung Information', 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Bestandsverwaltung Nr'       , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Seriennummer'                , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Verkaufsdatum'               , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Servicedatum'                , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag-Nummer'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Rechnung'                    , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Versandmethode'              , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Sendungsverfolgungsnummer'   , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Titel Bestandsverwaltung'    , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Beschreibung'                , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'unterstützt'                , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'wird nicht mehr unterstützt', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Calendar.php b/languages/de_de/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b23845fe66c119f4d0e5dd6cc335ae2a9dedcd8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'To Do'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add To Do'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'erstelle Ereignis'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listenansicht'               , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Ereignisse'                  , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Aufgaben'                    , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , 
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , 
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Termin / Aufgabe'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'To Do Informationen'         , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung'               ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Betreff'                     , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Termin beginnt'              , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Aktivitätentyp'             , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'sende Termin als E-Mail Nachricht', 
-	'Location'                     => 'Ort'                         , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Termin endet'                , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Support Endedatum'           , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Anruf'                       , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Meeting'                     , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Task'                        , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'geplant'                     , 
-        'Held'                         => 'Besitz',
-        'Not Held'                     => 'Nicht gehaltene',
-	'Completed'                    => 'abgeschlossen'               , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'erwarte Zuarbeit'            , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'nicht begonnen'              , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'verschoben'                  , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'mittel'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Besitzer wechseln'           , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Ereignis'                    , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'To Do'                     , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'To Do',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , 
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , 
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , 
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , 
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , 
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , 
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , 
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , 
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , 
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , 
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , 
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Standard Status & Type'      ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Typ',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Farbe bearbeiten',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'In Kalenderansicht',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Wählen Sie User Kalender',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Wählen Sie Kalender Farbe',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Bearbeiten von Kalender-Ansicht',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Löschen Kalender',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Wählen Aktivitätstyp',
-	'Tasks' => 'Aufgaben',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / To Do'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Task is successfully added to your Calendar', 
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads',
-    'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Kann nicht For Future gehalten zu werden',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Farbe Kalenderansicht erfolgreich aktualisiert',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Ansicht Kalender löschen?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalenderansicht erfolgreich hinzugefügt',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalenderansicht erfolgreich gelöscht',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Kein Kalender-Ansicht hinzufügen',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Kalender bearbeiten',
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Campaigns.php b/languages/de_de/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fba2d968aae62887d2903a7654e0d7b7df411bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Campaigns.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampagnen'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Kampagne'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Kampagnen Information'       , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Erwartungen & Aktuelles'     , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Kampagnenname'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Kampagnennr.'                , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Kampagnentyp'                , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Produkt'                     , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Kampagnenstatus'             , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'gesendete Anzahl'            , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Zielgruppe'                  , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Größe der Zielgruppe'      , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'erwarteter Rücklauf'        , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'erwarteter Umsatz'           , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Budget'                      , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'aktuelle Kosten'             , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'erwartete Rücklaufmenge'    , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'erwartete Verkaufsmenge'     , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'erwarteter ROI'              , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'aktuelle Rücklaufmenge'     , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'aktuelle Verkaufsmenge'      , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'aktueller ROI'               , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Websemiar'                   , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Referenzprogram'             , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Werbung'                     , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Web Werbung'                 , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'per Brief'                   , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'andere'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planung'                     , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'inaktiv'                     , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Complete'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'abgebrochen'                 , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'ausgezeichnet'               , 
-	'Good'                         => 'gut'                         , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Durchschnitt'                , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'schwach'                     , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--ohne--'                    , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'erfolgreich kontaktiert'     , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'ohne Erfolg kontaktiert'     , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Kontaktiert - nie wiederholen', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Contacts.php b/languages/de_de/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 137b19a0acded04fd1e492fc73cbc08a27b76c58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Personen'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Person'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Person'                      , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Kundenportal'                , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Bild vom Kontakt'            , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , 
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Tel. direkt'                 , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefon privat'              , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Funktion'                    , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Abteilung'                   , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Geburtsdatum'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Vorgesetzter'                , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistent'                   , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Telefon Assistent'           , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'nicht anrufen'               , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referenz'                    , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Portal Nutzer'               , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Straße'                     , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Ort'                         , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Bundesland'                  , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'PLZ'                         , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Land'                        , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Mailing-Postfach'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'weitere Straße'             , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'weiterer Ort'                , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'weiteres Bundesland'         , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'weitere PLZ'                 , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'weiteres Land'               , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Photo'                       , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sehr geehrter Herr'          , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sehr geehrte Frau'           , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Sehr geehrte Frau'           , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Sehr geehrter Herr Dr.'      , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Sehr geehrter Herr Prof.'    , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Nutzerliste'                 , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Person Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Support-Startdatum'          ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Support-Ende Datum'          ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Documents.php b/languages/de_de/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 69cbf5b49088b0a5dd2ee00a79d16121fc047adc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Documents.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Dokument'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Dokumentinformation'         , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Dateiinformation'            , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Beschreibung'                , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Dateiname'                   , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notiz'                       , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Dateityp'                    , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Größe'                     , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Download Typ'                , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Version'                     , 
-	'Active'                       => 'aktiv'                       , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Download Anzahl'             , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Verzeichnisname'             , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Dokumentennr.'               , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download Datei'              , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'prüfe Dateiintegrität'     , 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'intern'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'extern'                      , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Verschieben'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Verzeichnis hinzufügen'     , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Verzeichnis hinzufügen'     , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Verzeichnisname'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 109fe39ab75247bd71a89ab9c8da0f8a59dba0a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-Mail-Vorlagen' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'In E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-Mail-Vorlagen',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Vorlagenname',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Beschreibung',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Gegenstand',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Allgemeine Felder',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Wählen Sie Feldtyp',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Vorlagen verwalten für E-Mail-Modul',
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Emails.php b/languages/de_de/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Emails.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Betreff:'                    , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Anhang'                      , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Senden'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'E-Mail Vorlage wählen'      , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'neue E-Mail'                 , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , 
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'CC :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'BCC :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Die maximale Dateigröße zum hochladen beträgt', 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , 
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , 
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , 
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , 
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , 
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Time Sent'                   ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-Mail Informationen',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Events.php b/languages/de_de/Events.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Ereignisse'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Ereignis'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Ereignisse'                  , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Aufgabe'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Halten Followup auf'         , 
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Neues Follow Up Event'       ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Termin beginnt'              , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Termin endet'                , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Aktivitätentyp'             , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'privat'                      , 
-	'Public'                       => 'öffentlich'                 , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Anruf'                       , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Meeting'                     , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'geplant'                     , 
-	'Held'                         => 'durchgeführt'               , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'nicht durchgeführt'         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , 
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , 
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , 
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , 
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , 
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , 
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , 
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , 
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , 
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , 
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , 
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , 
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , 
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , 
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Einmal in jeder'        , 
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Faq.php b/languages/de_de/Faq.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Faq.php
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'Wissensbasis'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'Wissensbasis'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Wissensbasis Information'    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Kommentar'                   , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Frage'                       , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Antwort'                     , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Kommentare'                  , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'Wissensbasis Nr.'            , 
-	'General'                      => 'Allgemein'                   , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Entwurf'                     , 
-	'Published'                    => 'veröffentlicht'             , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'veraltet'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'Lösung'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/HelpDesk.php b/languages/de_de/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/HelpDesk.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'             , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Lösung'                     , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'interne Ticket Nr.'          , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Gewichtung'                  , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Verlauf aktualisieren'       , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Stunden'                     , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Tage'                        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Lösung'                     , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Von Kundenportal'            , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'grosses Problem'             , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'kleines Problem'             , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'anderes Problem'             , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'normal'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'hoch'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'dringend'                    , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'gering'                      , 
-	'Major'                        => 'bedeutend'                   , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Eigenschaft'                 , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'kritisch'                    , 
-	'Open'                         => 'offen'                       , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'warte auf Zuarbeit'          , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'geschlossen'                 , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Gewichtung'                  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'bezogen auf'                 ,
-    //added to support i18n in ticket mails
-    'Hi' => 'Hallo',
-    'Dear' => 'Hallo',
-    'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Ein Ticket wurde',
-    'LBL_DETAIL' => 'Hier sind die Details dazu :',
-    'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Danke',
-    'LBL_TEAM' => 'HelpDesk Team',
-    'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Ticket Details',
-    'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Betreff : ',
-    'created' => 'erzeugt.',
-    'replied' => 'beantwortet.',
-    'reply' => 'Es gibt eine Antwort zu Ihrem Anliegen ',
-    'customer_portal' => ' im Kundenportal des CRM Systems.',
-    'link' => ' Loggen Sie sich in das Kundenportal ein und nutzen Sie den folgenden Link, um die Nachricht zu sehen:',
-    'Thanks' => 'Danke',
-    'Support_team' => 'Support Team',
-    'The comments are' => 'Die Kommentare sind',
-    'Ticket Title' => 'Ticket Titel',
-    'Re' => 'Re :',
-    //this label for customerportal.
-    'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-    'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Neuer Ticket Status: ',
-    'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Der nachfolgende Ticket Status konnte nicht gesetzt werden:',
-    'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Der Kunde hat die folgenden zusätzlichen Infomationen zu dem Ticket hinzugefügt:',
-    'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Bitte kümmern Sie sich darum.',
-    'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Mit freundlichen Grüßen,',
-    'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Support Administrator',
-    'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Antwort zum Ticket Nr.',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Reactie op Ticketnummer',
-    'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => ' im Kundenportal - Dringend!',
-    'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Hier sind Ihre Login Daten für das Kundenportal: ',
-    'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Die E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden.',
-    'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Benutzername: ',
-    'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Passwort: ',
-    'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Ihnen wurde der Zugang zum Kundenportal freigeschaltet',
-    'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Bitte die E-Mail Adresse angeben',
-    'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse',
-    'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Sie haben keine Zugangsberechtigung mehr. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator.',
-    'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Eine E-Mail mit den Zugangsdaten wurde zu Ihnen gesendet.',
-    'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Das ist die Nachricht für Clients ohne HTML',
-    'HelpDesk ID' => 'Ticket ID',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Ticketnummer',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Ticket Nummer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Home.php b/languages/de_de/Home.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Top Organisationen'          , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Top Potentiale'              , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Top Angebote'                , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'benutzerdefinierte Listen'   , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'meine Gruppenzugehörigkeit' , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Top Verkaufsbestellungen'    , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Top Rechnungen'              , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Home Cockpit'                , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Top Einkaufsbestellungen'    , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'meine Wissensbasis'          , 
-	'UA'                           => 'aktuelle Aktivitäten'       , 
-	'PA'                           => 'unerledigte Aktivitäten'    , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Startseite'                  ,
-	'Key Metrics'                  => 'Key Metrics',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Import.php b/languages/de_de/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Import.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Schritt 1'                   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'wähle Datei'                , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Unterstütze Dateityp(en): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Schritt 2'                   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'spezifiziere Format'         , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Dateityp'                    , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Format'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Trennzeichen'                , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'hat Ãœberschriften'          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Schritt 3'                   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Vorgehensweise bei Duplikaten', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Wählen Sie diese Option um die Kriterien zum Zusammenführen festzulegen', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Wählen Sie diese Option um die Kriterien zum Zusammenführen festzulegen', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Wählen Sie die Felder in denen nach Duplikaten gesucht werden soll', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'vorhandene Felder'           , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'die zu untersuchenden Felder', 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'weiter'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Schritt 4'                   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Ordne die Felder den Spalten zu', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Ãœberschrift'                , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Datensatz 1'                 , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Felder'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Standardwert'                , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Speichere Zuordnung'         , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Import'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Ergebnis'                    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Anzahl aller importierten Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Anzahl neu erstellter Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Anzahl überschriebener Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Anzahl übersprungener Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Anzahl aller zusammengeführten Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Anzahl aller fehlgeschlagenden Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'weitere importieren'         , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'zuletzt importierte Datensätze', 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Letzten import Rückgängig machen', 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'fertigstellen'               , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Import rückgängig machen'  , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Anzahl aller Datensätze'    , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Anzahl aller gelöschten Datensätzen', 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'OK'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import geplant'              , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'läuft'                      , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Import abbrechen'            , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Fehler'                      , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Daten zurücksetzten'        , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Es gibt immer noch nicht importierte Datensätze in der Warteschlange, die Sie daran hindern, weiter Datensätze zu importieren. <br>
-                                       Setze Daten zurück und starte einen neuen Import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Aktuelle Import wurde unterbrochen. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Das Modul konnte für den Import nicht gesperrt werden. Versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , 
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , 
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , 
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', 
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , 
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , 
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Invoice.php b/languages/de_de/Invoice.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Rechnung'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export als PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Rechnungsliste'              , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Rechnungs Information'       , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Bestellung'                  , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Kundenzeichen'               , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Rechnungsdatum'              , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Auftrag:'                    , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Provision'                   , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Rechnungsnr.'                , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , 
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'gesendet'                    , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Gutschrift'                  , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'bezahlt'                     , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'automatisch erzeugt'         , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Abbrechen'                   , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Nicht ein Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Unter Produkte',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Aktion',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Lead Nr.'                    , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Funktion'                    , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Branche'                     , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Leadstatus'                  , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Anzahl Mitarbeiter'          , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--ohne--'                    , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sehr geehrter Herr'          , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sehr geehrte Frau'           , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Sehr geehrte Frau'           , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Sehr geehrter Herr Dr.'      , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Sehr geehrter Herr Prof.'    , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Kontaktierung versucht'      , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'kalt'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'in der Zukunft kontaktieren' , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'kontaktiert'                 , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'heiss'                       ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Hot Leads',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'wertloser Lead'              , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Lead verloren'               , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Nicht kontaktiert'           , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'vorqualifiziert'             , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'qualifiziert'                , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'warm'                        , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Lead umwandeln:'             , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Umwandlung nicht möglich'   , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Folgende könnten mögliche Gründe sein', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Alle Pflichtfelder sind nicht zugeordnet', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Einige Pflichtfelder sind leer', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Zuordnung der benutzerdefinierten Lead Felder', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Migration.php b/languages/de_de/Migration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dec109f63b366ce6dbeced98c1a2793352dbe77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Migration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Willkommen auf Vtiger Migration',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migration abgeschlossen',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Assistenten für die Migration',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Wir sind stolz darauf, mit Ihnen in Verbindung gebracht.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Haben Sie Fragen? Hilfe zu vtiger Suche <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Diskussionen </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Um mehr zu wissen, Vtiger folgen Sie uns unsere <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Hilfe -<a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Vielen Dank für Hilfe <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Wir wollen sein - einfach die beste',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Kommen Sie vorbei, es gibt Platz für Sie!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Ihre vtiger6 Migration erfolgreich abgeschlossen.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Um zu wissen, was ist neu in dieser Version, lesen Sie bitte. <a href="#" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Bitte warten Sie ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migration im Gange',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migration: Datenbankänderungen Anmelden',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/ModComments.php b/languages/de_de/ModComments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index aaa14bd800ae1b1c52e5faf299eaacc99d908c76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Kommentar'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Allgemeine Information'      , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'andere Information'          , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Kommentar'                   , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'erzeugt von'                 , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'bezogen auf'                 , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/PBXManager.php b/languages/de_de/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbce2dd4ea8b6c32a34e6cb68e5eb22e347d8b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/PBXManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'PBX Manager'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'PBX Manager'                 , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Anruf von'                   , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Anruf zu'                    , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Anrufzeit'                   , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Portal.php b/languages/de_de/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76b9f96bcd00a0223ce661309346cdca083c6b33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Portal.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Unsere Seiten',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Lesezeichen hinzufügen',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Namens',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark URL',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Erstellt am',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Unsere Website',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Lesezeichen bearbeiten',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Geben Sie Namen Bookmark',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Geben Sie URL (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Neue Lesezeichen',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark erfolgreich gespeichert',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Rekord erfolgreich gelöscht',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Unsere Seiten-Liste',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Merkliste',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmarks erfolgreich gelöscht',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Bookmarks',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Die Website, die Sie zu öffnen versuchen, ist nicht sicher und nicht öffnen könnte. Wenn Sie dann immer noch, um die Webseite zu sehen, dann können Sie auf der Content-Blocker in der Adressleiste klicken und aktivieren.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Verkaufspotentiale'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Potential'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Information:'                , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Potential Nr.'               , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Betrag'                      , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'nächster Schritt'           , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Verkaufsstufe'               , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Wahrscheinlichkeit (%)'      , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Kampagne'                    , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Neukundenwerbung'            , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Qualifikation'               , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Bedarfsanalyse'              , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Bewertung'                   , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Entscheider identifizieren'  , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Sichtweisenanalyse'          , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Vorschlag/Angebot'           , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Verhandlung'                 , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'gewonnen'                    , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'verloren'                    , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--ohne--'                    , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'existierendes Geschäft'     , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'neues Geschäft'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            ,
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potenziale erhalten',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Preislisten'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Preisliste'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Preislisteninformation:'     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Preislistenname'             , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Preislisten Nummer'          , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Einheitspreis',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Hinzufügen zu',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Produkte'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Produkt'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Produkt hinzufügen'         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Produkt'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Produktbilder:'              , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Lager:'                      , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'weitere Währungen'          , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Produktpreise'               , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Preis'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Preis zurücksetzen'         , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'zurücksetzen'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Produkt Nr.'                 , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Produktcode'                 , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Aktiv'                       , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Hersteller'                  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Produktkategorie'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Herstellernr.'               , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Händlernr.'                 , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Mengeneinheit'               , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Verantwortlicher'            , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Minimalbestand'              , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'MwSt. Stufe'                 , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Seriennummer'                , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Lagerbestand'                , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Produktblatt'                , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Bestellmenge'                , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'FIBU Konto'                  , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Produktbild'                 , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Einheitenpreis'              , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Kommission (%)'              , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Menge/Einheit'               , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--ohne--'                    , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM Anwendung'               , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Einkommen Software'      , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Einkommen Hardware'      , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Einkommen Vermietung'    , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Einkommen Zinsen'        , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Einkommen Software Support', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Einkommen Anderes'       , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Einkommen Internet'      , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Einkommen Service'       , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Einkommen Buchverkauf'   , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Box'                         , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Karton'                      , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Kiste'                       , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dutzend'                     , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Paket'                       , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Stunden'                     , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressionen'                , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Pfund'                       , 
-	'M'                            => 'Meter'                       , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Packung'                     , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Seiten'                      , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Teile'                       , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Gebiete'                     , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Lagen'                       , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spiralen'                    , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Quadratmeter'                , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Aktivieren Produkte Modul zur Produktansicht',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Project.php b/languages/de_de/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Project.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'	=>	"Projekt",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Projekt hinzufügen",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Projekte Liste",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'	=>	"Projekt-Details",
-	'Project Name'	=>	"Project Name",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Startdatum",
-	'Target End Date'	=>	"Ziel End Date",
-	'Actual End Date'	=>	"Tatsächliche Enddatum",
-	'Project No'	=>	"Projektnummer",
-	'Target Budget'	=>	"Ziel Budget",
-	'Project Url'	=>	"Projekt-URL",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Fortschritt",
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'	=>	"Aufgaben öffnen",
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'	=>	"Fällige Aufgaben",
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'	=>	"Abgeschlossene",
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'	=>	"Menschen",
-	'LBL_CHARTS'	=>	"Charts",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Aufgabenliste",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Meilensteine",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Aufgaben",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Der Status ist",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Status",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Priority",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"mehr",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Meilensteine ​​Liste",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Datei herunterladen",
-        'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'Hohe Priorität',
-        'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Normale Priorität',
-        'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Niedrige Priorität',
-        'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Andere Prioritäten',
-        'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Wählen Fortschritt',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospektion',
-    'in progress' => 'In Progress',
-    'initiated' => 'Initiiert',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Warten auf Rückmeldung',
-    'on hold' => 'On Hold',
-    'archived' => 'Archivierte',
-    'completed' => 'Fertiggestellt',
-    'delivered' => 'Lieferung',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Andere',
-    'low' => 'Niedrig',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Hoch',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Wählen Sie Status',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Wählen Fortschritt',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/de_de/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/ProjectMilestone.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'	=>	"Projekt Milestone",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Projekt hinzufügen Milestone",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Projekt Milestones Liste",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Projekte Liste",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Aufgabenliste",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Meilensteine ​​Liste",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION'	=>	"Projekt Milestone Einzelheiten",
-	'Project Milestone Name'	=>	"Projekt Milestone Namen",
-	'Milestone Date'	=>	"Milestone Datum",
-	'Project Milestone No'	=>	"Projekt Milestone Nummer",
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Andere',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/ProjectTask.php b/languages/de_de/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/ProjectTask.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'	=>	"Projektaufgabe",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"In Projektaufgabe",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Projekt Task-Liste",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION'	=>	"Projektaufgabe Einzelheiten",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Projekte Liste",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Aufgabenliste",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Meilensteine ​​Liste",
-	'Project Task Name'	=>	"Projekt Task-Name",
-	'Project Task No'	=>	"Projektaufgabe Nein",
-	'Project Task Number'	=>	"Projektaufgabe Anzahl",
-	'Status'	=>	"Status",
-	'Priority'	=>	"Priority",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Fortschritt",
-	'Type'	=>	"Typ",
-	'Worked Hours'	=>	"Arbeitsstunden",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Startdatum",
-	'End Date'	=>	"End Date",
-	'Related To'	=>	"Bezug zu",
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Andere',
-    'low' => 'Niedrig',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Hoch',
-	'Created Time'	=>	"Erstellt Zeit",
-	'Modified Time'	=>	"Geändert Zeit",
-	'description'	=>	"Beschreibung",
-	'Assigned To'	=>	"Zuständig",
-	'Open'	=>	"Öffnen",
-	'In Progress'	=>	"in uitvoering",
-	'Completed'	=>	"Fertiggestellt",
-	'Deferred'	=>	"Latente",
-	'Canceled'	=>	"Gestrichen",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/PurchaseOrder.php b/languages/de_de/PurchaseOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aafd8c800da805bf02c89725b68f2d06868527e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/PurchaseOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Einkaufsbestellung'          , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export als PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Einkäufe'                   , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , 
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Einkauf'                     , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Einkaufsbestellungen Nr.'    , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Bestellnummer'               , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Bedarfsnummer'               , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Provision'                   , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , 
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , 
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Lieferung empfangen'         , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Listenpreis',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Listenpreis',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Kopieren Firma Adresse',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Quotes.php b/languages/de_de/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed89fa35a05312b552a1520e3a02cc2281940754..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Angebot'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export als PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Angebote'                    , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Angebot'                     , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Angebotsnr.'                 , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Angebotsstufe'               , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Ablauf Bindefrist'           , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Bestandsmanager'             , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'akzeptiert'                  , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'abgelehnt'                   ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Offene Zitate',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/RecycleBin.php b/languages/de_de/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index db60e6fe3af9aa30cb97d9a034a7770bcf85fed4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Papierkorb'                 , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Papierkorb leeren'           , 
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Wiederherstellen'                     , 
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Keine zulässigen Module', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Papierkorb Liste'            , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Keine Datensätze gefunden, um in Modul wiederherstellen', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sind Sie sicher, Sie wollen, um alle gelöschten Datensätze aus Ihrer Datenbank dauerhaft zu entfernen?', 
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datensätze wiederherstellen?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Reports.php b/languages/de_de/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d3cdceb83fcf23c7b454e4cebbf59e18078c6797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Berichte'                    ,
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Bericht verschieben'         ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Anpassen'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Drucken'                     ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Berichtsdetails'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Spalten wählen'             ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filter'                      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'neue Berichtsgruppe:'        ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total records : '           ,
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Nur 1000 Einträgen finden Sie weiter unten. Bitte exportieren, um alle Datensätze zu sehen',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Berichtsname'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Berichtsordner'              ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Beschreibung'                ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Maximum'                     ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'weiter'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'aufsteigend'                 ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'absteigend'                  ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Berechnungen'                ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Spalten'                     ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Summe'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Durchschnitt'                ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'kleinster Wert'              ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'Summe'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'Durchschnitt'                ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'Minimum'                     ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Feldnamen'                   ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Details ansehen'             ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                ,
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Berichtsname'                ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Organisations- und Personenberichte',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Lead-Berichte'               ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Potentialberichte'           ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Aktivitätenberichte'        ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Trouble Tickets Berichte'    ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Produktberichte'             ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Angebotsberichte'            ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Einkaufsbestellungsberichte' ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Verkaufsbestellungsberichte' ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Rechnungsberichte'           ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Kampagnenberichte'           ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Personen nach Organisationen',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Personen ohne Organisationen',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Personen nach Potentialen'   ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Personen bezogen auf Orgnisationen',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Personen ohne Bezug auf Organisationen',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Personen bezogen auf Potentiale',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Lead nach Quellen'           ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Lead-Statusbericht'          ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Potentialpipeline'           ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'geschlossene Potentiale'     ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'abgeschlossene Geschäfte'   ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tickets nach Produkten'      ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tickets nach Priorität'     ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Offene Tickets'              ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tickets bezogen auf Producte',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'offene Tickets'              ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Produktdetails'              ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Produkte nach Personen'      ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Produktdetailbericht'        ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Produkte bezogen auf Personen',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'offene Angebote'             ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'detailierter Angebotsbericht',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'offene Angebote'             ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Verkaufsbestellung nach Personen',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'detaillierter Bericht über Verkaufsbestellungen',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Verkaufsbestellung bezogen auf Personen',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'detaillierter Bericht über Rechnungen',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Aktivitäten des letzten Monats',
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Aktivitäten aus diesem Monat',
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Kampagnenerwartungen und aktuelles',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'detaillierter Verkaufsbestellungenbericht',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Bericht drucken'             ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Datensätze'                 ,
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records',
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         ,
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Berechnung auf der Meine Einstellungen Währung Ihres CRM basiert',
-    //Schedule Reports
-    'LBL_CREATING_REPORT'	=>	'Erstellen von Berichts',
-	'LBL_EDITING_REPORT'	=>	'Bearbeiten von Berichts',
-	'LBL_SCHEDULE_REPORTS'	=>	'Spielplan Berichte',
-	'LBL_AT_TIME'	=>	'Bei Zeit',
-	'LBL_DAILY'	=>	'Täglich',
-	'LBL_WEEKLY'	=>	'Wöchentlich',
-	'LBL_MONTHLY_BY_DATE'	=>	'Monatlich nach Datum',
-	'LBL_YEARLY'	=>	'Jährlich',
-	'LBL_SPECIFIC_DATE'	=>	'Auf bestimmten Datum',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE'	=>	'Datum wählen',
-	'LBL_ON_THESE_DAYS'	=>	'An diesen Tagen',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MONTH_AND_DAY'	=>	'Wählen Sie Monat und Datum',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_DATES'	=>	'Ausgewählte Termine',
-	'LBL_EXCEEDING_MAXIMUM_LIMIT'	=>	'Maximale Grenze überschritten',
-	'LBL_NEXT_TRIGGER_TIME'	=>	'Weiter Triggerzeit auf',
-	'LBL_RUN_REPORT'	=>	'Bericht ausführen',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RECIEPIENTS'	=>	'Empfänger auswählen',
-	'LBL_SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS'	=>	'Senden an bestimmte E-Mail',
-    //Summary/Pivot Reports
-    'LBL_CREATING_PIVOT_REPORT' => 'Neues Pivot Bericht',
-    'LBL_EDITING_PIVOT_REPORT' => 'Bearbeiten Pivot Bericht',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PIVOT_FIELDS' => 'Wählen Pivot Felder',
-    'LBL_SELECT_ROWS' => 'Wählen Zeilen',
-    'LBL_SELECT_DATA_FIELDS' => 'Wählen Sie Datenfelder',
-    'LBL_ADD_ROWS' => 'Hinzufügen von Zeilen',
-    'LBL_ADD_COLUMNS' => 'Spalten hinzufügen',
-    'LBL_ADD_DATA_FIELDS' => 'Hinzufügen von Datenfeldern',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_FIELDS' => 'Ausgewählte Pivot Felder',
-    'LBL_RECORD_COUNT' => 'Anzahl der Datensätze',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PIVOT_FIELDS_WARNING' => 'Achtung: Bitte wählen Sie mindestens ein Feld Row, Column Feld und Datenfeld.',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_DATA_FIELDS_WARNING' => 'Achtung: In Datenspalte - Aggregationsfunktionen (Summe, avg, min und max) nicht wiederholen.',
-    'LBL_MODIFY_CONDITIONS' => 'Ändern Bedingungen',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_PREVIEW_EX' => 'Pivot Berichtsvorschau (Beispiel)',
-	//charts labels
-	'LBL_SELECT_CHART_TYPE'=>	'Wählen Sie Diagrammtyp',
-	'LBL_CLICK_THROUGH_NOT_AVAILABLE'=>	'Klicken Sie sich durch nicht zur Verfügung, wie Sie mehr als ein Modul ausgewählt haben',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_SUM_OF'=>	'Gesamtsumme der',
-	'LBL_AVG_OF'=>	'Durchschnitt der',
-	'LBL_MIN_OF'	=>'Mindestens',
-	'LBL_MAX_OF'=>	'Maximal',
-	'LBL_RECORD_COUNT'	=>'Anzahl der Datensätze',
-	'LBL_PIE_CHART'=>	'Kreisdiagramm',
-	'LBL_VERTICAL_BAR_CHART'=>	'Vertical Bar Chart',
-	'LBL_HORIZONTAL_BAR_CHART'	=>'Horizontales Balkendiagramm',
-	'LBL_LINE_CHART'=>	'Liniendiagramm',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CHART'	=>'Wählen Tabelle',
-	'LBL_CREATING_CHART_REPORT'=>	'Erstellen von Diagrammen Bericht',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CHART_REPORT'=>	'Bearbeiten von Diagrammbericht',
-	'LBL_GENERATE_CHART'=>	'Generieren Tabelle',
-	'LBL_SELECT_GROUP_BY_FIELD'	=>'Wählen Sie Gruppe von Feld',
-	'LBL_SELECT_DATA_FIELD' =>'Wählen Sie Datenfelder',
-	'LBL_MODIFY_CONDITION'=>	'Ändern Bedingungen',
-	'LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_GROUP_FIELD_AND_DATA_FIELD'=>	'Bitte wählen Sie mindestens ein Feld und groupBy ein Datenfeld.',
-	'LBL_FOR_BAR_GRAPH_AND_LINE_GRAPH_SELECT_3_MAX_DATA_FIELDS'=>	'Für Bar-und Line-Grafik können Sie maximal 3 Datenfelder auswählen.',
-	'LBL_DETAIL_REPORT'	=> 'Detailbericht',
-	'LBL_PIVOT_REPORT'	=> 'Pivot-Bericht',
-	'LBL_CHARTS' => 'Charts',
-    //Schedule Reports - Mail Content
-    'LBL_AUTO_GENERATED_REPORT_EMAIL' => 'Dies ist eine automatisch generierte E-Mail im Namen einer geplanten Bericht gesendet.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            ,
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Rss.php b/languages/de_de/Rss.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5194b64a30fe62215264c4e57a9b22a89738d1dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Rss.php
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Rss Feed-Quellen',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Futtermittel Quelle hinzufügen',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Liste der Feeds aus',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Standard machen',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'Absender',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Feed-Quelle',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Geben Futterquelle',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'Rss Futtermittel',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss erfolgreich gespeichert',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Ungültige Rss url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Gemacht als Standard',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e36d5f96bce46b10401aed70b10ca6d2ae7cdb2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Konfiguration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'prüfe Status'               , 
-	'message'                      => 'Nachricht'                   , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/SalesOrder.php b/languages/de_de/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ace0d8c84e6b3603e9265b4bbe71c0cbf027c30..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/SalesOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Sales Order'                 , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export als PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Verkäufe'                   , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Verkauf'                     , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Verkaufsbestellung Nr.'      , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Angebot'                     , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Kundenzeichen'               , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Bestellnummer'               , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Bedarfsnummer'               , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Provision'                   , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Bestellnummer'               , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Lieferbedingungen'           , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'hängig'                     , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Wiederholung zulassen'       , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequenz'                    , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Start'                       , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Ende'                        , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Zahlungsbedingung'           , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Rechnungsstatus'             , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Zwischensumme'               , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'automatisch'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'gesendet'                    , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Rechnung erstellen'          , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'bezahlt'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/de_de/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ef552914ca05469d40cb476a81e08764dc2b38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/ServiceContracts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Serviceverträge'            , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Servicevertrag'              ,
-	'Service Contracts'             => 'Serviceverträge'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Servicevertragsinformation'  , 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Vertragsnummer'              , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Endedatum'                   , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Einheit'                     , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Gesamtzahl'                  , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Verbrauch'                   , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Fortschritt (in %)'          , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'geplante Dauer (in Tagen)'   , 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'ggw. Dauer (in Tagen)'       , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Services.php b/languages/de_de/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 83bf46889e4e1b145e6049bdb97cd7790a97a3a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Dienstleistungen'            , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Dienstleistung'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Dienstleistung hinzufügen'  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Dienstleistung'              , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'weitere Währungen'          , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Preis'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Preis zurücksetzen'         , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'zurücksetzen'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Name der Dienstleistung'     , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'aktiv'                       , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Kategorie'                   , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Dienstleistungsnr.'          , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Besitzer'                    , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Anzahl der Einheiten'        , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Provision (%)'               , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Preis'                       , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Einheit'                     , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Steuerklasse'                , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/Accounts.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/Accounts.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisationen'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Organisationen'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Zeige Organisationshierarchie', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Branche'                     , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Organisationsnr.'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Org. Namenszusatz'           , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Mitglied von'                , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Mitarbeiter'                 , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Besitzer'                    , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Ust. Nr.'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'andere E-Mail'               , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analyst'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Wettbewerber'                , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Kunde'                       , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investor'                    , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Presse'                      , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Interessent'                 , 
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Wiederverkäufer'            , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Endedatum'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/CronTasks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e583ea2155eabb9a6bda2752511556222b665c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/CronTasks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , 
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , 
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , 
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b538b7d3f8a07bb28ba58046cfa8d4f9cbe788..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Currency.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , 
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , 
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , 
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , 
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , 
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , 
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , 
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , 
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , 
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , 
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , 
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , 
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , 
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , 
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , 
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , 
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , 
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , 
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , 
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , 
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , 
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , 
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , 
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , 
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , 
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , 
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , 
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , 
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , 
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , 
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , 
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , 
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , 
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , 
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , 
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , 
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , 
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , 
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , 
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , 
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , 
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , 
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , 
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , 
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , 
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , 
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , 
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , 
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , 
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , 
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , 
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , 
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , 
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , 
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , 
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , 
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , 
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , 
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , 
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , 
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , 
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , 
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , 
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , 
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , 
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , 
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , 
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , 
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , 
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , 
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , 
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , 
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , 
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , 
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , 
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', 
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , 
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , 
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , 
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , 
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , 
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , 
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , 
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , 
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , 
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , 
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , 
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , 
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , 
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , 
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , 
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , 
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , 
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , 
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , 
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , 
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , 
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , 
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , 
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , 
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , 
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , 
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , 
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , 
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , 
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , 
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , 
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', 
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , 
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , 
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , 
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , 
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , 
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , 
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , 
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , 
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', 
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , 
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , 
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , 
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , 
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , 
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , 
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , 
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , 
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', 
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', 
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , 
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , 
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , 
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , 
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , 
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', 
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', 
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , 
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Beschreibung'                , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , 
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , 
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , 
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', 
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , 
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , 
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , 
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , 
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , 
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , 
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , 
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , 
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , 
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , 
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , 
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', 
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', 
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , 
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , 
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , 
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , 
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , 
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , 
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', 
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', 
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , 
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , 
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , 
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e3803d2f8dfeddc4ed7508a2fcb1907900a93f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , 
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , 
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , 
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , 
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , 
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , 
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , 
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , 
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , 
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , 
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , 
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , 
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , 
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , 
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , 
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , 
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , 
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , 
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , 
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , 
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , 
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , 
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', 
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping erfolgreich gespeichert',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , 
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , 
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , 
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , 
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , 
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , 
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , 
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , 
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , 
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , 
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , 
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , 
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , 
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , 
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , 
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , 
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/MailConverter.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   'Mail Converter',
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   'Rechnen Sie E-Mails mit entsprechenden Aufzeichnungen',
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   'Mailbox',
-    'RULE'   =>   'Geschäftsordnung',
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   'Postfach hinzufügen',
-    'ALL'   =>   'Alle',
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   'Ungelesene',
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   'Als gelesen markieren',
-    'SEEN'   =>   'Lesen',
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   'Mailbox bearbeiten',
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   'Postfach erstellen',
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   'Sichern von Postfächern',
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   'Nachricht als',
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   'Postfach erstellen jetzt',
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   'Hinzufügen neuer Briefkasten',
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   'Briefkasten Einzelheiten',
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   'Wählen Sie Ordner',
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   'Regeln hinzufügen',
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   'Erstellen Blei',
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   'Kontakt erstellen',
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   'Organisation erstellen',
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   'Aktionen',
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   'Mail Box',
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   'Geschäftsordnung',
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   'Bedingungen',
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   'Ordner Gescannte',
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   'Weiter',
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   'Schluss',
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   'Um den Ordner Auswahl deaktivieren Sie Änderungen an den ausgewählten Ordnern',
-    ''   =>   '',
-    ''   =>   '',
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   'Sie haben den zusätzlichen Postfach überschritten!',
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   'In Fahrzustand',
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Gespeichert erfolgreich',
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   'An die Mailbox fehlgeschlagen! <br> Sonderzeichen sind nicht für Servername erlaubt..',
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Erfolgreich gelöscht',
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   'Rule Löschung fehlgeschlagen',
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   'Regeln Sequenz info ist leer',
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Sequence erfolgreich aktualisiert',
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Gescannte erfolgreich',
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Scanner Namen'               , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Server Name'                 , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protokoll'                   , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'Benutzername'                , 
-    'Password'                     => 'Passwort'                    , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'SSL-Typ'                     , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'SSL-Methode'                 , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Schließen URL'               , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'Suchen'                      , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Nach dem Scan'               , 
-    'Status'                       => 'Status'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Zeitzone'                    ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validate SSL-Zertifikat'     ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Nicht bestätigen SSL-Zertifikat',
-    'markas'                       => 'Nach dem Scan'               ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   'Ermöglichen',
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   'Deaktivieren',
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   'Überprüfen Sie, aktiv',
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   'Validate SSL-Zertifikat',
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   'Nicht Validate SSL-Zertifikat',
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   'Alle Meldungen aus dem letzten Scan',
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   'Ungelesene Nachrichten von den letzten Scan',
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   'Nachrichten als gelesen markieren',
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   'Ich weiß nicht,',
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   'Jetzt scannen',
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   'Rule Liste',
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   'Wählen Sie Ordner',
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Erfolgreich gelöscht',
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   'Rule Löschung fehlgeschlagen',
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Gespeichert erfolgreich',
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   'Gescannte erfolgreich',
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   'ist in Fahrzustand',
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   'Informationen Folders ist leer',
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   'Regeln sequnce Informationen ist leer',
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   'Aktualisieren Folders',
-    'fromaddress'   =>   'Von',
-    'toaddress'   =>   'Um',
-    'subject'   =>   'Unterworfen',
-    'body'   =>   'Körper',
-    'matchusing'   =>   'Entsprechen',
-    'action'   =>   'Aktionen',
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   'Priority',
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   'Drag & Drop-Block, um die Regel zu priorisieren',
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   'Alle Bedingungen',
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   'Jeder Zustand',
-    'Contains'   =>   'Enthält',
-    'Not Contains'   =>   'Enthält nicht',
-    'Equals'   =>   'Equals',
-    'Not Equals'   =>   'Ungleich',
-    'Begins With'   =>   'Beginnen',
-    'Ends With'   =>   'Ende',
-    'Regex'   =>   'Regex',
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   'Ticket erstellen',
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   'Aktualisieren Ticket',
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   'In den [FROM] Kontakt',
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   'Zum Kontakt [TO]',
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   'In den Organization [FROM]',
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   'In den Organization [TO]',
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   'In den [FROM] Blei',
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   'In Blei [TO]',
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   'Aktualisieren Folders',
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   'Alle abwählen',
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   'Rechnen Sie E-Mails mit entsprechenden Aufzeichnungen',
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   'Die Regel Nummer gibt die Priorität. Ziehen Sie die Priorität ändern.',
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   'Regel hinzufügen',
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   'Priority',
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   'Regel löschen',
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   'Körper',
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   'Entsprechen',
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   'Handlung',
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   'Von',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox deleted Successfully', 
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox loaded Successfully' , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , 
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , 
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , 
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , 
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , 
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , 
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , 
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , 
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , 
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , 
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , 
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', 
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , 
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , 
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , 
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , 
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , 
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/PickListDependency.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , 
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , 
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', 
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', 
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', 
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , 
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', 
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', 
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/de_de/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Picklist.php
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@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , 
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , 
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', 
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', 
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , 
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , 
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , 
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , 
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', 
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , 
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', 
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , 
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , 
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , 
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , 
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', 
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , 
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , 
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', 
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Profiles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profile'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', 
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , 
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Ansehen'                     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Erstellen/Bearbeiten'        , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Löschen'                    , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , 
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , 
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', 
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Rollen'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rolle'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Rolle hinzufügen'           , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , 
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , 
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , 
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , 
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , 
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , 
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , 
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , 
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , 
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', 
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', 
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'erstelle benutzerdefinierte Regel', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , 
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Kann zugegriffen werden durch', 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilegien'                 , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Regelnr.'                    , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , 
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , 
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , 
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , 
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , 
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', 
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', 
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integration',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Einstellungen'               , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , 
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , 
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , 
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , 
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Studio'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Vorlagen'                    , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Benutzerverwaltung'          , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Andere Einstellungen'        , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'bearbeiten Sie die CRM Benutzerliste und weisen Sie Benutzern Rollen zu', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Rollen'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'definieren Sie die Hierarchie von Rollen und weisen Sie diesen Profile zu', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profile'                     , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'definieren Sie Profile als Basis für die Rechtevergabe an Nutzern über Rollen', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Gruppen'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'definieren Sie Gruppen auf der Basis von Rollen, Nutzern, Profilen usw.', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Globale Rechtevergabe'       , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'definieren Sie die unternehmensweit gültigen Zugangsrechte, die für jede Rolle gelten', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Available Workflows'         , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Field Formulas'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Add custom equations to custom fields', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Modulmanager'                , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Verwalten Sie Zusatzmodule für das CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Auswahllisten Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'bearbeiten Sie den Inhalt der Auswahllisten in den CRM Modulen', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Einstellungen der Abhängigkeiten von Auswahllisten', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Erstelle Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Werten der Auswahllisten in jedem Modul', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menüeditor'                 , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Menüreihenfolge anpassen'   ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=> 'Die tatsächliche Anzahl der Menüpunkte angezeigt werden, von der Bildschirmgröße ab, und auch weniger als ausgewählte Artikel sein.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'E-Mail Vorlagen'             , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'bearbeiten Sie die Vorlagen für das E-Mail Modul', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Unternehmensinformation'     , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'bearbeiten Sie die Ihre Unternehmensinformationen', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Textvorlagen'                , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'bearbeiten Sie die Vorlagen für das Zusammenführen von Dokumenten', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Einstellungen Steuern'       , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'bearbeiten Sie die Einstellungen für die Mwst. und anderen Steuern', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Mailserver'                  , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'bearbeiten Sie die Einstellungen für den E-Mail Server', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Geschäftsbedingungen'       , 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'bearbeiten Sie den Text für die Geschäftsbedingungen', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'bearbeiten Sie den Inhalt der Anzeige von Bekanntgaben', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Währungseinstellungen'      , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'bearbeiten Sie die Einstellungen für Währungen und Umtauschkurs', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Anpassen der Nummerierung'   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Nummerieren Sie die Datensätze nach Ihren Vorlagen', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'E-Mail Konverter'            , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Konfigurieren Sie die Scan Parameter für die Mailbox', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Liste der Workflows'         , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Anzeige und Gestaltung von Workflows für das CRM', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Konfiguration Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Kundenportal'                , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestattet das Kundenportal zu konfigurieren', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', 
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', 
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , 
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Modulverfolger'              , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Wähle zu verfolgende Module', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , 
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , 
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , 
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , 
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', 
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , 
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', 
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , 
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , 
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', 
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '', 
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE'     => 'HINWEIS: Postausgangsserver sollte auf SSL oder TLS Protocal eingestellt werden und wenn Feld "Von E-Mail" auf leer gesetzt wird dann die Benutzer E-Mail-Adresse werden bei Ihnen abgeholt.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , 
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', 
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , 
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , 
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , 
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , 
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , 
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , 
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', 
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , 
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', 
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', 
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , 
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', 
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', 
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , 
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , 
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , 
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , 
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , 
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , 
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , 
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , 
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , 
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', 
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , 
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , 
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , 
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , 
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , 
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , 
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , 
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', 
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , 
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , 
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , 
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , 
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , 
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , 
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', 
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', 
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', 
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', 
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , 
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', 
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , 
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Webforms.php
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , 
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , 
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , 
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , 
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , 
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , 
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha aktiviert'           ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , 
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', 
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , 
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER'            => 'Sparen Felder bestellen', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Versteckt',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Aktivieren Ziel Module für Web-Formular',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Benutzerzuweisung',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Weisen Sie Benutzer In Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round Robin Benutzerliste',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', 
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', 
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , 
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Pflichtfelder, ohne Override-Werte kann nicht ausgeblendet werden',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Referenzfelder kann nicht obligatorisch sein, ohne Override-Wert',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Geben Sie zur Suche',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform mit diesem Namen ist bereits vorhanden',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Settings/Workflows.php
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@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , 
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', 
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , 
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', 
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', 
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', 
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , 
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , 
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , 
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , 
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , 
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , 
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , 
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , 
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', 
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , 
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , 
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , 
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , 
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , 
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , 
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , 
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', 
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , 
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , 
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , 
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , 
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , 
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , 
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , 
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', 
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , 
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', 
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , 
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , 
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , 
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end',
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Van',
-	'Optional' => 'Facultatief',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'					=> 'Add Aufgabe'				,
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Kundenportal Pdf URL',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Vorlage hinzufügen'                      ,
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems-Block für Gruppe Steuern'   ,
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems Block für einzelne Steuer',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , 
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , 
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', 
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Users.php b/languages/de_de/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/de_de/Users.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Meine Einstellungen'         , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Mehr Informationen'          , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Benutzer Login & Rolle'      , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Benutzerbild'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Währungseinstellungen'      , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Adressinformation'           , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'erweiterte Optionen'         , 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Konfiguration'      , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => ' Startseitenbestandteile'    , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , 
-	'Role'                         => 'Rolle'                       , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Administratorrechte'         , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nutzername'                  , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Standardkalenderansicht'     , 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Standard Lead-Ansicht'       , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Funktion'                    , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefon Büro'               , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Abteilung'                   , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Berichtet an'                , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'weitere E-Mail'              , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefon privat'              , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Photo laden'                 , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Datumsformat'                , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Wolke'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'E-Mail Signatur'             , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Strasse'                     , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Passwort'                    , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Passwort bestätigen'        , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'angezeigt'                   , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'verborgen'                   , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'zeige'                       , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'verberge'                    , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => ' Startseitenbestandteile'    , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => ' Login Historie'             , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Details des folgenden CRM Nutzers ansehen', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Gruppe löschen'             , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Gruppe, die gelöscht werden soll', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Ãœbertrage die Gruppe an: '  , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Benutzer löschen'           , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Ãœbertrage Nutzerdaten zu'   , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Lösche Profile'             , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Ãœbertrage Rollen zu Profile', 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'zu löschende Profile'       , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'internes E-Mail Programm'    , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk Erweiterung'        , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'empfange eingehende Anrufe'  , 
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Erinnerungsintervall'        , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Zugangsschlüssel'           , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Sprache'                     , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Design'                      , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Zeitzone'                    , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimal Separator'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Grouping Pattern'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Grouping Separator'    , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbol Placement'            , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', 
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , 
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , 
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) Internationale Datumsgrenze (Western)', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Koordinierte Weltzeit-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pazifik Zeit (USA &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Niederkalifornien', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Zeit (USA &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mittelamerika'   , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Zeit (USA &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico-Stadt'    , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Zeit (USA &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (Ost)'   , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic (Kanada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Neufundland'     , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Grönland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mittelatlantik'  , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azoren'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Kap Verde'       , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Koordinierte Weltzeit' , 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrad, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prag', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warschau, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brüssel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West-Zentralafrika', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Wien', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Kairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Wilna', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athen, Bukarest' , 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riad'    , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Bagdad'          , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Teheran'         , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moskau, Wolgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muskat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karatschi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Taschkent'       , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dakka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Jekaterinburg'   , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangun)' , 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Nowosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Peking, Chongqing, Hongkong, Urumchi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnojarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulan-Bator'      , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Sinapur', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipeh'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokio'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Jakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fidschi'         , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , 
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , 
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , 
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     ,
-	'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD'			   => 'Old Password',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD'	       => 'Change Password',
-	'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD'			   => 'New Password',
-	'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'		   => 'Confirm Password',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Ändern Access Key',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Zugriffsschlüssel aktualisiert erfolgreich',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Fehlgeschlagen Zugriffsschlüssel zu aktualisieren',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Transfer Owner',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_AS' => 'Login as ',
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Benutzer erfolgreich gelöscht',
-        'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Aktive Benutzer',
-        'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inaktive Benutzer',
-        'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Benutzer löschen Dauerhaft',
-        'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Wiederherstellen',
-        'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Benutzer erfolgreich wiederhergestellt',
-		'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Fast geschafft!',
-		'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Ãœber mich',
-		'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Wir versprechen, diese geheim zu halten)',
-		'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Alle Felder sind erforderlich)',
-		'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Erste Schritte',
-		'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Ihr Ansprechpartner Nummer',
-		'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Woher kommen Sie?',
-		'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Land auswählen',
-		'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Unternehmensgröße',
-		'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Job-Titel',
-		'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Abteilung',
-		'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Basiswährung',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Wählen Sie Basiswährung',
-		'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Basiswährung kann später nicht mehr geändert werden. Wählen Sie Ihr Betriebs Währung',
-		'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Sprache',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Sprache wählen',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Wählen Sie Zeitzone',
-		'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Datumsformat',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Wählen Sie Datumsformat',
-		'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefon',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Neue Zugriffsschlüssel angefordert',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sie haben für einen neuen Zugriffsschlüssel angefordert. Mit dem neuen Access-Schlüsselbestimmung, können Sie die alten Zugriffsschlüssel mit dem neuen in allen installierten Erweiterungen zu ersetzen haben. Do Sie wollen weitermachen?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Vendors.php b/languages/de_de/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bf379e006d9e56551246c657e82fc0fc503eb5b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Lieferanten'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Lieferant'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Lieferanteninformation:'     , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Adresse:'                    , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Lieferantenname'             , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Lieferanten Nummer'          , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Webseite'                    , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'FiBu Konto'                  , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Einkommen Software'      , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Einkommen Hardware'      , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Einkommen Vermietung'    , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Einkommen Zinsen'        , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Einkommen Software Support', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Einkommen Anders'        , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Einkommen Internet'      , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Einkommen Service'       , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Einkommen Buchverkauf'   , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de_de/Vtiger.php b/languages/de_de/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fa5fcc762f94bf9a414c1bec100ee924fe04a139..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/de_de/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Lizenzbestimmungen'          , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Datenschutz'                 , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Alle auswählen'             , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Bearbeiten'                  , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Speichern'                   , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Abbrechen'                   , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'zurück'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'importiere'                  , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'exportiere'                  , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Duplikate suchen'            , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'mehr'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Aktionen'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'erstelle'                    , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Bearbeiten'                  , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Löschen'                    , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Einstellungen'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Die Daten, die Sie versuchen anzusehen, wurden bereits gelöscht.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Der Eintrag wurde nicht gefunden', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'wähle'                      , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Löschen'                    , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Ja'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Nein'                        ,
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Keine'                       ,  // Keine "" gefunden.
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , 
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Auswahl aufheben'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Schnellmenü'                , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Sende SMS'                   , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Die Liste ist leer'          , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'erstelle Notiz'              , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'				   => 'Add To Do'                   , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Startseite'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Cockpit'                     , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Meine Einstellungen'         , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Abmelden'                    , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Hilfe'                       , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , 
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , 
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Feedback'                    , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'             => 'Chat Support',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM Einstellungen'           , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add/Delete Users'            , 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Kalender'                    , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , 
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , 
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Benutzer'                    , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Gruppe'                      , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'erstellt'                    , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'geändert'                   , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Beschreibung'                , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'zuständig'                  , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Lade...'                     , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , 
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , 
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Suche nach'                  , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'In'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'erweiterte'            , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Benutzer'                    , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisationen'              , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Kalender'                    , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampagnen'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Personen'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Dokumente'                   , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Kommentare'                  , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Verkaufspotentiale'          , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Preislisten'                 , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Produkte'                    , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projekte'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Serviceverträge'            , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Services'                    , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Lieferanten'                 , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Angebote'                    , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Einkaufsbestellung'          , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Verkaufsbestellung'          , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Rechnung'                    , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , 
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Unsere Seiten'               ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Zurück'                     , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , 
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'und'                         , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'oder'                        , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--keine--'                   , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'endet mit'                   , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'beinhaltet'                  , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'weniger als'                 , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'größer als'                , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'weniger oder gleich'         , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'größer oder gleich'        , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'nicht leer'                  ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Suchen'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Alle'                        , 
-	'Others'                       => 'andere'                      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'unerledigt'                  , 
-	'Public'                       => 'öffentlich'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Ansicht gesperrt'            , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Details'                     , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Währung'                    , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Mwst'                        , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individuell'                 , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Werkzeuge'                   , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Name'                        , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Menge im Lager'              , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Menge'                       , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Listenpreis'                 , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Preis'                       , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Rabatt'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total nach Rabatt'           , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Mwst.'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Produkt hinzufügen'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Dienstleistung hinzufügen'  , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Versandkosten'               , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , 
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Versandkosten Mwst.'         , 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Anpassung'                   , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Minus'                       , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Summe'                       , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Kein Rabatt'                 , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'des Preises'                 , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Direkt Preisreduktion'       , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total Mwst.'                 , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'direkter Rabatt'             , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Abschlussrabatt'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'weitere Währungen'          , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , 
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , 
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => ' erstelle'                   , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Erstelle'                    , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Kopiere'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'Kommentare'                  , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Aktualisieren'               , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Schließen'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Alle'                        , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Updated'                     , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'von'                         , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'von '                        , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'für'                        , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Erstellt'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Historie'                    , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'zusätzliche Information'    , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Keine Daten gefunden'        , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due in'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Nutzer'                      , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , 
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , 
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Heute'                       , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Letzte Woche'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'aktuelle Aktivitäten'       , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , 
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Offene Tickets'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'exportiere alle Daten'       , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'exportiere Daten dieser Seite', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'exportiere alle Aufzeichnungen', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Anpassung'                   , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Jahresumsatz'                , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Rechnungsadresse'            , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Code'                , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Carrier'                     , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Kategorie'                   , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Ort'                         , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--keine--'                   , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktiv'                       , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Kontaktname'                 , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Lieferadresse'               , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Land'                        , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Erstellt'                    , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Währung'                    , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Basiswährung'               , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'fällig'                     , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'E-Mail'                      , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'E-Mail Opt. aus'             , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Wird konvertiert, aus Blei'  ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Abschluss'                   , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Nachname'                    , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Vorname'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'In Bearbeitung'              , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'AGB'                         , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Name'                        , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Menge'                       , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Listenpreis'                 , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Kommission'                  , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Gesamtsumme'                 , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Zwischensumme'               , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Lieferantenname'             , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'AGB'                         , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Preisinformation'            , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Produktdetails'              , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Leadquelle'                  , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Handy'                       , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Besitzer benachrichtigen'    , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'anderes Tel.'                , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     , 
-	'State'                        => 'Bundeland'                   , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Verkaufspotential'           , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Priorität'                  , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Produktname'                 , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Bewertung'                   , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'bezogen auf'                 , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Typ'                         , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Anrede '                     , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Strasse'                     , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Support Anfangsdatum'        , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Wählen Sie Status'           , 
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , 
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , 
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , 
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , 
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , 
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , 
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , 
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , 
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , 
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , 
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , 
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , 
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , 
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , 
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , 
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , 
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , 
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , 
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , 
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , 
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', 
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , 
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , 
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    ,
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Verschmelzen',
-    	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Gültig seit',
-	'Phone: ' => 'telefonieren: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Ausgestellt Datum',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Shipping & Handling Gebühren',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Shipping & Handling Tax:',
-	'Discount' => 'Ermäßigung',
-	'Net Total' => 'Net Total',
-	'Product Code' => 'Product Code',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Name des Kunden',
-	'Price' => 'Preis',
-	'Tax:' => 'MwSt.:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Ansprechpartner Name',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Grand Total:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Webseite: ',
-	'Tax' => 'MwSt.',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Serviceverträge',
-	'Projects' => 'Projekte',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Verkaufsbestellung',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Einkaufsbestellung',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Fertigen Hauptmenü',//TODO REVIEW
-	//PrintTemplate Links
-    'Print' => 'Drucken / Exportieren in PDF',
-    'Print Templates' => 'Druckvorlagen',
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Commentaar',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Laatste Reactie',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Laatste 5 Comments',
-	'All Comments' => 'Alle reacties',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , 
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie löschen möchten?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please select a module'      , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'sollte größer als oder gleich', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', 
-        'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Aktuelles Datum',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , 
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', 
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , 
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', 
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', 
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , 
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , 
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', 
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', 
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', 
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', 
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , 
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , 
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , 
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', 
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', 
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , 
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , 
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , 
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , 
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Massen Bearbeiten Vorgang auf 500 oder weniger Datensätze gleichzeitig durchgeführt werden',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , 
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', 
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', 
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , 
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', 
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , 
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , 
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , 
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , 
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , 
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value',
-	//User Password
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Password Changed Successfully.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The "new password" and "confirm password" values do not match.',
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Anruf von',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Eingehenden Anruf',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Nimm den Erweiterung Hörer, die Nummer wählen',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Anruf fehlgeschlagen',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Bitte füllen Sie alle Felder',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Ihre Änderungen gehen verloren!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Basiswährung muss geändert werden, um zu deaktivieren',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Accounts.php b/languages/en_gb/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f29a6cecec7ebd26d8c0b446cad9d14560a9e41f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisations'               , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organisation'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Organisation List'           , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Organisation Information'    , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Show Organisation Hierarchy' , 
-	'industry'                     => 'Industry'                    , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Organisation Name'           , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Organisation No.'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Ticker Symbol'               , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Member Of'                   , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Employees'                   , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Ownership'                   , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'SIC Code'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analyst'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Competitor'                  , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Customer'                    , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investor'                    , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Press'                       , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospect'                    , 
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Reseller'                    , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organisation Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Delivery Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Invoice Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organisation will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organisation?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organisation will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organisation?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Assets.php b/languages/en_gb/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c245cddb3a8f23774509e57102ae1759d1d85f8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Assets'        => 'Assets',
-	'SINGLE_Assets' => 'Asset',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Asset',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Assets List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION' => 'Asset Details',
-	//Field Labels
-    'Asset No' => 'Asset No.',
-	'Serial Number' => 'Serial Number',
-	'Date Sold' => 'Date Sold',
-	'Date in Service' => 'Date in Service',
-	'Tag Number' => 'Tag Number',
-	'Invoice Name' => 'Invoice Name',
-	'Shipping Method' => 'Shipping Method',
-	'Shipping Tracking Number' => 'Tracking Number',
-	'Asset Name' => 'Asset Name',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Customer Name',
-	'Notes' => 'Notes',
-	/*picklist values*/
-	'In Service'=>'In Service',
-	'Out-of-service'=>'Out of Service',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Calendar.php b/languages/en_gb/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed731fbceff2789b95d9c2a7cd0fc9c1010883a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'To Do'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add To Do'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Events'                      , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'To Dos'                      , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Event / To Do'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'To Do Information'            , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Subject'                     , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Start Date & Time'           , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Event Type'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'End Date & Time'             , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Support End Date'            , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Call'                        , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Meeting'                     , 
-	'Task'                         => 'To Do'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planned'                     , 
-        'Held'                         =>   'Held',
-        'Not Held'                     =>   'Not Held',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Completed'                   , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Pending Input'               , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Not Started'                 , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Deferred'                    , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Medium'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Change Owner'                , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Event'                       , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'To Do'                        , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'					   => 'To Do'						,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Default Status & Type'       ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Edit Colour',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Add Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Select User Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Select Calendar Colour',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Editing User Calendar',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Delete Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Select Activity Type',
-	'Tasks' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / To Do'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Task is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'              => 'Synchronise Now'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'             => 'Synchronising....'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'          => 'You have not synchronised yet', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING'            => 'Field Mapping'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Cannot Be Held For Future',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User calendar colour updated successfully',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this user Calendar?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User calendar added successfully',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User calendar deleted successfully',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'No Users Calendar to add',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Edit Calendar',
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Campaigns.php b/languages/en_gb/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 491aae868929f02cea4bdaac3d14031ee6a01289..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Campaigns.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campaigns'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campaign'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Campaign Information'        , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectations & Actuals'      , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Campaign Name'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Campaign No.'                , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Campaign Type'               , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Product'                     , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Campaign Status'             , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Num Sent'                    , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Target Audience'             , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Target Size'                 , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Expected Response'           , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Expected Revenue'            , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Budget Cost'                 , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Actual Cost'                 , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Expected Response Count'     , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Expected Sales Count'        , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Expected ROI'                , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Actual Response Count'       , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Actual Sales Count'          , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Actual ROI'                  , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Referral Program'            , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Advertisement'               , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banner Ads'                  , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Others'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planning'                    , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactive'                    , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Complete'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excellent'                   , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Good'                        , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Average'                     , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Poor'                        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contacted - Successful'      , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contacted - Unsuccessful'    , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contacted - Never Contact Again', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Contacts.php b/languages/en_gb/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c6f7fefea5339862b7bb744e924db3bc8d2eb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacts'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Contact Information'         , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Customer Portal Information' , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Contact Image Information:'  , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Delivery Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Invoice Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Office Phone'                , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Home Phone'                  , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Job Title'                   , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Department'                  , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Birthdate'                   , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Reports To'                  , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistant Name'              , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Assistant Phone'             , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Do Not Call'                 , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Reference'                   , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Portal User'                 , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Invoice Street'              , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Invoice City'                , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Invoice County'              , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Invoice Postcode'            , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Invoice Country'             , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Invoice P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Delivery Street'             , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Delivery City'               , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Delivery County'             , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Delivery Postcode'           , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Delivery Country'            , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Delivery P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Contact Image'               , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Mr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Ms.'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mrs.'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'User List'                   , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contact ID',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Support Start Date'          ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Support End Date'            ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'              => 'Synchronise Now'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'             => 'Synchronising....'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'          => 'You have not synchronised yet', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING'            => 'Field Mapping'               , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Documents.php b/languages/en_gb/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5aeb20d772a28929509082a921f79d68b0fb73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Documents.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Document'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Basic Information'           , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'File Information'            , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Title'                       , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'File Name'                   , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Size'                        , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Download Type'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Version'                     , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Active'                      , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Download Count'              , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Folder Name'                 , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Document No.'                , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified by'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download file'               , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Check file integrity'        , 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Internal'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'External'                    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Move'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents moved successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Add Folder'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f2801d45b92a87283f1a3a6741f6f58d1d5ca6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Template name',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subject',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Fields',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Select Field Type',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Manage templates for E-Mail module',
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Emails.php b/languages/en_gb/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 24657527e28d641baf4483a2372b1389bff75d3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Emails.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject:'                    , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc:'                         , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc:'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Time Sent'                   ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION'        => 'Email Information',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Events.php b/languages/en_gb/Events.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Events.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Events'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Event'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Events'                      , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'To Do'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Hold Follow up on'            ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Create Follow up Event'      ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Start Date & Time'           , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Email Reminder Before'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'End Date & Time'             , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Event Type'                  , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Private'                     , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Call'                        , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Meeting'                     , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planned'                     , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Held'                        , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Not Held'                    , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Once in every'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Faq.php b/languages/en_gb/Faq.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Faq.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'FAQ Information'             , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Comment Information'         , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Question'                    , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Answer'                      , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'FAQ No.'                     , 
-	'General'                      => 'General'                     , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Draft'                       , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Published'                   , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsolete'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'Solution'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/HelpDesk.php b/languages/en_gb/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1c6dbf8b62d60d2d9822b6a641323f6caf83ad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'				        ,
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Ticket Information'          , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Solution Information'        , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Ticket No.'                  , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Severity'                    , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Update History'              , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Days'                        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Title'                       , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solution'                    , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'From Portal'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Big Problem'                 , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Small Problem'               , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Other Problem'               , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgent'                      , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Minor'                       , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Major'                       , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Feature'                     , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Critical'                    , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Open'                        , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Wait For Response'           , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Closed'                      , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Severity'                    , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Ticket ID',
-	'Hi' => 'Hi',
-	'Dear' => 'Dear',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'The Ticket is',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'the details are :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Regards',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Ticket Team',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Ticket Details',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subject : ',
-	'created' => 'created',
-	'replied' => 'replied',
-	'reply' => 'There is a reply to',
-	'customer_portal' => 'in the "Customer Portal" at vtiger.',
-	'link' => 'You can use the following link to view the replies made:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Thanks',
-	'Support_team' => 'vtiger CRM Support Team',
-	'The comments are' => 'The comments are',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Ticket Title',
-	'Re' => 'Re :',
-	//This label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Ticket status is updated as',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Ticket could not be',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Customer has provided the following additional information to your reply:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Please respond to above ticket at your earliest convenience.',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Support Administrator',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Respond to Ticket ID',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Response to Ticket Number',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Ticket Number',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'in Customer Portal - URGENT',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Following are your Customer Portal login details :',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Mail could not be sent',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Username: ',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Password: ',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Regarding your Customer Portal login details',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Please give your email address',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Please check your email address for the Customer Portal',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Your login is revoked. Please contact your administrator.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Mail has been sent to your email address with the customer portal login details',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Ticket ID',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Home.php b/languages/en_gb/Home.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d755aa36f8a277a33f6f3b41fd7a0e468a2d3e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Home.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Top Organisations'           , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Top Quotes'                  , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Key Metrics'                 , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'My Group Allocation'         , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Top Sales Orders'            , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Top Invoices'                , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Home Page Dashboard'         , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Top Purchase Orders'         , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'My Recent FAQs'              , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Upcoming Activities'         , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Pending Activities'          , 
-    'Home'                         => 'Home'                        ,  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Import.php b/languages/en_gb/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f84928e7766f1955a4ecdc806a138ccefa9fe491..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Select File'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Supported File Type(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specify Format'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Character Encoding'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimiter:'                  , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Has Header'                  , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Step 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Duplicate Record Handling'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Select this option to enable and set duplicate merge criteria', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Select how duplicate records should be handled', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Select the matching fields to find duplicate records', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Available Fields'            , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Fields to be matched on'     , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Next'                        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Step 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map the Columns to Module Fields', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Header'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Row 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Save as Custom Mapping'      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Import'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Total number of records imported', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Number of records created'   , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Number of records overwritten', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Number of records skipped'   , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Number of records merged'    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Total number of records failed', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Import More'                 , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Last Imported Records'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Undo Last Import'            , 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Finish'                      , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Undo Import Result'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Total Number of Records'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Number of records deleted'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'OK'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Scheduled'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancel Import'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Error:'                      , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Clear Data'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'There are still some unimported records in your import queue, blocking you from importing more data. Clear data to clean it up and start with fresh import ', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Current Import has been interrupted. Please try again later.', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Failed to lock the module for import. Re-try again later', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address are configured to receive email notifications', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Invoice.php b/languages/en_gb/Invoice.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da4c348b17e4ba96d5cdb478bc65edfb4ca2a67..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Invoice'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export To PDF'               , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Invoice List'                , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Invoice Information'         , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Sales Order'                 , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Customer No.'                , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Invoice Date'                , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Purchase Order'              , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Sales Commission'            , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Invoice No.'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Sent'                        , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Credit Invoice'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paid'                        , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Auto Created'                , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE'             => 'Not a Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	           => 'Sub Products',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	               => 'Action',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Leads.php b/languages/en_gb/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6284e02391c4536852183f0b19aa58785672b0d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Lead Information'            , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Lead No.'                    , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Company'                     , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Title'                       , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Industry'                    , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Lead Status'                 , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'No. of Employees'             , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Mr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Ms.'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mrs.'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Attempted to contact'        , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Cold'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contact in future'           , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contacted'                   , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Hot'                         , 
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Junk Lead'                   , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Lost Lead'                   , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Not Contacted'               , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pre Qualified'               , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Qualified'                   , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Warm'                        , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Convert Lead:'               , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organisation or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Cannot be converted'         , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Following could be one of the possible reasons', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'All the mandatory fields are not mapped', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Some of the mandatory field values are empty', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Leads Custom Field Mapping'  , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organisation to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organisation', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Migration.php b/languages/en_gb/Migration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f3025e38157640ebb6b2f46cc8f5889b71cf0e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Migration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Welcome to vtiger CRM Migration',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migration Completed',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Migration Wizard',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'We take pride in being associated with you.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Have any questions? Find help on Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussions </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'To know more about Vtiger follow us our <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Help - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Thanks for using <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'We aim to be - simply the best',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Come on over, there is space for you too!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Your vtiger6 migration completed successfully.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'To know what is new in this version, please read <a href="#" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Please wait ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migration in progress',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migration : Database Change Log',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/ModComments.php b/languages/en_gb/ModComments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c1af206ce9a19299f86a3eb3aa25e524df80b23e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ModComments' => 'Comment',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Comments List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION' => 'Other Information',
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT' => 'Adding Comment',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Enter Comments here',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Comment' => 'Comment',
-	'Creator' => 'Creator',
-	'Related To Comments' => 'Related To',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/PBXManager.php b/languages/en_gb/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc5875d072748e0d5a39b4c91ad47acb7a8bce3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/PBXManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    //Blocks
-    'LBL_PBXMANAGER_INFORMATION' => 'Call Details',
-    'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'=>'Custom Information',
-    // list view settings links
-    'LBL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Provider Configuration',
-    //Detail view header title
-    'LBL_CALL_FROM' => 'Call From',
-    'LBL_CALL_TO' => 'Call To',
-    //Incoming call pop-up 
-    'LBL_HIDDEN' => '(HIDDEN)', 
-    // Fields
-    'Total Duration' => 'Duration (min)',
-    'Recording URL' => 'Recording',
-    'SINGLE_PBXManager' => 'Call Record' ,
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Portal.php b/languages/en_gb/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d2357120bd4edb389eec6f38ccd85b973234e82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Portal.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Our Sites',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Add Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Name',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark URL',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Created on',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Our Site',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Edit Bookmark',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Enter Bookmark Name',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Enter URL (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Add New Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark saved successfully',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Record deleted successfully',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Our Sites List',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Bookmarks List',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmarks deleted successfully',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Bookmarks',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'The website that you are trying to open is not secure and might not open. If you still wish to view the webpage then you can click on the content blocker in the address bar and enable it.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Potentials.php b/languages/en_gb/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 928afe31b76eef0f0d0f8837402436885d58ac09..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Opportunities'               , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Opportunity'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Opportunity Information:'    , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Opportunity No.'             , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Amount'                      , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Next Step'                   , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Sales Stage'                 , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probability'                 , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Campaign Source'             , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Prospecting'                 , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Qualification'               , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Needs Analysis'              , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Value Proposition'           , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Id. Decision Makers'         , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Perception Analysis'         , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Proposal/Price Quote'        , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Negotiation/Review'          , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Closed Won'                  , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Closed Lost'                 , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Existing Business'           , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'New Business'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/PriceBooks.php b/languages/en_gb/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fad2b4bca19d9d8fadf18cea442686ca87dce62a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Price Books'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Price Book'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Price Book Information:'     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Price Book Name'             , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Price Book No.'              , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Unit Price',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Add to',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Products.php b/languages/en_gb/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f59e88b2737aeb0aabad7532a065912133f49c83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Products'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Product'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Product'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Product Information'         , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Product image information:'  , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Stock Information:'          , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'More currencies'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Product Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Price'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Reset price'                 , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Reset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Product No.'                 , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Part Number'                 , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Product Active'              , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Manufacturer'                , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Product Category'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Mfr. Part No.'               , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Vendor Part No.'             , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Usage Unit'                  , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Handler'                     , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Reorder Level'               , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Tax Class'                   , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Serial No.'                  , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Qty. in Stock'               , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Product Sheet'               , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Qty. in Demand'              , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'GL Account'                  , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Product Image'               , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Unit Price'                  , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commission Rate'             , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Qty/Unit'                    , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM Applications'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Box'                         , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Carton'                      , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton'                       , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dozen'                       , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Each'                        , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressions'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pack'                        , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Pages'                       , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Pieces'                      , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Reams'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Sheet'                       , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spiral Binder'               , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Sq. Ft.'                     ,  
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Enable Products Module to view Products',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Project.php b/languages/en_gb/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b39791af20a6d0353825c29b6d8d28b069c781..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Project.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_Project' => 'Project',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Project',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Projects List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION' => 'Project Details',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Name' => 'Project Name',
-	'Start Date' => 'Start Date',
-	'Target End Date' => 'Target End Date',
-	'Actual End Date' => 'Actual End Date',
-	'Project No' => 'Project No.',
-	'Target Budget' => 'Target Budget',
-	'Project Url' => 'Project URL',
-	'Progress' => 'Progress',
-        'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Milestones List'             , 
-        'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'High Priority'               , 
-        'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Normal Priority'             , 
-        'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Low Priority'                , 
-        'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Other Priorities'            , 
-        'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Select Progress'             , 
-	//Summary Information
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN' => 'Tasks Open',
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE' => 'Tasks Due',
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED' => 'Tasks Completed',
-	'LBL_PEOPLE' => 'People',
-	//Related List
-	'LBL_CHARTS' => 'Charts',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST' => 'Tasks List',
-	'LBL_MILESTONES' => 'Milestones',
-	'LBL_TASKS' => 'Tasks',
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS' => 'Status is',
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status',
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY' => 'Priority',
-	'LBL_MORE' => 'More',
-	//Summary View Widgets
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE' => 'Download File',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospecting',
-    'in progress' => 'In Progress',
-    'initiated' => 'Initiated',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Waiting for Feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'On Hold',
-    'archived' => 'Archived',
-    'completed' => 'Completed',
-    'delivered' => 'Delivered',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrative',
-    'operative' => 'Operative',
-    'other' => 'Other',
-    'low' => 'Low',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'High',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Select Status',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Select Progress',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/en_gb/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eaabdf077984da05a34882e61ea4932683801f69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/ProjectMilestone.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone' => 'Project Milestone',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Project Milestone',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Project Milestones List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Project Milestone Details',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Milestone Name' => 'Project Milestone Name',
-	'Milestone Date' => 'Milestone Date',
-	'Project Milestone No' => 'Project Milestone No.',
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrative',
-    'operative' => 'Operative',
-    'other' => 'Other',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/ProjectTask.php b/languages/en_gb/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 60527a7679bf509fadb8c7dba2881817cef8a49f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/ProjectTask.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask' => 'Project Task',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Project Task',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Project Task List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Project Task Details',
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST' => 'Projects List',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST' => 'Tasks List',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Project Task Name',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Project Task No',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Project Task Number',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priority',
-    'Progress' => 'Progress',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Worked Hours',
-    'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-    'End Date'=>'End Date',
-    'Related To' => 'Related To',
-    'administrative' => 'Administrative',
-    'operative' => 'Operative',
-    'other' => 'Other',
-    'low' => 'Low',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'High',
-    'Created Time' => 'Created Time',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Modified Time',
-    'description' => 'Description',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Assigned To',
-	'Open' => 'Open',
-	'In Progress' => 'In Progress',
-	'Completed' => 'Completed',
-	'Deferred' => 'Deferred',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Cancelled',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/PurchaseOrder.php b/languages/en_gb/PurchaseOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3386b8bfa1206d01206f3bd6b4e0c35a68efeee3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/PurchaseOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Purchase Order'              , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export To PDF'               , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Purchase Order List'         , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Delivery Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Invoice Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Purchase Order Information'  , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Purchase Order No.'          , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Requisition No.'             , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Tracking Number'             , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Sales Commission'            , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Received Shipment'           , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'List Price',
-        'List Price'                   => 'List Price',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copy Company Address',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Quotes.php b/languages/en_gb/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3316aa203756e0b5eb5c4d4983dd442634b4f2af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Quote'                       , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export To PDF'               , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Quotes List'                 , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Quote Details'               , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Quote No.'                   , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Quote Stage'                 , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Valid Until'                 , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Inventory Manager'           , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Accepted'                    , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rejected'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/RecycleBin.php b/languages/en_gb/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 855cce05e78b008a1b77d9456a7c6a97cc2a993c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-	'RecycleBin' => 'Recycle Bin',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Select Module',
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN' => 'Empty Recycle Bin',
-	'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restore',
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES' => 'No permitted Modules available',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Recycle Bin List',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'No records found to restore in Module',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted records from your database?',
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to restore the records?',
-	'JS_RESTORING_RECORDS' => 'Restoring records',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Reports.php b/languages/en_gb/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad7b8f0feffc99abc65623b6b27614dc7e0c3df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Move Reports'                ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Customise'                   ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Print'                       ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Report Details'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Select columns'              ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filters'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Add New Folder'              ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Only 1000 records are shown below. Please export to see all records',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Report Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Report Folder'               ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascending'                   ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descending'                  ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Calculations'                ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Columns'                     ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Sum'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Average'                     ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Lowest Value'                ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'SUM'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'AVG'                         ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Field Names'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'View Details'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate Now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Report Name'                 ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Organisation and Contact Reports',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Lead Reports'                ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Opportunity Reports'         ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Activity Reports'            ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Trouble Ticket Reports'     ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Product Reports'             ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Quote Reports'               ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Purchase Order Reports'      ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Sales Order Reports'         ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Invoice Reports'             ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Campaign Reports'            ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contacts by Organisation'    ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contacts without Organisations',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contacts by Opportunities'   ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contacts related to Organisations',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contacts not related to Organisations',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contacts related to Opportunities',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Lead by Source'              ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Lead Status Report'          ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Opportunity Pipeline'        ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Closed Opportunities'        ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Opportunities Won' ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tickets by Products'         ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tickets by Priority'         ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Open Tickets'                ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tickets related to Products' ,
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Tickets that are Open'       ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Product Details'             ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Products by Contacts'        ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Product Detailed Report'     ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Products related to Contacts',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Open Quotes'                 ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Quotes Detailed Report'      ,
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Quotes that are Open'        ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Purchase Orders by Contact'  ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Purchase Order Detailed Report',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Purchase Orders related to Contacts',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Invoice Detailed Report'     ,
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Last Month\'s Activities'       ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'This Month\'s activities'    ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Campaign Expectations and Actuals',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Sales Order Detailed Report' ,
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organisations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organisations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculations are based on your "My Preferences" currency setting', // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_CREATING_REPORT' => 'Creating Report',
-    'LBL_EDITING_REPORT' => 'Editing Report',
-    'LBL_SCHEDULE_REPORTS' => 'Schedule Reports',
-    'LBL_AT_TIME' => 'At Time',
-    'LBL_DAILY' => 'Daily',
-    'LBL_WEEKLY' => 'Weekly',
-    'LBL_MONTHLY_BY_DATE' => 'Monthly by Date',
-    'LBL_YEARLY' => 'Yearly',
-    'LBL_SPECIFIC_DATE' => 'On Specific Date',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE' => 'Choose Date',
-    'LBL_ON_THESE_DAYS' => 'On these days',
-    'LBL_SELECT_MONTH_AND_DAY' => 'Select Month and Date',
-    'LBL_SELECTED_DATES' => 'Selected Dates',
-    'LBL_EXCEEDING_MAXIMUM_LIMIT' => 'Maximum limit exceeded',
-    'LBL_NEXT_TRIGGER_TIME' => 'Next trigger time on',
-    'LBL_RUN_REPORT' =>'Run Report',
-    'LBL_SELECT_RECIEPIENTS' => 'Select Recipients',
-    'LBL_SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Send to specific email',
-    'LBL_SAME_LEVEL_ROLES' => 'Same Level Roles',
-    'LBL_SUBORDINATE_ROLES' => 'Subordinate Roles',
-    //Summary/Pivot Reports
-    'LBL_CREATING_PIVOT_REPORT' => 'Create Pivot Report',
-    'LBL_EDITING_PIVOT_REPORT' => 'Edit Pivot Report',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PIVOT_FIELDS' => 'Select Pivot Fields',
-    'LBL_SELECT_ROWS' => 'Select Rows ',
-    'LBL_SELECT_DATA_FIELDS' => 'Select Data Fields ',
-    'LBL_ADD_ROWS' => 'Add Rows',
-    'LBL_ADD_COLUMNS' => 'Add Columns',
-    'LBL_ADD_DATA_FIELDS' => 'Add Data Fields',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_FIELDS' => 'Selected Pivot Fields',
-    'LBL_RECORD_COUNT' => 'Record Count',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PIVOT_FIELDS_WARNING' => 'Warning : Please select at least one Row field, Column field and Data field.',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_DATA_FIELDS_WARNING' => 'Warning : In Data Column - aggregation functions(sum,avg,min and max) should not repeat.',
-    'LBL_MODIFY_CONDITIONS' => 'Modify Conditions',
-    'LBL_PIVOT_PREVIEW_EX' => 'Pivot Report Preview(Example)',
-	//charts labels
-	'LBL_SELECT_CHART_TYPE' => 'Select chart type',
-	'LBL_CLICK_THROUGH_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'Click through not available as you have selected more than one module',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_SUM_OF' => 'Total Sum of %s',
-	'LBL_AVG_OF' => 'Average of %s',
-	'LBL_MIN_OF' => 'Minimum of %s',
-	'LBL_MAX_OF' => 'Maximum of %s',
-	'LBL_RECORD_COUNT' => 'Record Count',
-	'LBL_PIE_CHART' => 'Pie Chart',
-	'LBL_VERTICAL_BAR_CHART' => 'Vertical Bar Chart',
-	'LBL_HORIZONTAL_BAR_CHART' => 'Horizontal Bar Chart',
-	'LBL_LINE_CHART' => 'Line Chart',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CHART' => 'Select Chart',
-	'LBL_CREATING_CHART_REPORT' => 'Creating Chart Report',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CHART_REPORT' => 'Editing Chart Report',
-	'LBL_GENERATE_CHART' => 'Generate Chart',
-	'LBL_SELECT_GROUP_BY_FIELD' => 'Select Groupby Field',
-	'LBL_SELECT_DATA_FIELD' => 'Select Data Fields',
-	'LBL_MODIFY_CONDITION' => 'Modify Conditions',
-	'LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_GROUP_FIELD_AND_DATA_FIELD' => 'Please select at least one Groupby field and one Data field.',
-	'LBL_FOR_BAR_GRAPH_AND_LINE_GRAPH_SELECT_3_MAX_DATA_FIELDS' => 'For Bar and Line graph, you can select a maximum of 3 Data fields.',
-	'LBL_DETAIL_REPORT' => 'Detail Report',
-	'LBL_PIVOT_REPORT' => 'Pivot Report',
-	'LBL_CHARTS' => 'Charts',
-    //Schedule Reports - Mail Content
-    'LBL_AUTO_GENERATED_REPORT_EMAIL' => 'This is an auto-generated email sent by a scheduled report.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Rss.php b/languages/en_gb/Rss.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d22a9b88b7c1d85b65d0c170cce1d68fa38c3d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Rss.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'RSS Feed Sources',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Add Feed Source',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feeds List From',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Set As Default',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'Sender',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Feed Source',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Enter Feed Source',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'RSS Feed',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'RSS Successfully saved',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Invalid RSS URL',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'RSS Made as Default',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f4342a3e6be56142b59f904ff08d3d0a5f425292..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Step 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Step 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'Type the message',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'write your message here',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Add more fields',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Server Configuration',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'Check Status',
-	'message' => 'Message',
-	//Blocks
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Notifier',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/SalesOrder.php b/languages/en_gb/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ae84b17c00c731974aeef145ad22b743e7667797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/SalesOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Sales Order'                 , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export To PDF'               , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Sales Order List'            , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Sales Order Information'     , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Sales Order No.'             , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Quote Name'                  , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Customer No.'                , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Requisition No.'             , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Tracking Number'             , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Sales Commission'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Purchase Order'              , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Vendor Terms'                , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pending'                     , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Enable Recurring'            , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Start Period'                , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'End Period'                  , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Payment Duration'            , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Invoice Status'              , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Auto Created'                , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Sent'                        , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Credit Invoice'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paid'                        , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/en_gb/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9190dc95c9f18dff4b4277e8183685d4996d2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/ServiceContracts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'ServiceContracts' => 'Service Contracts',
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Service Contracts',
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts' => 'Service Contract',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Service Contract',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Service Contracts List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Service Contract Details',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Contract No' => 'Contract No.',
-	'Start Date' => 'Start Date',
-	'End Date' => 'End Date',
-	'Tracking Unit' => 'Tracking Unit',
-	'Total Units' => 'Total Units',
-	'Used Units' => 'Used Units',
-	'Progress'=> 'Progress',
-	'Planned Duration' => 'Planned Duration (in days)',
-	'Actual Duration' => 'Actual Duration (in days)',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Services.php b/languages/en_gb/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d9c775e9729cfa7b3044adf74408c76d9fa227..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Services' => 'Services',
-	'SINGLE_Services' => 'Service',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Service',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Services List',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION' => 'Service Details',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES' => 'more currencies', 
-	'LBL_PRICES' => 'Service Prices',
-	'LBL_PRICE' => 'Price',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE' => 'Reset Price',
-	'LBL_RESET' => 'Reset',
-	//Services popup of pricebook
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Add to PriceBooks',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Service Name'=>'Service Name',
-	'Service Active'=>'Active',
-	'Service Category'=>'Category',
-	'Service No'=>'Service Number',
-	'Owner'=>'Owner',
-	'No of Units'=>'Number of Units',
-	'Commission Rate'=>'Commission Rate',
-	'Price'=>'Price',
-	'Usage Unit'=>'Usage Unit',
-	'Tax Class'=>'Tax Class',
-	'Website'=>'Website',
-	//Services popup of pricebook
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Add to PriceBooks',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/CronTasks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9672151da875d884c4a2c68f27ee53b046a1b568..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/CronTasks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Inactive'                    , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d8fd000c0371a09ada360022b631da076d9bc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Currency.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'            => 'Costa Rica, Colón'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'           => 'El Salvador, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4138936446a9a3e852c1f3fee88fd50d43512fd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal' => 'Customer Portal',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES' => 'Privileges',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE' => 'Default Assignee',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL' => 'Portal URL',
-	//Fields
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Module Name',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE' => 'Enable Module',
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS' => 'See records across Organisation',
-	//Messages
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE' => "This Role's privileges will be applied to the Portal User.",
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be assigned to the selected assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE' => 'This is the URL for the Portal where your Contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.',
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE' => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED' => 'Customer Portal Settings Saved',
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5b1e5522603232038597300184df1d837f6b92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template Name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Groups.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 00042ab0d3e222909bdc031b6f0b54d861b29c59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Groups.php
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer Ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select at least one member for a Group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c2de31df827b9f60887329326aa41f7751cd3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module to add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Show Block Enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Hide Block Enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eb71162c204375a5cdd51b46e266856f29639606..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organisations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Opportunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Picklist'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'URL'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'has already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Saved Successfully',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Picklist'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'URL'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'				   => 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bb0ef56298cb0c5f13f7fb1135ffdd95c3c41455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/MailConverter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Convert emails to respective records",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Mailbox",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Rule",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Add Mailbox",
-    'ALL'   =>   "All",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "Unread",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Mark Read",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Read",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Edit Mailbox",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Create Mailbox",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Back to Mailboxes",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Mark message as",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Create Mailbox now",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Adding New Mailbox",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Mailbox Details",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Select Folders",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Add Rules",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Create Lead",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Create Contact",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Create Organisation",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Actions",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mailbox",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Rule",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Conditions",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Folders Scanned",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Next",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Finish",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "To change the folder selection deselect any of the selected folders",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter enables you to configure your mailbox to scan your emails and create appropriate entities in vtiger CRM.<br>You'll also need to define rules to specify what actions should be performed on your emails.<br>Your emails are scanned automatically, unless you've disabled Mail Scanner task in Scheduler. <br><br><br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "You have exceeded the additional mailbox limit!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "In running state",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Saved Successfully",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Connecting to mailbox failed!<br>Special characters are not allowed for servername.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Deleted Successfully",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Rule deletion failed",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Rules sequence info is empty",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Sequence updated successfully",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanned successfully",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Scanner Name'                , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Server Name'                 , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protocol'                    , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'User Name'                   , 
-    'Password'                     => 'Password'                    , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'SSL Type'                    , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'SSL Method'                  , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Connect URL'                 , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'Look For'                    , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'After Scan'                  , 
-    'Status'                       => 'Status'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validate SSL Certificate'    ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate',
-    'markas'                       => 'After Scan'                  ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Enable",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Disable",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Check To make active",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Validate SSL Certificate",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Do Not Validate SSL Certificate",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "All messages from last scan",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Unread messages from last scan",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Mark messages as read",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "I don't know",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Scan Now",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Rule List",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Select Folders",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Deleted successfully",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Rule deletion failed",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Saved successfully",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanned successfully",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "is in running state",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Folders information is empty",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Rules sequnce information is empty",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Update Folders",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "From",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "To",
-    'subject'   =>   "Subject",
-    'body'   =>   "Body",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Match",
-    'action'   =>   "Actions",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priority",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Drag and drop block to prioritise the rule",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "All Conditions",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Any Condition",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contains",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "Not Contains",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Equals",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "Not Equals",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Begin",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "End",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Create Ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Update Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Add to Contact [FROM]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Add to Contact [TO]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Add to Organisation [FROM]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Add to Organisation [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Add to Lead [FROM]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Add to Lead [TO]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Update Folders",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Unselect All",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Convert emails to respective records",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "The rule number indicates the priority. Drag and drop to change priority.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Add Rule",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priority",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Delete Rule",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Body",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Match",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Action",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "From"
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mailbox deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mailbox loaded successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f5c15d8207ab1adf231213930bf9f632d15e38cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/PickListDependency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2502548c843549c953ee024d2bb7b2a420fc2c9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select at least one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d1479410bdc2bdd1acddb3f40897651fe0da9ad2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename Picklist Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete Picklist Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it. Then click "Save"', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item renamed successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please select module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Profiles.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Profiles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 623476bb08da935e57f75ba8bbeb09769e26c976..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Profiles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profiles'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profile'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this Profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'View'                        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Create/Edit'                 , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Delete'                      , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer Roles to Profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Roles.php
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Roles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Roles'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Role'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit, drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy Privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign Privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign Priviliges from existing Profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'New Configuration',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Provider Configuration',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'New Configuration',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Edit Configuration',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Select One',
-	//Fields
-	'providertype' => 'Provider',
-	'isactive' => 'Active',
-	'username' => 'Username',
-	'password' => 'Password',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider deleted successfully',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'SMS Provider configuration saved',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/SharingAccess.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/SharingAccess.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0a435694d1398b59b84523983561b47920cb56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Add Custom Privilege Rule'   , 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Can be accessed by'          , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Rule No.'                    , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, Sales Orders & Invoices access must be set to Private when the Organisation access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integration',
-    'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Settings'                    , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'Pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Studio'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Communication Templates'     , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Users and Access Management' , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Other Settings'              , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Manage users who can access vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Roles'                       , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Set up hierarchy of Roles and assign to Users', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Manage user-specific modules access to different Roles', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Manage different teams based on Roles, Users, and Profiles', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Sharing Access'              , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manage module sharing rules & custom sharing rules', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Field Formulas'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Add custom equations to custom fields', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Module Manager'              , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manage module behavior inside vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Picklist Editor'             , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Customise picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Picklist dependency setup'   , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Setup dependency between Picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menu editor'                 , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Customise Menu sequence'     , 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=> 'The actual number of menu items displayed will depend on the screen size and may be less than selected.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Email Templates'             , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manage templates for Email module', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Company Details'             , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Specify business address of company', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Mail Merge'                  , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Manage templates for Mail Merging', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Tax Calculations'            , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Manage taxes and the corresponding tax rates', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Outgoing Server'             , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Configure Outgoing Mail Server details', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Inventory: Terms & Conditions', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Specify Terms and Conditions for Quotes, Orders, and Invoices', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manage company-wide announcements', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Currencies'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Manage international currencies and exchange rates', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Customise Record Numbering'  , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Module Entity Number customisation', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Mail Converter'              , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configure mailbox for scanning', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Workflows'                   , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Create and edit workflows for vtiger CRM', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Configuration editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Customer Portal'             , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configure Customer Portal Plugin', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage Webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'ModTracker'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Select modules for tracking' , 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter announcement here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'Username'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 => "",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE'        => 'NOTE: Outgoing server should be set to SSL or TLS Protocal and If "From Email" field is set to blank then the User Email address will be picked up.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check admin\'s email address and/or server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email address'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid Email address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customise Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customisation', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'County'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postcode'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit Company Details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Inactive'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a Group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax saved successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms' => 'Webform',
-	//Basic Field Names
-	'WebForm Name' => 'Webform Name',
-	'Public Id' => 'Public ID',
-	'Enabled' => 'Status',
-	'Module' => 'Module',
-	'Return Url' => 'Return URL',
-	'Post Url' => 'Post URL',
-    'Captcha Enabled' => 'Captcha Enabled',
-	'SINGLE_Webforms' => 'Webform',
-	//Actions
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM' => 'Show Form',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Webform name already exists',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION' => 'Webform Information',
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION' => 'Field Information',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME' => 'Field Name',
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Override Value',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY' => 'Mandatory',
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD' => 'Webforms reference field',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for target Module...',
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms',
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS' => 'Add Fields',
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website',
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE' => 'Select Value',
-	'LBL_LABEL' => 'Label',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Save fields order', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Hidden',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Enable target modules for webform',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'User Assignment',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Assign Users in Round-Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round-Robin Users List',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully',
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loading Target Module Fields',
-	'JS_SELECT_AN_OPTION' => 'Select an Option',
-	'JS_LABEL' => 'label',
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Mandatory Fields without override values can\'t be hidden',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Reference fields can\'t be mandatory without override value',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Type to search',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform with this name already exists',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/en_gb/Settings/Workflows.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c0095d938772034236f4adc07bd3378e9a0d430c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Settings/Workflows.php
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@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recipients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'SMS Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'Inactive'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'From',
-	'Optional' => 'Optional',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Task',
-        'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal PDF URL',
-        'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Add Template'                            ,
-        'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'Line Items Block For Group Tax'   ,
-        'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Line Items Block For Individual Tax',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'To Do',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same field selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Users.php b/languages/en_gb/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b13ad79db1c9ebcf99c4ca98dff5e8281e5746b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Users.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'My Preferences'              , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'More Information'            , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'User Login & Role'           , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'User Photograph'             , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Currency Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'User Address'                , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'User Advanced Options'       , 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Home Page Components'        , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Role'                        , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Username'                    , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Default Calendar View'       , 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Default Lead View'           , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Title'                       , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Office Phone'                , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Department'                  , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Reports To'                  , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo ID'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Home Phone'                  , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Upload Photograph'           , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Date Format'                 , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Signature'                   , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Street Address'              , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Password'                    , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirm Password'            , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Shown'                       , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Hidden'                      , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Show'                        , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Hide'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Home Page Components'        , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Login History'               , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Viewing details about the user', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Delete Group'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Group to be Deleted'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Transfer Ownership to: '     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'User to be Deleted'          , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Transfer Ownership to User'  , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer Roles to Profile'   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Profile to be Deleted'       , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Internal Mail Composer'      , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk Extension'          , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Access Key'                  , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Language'                    , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Theme'                       , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimal Separator'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Grouping Pattern'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Grouping Separator'    , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbol Placement'            , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11' => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia'        ,
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD'			   => 'Old Password',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD'	       => 'Change Password',
-	'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD'			   => 'New Password',
-	'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'		   => 'Confirm Password',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Change Access Key',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Access key updated successfully',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Failed to update access key',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Transfer Owner',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_AS' => 'Login as ',
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User deleted successfully',
-        'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Active Users',
-        'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactive Users',
-        'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Delete User Permanently',
-        'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restore',
-        'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'User restored successfully',
-		'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Almost there!',
-		'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'About Me',
-		'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(We promise to keep this private)',
-		'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(All fields below are required)',
-		'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Get Started',
-		'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Your Contact Number',
-		'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Where are you from?',
-		'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Select Country',
-		'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Company Size',
-		'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Job Title',
-		'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Department',
-		'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Base Currency',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Choose Base Currency',
-		'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Base currency cannot be modified later. Select your operating currency',
-		'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Language',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Choose Language',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Choose Timezone',
-		'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Date Format',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Choose Date Format',
-		'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Phone',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator can\'t be the same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'New Access key requested',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'You have requested for a new Access key.With the new Access key provision, you have to replace the old access key with the new one in all installed extensions.Do you want to continue?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Vendors.php b/languages/en_gb/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cd060da48844b2c8a72decd9ca9c970aaf16d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Vendors'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Vendor'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Vendor Information:'         , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Address Information:'        , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Vendor Name'                 , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Vendor No.'                  , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'GL Account'                  , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting Vendors will remove their related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_gb/Vtiger.php b/languages/en_gb/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d82597187827886cdc64b525a6bae108afeecfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_gb/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Read License'                , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Privacy Policy'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Select All'                  , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Save'                        , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Back'                        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Import'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Export'                      , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Find duplicates'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'More'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Add'                         , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Edit'                        , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Delete'                      , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Settings'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'The record you are trying to view has been deleted.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Record you are trying to access cannot be found', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Select'                      , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Clear'                       , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'No'                          , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Deselect all'                , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Please select one of the options below',
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Send SMS'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Found'                       , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Add Note'                    , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'				   => 'Add Task'					,
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Home'                        , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Dashboard'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'My Preferences'              , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Sign Out'                    , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Help'                        , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Feedback'                    ,
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Chat Support',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM Settings'                , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Calendar'                    , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'User'                        , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Group'                       , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Created Time'                , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Modified Time'               , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Description'                 , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Assigned To'                 , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Loading...'                  , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No Pending Activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Search for'                  , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'In'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Advanced'             , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Users'                       , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'Replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organisations'               , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Calendar'                    , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campaigns'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacts'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Opportunities'               , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Price Books'                 , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Products'                    , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projects'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Service Contracts'           , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Services'                    , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Vendors'                     , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Quotes'                      , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Purchase Order'              , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Sales Order'                 , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Invoice'                     , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Go Back'                     , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No Data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type Keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No Records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'and'                         , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'or'                          , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'ends with'                   , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contains'                    , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contain'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'less than'                   , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'greater than'                , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'less or equal'               , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'greater or equal'            , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'is not empty'                ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Search'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search in'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the Conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'All'                         , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Others'                      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pending'                     , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Not Accessible'              , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Item Details'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Currency'                    , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Tax Mode'                    , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'individual'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Item Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Qty. In Stock'               , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Qty.'                         , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'List Price'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Net Price'                   , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Discount'                    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total After Discount'        , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Tax'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Add Product'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Add Service'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Shipping & Handling Charges' , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Taxes For Shipping & Handling', 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes for'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Adjustment'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Deduct'                      , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Grand Total'                 , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Zero Discount'               , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'of Price'                    , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Direct Price Reduction'      , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not Enough Stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total Tax Amount'            , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Direct Amount Discount'      , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Final Discount Amount'       , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'More Currencies'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Invoice Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Delivery Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Delivery Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Invoice Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Create'                      , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Generate'                    , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplicate'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Refresh'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Close'                       , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'All'                         , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Updated'                     , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'of'                          , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'By '                         , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'for'                         , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'created'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'History'                     , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Custom Information'          , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'No Data Found'               , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'User'                        , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the Tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating New View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                      , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on Date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => 'Set as Public'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Today'                       , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Last Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => 'Before Event'                , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Upcoming Activities'         , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Export all Data'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Export Data in current page' , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Export Record Types'         , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Organisation Name'           , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Adjustment'                  , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Annual Revenue'              , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Invoice Address'             , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Invoice City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Invoice Postcode'         , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Invoice Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Invoice P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Invoice County'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Carrier'                     , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Category'                    , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'City'                        , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Website'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Active'                      , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Contact Name'                , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Delivery Address'            , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Delivery City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Delivery County'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Delivery Postcode'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Delivery Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Delivery P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Country'                     , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Created'                     , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Base Currency'               , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Due Date'                    , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Email Opt Out'               , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'is converted from Lead'      ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Expected Close Date'         , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Last Name'                   , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'First Name'                  , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'In Progress'                 , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Subject'                     , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Terms & Conditions'          , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Item Name'                   , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Quantity'                    , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'List Price'                  , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Excise Duty'                 , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Total'                       , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Vendor Name'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Terms & Conditions'          , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Pricing Information'         , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Product Details'             , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Lead Source'                 , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Mobile'                      , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notify Owner'                , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Other Phone'                 , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , 
-	'State'                        => 'County'                      , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postcode'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Opportunity Name'            , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Priority'                    , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Product Name'                , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Rating'                      , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Related To'                  , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Type'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Salutation '                 , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Street'                      , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Support Start Date'          , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Select Status'               ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-        'Reminder Interval'            => 'Popup Reminder Interval'     ,
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please use Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Merge',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             ,
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Valid Date',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Phone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Issued Date',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Shipping & Handling Charges',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Shipping & Handling Tax:',
-	'Discount'=>'Discount',
-	'Net Total' => 'Net Total',
-	'Product Code'=>'Product Code',
-	'Customer Name'=>'Customer Name',
-	'Price'=>'Price',
-	'Tax:' => 'Tax:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Contact Name',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Grand Total:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Website: ',
-	'Tax' => 'Tax',
-        'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Service Contracts',
-	'Projects' => 'Projects',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Sales Order',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Purchase Order',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Label Editor',
-	'LBL_IGNORE_EMPTY_VALUES' =>'Ignore empty values',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_MANAGE_USERS' => 'Manage Users',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Transfer Ownership',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES' => 'Select Related Modules',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Customise Main Menu', //TODO REVIEW
-	//For Print Templates
-    'Print Templates' => 'Print Templates',
-    'Print' => 'Print / Export PDF',
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Comment',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Last Comment',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Last 5 Comments',
-	'All Comments' => 'All Comments',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the Settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS Notifier from the SMS Notifier Settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please enter a valid date'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please enter a valid time'     , 
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select at least one mandatory field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be greater than or equal to', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', 
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , 
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', 
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file upload exceeds'     , 
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', 
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', 
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organisation to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organisation does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Mass Edit operation can be done on 500 or less records at a time',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item renamed successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	//User Password
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Password changed successfully.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The "new password" and "confirm password" values do not match.',
-	'JS_RECORDS_TRANSFERRED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Records ownership transferred successfully.',
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User already exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Call From',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Incoming Call',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Pick up the extension receiver to dial the number',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Please fill all the fields',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Your Changes Will Be Lost!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Base Currency has to be changed to disable ',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_us/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/en_us/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 46bf9d291e9e6982cf1e058569e57563105e8608..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Email Template',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Manage templates for E-Mail module',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Fields',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Select Field Type',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subject',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Template name',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-         //Patch provided by http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/7884
-        'Template Name' => 'Template Name', 
-        'Templatename' => 'Templatename', 
-        'Message' => 'Message', 
-        'Email Template - Properties of ' => 'Email Template - Properties of ', 
diff --git a/languages/en_us/ModuleManager.php b/languages/en_us/ModuleManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bdf5d43de07945be7d7b06f76a1040427511115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/en_us/ModuleManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+ * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+$languageStrings = array(
+	'ModuleManager' => 'Module Manager',
+	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE' => 'Import Module',
+	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE' => 'Vtiger Extension Store',
+	'LBL_PUBLISHER' => 'Publisher',
+	'LBL_LICENSE' => 'License',
+	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON' => 'Published on',
+	'LBL_INSTALL' => 'Install',
+	'LBL_UPGRADE' => 'Upgrade',
+	'LBL_VERSION' => 'Version',
+	'LBL_DECLINE' => 'Decline',
+	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL' => 'Accept and Install',
+	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Already Exists',
+	'LBL_OK' => 'OK',
+	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger CRM Compatable',
+	'LBL_INVALID_FILE' => 'Invalid File',
+	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED' => 'No License Provided',
+	'LBL_INSTALLATION' => 'Installation',
+	'LBL_FAILED' => 'Failed',
+	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL' => 'Successfull',
+	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG' => 'Installation Log',
+	//Install From file labels
+	'LBL_VERIFY_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Verify Import Details',
+	'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Module Name',
+	'LBL_REQ_VTIGER_VERSION' => 'Vtiger Version',
+	'LBL_LICENSE_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT' => 'I accept the license agreement.',
+	'LBL_EXISTS'=>'Exists',
+	'LBL_PROCEED_WITH_IMPORT' => 'Do you want to proceed with the import?',
+	'LBL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 'Module version is not compatible with vtiger version',
+	'LBL_FINISH' => 'Finish',
+	'LBL_IMPORT_ZIP' => 'Install From File',
+	'LBL_NOT_FOUND' => "Sorry, no extensions are currently available for the current version of your CRM",
+	'LBL_INVALID_IMPORT_TRY_AGAIN' => ' provided for module import! Try Again.',
+	'LBL_IMPORTED_MODULE' => ' module was imported successfully.',
+	'LBL__IMPORTING_MODULE' => 'Importing Module',
+	'LBL_EXTENSION_STORE' => 'Extension Store',
+	'LBL_ACCEPT_WITH_THE_DISCLAIMER' => 'I accept with disclaimer and would like to proceed',
+	'LBL_INSTALL_FROM_ZIP' => 'Install from Zip',
+	'LBL_DELETE_EXIST_DIRECTORY' => 'Please delete the module direcctory that exist to proceed with import module',
+	'LBL_UPDATE_MODULE_FROM_FILE' => 'Update Module From File',
+	'LBL_UPDATED_MODULE' => ' module was updated successfully.',
+	'LBL__UPDATING_MODULE' => 'Updating Module',
+	'LBL_PHP_EXTENSION_LOADER_IS_NOT_AVAIABLE' => 'Please install extension loader',
+	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_FROM_ZIP' => 'Import Module from Zip',
+	'LBL_UPDATE_NOW' => 'Update Now',
+	'LBL_IMPORT_NOW' => 'Import Now',
+	'LBL_DISCLAIMER_FOR_IMPORT_FROM_ZIP' => '<b>Disclaimer - Custom Files could put your CRM at risk</b> <br>  
+												 This functionality has been made available for Developers to test new modules.
+													If you are installing from a file provided 3rd party, please proceed only if you trust the publisher. Custom Modules could include security vulnerabilities and overwrite system files putting your CRM at risk. The module you are about to install has not been reviewed by Vtiger.',
+$jsLanguageStrings = array(
+	'JS_ON' => 'on',
+	'JS_PLEASE_INSTALL_EXTENSION_LOADER_TO_INSTALL_THIS_EXTENSION_FROM_BELOW_LINK' => 'Please install extension loader to install this extension from below link',
+	'JS_EXTENSION_STORE_IS_NOT_SUPPOTED_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_INSTALL' => 'Extension is not supported, Would you like to install?',
+	'JS_PHP_EXTENSION_LOADER_NOT_INSTALLED' => 'Php extension loader not installed ',
+	'JS_CLICK_HERE' => 'Click here ',
+	'JS_FOR_INSTALLATION' => 'for installation',
+	'JS_IMPORT_SUCCESSFULL' => 'Import Successfull',
+	'JS_IMPORTED_MODULE' => ' module was imported successfully.',
+	'JS_UPDATE_SUCCESSFULL' => 'Update Successfull',
+	'JS_UPDATED_MODULE' => 'module was updated successfully',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_us/PBXManager.php b/languages/en_us/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f2806e0e8845f56c4f84100275c4f413ec8bdd92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/PBXManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk' => 'Asterisk',
-	'Call From'=>'Call From',
-	'Call To'=>'Call To',
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION' => 'Call Details',
-	'PBXManager ID'=>'PBX Manager ID',
-	'PBXManager' => 'PBX Manager',
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager' => 'PBX Manager',
-	'Time Of Call'=>'Time Of Call',
diff --git a/languages/en_us/RecycleBin.php b/languages/en_us/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index aee37ebf8d9d3fbe062a4c26500cb5ea6cb54a3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN' => 'Empty Recycle Bin',
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES' => 'No permitted modules available',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'No records found to Restore in module',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Recycle Bin List',
-	'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restore',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Select Module',
-	'RecycleBin' => 'Recycle Bin',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to restore the records?',
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted records from your database?',
-	'JS_RESTORING_RECORDS' => 'Restoring records',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_us/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/en_us/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0508524a3a80ce5b42c5a2aa1298fcd91d98b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Add more fields',
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'Check Status',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Server Configuration',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Step 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Step 2',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'Type the message',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'write your message here',
-	'message' => 'Message',
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Notifier',
diff --git a/languages/en_us/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/en_us/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index db111137cff677d6a5a87d9adedb4ba69e03ecc7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/ServiceContracts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(	
-	'Actual Duration' => 'Actual Duration (in Days)',
-	'Contract No' => 'Contract Number',
-	'End Date' => 'End Date',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Service Contract',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Service Contracts List',
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Service Contract Details',
-	'Planned Duration' => 'Planned Duration (in Days)',
-	'Progress'=> 'Progress',
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Service Contracts',
-	'ServiceContracts' => 'Service Contracts',
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts' => 'Service Contract',
-	'Start Date' => 'Start Date',
-	'Total Units' => 'Total Units',
-	'Tracking Unit' => 'Tracking Unit',
-	'Used Units' => 'Used Units',
-         //Patch provided by http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/7884
-        'Due date' => 'Due Date', 
-        //Picklist values 
-        'Hours' => 'Hours', 
-        'Days' => 'Days', 
-        'Incidents' => 'Incidents', 
-        'Support' => 'Support', 
-        'Services' => 'Services', 
-        'Administrative' => 'Administrative', 
-        'Undefined' => 'Undefined', 
-        'In Planning' => 'In Planning', 
-        'In Progress' => 'In Progress', 
-        'On Hold' => 'On Hold', 
-        'Complete' => 'Complete', 
-        'Archived' => 'Archived', 
diff --git a/languages/en_us/Services.php b/languages/en_us/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c9aff5d1e725fbf47741ff225e52f1dcbb2ae0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Commission Rate'=>'Commission Rate',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Service',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Add to PriceBooks', //Duplicated key-value pairs
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES' => 'more currencies', 
-	'LBL_PRICE' => 'Price',
-	'LBL_PRICES' => 'Service Prices',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Services List',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE' => 'Reset Price',
-	'LBL_RESET' => 'Reset',
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION' => 'Service Details',
-	'No of Units'=>'Number of Units',
-	'Owner'=>'Owner',
-	'Price'=>'Price',
-	'Service Active'=>'Active',
-	'Service Category'=>'Category',
-	'Service Name'=>'Service Name',
-	'Service No'=>'Service Number',
-	'Services' => 'Services',
-	'SINGLE_Services' => 'Service',
-	'Tax Class'=>'Tax Class',
-	'Usage Unit'=>'Usage Unit',
-	'Website'=>'Website',
-         //Patch provided by http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/7884
-        //Picklist values 
-        'Hours' => 'Hours', 
-        'Days' => 'Days', 
-        'Incidents' => 'Incidents', 
-        'Support' => 'Support', 
-        'Installation' => 'Installation', 
-        'Migration' => 'Migration', 
-        'Customization' => 'Customization', 
-        'Training' => 'Training', 
diff --git a/languages/en_us/Settings/Payments.php b/languages/en_us/Settings/Payments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 382499fdb2ab9e938abf5a3faab0ee0be272ce92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/Settings/Payments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'LBL_RIGHT_CLICK_COPY' => 'Right click and copy',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Deleted Successfully',
-	'JS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Saved Successfully',
diff --git a/languages/en_us/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/en_us/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f029b84ca13cefac131315ba1856f80d72ff40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'isactive' => 'Active',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'New Configuration',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'New Configuration',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Edit Configuration',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Select One',
-	'password' => 'Password',
-	'providertype' => 'Provider',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Provider Configuration',
-	'username' => 'User Name',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en_us/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/en_us/Settings/Webforms.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b4398ce954ff2e3ddbc3654d921738fee0d0816..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/en_us/Settings/Webforms.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Captcha Enabled' => 'Captcha Enabled',
-	'Enabled' => 'Status',
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS' => 'Add Fields',
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Assign Users In Round Robin',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'User Assignment',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Webform Name already exists',
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Enable Target modules for webform',
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION' => 'Field Information',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME' => 'Field Name',
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Hidden',
-	'LBL_LABEL' => 'label',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY' => 'Mandatory',
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Override Value',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round Robin Users List',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Save fields order', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...',
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE' => 'Select Value',
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM' => 'Show Form',
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION' => 'Webform Information',
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD' => 'Webforms reference Field',
-	'Module' => 'Module',
-	'Post Url' => 'Post Url',
-	'Public Id' => 'Public Id',
-	'Return Url' => 'Return Url',
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms' => 'Webform',
-	'SINGLE_Webforms' => 'Webform',
-	'WebForm Name' => 'Webform Name',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LABEL' => 'label',
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loading Target Module Fields',
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Mandatory Fields without override values cant be hidden',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Reference fields cant be mandatory without override value',
-	'JS_SELECT_AN_OPTION' => 'Select an Option',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Type to search',
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform with this name already exists',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Accounts.php b/languages/es_es/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 372cc3230fb924689c04a4255a433af56140d729..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *  ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cuentas',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cuenta',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Cuenta',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Cuentas',
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalle de Cuenta',
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Jerarquía de Cuenta',
-	'industry'                     => 'Industria',
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nombre de Cuenta',
-	'Account No'                   => 'Número de Cuenta',
-	'Website'                      => 'Página web',
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Símbolo de bolsa',
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Miembro de',
-	'Employees'                    => 'Empleados',
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Propietario',
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'CIF',
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Email (Alternativo)',
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analista',
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Competencia',
-	'Customer'                     => 'Cliente',
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrador',
-	'Investor'                     => 'Inversor',
-	'Press'                        => 'Prensa',
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospecto',
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Cuentas Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Revendedor',
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Inicio',
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Vencimiento',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Una cuenta con este nombre ya existe',
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Envío',
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Facturación',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar?',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Borrar esta cuenta eliminará sus relaciones con Oportunidades, Presupuestos, Ordenes de Venta y Facturas. ¿Quieres borrar la Cuenta?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Borrar esta cuenta eliminará sus relaciones con Oportunidades, Presupuestos, Ordenes de Venta y Facturas. ¿Quieres borrar los registros seleccionados?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Assets.php b/languages/es_es/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a00dc2d994881f770d40ed0cecf03c709f53d82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Recurso',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Recurso',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Recursos',
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalles de Recurso',
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Número Recurso',
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número serie',
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Fecha venta',
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Fecha instalación',
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Etiquetado',
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Referencia Factura',
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Forma de envío',
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número seguimiento envío',
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nombre Recurso',
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Adquirido por',
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas',
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Servicio',
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fuera de servicio',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Calendar.php b/languages/es_es/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a1e548c789ace507750139a9f59a64bfd8dca5c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Añadir Para hacer',
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Añadir Evento',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vista de Lista',
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos',
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tareas',
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Para hacer la información',
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'       => 'Detalles del evento',
-	'Subject'                      => 'Asunto',
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Fecha y Hora Inicio',
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo Actividad',
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Enviar notificación',
-	'Location'                     => 'Localización',
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y Hora Fin',
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Tipos Actividad',
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Fecha Fin Soporte',
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Fecha Nacimiento',
-	'Call'                         => 'Llamada',
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunión',
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planificado',
-        'Held'                         =>   'Celebrada',
-        'Not Held'                     =>   'No Celebrada',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Completado',
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Esperando',
-	'Not Started'                  => 'No Iniciada',
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Retrasado',
-	'Medium'                       => 'Medio',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Cambiar Propietario',
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Evento',
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Vista Calendario',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS' => 'Configurar Calendario',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING' => 'Compartir Calendario',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION' => 'Duración de Evento por defecto',
-	'LBL_CALL' => 'Llamada',
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS' => 'Otros Eventos',
-	'LBL_MINUTES' => 'Minutos',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS' => 'Selecciona Usuarios',
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK' => 'Evento / Para hacer',
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS' => 'Calendarios Añadidos',
-	'Task' => 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR' => 'Calendario Compartido',
-	'LBL_DAY0' => 'Domingo',
-	'LBL_DAY1' => 'Lunes',
-	'LBL_DAY2' => 'Martes',
-	'LBL_DAY3' => 'Miércoles',
-	'LBL_DAY4' => 'Jueves',
-	'LBL_DAY5' => 'Viernes',
-	'LBL_DAY6' => 'Sábado',
-	'first' => 'Primer',
-	'last' => 'Ultimo',
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH' => 'día del mes',
-	'LBL_ON' => 'en',
-	'Daily' => 'Día(s)',
-	'Weekly' => 'Semana(s)',
-	'Monthly' => 'Mes(es)',
-	'Yearly' => 'Año',
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Defecto de estado y tipo'      ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Estado'                        ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tipo',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Editar color',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Añadir Calendar View',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Seleccione Calendario de usuario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Seleccione Calendario color',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Edición Calendar View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Eliminar Calendario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Seleccionar el tipo de actividad',
-	'Tasks' => 'Tareas',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Añadir Evento / Para hacer' ,
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Se ha añadido la tarea al calendario',
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'No se puede seleccionar contactos relacionados por pre-contactos',
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'No puede ser considerado para futuras',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Call Mobile',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendario Ver colores actualizado correctamente',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta vista Calendario?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View añadido correctamente',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendario Ver eliminado correctamente',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Sin Calendar View para agregar',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Editar calendario',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Campaigns.php b/languages/es_es/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 82f15dc61e831dc7d0038251b75076dcb0672fad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Campaigns.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *  ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campañas',
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campaña',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Campaña',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Campañas',
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Detalles de Campaña',
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectativa y Real' ,
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nombre Campaña',
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Número Campaña',
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tipo Campaña',
-	'Product'                      => 'Producto',
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Estado Campaña',
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Número de Envíos',
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Patrocinador',
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Público Objetivo',
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Cantidad Objetivo',
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Respuesta Estimada',
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Beneficio Estimado',
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Coste Estimado',
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Coste Real',
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Estimación de Respuestas',
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Estimación de Ventas',
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Estimación Retorno Inversión',
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Respuestas',
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Ventas',
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Retorno de Inversión',
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar',
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Programa de Referidos',
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Publicidad',
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banners',
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing',
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing',
-	'Others'                       => 'Otros',
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planeada',
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactiva',
-	'Complete'                     => 'Completa',
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelada',
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excelente',
-	'Good'                         => 'Buena',
-	'Average'                      => 'Normal',
-	'Poor'                         => 'Pobre',
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--',
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Respuesta - Satisfactoria' ,
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Respuesta - Insatisfactoria',
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Respuesta - No volver a contactar',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Contacts.php b/languages/es_es/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c85a3632041c94f38d8c2e0d97afd5f96ada3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contactos',
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contacto',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Contacto',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Contactos',
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Datos Personales',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Información Portal Cliente',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Imagen del Contacto',
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Teléfono Empresa',
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Teléfono Particular',
-	'Title'                        => 'Título',
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento',
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Fecha de Nacimiento',
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Informa a',
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Asistente',
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Teléfono de Asistente',
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'No Llamar por Teléfono',
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referencias',
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Usuario de Portal',
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Dirección (Factura)',
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Población (Factura)',
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Provincia (Factura)',
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Código Postal (Factura)',
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'País (Factura)',
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Apdo de Correos (Factura)',
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Dirección (Envío)',
-	'Other City'                   => 'Población (Envío)',
-	'Other State'                  => 'Provincia (Envío)',
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Código Postal (Envío)',
-	'Other Country'                => 'País (Envío)',
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Apdo de Correos (Envío)',
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Imagen del Contacto',
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.',
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.',
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.',
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.',
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.',
-	'User List'                    => 'Lista de Usuarios',
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Alternativa',
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Envío',
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contacto Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Support Start Date',
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Support End Date',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Documents.php b/languages/es_es/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d65e933817a9041bc79050d02efdb51e2e316a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Documents.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *  ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Documento',
-	'Documents'             => 'Documentos',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Documento',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Documentos',
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Información Básica',
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Información Archivo',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción',
-	'Title'                        => 'Título',
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nombre Archivo',
-	'Note'                         => 'Nota',
-	'File Type'                    => 'Tipo Fichero',
-	'File Size'                    => 'Tamaño Fichero',
-	'Download Type'                => 'Tipo Descarga',
-	'Version'                      => 'Versión',
-	'Active'                       => 'Activo',
-	'Download Count'               => 'Número Descargas',
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Nombre Carpeta',
-	'Document No'                  => 'Número Documento',
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Modificado por',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Por favor, mueve los documentos a otra carpeta antes de eliminarla',
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Descargar fichero',
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Comprobar integridad fichero',
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Interno',
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Externo',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Tamaño máximo fichero',
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Mover',
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Añadir Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Carpetas',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Carpetas',
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha movido el documento',
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Documentos Denegados',
-	'MB'                           => 'MB',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Añadir Nueva Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nombre de Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Descripción Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'Fichero disponible para descarga',
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'Este fichero no está disponible para descarga',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'Nueva Carpeta',
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Mover Documentos',
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres mover el fichero(s) a',
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'carpeta',
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operación Denegada',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Plantillas de Email' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Añadir Plantilla Email',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Plantilla Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Plantillas de Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Plantilla Email',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nombre Plantilla',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Campos Generales',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selecciona Tipo de Campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Administrar plantillas de E-Mail',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Emails.php b/languages/es_es/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9858e5de6471b71c838945fae1f873a969e11e94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Emails.php
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Selecciona las direcciones de Email',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Adjunto',
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Navegar CRM',
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Enviar',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Guardar Borrador',
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Selecciona la plantilla de Email' ,
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Redactar Correo',
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc',
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc',
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Añadir Cc',
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Añadir Bcc',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'El tamaño máximo de subida es',
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Excedido',
-	'SINGLE_Emails' => 'Email',
-	'Emails' => 'Emails',
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW' => 'Previsualización',
-	'LBL_TO' => 'A',
-	'LBL_FORWARD' => 'Reenviar',
-	'LBL_PRINT' => 'Imprimir',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'De',
-	'LBL_INFO' => 'Info',
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON' => 'Borrador del',
-	'LBL_SENT_ON' => 'Enviado el',
-	'LBL_OWNER' => 'Proietario',
-	'Date & Time Sent' => 'Fecha Envío',
-    'Time Start'       => 'Hora de envío',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'Información E-mail',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Eventos',
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Evento',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Evento',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vista de Lista',
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos',
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tarea',
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalles del Evento',
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Detalles Recurrencia',
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Fecha y Hora de Inicio',
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Eventos Recurrentes',
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Enviar notificación',
-	'Location'                     => 'Localización',
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Enviar Recordatorio',
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y Hora de Fin',
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo de Evento',
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibilidad',
-	'Private'                      => 'Privado',
-	'Public'                       => 'Público',
-	'Call'                         => 'Llamada',
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunión',
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planeado',
-	'Held'                         => 'Realizada',
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Pendiente',
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Días',
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Horas',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Vista de Calendario',
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Mantenga Seguimiento On',
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Crear Seguimiento de eventos',
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO' => 'Relacionado con',
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE' => 'Día(s)',
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE' => 'Semana(s)',
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE' => 'Mes(es)',
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE' => 'Año',
-	'LBL_FIRST' => 'Primer',
-	'LBL_LAST' => 'Ultimo',
-	'LBL_SM_SUN' => 'Dom',
-	'LBL_SM_MON' => 'Lun',
-	'LBL_SM_TUE' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_SM_WED' => 'Mié',
-	'LBL_SM_THU' => 'Jue',
-	'LBL_SM_FRI' => 'Vie',
-	'LBL_SM_SAT' => 'Sab',
-	'LBL_DAY0' => 'Domingo',
-	'LBL_DAY1' => 'Lunes',
-	'LBL_DAY2' => 'Martes',
-	'LBL_DAY3' => 'Miércoles',
-	'LBL_DAY4' => 'Jueves',
-	'LBL_DAY5' => 'Vierne',
-	'LBL_DAY6' => 'Sábado',
-	'Daily' => 'Día(s)',
-	'Weekly' => 'Semana(s)',
-	'Monthly' => 'Mes(es)',
-	'Yearly' => 'Año',
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT' => 'Una vez en cada',
-	'LBL_UNTIL' => 'Hasta',
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH' => 'díay del mes',
-	'LBL_ON' => 'en',
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK' => 'Invita',
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS' => 'Invita Usuarios',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/Faq.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ',
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'FAQ',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de FAQs',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir FAQ',
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Información de FAQ',
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Información del Comentario',
-	'Question'                     => 'Pregunta',
-	'Answer'                       => 'Respuesta',
-	'Comments'                     => 'Comentarios',
-	'Faq No'                       => 'Número FAQ',
-	'General'                      => 'General',
-	'Draft'                        => 'Borrador',
-	'Published'                    => 'Publicada',
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsoleta',
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'Solución',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Incidencias',
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Incidencia',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Incidencia',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Incidencias',
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Información de Incidencia',
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Resolución de Incidencia',
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Número Incidencia',
-	'Severity'                     => 'Urgencia',
-	'Update History'               => 'Histórico de Actualizaciones',
-	'Hours'                        => 'Horas',
-	'Days'                         => 'Días',
-	'Title'                        => 'Título',
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solución',
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Proviene del Portal',
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Problema Grande',
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Problema Pequeño',
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Otro Problema',
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normal',
-	'High'                         => 'Alta',
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgente',
-	'Minor'                        => 'Menor',
-	'Major'                        => 'Mayor',
-	'Feature'                      => 'Característica',
-	'Critical'                     => 'Crítica',
-	'Open'                         => 'Abierta',
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Esperando',
-	'Closed'                       => 'Cerrada',
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Estado',
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Urgencia',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convertir en FAQ',
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Relacionado con',
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Hola',
-	'Dear' => 'Estimado',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'El Parte ha sido',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => ', los detalles son:',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Atentamente,',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Equipo de Soporte Técnico',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Detalles de Parte',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asunto : ',
-	'created' => 'creado',
-	'replied' => 'respondido',
-	'reply' => 'Hay una respuesta a',
-	'customer_portal' => 'en el "Portal del Cliente" en Vtiger',
-	'link' => 'Utilice el siguiente enlace para ver las respuestas dadas:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Gracias',
-	'Support_team' => 'Equipo de Soporte Técnico',
-	'The comments are' => 'Los comentarios son',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Título Incidencia',
-	'Re' => 'Re :',
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Estado de Parte actualizado a',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'El Parte no puede ser',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'EL Cliente ha incluido la siguiente información a su respuesta:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Por favor responde al parte lo más pronto posible.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Saludos Cordiales,',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Atención al Cliente',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Responde al Nº de Parte',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Respuesta al número de entradas',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'en el Portal del Cliente - URGENTE',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Sus datos de conexión al Portal de Cliente son:',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'No se puede enviar el correo',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Usuario :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Contraseña :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Datos de Conexión al Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Introduzca dirección de email',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Compruebe su dirección de email para el Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Datos de Usuario no válidos, consulte con su administrador.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Se le ha enviado un correo con los datos de conexión al Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Este es el mensaje de correo para los clientes que no soportan HTML',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Id Incidencia',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Nº de Parte',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Número de entradas',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Cuentas Destacadas',
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Oportunidades Destacadas',
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Presupuestos Destacados',
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Medidas Clave',
-	'HLT'                          => 'Incidencias Destacadas',
-	'GRT'                          => 'Asignación de Grupo',
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Orden Venta Destacadas',
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Facturas Destacadas',
-	'HDB'                          => 'Cuadro Mando Inicio',
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Orden Compra Destacadas',
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'FAQs Recientes',
-	'UA'                           => 'Próximas Actividades',
-	'PA'                           => 'Actividades Pendientes',
-        'Home'                         => 'Inicio',
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Las métricas clave',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Nube de etiquetas',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/Import.php
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-27
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Paso 1',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Seleccionar Fichero',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Formato(s) aceptados: .CSV, .VCF',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Paso 2',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Especifica Formato',
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Tipo Fichero',
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Codificación caracteres',
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimitador',
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Tiene cabecera',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Paso 3',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manejo de Registros Duplicados',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Selecciona esta opción para habilitar y configurar el control de duplicados',
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Selecciona cómo se han de gestionar los registros duplicados',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Selecciona los campos coincidentes para encontrar duplicados',
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Campos Disponibles',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Campos Coincidentes',
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Siguiente',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Paso 4',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Asigna las Columnas a Campos del Módulo',
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Cabecera',
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Fila 1',
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'Campos CRM',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Valor por defecto',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Guardar como asignación personalizada ',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importar',
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Resultado',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Número total de registros importados',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Número de registros creados',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Número de registros sobrescritos',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Número de registros descartados',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Número de registros combinados',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Número total de registros descartados',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importar Más',
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Registros Importados',
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Deshacer última importación',
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Terminar',
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Resultado de deshacer importación',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Número total de registros',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Número total de registros eliminados',
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Vale',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Importación Planificada',
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'En ejecución',
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancelar Importación',
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Error',
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Vaciar cola importación',
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'No se puede importar más información en este lote. Por favor, inicia una nueva importación.',
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'La importación actual ha sido interrumpida.',
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'No se ha podido bloquear el módulo para la importación. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.',
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Selecciona asignación personalizada',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE' => 'Error: Fichero demasiado grande ',
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED' => 'Ha fallado la carga del fichero',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Cambiar tamaño de carga',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'El Directorio de importación no es escribible',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED' => 'No se ha podido copiar el fichero de importación',
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE' => 'Fichero Inválido',
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND' => 'No se han encontrado filas',
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Tu importación ha sido programada y comenzará en 15 minutos. Recibirás un correo electrónico al finalizar la importación.
-Por favor, asegúrate de que el servidor de correo saliente y tu dirección de correo electrónico está configurado para recibir notificaciones.',
-	'LBL_DETAILS' => 'Detalles',
-	'skipped' => 'Registros ignorados',
-	'failed' => 'Registros erróneos',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Factura',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Factura',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Factura',
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalle de Factura',
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Orden Venta',
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Referencia Cliente',
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Fecha Factura',
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Orden Compra',
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas',
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Número Factura',
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviada',
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Rectificativa',
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pagada',
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automática',
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Cancelar',
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF' => 'Enviar Email con PDF',
-	'LBL_RECEIVED' => 'Recibido',
-	'LBL_BALANCE' => 'Balance',
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'No es un Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Sub Productos',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Acción',
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diff --git a/languages/es_es/Leads.php b/languages/es_es/Leads.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Pre-Contactos',
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Pre-Contacto',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Pre-Contactos',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Pre-Contacto',
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Detalle de Pre-Contacto',
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Número Pre-Contacto',
-	'Company'                      => 'Cuenta',
-	'Designation'                  => 'Designación',
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web',
-	'Industry'                     => 'Industria',
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Estado Pre-Contacto',
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Numero de Empleados',
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--',
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.',
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.',
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.',
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.',
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.',
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Intentado Contactar',
-	'Cold'                         => 'Frío',
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contactar más adelante',
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contactado',
-	'Hot'                          => 'Caliente',
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Leads calientes',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Pre-Contacto Basura',
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Pre-Contacto Fallido',
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'No Contactado',
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pre Calificado',
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Calificado',
-	'Warm'                         => 'Tibio',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Convertir Pre-Contacto',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transferir elemento relacionado a',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'Cuentas y/o Contactos han de estar habilitados para la conversión',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Módulos Deshabilitados',
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'No se puede convertir',
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'A continuación se detallan algunas de las posibles causas:',
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'No se han vinculado todos los campos obligatorios(Configuración > Administrador de Módulos > Pre-Contactos > Vinculación de Campos)',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Algún campo obligatorio está vacío',
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Vinculación de Campos',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Editar Vinculación de Campos',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Selecciona Contactos para seguir',
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Selecciona Cuenta para seguir',
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'La conversión requiere la selección de Contacto o Cuenta',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Migration.php b/languages/es_es/Migration.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Bienvenido a Vtiger Migración',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migración Completado',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Asistente para la migración',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Estamos orgullosos de estar asociados con usted.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => '¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Encuentre ayuda en Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discusiones </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Para saber más sobre Vtiger síguenos nuestra <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Ayuda - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Vídeos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Gracias por usar <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Nuestro objetivo es ser - simplemente el mejor',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Vamos otra vez, no hay espacio para ti también!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Su migración vtiger6 completada con éxito.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Para saber lo que es nuevo en esta versión, por favor lea <a href="#" target="_blank">Notas de la versión</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Por favor, espere ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'La migración en curso',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migración: Base de datos Cambios Conectarse',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/ModComments.php b/languages/es_es/ModComments.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/ModComments.php
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comentario',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Comentarios',
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Información Adicional',
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Añadiendo Comentario',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Introduce comentario aquí',
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comentario',
-	'Creator'                      => 'Autor',
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Relacionado con',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/PBXManager.php b/languages/es_es/PBXManager.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/PBXManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk',
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Administrador PBX',
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Administrador PBX',
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Detalles Llamada',
-	'Call From'                    => 'Llamada de',
-	'Call To'                      => 'Llamar a',
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Tiempo de Llamada',
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'Id Administrador PBX',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Portal.php b/languages/es_es/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d751886d88f1e3f33cf93cb24584ebadb98b40e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Portal.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Nuestros Sitios',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Añadir marcador',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Nombre',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Creado el',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Nuestro Sitio',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Editar marcador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Introduzca Nombre de marcador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Introduzca Url (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Crear Nuevo Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark guardado correctamente',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Registro eliminado con éxito',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Nuestra Lista de Sitios',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista de enlaces',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Marcadores eliminado correctamente',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Marcador',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Marcadores',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'La página web que está intentando abrir no es segura y no se puede abrir. Si usted todavía desea ver la página web, entonces usted puede hacer clic en el bloqueador de contenido en la barra de direcciones y habilitarlo.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Potentials.php b/languages/es_es/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c9141201771b8343b3c47761f987432ed73c8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidades',
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Oportunidad',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Oportunidad',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Oportunidades',
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Detalles de Oportunidad',
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Número Oportunidad',
-	'Amount'                       => 'Importe',
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Siguiente Paso',
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Fase de Venta',
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilidad',
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Campaña Origen',
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Previsión de Ventas Cantidad',
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Embudo de Ventas',
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Oportunidades por Fase',
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Ingresos por Comercial',
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Oportunidades Destacadas',
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Previsión de Ventas',
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Investigando',
-	'Qualification'                => 'Calificando',
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Necesita Análisis',
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Propuesta de Evaluación',
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Identificando Quien Decide',
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Análisis',
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Presupuesto Propuesto',
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Negociando-Revisando',
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Cerrada-Ganada',
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Cerrada-Perdida',
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--',
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Negocio Existente',
-	'New Business'                 => 'Nuevo Negocio',
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Fecha estimada de cierre',
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS' => 'Contactos Relacionados',
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS' => 'Productos Relacionados',
-        'Potentials Won'               =>'Potenciales Ganados',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/PriceBooks.php b/languages/es_es/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 989059f1854c5e95c5fe675cfaf28355bc448399..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Tarifas',
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Tarifa',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Tarifa',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Tarifas',
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Detalle de Tarifa',
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Editar Tarifa',
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Nombre Tarifa',
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Número Tarifa',
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Precio unitario',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Añadir a',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Products.php b/languages/es_es/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4033675ed534c50caf703641c7cc3872d4da5b5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-27
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Productos',
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Producto',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Producto',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Productos',
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalle de Producto',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de la Imagen del Producto',
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de Stock',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas',
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Precios Producto',
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Precio',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Restaurar Precio',
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Restaurar',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Añadir a Tarifas',
-	'Product No'                   => 'Número Producto',
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Código de Producto',
-	'Product Active'               => 'Producto Activo',
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Fabricante',
-	'Product Category'             => 'Categoría Producto',
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web',
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Nº de Pieza del Fabricante',
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Nº de Pieza del Proveedor',
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidad de Uso',
-	'Handler'                      => 'Responsable',
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Nivel de pedido',
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Clase de Impuesto',
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Nº de serie',
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Cantidad en Stock',
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Hoja del Producto',
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Cantidad Pedida',
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cuenta contable',
-	'Product Image'                => 'Imagen del Producto',
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Precio Unitario',
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comisión',
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Cantidad/Unidad',
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--',
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware',
-	'Software'                     => 'Software',
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Aplicaciones CRM',
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Ventas-Software',
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Ventas-Hardware',
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Ingreso-Alquiler',
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Ingreso-Intereses',
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Ventas-Software-Soporte',
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Ventas-Otros',
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Ventas-Internet',
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Instalación de Hardware-Ventas',
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Ventas-Libros',
-	'Box'                          => 'Caja',
-	'Carton'                       => 'Cartón',
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton',
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Docena',
-	'Each'                         => 'Cada',
-	'Hours'                        => 'Horas',
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impresiones',
-	'Lb'                           => 'Kg',
-	'M'                            => 'm',
-	'Pack'                         => 'Paquete',
-	'Pages'                        => 'Páginas',
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Piezas',
-	'Reams'                        => 'Resma',
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Hoja',
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Cuaderno espiral',
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'm<sup>2</sup>',
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Habilitar Productos Módulo para ver Productos',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Project.php b/languages/es_es/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cad1ec85bcc768458e858ed5372ea031fc4b575a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Project.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Proyecto',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Proyecto',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Proyectos',
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalles del Proyecto',
-	'Project Name'                 => 'Nombre Proyecto',
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Fecha inicio',
-	'Target End Date'              => 'Fecha fin prevista',
-	'Actual End Date'              => 'Fecha fin real',
-	'Project No'                   => 'Número Proyecto',
-	'Target Budget'                => 'Presupuesto previsto',
-	'Project Url'                  => 'Url Proyecto',
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progreso',
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'               => 'Actividades Abiertas',
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'                => 'Actividades Pendientes',
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'          => 'Actividades Terminadas',
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'                   => 'Personas',
-	'LBL_CHARTS'                   => 'Gráficos',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST' => 'Lista Actividades',
-	'LBL_MILESTONES' => 'Hitos',
-	'LBL_TASKS' => 'Actividades',
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS' => 'Estado es',
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Estado',
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY' => 'Prioridad',
-	'LBL_MORE' => 'más',
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE' => 'Descargar Fichero',
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos',
-	'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'Alta Prioridad',
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Prioridad Normal',
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Prioridad baja',
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Otras prioridades',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Seleccione el Progreso',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospección',
-    'in progress' => 'En curso',
-    'initiated' => 'Iniciado',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Esperando Feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'En espera',
-    'archived' => 'Archivado',
-    'completed' => 'Terminado',
-    'delivered' => 'Liberado',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
-    'low' => 'Bajo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Seleccionar Estado',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Seleccione el Progreso',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/es_es/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e28296d6232fdb65f223b306432add67d533e21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/ProjectMilestone.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Hito',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Hito',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Hitos',
-    'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Lista de Proyectos',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Lista de Tareas', 
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos',
-	'Project Milestone Name'       => 'Nombre Hito',
-	'Milestone Date'               => 'Fecha Hito',
-	'Project Milestone No'         => 'Número Hito',
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/ProjectTask.php b/languages/es_es/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 238d48bb3d35fabb62ba077c8ea63a91eed2ae78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/ProjectTask.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'           => 'Actividad',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Actividad',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Actividades',
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Detalles de Actividad',
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST' => 'Lista de Proyectos',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST' => 'Lista de Actividades',
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Project Task Name',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Project Task No',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Project Task Number',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priority',
-    'Progress' => 'Progress',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Worked Hours',
-    'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-    'End Date'=>'End Date',
-    'Related To' => 'Related To',
-    'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
-    'low' => 'Bajo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-    'Created Time' => 'Created Time',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Modified Time',
-    'description' => 'Description',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Assigned To',
-	'Open' => 'Open',
-	'In Progress' => 'In Progress',
-	'Completed' => 'Completed',
-	'Deferred' => 'Deferred',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Canceled',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/PurchaseOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Orden Compra',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Orden Compra',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Orden Compra',
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Detalles de Orden Compra',
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Número Orden Compra',
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Referencia del pedido',
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nº de seguimiento',
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas',
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Recibido',
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF' => 'Enviar Email con PDF',
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Envío',
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección Facturación',
-	'LBL_PAID' => 'Pagado',
-	'LBL_BALANCE' => 'Balance',
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Precio de lista',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Precio de lista',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar Dirección de la empresa',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Quotes.php b/languages/es_es/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b172a0a60c5a8f2e80305c0ef4d6c023443576..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Presupuesto',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Presupuesto',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Presupuestos',
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalles del Presupuesto',
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Número Presupuesto',
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Fase de Presupuesto',
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Válido hasta',
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Encargado del Inventario',
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Aceptado',
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rechazado',
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF' => 'Enviar Email con PDF',
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Abrir Cotizaciones',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/RecycleBin.php b/languages/es_es/RecycleBin.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-	'Recycle Bin' => 'Papelera de Reciclaje',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Selecciona Módulo',
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN' => 'Vaciar Papelera de Reciclaje',
-	'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurar',
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES' => 'No hay modulos permitidos',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Papelera',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'No hay registros en la papelera de este módulo',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar permanentemente todos los registros borrados de la base de datos?',
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres restaurar los registros?',
-	'JS_RESTORING_RECORDS' => 'Recuperando registros',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Reports.php b/languages/es_es/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-27
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Carpeta no está vacía',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Personalizar',
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Exportar Excel',
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Imprimir',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2',
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Paso 3',
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Detalles Informe',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Seleccionar Columnas',
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtros',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Carpetas',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Añadir Nueva Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nombre Carpeta',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Descripción Carpeta',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Introduce Descripción',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Existe Duplicado',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Carpeta no está vacía',
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Mover Informes',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Carpetas',
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Informes Denegados',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Informe',
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Añadir Carpeta',
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'No tienes suficiente permiso para eliminar el informe',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'No se puede eliminar esta carpeta',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Informes',
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nombre Informe',
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Carpeta de Informes',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción',
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Módulo Primario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Selecciona Módulos Relacionados',
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX',
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Siguiente',
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Lista de Informes',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Selecciona Módulos Relacionados',
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Agrupar por',
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Ordenación',
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendente',
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descendente',
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Cálculos',
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Columnas',
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Suma',
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Media',
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Valor Mínimo',
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Valor Máximo',
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generar Informe',
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'SUM',
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'AVG',
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Nombres de Campos',
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Exportar CSV',
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Ver Detalles',
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nombre Informe',
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Informes de Cuentas y Contactos',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Informes de Pre-Contactos',
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Informes de Oportunidades',
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Informes de Tareas',
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Informes de Incidencias',
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Informes de Productos',
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Informes de Presupuestos',
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Informes de Ordenes de Compra',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Informes de Ordenes de Venta',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Informes de Facturación',
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Informes de Campañas',
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contactos por Cuenta',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contactos sin Cuentas',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contactos por Oportunidades',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contactos relacionados con Cuentas',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contactos sin Cuenta',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contactos relacionados con Oportunidades',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Pre-Contactos por Origen',
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Informes de Estado de los Pre-Contactos',
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Gráfica de Oportunidades',
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Oportunidades Cerradas',
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Oportunidades Exitosas',
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Incidencias por Producto',
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Incidencias por Prioridad',
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Incidencias Abiertas',
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Incidencias relacionadas con Productos',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Incidencias Abiertas',
-	'Product Details'              => 'Detalles de Productos',
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Productos por Contacto',
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Informe detallado de Productos',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Productos relacionados con Contactos',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Presupuestos Pendientes',
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Informe detallado de Presupuestos',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Presupuestos Pendientes',
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Ordenes de Compra por Contactos',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Informe detallado de Ordenes de Compra',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Ordenes de Compra relacionadas con Contactos',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Informe detallado de Facturas',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Tareas del Mes Pasado',
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Tareas de este Mes',
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Expectativas y Realidad de Campaña',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Informe detallado de Ordenes de Venta',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Informes de Email',
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Informe de Emails a Contactos',
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Informe de Emails a Cuentas',
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Informe de Emails a Pre-Contactos',
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Informe de Emails a Proveedores',
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails enviados a Contactos',
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails enviados a Cuentas',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails enviados a Pre-Contactos',
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails enviados a Proveedores',
-	'Reports' => 'Informes',
-	'SINGLE_Reports' => 'Informe',
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS' => 'Registros en total : ',
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'=>'Sólo 1.000 registros se muestran abajo. Por favor, exportar a ver todos los registros',
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW' => 'Generar ahora',
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT' => 'Imprimir Informe',
-	'LBL_RECORDS' => 'Registros',
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Solo se muestran unos 1000 resultados. Utiliza CSV o Exportación Excel para ver todos los registros',
-	'LBL_TOP' => 'Arriba',
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS' => 'Todos los Informes',
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Los cálculos se realizan utilizando la moneda base de la aplicación',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD' => 'Informe Duplicado',
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitación: Campos de las líneas de producto (Precio Unitario, Descuento y Cantidad) solo se pueden utilizar si no hay otros campos de cálculo seleccionados.',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Rss.php b/languages/es_es/Rss.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Rss.php
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Fuentes de alimentación de los rss',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Añadir RSS Fuente',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feeds Lista De',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Establecer como predeterminado',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'emisor',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Fuente RSS',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Introduzca RSS Fuente',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'Fuente RSS',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss sucessfully ahorrado',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Inválido Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Hecho por Defecto',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_es/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Enviar SMS a los números seleccionados',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecciona los números de teléfono',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Escribe el mensaje',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'escribe el mensaje aquí',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Añadir más campos',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuración Servidor',
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Verificar Estado',
-	'message'                      => 'Mensaje',
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Notifier',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/SalesOrder.php b/languages/es_es/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f09a55cb3add29c7fad5702f1bd39faa1bf97da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/SalesOrder.php
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Orden Venta',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Orden Venta',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Ordenes Venta',
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Detalles de Orden Venta',
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Número Orden Venta',
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Referencia del Presupuesto',
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Referencia del Cliente',
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Referencia de la Orden',
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nº de seguimiento',
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas',
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Orden Compra',
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Términos del Proveedor',
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendiente',
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Habilitar facturación recurrente',
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frecuencia',
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Inicio Periodo',
-	'End Period'                   => 'Final Periodo',
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Duración Pago',
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Estado Factura',
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total',
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automática',
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviada',
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Rectificativa',
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pagada',
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF' => 'Enviar Email con PDF',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/es_es/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c40ec219907d93d026aea5f5ccc4a1b02464503d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/ServiceContracts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos de Servicio',
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contrato de Servicio',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Contrato de Servicio',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Contratos de Servicio',
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Detalles del Contrato de Servicio',
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Número Contrato',
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Fecha Inicio',
-	'End Date'                     => 'Fecha Fin',
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unidad de seguimiento',
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Total Unidades',
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unidades consumidas',
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progreso',
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Duración estimada (días)',
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Duración real (días)',
\ No newline at end of file
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index c164c0bcb555c12890832559853520f213c80795..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Servicios',
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Servicio',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Servicio',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Servicios',
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalles de Servicio',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas',
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Precios Servicio',
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Precio',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Restaurar Precio',
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Restaurar',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Añadir a Tarifas',
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Nombre Servicio',
-	'Service Active'               => 'Activo',
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categoría',
-	'Service No'                   => 'Número Servicio',
-	'Owner'                        => 'Responsable',
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Número de Unidades',
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comisión',
-	'Price'                        => 'Precio',
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidades de consumo',
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Tipo impuesto',
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/CronTasks.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/CronTasks.php
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks' => 'Planificador',
-	//Basic Field Names
-	'Id' => 'Id',
-	'Cron Job' => 'Tarea Programada',
-	'Frequency' => 'Frecuencia',
-	'Status' => 'Estado',
-	'Last Start' => 'Ultima ejecución empezó hace',
-	'Last End' => 'Ultima ejecución acabó hace',
-	'Sequence' => 'Secuencia',
-	//Actions
-	'LBL_COMPLETED' => 'Terminado',
-	'LBL_RUNNING' => 'En ejecución',
-	'LBL_ACTIVE' => 'Activo',
-	'LBL_INACTIVE' => 'Inactivo',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e77eeef1a4b5665cec946d7b98530a343e93a4f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Currency.php
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@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Añadir Moneda',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY' => 'Editar Moneda',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY' => 'Nueva Moneda',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME' => 'Nombre de Moneda',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE' => 'Código de Moneda',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL' => 'Símbolo',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE' => 'Ratio de Conversión',
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE' => 'Introduce Ratio de Conversión',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC' => 'Habilitar casilla para activar la moneda',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY' => 'Moneda de Cambio',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY' => 'Moneda Actual',
-	//currency names
-	'Albania, Leke' 		=> 'Albania, Leke',
-	'Argentina, Pesos' 		=> 'Argentina, Pesos',
-	'Aruba, Guilders' 		=> 'Aruba, Guilders',
-	'Australia, Dollars' 	=> 'Australia, Dollars',
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'=> 'Azerbaijan, New Manats',
-	'Bahamas, Dollars' 		=> 'Bahamas, Dollars',
-	'Bahrain, Dinar' 		=> 'Bahrain, Dinar',
-	'Barbados, Dollars' 	=> 'Barbados, Dollars',
-	'Belarus, Rubles' 		=> 'Belarus, Rubles',
-	'Belize, Dollars' 		=> 'Belize, Dollars',
-	'Bermuda, Dollars' 		=> 'Bermuda, Dollars',
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos' 	=> 'Bolivia, Bolivianos',
-	'Convertible Marka'		=> 'Convertible Marka',
-	'Botswana, Pulas' 		=> 'Botswana, Pulas',
-	'Bulgaria, Leva' 		=> 'Bulgaria, Leva',
-	'Brazil, Reais' 		=> 'Brazil, Reais',
-	'Great Britain Pounds' 	=> 'Great Britain Pounds',
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars' => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars',
-	'Canada, Dollars' 		=> 'Canada, Dollars',
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars' => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars',
-	'Chile, Pesos' 			=> 'Chile, Pesos',
-	'Colombia, Pesos' 		=> 'Colombia, Pesos',
-	'Costa Rica, Colón' 	=> 'Costa Rica, Colón',
-	'Croatia, Kuna' 		=> 'Croatia, Kuna',
-	'Cuba, Pesos' 			=> 'Cuba, Pesos',
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'		=> 'Cyprus, Pounds',
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny' => 'Czech Republic, Koruny',
-	'Denmark, Kroner' 		=> 'Denmark, Kroner',
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos' => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos',
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars' => 'East Caribbean, Dollars',
-	'Egypt, Pounds' 		=> 'Egypt, Pounds',
-	'El Salvador, Colón' 	=> 'El Salvador, Colón',
-	'England, Pounds' 		=> 'England, Pounds',
-	'Estonia, Krooni' 		=> 'Estonia, Krooni',
-	'Euro' 					=> 'Euro',
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds' => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds',
-	'Fiji, Dollars' => 'Fiji, Dollars',
-	'Ghana, Cedis' 	=> 'Ghana, Cedis',
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds' 	=> 'Gibraltar, Pounds',
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales' 	=> 'Guatemala, Quetzales',
-	'Guernsey, Pounds' 		=> 'Guernsey, Pounds',
-	'Guyana, Dollars' 		=> 'Guyana, Dollars',
-	'Honduras, Lempiras' 	=> 'Honduras, Lempiras',
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars ' => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars ',
-	'Hungary, Forint' 		=> 'Hungary, Forint',
-	'Iceland, Krona' 		=> 'Iceland, Krona',
-	'India, Rupees' 		=> 'India, Rupees',
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs' 	=> 'Indonesia, Rupiahs',
-	'Iran, Rials' 			=> 'Iran, Rials',
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds' 	=> 'Isle of Man, Pounds',
-	'Israel, New Shekels' 	=> 'Israel, New Shekels',
-	'Jamaica, Dollars' 		=> 'Jamaica, Dollars',
-	'Japan, Yen' 			=> 'Japan, Yen',
-	'Jersey, Pounds' 		=> 'Jersey, Pounds',
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge' 	=> 'Kazakhstan, Tenge',
-	'Korea (North), Won' 	=> 'Korea (North), Won',
-	'Korea (South), Won' 	=> 'Korea (South), Won',
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms' 		=> 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms',
-	'Laos, Kips' 			=> 'Laos, Kips',
-	'Latvia, Lati' 			=> 'Latvia, Lati',
-	'Lebanon, Pounds' 		=> 'Lebanon, Pounds',
-	'Liberia, Dollars' 		=> 'Liberia, Dollars',
-	'Switzerland Francs' 	=> 'Switzerland Francs',
-	'Lithuania, Litai' 		=> 'Lithuania, Litai',
-	'Macedonia, Denars' 	=> 'Macedonia, Denars',
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits' 	=> 'Malaysia, Ringgits',
-	'Malta, Liri'			=> 'Malta, Liri',
-	'Mauritius, Rupees' 	=> 'Mauritius, Rupees',
-	'Mexico, Pesos' 		=> 'Mexico, Pesos',
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks' 	=> 'Mongolia, Tugriks',
-	'Mozambique, Meticais' 	=> 'Mozambique, Meticais',
-	'Namibia, Dollars' 		=> 'Namibia, Dollars',
-	'Nepal, Rupees' 		=> 'Nepal, Rupees',
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders',
-	'New Zealand, Dollars' 	=> 'New Zealand, Dollars',
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas' 	=> 'Nicaragua, Cordobas',
-	'Nigeria, Nairas' 		=> 'Nigeria, Nairas',
-	'North Korea, Won' 		=> 'North Korea, Won',
-	'Norway, Krone' 		=> 'Norway, Krone',
-	'Oman, Rials' 			=> 'Oman, Rials',
-	'Pakistan, Rupees' 		=> 'Pakistan, Rupees',
-	'Panama, Balboa' 		=> 'Panama, Balboa',
-	'Paraguay, Guarani' 	=> 'Paraguay, Guarani',
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles' 	=> 'Peru, Nuevos Soles',
-	'Philippines, Pesos' 	=> 'Philippines, Pesos',
-	'Poland, Zlotych' 		=> 'Poland, Zlotych',
-	'Qatar, Rials'			=> 'Qatar, Rials',
-	'Romania, New Lei' 		=> 'Romania, New Lei',
-	'Russia, Rubles'		=> 'Russia, Rubles',
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds' => 'Saint Helena, Pounds',
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals' => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals',
-	'Serbia, Dinars' 		=> 'Serbia, Dinars',
-	'Seychelles, Rupees' 	=> 'Seychelles, Rupees',
-	'Singapore, Dollars' 	=> 'Singapore, Dollars',
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars' => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars',
-	'Somalia, Shillings' => 'Somalia, Shillings',
-	'South Africa, Rand' => 'South Africa, Rand',
-	'South Korea, Won' 	=> 'South Korea, Won',
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees' => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees',
-	'Sweden, Kronor' 	=> 'Sweden, Kronor',
-	'Switzerland, Francs' => 'Switzerland, Francs',
-	'Suriname, Dollars' 	=> 'Suriname, Dollars',
-	'Syria, Pounds' 		=> 'Syria, Pounds',
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars' 	=> 'Taiwan, New Dollars',
-	'Thailand, Baht' 		=> 'Thailand, Baht',
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars',
-	'Turkey, New Lira' 		=> 'Turkey, New Lira',
-	'Turkey, Liras' 		=> 'Turkey, Liras',
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars' 		=> 'Tuvalu, Dollars',
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia' 		=> 'Ukraine, Hryvnia',
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds' => 'United Kingdom, Pounds',
-	'USA, Dollars' 			=> 'USA, Dollars',
-	'Uruguay, Pesos' 		=> 'Uruguay, Pesos',
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums' 		=> 'Uzbekistan, Sums',
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes',
-	'Vietnam, Dong' 		=> 'Vietnam, Dong',
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars' 		=> 'Zimbabwe Dollars',
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi' 	=> 'China, Yuan Renminbi',
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis' => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis',
-	'Cambodia, Riels' 		=> 'Cambodia, Riels',
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'	=> 'China, Yuan Renminbi',
-	'Jordan, Dinar'			=> 'Jordan, Dinar',
-	'Kenya, Shilling'		=> 'Kenya, Shilling',
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary',
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham',
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling',
-	'Yemen, Rials'			=> 'Yemen, Rials',
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'		=> 'Zambia, Kwacha',
-	'Malawi, kwacha'		=> 'Malawi, kwacha',
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'		=> 'Tunisian, Dinar',
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'		=> 'Moroccan, Dirham',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Se han guardado los detalles de la moneda',
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la moneda correctamente',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f200ba5393b29dde1e2c5b45f22856ba320fc6d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal' => 'Portal Cliente',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configuración Privilegios del Usuario del Portal',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES' => 'Privilegios',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE' => 'Por defecto Asignado a',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL' => 'Url Portal',
-	//Fields
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME' => 'Nombre Módulo',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE' => 'Habilitar Módulo',
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS' => 'Ver Registros entre Cuentas',
-	//Messages
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE' => 'El perfil del usuario seleccionado controlará qué campos aparecen en el Portal de Cliente.',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Las incidencias se asignarán al usuario/grupo por defecto seleccionado.',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE' => 'Esta es la URL del Portal, donde tus contactos pueden iniciar sesión para enviar/seguir incidencias, acceder a la base de conocimiento y hacer otras tareas. A los contactos se les enviará los datos de acceso al Portal si se habilita desde la ficha de detalles del contacto.',
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE' => 'Arrastra y suelta los módulos para reordenar',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la configuración del Portal',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Nombre Plantilla',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción ',
-	'EmailTemplate' => 'Plantilla Email',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asutno',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Groups.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transferir Asignado',
-	'SINGLE_Groups' => 'Grupo',
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'A Otro Grupo ',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Añadir Grupo',
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME' => 'Nombre Grupo',
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'Miembros Grupo',
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES' => 'Añadir Usuarios, Roles...',
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE' => 'Rol y Subordinados',
-	'RoleAndSubordinates' => 'Rol y Subordinados'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Selecciona al menos un miembro para el grupo',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el grupo correctamente',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8180b9b5429d996808c66c919da4f59a780b5a7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Editor de Campos y Disposición',
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD' => 'Añadir Campo Personalizado',
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT' => 'Disposición de la Vista Detalle',
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS' => 'Organizar Lista Relacionada',
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD' => 'Añadir Campo Personalizado',
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK' => 'Añadir Bloque Personalizado',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Guardar Secuencia de Campos',
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME' => 'Nombre Bloque',
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER' => 'Añadir Después',
-	'LBL_ACTIONS' => 'Acciones',
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW' => 'Mostrar Siempre',
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS' => 'Campos Desactivados',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK' => 'Eliminar Bloque Personalizadok',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Campo Obligatorio',
-	'LBL_ACTIVE' => 'Activo',
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE' => 'Creación Rápida',
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD' => 'Vista Resumen',
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT' => 'Edición Masiva',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Valor por Defecto',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selecciona Tipo de Campo',
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME' => 'Nombre Etiqueta',
-	'LBL_LENGTH' => 'Longitud',
-	'LBL_DECIMALS' => 'Decimales',
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Introduce Valores de la Lista...',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Valores de la Lista',
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE' => '(Re)Activar',
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST' => 'Organizar Lista Relacionada',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD' => 'Selecciona Módulo para añadir',
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION' => 'No hay Información Relacionada',
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO' => 'Arrastra el módulo para reordenar la lista',
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO' => 'Haz clic en el icono de cerrar para eliminar el módulo de la lista',
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO' => 'Selecciona el módulo eliminado para volverlo a incluir en la lista',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Selecciona Módulo..',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Un bloque con ese nombre ya existe',
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST' => 'Lista Desplegable sin Roles',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS' => 'Existe un Campo Duplicado',
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Tipo de Campo Erróneo',
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST' => 'Lista Desplegable con Roles',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW' => 'Mostrar bloque abierto',
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE' => 'Mostrar bloque cerrado',
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED' => 'Se ha añadido el nuevo bloque personalizado',
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED' => 'Se ha actualizado la secuencia de bloques',
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Se han (re)activado los campos seleccionados',
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Se han guardado los detalles del campo',
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED' => 'Se ha eliminado el bloque personalizado',
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED' => 'Se ha añadido el nuevo campo personalizado',
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED' => 'Se ha eliminado el campo personalizado',
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'La longitud ha de ser menor o igual a',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'El número de decimales ha de estar entre 2 y 5',
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Guarda los cambios para actualizar la secuencia de campos',
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la información relacionada',
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS' => 'Un bloque con ese nombre ya existe',
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS' => 'No hay campos Inactivos',
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS' => 'No se permiten caracteres especiales como',
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED' => '',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b5575d043a8db8e66000adc851aa4c156bded9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//Actions
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha guardado correctamente',
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado correctamente',
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING' => 'Asignación Inválida',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convertir Asignación de PreContacto',
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL' => 'Etiqueta Campo',
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Tipo Campo',
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Asignación con otros Módulos',
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS' => 'Cuentas',
-	'LBL_CONTACTS' => 'Contactos',
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES' => 'Oportunidades',
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING' => 'Añadir Asignación',
-	'LBL_NONE' => 'Ninguno',
-	//Field Type Translation
-	'phone' => 'Teléfono',
-	'picklist' => 'Lista Desplegable',
-	'email' => 'Email',
-	'text' => 'Texto',
-	'currency' => 'Moneda',
-	'multiSelectCombo' => 'Lista Desplegable Múltiple',
-	'time' => 'Tiempo',
-	'textArea' => 'Area de Texto',
-	'url' => 'Url',
-	'string' => 'Cadena',
-	'checkBox' => 'Casilla Verificación',
-	'date' => 'Fecha',
-	'decimal' => 'Decimal',
-	'percent' => 'Porcentaje',
-	'skype' => 'Skype',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_None' => 'Ninguno',
-	'JS_NONE' => 'Ninguno',
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED' => 'ya está asignado',
-	'JS_CANT_MAP' => 'No se puede asignar',
-	'JS_WITH' => 'con',
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la asignación',
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapeo guardado con éxito',
-	//JS Field Type Translation
-	'JS_phone' => 'Teléfono',
-	'JS_picklist' => 'Lista Desplegable',
-	'JS_email' => 'Email',
-	'JS_text' => 'Texto',
-	'JS_currency' => 'Moneda',
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo' => 'Lista Desplegable Múltiple',
-	'JS_time' => 'Tiempo',
-	'JS_textArea' => 'Area de Texto',
-	'JS_url' => 'Url',
-	'JS_string' => 'Cadena',
-	'JS_checkBox' => 'Casilla Verificación',
-	'JS_date' => 'Fecha',
-	'JS_decimal' => 'Decimal',
-	'JS_percent' => 'Porcentaje',
-	'JS_skype' => 'Skype',
-	'JS_integer' => 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e3afb7b58bd41c76d643eb88f75a06b9ca6a66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/MailConverter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Convertir mensajes de correo electrónico a los registros respectivos",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Buzón",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Regla",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Agregar buzón",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Todo",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "No leído",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Marcar como leído",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Leer",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Editar Buzón",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Crear buzón",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Realice una copia de los buzones",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Marcar mensaje como",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Crear buzón ahora",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Agregar nuevo buzón de correo",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Enviar los detalles de caja",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Seleccione Carpetas",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Añadir Reglas",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Crear plomo",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Crear contacto",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Cree Organización",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Acciones",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mail Box",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Regla",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Condiciones",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Carpetas escaneadas",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Próximo",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Terminar",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Para cambiar la selección de carpeta desactive cualquiera de las carpetas seleccionadas",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter permite configurar su buzón de correo para escanear sus correos electrónicos y crear entidades apropiadas en Vtiger CRM. <br> Usted también tendrá que definir las reglas para especificar qué acciones deben realizarse en su correo electrónico. <br> Sus correos electrónicos son escaneado de forma automática, a menos que hayas desactivado tarea escáner de correo en el Programador. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Has superado el límite de buzón adicional!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "En el estado de ejecución",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Guardado éxito",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Conectar con buzón de correo no <br>! Los caracteres especiales no están permitidos para nombre_servidor.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Eliminados con éxito",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Eliminación regla no",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reglas secuencia info está vacía",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Secuencia actualizado correctamente",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Analizado con éxito",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Nombre Clasificador'       , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Nombre Servidor'           , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protocolo'                 , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'Nombre Usuario'            , 
-    'Password'                     => 'Contraseña'                , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'Tipo SSL'                  , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Método SSL'                , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Url Conexión'              , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'Buscar'                    , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Después de Clasificación'  , 
-    'Status'                       => 'estado'                    ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Zona horaria'              ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validar Certificado SSL'    ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'No Validar Certificado SSL',
-    'markas'                       => 'Después de Clasificación'  ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Permitir",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Inhabilitar",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Revise para asegurarse activo",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Validar certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "No Validar Certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Todos los mensajes de la última exploración",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Los mensajes no leídos de la última exploración",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Marcar mensajes como leídos",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "No lo sé",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Buscar ahora",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Lista de reglas",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Seleccione Carpetas",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Eliminados con éxito",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Eliminación regla no",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Guardado éxito",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Analizado con éxito",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "se encuentra en estado de ejecución",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Información de carpetas está vacía",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reglas información sequnce está vacía",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualización de carpetas",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "De",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "A",
-    'subject'   =>   "Tema",
-    'body'   =>   "Cuerpo",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Emparejar",
-    'action'   =>   "Acciones",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridad",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Arrastre y suelte los bloques de priorizar la regla",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Todas las Condiciones",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Cualquier Estado",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contiene",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "No Contiene",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Iguales",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "No es igual a",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Comenzar",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Final",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Crear Ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Actualizar Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Agregar a contacto [DE]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Agregar a contacto [A]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Añadir a la Organización [DE]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Añadir a la Organización [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Añadir a plomo [DE]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Añadir a plomo [A]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualización de carpetas",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Elija ninguno",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Convertir mensajes de correo electrónico a los registros respectivos",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "La regla número indica la prioridad. Arrastrar y soltar para cambiar la prioridad.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Agregar regla",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridad",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Eliminar regla",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Cuerpo",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Emparejar",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Acción",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "De"
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el buzón',
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha leído el buzón'
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f80504a4648a5df45a9cae9289847d02ea59a2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE' => 'Importar Módulo',
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE' => 'Tienda de Extensiones Vtiger',
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER' => 'Editor',
-	'LBL_LICENSE' => 'Licencia',
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON' => 'Publicado el',
-	'LBL_INSTALL' => 'Instalar',
-	'LBL_UPGRADE' => 'Actualizar',
-	'LBL_VERSION' => 'Versión',
-	'LBL_DECLINE' => 'Declinar',
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL' => 'Aceptar e Instalar',
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Ya Existe',
-	'LBL_OK' => 'Vale',
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extensión no es Compatible con Vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE' => 'Fichero Inválido',
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED' => 'No tiene Licencia',
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION' => 'Instalación',
-	'LBL_FAILED' => 'Errónea',
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL' => 'Correcta',
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG' => 'Registro Instalación',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Nueva Dependencia entre Listas',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY' => 'Dependencias entre Listas',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Módulo',
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD' => 'Campo Origen',
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD' => 'Target Field',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD' => 'Campo Destino',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Selecciona la celda para cambiar la asignación de valores del campo destino',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Solo se muestran valores asignados (salvo la primera vez)',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => "Si quieres ver o cambiar la asignación de los otros valores de la lista origen, <br/>
-                                          puedes seleccionar los valores pulsando el botón <b>'Selecciona Valores Origen'</b> en el lateral derecho",
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Valores seleccionados del campo destino, se muestran como',
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES' => 'Selecciona Valores Origen',
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Selecciona Valores Origen de la Lista',
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY' => 'Esta dependencia no esta permitida ya que produce una dependencia cíclica',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => '¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta dependencia?',
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la dependencia',
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la dependencia',
-    'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'Debes seleccionar al menos un valor para',
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'No pueden coincidir los campos origen y destino',
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE' => 'Selecciona algún valor'
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN' => 'Selecciona Lista en',
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE' => 'Añadir Valor',
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE' => 'Renombrar Valor',
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE' => 'Eliminar Valor',
-	'LBL_ITEMS' => 'Valores',
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Arrastra los elementos para reordenar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Selecciona un elemento para renombrar o eliminar',
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'Para eliminar varios elementos seleccionalos manteniendo pulsado la tecla',
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO' => 'Añadir elemento a',
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE' => 'Valor elemento',
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME' => 'Elemento a renombrar',
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME' => 'Introduce el nuevo Nombre',
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM' => 'Renombrar Elemento de la Lista',
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS' => 'Eliminar Elementos de la Lista',
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE' => 'Elementos a Eliminar',
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH' => 'Reemplazar con',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE' => 'Asignar a Rol',
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES' => 'Todos los Roles',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES' => 'Selecciona roles',
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES' => 'Todos los valores',
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Valores asignados a un rol',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE' => 'Asignar Valor',
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER' => 'Guardar Orden',
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME' => 'Nombre Rol',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE' => 'aparecerán para los usuarios con este rol',
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE' => 'Selecciona el valor para Habilitar/Deshabilitarlo. Pulsa Guardar al finalizar',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES' => 'Asignar Valores a Roles',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES' => 'Valores Seleccionados',
-    'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'=> 'no tiene campos de tipo lista desplegable',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//PickList 
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha renombrado el elemento',
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha añadido el elemento',
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'No hay elementos seleccionados',
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Se ha seleccionado más de un elemento',
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el elemento',
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'No se pueden eliminar todos los valores',
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED' => 'Se han seleccionado todos los roles',
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha actualizado la Lista',
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha actualizado la secuencia',
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se han asignado los valores',
-    'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Selecciona un módulo'
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Profiles.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Profiles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d675af65dcb2518d6eddf2669879fc7c02e79d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Profiles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Perfiles',
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Perfil',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Perfil',
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE' => 'Crear Perfil',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME' => 'Nombre Perfil',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Editar privilegios parar este perfil',
-	'LBL_MODULES' => 'Módulos',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW' => 'Vista Perfil',
-	'LBL_FIELDS' => 'Campos',
-	'LBL_TOOLS' => 'Herramientas',
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Privilegios Campo y Herramientas',
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD' => 'Editar',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD' => 'Duplicar',
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD' => 'Eliminar',
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Ver',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Crear/Editar',
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Borrar',
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE' => 'Invisible',
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY' => 'Solo lectura',
-	'LBL_WRITE' => 'Escritura',
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE' => 'Eliminar Perfil',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transferir roles a perfil',
-	'LBL_PROFILES' => 'Perfiles',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES' => 'Selecciona Perfiles',
-    'LBL_VIEW_ALL' => 'Ver Todos',
-    'LBL_EDIT_ALL' => 'Editar Todos',
-    'LBL_VIEW_ALL_DESC' => 'Puede ver toda la información del módulo',
-    'LBL_EDIT_ALL_DESC' => 'Puede edtar toda la información del módulo'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el perfil correctamente',
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Roles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Roles',
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rol',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Rol',
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE' => 'Eliminar Rol',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Cambiar Asignado a al Usuario',
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE' => 'A otro Rol',
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click para editar/Arrastrar para mover',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE' => 'Asignar Rol',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES' => 'Selecciona perfiles',
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM' => 'Copiar privilegios desde',
-	//Edit View
-	'LBL_PROFILE' => 'Perfil',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO' => 'Informa a',
-	'LBL_NAME' => 'Nombre',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES' => 'Asignar privilegios directamente al Rol',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Asignar privilegios a partir de perfiles existentes',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES' => 'Privilegios'
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Nueva Configuración',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'Configuración Proveedor SMS',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Nueva Configuración',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Editar Configuración',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Selecciona uno',
-	//Fields
-	'providertype' => 'Proveedor',
-	'isactive' => 'Activo',
-	'username' => 'Nombre Usuario',
-	'password' => 'Contraseña',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar esta configuración de proveedor SMS?',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la configuración del proveedor SMS',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la configuración del proveedor SMS',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts' => 'Cuentas y Contactos',
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Añadir Regla Personalizada',
-	'Read Only'                    => 'Solo Lectura',
-	'Read Write'                   => 'Lectura+Escritura',
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Añadir Regla Personalizada a',
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Pueden acceder...',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilegios',
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Reglas de Acceso Compartido',
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Regla Número',
-	'LBL_MODULE' => 'Módulo',
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES' => 'Reglas de Acceso Avanzado',
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS' => 'Con Permiso',
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES' => 'Aplicar Reglas de Acceso Nuevas',
-	'LBL_READ' => 'Lectura',
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE' => 'Lectura y Escritura',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG' => 'No hay Reglas de Acceso Compartido definidas',
-	'SINGLE_Groups' => 'Grupo',
-	'SINGLE_Roles' => 'Rol',
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates' => 'Rol y Subordinado',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Regla de Acceso Compartido guardada correctamente',
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Selecciona cualquier otro usuario con acceso',
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Nueva Regla de Acceso Aplicada Correctamente',
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'El acceso a Oportunidades, Incidencias, Presupuestos, Ordenes de Venta y Facturas debe ser Privado cuando el acceso a Cuentas es Privado',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Vtiger.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integración',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Configuración',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Configuración Búsqueda',
-	'LBL_SUMMARY' => 'Resumen',
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Usuarios',
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE' => 'Flujos de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_MODULES' => 'Módulos',
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS' => 'Configuración Acceso Rápido',
-	'LBL_UNPIN' => 'Desprender',
-	'LBL_PIN' => 'Fijar',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Diseñador',
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Administración Usuarios y Acceso',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Administración Acceso',
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Administración Módulos',
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notificaciones',
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Configuración Servidor Externo',
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Configuración Adicional',
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE' => 'Tienda Extensiones',
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS' => 'Extensiones',
-	// Fields
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descripción',
-	// Other Strings
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Administra usuarios con acceso a Vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Roles',
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Configura la jerarquía de roles y asignar a los usuarios',
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Perfiles',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Configura el acceso a los distintos módulos',
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Grupos',
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Definir Grupos basados en roles, usuarios y perfiles',
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Reglas de Acceso',
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administra las reglas de compartición de módulos',
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Flujos de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Flujos de Trabajo disponibles',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Campos calculados',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Añadir ecuaciones a campos personalizados',
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Administrador de Módulos',
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar el comportamiento del módulo dentro de Vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editor de Listas Desplegables',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Personalizar los valores de las listas desplegables en cada módulo',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Configuración Dependencias entre Listas',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Establece Dependencias entre los elementos de las listas desplegables en cada módulo',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Editor de Menú',
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Personalizar secuencia de menú',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'El número real de elementos de menú que aparecen dependerá del tamaño de la pantalla y podría ser inferior a los elementos seleccionados.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Plantillas de Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar Plantillas de Email',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Información de la Empresa',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Gestionar información de la empresa',
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Combinación de Correo',
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Gestionar las plantillas de mailing usadas en los módulos',
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Configuración de Impuestos',
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Gestionar impuestos y porcentajes',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Configuración del Servidor de Correo',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Editar la configuración del servidor de correo saliente',
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Inventario: Condiciones Generales',
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Gestionar los textos de las condiciones generales en presupuesto, orden de venta y facturas.',
-    'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Anuncio',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configurar Anuncio Empresarial',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Monedas',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestionar monedas y valores de cambio monetario',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Personalizar la Numeración de Registros',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permite definir la numeración automática de los módulos.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Clasificar Correos',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configura el buzón para clasificación',
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Flujos de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Crear y editar flujos de trabajo',
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Editor de Configuración',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portal del Cliente',
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permite configurar la extensión del portal del cliente',
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Diseña y modifica la distribución de cada módulo',
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Crea y administra formularios web para capturar PreContactos',
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'Para añadir un usuario nuevo, haz clic en ',
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON' => 'Icono Configuración',
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS' => 'Añadir/Eliminar Usuarios',
-	'LBL_ADD_USER' => 'Añadir Usuario',
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Control de Cambios',
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Permite definir los módulos a poner bajo controlar de cambios',
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Planificador',
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Permite configurar las Tareas Programadas',
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Formularios Web',
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Permite la administración de formularios web.',
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW' => 'Creando nuevo',
-	'LBL_EDITING' => 'Editando',
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD' => 'Editar',
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD' => 'Eliminar',
-	//Menu Editor
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS' => 'Añadir/Mover Elementos Menú',
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM' => 'Añadir Elemento Menú',
-	'LBL_MAX' => 'Máx',
-	//Tax Calculations
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS' => 'Cálculos de Impuestos',
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'=>'Administrar diferentes tipos de impuestos, como Impuesto de Venta, VAT etc.,',
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES' => 'Impuestos Productos y Servicios',
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES' => 'Impuestos Envío y Manipulación',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX' => 'Añadir Nuevo Impuesto',
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX' => 'Editar Impuesto',
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME' =>  'Nombre del Impuesto',
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE' => 'Valor de Impuesto',
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Estado',
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC' => 'Marcar casilla para activar impuesto',
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME' => 'Introduce nombre del impuesto',
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE' => 'Introduce valor del impuesto',
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST' => 'Nombre de impuesto ya existe',
-	//Terms & conditions
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Condiciones Generales',
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Introducir Condiciones Generales de Venta aquí',
-	//Announcements
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS' => 'Anuncios',
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE' => 'Introducir Anuncio aquí',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC' => 'Modificar el texto de los anuncios que aparecen en la parte superior de la página',
-	//Outgoing Server
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT' => 'Cargar valores por defecto',
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME' => 'Nombre del Servidor',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME' => 'Nombre Usuario',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Contraseña',
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL' => 'Email de',
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION' => '¿Requiere Autentificación?',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER' => 'Servidor de Correo Saliente',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC' => 'Configurar Servidor de Correo Saliente',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'=>'Por defecto, el servidor de correo saliente SMTP es od1.vtiger.com. Para evitar problemas, recomendamos que utilices una de estas opciones.',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'=>'',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'=>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'=>'Servidor de Correo (SMTP)',
-     'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTA: El servidor saliente debe establecerse en SSL o TLS Protocal y Si el campo "Desde el correo electrónico" se pone en blanco a continuación, la dirección de correo electrónico del usuario será recogido. ',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'=>'Estado del Correo de Verificación : ',
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'=>'El correo no se puede enviar al administrador. Comprueba su email y los datos de configuración.',
-	//Configuration Editor
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR' => 'Editor Configuración',
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION' => 'Editar la Configuración de vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE' => 'config.inc.php',
-	'LBL_MB' => 'MB',
-	//Config Editor Fields
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY' => 'Mostrar Calendario',
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY' => 'Mostrar Reloj Mundial',
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY' => 'Mostrar Calculadora',
-	'LBL_USE_RTE' => 'Utilizar Editor Enriquecido',
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Email de Asistencia y Soporte',
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME' => 'Nombre de Asistencia y Soporte',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Tamaño máximo de carga (Máx 5MB)',
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED' => 'Tamaño Histórico de Navegación',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE' => 'Módulo Inicial',
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Longitud de texto en vista de lista',
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Entradas por página en vista de lista',
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID' => 'Id Email Inválido',
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME' => 'Nombre Inválido',
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE' => 'Módulo Inválido',
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER' => 'Número Inválido',
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => 'Información del campo está vacío',
-	//CustomRecordNumbering
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED' => 'Se ha actualizado correctamente',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Personalizar la Numeración de Registros',
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Personalización de la Numeración de Módulos',
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Actualizar secuencia errónea ahora',
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX' => 'Utilizar Prefijo',
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE' => 'Iniciar Secuencia',
-	//Company Details
-	'organizationname' => 'Nombre Empresa',
-	'logoname' => 'Logo Empresa',
-	'address' => 'Dirección',
-	'city' => 'Población',
-	'state' => 'Provincia',
-	'code'  => 'Código Postal',
-	'country' => 'País',
-	'phone' => 'Teléfono',
-	'fax' => 'Fax',
-	'website' => 'Website',
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE' => 'Imagen Inválida',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED' => 'Virus detectado o imagen incorrecta',
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Tamaño recomendado 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION' => 'Información Empresa',
-	'LBL_UPDATE' => 'Actualizar',
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO' => 'Actualizar Logo',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO' => 'Logo Empresa',
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'Para editar la información de la empresa debes ir a: Icono Configuración > Añadir/Eliminar Usuarios > Empresa ',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE' => 'Activo',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE' => 'Inactivo',
-    //show last scan in workflows and mailconverter
-    'LBL_DISABLED' => 'Deshabilitado',
-    'LBL_RUNNING' => 'En ejecución',
-    'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT' => 'Tiempo agotado en última revisión',
-    'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT' => 'Ultima revisión @ ',
-    'LBL_TIME_TAKEN' => ' tiempo invertido ',
-    'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS' => 'seg',
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Selecciona al menos un miembro para el grupo',
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el grupo',
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha guardado el impuesto',
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED' => 'Impuesto Desactivado',
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED' => 'Impuesto Activado',
-	'JS_EDIT' => 'Editar',
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado el anuncio',
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS' => '¿Seguro que quieres cargar los valores por defecto?',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Introduce un valor entre 1-5',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Introduce un valor entre 1-100',
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Se ha guardado la numeración de registro para',
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Se ha actualizado la numeración de registro para',
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE' => 'La secuencia de numeración debe ser igual o superior a',
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE' => 'tipo de imagen no soportado',
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'El tamaño máximo permitido es de 1MB',
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED' => 'No se ha seleccionado ningún logo',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la información de configuración',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/es_es/Settings/Webforms.php
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--- a/languages/es_es/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms' => 'Formulario Web',
-	//Basic Field Names
-	'WebForm Name' => 'Nombre Formulario',
-	'Public Id' => 'Id Público',
-	'Enabled' => 'Estado',
-	'Module' => 'Módulo',
-	'Return Url' => 'URL retorno',
-	'Post Url' => 'URL destino',
-    'Captcha Enabled' => 'Captcha habilitado',
-	'SINGLE_Webforms' => 'Formulario Web',
-	//Actions
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM' => 'Mostrar Formulario',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Un formulario con ese nombre ya existe',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION' => 'Información Formulario',
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION' => 'Información Campos',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME' => 'Nombre Campo',
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Imponer Valor',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY' => 'Requerido',
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD' => 'Campo Referencia Formulario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Selecciona Campos del Módulo Destino...',
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Te permite administrar Formularios Web',
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS' => 'Añadir Campos',
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Copia el siguiente formulario en tu página web',
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE' => '--Selecciona Valor--',
-	'LBL_LABEL' => 'etiqueta',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Save campos ordenan', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Oculto',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Habilitar módulos objetivo para formulario web',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Asignación de usuario',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Asignar Usuarios En Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Ronda de Usuarios Lista de Robin',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el formulario correctamente',
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Cargando  Campos del Módulo Destino...',
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE' => 'Selecciona Valor',
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Los campos obligatorios sin valores de reemplazo no puedo estar ocultos',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Campos de referencia no puedo ser obligatoria y sin valor de reemplazo',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Escriba para buscar',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Formulario web con este nombre ya existe',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//Basic Field Names
-	'LBL_NEW' => 'Nuevo',
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW' => 'Flujo de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW' => 'Creando Flujo de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_NEXT' => 'Siguiente',
-	//Edit view
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Paso 1',
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Introduce detalles del Flujo de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE' => 'Cuando ejecutar el flujo de trabajo',
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE' => 'Solo al crear',
-	'ONCE' => 'Solo la primera vez que se cumple la condición',
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE' => 'Cada vez que se guarda la entidad',
-	'ON_MODIFY' => 'Cada vez que se modifica la entidad',
-	'MANUAL' => 'Sistema',
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW' => 'Programa Flujo de Trabajo',
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS' => 'Añadir Condición',
-	'ADD_TASKS' => 'Añadir Tarea',
-	//Step2 edit view
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION' => 'Expresión',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME' => 'Campo',
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE' => 'Asignar Valor',
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD' => 'Utilizar Campo',
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION' => 'Utilizar Función',
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT' => 'Texto',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Habilitar para crear Filtros',
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'Este flujo de trabajo se creó con una versión anterior. Sus condiciones no pueden ser editadas. Puedes generar de nuevo las condiciones, o utilizar las que hay sin modificarlas.',
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS' => 'Utilizar condiciones existentes',
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS' => 'Generar de nuevo las condiciones',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE' => 'Guardar y Continuar',
-	//Step3 edit view
-	'LBL_ACTIVE' => 'Activo',
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE' => 'Tipo Tarea',
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE' => 'Título Tarea',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW' => 'Añadir tarea al flujo de trabajo',
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK' => 'Ejecutar Tarea',
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS' => 'Seleccionar Opciones',
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD' => 'Añadir campo',
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME' => 'Añadir tiempo',
-	'LBL_TITLE' => 'Título',
-	'LBL_PRIORITY' => 'Prioridad',
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO' => 'Asignado a',
-	'LBL_TIME' => 'Tiempo',
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE' => 'Fecha vencimiento',
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'Se utilizará el mismo valor para la fecha de inicio',
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME' => 'Nombre Evento',
-	'LBL_TYPE' => 'Tipo',
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME' => 'Nombre Método',
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS' => 'Destinatarios',
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS' => 'Añadir campos',
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT' => 'Texto SMS',
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES' => 'Asignar valores a campos',
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE' => 'Inactivo',
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION' => 'Enviar Notificación',
-	'LBL_START_TIME' => 'Hora Inicio',
-	'LBL_START_DATE' => 'Fecha Inicio',
-	'LBL_END_TIME' => 'Hora Fin',
-	'LBL_END_DATE' => 'Fecha Fin',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT' => 'Repetir',
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No hay métodos disponibles para este módulo',
-	'LBL_FINISH' => 'Terminar',
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED' => 'Sin Tareas',
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'No se puede eliminar el flujo de trabajo por defecto',
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Módulos para crear registro',
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION' => 'Expresión',
-	'LBL_VTIGER' => 'Vtiger',
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER' => 'notify_owner',
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE' => 'annual_revenue',
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2' => "if mailingcountry == 'India' then concat(firstname,' ',lastname) else concat(lastname,' ',firstname) end",
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'De',
-	'Optional' => 'Opcional',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Tarea',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal del Cliente Pdf Url',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Añadir plantilla',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems bloque de grupo impuesto',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems bloque de impuesto Individual',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha cambiado el estado correctamente',
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la tarea',
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Se ha seleccionado el mismo campo más de una vez',
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha guardado el flujo de trabajo',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Users.php b/languages/es_es/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_es/Users.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-27
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Añadir Usuario',
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mis Preferencias',
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Más Información',
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Login y Rol de Usuario',
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Información de Imagen de Usuario',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Configuración Campos Tipo Moneda y Número',
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de la Dirección',
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Opciones Avanzadas de Usuario',
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Configuración Asterisk',
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Componentes Página Inicio',
-	'Role'                         => 'Rol',
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin',
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nombre Usuario',
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Vista de Calendario predeterminada',
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Vista de Pre-Contactos predeterminada',
-	'Title'                        => 'Cargo',
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Tel. Oficina',
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento',
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Informa a',
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo id',
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Teléfono Particular',
-	'User Image'                   => 'Subir Fotografía',
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Formato Fecha',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Nube de Etiquetas',
-	'Signature'                    => 'Firma',
-	'Street Address'               => 'Dirección',
-	'Password'                     => 'Contraseña',
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirma Contraseña',
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Mostrados',
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Ocultos',
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Mostrar',
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Ocultar',
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Componentes Página Inicio',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Histórico de Accesos',
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Ver detalles del Usuario',
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Eliminar Grupo',
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Grupo a eliminar',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Cambiar Propietario a: ',
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Usuario a eliminar',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Cambiar Propietario al Usuario',
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Eliminar Perfil',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transferir Roles a Perfil',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Perfil a Borrar',
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Cliente de Email Interno',
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Extensión Asterisk',
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Intervalo de Recordatorio',
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Clave de acceso',
-	'Language'                     => 'Idioma',
-	'Theme'                        => 'Apariencia',
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Zona Horaria',
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Separador Decimal',
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Agrupación de Dígitos',
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Separador de Grupos de Dígitos',
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Posición Símbolo Moneda',
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Número de Decimales en Moneda',
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Eliminar ceros a la derecha',
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY' => 'Mostrar Nube de Etiquetas',
-	' Receive Incoming Calls' => 'Recibir Llamadas Entrantes',
-	'Default Call Duration' => 'Duración de llamadas (Mins)',
-	'Other Event Duration' => 'Duración Eventos (Mins)',
-	'Calendar Hour Format' => 'Formato Horario Calendario',
-	'Summary' => 'Resumen',
-	'Detail' => 'Detalle',
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS' => 'Detalles',
-	'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD' => 'Contraseña Actual',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'Cambiar Contraseña',
-	'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD' => 'Nueva Contraseña',
-	'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'Confirmar Contraseña',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Cambiar la clave de acceso',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Tecla de acceso actualizado correctamente',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'No se pudo actualizar la clave de acceso',
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West',
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11',
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa',
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii',
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska',
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California',
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan',
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan',
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona',
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan',
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America',
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City',
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey',
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito',
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima',
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco',
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)',
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas',
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)',
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus',
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago',
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz',
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba',
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion',
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland',
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires',
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia',
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland',
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo',
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic',
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores',
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.',
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon',
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time',
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik',
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca',
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague',
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb',
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris',
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa',
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna',
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk',
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo',
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius',
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest',
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul',
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem',
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman',
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut',
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek',
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare',
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh',
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad',
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi',
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran',
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi',
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd',
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat',
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku',
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan',
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi',
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent',
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi',
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura',
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu',
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka',
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty',
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg',
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)',
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk',
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta',
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi',
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk',
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar',
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore',
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei',
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth',
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk',
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul',
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo',
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin',
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide',
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney',
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane',
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart',
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok',
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby',
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk',
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                    => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji',
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka',
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland',
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan',
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa',
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuario eliminado correctamente',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Usuarios Activos',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Los usuarios inactivos',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Eliminar usuario de forma permanente',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurar',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuario restaurado con éxito',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Casi allí!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Acerca de mí',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Nos comprometemos a mantener esta privada)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Todos los campos siguientes son obligatorios)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Comenzar',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Su número de contacto',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'¿De dónde eres?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Seleccionar país',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Tamaño de empresa',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Título del trabajo',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Departamento',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Moneda de Cuenta',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Elegir Divisa Base',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Divisa de referencia no puede ser modificado posteriormente. Seleccione su moneda de operación',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Idioma',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Escoge tu Idioma',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Elija Zona Horaria',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Formato de la fecha',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Seleccione Formato de fecha',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Teléfono',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Introduce tu contraseña actual.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Introduce tu contraseña nueva.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Introduce la confirmación de la contraseña.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Introduce las contraseñas de nuevo. La "nueva contraseña" y la "contraseña de confirmación" no coinciden.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'Debes introducir un usuario y contraseña válidos.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'No se ha podido cambiar la contraseña de ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' La nueva contraseña debe ser definida.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Contraseña actual incorrecta. Introduce de nuevo la información de las contraseñas.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Nueva clave de acceso solicitado',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Ha solicitado una nueva clave de acceso. Con la nueva disposición clave de acceso, lo que tiene que sustituir la clave de acceso antiguo por uno nuevo en todas las extensiones instaladas. Do desea continuar?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Vendors.php b/languages/es_es/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e673f3a51c024bd4ede244b425ec52216939cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Proveedores',
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Proveedor',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Proveedor',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Proveedores',
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Detalles del Proveedor',
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Información de la Dirección',
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nombre Proveedor',
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Número Proveedor',
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web',
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cuenta Contable',
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Ventas-Software',
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Ventas-Hardware',
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Ingreso-Alquiler',
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Ingreso-Intereses',
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Ventas-Software-Soporte',
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Ventas-Otros',
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Ventas-Internet',
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Instalación de Hardware-Ventas',
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Ventas-Libros',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar?',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Borrar este Proveedor eliminará sus Ordenes de Compra. ¿Quieres borrar el Proveedor?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Borrar este Proveedor(s) eliminará sus Ordenes de Compra. ¿Quieres borrar los registros seleccionados?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_es/Vtiger.php b/languages/es_es/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 847cae8823af36c9f30ca33784c0599be796b46d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_es/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-27
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-11
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM',
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Leer Licencia',
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Política de Privacidad',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Marcar Todos',
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Selecciona para Cargar Lista',
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creando Nuevo',
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editando',
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Guardar',
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Cancelar',
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Atrás',
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importar',
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exportar',
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Encontrar Duplicados',
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Más',
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Acciones',
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Añadir',
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Editar',
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Eliminar',
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Configuración',
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Añadir Comentario',
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Editar Campos',
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Editar Flujos de Trabajo',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Editar Listas Desplegables',
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Conversor de Emails',
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'El registro que pretende ver ha sido borrado.',
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'El registro al que pretende acceder no existe',
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Selecciona',
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Limpiar',
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Sí',
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No',
-        'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Ningún', 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS' => 'Detalles Completos',
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Edición Masiva',
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Anular selección',
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Creación Rápida',
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Enviar Email',
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'Todas las cuentas de email',
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Este registro tiene múltiples cuentas de correo electrónico. Selecciona aquellos a los que se enviará el email',
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Ir a formulario completo',
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Enviar SMS',
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'encontrado',
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Pulsa Añadir',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Añadir Más Campos',
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Añadir Documento',
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Crear Nuevo',
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Añadir Evento',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Añadir Para hacer',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SOPORTE',
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTARIO',
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALITICAS',
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Inicio',
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Ultimos registros mostrados',
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Cuadro de Mando',
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'Configuración Usuario',
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mis Preferencias',
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Salir',
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Ayuda',
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Documentación',
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Cuéntanos',
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'             => 'Chat de Ayuda',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'Configuración CRM',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Anuncio',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Calendario',
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Publicar',
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Usuario',
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Grupo',
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Modificado por',
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Fecha de Creación',
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Fecha de Modificación',
-	'Description'                  => 'Descripción',
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Asignado a',
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Cargando',
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Cargando Widget',
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Cargando, Por favor espera.',
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Actualizaciones',
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Resumen Detalles',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Añadir Comentario',
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'Sin Actualizaciones',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Buscar',
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'en',
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Escribe aquí para buscar',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Buscar',
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Búsqueda Avanzada',
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Cargando, Por favor espera.',
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Usuarios',
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Grupos',
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Formulario Completo',
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Formulario Simple',
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Añade tu comentario aquí...',
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Responder',
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'Ver Hilo',
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'Sin Comentarios',
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'respuestas',
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cuentas',
-	'Assets'                       => 'Recursos',
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Calendario',
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campañas',
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contactos',
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documentos',
-	'Leads'                        => 'Pre-Contactos',
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comentarios',
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidades',
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Tarifas',
-	'Products'                     => 'Productos',
-	'Project'                      => 'Proyectos',
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Hitos',
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Actividades',
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos de Servicio',
-	'Services'                     => 'Servicios',
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Proveedores',
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS',
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Presupuestos',
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Ordenes de Compra',
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Ordenes de Venta',
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Facturas',
-    'Portal'                       => 'Nuestros Sitios',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Registro',
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Modificado Recientemente',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Registros',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Resumen de Módulo',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Acceso Denegado para',
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Atrás',
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No hay datos disponibles',
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Escribe la palabra clave y pulsa Enter',
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'y',
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'o',
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'NINGUNO',
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Permitir',
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Denegar',
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'igual',
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'distinto',
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'empieza con',
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'termina con',
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contiene',
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'no contiene',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'menor que',
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'mayor que',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'menor o igual',
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'mayor o igual',
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'antes',
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'después',
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'entre',
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'no está vacío',
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Buscar',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Buscar En',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Añadir Condición',
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Añadir Grupo',
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Condiciones de Filtro',
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Todas las Condiciones',
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Se deben cumplir todas las condiciones',
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Se cumple cualquier condición',
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Al menos una condición se cumple',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Selecciona Campo',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Selecciona Módulo',
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Crear Nuevo Filtro',
-	'All'                          => 'Todos',
-	'Others'                       => 'Otros',
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendientes',
-	'Public'                       => 'Publico',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Guardar Filtro',
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Guardar/Modificar Filtro',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Resultados de la búsqueda',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Guardar como Filtro',
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Acceso denegado',
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Detalles Elemento',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Moneda',
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Modo Impuesto',
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individual',
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Herramientas',
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nombre Elemento',
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Stock',
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Cantidad',
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Precio Unitario',
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total',
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Precio Neto',
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Descuento',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total Después Descuento',
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Impuesto',
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Añadir Producto',
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Añadir Servicio',
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Gastos Manipulación/Transporte',
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Impuestos Manipulación/Transporte',
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Ajuste',
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Deducir',
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Total',
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Sin Descuento',
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'Precio',
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Descuento Directo',
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Establece Descuento',
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Stock Insuficiente',
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Valor máximo es',
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Arrastra',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total Impuestos',
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Descuento Directo',
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Descuento Final',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas',
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Crear',
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Generar',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplicar',
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Añadir Widget',
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'Comentarios',
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Actualizar',
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Cerrar',
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Todo',
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'actualizado',
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'de',
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'a',
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'en',
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'de',
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'por',
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'añadido',
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'para',
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'creado',
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'eliminado',
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'recuperado',
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'comentado',
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'quitado',
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Quitar',
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'en',
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mios',
-	'History'                      => 'Histórico',
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Próximas Tareas',
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'año',
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'años',
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'mes',
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'meses',
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'día',
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'días',
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hora',
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'horas',
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minuto',
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutos',
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'segundo',
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'segundos',
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'ahora mismo',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Información específica',
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No hay actualizaciones recientes',
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Sin Información',
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permiso denegado',
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Responsable no encontrado',
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filtro',
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'pendiente',
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'terminado',
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'hace',
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Hoy',
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Mañana',
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Ayer',
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'cambiado',
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Usuario',
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'coincide con este criterio',
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No hay actividades programadas',
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No hay actividades pasadas',
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No hay actualizaciones o comentarios',
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'Nombre Vista',
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creando nueva Vista',
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Detalles Básicos',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Elegir columnas y orden',
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filtrar por fecha',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Selecciona las condiciones del filtro',
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Fijar por defecto',
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'Mostrar en métricas',
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Hacer Público',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Añadir más Columnas',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Personalizado',
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Año Anterior',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Año Actual',
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Año Siguiente',
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Cuatrimestre Anterior',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Cuatrimestre Actual',
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Cuatrimestre Siguiente',
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Semana Anterior',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Semana Actual',
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Semana Siguiente',
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Ultimo Mes',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Mes Actual',
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Mes Siguiente',
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Últimos 7 Días',
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 30 Días',
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 60 Días',
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 90 Días',
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Últimos 120 Días',
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 30 Días',
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 60 Días',
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 90 Días',
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Siguientes 120 Días',
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Propietario',
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Creado el',
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modificado el',
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Antes del Evento',
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Próximas Actividades',
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Actividades Pasadas',
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Embudo',
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Oportunidades por Fase',
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Embudo de Ventas',
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Ingresos totales',
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Oportunidades Destacadas',
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Previsión',
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Pre-Contactos Creados',
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Pre-Contactos por Estado',
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Pre-Contactos por Origen',
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Pre-Contactos por Industria',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exportar todos los datos',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exportar datos de la página actual',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Exportar registros seleccionados',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Exportar registros',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'Ningún registro seleccionado.',
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'No se puede quitar el widget por defecto',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filtro ya existe',
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Añadir/Administrar Módulos',
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nombre Cuenta',
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Añadir Comentario',
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ajuste',
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Facturación Anual',
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Dirección (Factura)',
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Población (Factura)',
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Código Postal (Factura)',
-	'Billing Country'              => 'País (Factura)',
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Apdo. de Correos (Factura)',
-	'Billing State'                => 'Provincia (Factura)',
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx',
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS',
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS',
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL',
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart',
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Transportista',
-	'Category'                     => 'Categoría',
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Químicas',
-	'City'                         => 'Población',
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Llamada fria',
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Cliente',
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Autogenerada',
-	'Employee'                     => 'Empleado',
-	'Partner'                      => 'Socio',
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Relaciones Públicas',
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing',
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conferencia',
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Feria',
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Sitio Web',
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Boca a Boca',
-	'Other'                        => 'Otro',
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--',
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Adquirido',
-	'Active'                       => 'Activo',
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Mercado Inmaduro',
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Cancelado',
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Suspendido',
-	'Communications'               => 'Comunicaciones',
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construcción',
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consultores',
-	'Education'                    => 'Educación',
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electrónica',
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energía',
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Ingeniería',
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entretenimiento',
-	'Environmental'                => 'Medio Ambiente',
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finanzas',
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Restauración',
-	'Government'                   => 'Gubernamental',
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Salud',
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospital',
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Seguros',
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Mecánica',
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturas',
-	'Media'                        => 'Medios',
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Sin ánimo de lucro',
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreo',
-	'Retail'                       => 'Venta al por menor o detalle',
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Transporte',
-	'Technology'                   => 'Tecnología',
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecomunicaciones',
-	'Transportation'               => 'Logística',
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilidades',
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Nombre Contacto',
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Ratio Conversión',
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Dirección (Envío)',
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Población (Envío)',
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Provincia (Envío)',
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Código Postal (Envío)',
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'País (Envío)',
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Apdo. de Correos (Envío)',
-	'Country'                      => 'País',
-	'Created'                      => 'Creado',
-	'Approved'                     => 'Aprobado',
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Entregado',
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelado',
-	'Currency'                     => 'Moneda',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Moneda Base',
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Descuento %',
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Descuento Importe',
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Monto Descuento',
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Porcentaje Descuento',
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Fecha Vencimiento',
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y Hora Vencimiento',
-	'Email'                        => 'Email Trabajo',
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Email Particular',
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Email Alternativo',
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'No Enviar Email',
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Se convierte de plomo',
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Fecha Estimada de Cierre',
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax',
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Apellido',
-	'First Name'                   => 'Nombre',
-	'High'                         => 'Alto',
-	'Low'                          => 'Bajo',
-	'In Progress'                  => 'En Progreso',
-	'Subject'                      => 'Asunto',
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Condiciones Generales',
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nombre Elemento',
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Cantidad',
-	'List Price'                   => 'Precio Unitario',
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Comentario Artículo',
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Impuesto 1',
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Impuesto 2',
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Impuesto 3',
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Arancel',
-	'Total'                        => 'Total',
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total',
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tipo Impuesto',
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'Importe M&T',
-	'Status'                       => 'Estado',
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nombre Proveedor',
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de la Dirección',
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Condiciones Generales',
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de Precios',
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Detalle Producto',
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Detalle Recordatorio',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Carpeta guardada',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Carpeta ya existe',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Carpeta eliminada',
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Origen de Pre-Contacto',
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Móvil',
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notificar Propietario',
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Teléfono Particular',
-	'Phone'                        => 'Teléfono Trabajo',
-	'State'                        => 'Provincia',
-	'Po Box'                       => 'Apdo. de Correos',
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Código Postal',
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Nombre Oportunidad',
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioridad',
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Nombre Producto',
-	'Rating'                       => 'Clasificación',
-	'Related To'                   => 'Relacionado con',
-	'Type'                         => 'Tipo',
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Revisada',
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Saludo',
-	'Street'                       => 'Dirección',
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Fecha de inicio de soporte',
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Fecha de fin de soporte',
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Fecha de salida al mercado',
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Fecha de retirada del mercado',
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source',
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL' => 'Video Tutorial',
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN' => 'Añadir / Eliminar Usuarios',
-	'LBL_GUIDER' => 'Ayudante',
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE' => 'Tipo Disposición',
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD' => 'Etiquetar este Registro',
-	'LBL_PAGE' => 'Página',
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP' => 'Salto de Página',
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS' => 'Mostrar Datos Completos',
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES' => 'Actividades',
-	'Activities'	 => 'Actividades',
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES' => 'No hay actividades pendientes',
-	'LBL_SUMMARY' => 'Resumen',
-	'LBL_DETAILS' => 'Detalles',
-	'MailManager' => 'Administrador de Correo',
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS' => 'Todos los Registros',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'No se han encontrado registros',
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL' => 'Total Elementos',
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL' => 'Total antes de impuestos',
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR' => 'Establecer Impuesto para',
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX' => 'Impuesto Agrupado',
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM' => 'Copiar Dirección de Facturación',
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM' => 'Copiar Dirección de Envío',
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => 'Dirección de Envío',
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS' => 'Dirección de Facturación',
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST' => 'Mini Lista',
-	'Mini List' => 'Mini Lista',
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG' => 'Resultados de la etiqueta',
-	'Tickets by Status' => 'Incidencias por Estado',
-	'Open Tickets' => 'Incidencias Abiertas',
-	'Apparel'=>'Ropa/Lenceria',
-	'Banking'=>'Banca',
-	'Biotechnology'=>'Biotecnología',
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Seleccionar Estado',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts' => 'Cuenta',
-	'SINGLE_Contacts' => 'Contacto',
-	'LBL_Sun' => 'Dom',
-	'LBL_Mon' => 'Lun',
-	'LBL_Tue' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_Wed' => 'Mié',
-	'LBL_Thu' => 'Jue',
-	'LBL_Fri' => 'Vie',
-	'LBL_Sat' => 'Sáb',
-	'LBL_Jan' => 'Ene',
-	'LBL_Feb' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_Mar' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_Apr' => 'Abr',
-	'LBL_May' => 'May',
-	'LBL_Jun' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_Jul' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_Aug' => 'Ago',
-	'LBL_Sep' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_Oct' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_Nov' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_Dec' => 'Dic',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS' => 'Configuración Calendario',
-	'HelpDesk' => 'Incidencias',
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD' => 'Nube Etiquetas',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS' => 'Sin Registros',
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED' => 'Sin Relacionados',
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Sólo los primeros 100 resultados de todos los módulos se muestran a continuación. Para obtener resultados específicos de un módulo, selecciona ese módulo y ejecuta la búsqueda de nuevo.',
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Sólo los 100 primeros resultados se muestran a continuación. Prueba con la Búsqueda Avanzada si no has encontrado lo que buscas.',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE' => 'Tasa Conversión',
-	// used in reports detail view
-	'LBL ACTION' => 'Acción',
-	'LBL_NOTE' => 'Nota',
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION' => 'Selecciona una Opción',
-	//Module Manager
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP' => 'Administración de Ayudas',
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Personalizar Numeración Módulo',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Vinculación de Campos Personalizados',
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS' => 'Formularios Web',
-	//Compose Email Strings
-	'SINGLE_Emails' => 'Email',
-	'Emails' => 'Emails',
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS' => 'Selecciona Direcciones de Email',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT' => 'Adjunto',
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM' => 'Navegar CRM',
-	'LBL_SEND' => 'Enviar',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT' => 'Guardar Borrador',
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW' => 'Previsualizar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Selecciona Plantilla de Email',
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL' => 'Componer Email',
-	'LBL_TO' => 'A',
- 	'LBL_CC' => 'Cc',
-   	'LBL_BCC' => 'Bcc',
-   	'LBL_ADD_CC' => 'Añadir Cc',
-   	'LBL_ADD_BCC' => 'Añadir Bcc',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Tamaño máximo de subida es',
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED' => 'Excedido',
-        'LBL_MERGE'    => 'Fundirse',
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Fecha válida',
-	'Phone: ' => 'teléfono: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Fecha de publicación',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Enviando y cargas',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Envío y dirección fiscal:',
-	'Discount' => 'descuento',
-	'Net Total' => 'total neto',
-	'Product Code' => 'producto código',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nombre del cliente',
-	'Price'=>'precio',
-	'Tax:' => 'impuesto:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nombre de contacto',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'total general:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'sitio web: ',
-	'Tax' => 'impuesto',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contratos de Servicio',
-	'Projects' => 'Proyectos',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Ordenes de Venta',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Ordenes de Compra',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_MANAGE_USERS' => 'Manage Users',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP' => 'Transfer Ownership',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES' => 'Select Related Modules',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personalizar Menú Principal',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Comentario',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Último comentario',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Últimos 5 Comentarios',
-	'All Comments' => 'Todos los comentarios',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personalizar Menú Principal',//TODO REVIEW
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'No es un paquete',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Marcar como mantenidos',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Máximo 160 caracteres están permitidos para el mensaje de texto',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Ocultar completadas Calendario de Eventos',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Crear Formulario Web',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Por favor, configura el servidor de correo saliente en la sección de configuración',
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Por favor, configura los datos de acceso a tu proveedor de servicio SMS en configuración del módulo',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Por favor, selecciona al menos un registro',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Por favor, introduce una cuenta de correo válida',
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contiene caracteres inválidos',
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'número de teléfono demasiado largo',
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'admite solo valores positivos',
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'el valor debe ser superior a cero',
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Número inválido',
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar?',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => '¿Sobrescribir la dirección existente con la dirección seleccionada?',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Detalles Dirección',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cuenta',
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contacto',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar los registros seleccionados?',
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Guardar',
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancelar',
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Tiene que ocurrir antes de hoy',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Por favor, selecciona al menos una opción',
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Por favor, selecciona módulo',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Por favor, selecciona al menos una campo obligatorio',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Por favor, introduce un valor entero',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Por favor, introduce un valor decimal',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'debe ser menor que la fecha actual',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'debe ser mayor que la fecha actual',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'debe ser mayor que o igual a',
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'No se han podido guardar los cambios',
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El fichero a importar no puede estar vacío',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Selecciona al menos un campo para la comparación',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El nombre de la asignación no puede estar vacío',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'El nombre de la asignación ya existe',
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Por favor, selecciona un fichero con una de estas extensiones:',
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Tamaño de fichero subido debe ser menor que',
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Fichero subido es mayor que',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Divide el fichero en varios más pequeños e importa de nuevo.',
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Campo asignado más de una vez',
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Por favor, asigna los campos obligatorios',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Por favor, introduce algún valor de búsqueda',
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'Solo puedes seleccionar',
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'elementos',
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permisos',
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Comprobar integridad de este fichero',
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Registro Duplicado',
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'esta habilitado',
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'esta deshabilitado',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Por favor, introduce algún texto para el comentario',
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El comentario no puede quedar vacío',
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* Este campo es obligatorio',
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'No se puede quitar el widget por defecto',
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No tienes permiso de creación o no está disponible en la creación rápida',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la imagen',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'No se ha podido eliminar la imagen',
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Sí',
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No',
-	'AM'                           => 'AM',
-	'PM'                           => 'PM',
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'El número debe ser inferior a 32',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE' => 'Introduce una fecha válida',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME' => 'introduce una hora válida',
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER' => 'Número de Página Inválida',
-	'INVALID_NUMBER' => 'Número Inválido',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'Debe ser menor o igual a',
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Fecha actual',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'El porcentaje debe ser inferior a 100',
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER' => 'Acepta solo números',
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Ya se ha seleccionado este Fichero',
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS' => 'carga de ficheros máxima excedido',
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Este Documento ya está adjunto',
-	//Roles
-	'JS_ERROR' => 'Error',
-	'JS_INFORMATION' => 'Información',
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID' => 'no tiene una dirección de email',
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'Ninguno de los valores de los campos se han cambiado con la edición masiva',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Selecciona una cuenta para copiar la dirección',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Selecciona un contacto para copiar la dirección',
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'La cuenta seleccionada no tiene una dirección para copiar',
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'El contacto seleccionada no tiene una dirección para copiar',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Has de introducir el email primario para habilitar el portal del cliente',
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'El email primario no existe, para habilitar el portal del cliente',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG' => 'Introduce una etiqueta',
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST' => 'Etiqueta ya existe',
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS' => 'Etiqueta demasiado larga',
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No hay registros asociados a este filtro',
-	// Calendar Reminder popup
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME' => 'Fecha y Hora de Inicio',
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME' => 'Fecha y Hora de Fin',
-	'JS_POSTPONE' => 'Posponer',
-	'JS_MESSAGE' => 'Mensaje',
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Operación Editar Misa se puede hacer en 500 o menos registros a la vez',
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'No tendrás permiso para ver este expediente después de guardar. ¿Quieres continuar?',
-	//Settings page translations
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED' => 'Se ha añadido el acceso directo',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED' => 'Se ha eliminado el acceso directo',
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED' => 'Este acceso directo ya existe',
-	//Module Manager
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED' => 'Módulo Habilitado',
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED' => 'Módulo Deshabilitado',
-	//Cron tasks
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'La frecuencia de cualquier tarea programada no debe ser inferior a',
-	'JS_MINUTES' => 'mins',
-	//PickList
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha renombrado el elemento',
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha añadido el elemento',
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'No se ha seleccionado ningún elemento',
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Más de un elemento seleccionado',
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado el elemento',
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Se han encontrado entradas duplicadas para este valor',
-	//User Password
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Contraseña actual incorrecta. Introduce de nuevo la información de las contraseñas.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha cambiado la contraseña correctamente.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Introduce las contraseñas de nuevo. La "nueva contraseña" y la "contraseña de confirmación" no coinciden.',
-	'JS_RECORDS_TRANSFERRED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Records ownership transferred successfully.',
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Llamar desde',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Llamada entrante',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Levante el receptor extensión para marcar el número',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Llamada fallida',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Por favor rellene todos los campos',
-	// ends
-    //Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Sus cambios se perderán!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Moneda base tiene que ser cambiado para desactivar',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cuentas'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cuenta'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar cuenta  '            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Cuentas'            , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de la Cuenta'   , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Mostrar Jerarquía de Cuentas', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Actividad'                   , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nombre de la Cuenta'         , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Núm. Cuenta'                , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web'                 , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Símbolo de bolsa'           , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Miembro de'                  , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Empleados'                   , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Propietario'                 , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'RFC'                         , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Email (Alternativo)'         , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analista'                    , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Competencia'                 , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Cliente'                     , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrador'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Inversionista'               , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Prensa'                      , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospecto'                   ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            =>'Cuentas Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Revendedor'                  , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Inicio'                      , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Vencimiento'                 , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'El nombre de esta cuenta ya existe', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Seguro que lo quieres borrar?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Eliminando esta cuenta, se eliminarán también todas las oportunidades y cotizaciones relacionadas. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta cuenta?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Eliminando esta cuenta, se eliminarán también todas las oportunidades y cotizaciones relacionadas. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta cuenta', 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Activo'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Activo'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Activos'            , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de Activo'      , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Número Activo'              , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número serie'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Fecha de venta'              , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Fecha de instalación'       , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Etiquetado'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Factura Relacionada'         , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Forma de envío'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número seguimiento envío'  , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nombre Activo'               , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Instalado en'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Servicio'                 , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fuera de servicio'           , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Para hacer'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Agregar Para hacer'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Agregar Evento'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vista de Lista'              , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tareas'                      , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Evento / Para hacer'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Para hacer la información',
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalles del evento'         ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Asunto'                      , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Fecha y Hora de Inicio'      , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo de Tarea'               , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Enviar notificación'        , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Localización'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y Hora de Vencimiento' , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Tipos de actividades'        , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Fecha de Fin de Soporte'     , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Fecha de nacimiento'         , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Llamada'                     , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunión'                    , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Para hacer'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planificado',
-        'Held'                         =>   'Celebrada',
-        'Not Held'                     =>   'No Celebrada',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Completado'                  , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Pendiente de datos'          , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'No Iniciada'                 , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Retrasado'                   , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Medio'                       , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Modificar Propietario'       , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'Para hacer',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Vista de Calendario'         , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Defecto de estado y tipo'    ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Estado'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tipo',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Editar color',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Añadir Calendar View',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Seleccione Calendario de usuario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Seleccione Calendario color',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Edición Calendar View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Eliminar Calendario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Seleccionar el tipo de actividad',
-	'Tasks' => 'Tareas',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Agregar Evento / Para hacer'      , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Task is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'No puede ser considerado para futuras',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Call Mobile',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendario Ver colores actualizado correctamente',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta vista Calendario?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View añadido correctamente',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendario Ver eliminado correctamente',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Sin Calendar View para agregar',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Editar calendario',
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Campaigns.php b/languages/es_mx/Campaigns.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campañas'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campaña'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Campaña'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de campañas'          , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Información de Campaña'    , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectativa y Real'          , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nombre de Campaña'          , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Núm. Campaña'              , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tipo de Campaña'            , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Producto'                    , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Situación de Campaña'      , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Número de Envíos'          , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Patrocinador'                , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Público Objetivo'           , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Cantidad Objetivo'           , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Respuesta Estimada'          , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Beneficio Estimado'          , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Costo Estimado'              , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Costo Real'                  , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Estimación de Respuestas'   , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Estimación de Ventas'       , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Estimación de ROI'          , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Respuestas'                  , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Ventas'                      , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Retorno de Inversión'       , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Programa de Referidos'       , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Publicidad'                  , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banners'                     , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing'                     , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Otros'                       , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planeada'                    , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactiva'                    , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Completa'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelada'                   , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excelente'                   , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Buena'                       , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Pobre'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Ninguno--'                 , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contactado - Éxito'         , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contactado - Fracaso'        , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contactado - No volver a contactar', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Contacts.php b/languages/es_mx/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 69789056b8557820f9bacaeaf2bf756aba820fe7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_mx/Contacts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contactos'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contacto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Contacto'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Contactos'          , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Datos Personales'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Información del Cliente'    , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de Foto del Contacto:', 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Tel. Empresa'                , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Tel. Particular'             , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Cargo'                       , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento'                , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Fecha de Nacimiento'         , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Informa a'                   , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Secretaria'                  , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Teléfono de la Secretaria'  , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'No Llamar por Teléfono'     , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referencias'                 , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Usuario de Portal'           , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Dirección (Factura)'        , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Deleg./Mpio. (Factura)'      , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Estado (Factura)'            , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Código Postal (Factura)'    , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'País (Factura)'             , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Colonia (Factura)'           , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Dirección (Envío)'         , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Deleg./Mpio. (Envío)'       , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Estado (Envío)'             , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Código Postal (Envío)'     , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'País (Envío)'              , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Colonia (Envío)'            , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Imagen del Contacto'         , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.'                       , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Lista de Usuarios'           , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contacto Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Soporte Fecha de Inicio'     ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Soporte Fecha de finalización',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0562ff0f8ef576e2967de82bebe6407d25f5bcb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_mx/Documents.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Documento'                   , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Documento'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Documentos'         , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Información Básica'        , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Información del Archivo'    , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción'                , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Asunto'                      , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nombre Archivo'              , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Tipo Archivo'                , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Tamaño'                     , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Tipo Descarga'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Versión'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Activo'                      , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Número Descargas'           , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Nombre de carpeta'           , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Número Documento'           , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Última modificación por'   , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Mueve los documentos de la carpeta antes de borrarla', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Descargar archivo'           , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Comprobar integridad archivo', 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Interno'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Externo'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Tamaño máximo de archivo para subir al CRM', 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Mover'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Agregar Carpeta'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Carpetas'           , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Carpetas'                    , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documentos movidos correctamente', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Documentos negados'          , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Agregar Carpeta'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nombre Carpeta'              , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Descripción de la carpeta'  , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'El archivo está disponible para descargarlo', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'Este documento no está disponible para descargarlo', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array( 
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'Nueva Carpeta'               , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Mover documentos'            , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Estás seguro de que quieres mover estos archivos a', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'Carpeta'                     , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operación rechazada'        , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/EmailTemplates.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Plantillas de correo' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Agregar plantilla de correo',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' 	=> 'Plantilla de correo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'		=> 'Plantillas de correo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' 		=> 'Plantilla de correo',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' 		=> 'Nombre de la plantilla',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' 			=> 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' 				=> 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' 		=> 'Campos generales',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' 	=> 'Seleccionar tipo de campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Administre las plantillas para el módulo de Correo',
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Emails.php b/languages/es_mx/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Emails.php
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Seleccionar dirección de Email', 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Asunto:'                     , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Adjunto'                     , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Navegar por el CRM'          , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Enviar'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Guardar como borrador'       , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Seleccione Plantilla de Email', 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Redactar Correo'             , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc: '                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Cco: '                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Agregar Cc'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Agregar Bcc'                 , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Tamaño máximo de archivo aceptado es', 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Excedido'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Time Sent'                   ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'Información de correo electrónico',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Evento'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vista de Lista'              , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tareas'                      , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Mantenga Seguimiento On'     ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Crear Seguimiento de eventos',
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalle del evento'          , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Detalles de recurrencia'     , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Fecha y Hora de Inicio'      , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrencia'                 , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Enviar notificación'        , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Lugar'                       , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Enviar recordatorio'         , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y Hora de Vencimiento' , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo de Actividad'           , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibilidad'                 , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Privado'                     , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Publico'                     , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Llamada'                     , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunión'                    , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planeada'                    , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Mantenida'                   , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'No Mantenida'                , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Días'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Horas'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Una vez en cada'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Vista de Calendario'         , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'Faqs'                        , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de FAQs'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar FAQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Información de FAQ'         , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Información del Comentario' , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Pregunta'                    , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Respuesta'                   , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Comentarios'                 , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'Núm. FAQ'                   , 
-	'General'                      => 'General'                     , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Borrador'                    , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Publicada'                   , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsoleta'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'Solución'                   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/HelpDesk.php b/languages/es_mx/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 024f34da3e91c8c239790c6a192a5ad4641808b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_mx/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Casos'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Caso'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Ticket'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de casos'              , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Información del Caso'       , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Solución Propuesta'         , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Núm. Caso'                  , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Importancia'                 , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Histórico de Actualizaciones', 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Horas'                       , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Días'                       , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Referencia'                  , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solución'                   , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Proviene del Portal'         , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Problema Grave'              , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Problema menor'              , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Otro tipo de Problema'       , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'Alta'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgente'                     , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Menor'                       , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Mayor'                       , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Característica'             , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Critica'                     , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Abierta'                     , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Esperando Respuesta'         , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Cerrada'                     , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Estado'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Importancia'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convertir a FAQ'             , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Relacionado Con'             ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Hola',
-	'Dear' => 'Estimado',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'El Caso ha sido',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => ', los detalles son:',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Atentamente,',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Equipo de Soporte Técnico',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Detalles de Caso',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asunto : ',
-	'created' => 'creado',
-	'replied' => 'respondido',
-	'reply' => 'Hay una respuesta al caso: ',
-	'customer_portal' => ' en el Portal de Clientes de VtigerCRM. ',
-	'link' => 'Utilice el siguiente enlace para ver las respuestas del caso en referencia:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Gracias',
-	'Support_team' => 'Equipo de Soporte Técnico',
-	'The comments are' => 'Los comentarios son',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Título Caso',
-	'Re' => 'Re :',
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Estado de Caso actualizado a',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'El Caso no puede ser',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'EL Cliente ha incluido la siguiente información a su respuesta:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Por favor responde al Caso lo más pronto posible.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Saludos Cordiales,',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Atención al Cliente',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Responde al Nº de Caso',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Respuesta al número de entradas',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'en el Portal del Cliente - URGENTE',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Sus datos de conexión al Portal de Cliente son:',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'No se puede enviar el correo',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Usuario :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Contraseña :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Datos de Conexión al Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Introduzca dirección de email',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Compruebe su dirección de email para el Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Datos de Usuario no válidos, consulte con su administrador.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Se le ha enviado un correo con los datos de conexión al Portal del Cliente',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Este es el mensaje de correo para los clientes que no soportan HTML',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Id Incidencia',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'ID del Caso',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Número de entradas',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Cuentas Importantes'         , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Oportunidades Importantes'   , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Cotizaciones Importantes'    , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Medidas Clave'               , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Casos más importantes'      , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Asignación de Grupo'        , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Pedidos de Venta Importantes', 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Facturas Importantes'        , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Cuadro Mando Inicio'         , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Ordenes de Compra Importantes', 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'FAQs Recientes'              , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Eventos Próximos'           , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Eventos Pendientes'          , 
-        'Home'                         => 'PORTADA'                     ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Las métricas clave',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Nube de etiquetas',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Import.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Paso 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Selecciona Archivo'          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Formato(s) aceptados: .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Paso 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Especifica Formato'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Tipo Archivo'                , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Codificación de caracteres' , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimitador'                 , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Tiene Encabezado'            , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Paso 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manejo de Registros Duplicados', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Selecciona esta opción para habilitar y configurar el control de duplicados', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Selecciona cómo se han de manejar los registros duplicados', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Selecciona los campos coincidentes para encontrar duplicados', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Campos Disponibles'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Campos Coincidentes'         , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Siguiente'                   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Paso 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Asigna las Columnas a Campos del Módulo', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Encabezado'                  , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Fila 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'Campos CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Valor por defecto'           , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Guardar como asignación personalizada', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importar'                    , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Resultado'                   , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Número total de registros importados', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Número de registros creados', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Número de registros sobreescritos', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Número de registros descartados', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Número total de registros combinados', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Número total de registros descartados', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importar Más'               , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Registros Importados'        , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Deshacer última importación', 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Terminar'                    , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Resultado de deshacer importación', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Número total de registros'  , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Número total de registros eliminados', 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Importación Planificada'    , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'En ejecución'               , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancelar Importación'       , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Error'                       , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Vaciar cola de importación' , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Todavía hay registros pendientes de importación en cola, que impiden importar más información. <br>
-										Vacía la cola de importación para iniciar el proceso de nuevo', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'La importación actual ha sido interrumpida.', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'No se ha podido bloquear el módulo para la importación. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Seleccionar Asignación guardada', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Factura'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Factura'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Facturas'           , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de la Facturación', 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Pedido'                      , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Código de cliente'          , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Fecha de Factura'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Orden de Compra'             , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas'      , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Nº Factura'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviada'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'a Crédito'                  , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pagada'                      , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automática'                 , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Cancelar'                    , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'No es un Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Sub Productos',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Acción',
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospectos'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Prospecto'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de prospectos'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar prospecto'           , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Información del Prospecto'   , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Núm. Prospecto'             , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Empresa'                     , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Puesto'                      , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web'                 , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Actividad'                   , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Estado del Prospecto'        , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Número de Empleados'        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '-----'                       , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.'                       , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Intentando Contactar'        , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Frio'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contactar más adelante'     , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contactado'                  , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Caliente'                    ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Leads calientes',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Prospecto Basura'            , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Prospecto Fallido'           , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'No Contactado'               , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pre Calificado'              , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Calificado'                  , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Tibio'                       , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Convertir Prospecto:'        , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transferir registro relacionado a', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'Necesitas tener habilitado el módulo de Cuentas o Contactos pasra convertir el prospecto', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Módulos deshabilitados'     , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'No se puede Convertir'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'A continuación se detallan algunas de las posibles causas', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'No se han vinculado todos los campos obligatorios', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Algún campo obligatorio está vacío', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Vinculación de Campos Personalizados', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Editar mapeo de campos'      , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Selecciona un contacto para proceder', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Selecciona una cuenta para proceder', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'La conversiónn requiere la selección de un contacto o Cuenta', 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Bienvenido a Vtiger Migración',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migración Completado',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Asistente para la migración',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Estamos orgullosos de estar asociados con usted.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => '¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Encuentre ayuda en Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discusiones </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Para saber más sobre Vtiger síguenos nuestra <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Ayuda - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Vídeos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Gracias por usar <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Nuestro objetivo es ser - simplemente el mejor',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Vamos otra vez, no hay espacio para ti también!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Su migración vtiger6 completada con éxito.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Para saber lo que es nuevo en esta versión, por favor lea <a href="#" target="_blank">Notas de la versión</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Por favor, espere ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'La migración en curso',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migración: Base de datos Cambios Conectarse',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/ModComments.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comentario'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de comentarios'        , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Información de Comentario'  , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Información Adicional'      , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Agregar Comentario'          , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Introduzca comentarios aquí', 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comentario'                  , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Creador'                     , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Relacionado con'             , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/PBXManager.php b/languages/es_mx/PBXManager.php
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--- a/languages/es_mx/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Administrador PBX'           , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Administrador PBX'           , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Detalles de llamada'         , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Llamada de'                  , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Llamar a'                    , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Tiempo de Llamada'           , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'Id PBX Manager'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Portal.php b/languages/es_mx/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Nuestros Sitios',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Añadir marcador',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Nombre',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Creado el',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Nuestro Sitio',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Editar marcador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Introduzca Nombre de marcador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Introduzca Url (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Crear Nuevo Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark guardado correctamente',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Registro eliminado con éxito',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Nuestra Lista de Sitios',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista de enlaces',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Marcadores eliminado correctamente',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Marcador',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Marcadores',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'La página web que está intentando abrir no es segura y no se puede abrir. Si usted todavía desea ver la página web, entonces usted puede hacer clic en el bloqueador de contenido en la barra de direcciones y habilitarlo.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Potentials.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidades'               , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Oportunidad'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Oportunidad'         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de oportunidades'      , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Información de Oportunidad:', 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Núm. Oportunidad'           , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Importe'                     , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Siguiente Paso'              , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Fase de Venta'               , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilidad'                , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Campaña Origen'             , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Importe del presupuesto'     , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Embudo de ventas'            , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Oportunidades por fase'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Ingresos por Vendedor'       , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Oportunidades más importantes', 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Presupuesto de ventas'       , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Investigando'                , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Calificando'                 , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Necesita Análisis'          , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Propuesta de Evaluación'    , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Identificando Quien Decide'  , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Análisis'                   , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Cotización Propuesta'       , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Negociando/Revisando'        , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Cerrada-Ganada'              , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Cerrada-Perdida'             , 
-	'--None--'                     => '-----'                       , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Negocio Existente'           , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Nuevo Negocio'               , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Fecha esperada de cierre'    , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               =>'Potenciales Ganados',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/PriceBooks.php b/languages/es_mx/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a8e3be0d9704f36466106252ac970320e67bf3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_mx/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listas de precios'           , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Lista de precios'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar lista de precios'    , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de listas de precios'  , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Información de Lista de precios:', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Editar lista de precios'     , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Nombre de Lista de precios'  , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Nº Lista de precios'        , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Precio unitario',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Añadir a',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 89030c89b72dc88338dd4b9e5ec8a4d3b176306f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/es_mx/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Productos'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Producto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Producto'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de productos'          , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Información del Producto'   , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de la Imagen del Producto:', 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Información del Stock:'     , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas'                , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Precios Productos'           , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Precio'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Restaurar Precio'            , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Restaurar'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Agregar a lista de precios'  , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Núm. Producto'              , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Código de Producto'         , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Producto Activo'             , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Fabricante'                  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Categoría de Producto'      , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Nº de Pieza del Fabricante' , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Nº de Pieza del Proveedor'  , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidad de Uso'               , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Responsable'                 , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Nivel de pedido'             , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Clase de Impuesto'           , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Nº de serie'                , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Cantidad en Stock'           , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Hoja del Producto'           , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Cantidad Pedida'             , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cuenta Contable'             , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Imagen del Producto'         , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Precio Unitario'             , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comisión (%)'               , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Cantidad/Unidad'             , 
-	'--None--'                     => '-----'                       , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Aplicaciones CRM'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Ventas-Software'         , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Ventas-Hardware'         , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Ingresos-Facturas'       , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Ingresos-Intereses'      , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Ventas-Software-Soporte' , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Ventas-Otros'            , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Ventas Internet'         , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Ventas-Instalación de Hardware', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Libros-Ventas'           , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Caja'                        , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Cartón'                     , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton'                       , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Docena'                      , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Unidad'                      , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Horas'                       , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impresiones'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Kg'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pack'                        , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Páginas'                    , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Piezas'                      , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Resma'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Hoja'                        , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Encuadernado Espiral'        , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'm&sup2;'                     , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Habilitar Productos Módulo para ver Productos',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Project.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Proyecto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Proyecto'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de proyectos'          , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de Proyecto'    , 
-	'Project Name'                 => 'Nombre Proyecto'             , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Fecha inicio'                , 
-	'Target End Date'              => 'Fecha fin prevista'          , 
-	'Actual End Date'              => 'Fecha fin real'              , 
-	'Project No'                   => 'Nº Proyecto'                , 
-	'Target Budget'                => 'Presupuesto Inicial'         , 
-	'Project Url'                  => 'URL Proyecto'                , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progreso'                    , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'               => 'Actividades abiertas'        , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'                => 'Actividades retrasadas'      , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'          => 'Actividades completadas'     , 
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'                   => 'Gente'                       , 
-	'LBL_CHARTS'                   => 'Gráficos'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'               => 'Milestones'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Tasks'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'                => 'Status is'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'          => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'more'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download File'               , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos'              ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'Alta Prioridad'              ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Prioridad Normal'            ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Prioridad baja'              ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Otras prioridades'           ,
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Seleccione el Progreso'      ,
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospección',
-    'in progress' => 'En curso',
-    'initiated' => 'Iniciado',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Esperando Feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'En espera',
-    'archived' => 'Archivado',
-    'completed' => 'Terminado',
-    'delivered' => 'Liberado',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
-    'low' => 'Bajo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Seleccionar Estado',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Seleccione el Progreso',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/ProjectMilestone.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Hito'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Hito'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Hitos'              , 
-    'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Lista de Proyectos'          ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Lista de Tareas'             , 
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos'              ,
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Información Hito'       , 
-	'Project Milestone Name'       => 'Nombre Hito'                 , 
-	'Milestone Date'               => 'Fecha Hito'                  , 
-	'Project Milestone No'         => 'Nº Hito'                     , 
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/ProjectTask.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'           => 'Actividad'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Actividad'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de actividades'        , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Información Actividad'      , 
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Projects List'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista de Hitos'              ,
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Project Task Name',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Project Task No',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Project Task Number',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priority',
-    'Progress' => 'Progress',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Worked Hours',
-    'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-    'End Date'=>'End Date',
-    'Related To' => 'Related To',
-    'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operatorio',
-    'other' => 'Otro',
-    'low' => 'Bajo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-    'Created Time' => 'Created Time',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Modified Time',
-    'description' => 'Description',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Assigned To',
-	'Open' => 'Open',
-	'In Progress' => 'In Progress',
-	'Completed' => 'Completed',
-	'Deferred' => 'Deferred',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Canceled',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Orden de Compra'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Órden de Compra'    , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Órdenes de Compra' , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Información de la Orden de Compra', 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'No Orden Compra'             , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Referencia del pedido'       , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nº de seguimiento'          , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas'      , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Recibido'                    , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Precio de lista',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Precio de lista',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS'=> 'Copiar Dirección de la empresa',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Cotización'                 , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Cotización'         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Cotizaciones'       , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de la Cotización', 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'No Cotización'              , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Estado de la Cotización'    , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Válido Hasta'               , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Encargado del Inventario'    , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Aceptado'                    , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rechazado'                   ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Abrir Cotizaciones',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Papelera de reciclaje'                 , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Seleccionar módulo'               , 
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Vaciar Papelera'           , 
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Restaurar'                     , 
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'No hay módulos disponibles', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de registros de papelera'            , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No se encontraron registros para restaurar en el módulo', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Estas seguro de quieres eliminar PERMANENTEMENTE todos los registros borrados de tu base de datos?', 
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Estas seguro que quieres restaurar los registros seleccionados?', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Reports.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'La carpeta no está vacía'  ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Mover Informes'              ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Personalizar'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Exportar a Excel'            ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Imprimir'                    ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Paso 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Detalles de Informe'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Seleccionar Columnas'        ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtros'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Carpetas'                    ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Agregar Nuevo Grupo'         ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nombre de Carpeta'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Descripción de la Carpeta'  ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Agrega la Descripción aquí',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Existe un duplicado'         ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Carpetas'           ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Informes denegados'          ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Registros en total : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Sólo 1.000 registros se muestran abajo. Por favor, exportar a ver todos los registros',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Informe'             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Agregar Carpeta'             ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'No tienes permisos para eliminar este informe',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'Esta carpeta no puede ser eliminada',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Lista de informes'           ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nombre del Informe'          ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Carpeta del Informe'         ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción'                ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Módulo principal'           ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Seleccionar módulos relacionados',
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Siguiente'                   ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Lista de informes'           ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Agrupar por'                 ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Ordenar'                     ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendente'                  ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descendente'                 ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Cálculos'                   ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Columnas'                    ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Sumar'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Promedio'                    ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'El valor más bajo'          ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'El valor más alto'          ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generar Informe'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'SUM'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'PROM'                        ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Totales'                     ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Exportar a CSV'              ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Ver Detalles'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nombre del Informe'          ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Informes de Cuentas y Contactos',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Informes de Prospectos'      ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Informes de Oportunidades'   ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Informes de Tareas'          ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Informes de Casos'           ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Informes de Productos'       ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Informes de Cotizaciones'    ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Informes de Ordenes de Compra',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Informes de Pedidos de Venta',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Informes de Facturas'        ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Informes de Campañas'       ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contactos por Cuenta'        ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contactos sin Cuenta'        ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contactos por Oportunidades' ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contactos relacionados con Cuentas',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contactos sin Cuenta'        ,
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contactos relacionados con Oportunidades',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Prospectos por Origen'       ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Informe de Estado de los Prospectos',
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Gráfica de Oportunidades'   ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Oportunidades Cerradas'      ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Oportunidades Exitosas'      ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Casos por Producto'          ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Casos por Prioridad'         ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Casos Abiertos'              ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Casos relacionados con Productos',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Casos que están abiertos'   ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Detalles de Productos'       ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Productos por Contacto'      ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Informes detallado de Productos',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Productos relacionados con Contactos',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Cotizaciones Pendientes'     ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Informe detallado de Cotizaciones',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Cotizaciones Pendientes'     ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Órdenes de Compra por Contactos',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Informe detallado Órdenes de Compra',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Órdenes de Compra relacionadas con Contactos',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Informe detallado de Facturas ',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Tareas del Mes Pasado'       ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Tareas de este Mes'          ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Expectativa y Realidad de Campaña',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Informe detallado de Pedidos',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Informe de Correos'          ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Informe de correos de contactos',
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Informe de correos de cuentas',
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Informe de correos de Prospectos',
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Informe de correos de Proveedores',
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Correos enviados a contactos',
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Correos enviados a cuentas'  ,
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Correos enviados a Prospectos',
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Correos enviados a Proveedores',
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Rss.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Fuentes de alimentación de los rss',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Añadir RSS Fuente',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feeds Lista De',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Establecer como predeterminado',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'emisor',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Fuente RSS',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Introduzca RSS Fuente',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'Fuente RSS',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss sucessfully ahorrado',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Inválido Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Hecho por Defecto',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Envía un SMS a los números seleccionados',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecciona el campo de teléfono para enviar',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Tipo de mensaje'             ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'Escribe tu mensaje aqui'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Agregar más campos'         ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuración de Servidor'  ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Verificar Estado'            ,
-	'message'                      => 'Mensaje'                     ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Información SMS'            ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/es_mx/SalesOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Pedido'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar a PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Pedido de Venta'     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de los Pedidos de venta', 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Información del Pedido'     , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'No Pedido'                   , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Referencia de la Cotización', 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Código del Cliente'         , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Referencia del pedido'       , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nº de seguimiento'          , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comisión sobre Ventas'      , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Orden de Compra'             , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Términos del Proveedor'     , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendiente'                   , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Habilitar facturación recurrente', 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frecuencia'                  , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Inicio Periodo'              , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Final Periodo'               , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Duración'                   , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Estado Factura'              , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automática'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviada'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'a Crédito'                  , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pagada'                      , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos de Servicio'       , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contrato de Servicio'        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Contrato de Servicio', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Contratos de Servicio', 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Información Contrato de Servicio', 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Número de Contrato'         , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Fecha inicio'                , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Fecha fin'                   , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unidad de seguimiento'       , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Total Unidades'              , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unidades consumidas'         , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progreso (en %)'             , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Duración estimada (días)'  , 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Duración real (días)'      , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Servicios'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Servicio'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Servicio'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Servicios'          , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Información Servicio'       , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas'                , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Precios de Servicios'        , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Precio'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Restaurar Precio'            , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Restaurar'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Agregar a Lista de precios'  , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Nombre Servicio'             , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Servicio Activo'             , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categoría Servicio'         , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Número Servicio'            , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Propietario'                 , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Número unidades'            , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comisión (%)'               , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Precio'                      , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidades de consumo'         , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Tipo impuesto'               , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web'                 , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/es_mx/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Nombre de Plantilla'         , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descripción'                , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transferir propietario'      , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'A otro grupo '               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/es_mx/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapeo guardado con éxito',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Convertir mensajes de correo electrónico a los registros respectivos",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Buzón",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Regla",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Agregar buzón",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Todo",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "No leído",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Marcar como leído",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Leer",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Editar Buzón",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Crear buzón",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Realice una copia de los buzones",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Marcar mensaje como",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Crear buzón ahora",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Agregar nuevo buzón de correo",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Enviar los detalles de caja",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Seleccione Carpetas",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Añadir Reglas",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Crear plomo",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Crear contacto",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Cree Organización",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Acciones",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mail Box",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Regla",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Condiciones",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Carpetas escaneadas",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Próximo",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Terminar",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Para cambiar la selección de carpeta desactive cualquiera de las carpetas seleccionadas",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter permite configurar su buzón de correo para escanear sus correos electrónicos y crear entidades apropiadas en Vtiger CRM. <br> Usted también tendrá que definir las reglas para especificar qué acciones deben realizarse en su correo electrónico. <br> Sus correos electrónicos son escaneado de forma automática, a menos que hayas desactivado tarea escáner de correo en el Programador. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Has superado el límite de buzón adicional!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "En el estado de ejecución",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Guardado éxito",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Conectar con buzón de correo no <br>! Los caracteres especiales no están permitidos para nombre_servidor.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Eliminados con éxito",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Eliminación regla no",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reglas secuencia info está vacía",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Secuencia actualizado correctamente",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Analizado con éxito",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Nombre del escáner'          , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Nombre del servidor'         , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'protocolo'                   , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'Nombre de usuario'           , 
-    'Password'                     => 'contraseña'                  , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'Tipo SSL'                    , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Método SSL'                  , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Conecte URL'                 , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'buscar'                      , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Después de Scan'             , 
-    'Status'                       => 'estado'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'huso horario'                ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validar certificado SSL'     ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'No validar el certificado SSL',
-    'markas'                       => 'Después de Scan'             ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Permitir",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Inhabilitar",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Revise para asegurarse activo",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Validar certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "No Validar Certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Todos los mensajes de la última exploración",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Los mensajes no leídos de la última exploración",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Marcar mensajes como leídos",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "No lo sé",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Buscar ahora",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Lista de reglas",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Seleccione Carpetas",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Eliminados con éxito",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Eliminación regla no",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Guardado éxito",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Analizado con éxito",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "se encuentra en estado de ejecución",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Información de carpetas está vacía",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reglas información sequnce está vacía",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualización de carpetas",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "De",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "A",
-    'subject'   =>   "Tema",
-    'body'   =>   "Cuerpo",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Emparejar",
-    'action'   =>   "Acciones",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridad",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Arrastre y suelte los bloques de priorizar la regla",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Todas las Condiciones",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Cualquier Estado",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contiene",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "No Contiene",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Iguales",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "No es igual a",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Comenzar",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Final",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Crear Ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Actualizar Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Agregar a contacto [DE]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Agregar a contacto [A]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Añadir a la Organización [DE]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Añadir a la Organización [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Añadir a plomo [DE]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Añadir a plomo [A]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualización de carpetas",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Elija ninguno",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Convertir mensajes de correo electrónico a los registros respectivos",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "La regla número indica la prioridad. Arrastrar y soltar para cambiar la prioridad.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Agregar regla",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridad",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Eliminar regla",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Cuerpo",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Emparejar",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Acción",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "De"
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox loaded Successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/es_mx/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Perfiles'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Perfil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Perfil'              , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Ver'                         , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Crear/Editar'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Borrar'                      , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Roles'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Rol'                 , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/es_mx/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Agregar Regla de Privilegios Personalizada', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Quienes Pueden acceder...'   , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilegios'                 , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Reglas para compartir'       , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Regla No.'                   , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integración',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Configuración'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Estudio'                     , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Plantillas de comunicación' , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Administrar Usuarios'        , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Administración de accesos'  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Administración de Módulos' , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notificationes'              , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Configuración de servidor externo', 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Otras Configuraciones'       , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Gestionar Usuarios que acceden al CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Roles'                       , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Definir Jerarquía de Roles y Asignar a Usuarios', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Perfiles'                    , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Definir Perfiles para asignar derechos de acceso a cada Rol', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Grupos'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Definir Grupos basados en roles, usuarios, perfiles...', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Privilegios de Acceso'       , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Definir y Personalizar Niveles de Acceso en la Organización ', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Lista de Flujos de Trabajo'  , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Configurar la dependencia entre listas desplegables en cada módulo', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Campos Calculados'           , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Agregar funciones personalizadas a campos personalizados', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Administrador de Módulos'   , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar el comportamiento del módulo dentro de vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editor de Listas Desplegables', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestionar Listados de los Módulos del CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Configuración de Dependencias entre Listas', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Establece Dependencias entre los elementos de las listas desplegables en cada módulo', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Editor de Menú'             , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Personalizar Secuencia de Menú',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'El número real de elementos de menú que aparecen dependerá del tamaño de la pantalla y podría ser inferior a los elementos seleccionados.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Plantillas de Email'         , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestionar Plantillas de Email', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Información de la Empresa'  , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Gestionar información de su Empresa', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Mailings'                    , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Gestionar Plantillas para Mailings', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Configuración de Impuestos' , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Gestionar Impuestos'         , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Configuración del Servidor de Correo', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Editar Configuración del Servidor de Correo Saliente', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Inventario: Condiciones Generales', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Gestionar los Textos de las Condiciones Generales', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configurar Anuncio de marquesina', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Configuración de Moneda'    , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestionar Monedas y Valores de Cambio Monetario', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Personaliza Numeración Registro', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Personalización Número de Entidad', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Clasificar Correos'          , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configura el buzón para clasificación', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Flujos de trabajo'           , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Crear/Editar flujos de trabajo en vtiger CRM', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Editor de Configuración'    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portal de Cliente'           , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permite Configurar la Extensión Portal del Cliente', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Control de Cambios'          , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Selecciona módulos para seguimiento', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Programador de eventos'      , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configurar tareas de Cron'   , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Formularios Web'             , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Administrar formularios Web' , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 => "",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE'     => 'NOTA: El servidor saliente debe establecerse en SSL o TLS Protocal y Si el campo "Desde el correo electrónico" se pone en blanco a continuación, la dirección de correo electrónico del usuario será recogido.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha habilitado'          ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Save campos ordenan', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Oculto',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Habilitar módulos objetivo para formulario web',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Asignación de usuario',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Asignar Usuarios En Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Ronda de Usuarios Lista de Robin',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Los campos obligatorios sin valores de reemplazo no puedo estar ocultos',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Campos de referencia no puedo ser obligatoria y sin valor de reemplazo',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Escriba para buscar',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Formulario web con este nombre ya existe',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'De',
-	'Optional' => 'Opcional',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Tarea',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal del Cliente Pdf Url',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Añadir plantilla',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems bloque de grupo impuesto',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems bloque de impuesto Individual',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Para hacer',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Users.php b/languages/es_mx/Users.php
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--- a/languages/es_mx/Users.php
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@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mis Preferencias'            , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Más Información'           , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Usuario Login y Rol'         , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Información de Imágen de Usuario', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Configuración de Moneda'    , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de la Dirección', 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Opciones Avanzadas de Usuario', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Configuración Asterisk'     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Componentes de la Página Principal', 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Usuario'                     , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Vista de Calendario predeterminada', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Vista de Prospectos predeterminada', 
-	'Title'                        => 'Cargo'                       , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Tel. Oficina'                , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Informa a'                   , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo id'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Tel. Particular'             , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Imagen del Usuario'          , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Formato de Fecha'            , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Nube de Etiquetas'           , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Firma'                       , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Dirección'                  , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Contraseña'                 , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirmar Contraseña'       , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Mostrar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Ocultar'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Mostrar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Ocultar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Componentes de la Página Principal', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Histórico de Accesos'       , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Ver detalles del Usuario'    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Borrar Grupo'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Grupo para borrar'           , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Cambiar Propietario a: '     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Usuario para borrar'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Cambiar Propietario al Usuario', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Borrar Perfil'               , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transferir Roles al Perfil'  , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Perfil para Borrar'          , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Cliente de Email Interno'    , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Extensión Asterisk'         , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Intervalo de Recordatorio'   , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Clave de acceso'             , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Idioma'                      , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Apariencia'                  , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Zona Horaria'                , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Separador de decimales'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Patrón de agrupación de dígitos', 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Separador de grupos de dígitos', 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Lugar de símbolo de moneda' , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Decimales en campos de moneda', 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncar Ceros a la derecha'  , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Ciudad de Mexico', 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuario eliminado correctamente',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Usuarios Activos',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Los usuarios inactivos',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Eliminar usuario de forma permanente',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurar',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuario restaurado con éxito',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Casi allí!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Acerca de mí',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Nos comprometemos a mantener esta privada)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Todos los campos siguientes son obligatorios)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Comenzar',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Su número de contacto',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'¿De dónde eres?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Seleccionar país',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Tamaño de empresa',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Título del trabajo',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Departamento',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Moneda de Cuenta',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Elegir Divisa Base',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Divisa de referencia no puede ser modificado posteriormente. Seleccione su moneda de operación',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Idioma',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Escoge tu Idioma',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Elija Zona Horaria',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Formato de la fecha',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Seleccione Formato de fecha',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Teléfono',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Cambiar la clave de acceso',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Tecla de acceso actualizado correctamente',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'No se pudo actualizar la clave de acceso',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Nueva clave de acceso solicitado',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Ha solicitado una nueva clave de acceso. Con la nueva disposición clave de acceso, lo que tiene que sustituir la clave de acceso antiguo por uno nuevo en todas las extensiones instaladas. Do desea continuar?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Vendors.php b/languages/es_mx/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e0fed49e0fcedd2669eb911c97e57731eb6dee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Proveedores'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Proveedor'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Proveedor'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de proveedores'        , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Información sobre Proveedores:', 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Información sobre la Dirección:', 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Proveedor'                   , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Núm. Proveedor'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Página Web'                 , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cuenta Contable'             , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Ventas-Software'         , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Ventas-Hardware'         , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Ingreso-Alquiler'        , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Ingreso-Intereses'       , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Ventas-Software-Soporte' , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Ventas-Otros'            , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Ventas-Internet'         , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Instalación de Hardware-Ventas', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Ventas-Libros'           , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Seguro que lo quieres borrar?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Borrando a este proveedor, se eliminarán también sus ordenes de compra relacionadas; Estas seguro que deseas eliminar a este proveedor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Borrando a estos proveedores, se eliminarán también sus ordenes de compra relacionadas; Estas seguro que deseas eliminar estos registros?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/es_mx/Vtiger.php b/languages/es_mx/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e07856c8aaf1d194530a8d26af37a2e1d96db4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM  & Odin Consultores', 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Leer Licencia'               , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Política de Privacidad'     , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Marcar Todos'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creando nuevo'               , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editando'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Guardar'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Cancelar'                    , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Volver'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importar'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exportar'                    , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Encontrar Duplicados'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Más'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Acciones'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Agregar'                     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Editar'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Eliminar'                    , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Configuración'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Agregar Comentario'          , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Editar Campos'               , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Editar Flujos de trabajo'    , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Editar valores de lista desplegable', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convertir correos'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'El Registro que intentas ver ha sido borrado.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'El registro al que intentas acceder no existe', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Seleccionar'                 , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Borrar'                      , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Si'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Ningún'                      , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Edición masiva'             , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Anular selección', 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Crear...'                    , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Enviar correo'               , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'Todas las cuentas de correo' , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Este registro contiene múltiples cuentas de correo, por favor selecciona las cuentas a las que se les enviará el correo', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Ir a forma completa'         , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Enviar SMS'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Encontrados'                 , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Clic para agregar'           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Agregar más campos'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Agregar Nota'                , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Crear nuevo'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Agregar Evento'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Añadir Para hacer'			,
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'HERRAMIENTAS'                , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SOPORTE'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTARIO'                  , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALISIS'                    , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'PORTADA'                     , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Últimos registros vistos'   , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Análisis'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'Configuración de usuarios'  , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mis Preferencias'            , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Salir'                       , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Ayuda'                       , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Cuéntanos'                  ,
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'             => 'Chat de Ayuda',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'Configuración CRM'          , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Anuncios'                    , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Calendario'                  , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Postear'                     , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Usuario'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Grupo'                       , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Última modificación por'   , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Fecha de Creación'          , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Fecha de Modificación'      , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Descripción'                , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Asignado a'                  , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Cargando...'                 , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Cargando Widget'             , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Cargando, por favor espera.' , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Actualizaciones'             , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Resumir detalles'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Agregar nuevo comentario'    , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'Sin actualizaciones'         , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Buscar por'                  , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'En'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Tipo de búsqueda'           , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Botón de búsqueda'         , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Avanzada'                    , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Cargando, por favor espera.' , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Usuarios'                    , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Grupos'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Forma Completa'              , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Forma simple'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Agrega tu comentario aquí...', 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Responder'                   , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'Ver hilo'                    , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'Sin comentarios'             , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'Respuestas'                  , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cuentas'                     , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Activos'                     , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Calendario'                  , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campañas'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contactos'                   , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documentos'                  , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospectos'                  , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comentarios'                 , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidades'               , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listas de precios'           , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Productos'                   , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Proyecto'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Hito'                        , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Actividades'                 , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos de Servicio'       , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Servicios'                   , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Proveedores'                 , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Cotizaciones'                , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Órdenes de Compra'          , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Pedidos'                     , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Facturas'                    , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Nuestros Sitios'             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Registro'            , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Modificado recientemente'    , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de registros'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Resumen de módulos'         , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Acceso denegado por'         , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Atrás'                      , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'Sin datos disponibles'       , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Escribe la palabra y presiona Enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'y'                           , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'o'                           , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '-Ninguno-'                   , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Aprobar'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Denegar'                     , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'Igual a '                    , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'No igual a'                  , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'Inicia con'                  , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'termina con'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contiene'                    , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'No Contiene'                 , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'menor que'                   , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'mayor que'                   , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'menor o igual'               , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'mayor o igual'               , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'Antes'                       , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'Después'                    , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'Entre'                       , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'no está vacío'               ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Buscar'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Buscar en'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Agregar condición'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Agregar grupo'               , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filtrar condiciones'         , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Todas las condiciones'       , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Todas las condiciones deben cumplirse', 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Cualquier condición'        , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Al menos una de las condiciones debe cumplirse', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Seleccionar campo'           , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Seleccionar módulo'         , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Crear nuevo filtro'          , 
-	'All'                          => 'Todas'                       , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Otros'                       , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendiente'                   , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Publico'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Salvar filtro'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Salvar/Modificar Filtro'     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Buscar resultados'           , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Salvar como filtro'          , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'No Accesible'                , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Detalles del Elemento'       , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Moneda'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Tipo de Impuestos'           , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individual'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Herramientas'                , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nombre Elemento'             , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Cantidad en Stock'           , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Cantidad'                    , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Listado de Precios'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Precio Neto'                 , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Descuentos'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total Después de Descuento' , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Impuesto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Agregar Producto'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Agregar Servicio'            , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Gastos de Manejo y Envío'   , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Impuestos de Manejo y Envío', 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Definir impuestos por manejo y Envío para', 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Descuento'                   , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Deducido'                    , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Sin Descuento'               , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'de Precio'                   , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Descuento Directo'           , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Establecer descuento para'   , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Sin Stock suficiente'        , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Valor máximo es'            , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Arrastrar'                   , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total Impuestos'             , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Descuento Directo'           , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Descuento Final'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'más monedas'                , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Crear'                       , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Generar'                     , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplicar'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Agregar Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'Comentarios'                 , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Actualizar'                  , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Cerrar'                      , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Todas'                       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Actualizado hace'            , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'de'                          , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'a'                           , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'en'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'de'                          , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'Por '                        , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'Agregado'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'para'                        , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Creado'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'Borrado'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'Restaurado'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'Comentado'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'Eliminado'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Eliminar'                    , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'en'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Míos'                       , 
-	'History'                      => 'Histórico'                  , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Tareas próximas'            , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'año'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'años'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'mes'                         , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'meses'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'día'                        , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'días'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hora'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'horas'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minuto'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'minutos'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'segundo'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'segundos'                    , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'justo ahora'                 , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Información específica'    , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'Sin actualizaciones recientes', 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'No se encontraron datos'     , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permiso denegado'            , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Manejador no encontrado'     , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filtro'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'Vencido'                     , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completado'                  , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'hace'                        , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'Cambió'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Usuario'                     , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'Coinciden con este criterio' , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'Sin actividades programadas' , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'Sin actividades vencidas'    , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'Sin actualizaciones o comentarios', 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'Nombre de vista'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creando nueva vista'         , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Detalles básicos'           , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Selecciona las columnas y el orden', 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Maximo 7'                    , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filtro en fecha'             , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Selecciona condiciones de filtro', 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Establecer por defecto'      , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'Mostrar en métricas'        , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => 'Definir como público'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Agregar más columnas'       , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Personal'                    , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Año Anterior'               , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Año Actual'                 , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Año siguiente'              , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Trimestre Anterior'          , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Trimestre Actual'            , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Trimestre siguiente'         , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Ayer'                        , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Hoy'                         , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Mañana'                     , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Semana Anterior'             , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Semana actual'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Semana Siguiente'            , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Mes Anterior'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Mes Actual'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Mes siguiente'               , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Últimos 7 Días'            , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 30 Días'           , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 60 Días'           , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Últimos 90 Días'           , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Últimos 120 Días'          , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 30 Días'         , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 60 Días'         , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Siguientes 90 Días'         , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Siguientes 120 Días'        , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Propietario'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Creado en'                   , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modificado en'               , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => 'Anterior a evento'           , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Eventos Programados'         , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Actividades pendientes'      , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Embudo'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Oportunidades por fase'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Pronóstico de ventas'       , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Ingresos Totales'            , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Oportunidades más importantes', 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Presupuesto'                 , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Prospectos creados'          , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Prospectos por estado'       , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Prospectos por Origen'       , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Prospectos por industria'    , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Incidencias Abiertas', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exporta todos los datos'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exportar datos de la página actual', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Exportar registros seleccionados', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Exportar Tipo de Registro'   , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'Registros no seleccionados.' , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'No es posible eliminar Widget estándar', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Ya existe el filtro'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Agregar / Administrar módulos', 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Cuenta'                      , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Agregar comentario'          , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ajuste'                      , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Ingresos Anuales'            , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Ropa'                        , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banca'                       , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Dirección Facturación'     , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Deleg./Mpio. Facturación'   , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Código Postal Facturación' , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'País Facturación'          , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Colonia Facturación'        , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Estado Facturación'         , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotecnologías'             , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Transportista'               , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Categoría'                  , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Quimicos'                    , 
-	'City'                         => 'Deleg./Mpio.'                , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Llamada en frío'            , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Cliente Existente'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Auto Generado'               , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Empleado'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Socio'                       , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Relaciones públicas'        , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Correo Directo'              , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conferencia'                 , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Feria Comercial'             , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Sitio Web'                   , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Boca a Boca'                 , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Otro'                        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '-Ninguno-'                   , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Adquirido'                   , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Activo'                      , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Mercado fallido'             , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Proyecto Cancelado'          , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Cerrado'                     , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Comunicaciones'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construcción'               , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consultoría'                , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Educación'                  , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electrónicos'               , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energía'                    , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Ingeniería'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entretenimiento'             , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Medio Ambiente'              , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finanzas'                    , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Comida y Bebida'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Gobierno'                    , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Salud'                       , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospedaje'                   , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Seguros'                     , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Maquinaria'                  , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufactura'                 , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Medios'                      , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'No Lucrativa'                , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreación'                 , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Detallista'                  , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Logística'                  , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Tecnología'                 , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecomunicaciones'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transporte'                  , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilidades'                  , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Nombre Contacto'             , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Tasa de conversión'         , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Dirección Envío'           , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Deleg./Mpio. Envío'         , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Estado Envío'               , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Código Postal Envío'       , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'País Envío'                , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Colonia Envío'              , 
-	'Country'                      => 'País'                       , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Creado'                      , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Aprobado'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Entregado'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelado'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Moneda'                      , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Moneda Base'                 , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Descuento en Porcentaje'     , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Descuento en importe'        , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Importe de descuento por Elemento', 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Porcentaje de descuento por Elemento', 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Fecha Pago'                  , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Fecha y hora de vencimiento' , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Correo'                      , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Correo secundario'           , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Otro Correo'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'No Enviar Correos'           , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Se convierte de plomo'       ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Fecha Estimada de Cierre'    , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Apellidos'                   , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Nombre'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'Alto'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Bajo'                        , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'En Progreso'                 , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Asunto'                      , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Términos y Condiciones'     , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nombre Elemento'             , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Cantidad'                    , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Listado de Precios'          , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Comentario al Elemento'      , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Impuesto1'                   , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Impuesto2'                   , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Impuesto3'                   , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Arancel'                     , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Total'                       , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tipo de impuesto'            , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'Importe de envío y manejo'  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Estado'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nombre Proveedor'            , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Detalles de la dirección'   , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Detalles de la descripción' , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Términos y Condiciones'     , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Información de Precios'     , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Detalles del Producto'       , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Detalles del recordatorio'   , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Carpeta guardada'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Carpeta ya existe'           , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Carpeta borrada'             , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Origen de Prospecto'         , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Tel. Móvil'                 , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notificar al propietario'    , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Tel. Directo'                , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Teléfono'                   , 
-	'State'                        => 'Estado'                      , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'Colonia'                     , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Código Postal'              , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Oportunidad'                 , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioridad'                   , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Producto'                    , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Rating'                      , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Relacionado Con'             , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Tipo'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Revisado'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Saludo '                     , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Calle'                       , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Fecha de Inicio de Soporte'  , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Fecha de fin de soporte'     , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Fecha de inicio de venta'    , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Fecha de fin de venta'       , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Seleccionar Estado'          ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Fundirse',
-   'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Tasa de Conversión'     	    , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Fecha válida',
-	'Phone: ' => 'teléfono: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Fecha de publicación',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Enviando y cargas',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Envío y dirección fiscal:',
-	'Discount' => 'descuento',
-	'Net Total' => 'total neto',
-	'Product Code' => 'producto código',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nombre del cliente',
-	'Price'=>'precio',
-	'Tax:' => 'impuesto:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nombre de contacto',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'total general:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'sitio web: ',
-	'Tax' => 'impuesto',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contratos de Servicio',
-	'Projects' => 'Proyecto',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Pedidos',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Órdenes de Compra',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personalizar Menú Principal',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Comentario',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Último comentario',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Últimos 5 Comentarios',
-	'All Comments' => 'Todos los comentarios',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'No es un paquete',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Marcar como mantenidos',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Máximo 160 caracteres están permitidos para el mensaje de texto',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Ocultar completadas Calendario de Eventos',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Configurar formularios Web'  , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Por favor configura el servidor de salida desde la página de configuración ', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Por favor configura el notificador de SMS en la página de configuración de SMS', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Selecciona al menos un registro', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Ingresa una dirección de correo válida', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'Contiene caracteres no permitidos', 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'El número telefónico excede la longitud permitida', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'Acepta solamente valores positivos', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'El valor debe ser mayor a cero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Número inválido'           , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Estas seguro que quieres eliminar?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Sobreescribir la dirección existente con la seleccionada?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Detalles de la dirección'   , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cuenta'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contacto'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Seguro que lo quieres borrar?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Seguro que quieres borrar los siguientes registros?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Guardar'                     , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancelar'                    , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Debe suceder antes de hoy'   , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Selecciona al menos una opción', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Selecciona un módulo'       , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Selecciona al menos un campo obligatorio', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Introduce un valor de tipo entero', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Introduce un valor de tipo decimal', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Debe ser menor a la fecha actual', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Debe ser mayor a la fecha actual', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'Debe ser mayor o igual a'    , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Fecha actual',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Error al intentar guardar los cambios en el servidor', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El archivo de importación no puede estar vacío', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Selecciona al menos un campo para los criterios combinación', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El nombre de la asignación no puede estar vacío', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'El nombre de la asignación ya existe', 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Selecciona un archivo con la siguiente extensión:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Campo asignado más de una vez', 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Asigna campos obligatorios'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Ingresa algunos valores para buscar', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'Solo puedes seleccionar uno' , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'Elementos'                   , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permisos'                    , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Revisar integridad del archivo', 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicar registro'           , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'Está habilitado'            , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'Está deshabilitado'         , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Ingresa algo de texto para comentar', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'El comentario no puede estar vacío', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* Es un campo obligatorio'   , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'No es posible eliminar widgets estándar', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No se permite la creación o no está habilitado para creación rápida', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Imagen eliminada correctamente', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Imagen no eliminada'         , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Si'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Operación Editar Misa se puede hacer en 500 o menos registros a la vez',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Llamar desde',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Llamada entrante',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Levante el receptor extensión para marcar el número',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Llamada fallida',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Por favor rellene todos los campos',
-	// ends
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Moneda base tiene que ser cambiado para desactivar',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Accounts.php b/languages/fr_fr/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4504879d7012dc3ccd61c94886ec9807cf1712..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Comptes'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Compte'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste des comptes'           , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Détail compte'              , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Afficher la hiérarchie des comptes', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Secteur'                     , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nom compte'                  , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Compte N°'                  , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Symbole boursier'            , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Filiale de'                  , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Effectif'                    , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Propriétaire'               , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Code APE'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Autre email'                 , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analyste'                    , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Concurrent'                  , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Client'                      , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Intégrateur'                , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investisseur'                , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Presse'                      , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospect'                    ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Comptes Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Revendeur'                   , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Date de début'              , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Date de fin'                 , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php b/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2775bc01c726c52284b4201f7eedefc40040cd60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Liaison'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Information de liaison'      , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Liaison N°'                 , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Numéro de série'           , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date de vente'               , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date de mise en service'     , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag'                         , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Facture liée'               , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Livraison via'               , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Numéro de suivi d\'expédition', 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nom de liaison'              , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nom de Compte'               , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Hors service'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Calendar.php b/languages/fr_fr/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e07fca506f3ba9be6e41160cccb9e1afa968208..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Pour faire'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Pour faire'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Ajouter activité'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste'                       , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Evènements'                 , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tâches'                     , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Appel'                        ,
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Evénement / Pour faire'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Pour faire Information'                 , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Détails de lévénement'   ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Sujet'                       , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Date & heure de début'      , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Type'                        , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Envoyer notification'        , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Localisation'                , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Date et heure de fin'        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , // TODO: Review 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Fin de support'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Appels'                      , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Rendez-vous'                 , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Pour faire'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Prévu'                   , 
-        'Held'                         => 'Tenue',
-        'Not Held'                     => 'Pas tenue',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Terminé'                    , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'En attente'                  , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Non commencé'               , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Reporté'                    , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Normale'                     , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Changer assignation'         , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Activité'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Pour faire'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'		       => 'Pour faire',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Dimanche'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Lundi'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Mardi'                     ,
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Mercredi'                   ,
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Jeudi'                    ,
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Vendredi'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Samedi'                    ,
-	'first'                        => 'Premier'                       ,
-	'last'                         => 'Dernier'                        ,
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'le'                          ,
-	'Daily'                        => 'Jour(s)'                      ,
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Semaine(s)'                     ,
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Mois'                    ,
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Statut par défaut & Type'    ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Statut'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Catégorie',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Modifier la couleur',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Ajouter Calendrier',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => "Sélectionnez Calendrier de l'utilisateur",
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Sélectionnez Calendrier Couleur',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => "Édition Calendrier",
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Supprimer Calendrier',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => "Sélectionner le type d'activité",
-	'Tasks' => 'Tâches',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / Pour faire'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Task is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Ne peut être tenue Pour l\'avenir',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Mois',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Aujourd\'hui',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Jour',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Semaine',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Dimanche',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Lundi',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Mardi',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Mercredi',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Jeudi',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Vendredi',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Samedi',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Dim',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Lun',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Mer',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Jeu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Ven',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sam',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'Janvier',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'Mars',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'Avril',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'Mai',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'Juin',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'Juillet',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'Septembre',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'Octobre',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'Novembre',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'Decembre',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Fev',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Avr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'Mai',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aou',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day', // TODO: Review
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call', // TODO: Review
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Calendrier mis à jour avec succès couleur",
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette vue du calendrier?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Calendrier ajouté avec succès",
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Calendrier supprimé avec succès",
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => "Pas Calendrier d'ajouter",
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Modifier Calendrier',
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Campaigns.php b/languages/fr_fr/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 269048a24d751d435ae0a0dd6f42eac147dc0f4d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Campaigns.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagnes'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campagne'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Détail campagne'            , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Evaluations'                 , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Objet'                       , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Campagne N°'                , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Type'                        , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Produit'                     , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Statut'                      , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Nombre d\'envois'            , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Cible visé'                 , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Taille de la cible'          , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Réponse attendue'           , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'CA prévisionnel'            , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Budget'                      , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Coût actuel'                , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Nombre de retours attendu'   , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Ventes attendues'            , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'ROI attendu'                 , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Nombre de retours'           , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Ventes'                      , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'ROI'                         , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Séminaire'                  , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Programme de référencement', 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Promotion'                   , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Bannière publicitaire'      , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing direct'              , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Télémarketing'             , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Autres'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planifié'                   , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactif'                     , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Terminé'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Annulé'                     , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excellent'                   , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Bon'                         , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Moyen'                       , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Faible'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contacté - avec succès'    , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contacté - sans succès'    , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contacté - Ne pas recontacter', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Contacts.php b/languages/fr_fr/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b5f84710f428442294e5d153790a2a823fbfc4c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacts'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Détail contact '            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Portail de service client'   , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Image/Photo du contact'      , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Téléphone (bureau)'        , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Téléphone (domicile)'      , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Fonction'                    , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Service/Division'            , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Anniversaire'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Supérieur hiérarchique'    , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistant'                   , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Téléphone (assistant)'     , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Ne pas appeler'              , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Référent'                  , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Accès portail de service'   , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Adresse'                     , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Ville'                       , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Département'                , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Code postal'                 , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Pays'                        , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Case postale postale'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Adresse (alt.)'              , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Ville (alt.)'                , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Département (alt.)'         , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Code postal (alt.)'          , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Pays (alt.)'                 , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Photo'                       , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'M'                           , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Mme'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mlle'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr'                          , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof'                        , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Liste des collaborateurs'    , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contact Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Soutien Date de début'       ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Soutien Date de fin'         ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Documents.php b/languages/fr_fr/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8281824428c47fd9efbcd576ec6f22106bade307..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Documents.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Document'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Information document'        , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Information fichier'         , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titre'                       , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nom du fichier'              , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Type du fichier'             , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Taille'                      , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Type de téléchargement'    , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Version'                     , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Actif'                       , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Compteur de téléchargement', 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Répertoire'                 , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Document N°'                , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Télécharger le fichier'    , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Contrôler l\'intégrité du fichier', 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Interne'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Externe'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Déplacer'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Ajouter un dossier'          , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'Mo'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Ajouter un dossier'          , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Répertoire'                 , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6167ca36acc5e1cba061befade70f0420cf5430e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	  'Email Templates' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Ajouter Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nom du modèle',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Sujet',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Général champs',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Sélectionner le type de terrain',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gérer les modèles E-module Courrier',
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Emails.php b/languages/fr_fr/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7db8f384063036a6f0f7324af42ea9d6d5578cb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Emails.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Objet :'                     , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Pièce jointe'               , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Envoi'                       , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Sélectionner le modèle'    , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Rédiger un message'         , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'La taille maximum de téléchargement est de ', 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Heure denvoi'                ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail Informations',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Events.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Activités'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Evènement'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Activités'                  , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Tâche'                      , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Tenez Suivi sur'            ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Créer Suivi événement'       ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Date et heure de début'     , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Date et heure de fin'        , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Type d\'activité'           , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Privé'                      , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Appel'                       , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Conférence'                 , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planifiée'                  , 
-	'Held'                         => 'A eu lieu'                   , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'N\'a pas eu lieu'            , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Une fois tous les'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Faq.php b/languages/fr_fr/Faq.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Faq.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'Faq'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Information'                 , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Commentaire'                 , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Question'                    , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Réponse'                    , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Commentaires'                , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'Faq N°'                     , 
-	'General'                      => 'Général'                   , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Brouillon'                   , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Publié'                     , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsolète'                   , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'SOLUTION'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/HelpDesk.php b/languages/fr_fr/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe3a04ddc11ad23e05235952e5a591ae63bc1eb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Détail ticket'              , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Détail solution'            , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Ticket N°'                  , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Engagement'                  , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Mise à jour historique'     , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Heures'                      , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Jours'                       , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titre'                       , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solution'                    , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Depuis le portail'           , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Gros problème'              , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Petit problème'             , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Autre problème'             , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normale'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'Haute'                       , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgente'                     , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Mineur'                      , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Majeur'                      , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Fonctionnel'                 , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Critique'                    , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Ouvert'                      , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Attente réponse'            , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Fermé'                      , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Statut'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Engagement'                  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Relatif à'                  ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Bonjour',
-	'Dear' => 'Cher',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Le ticket est',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'le détail est :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Cordialement',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'L\'équipe support',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Détail',
-	'created' => 'Créé',
-	'replied' => 'Répondu',
-	'reply' => 'Il y a une réponse à',
-	'customer_portal' => 'sur le "Portail de service".',
-	'link' => 'Vous pouvez utiliser le lien suivant pour lire la réponse :',
-	'Thanks' => 'Cordialement,',
-	'Support_team' => 'L\'équipe support',
-	//This label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Le statut du ticket a été changé pour ',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Le ticket ne peut ',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Le client a fourni les informations complémentaires suivantes :',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Merci de répondre à ce ticket.',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Administrateur support',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Réponse pour le ticket n°',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Réponse au billet le numéro',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'in Customer Portal - URGENT',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Voici vos codes d\'accès au portail client',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Le mail ne peut être envoyé',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Nom utilisateur :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Mot de passe :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Informations concernant votre compte.',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Merci de renseigner votre adresse mail',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Merci de vérifier votre adresse email',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Votre login a été désactivé. Contactez le support',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Un email a été envoyé à votre adresse email avec votre nom d\'utilisateur et votre mot de passe',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Ceci est le corps du mail texte pour les clients mails non-HTML',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Ticket ID',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Ref ticket',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Nombre de billets',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Top Comptes'                 , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Top Affaires'                , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Top Devis'                   , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Indicateurs Clé'            , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top tickets de support'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Mes assignations de groupe'  , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Top Bons de commande'        , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Top Factures'                , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Tableau de bord'             , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Top Commandes Fournisseurs'  , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Mes FAQ récentes'           , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Activités à venir'         , 
-	'PA'                           => 'En attente'                  , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Accueil'                     ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Indicateurs Clés',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Import.php b/languages/fr_fr/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e51cf72d8810cf6419c50c5e9ee0c0fb9341ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Etape 1'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Choix du fichier'            , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Types de fichier supportés: .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Etape 2'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Format'                      , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Type de fichier'             , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Encodage des caractères'    , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimiteur'                  , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Contient une ligne d\'entetes', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Etape 3'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Option de fusion '           , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Activer cette option dans le cas de la mise à jour de fiches existantes dans le CRM', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Choisir comment les données mises à jour vont être traitées', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Choisir les champs qui determinent la correspondance entre une ligne de votre fichier et la fiche dans le CRM', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Champs disponibles'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Champs sélectionnés'       , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Suivant'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Etape 4'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Mapping des colonnes des champs du module', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Entêtes'                    , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Colonne 1'                   , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'Champs du CRM'               , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Valeur par défaut'          , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Sauver ce mapping'           , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Import'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Resultats'                   , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements importés', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements créés', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements fusionés', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements ignorés', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Nombre d\'enregistrements fusionnés', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements échoués', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importer plus d\'éléments' , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Derniers enregistrements imoportés', 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Annuler le dernier import'   , 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Terminer'                    , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Annler le résultat de l\'import', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Nombre total d\'enregistrements', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Nombre d\'enregistrements supprimés', 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'OK'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import programmé'           , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'En cours'                    , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Annuler Import'              , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Erreur'                      , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Effacer les données'        , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Il existe des données non traités dans le processus d\'import, vous empéchant d\'importer des données pour ce module. <br>
-										Purger les données non importées pour relancer un nouvel import', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'L\'import courant a été interrompu. Essayez plus tard.', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Impossible de vérouiller ce module pour l\'import. Essayez plus tard', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Invoice.php b/languages/fr_fr/Invoice.php
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Facture'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export PDF'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste factures'              , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Détail facture'             , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Bon de commande'             , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Ref'                         , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Date facturation'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Commande fournisseur'        , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commission'                  , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'N° facture'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Envoyé'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Crédit'                     , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Soldé'                      , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Créé automatiquement'      , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Annuler'                     , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Date de validité',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Téléphone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Date d\'émission',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Frais d\'expédition',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Taxe d\'expédition:',
-	'Discount' => 'Remise',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total Net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Ref',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nom client',
-	'Price' => 'Prix',
-	'Tax:' => 'Taxe:',
-	'Tax' => 'Taxe',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nom contact',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total:',
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Pas Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Produits sous',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Action',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospect'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Prospect'                    , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Détail prospect'            , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Prospect N°'                , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Société'                   , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Titre'                       , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Secteur'                     , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Statut'                      , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Effectif'                    , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'M'                           , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Mme'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mlle'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr'                          , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof'                        , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Attente de contact'          , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Froid'                       , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'A contacter'                 , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contacté'                   , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Chaud'                       ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Contacts Hot',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'En sommeil'                  , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Perdu'                       , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Non contacté'               , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pré qualifié'              , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Qualifié'                   , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Brûlant'                    , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Convertir :'                 , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'ne peut être converti'      , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Voici les raisons possibles' , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Tous les champs obligatoires ne sont pas mappés', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Certains champs obligatoires sont vides', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Mapping des champs du module prospects', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Bienvenue à la migration Vtiger',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migration Terminé',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Assistant Migration',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Nous sommes fiers dêtre associés avec vous.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Vous avez des questions? Trouver de laide sur Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussions </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Pour en savoir plus sur Vtiger nous suivre notre <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Aide Vtiger6 - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Vidéos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Merci pour laide<b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Nous visons à être - tout simplement le meilleur',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Allons plus, il ya un espace pour vous aussi!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'La migration de votre vtiger6 réussi.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Pour savoir ce qui est nouveau dans cette version, sil vous plaît lire<a href="#" target="_blank">Notes de mise à</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Sil vous plaît patienter ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migration en cours',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migration: Base de données Changements Connexion',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Commentaire'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Information Commentaire'     , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Autres Informations'         , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Commentaire'                 , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Créé par'                  , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Commentaires liés'          , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/PBXManager.php b/languages/fr_fr/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b52d4c75b95cbb7805b0b20ce72c2d1247332635..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/PBXManager.php
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Administration du PBX'       , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Administration du PBX'       , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Appel entrant de'            , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Appel sortant vers'          , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Date et heure de l\'appel'   , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX ID'                      , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Portal.php b/languages/fr_fr/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ae18d88b77c1dc9cd25117fab141f59bb170fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Nos Sites',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Ajouter un signet',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Nom du signet',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Créé le',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Notre site',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Modifier le signet',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Entrez Nom du signet',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Entrez Url (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Ajouter un signet',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Signet enregistré avec succès',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Notice supprimée à succès',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Liste des sites',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Liste des Signets',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Favoris supprimés avec succès',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Favoris',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => "Le site que vous essayez d'ouvrir n'est pas sécurisé et peut-être pas ouvert. Si vous souhaitez toujours afficher la page Web, vous pouvez cliquer sur le contenu de blocage dans la barre d'adresse et l'activer.",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9b763200b4bea134f9c308e4b8fbe7b930a3dae1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Potentials.php
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Affaires'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Affaire'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Détail'                     , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Affaire N°'                 , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Montant'                     , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Suivant'                     , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Phase de vente'              , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilité'                , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Campagne'                    , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Prospection'                 , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Qualification '              , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'A analyser'                  , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Proposition'                 , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Ref décideurs'              , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Analyse de perception'       , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Proposition/Prix'            , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Négociation/Révision'      , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Gagnée'                     , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Perdue'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Client existant'             , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Nouveau client'              , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               =>'Potentiels gagnés',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Objet'                       , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Grille tarifaire N°'        , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Prix unitaire',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Ajouter à',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Products.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Produits'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Produit'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Ajouter un produit'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informations'                , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Commentaires image produit'  , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Stock :'                     , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Plus de devises'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Prix des produits'           , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prix'                        , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Prix remisé'                , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Remise'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Produit N°'                 , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Ref'                         , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Actif'                       , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Fabriquant'                  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Catégorie'                  , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Modèle'                     , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Ref fournisseur'             , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unité de vente'             , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Manutention'                 , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Niveau de réapprovisionnement', 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Type TVA'                    , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'N° série'                  , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Qté en stock'               , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Fiche produit'               , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Qté demandée'              , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Code comptable'              , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Image produit'               , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Prix unitaire'               , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commission (%)'              , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Qté/Unité'                 , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Matériel'                   , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Logiciel'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Applications CRM'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Boîte'                      , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Carton'                      , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Palette'                     , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Douzaine'                    , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Unité'                      , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Heures'                      , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressions'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Kg'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Lot'                         , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Pages'                       , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Pièces'                     , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Rames'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Fiche'                       , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Cahier à spiral'            , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'm²'                         , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Activer Module Produits pour voir les produits',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/PurchaseOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Cammande fournisseur'        , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export PDF'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste'                       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Détail commande'            , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Commande N°'                , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Ref demande'                 , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Ref de suivi'                , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commission'                  , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Reçu'                       , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Date de validité',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Téléphone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Date d\'émission',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Frais d\'expédition',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Taxe d\'expédition:',
-	'Discount' => 'Remise',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total Net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Ref',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nom client',
-	'Price' => 'Prix',
-	'Tax:' => 'Taxe:',
-	'Tax' => 'Taxe',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nom contact',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total:',
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Prix',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Prix',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copie Adresse de la Société',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Quotes.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Devis'                       , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export PDF'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste devis'                 , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Détail devis'               , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Devis N°'                   , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Phase'                       , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Echéance'                   , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Responsable du stock'        , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Accepté'                    , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rejeté'                     ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Cours ouverts',
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Date de validité',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Téléphone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Date d\'émission',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Frais d\'expédition',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Taxe d\'expédition:',
-	'Discount' => 'Remise',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total Net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Ref',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nom client',
-	'Price' => 'Prix',
-	'Tax:' => 'Taxe:',
-	'Tax' => 'Taxe',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nom contact',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total:',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Corbeille'                 , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Choix du module'               , 
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Corbeille vide'           , 
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Restaurer'                     , 
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Module(s) non accessible(s)', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste Corbeille'            , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'aucun enregistrement à restaurer pour ce module', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Confirmer la suppression définitive et irréverssible des éléments sélectionnés?', 
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Confirmer la restauration des éléments sélectionnés?',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Reports.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Déplacer'                   ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Personnaliser'               ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Imprimer'                    ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Détails'                    ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Colonnes'                    ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtres'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Nouveau dossier'             ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Only 1000 records are shown below. Please export to see all Records',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nom'                         ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Dossier'                     ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Valeur max'                  ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Suivant'                     ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendant'                   ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descendant'                  ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Calculs'                     ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Colonnes'                    ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Somme'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Moyenne'                     ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Valeur la plus basse'        ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'Somme'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'Moyenne'                     ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'Valeur min'                  ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Totaux'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Afficher Détails'           ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nom'                         ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Comptes et contacts'         ,
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Prospects'                   ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Affaires'                    ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Activités'                  ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Tickets'                     ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Produits'                    ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Devis'                       ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Commandes'                   ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Ventes'                      ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Factures'                    ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Campagnes'                   ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contacts par compte'         ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contacts sans compte'        ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contacts par affaires'       ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contacts en relation avec un compte',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contacts isolés'            ,
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contacts en relation avec une affaire',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Prospects par origine'       ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Prospects par statut'        ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Pipeline'                    ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Affaire gagnée'             ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Affaire remportée'          ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tickets par produits'        ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tickets par priorité'       ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Tickets ouverts'             ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tickets relatifs à un produit',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Tous les tickets ouverts'    ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Détails produits'           ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Produits par contacts'       ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Produit & contact'           ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Produits en relation avec des contacts',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Devis en cours'              ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Rapport devis en cours'      ,
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Les devis en cours'          ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Commandes par contact'       ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Rapport détaillé des commandes',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Commande liée aux contacts' ,
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Rapport détaillé des factures',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Activité du mois dernier'   ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Activité du mois en cours'  ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Prévisionnel campagne'      ,
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Rapport détaillé des ventes',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Rss.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Sources de flux RSS',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Ajouter la Source d alimentation',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'RSS Liste De',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Définir par défaut',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'émetteur',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'la source d alimentation',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Saisissez la source d alimentation', 
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'Flux Rss',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss Réussir sauvé',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Invalid URL du flux RSS',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Fait comme défaut',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/SalesOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Bon de commande'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Export PDF'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste'                       , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Détail bon de commande'     , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Bon de commande N°'         , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Devis'                       , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Ref client'                  , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Ref demande'                 , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Ref de suivi'                , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commission'                  , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Commande fournisseur'        , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Conditions fournisseur'      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'En attente'                  , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Activer la récurrence'      , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Fréquence'                  , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Début'                      , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Fin'                         , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Echéance'                   , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Statut de la facture'        , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sous-total'                  , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Crée automatiquement'       , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Envoyé'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Facture au Crédit'          , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Soldé'                      , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Date de validité',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Téléphone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Date d\'émission',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Frais d\'expédition',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Taxe d\'expédition:',
-	'Discount' => 'Remise',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total Net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Ref',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nom client',
-	'Price' => 'Prix',
-	'Tax:' => 'Taxe:',
-	'Tax' => 'Taxe',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nom contact',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total:',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/ServiceContracts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contrats de Service'         , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contrat de Service'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Information Contrat de Service', 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Contrat No'                  , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Date de début'              , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Date de fin'                 , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unités de suivi'            , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Unités totales'             , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unités utilis�es'         , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progession (en %)'           , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Durée estimée (en jours)'  , 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Durée actuelle (en jours)'  , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Services'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Service'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Ajouter un Service'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Information du Service'      , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Plus de devises'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prix'                        , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Prix remisé'                , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Remise'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Service'                     , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Actif'                       , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Catégorie'                  , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'N° Service'                 , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Propriétaire'               , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Nombre d’unités'          , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commission (en %)'           , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Prix'                        , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unité de vente'             , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Type de taxe'                , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site WEB'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Groups.php
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Pour faire',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping enregistré avec succès',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
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diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/MailConverter.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Convertir emails aux dossiers respectifs",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Boîte aux lettres",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Article",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Ajouter une boîte",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Tous",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "Non lus",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Marquer comme lu",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Lire",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Modifier boîte aux lettres",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Créer boîte aux lettres",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Sauvegardez les boîtes aux lettres",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Marquer un message comme",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Créer boîte aux lettres aujourd'hui",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Ajout d'un nouveau Boîte aux lettres",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Mail Fiche du coffre",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Sélectionnez Dossiers",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Ajouter des règles",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Créer plomb",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Créer un contact",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Créer Organisation",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Actions",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Boîte aux lettres",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Article",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Conditions",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Dossiers numérisées",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Suivant",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Se terminer",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Pour modifier la sélection désélectionner dossier l'un des dossiers sélectionnés",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter vous permet de configurer votre boîte aux lettres pour scanner vos e-mails et créer des entités appropriées dans Vtiger CRM. <br /> Vous aurez également besoin de définir des règles pour spécifier les actions qui doivent être effectuées sur vos e-mails. <br /> Vos e-mails sont scanné automatiquement, sauf si vous avez désactivé la tâche de numérisation du courrier dans le planificateur. <br /> <br /> <br />",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Vous avez dépassé la limite de boîte aux lettres supplémentaire!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "En état de fonctionnement",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Enregistré avec succès",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Connexion à la boîte aux lettres! Échoué <br> caractères spéciaux ne sont pas autorisés pour servername.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Supprimé avec succès",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "la suppression de la règle n'a pas",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Règles info séquence est vide",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Séquence correctement mis à  jour",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanné avec succès",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Nom du scanner'              , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Nom du serveur'              , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protocole'                   , 
-    'User Name'                    => "User NameNom d'utilisateur"  , 
-    'Password'                     => 'Mot de passe'                , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'Type SSL'                    , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Méthode SSL'                 , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Connectez URL'               , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'Chercher'                    , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Après la numérisation'       , 
-    'Status'                       => 'Statut'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Fuseau horaire'              ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Valider le certificat SSL'   ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Ne valident pas de certificat SSL',
-    'markas'                       => 'Après la numérisation'       ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Permettre",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Désactiver",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Assurez-actif",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Valider le certificat SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Ne pas valider les certificats SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Tous les messages de la dernière analyse",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Les messages non lus de la dernière analyse",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Marquer les messages comme lus",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "Je ne sais pas",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Analyser maintenant",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Liste des règles",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Sélectionnez Dossiers",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Supprimé avec succès",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "la suppression de la règle n'a pas",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Enregistré avec succès",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanné avec succès",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "est en état de fonctionnement",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "l'information des dossiers est vide",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Règles informations sequnce est vide",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Mettre à  jour les dossiers",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "À partir de",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "Pour",
-    'subject'   =>   "Sujet",
-    'body'   =>   "Corps",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Égaler",
-    'action'   =>   "Actions",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priorité",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Glissez et déposez bloc de prioriser la règle",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Tous",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Tous les prix",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contient",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "Ne contient pas",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Égal",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "Non Equals",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Commencer",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Fin",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Créer un ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Mise à  jour Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Ajouter au contact [DE]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Ajouter au contact [TO]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Ajouter de l'Organisation [DE]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Ajouter de l'Organisation [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Ajouter à  plomb [DE]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Ajouter à  plomb [TO]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Mettre à  jour les dossiers",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Désélectionner tous",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Convertir emails aux dossiers respectifs",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "La règle numéro indique la priorité. Glisser-déposer pour modifier la priorité.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Ajouter une règle",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priorité",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Supprimer la règle",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Corps",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Égaler",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Action",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "À partir de"
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Boîte aux lettres supprimée avec succès",
-    'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Boîte aux lettres chargées avec succès",
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/PickListDependency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c596c7985bfbbb9cd62aef3ebad401758970ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Pour faire',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profils'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Afficher'                    , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Créer/Editer'               , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Supprimer'                   , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Roles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Rôles'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rôle'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Ajouter rôle'               , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Ajouter privilège spécial' , 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => ' peut être vu par '         , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilèges'                 , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Règle n°'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Vtiger.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Intégration',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Réglages'                   , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Adaptation'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Gabarits'                    , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Accès'                      , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Autres réglages'            , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Gestion des collaborateurs ayant un accès CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Rôles'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Gestion des droits verticaux', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profils'                     , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Gestion des droits sur le système', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Equipes'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Gestion des droits transversaux', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Droit d\'accès'             , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestion des privilèges d\'accès', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Champs calculés'            , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Ajouter une formule aux champs personnalisés', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Gestionnaire de Modules'     , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestion du comportement des modules dans Vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editeur de liste'            , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestion des listes de choix' , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Editeur de listes dépendantes', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Réglages des dépendances entre les listes déroulantes', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Editeur du Menu'             , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Personaliser l\'affichage du Menu', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>"Le nombre réel d'éléments de menu affichés dépendra de la taille de l'écran et peut être inférieur éléments sélectionnés.",
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Modèles d\'emails'          , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestion des modèles d\'emails', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Société'                   , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Gestion des informations sur votre société', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Fusion'                      , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Gestion des modèles de documents', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Taxes'                       , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Gestion des taxes (TVA...)'  , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'SMTP'                        , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Configuration du serveur de messagerie sortant', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Stock conditions particulières', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Gestion des conditions particulières', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestion des annonces'        , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Devises'                     , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestion des devises et taux de change', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Personnaliser la numérotation', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Personnalisation de la numérotation des modules', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Réception des mails'        , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configurer vtiger pour recevoir les mails', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Liste des gestionnaires de flux', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Lister les gestionnaires de flux définis pour Vtiger', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Editeur de configuration '   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portail client'              , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Autorisez-vous à configurer le portail client', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Gestion de l\'historique des modifications', 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Selectionner les modules pour le suivi des modifications', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 => "",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	 'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTE: Outgoing server should be set to SSL or TLS Protocal and If "From Email" field is set to blank then the User Email address will be picked up.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Webforms.php
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--- a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha activé'              ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Enregistrer ordre des champs', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Caché',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Activer modules cibles pour formulaire en ligne',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Affectation de l\'utilisateur',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Affecter des utilisateurs en Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round Robin Liste des utilisateurs',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Les champs obligatoires sans valeurs de remplacement ne peux pas être cachés',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'champs de référence ne peux pas être obligatoire sans valeur de remplacement',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Tapez à la recherche',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform avec ce nom existe déjà',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/fr_fr/Settings/Workflows.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'À partir de',
-	'Optional' => 'Optionnel',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Tâche',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portail Client lien PDF',
-	'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Ajouter un modèle',
-	'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'Bloc LineItems pour groupe fiscal',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Bloc LineItems pour impôts des particuliers',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Pour faire',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Users.php b/languages/fr_fr/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mes préférences'           , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informations complémentaires', 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Informations'                , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Ma photo'                    , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Configuration des devises et monnaies', 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Information adresse'         , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Options avancées de l\'utilisateur', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Composition de ma page'      , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Rôle'                       , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nom utilisateur'             , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Vue activités par défaut'  , 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Vue par défaut prospect'    , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Fonction'                    , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Téléphone (bureau)'        , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Département'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => ' Supérieur hiérarchique'   , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo ID'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Téléphone (domicile)'      , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Image/Photo'                 , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Format des dates'            , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Mots clés'                  , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Signature'                   , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Adresse'                     , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Mot de passe'                , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirmation'                , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Afficher'                    , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Masquer'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Afficher'                    , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Masquer'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Composition de ma page'      , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Historique connexion'        , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Affichage des informations relative à', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Supprimer équipe'           , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Equipe à supprimer'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Transférer assignation vers : ', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Collaborateurs à supprimer' , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Transférer les assignations vers', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Supprimer profil'            , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Profil à supprimer'         , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Transferer rôles vers profil', 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Composeur interne d\'email'  , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Extension Asterisk'          , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Délai de rappel'            , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Clé d\'accès personnelle au webservice', 
-	'Language'                     => 'Langue :'                    , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Thème graphique'            , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Fuseau horaire'              , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Séparateur de décimales'   , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Patterne de groupe'          , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Séparateur de groupe'       , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Position du symbole monétaire', 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utilisateur supprimé avec succès',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Les utilisateurs actifs',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Les utilisateurs inactifs',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => "Supprimer l'utilisateur de façon permanente",
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurer',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utilisateur restauré avec succès',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'On y est presque!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'À propos de moi',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Nous promettons de garder ce privé)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Tous les champs ci-dessous sont obligatoires)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Démarrer',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Votre numéro de contact',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Où êtes-vous?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Sélectionnez un pays',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Taille de lentreprise',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Titre du poste',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Département',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Devise de base',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Choisissez Devise de base',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Devise de référence ne peut pas être modifié ultérieurement. Choisissez votre monnaie de fonctionnement',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Langue',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Choisissez la langue',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Choisissez Fuseau horaire',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Format de la date',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Choisissez Format de date',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Téléphone',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => "Changer la clé d'accès",
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Clé d'accès mis à jour avec succès",
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => "Impossible de mettre à jour la clé d'accès",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'clé New Access demandé',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => "Vous avez demandé une nouvelle clé d'accès. Avec la nouvelle disposition clé d'accès, vous devez remplacer la clé d'accès ancien et le nouveau dans toutes les extensions installées. Do vous voulez continuer?",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Vendors.php b/languages/fr_fr/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8e166e24619eb3c4689c336eba1bfcad37fab3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fournisseurs'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Fournisseur'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Détail fournisseur'         , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Adresse'                     , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nom fournisseur'             , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Fournisseur N°'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site web'                    , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Code comptable'              , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/fr_fr/Vtiger.php b/languages/fr_fr/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a20eb5d9135a3f266fa5ce49235067dce6025320..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/fr_fr/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'License'                     , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Politique de confidentialité', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Tous'                        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Edition'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Enregistrer'                 , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Annuler'                     , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Retour'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importer'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exporter'                    , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Trouver les doublons'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Plus'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Ajouter'                     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Editer'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Supprimer'                   , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Configuration'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'L\'enregistrement que vous tentez de visualiser a été supprimé.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'L\'enregistrement que vous cherchez n\'existe pas', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Sélectionner'               , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Effacer'                     , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Oui'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Non'                         , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Aucun'                       , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Désélectionner tous'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Création rapide'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Envoyer un SMS'              , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'trouvé(e)'                  , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Ajouter une note'            , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Pour faire'              , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Accueil'                     , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Tableau de bord'             , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mes préférences'           , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Déconnexion'                , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Aide'                        , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Retour sur expérience'      , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'assistance par chat',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'Configuration CRM '          , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Collaborateur'               , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Groupe'                      , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Date de création'           , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Date de modification'        , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Description'                 , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Assigné à'                 , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Chargement...'               , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Rechercher'                  , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'Dans'                        , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Avancée'                    , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Collaborateurs'              , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Comptes'                     , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagnes'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacts'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospect'                    , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Commentaires'                , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Affaires'                    , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Produits'                    , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projets'                     , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contrats de Service'         , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Services'                    , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fournisseurs'                , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Devis'                       , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Commande Fournisseur'        , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Commande Client'             , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Facture'                     , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Nos Sites'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Retour'                      , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'et'                          , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'Ou'                          , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'fini par'                    , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contient'                    , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'inférieur à'               , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'supérieur à'               , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'inférieur ou égal'         , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'supérieur ou égal'         , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'nest pas vide'             ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Rechercher'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Tout'                        , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Autres'                      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'En attente'                  , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Non accessible'              , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Détails'                    , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Monnaie'                     , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Mode d\'application des taxes', 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individuel'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Outils'                      , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nom'                         , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Qté en stock'               , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Qté'                        , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Remise'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total après remise'         , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Total taxe'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Ajouter un produit'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Ajouter un Service'          , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Frais d\'expédition'        , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Taxe d\'expédition'         , 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Avoir/Relicat'               , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Déduire'                    , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Total TTC'                   , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Aucune'                      , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'du prix'                     , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Réduction directe sur le prix', 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total taxes'                 , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Remise directe'              , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Montant remise'              , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Plus de devises'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Créer'                      , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Générer'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Dupliquer'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'COMMENTAIRES'                , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Actualiser'                  , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Fermer'                      , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Tout'                        , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Mis à jour il y a'          , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'de'                          , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'by'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'pour'                        , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Créé le'                   , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Historique'                  , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Information personnalisé'   , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Aucun résultat'             , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Collaborateur'               , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Aujourd\'hui'                , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'La semaine dernière'        , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Activités en cours'         , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Billets à fenêtres'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exporter toutes les données', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exporter les données de la page courante', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Exporter les types d\'enregistrement', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nom compte'                  , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ajustement'                  , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Revenu Annuel'               , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Adresse facturation'         , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Code'                , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Transporteur'                , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Catégorie'                  , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Ville'                       , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Aucun--'                   , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Actif'                       , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Adresse livraison'           , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Pays'                        , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Créé le'                   , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Monnaie'                     , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Monnaie de base'             , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Echéance'                   , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Email Opt Out'               , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Est converti de plomb'       , 
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Echéance'                   , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Nom'                         , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Prénom'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'En cours'                    , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Sujet'                       , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Conditions générales'      , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nom'                         , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Quantité'                   , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Grille tarifaire'            , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Droits de douanes'           , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Montant total'               , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sous-total'                  , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Statut'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Fournisseur'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Conditions générales'      , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Information tarif'           , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Détail produit'             , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Source prospect'             , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Mobile'                      , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notifier le proprétaire'    , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Tél autre'                  , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Téléphone'                 , 
-	'State'                        => 'Département'                , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Nom affaire'                 , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Priorité'                   , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Produit'                     , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Note'                        , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Relatif à'                  , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Type'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Salutation '                 , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Rue'                         , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Début de support'           , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Sélectionnez État'           ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'fusionner',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Taux de conversion'             , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'date de validité',
-	'Phone: ' => 'téléphone: ',
-	'Issued Date' => "date d'émission",
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Expédition et frais de manutention',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Expédition et de manutention impôt:',
-	'Discount' => 'réduction',
-	'Net Total' => 'total net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Code de produit',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nom du client',
-	'Price' => 'prix',
-	'Tax:' => 'Tax:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nom du contact',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Site: ',
-	'Tax' => 'Tax',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contrats de Service',
-	'Projects' => 'Projects',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Commande Client',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Commande Fournisseur',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personnaliser le menu principal',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Commenter',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Dernier commentaire',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => '5 derniers commentaires',
-	'All Comments' => 'Tous les commentaires',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Pas un faisceau',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Marquer comme détenus',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maximum 160 caractères sont autorisés pour le message texte',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Cachez remplis Calendrier des événements',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Setup Webfroms'              , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'doit être supérieure ou égale à', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Date actuelle',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => "Modifier le fonctionnement de masse peut s'effectuer sur 500 ou moins enregistrements à la fois",
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Appel De',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Appel entrant',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>"Décrochez le combiné d'extension pour composer le numéro",
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>"Échec de l'appel",
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>"S'il vous plaît remplir tous les champs",
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Vos modifications seront perdues!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Devise de base doit être modifié pour désactiver',
diff --git a/languages/hi_hi/Accounts.php b/languages/hi_hi/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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--- a/languages/hi_hi/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Welcome to Vtiger Migration',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migration Completed',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Migration Wizard',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'We take pride in being associated with you.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Have any questions? Find help on Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussions </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'To know more about Vtiger follow us our <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Help - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Thanks for using <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'We aim to be - simply the best',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Come on over, there is space for you too!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Your vtiger6 migration completed successfully.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'To know what is new in this version, please read <a href="#" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Please wait ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migration in progress',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migration : Database Changes Log',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/hi_hi/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/hi_hi/Settings/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Accounts.php b/languages/hu_hu/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3755853f9edf3b7f1110b93567002c6a01b622e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Cég neve' 					,
-	'Account No'                   => 'Cég No.' 					,
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cégek'         				,
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Elemző'           			,
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Versenytárs'                	,
-	'Created By'                   => 'Létrehozó'             		,
-	'Customer'                     => 'Vevő'                       	,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail, elsődleges'          ,
-	'Employees'                    => 'Alkalmazottak száma'        	,
-	'industry'                     => 'Iparág'             			,
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrátor'                 	,
-	'Investor'                     => 'Befektető'                  	,
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Cég adatok'                 	,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Cég hozzáadása'           	,
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Számlázási cím másolása'		,
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Szállítási cím másolása'		,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Ez a cégnév már használatos'	,
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Záró dátum'      			,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Cégek listája'    			,
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Cég hierarchiát mutat' 		,
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Kezdő dátum'     			,
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Tagság itt'       			,
-	'Other Email'                  => 'E-mail, másik'      			,
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Telefon, másik'              ,
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Tulajdonviszonyok'    		,
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     ,
-	'Press'                        => 'Sajtó'            			,
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Vevőjelölt'     				,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Prospect számlák',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Viszonteladó'       			,
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'TEÁOR'              			,
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cég'              			,
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Tőzsdei rövidítés' 			,
-	'Website'                      => 'Weboldal'             		,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION' => 'A Cégnév már létezik. Létre kíván hozni egy duplikált rekordot?'     ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Ennek a Cégnek a törlése törölni fogja a kapcsolódó Ajánlatokat és Lehetőségeket is. Biztos, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a Céget?'          ,
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Ezeknek a Cégeknek a törlése törölni fogja a kapcsolódó Ajánlatokat és Lehetőségeket is. Biztos, hogy törölni szeretné ezeket a Cégeket?' ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni akarja?'                           ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php b/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc8cc03b8193cdf0bd8695130ea85055a099feb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Vagyontárgy neve'            ,
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Vagyontárgy No.'             ,
-	'Assets'                       => 'Vagyontárgyak'               ,
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Vásárló neve'                ,
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Karbantartás kezdő dátuma'   ,
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Értékesítés dátuma'          ,
-	'In Service'                   => 'Karbantartás alatt'          ,
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Számla/Díjbekérő megnevezése',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Vagyontárgy hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Vagyontárgy adatok'          ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vagyontárgyak listája'       ,
-	'Notes'                        => 'Leírás:'                     ,
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Üzemképes'                   ,
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Gyári sorozat szám'          ,
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Szállítási mód'              ,
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Szállítási azonosító szám'   ,
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Vagyontárgy'                 ,
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Címke száma'                 ,
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index efcfc254af991c450102298b515302d1368e15f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tevékenység típusa'           ,
-	'Call'                         => 'Hívás'                        ,
-	'Completed'                    => 'Kész'                         ,
-	'Daily'                        => 'nap'                          ,
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Visszautasított'              ,
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Befejezés dátuma és ideje'    ,
-	'first'                        => 'Első'                         ,
-	'ICAL_FORMAT'                  => 'iCal Formátum'                ,
-	'last'                         => 'Utolsó'                       ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Tevékenység típus'            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW'        => 'Naptár nézet hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Hozzáadott naptárak'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Esemény hozzáadása'           ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Teendő hozzáadása'            ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Naptár beállítások'           ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Naptár megosztása'            ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Naptár nézet'                 ,
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Hívás'                        ,
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Felelős módosítása'           ,
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Születésnap'                  ,
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Támogatás Befejező dátuma'   ,
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Vasárnap'                     ,
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Hétfő'                        ,
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Kedd'                         ,
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Szerda'                       ,
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Csütörtök'                    ,
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Péntek'                       ,
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Szombat'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'napja a hónapnak'             ,
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Esemény alapértelmezett hossza',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Alapértelmezett állapot és típus',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR'          => 'Naptár törlése'               ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR'               => 'Színek beállítása'            ,
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW'    => 'Naptár nézet szerkesztése'    ,
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Esemény'                      ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Esemény adatai',
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'			   => 'Esemény / Teendő'            ,
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Események'                    ,
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Befejezés'                    ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Rekordok Importálása'         ,
-	'LBL_LAST_IMPORT_UNDONE'       => 'Az ön utolsó importálását visszavontuk',
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Perc'                         ,
-	'LBL_ON'                       => ':'                            ,
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Más események'                ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista nézet'                  ,
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Eredmény'                     ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE'     => 'Válasszon tevékenység típust' ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR'    => 'Válasszon Naptár színt'       ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR'     => 'Válasszon felhasználó naptárt',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Válassz felhasználókat'       ,
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Megosztott naptár'            ,
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Állapot',
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Teendő'                      ,
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Teendők'                    ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Teendők adatai'             ,
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Teendők'                      ,
-	'LBL_TOTAL_EVENTS_IMPORTED'    => 'Sikeresen importált Események száma: ',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_EVENTS_SKIPPED'     => 'Kihagyott Események (egy vagy több kötelező mező hiányzott) száma: ',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TASKS_IMPORTED'     => 'Sikeresen importált Teendők száma: ',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TASKS_SKIPPED'      => 'Kihagyott Teendők (egy vagy több kötelező mező hiányzott) száma: ',
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Típus',
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Utolsó Importálás visszavonása',
-	'Location'                     => 'Helyszín'                     ,
-	'Medium'                       => 'Közepes'                      ,
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Találkozó'                    ,
-	'Monthly'                      => 'hónap'                        ,
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Még nem elkezdett'            ,
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Információra várva'           ,
-	'Planned'                      => 'Tervezett'                    ,
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Értesítést küld'              ,
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Naptár'                       ,
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Esemény'                      ,
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Kezdés dátuma és ideje'       ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Tárgy'                        ,
-	'Tasks'                        => 'Teendők'                      ,
-	'Task'                         => 'Teendő'                       ,
-	'Weekly'                       => 'hét'                          ,
-	'Yearly'                       => 'év'                           ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A Naptár nézetet sikeresen hozzáadtuk',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A Naptár nézet színeit frissítettük',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni alarja ezt a naptár nézetet?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A Naptár nézetet sikeresen töröltük',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Naptár szerkesztése',
-    'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Nem tartható fenn a jövőre nézve',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Nincsen hozzáadható naptár nézet',
-    'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'A Teendőt hozzáadtuk a Naptáradhoz',
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Esemény / Teendő hozzáadása' ,
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'Egész nap',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Ápr',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'Április',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'Augusztus',
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'A Vevőjelölthöz nem választható kapcsolódó Kapcsolat',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Nap',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'Február',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Péntek',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Pén.',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'Január',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Júl',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'Július',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'Június',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jún',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'Március',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Már',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'Máj',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'Május',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Hétfő',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Hét.',
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Hónap',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'Október',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Okt',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Szom.',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Szombat',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sze',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'Szeptember',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Vasárnap',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Vas.',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Csüt.',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Csütörtök',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Ma',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Kedd',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Kedd',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Szerda',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Szer.',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Hét',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobil hívás',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Jelenlegi költség'					,
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Jelenlegi visszajelzések száma'		,
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Jelenlegi megtérülés'				,
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Jelenlegi megrendelések száma'		,
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Hirdetés'							,
-	'Average'                      => 'Közepes'								,
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banner hirdetés'						,
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Tervezett költség'					,
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Kampány neve'						,
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Kampány No.'							,
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampányok'							,
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Kampány állapot'						,
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Kampány típusa'						,
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Törölt'								,
-	'Complete'                     => 'Kész'								,
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Kapcsolatfelvétel - Felejtős örökre',
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Kapcsolatfelvétel - Sikeres'			,
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Kapcsolatfelvétel - Sikertelen'		,
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direkt Mail'							,
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Kiválló'								,
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Várható visszajelzések száma'		,
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Várható reakció'						,
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Várható jövedelem'					,
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Várható megtérülés'					,
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Várható megrendelések száma'			,
-	'Good'                         => 'Jó'									,
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inaktív'								,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Kampány hozzáadása'					,
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Kampány adatok'						,
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Várható és jelenlegi kampány adatok'	,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Kampányok listája'					,
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nincs--'							,
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Küldött db'							,
-	'Others'                       => 'Más, egyéb'							,
-	'Planning'                     => 'Tervezés'							,
-	'Poor'                         => 'Gyenge'								,
-	'Product'                      => 'Termék'								,
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Ajánló program'						,
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Kampány'								,
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Szponzor'							,
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Célközönség'							,
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Célkitűzés nagysága'					,
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'						,
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinárium'					 	    ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Asszisztens'                 ,
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Telefon, asszisztens'        ,
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Születésnap'                 ,
-	'Contact Id'                   => 'Kapcsolat AZ'                ,
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Kapcsolat képe'              ,
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Kapcsolatok'                 ,
-	'Department'                   => 'Részleg'                     ,
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Ne hívd'                     ,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail, elsődleges'          ,
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefon, otthoni'            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Kapcsolat hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Kapcsolat adatok'            ,
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Levelezési cím másolása'     ,
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Másik cím másolása'          ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Ügyfélszolgálati Portál adatok',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Képek'                       ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Kapcsolatok listája'         ,
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Város (Levelezés)'           ,
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Ország (Levelezés)'          ,
-	'Mailing PO Box'               => 'Postafiók (Levelezés)'       ,
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Állam/Megye (Levelezés)'     ,
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Utca, házszám (Levelezés)'   ,
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Irányítószám (Levelezés)'    ,
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefon, irodai'             ,
-	'Other City'                   => 'Város (Másik)'               ,
-	'Other Country'                => 'Ország (Másik)'              ,
-	'Other Phone' 				   => 'Telefon, másik'              ,
-	'Other PO Box'                 => 'Postafiók (Másik)'           ,
-	'Other Po Box' 				   => 'Postafiók (Másik)'           , //To-Do: what is the right key?
-	'Other State'                  => 'Állam/Megye (Másik)'         ,
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Utca, házszám (Másik)'       ,
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Irányítószám (Másik)'        ,
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Portál felhasználó'          ,
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referencia'                  ,
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Felettese'                   ,
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'E-mail,másik'                ,
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Kapcsolat'                   ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Támogatási sz. záró dátuma'  ,
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Támogatás sz. kezdő dátuma'  ,
-	'Title'                        => 'Beosztás'                    ,
-	'User List'                    => 'Felhasználó lista'           ,
-	//Added for Picklist Values
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Mr.'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mrs.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Ms.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'              => 'Synchronize Now'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'             => 'Synchronizing....'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'          => 'You have not synchronized yet', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING'            => 'Field Mapping'               , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Documents.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'Document No'                  => 'Dokumentum No.'              ,
-	'Documents'                    => 'Dokumentumok'                ,
-	'Download Count'               => 'Letöltés száma'              ,
-	'Download Type'                => 'Letöltés típusa'             ,
-	'File Name'                    => 'Fájlnév'                     ,
-	'File Size'                    => 'Méret'                       ,
-	'File Type'                    => 'Fájl típus'                  ,
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Mappa neve'                  ,
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Utoljára módosította'        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Mappa hozzáadása'            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Új Mappa hozzáadása'         ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Dokumentum hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Fájl épségének ellenőrzése'  ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Tiltott Dokumentumok'        ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Leírás'                      ,
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Dokumentumokat sikeresen áthelyeztük',
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Fájl letöltése'              ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_FILE_AS_ATTACHMENT' => 'Fájl küldése E-mail mellékletként',
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Külső'                       ,
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'A Fájl letölthető'           ,
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Fájl adatok'                 ,
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'Ez a Dokumentum nem tölthető le.',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Mappa leírása'               , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Mielőtt törölné ezt a mappát, kérjük, hogy távolítsa el a dokumentumokat belőle.',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Mappa név'                   ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Mappák listája'              ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Mappák'                      ,
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Belső'                       ,
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximális feltölthető méret' ,
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Áthelyezés'                  ,
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Dokumentum adatai'           ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Dokumentumok listája'        ,
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Megjegyzés:'                 ,
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Dokumentum'                  ,
-	'Title'                        => 'Megnevezés'                  ,
-	'Version'                      => 'Verzió'                      ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy ez(eke)t a fájl(oka)t át akarja helyezni ide:',
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'mappa'                       ,
-	'JS_FOLDER_IS_NOT_EMPTY'       => 'A mappa nem üres.'           ,
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Dokumentumok áthelyezése'    ,
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'Új Mappa'                    ,
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'nincsenek engedélyezve',
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'művelet letiltva'            ,
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Különleges karakterek mint ',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	 'Email Templates' => 'E-mail sablonok' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'        => 'E-mail sablon hozzáadása' ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Leírás'                   ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Sablonok kezelése az E-Mail modul számára',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'E-mail sablon'            ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'   => 'E-mail sablonok'          ,
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS'    => 'Általános mezők'          ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Válasszon mezőtípust'     ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'           => 'Tárgysor'                 ,
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'     => 'E-mail sablon neve'       ,
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mail sablon'            ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Emails.php b/languages/hu_hu/Emails.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Küldés dátuma'              ,
-	'Emails'                       => 'E-mailek'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Rejtett másolat hozzáadása' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Másolat hozzáadása'         ,
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Melléklet'                  ,
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Rejtett másolat: '          ,
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Keresés a CRM-ben'          ,
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Másolat: '                  ,
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'E-mail szerkesztése'        ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Leírás'                     ,
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Mentve: '                   ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION'        => 'E-mail adatai'              ,
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Túllépve'                   ,
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Továbbítás'                 ,
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'Feladó '                    ,
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Ugrás: Előnézet'            ,
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Infó'                       ,
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximális feltölthető méret:',
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Tulajdonos '                ,
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Nyomtatás'                  ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Piszkozatként ment'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Válasszon E-mail címeket'   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Válassza ki az E-mail sablont',
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Küldés'                     ,
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Küldve: '                   ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Tárgysor:'                  ,
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'Címzett :'                  ,
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'E-mail'                     ,
-	'Time Start'                   => 'Küldés ideje'               ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Events.php b/languages/hu_hu/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-/* NOTE: Should be inline with Calendar language translation but few variations */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tevékenység típus'         ,
-	'Busy'                         => 'Foglalt'                   ,
-	'Call'                         => 'Hívás'                     ,
-	'Daily'                        => 'Napi'                      ,
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Befejezés dátuma és ideje' ,
-	'Events'                       => 'Események'                 ,
-	'Held'                         => 'Megtartott'                ,
-	'INVITATION'                   => ' Meghívás '                ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Esemény hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Naptár nézet'              ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Követő esemény létrehozása',
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Vasárnap'                  ,
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Hétfő'                     ,
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Kedd'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Szerda'                    ,
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Csütörtök'                 ,
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Péntek'                    ,
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Szombat'                   ,
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'a hónap adott napján'      ,
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Nap'                       ,
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Nap'                       ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Esemény adatai'            ,
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Események'                 ,
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'Első'                      ,
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Esemény követése BE'       ,
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Óra'                       ,
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Meghív'                    ,
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Meghív Felhasználókat'     ,
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Utolsó'                    ,
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Hónap'                     ,
-	'LBL_ON'                       => ':'                         , // TO-DO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista nézet'               ,
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Ismétlődés adatai'         ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Kapcsolódik'               ,
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Ismétlés minden '          ,
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Pén.'                      ,
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Hét.'                      ,
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Szom.'                     ,
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Vas.'                      ,
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Csüt.'                     ,
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Kedd'                      ,
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Szer.'                     ,
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Teendők'                   ,
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'addig '                    ,
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Hét'                       ,
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Év'                        ,
-	'Location'                     => 'Helyszín'                  ,
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Találkozó'                 ,
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Havi'                      ,
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Elmaradt'                  ,
-	'Planned'                      => 'Tervezett'                 ,
-	'Private'                      => 'Magán jellegű'             ,
-	'Public'                       => 'Nyilvános'                 ,
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Ismétlődés'                ,
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Értesítést küld'           ,
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Emlékeztetőt küld előtte: ',
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Esemény'                   ,
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Kezdés dátuma és ideje'    ,
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Láthatóság'                ,
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Heti'                      ,
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Éves'                      ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Answer'                       => 'Válasz'                    ,
-	'Comments'                     => 'Hozzászólások'             ,
-	'Draft'                        => 'Piszkozat'                 ,
-	'Faq No'                       => 'TudásTár No.'              ,
-	'Faq'                          => 'TudásTár'                  ,
-	'General'                      => 'Általános'                 ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'TudásTár bejegyzés hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Megjegyzés adatai'         ,
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'TudásTár adatai'           ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'TudásTár lista'            ,
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'MEGOLDÁS'                  ,
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Elavult'                   ,
-	'Published'                    => 'Közzétett'                 ,
-	'Question'                     => 'Kérdés'                    ,
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'TudásTár'                  ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Big Problem'          => 'Nagy probléma'             ,
-	'Closed'               => 'Lezárt'                    ,
-	'Contact Name'         => 'Kapcsolat neve'            ,
-	'created'              => 'létrehozva: '              ,
-	'Critical'             => 'Kritikus'                  ,
-	'customer_portal'      => 'az "Ügyfél Portál"-on a VTiger-ben.',
-	'Days'                 => 'Napok'                     ,
-	'Dear'                 => 'Kedves'                    ,
-	'Feature'              => 'Tulajdonság'               ,
-	'From Portal'          => 'A Portálról'               ,
-	'HelpDesk ID'          => 'Kérés AZ'                  ,
-	'HelpDesk'             => 'Kérések'                   ,
-	'High'                 => 'Magas'                     ,
-	'Hi'                   => 'Helló'                     ,
-	'Hours'                => 'Órák'                      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'       => 'Kérés hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ALTBODY'          => 'Ez a TXT levéltörzs a HTML levelet nem fogadó levelező rendszerek számára'    ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID'     => 'Kérjük, hogy ellenőrizze az e-mail címét az Ügyfél Portálhoz'                 ,
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'      => 'TudásTár bejegyzéssé átalakít' ,
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED'  => 'A Kérés nem lehet'         ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Az Ügyfél a következő kiegészítő információkat küldte válaszként:'           ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'  => 'az Ügyél Portálon - SÜRGŐS',
-	'LBL_DETAIL'           => 'adatai :'                  ,
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID'      => 'Kérjük, hogy adja meg az e-mail címét'                                        ,
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS'    => 'Ezek az Ön Ügyfél Portál belépési adatai :'                                   ,
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED'    => 'Belépés visszautasítva. Kérjük, hogy lépjen kapcsolatba az Adminisztrátorral.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'A levelet nem sikerült elküldeni'                                           ,
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT'        => 'Elküldtük a levelet az Ön e-mail címére az Ügyfél Portál belépési adataival'  ,
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'         => 'Jelszó :'                                                                     ,
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO'    => 'A Kérés'            ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'     => 'Kérések listája'           ,
-	'LBL_REGARDS'          => 'Üdvözlettel'               ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'       => 'Kapcsolódik'               ,
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Válaszold meg Kérést AZ:'                                                   ,
-	'LBL_RESPOND'          => 'Válaszold meg a legkorábbi Kérést.'                                           ,
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Válaszoljon a Kérés Sorszámra hivatkozva'                                              ,
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'         => 'Komolyság'                 ,
-	'LBL_STATUS'           => 'Állapot'                   ,
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED'    => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE'    => 'A Kérés állapota aktualizálva, mint '                                         ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Az Ön Ügyfél Portál belépési adatai'                              ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'          => 'Tárgy : '                  ,
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN'    => 'Ügyfél Adminisztrátor'     ,
-	'LBL_TEAM'             => 'Ügyfélszolgálat'           ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS'   => 'Kérés adatok'              ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION' => 'Kérés adatai'            ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER'    => 'Kérés Sorszám'             ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION' => 'Megoldás adatai'          ,
-	'LBL_USERNAME'         => 'Felhasználó név :'         ,
-	'link'                 => 'A következő linken elolvashatja a válaszunkat:',
-	'Major'                => 'Lényegi'                   ,
-	'Minor'                => 'Kisebb'                    ,
-	'Normal'               => 'Normál'                    ,
-	'Open'                 => 'Nyitott'                   ,
-	'Other Problem'        => 'Egyéb probléma'            ,
-	'Re'                   => 'Hiv. :'                    ,
-	'replied'              => 'megválszolva'              ,
-	'reply'                => 'Ez egy válasz arra, hogy'  ,
-	'Re'                   => 'Válasz :'                  ,
-	'Severity'             => 'Komolyság'                 ,
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'      => 'Kérés'                     ,
-	'Small Problem'        => 'Kis probléma'              ,
-	'Solution'             => 'Megoldás'                  ,
-	'Support_team'         => 'Ügyfélszolgálat'           ,
-	'Thanks'               => 'Köszönettel'               ,
-	'The comments are'     => 'A megjegyzések '           ,
-	'Ticket ID'            => 'Kérés AZ'                  ,
-	'Ticket No'            => 'Kérés No.'                 ,
-	'Ticket Title'         => 'Kérés megnevezése'         ,
-	'Title'                => 'Megnevezés'                ,
-	'Update History'       => 'Előzmények aktualizálása'  ,
-	'Urgent'               => 'Sürgős'                    ,
-	'Wait For Response'    => 'Válaszra vár'              ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Legfontosabb Cégek'        ,
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Kulcs Mérőszámok'          ,
-	'GRT'                          => 'Csoport beosztásom'        ,
-	'HDB'                          => 'Műszerfal Kezdőlap'        ,
-	'HLT'                          => 'Legfontosabb Kérések'      ,
-	'Home'                         => 'Kezdőlap'                  ,
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Legfontosabb Díjbekérők'   ,
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'TudásTár bejegyzéseim'     ,
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Legfontosabb Beszerzések'  ,
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Legfontosabb Megrendelések',
-	'PA'                           => 'Befejezetlen Tevékenységek',
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Legfontosabb Lehetőségek'  ,
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Legfontosabb Ajánlatok'    ,
-	'UA'                           => 'Rám váró Tevékenységek'    ,
-	//Transaltion does not work in he widgets
-	'Key Metrics'    => 'Kulcs Mérőszámok'          ,
-	'Tag Cloud'      => 'Címke felhő'               ,
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Nem sikerült lezárni a modult az importáláshoz. Próbálja meg később újra.',
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Ez az importálás megszakadt. Próbálja meg később.',
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Még vannak a várósorban fel nem dolgozott rekordok,amelyek megakadályozzák,hogy további adatokat importálhasson.<br>Törölje az adatokat a takarításhoz,és kezdeményezzen egy új importálást.',
-	'failed'                       => 'Hibás rekordok'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Elérhető mezők'                       ,
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Importálás visszavonása'              ,
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Karakter kódolás'                     ,
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Adatok törlése'                       ,
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM mezők'                            ,
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Alapértelmezett érték'                ,
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Mezőelválasztó:'                      ,
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Adatok'                               ,
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Hiba:'                                ,
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Fejléc'                               ,
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Fájl típus'                           ,
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'A fájl feltöltése nem sikerült'       ,
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Befejezés'                            ,
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Van fejléc'                           ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importálás'                           ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Importálás: Változtassa meg a feltölthető fájl méretet',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Az importálási könyvtár nem írható',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Importálási hiba: Nagy fájl '         ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Importált fájl: sikertelen másolat'   ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'További importálás'                   ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Időzített importálás'                 ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => '1. lépés'                             ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Válassza ki a fájlt'                 ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => '2. lépés'                             ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Határozza meg a formátumot'          ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => '3. lépés'                             ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Engedélyezze ezt a lehetőséget és adja meg a duplikáció szűrés feltételeit'      ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Rekord duplikáció kezelése'          ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => '4. lépés'                             ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Rendelje össze az oszlopokat a Modul mezőkkel',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Támogatott fájltípusok: .CSV,.VCF',
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Érvénytelen fájl'                     ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Következő'                            ,
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'Nem találtunk a fájlban sorokat'      ,
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Létrehozott rekordok száma összesen ',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Törölt rekordok száma összesen '     ,
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Összefűzött rekordok száma összesen ' ,
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'A feldolgozás során átlépett rekordok száma összesen ',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Módosított rekordok száma összesen ' ,
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'OK'                                   ,
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Eredmény'                             ,
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => '1. sor'                               ,
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Működik'                              ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Mentse el,mint egyedi hozzárendelést',
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Az importálást beütemeztük és 15 percen belül el fog kezdődni. Kapni fog egy emailt,amikor az importálás befejeződött. <br> <br>Győződjön meg róla,hogy a kimenő SMTP szerver,valamint az e-mail címe helyesen van beállítva,hogy e-mail értesítést kaphasson.',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Mezők,amiknek egyezniük kell'        ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Válassza ki azokat a mezőket,amiknek egyezniük kell,hogy a rekord duplikáltnak számítson' ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Válasszon a mentett egyedi hozzárendelésekből',
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Válassza ki,hogyan kezeljük a duplikált rekordokat'                                        ,
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Hibásnak bizonyult rekordok száma összesen ',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Importált rekordok száma összesen '   ,
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Rekordok száma összesen '             ,
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Utolsó importálás visszavonása'       ,
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Utolsó importálás visszavonása'       ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Utoljára importált rekordok'        ,
-	'skipped'                      => 'Kihagyott rekordok'                   ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Invoice.php b/languages/hu_hu/Invoice.php
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automatikusan létrehozva'    ,
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Visszavon'                   ,
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Utalásos Díjbekérő'          ,
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Ügyfél száma'                ,
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Díjbekérő kiállítási dátuma' ,
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Díjbekérő No.'               ,
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Action',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Díjbekérő hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Egyenleg'                    ,
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportálás PDF-be'           ,
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Díjbekérő adatai'            ,
-	'LBL_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_OR_REPLACE_THIS_ITEM' => 'törölve lett a rendszerből. Kérjük, hogy távolítsa el vagy cserélje le ezt a tételt.',
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE'             => 'Nem egy csomag',
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Megkapta'                    ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Díjbekérők listája'          ,
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'E-mail küldés PDF melléklettel',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	           => 'Résztermékek',
-	'LBL_THIS_LINE_ITEM_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_THIS_LINE_ITEM' => 'Az ebben a sorban szereplő tételt törölték a rendszerből, kérjük, távolítsa el.',
-	'LBL_THIS'                     => 'Ez',
-	'Paid'                         => 'Fizetett'                    ,
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Beszerzések'                 ,
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Értékesítési jutalék'        ,
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Megrendelések'               ,
-	'Sent'                         => 'Elküldött'                   ,
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Díjbekérő'                   ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_REMOVE_LINE_ITEM_THAT_IS_DELETED' => 'Kérjük, hogy távolítsd el a törölt tételt a sorból.',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Megkísérelt kapcsolatfelvétel',
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Nem alakítható át'           ,
-	'Cold'                         => 'Hideg'                       ,
-	'Company'                      => 'Cég'                         ,
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Kapcsolatba léptünk'         ,
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Jövőbeni kapcsolatfelvétel'  ,
-	'Designation'                  => 'Beosztás'                    ,
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         ,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail, elsődleges'          ,
-	'Hot'                          => 'Forró'                       ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Hot vezet',
-	'Industry'                     => 'Iparág'                      ,
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Alkalmatlan Vevőjelölt'      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Vevőjelölt hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'A Vevőjelölt átalakításához a Cégek és a Kapcsolatok modulokból valamelyiknek engedélyezettnek kell lennie',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Letiltott modulok'           ,
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Vevőjelöltet átalakít Kapcsolattá:',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Mező leképezés szerkesztése' ,
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'A következő okok lehetségesek',
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Vevőjelölt adatai'           ,
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Minden kötelező mező nincs bent a leképezésben',
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Vevőjelöltek - Egyedi mezők leképezése',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Néhány a kötelező mezők közül üres',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vevőjelöltek listája'        ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Kapcsolódó rekordokat áthelyezi ide:',
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Vevőjelölt No.'              ,
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Vevőjelölt állapota'         ,
-	'Leads'                        => 'Vevőjelöltek'                ,
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Elvesztett Vevőjelölt'       ,
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Mr.'                         , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Mrs.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Ms.'                         , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nincs--'                   ,
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Alkalmazottak száma'         ,
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Nem lépett kapcsolatba'      ,
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon, elsődleges'         ,
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Előzetesen minősített'       ,
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Minősített'                  ,
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'E-mail, másik'               ,
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Vevőjelölt'                  ,
-	'Warm'                         => 'Meleg'                       ,
-	'Website'                      => 'Weboldal'                    ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Válasszon Kapcsolatot a művelethez', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Az átalakításhoz szükséges egy Kapcsolatot vagy Céget kiválasztani', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Válasszon Céget a művelethez', 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Help - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migration : Database Changes Log',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'To know more about Vtiger follow us our <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migration in progress',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migration Completed',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Your vtiger6 migration completed successfully.',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Migration Wizard',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'We take pride in being associated with you.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'To know what is new in this version, please read <a href="#" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Come on over, there is space for you too!',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Have any questions? Find help on Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussions </a><br>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Thanks for using <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Welcome to Vtiger Migration',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Please wait ...',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'We aim to be - simply the best',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/ModComments.php b/languages/hu_hu/ModComments.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Comment'                      => 'Feljegyzés'                , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Létrehozó'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Feljegyzés hozzáadása'     , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Feljegyzések'              , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Egyéb adatok'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Feljegyzések listája'      , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Írd a Feljegyzést ide:'    , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Kapcsolódó feljegyzések'   , 
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Feljegyzés'                , 
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/PBXManager.php b/languages/hu_hu/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbcd8c5ebc312d2c0dacc960a4c1d7b87cc5ae5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Bejövő hívás'            ,
-	'Call To'                      => 'Kimenő hívás'            ,
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Hívás adatai'            ,
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX-menedzser AZ'        ,
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'PBX-menedzser'           ,
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'PBX-menedzser'           ,
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Hívás ideje'             ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Portal.php b/languages/hu_hu/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HTTP_ERROR' => 'A weboldal, amit próbál megnyitni nem biztonságos, és lehet, hogy nem megnyitható. Ha továbbra is szeretné megtekinteni ezt a weboldalt, akkor kattintson a tartalom blokkolóra a címsorban, és ekkor engedélyezheti a megnyitást.',
-	'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK'     => 'Könyvjelző hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Új Könyvjelző hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARK'         => 'Könyvjelző',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME'    => 'Könyvjelző neve',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Könyvjelzőt sikeresen mentettük',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARKS'        => 'Könyvjelzők',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Könyvjelzőt sikeresen töröltük',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST'   => 'Könyvjelzők listája',
-	'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL'     => 'Könyvjelző Url',
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'       => 'Létrehozva:',
-	'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK'    => 'Könyvjelző szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Adja meg a Könyvjelző nevét',
-	'LBL_ENTER_URL'        => 'Adjon megy egy Url-t (www.minta.hu)',
-	'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST'   => 'A mi weboldal listánk',
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A rekordot sikeresen töröltük',
-	'Portal'               => 'A mi weboldalunk',
-	'SINGLE_Portal'        => 'A mi weboldalunk',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Potentials.php b/languages/hu_hu/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a1d2db8252753bb2dbd3de0bf844eae6333a16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Potentials.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Amount'                       => 'Összeg'                    ,
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Kampány forrás'            ,
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Lezárt - elvesztett'       ,
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Lezárt - megkötött'        ,
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Kapcsolat neve'            ,
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Meglévő Üzleti lehetőség'  ,
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Előrejelzett összeg'       ,
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Értékesítési előrejelzés'  ,
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Értékesítési tölcsér'      ,
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Döntéshozók beazonosítása' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Lehetőség hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Várható lezárás ideje'     ,
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Lehetőség adatai'          ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lehetőségek listája'       ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Kapcsolódó Kapcsolatok'    ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Kapcsolódó Termékek'       ,
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Elemzés szükséges'         ,
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Tárgyalás/Felülvizsgálat'  ,
-	'New Business'                 => 'Új Üzleti lehetőség'       ,
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Következő lépés'           ,
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nincs--'                 ,
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Kifogáskezelés'            ,
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Lehetőség No.'             ,
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Lehetőségek értékesítési fázis szerint',
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Lehetőségek'               ,
-	'Probability'                  => 'Valószínűség (%)'          ,
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Javaslat/Árajánlat'        ,
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Kiválasztás'               ,
-	'Qualification'                => 'Minősítés'                 ,
-	'Related To'                   => 'Kapcsolódó Cég neve'       ,
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Értékesítési fázis'        ,
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Lehetőség'                 ,
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Legfontosabb Lehetőségek'  ,
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Bevétel értékesítők szerint',
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Érték hozzárendelés'       ,
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Lehetőségei Nyert',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/PriceBooks.php b/languages/hu_hu/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fbf1c6f90c2d72b239449dd58440e9c53923b5d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/PriceBooks.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Csomagár hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TO'                   => 'Hozzáadás ehhez ',
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Csomagár lista szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Csomagár adatai'            ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Csomagárak listája'         ,
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE'               => 'Egységár',
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Csomagár megnevezése'       ,
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Csomagár No.'               ,
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Csomagárak'                 ,
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Csomagár'                   ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Products.php b/languages/hu_hu/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Products.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Szoftver-eladás'        ,
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Hardver-eladás'         ,
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Bérbeadás-bevétele'     ,
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Kamat-bevétel'          ,
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Szoftver-Támogatás-Eladása',
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Egyéb értékesítés'      ,
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internetes értékesítés' ,
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Hardver-Javítás'        ,
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Könyv-Értékesítés'      ,
-	'Box'                          => 'Doboz'                      ,
-	'Carton'                       => 'Karton'                     ,
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton'                      , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Jutalék (%)'                ,
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM Alkalmazás'             ,
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Tucat'                      ,
-	'Each'                         => 'Mindegyik'                  ,
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Főkönyvi szám'              ,
-	'Handler'                      => 'Hozzárendelt felelős'       ,
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardver'                    ,
-	'Hours'                        => 'Órák'                       ,
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Alkalmak'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Termék hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Csomagárhoz ad'             ,
-	'Lb'                           => 'Font'                       ,
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Képek a Termékről (max. 6):',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'több pénznem'               ,
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Ár'                         ,
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Termék árak'                ,
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Termék adatai'              ,
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Engedélyezze a Termékek Modult, hogy lássa a termékeket',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Termékek listája'           ,
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Ár újra beállítása'         ,
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Újra beállítás'             ,
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Készlet adatok'             ,
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Gyártó'                     ,
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Gyártási alkatrész szám'    ,
-	'M'                            => 'M'                          , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nincs--'                  ,
-	'Pack'                         => 'Csomag'                     ,
-	'Pages'                        => 'Oldalak'                    ,
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Cikkszám'                   ,
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Darab'                      ,
-	'Product Active'               => 'Aktív Termék '              ,
-	'Product Category'             => 'Termék kategória'           ,
-	'Product Image'                => 'Termék kép'                 ,
-	'Product No'                   => 'Termék No.'                 ,
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Termék adatlap'             ,
-	'Products'                     => 'Termékek'                   ,
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Igényelt mennyiség'         ,
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Mennyiség készleten'        ,
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'db/egység'                  ,
-	'Reams'                        => 'Ívek'                       ,
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Újrarendelési szint'        ,
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Sorozat szám'               ,
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Lap'                        ,
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Termék'                     ,
-	'Software'                     => 'Szoftver'                   ,
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spirál fűzés'               ,
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'm2'                         ,
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Adó osztály'                ,
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Egyedi ár'                  ,
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Használati egység'          ,
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Beszállítói Cikkszám'       ,
-	'Website'                      => 'Weboldal'                   ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Project.php b/languages/hu_hu/Project.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Actual End Date'              => 'Befejezés aktuális dátuma',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Projekt hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_CHARTS'                   => 'Haladási tábla'           ,
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Fájl letöltése'           ,
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Mérföldkövek Listája'     , 
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'               => 'Mérföldkövek'             ,
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'egyéb ...'                ,
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'                   => 'Személyek'                ,
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'      => 'Projekt adatok'           ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projektek listája'        ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Válasszon haladási szintet', 
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'                => 'Állapot: '                ,
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Állapot'                  ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'          => 'Feladatok lezárva'        ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'                => 'Feladatok késésben'       ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'Nagy prioritás'           , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Feladat lista'            ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Kis prioritás'            ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Normál prioritás'         ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'               => 'Feladatok nyitva'         ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Más prioritás'            , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Feladatok'                ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'          => 'Prioritás'                ,
-	'Progress'                     => 'Haladás'                  ,
-	'Project Name'                 => 'Projekt megnevezése'      ,
-	'Project No'                   => 'Projekt No.'              ,
-	'Project Url'                  => 'Projekt webcíme (URL)'    ,
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Projekt'                  ,
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Kezdő dátum'              ,
-	'Target Budget'                => 'Tervezett költségkeret'   ,
-	'Target End Date'              => 'Befejezés kitűzött dátuma',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/hu_hu/ProjectMilestone.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Projekt Mérföldkő hozzáadása' , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Projekt Mérföldkő adatai', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projekt Mérföldkövek listája' , 
-	'Milestone Date'               => 'Mérföldkő dátuma'             , 
-	'Project Milestone Name'       => 'Mérföldkő megnevezése'        , 
-	'Project Milestone No'         => 'Mérföldkő No.'                , 
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Projekt Mérföldkő'            , 
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/ProjectTask.php b/languages/hu_hu/ProjectTask.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Projekt Feladat hozzáadása'  , 
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Projektek listája'           ,
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Projekt Feladat adatai'      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projekt Feladatok listája'   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Feladatok listája'           ,
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'           => 'Projekt Feladat'             , 
-	'Project Task'                 => 'Projekt Feladat'             ,
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name'   => 'Projekt Feladat neve'  ,
-    'Project Task No'     => 'Projekt Feladat No.'   ,
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Projekt Feladat száma' ,
-	'Status'              => 'Állapot'               ,
-	'Priority'            => 'Prioritás'             ,
-    'Progress'            => 'Haladás'               ,
-    'Type'                => 'Típus'                 ,
-    'Worked Hours'        => 'Ráfordított órák'      ,
-    'Start Date'          => 'Kezdő dátum'           ,
-    'End Date'            => 'Záró dátum'            ,
-    'Related To'          => 'Kapcsolódik '          ,
-    'administrative'      => 'adminisztrációs'       ,
-    'operative'           => 'működési'              ,
-    'other'               => 'egyéb'                 ,
-    'low'                 => 'kis'              ,
-    'normal'              => 'normál'                ,
-    'high'                => 'nagy'                 ,
-    'Created Time'        => 'Létrehozva'            ,
-    'Modified Time'       => 'Módosítva'             ,
-    'description'         => 'Megjegyzés'            ,
-	'Assigned To'         => 'Hozzárendelve'         ,
-	'Open'                => 'Nyitva'                ,
-	'In Progress'         => 'Folyamatban'           ,
-	'Completed'           => 'Kész'                  ,
-	'Deferred'            => 'Elhalasztott'          ,
-	'Canceled'            => 'Törölt'                ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/PurchaseOrder.php b/languages/hu_hu/PurchaseOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Beszerzés'                  , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportálás PDF-be'         , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Beszerzés hozzáadása'     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Beszerzések listája'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Szállítási cím'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Számlázási cím'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Beszerzés adatai'           , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Beszerzés No.'              , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Igénylőlap sorszáma'      , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nyomkövető szám'          , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Értékesítési jutalék'   , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Beérkezett beszerzés'      , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Árjegyzék',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Árjegyzék',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copy Cég címe',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Quotes.php b/languages/hu_hu/Quotes.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Elfogadott'                   , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Raktár menedzser'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Ajánlat hozzáadása'           , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportálás PDF-be'            ,
-	'LBL_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_OR_REPLACE_THIS_ITEM' => ' törölve lett a rendszerből. Kérjük, hogy távolítsa el a sorból vagy cserélje a törölt tételt',
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Ajánlat adatai'               , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ajánlatok listája'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'E-mail küldés PDF melléklettel',
-	'LBL_THIS_LINE_ITEM_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_THIS_LINE_ITEM' => 'Ez a tétel törölve lett a rendszerből. Kérjük, hogy távolítsa el a sorból törölt tételt',
-	'LBL_THIS'                     => 'Ez a'                         ,
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Ajánlat No.'                  , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Ajánlati fázis'               , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Elutasított'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Ajánlat'                      , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Érvényes eddig: '             ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Nyitott idézetek',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_REMOVE_LINE_ITEM_THAT_IS_DELETED' => 'Please remove line item that is deleted',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/RecycleBin.php b/languages/hu_hu/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-		'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Lomtár ürítése'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Nincs elérhető engedélyezett Modul',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Ehhez a Modulhoz nem találtunk visszaállítható rekordokat',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lomtár lista'                ,
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Visszaállítás'               ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Válasszon Modult'            ,
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Lomtár'                      ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy vissza akarja állítani a Lomtárból ezeket a rekordokat?'               ,
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy végérvényesen törölni akarja az adatbázisból a Lomtárba helyezett rekordokat?',
-	'JS_RESTORING_RECORDS' => 'Rekordok helyreállítása',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Cégek és Kapcsolatok Jelentések',
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Cégek Email Jelentés'       ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Tevékenységek Jelentések'   ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Kampány: Elvárt és aktuális adatok',
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Kampányok Jelentések'       ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Lezárt Lehetőségek'         ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Kapcsolatok Cégek szerint listázva',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Kapcsolatok Lehetőségek szerint',
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Kapcsolatok Email Jelentés' ,
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Kapcsolatok,amelyek nem tartoznak Cégekhez',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Kapcsolatok,amelyek Cégekhez tartoznak',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Kapcsolatok,amelyek Lehetőségekhez tartoznak',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Kapcsolatok Cégek nélkül'   ,
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Jelentések'           ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Kapcsolatoknak küldött Emailek',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Vevőjelölteknek küldött Emailek',
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Cégeknek küldött Emailek'   ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Beszállítóknak küldött Emailek',
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Kérések Jelentések'         ,
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Díjbekérők: részletes Jelentés',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Díjbekérők Jelentések'      ,
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Az elmúlt Hónap Tevékenységei',
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Mappa hozzáadása'           ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Új Mappa hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Jelentés hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'Minden jelentés'            ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Növekvő'                    ,
-	'LBL_AT_TIME'                  => 'Időben: '                   ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Átlag'                      ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'ÁTL'                        ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'A számításokat a CRM alapértelmezett pénzeszközében végeztük el.',
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Számítások'                 ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE'              => 'Válasszon dátumot'          ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Oszlopok'                   ,
-	'LBL_CREATING_REPORT'          => 'Jelentés létrehozása'       ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Testreszabás'               ,
-	'LBL_DAILY'                    => 'Napi'                       ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Letiltott jelentések'       ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Csökkenő'                   ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Megjegyzés'                 ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplikáció van'             ,
-	'LBL_EDITING_REPORT'           => 'Jelentés szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_EXCEEDING_MAXIMUM_LIMIT'  => 'Maximum limit túllépve',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Mező nevek'                 ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Szűrők'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'Ez a mappa nem törölhető'  ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Mappa leírása'              ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Mappa neve'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'A mappa nem üres'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Mappák'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Mappák listája'             ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Készítse el most'           ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Jelentést készít'           ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Csoportosítás'              ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Legmagasabb érték'          ,
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Csak 1000 + rekordot jelenítettünk meg. Használja a CSV vagy Excel Exportálást,hogy megnézhesse az összes rekordot',
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Legalacsonyabb érték'       ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                        ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                        ,
-	'LBL_MONTHLY_BY_DATE'          => 'Havi dátum alapján',
-    'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'         => 'Csak 1000 rekordot mutatunk itt alább. Kérjük, hogy exportálja a jelentést az összes rekord megtekintéséhez',
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Jelentés áthelyezése'       ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Következő'                  ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_TRIGGER_TIME'        => 'Következő időzített időpont: ',
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Rekordok száma'             ,
-	'LBL_ON_THESE_DAYS'            => 'Ezeken a napokon'           ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Jelentés nyomtatása'        ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Rekordok'                   ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Exportálás CSV fájlba'      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Nincs jogosultság a jelentés törléséhez',
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Jelentés adatai'            ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Exportálás Excel fájlba'    ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Jelentés mappája'           ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Jelentés neve'              ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Nyomtat'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Jelentések listája'         ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Jelentések listája'         ,
-	'LBL_RUN_REPORT'               => 'Jelentés elkészítése'       ,
-	'LBL_SAME_LEVEL_ROLES'         => 'Ugyanolyan szintű munkakörök',
-	'LBL_SCHEDULE_REPORTS'         => 'Jelentések időzítése'       ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Válasszon oszlopokat'       ,
-	'LBL_SELECTED_DATES'           => 'Kiválasztott napok'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MONTH_AND_DAY'     => 'Válasszon hónapot és dátumot',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RECIEPIENTS'       => 'Válasszon címzetteket'      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Válasszon kapcsolódó modult',
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sorrendezés'                ,
-	'LBL_SPECIFIC_DATE'            => 'Egy meghatározott dátumon'  ,
-	'LBL_SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS'   => 'Küldés meghatározott e-mail címre',
-	'LBL_SUBORDINATE_ROLES'        => 'Beosztott munkakörök'       ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'ÖSSZ'                       ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Összesítés'                 ,
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Csúcs'                      ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Adatok megtekintése'        ,
-	'LBL_WEEKLY'                   => 'Heti'                       ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Írja be a leírást ide'   ,
-	'LBL_YEARLY'                   => 'Éves'                       ,
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Vevőjelöltek Források szerint',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Vevőjelöltek Jelentések'    ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Vevőjelöltek E-mail Jelentés',
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Vevőjelölt Állapot Jelentés',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Nyitott Ajánlatok'          ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Nyitott Kérések'            ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Lehetőségek értékesítési tölcsér',
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Lehetőségek Jelentések'     ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Lehetőségek,amiket Megkötöttünk',
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Elsődleges modul'           ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Termékek: részletes Jelentés',
-	'Product Details'              => 'Termék adatok'              ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Termékek Jelentések'        ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Termékek a Kapcsolatok szerint',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Termékek,amelyek Kapcsolatokhoz tartoznak',
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Beszerzések Kapcsolatok szerint',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Beszerzések: részletes Jelentés',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Beszerzések,amelyek Kapcsolatokhoz tartoznak',
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Beszerzések Jelentések'     ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Ajánlatok Jelentések'       ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Ajánlatok: részletes Jelentés',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Ajánlatok,amelyek nyitva vannak',
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Jelentés neve'              ,
-	'Reports'                      => 'Jelentések'                 ,
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Megrendelések: részletes Jelentés',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Megrendelések Jelentések'   ,
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Jelentés'                   ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Az aktuális Hónap Tevékenységei',
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Kérések Fontosságuk szerint',
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Kérések Termékek szerint'   ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Kérések,amelyek Termékekhez tartoznak',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Kérések,amelyek nyitva vannak',
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Beszállítók E-mail Jelentés',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Korlátozás: A tételsor mezői (Lista ár,Kedvezmény és Mennyiség) csak akkor használhatók,ha egyéb számítási mezők nem lettek kiválasztva.',
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplikált jelentés'            ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Rss.php b/languages/hu_hu/Rss.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE'   => 'RSS forrás hozzáadása',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Adja meg a hírforrást',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM'   => 'Hírforrások listája innen',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE'       => 'Hírforrás',
-	'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES'  => 'RSS Hírforrások',
-    'LBL_SENDER'            => 'Küldő',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'    => 'Alapértelmezettként beállít',
-    'SINGLE_Rss'            => 'RSS Hírforrás',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL'        => 'Érvénytelen RSS Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT'    => 'RSS beállítva alapértelmezettnek',
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'RSS sikeresen elmentve',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'További mezők hozzáadása'  ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Állapot ellenőrzése'       ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Válassza ki küldésre a telefonszám mezőket',
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'SMS küldése a kiválasztott számoknak',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Szerver beállítások'        ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS adatok'                ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => '1. lépés'                  ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => '2. lépés'                  ,
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Írja be az üzenetet'       ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'írja ide az üzenetét'      ,
-	'message'                      => 'Ãœzenet'                    ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Értesítő'              ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/SalesOrder.php b/languages/hu_hu/SalesOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Automatikusan létrehozva'    ,
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Átutalásos díjbekérő'        ,
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Ügyfél száma'                ,
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Díjbekérő-ismétlődés engedélyezve',
-	'End Period'                   => 'Utolsó Díjbekérő'            ,
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Gyakoriság'                  ,
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Díjbekérő állapot'           ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Megrendelés hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportálás PDF-be'           ,
-	'LBL_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_OR_REPLACE_THIS_ITEM' => ' törölve lett a rendszerből. Kérjük, hogy távolítsa el a sorból vagy cserélje a törölt tételt',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Megrendelések listája'       ,
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'E-mail küldés PDF melléklettel',
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Megrendelés adatai'          ,
-	'LBL_THIS_LINE_ITEM_IS_DELETED_FROM_THE_SYSTEM_PLEASE_REMOVE_THIS_LINE_ITEM' => 'Ez a tétel törölve lett a rendszerből. Kérjük, hogy távolítsa el a sorból törölt tételt',
-	'LBL_THIS'                     => 'Ez a'                         ,
-	'Paid'                         => 'Fizetve'                     ,
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Fizetés időtartama'          ,
-	'Pending'                      => 'Folyamatban'                 ,
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Kapcsolódó beszerzés'        ,
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Ajánlat megnevezése'         ,
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Igénylőlap sorszáma'         ,
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Értékesítési jutalék'        ,
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Megrendelés No.'             ,
-	'Sent'                         => 'Elküldve'                    ,
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Megrendelés'                 ,
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Első Díjbekérő'              ,
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Részösszeg'                  ,
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nyomkövető szám'             ,
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Szállítói határidők'         ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_REMOVE_LINE_ITEM_THAT_IS_DELETED' => 'Please remove line item that is deleted',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/hu_hu/ServiceContracts.php
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-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Tényleges időtartam (Napokban)'    ,
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Szerződés No.'                     ,
-	'End Date'                     => 'Befejezés dátuma'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződés hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződések listája' ,
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződés adatai',
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Tervezett időtartam (Napokban)'    ,
-	'Progress'                     => 'Előrehaladás (%-ban)'              ,
-	'Service Contracts'            => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződések'         ,
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződések'         ,
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződés'           ,
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Kezdés dátuma'                     ,
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Összes Egység'                     ,
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Nyomkövető Egység'                 ,
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Felhasznált Egység'                ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Services.php b/languages/hu_hu/Services.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Jutalék arány (%)'         ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Szolgáltatás hozzáadása'   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Csomagárhoz ad'            ,
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'több pénznem'              ,
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Ár'                        ,
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Szolgáltatás árak'         ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Szolgáltatások listája'    ,
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Ár újra beállítása'        ,
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Újra beállítás'            ,
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Szolgáltatás adatai'       ,
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Egységek száma'            ,
-	'Owner'                        => 'Tulajdonos'                ,
-	'Price'                        => 'Ár'                        ,
-	'Service Active'               => 'Aktív'                     ,
-	'Service Category'             => 'Kategória'                 ,
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Szolgáltatás neve'         ,
-	'Service No'                   => 'Szolgáltatás No.'          ,
-	'Services'                     => 'Szolgáltatások'            ,
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Szolgáltatás'              ,
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Adó osztály'               ,
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Használati Egység'         ,
-	'Website'                      => 'Weboldal'                  ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/CronTasks.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Időzített feladat'           ,
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Időzítő'                     ,
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Gyakoriság'                  ,
-	'Id'                           => 'AZ'                          ,
-	'Last End'                     => 'Utolsó átvizsgálás kész'     ,
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Utolsó átvizsgálás kezdődött',
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Kész'                        ,
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Inaktív'                     ,
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Fut'                         ,
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sorozat'                     ,
-	'Status'                       => 'Állapot'                     ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Currency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Új pénznem hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Pénznem hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Váltási arány'               ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Pénznem kódja'               ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Pénznem neve'                ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Jelölje a dobozban, ha aktiválni akarja a pénznemet.',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Szimbólum'                   ,
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Aktuális pénznem'            ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Pénznem szerkesztése'        ,
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Adja meg a váltási arányt'   ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Átutalás pénzneme'           ,
-	//currency names
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       ,
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               ,
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            ,
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             ,
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          ,
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      ,
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            ,
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              ,
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           ,
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             ,
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             ,
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            ,
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         ,
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             ,
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               ,
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  ,
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              ,
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             ,
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             ,
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     ,
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                ,
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        ,
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             ,
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           ,
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'            => 'Costa Rica, Colón'           ,
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               ,
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 ,
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              ,
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      ,
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             ,
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   ,
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     ,
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               ,
-	'El Salvador, Colón'           => 'El Salvador, Colón'          ,
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             ,
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             ,
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        ,
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    ,
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               ,
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                ,
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           ,
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        ,
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        ,
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            ,
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             ,
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          ,
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             ,
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              ,
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               ,
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          ,
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 ,
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         ,
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         ,
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            ,
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  ,
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              ,
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               ,
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           ,
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             ,
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          ,
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          ,
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            ,
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  ,
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                ,
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             ,
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            ,
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            ,
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       ,
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           ,
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' ,
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              ,
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          ,
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 ,
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           ,
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               ,
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           ,
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            ,
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        ,
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            ,
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               ,
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders',
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        ,
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         ,
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             ,
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            ,
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               ,
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 ,
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            ,
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              ,
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           ,
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          ,
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          ,
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             ,
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                ,
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            ,
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              ,
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        ,
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        ,
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              ,
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          ,
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          ,
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    ,
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          ,
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          ,
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            ,
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           ,
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           ,
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              ,
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          ,
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         ,
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               ,
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         ,
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              ,
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars',
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             ,
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               ,
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            ,
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             ,
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            ,
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham',
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      ,
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling',
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              ,
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                ,
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            ,
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes',
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               ,
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                ,
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              ,
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'A pénznemet sikeresen töröltük',
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'A pénznem adatait mentettük'      ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Ügyfélszolgálati Portál'      ,
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Alapértelmezett hozzárendelés',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Az Ügyfélszolgálati Portálról érkező Kérés hozzá lesz rendelve a kiválasztott csoporthoz/felhasználóhoz alapértelmezés szerint.',
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Fogja és vigye a modulokat, hogy átrendezze a megjelenítési sorrendjüket az Ügyfélszolgálati Portálban',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Modul engedélyezése'          ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Modul neve'                   ,
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Portál felhasználó jogosultságainak beállítása',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'Ez a Portál URL, ahol a Kapcsolatok be tudnak lépni és fel tudnak tölteni, vagy nyomon tudnak követni egy Kérést, hozzá tudnak férni a Tudásbázishoz, stb. A Kapcsolatok megkapják e-mailben a belépési adatokat, amikor engedélyezésre kerül a Portál hozzáférés a Kapcsolat adatlapján.',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portál Url'                   ,
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'Ezek a felhasználói jogosultságok lesznek alkalmazva a Portál felhasználóhoz.',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Jogosultságok'                ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'Rekordok megtekintése az egész szervezetben',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Az Ügyfélszolgálati Portál beállításait mentettük',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email sablon'      ,
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Sablon neve'       , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Megjegyzés'        , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Tárgysor'          ,
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Groups.php
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Csoport hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Felhasználók, Szerepek hozzáadása...',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'A csoport név már létezik'   ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Csoport tagok'               ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Csoport neve'                ,
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Szerepek és beosztások'      ,
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'Másik csoportra'             ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Tulajdonosság átruházása'    ,
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Szerepek és beosztások'      ,
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Csoport'                     ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Kérjük, hogy legalább egy tagot válasszon a csoporthoz',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A csoportot sikeresen töröltük'  ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Teendő'                       ,
-	'Checkbox'                     => 'Jelölő doboz'                 ,
-	'Currency'                     => 'Pénznem'                      ,
-	'Date'                         => 'Dátum'                        ,
-	'Decimal'                      => 'Tizedes szám'                 ,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail'                       ,
-	'Integer'                      => 'Egész szám'                   ,
-	'LayoutEditor'                 => 'Megjelenés szerkesztő'        ,
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Műveletek'                    ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Aktív'                        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Hozzáadás utána: '            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Egyedi blok hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Egyedi mező hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Válasszon Modult az eltávolítottak közül, hogy vissza adja a listához',
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Mindig mutassa'               ,
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Kapcsolódó lista hozzárendelése',
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Kapcsolódó fülek elrendezése' ,
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Blok neve'                    ,
-	'LBL_CLICK_HERE_TO_EDIT'       => 'Kattintson ide a szerkesztéshez',
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Egyedi mező létrehozása'      ,
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Tizedesjegyek'                ,
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Alapértelmezett érték'        ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Egyedi blok törlése'          ,
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Részletes nézet elrendezés'   ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplikált mezők vannak'       ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Ez a Blok név már létezik'    ,
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Adja meg a kiválasztó lista értékeket...',
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Mező és Megjelenés szerkesztő',
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inaktív mezők'                ,
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Címke neve'                   ,
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Hossz'                        ,
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Kötelező mező'                ,
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Tömeges szerkesztés'          ,
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Nem szerep függő kiválasztó lista',
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'Nincs kapcsolódó információ'    ,
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Kiválasztó lista értékek'     ,
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Gyors létrehozás'             ,
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Újra aktiválás'               ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Fogja és vigye a modult a lista átrendezéséhez',
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Kattintson a bezárás ikonon a Modul eltávolításához a listából',
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Szerep függő kiválasztó lista',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Mező sorozat mentése'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Válasszon mező típust'        ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Válasszon Modult a hozzáadáshoz',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Válasszon Modult...'          ,
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Összefoglaló nézet'           ,
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Rossz mező típus'             ,
-	'MultiSelectCombo'             => 'Többszörös kiválasztó doboz'  ,
-	'Percent'                      => 'Százalék'                     ,
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon'                      ,
-	'PickList'                     => 'Kiválasztó lista'             ,
-	'Skype'                        => 'Skype azonosító'              ,
-	'TextArea'                     => 'Szöveg terület (több soros)'  ,
-	'Text'                         => 'Szöveg (egy soros)'           ,
-	'Time'                         => 'Időpont'                      ,
-	'URL'                          => 'WEB URL'                      ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'A blok név már létezik'       ,
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blok sorrend frissítve'       ,
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Blok elrejtése engedélyezve'  ,
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Blok mutatása engedélyezve'   ,
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'Új egyedi blok hozzáadva'     ,
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Az egyedi blokot töröltük'    ,
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'Új egyedi mező hozzáadva'     ,
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Az egyedi mezőt töröltük'     ,
-	'JS_DUPLICATES_VALUES_FOUND'   => 'Duplikált értéket találtunk'  ,
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'A mező adatait mentettük'     ,
-	'JS_FIELD_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'A mező sorrendet frissítettük',
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'A hossz kevesebb vagy egyenlő kell legyen ennél:',
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'Nincsenek inaktív mezők'      ,
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'nem engedélyezettek.'         ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'A tizedesjegyek száma 2 és 5 között legyen',
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Kapcsolódó információt mentettük',
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Mentse a változásokat, hogy frissítse a mező sorrendet',
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'A kiválasztott mezőket újra aktiváltuk',
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Különleges karakterek, mint ' ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Jelölő doboz'                ,
-	'currency'                     => 'Pénznem'                     ,
-	'date'                         => 'Dátum'                       ,
-	'decimal'                      => 'Tizedes szám'                ,
-	'email'                        => 'E-mail'                      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Leképezés hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Kapcsolatok'                 ,
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Vevőjelölt átalakítása leképezés',
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Sikeresen törölve'           ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Mező címke'                  ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Mező típus'                  ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Érvénytelen leképezés'       ,
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Leképezés más modulokkal'  ,
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'Nincs'                       ,
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Lehetőségek'                 ,
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Cégek'                       ,
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Sikeresen mentve'            ,
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Többszörös kiválasztó doboz' ,
-	'percent'                      => 'Százalék'                    ,
-	'phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     ,
-	'picklist'                     => 'Kiválasztó lista'            ,
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype azonosító'             ,
-	'string'                       => 'Karakter sorozat'            ,
-	'textArea'                     => 'Szöveges terület'            ,
-	'text'                         => 'Szöveg'                      ,
-	'time'                         => 'Idő'                         ,
-	'url'                          => 'WEB Url'                     ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Nem leképezhető'             ,
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Jelölő doboz'                ,
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Pénznem'                     ,
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Dátum'                       ,
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Tizedes szám'                ,
-	'JS_email'                     => 'E-mail'                      ,
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Egész szám'                 ,
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'már le van képezve'          ,
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Leképezés sikeresen törölve',
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping sikeresen mentve',
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Többszörös kiválasztó doboz' ,
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'Nincs'                       ,
-	'JS_None'                      => 'Nincs'                       ,
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Százalék'                    ,
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Telefon'                     ,
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Kiválasztó lista'            ,
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype azonosító'             ,
-	'JS_string'                    => 'Karakter sorozat'            ,
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Szöveges terület'            ,
-	'JS_text'                      => 'Szöveg'                      ,
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Idő'                         ,
-	'JS_url'                       => 'WEB Url'                     ,
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'ezzel'                       ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'action'                       => 'Művelet'                     ,
-	'ADD_RULES'                    => 'Szabály hozzáadása'          ,
-	'After Scan' 				   => 'Átvizsgálás után'            ,
-	'ALL'                          => 'Minden'                      ,
-	'Begins With'                  => 'kezdődik'                    ,
-	'body'                         => 'Szövegtörzs'                 ,
-	'Connect URL'  				   => 'Kapcsolati Url'              , 
-	'Contains'                     => 'tartalmaz'                   ,
-	'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'      => 'Cég létrehozása'             ,
-	'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'      => 'Kapcsolat létrehozása'       ,
-	'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'         => 'Kérés létrehozása'           ,
-	'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'         => 'Vevőjelölt létrehozása',
-	'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Ne ellenőrizze az SSL tanusítványt',
-	'Ends With'                    => 'befejeződik'                 ,
-	'Equals'                       => 'egyenlő'                     ,
-	'fromaddress'                  => 'Feladó'                      ,
-	'LBL_ACTION'                   => 'Művelet'                     ,
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Műveletek'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'       => 'Új E-mail fiók hozzáadása'   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'E-mail fiók hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RULE'                 => 'Szabály hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Minden feltétel (ÉS)'        ,
-	'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => 'Minden üzenet az utolsó átvizsgálás óta',
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'            => 'Bármely feltétel (VAGY)'     ,
-	'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'        => 'Vissza az E-mail fiókokhoz'  ,
-	'LBL_BODY'                     => 'Szövegtörzs'                 ,
-	'LBL_CONDITIONS'               => 'Feltételek'                  ,
-	'LBL_CONNECTION_ERROR'         => 'Nem sikerült kapcsolódni az E-mail fiókhoz. Ellenőrizze az internet kapcsolatot és próbálja meg újra.', 
-	'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED' => 'Csatlakozás postafiók sikertelen! <br> Speciális karakterek használata nem lehetséges a servername.'  ,
-	'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS' => 'E-mailek átalakítása kapcsolódó rekordokká',
-	'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'           => 'E-mail fiók létrehozása'     ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'       => 'E-mail fiók létrehozása most',
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Sikeresen töröltük'          ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_RULE'              => 'Szabály törlése'             ,
-	'LBL_DISABLE'                  => 'Letiltva'                    ,
-	'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => 'Ne ellenőrizze az SSL Tanusítványt',
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE' => 'Fogja és vigye a blokokat a szabályok prioritási sorrendjének beállítására',
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'             => 'E-mail fiók szerkesztése'    ,
-	'LBL_ENABLE'                   => 'Engedélyezve'                ,
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Befejezés'                   ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'    => 'Mappa információ: üres'      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'          => 'Átvizsgált mappák'           ,
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'Feladó'                      ,
-	'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'              => 'Nem tudom'                   ,
-	'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'      => 'állapota: futás közben van'  ,
-	'LBL_MAILBOX'                  => 'E-mail fiók'                 ,
-	'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION' => "Az E-mail vizsgáló funkció lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy e-mail fiókokat vizsgáljon át, majd a megadott szabályok szerint az e-mailek tartalma alapján a Vtiger CRM-ben entitásokat (cég, kapcsolat, vevőjelölt, kérés, stb.) hozzon létre automatikusan.<br />Önnek meg kell adni a szabályokat, amelyek alapján különböző műveletek lesznek végrehajtva.<br />Az ön e-mail üzenetei automatikusan lesznek átvizsgálva, hacsak fel nem függeszti az időzítőben ezt. <br /><br /><br />",
-	'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'          => 'Jelölje az üzenetet mint'    ,
-	'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'    => 'Jelölje az üzeneteket olvasottnak' ,
-	'LBL_MARK_READ'                => 'Jelölje olvasottként'        ,
-	'LBL_MATCH'                    => 'Találat'                     ,
-	'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'       => 'Túllépte a további postafiók határ!' ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Következő'                   ,
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Prioritás'                   ,
-	'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'     => 'A szabály törlése nem sikerült',
-	'LBL_RULE'                     => 'Szabály'                     ,
-	'LBL_RULES_LIST'               => 'Szabályok listája'           ,
-	'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => 'A szabály sorrend információ üres' ,
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Sikeresen mentettük'         ,
-	'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'      => 'Sikeresen átvizsgálva'       ,
-	'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Sikeresen átvizsgálva'       ,
-	'LBL_SCAN_NOW'                 => 'Átvizsgálás most'            ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'           => 'Válasszon mappákat'          ,
-	'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A sorrendet sikeresen frissítettük' ,
-	'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'           => 'Aktívvá tesz'                ,
-	'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => 'Nem olvasott üzenetek az utolsó átvizsgálás óta',
-	'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'             => 'Minden kiválasztás törlése'  ,
-	'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'           => 'Mappák frissítése'           ,
-	'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => 'SSL Tanusítvány ellenőrzése' ,
-	'LINK_Accounts_FROM'           => 'Hozzáadás Céghez [Feladó]'   ,
-	'LINK_Accounts_TO'             => 'Hozzáadás Céghez [Címzett]'  ,
-	'LINK_Contacts_FROM'           => 'Hozzáadás Kapcsolathoz [Feladó]' ,
-	'LINK_Contacts_TO'             => 'Hozzáadás Kapcsolathoz [Címzett]',
-	'LINK_Leads_FROM'              => 'Hozzáadás Vevőjelölthöz [Feladó]',
-	'LINK_Leads_TO'                => 'Hozzáadás Vevőjelölthöz [Címzett]',
-	'Look For' 					   => 'Keresi'                      ,
-	'MAILBOX_DETAILS'              => 'E-mail fiók adatai'          ,
-	'MAILBOX'                      => 'E-mail fiók'                 ,
-	'MailConverter_Description'    => 'Átalakítja az e-maileket kapcsolódó rekordokká',
-	'MailConverter'                => 'E-mail vizsgáló'             ,
-	'markas'                       => 'Átvizsgálás után'            ,
-	'matchusing'                   => 'Találat'                     ,
-	'Not Contains'                 => 'nem tartalmaz'               ,
-	'Not Equals'                   => 'nem egyenelő'                ,
-	'password'                     => 'Jelszó'                      ,
-	'Password' 					   => 'Jelszó'                      ,
-	'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'           => 'Fogja és vigye a blokokat a szabályok prioritási sorrendjének beállítására',
-	'protocol'                     => 'Protokol'                    ,
-	'Protocol' 					   => 'Protokol'                    ,
-	'Regex'                        => 'Reguláris kifejezés'         ,
-	'RULE'                         => 'Szabály'                     ,
-	'Scanner Name' 				   => 'E-mail vizsgáló neve'        ,
-	'scannername'                  => 'E-mail vizsgáló neve'        ,
-	'searchfor'                    => 'Keres'                       ,
-	'SEEN'                         => 'Olvasott'                    ,
-	'Server Name' 				   => 'Szerver neve'                ,
-	'server'                       => 'Szerver neve'                ,
-	'SSL Method' 				   => 'SSL módszer'                 ,
-	'sslmethod'                    => 'SSL módszer'                 ,
-	'SSL Type' 					   => 'SSL típusa'                  ,
-	'ssltype'                      => 'SSL típusa'                  ,
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      ,
-	'subject'                      => 'Tárgysor'                    ,
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   ,
-	'toaddress'                    => 'Címzett'                     ,
-	'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS' => 'A mappa kiválasztás módosításához szüntesse meg a mappák kiválasztását',
-	'UNSEEN'                       => 'Nem olvasott'                ,
-	'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'      => 'Kérés frissítése'            ,
-	'User Name'                    => 'Felhasználónév'              ,
-	'username'                     => 'Felhasználónév'              ,
-	'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validate SSL Certificate'    ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az E-mail fiókot sikeresen töröltük',
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az E-mail fiókot sikeresen betöltöttük',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Elfogad és Telepít'           ,
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Már létezik'                  ,
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Elutasít'                     ,
-	'LBL_EXISTS'                   => 'Létezik'                      ,
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'A kiterjesztés nem kompatibilis a Vtigerrel',
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'sikertelen'                   ,
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Befejezés'                    ,
-	'LBL_IMPORTED_MODULE'          => ' modult sikeresen importáltuk.',
-	'LBL__IMPORTING_MODULE'        => 'Modul betöltése'              ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_FROM_FILE'  => 'Modul betöltése fájlból'      ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Telepítés a Vtiger-ből'       ,
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ZIP'               => 'Telepítés fájlból'            ,
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Telepítési feljegyzés'        ,
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Telepítés'                    ,
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Telepítés'                    ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Érvénytelen fájl'             ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMPORT_TRY_AGAIN' => ' előkészítve a modul betöltésre! Próbálja újra.',
-	'LBL_LICENSE_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT' => 'Elfogadom a licencia feltételeket.',
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'Licencia'                     ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Modul neve',
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'Nincsen Licencia megadva'     ,
-	'LBL_NOT_FOUND'                => 'Sajnáljuk, egy bővítmény sem elérhető pillanatnyilag az ön jelenlegi CRM verziójához',
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'Rendben'                      ,
-	'LBL_PROCEED_WITH_IMPORT'      => 'Szeretné végrehajtani az importálást?',
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Közzétéve: '                  ,
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Közzétevő'                    ,
-	'LBL_REQ_VTIGER_VERSION'       => 'Vtiger Verzió'                ,
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'sikeres'                      ,
-	'LBL_UPDATED_MODULE'           => ' modult sikeresen frissítettük.',
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MODULE_FROM_FILE'  => 'Modul frissítése fájlból'     ,
-	'LBL__UPDATING_MODULE'         => 'Modul frissítése'             ,
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Frissítés'                    ,
-	'LBL_VERIFY_IMPORT_DETAILS'    => 'Importálási adatok ellenőrzése',
-	'LBL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED'    => 'A Modul verziója nem kompatibilis a vtiger verzióval.',
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Verzió'                       ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger kiterjesztések áruháza',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Kiválasztólista függőség hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Csak a forrás mező leképezett kiválasztó lista értékei fognak alább megjelenni (kivéve az első alkalmat)',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'Ha látni kívánja vagy meg kívánja változtatni a leképezését a forrás mező másik kiválasztó lista értékének, <br/> akkor az értéket kiválaszthatja a <b>\'Forrás értékek kiválasztása\'</b> gombra kattintva a jobb oldalon.',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'A cél mező kiválasztott értékei ki lesznek emelve: ',
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Kattintson a kapcsolódó mezőn, hogy megváltoztassa a kiválasztó lista értéket a célmezőben',
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'Ez a függőségi beállítás nem engedélyezett, mivel körkörös hivatkozást tartalmaz',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Kiválasztólista függőség'   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Válasszon mezőt'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Modul'                       ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Forrás Kiválasztólista értékek kiválasztása',
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Forrás értékek kiválasztása'        ,
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Forrás mező'                 ,
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Cél mező'                    ,
-	'Module'					   => 'Modul',
-	'PickListDependency'		   => 'Kiválasztólista függőség',
-	'Source Field'		  		   => 'Forrás mező',
-	'Target Field'		  		   => 'Cél mező',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'Önnek legalább egy értéket ki kell választania ehhez: ' ,
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'A listafüggőséget sikeresen töröltük'                 ,
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni akarja ezt a Kiválasztólista függőséget?',
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'A Kiválasztólista függőséget mentettük'                    ,
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Válasszon egy értéket'                                     ,
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'A forrás és a cél mező nem lehet ugyanaz',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Teendő'                             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Érték hozzáadása ehhez: '           ,
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Kiválasztólista érték hozzáadása'   ,
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'Minden Munkakörhöz'                 ,
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'Minden érték'                       ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Hozzárendelés a Munkakörhöz'        ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Érték hozzárendelés'                ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Értékek hozzárendelése a Munkakörökhöz',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Munkakör választása'                ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Kiválasztólista elem törlése'       ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Kiválasztólista érték törlése'      ,
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Fogja és vigye az értékeket a pozíció megváltoztatása miatt'  ,
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Kattintson az értékre, hogy Engedélyezze/Letiltsa azt. Ezután kattintson a mentésre',
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Adja meg az új nevet'               ,
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Értékek'                            ,
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Elemek törlésre'                    ,
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Elem átnevezésre'                   ,
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Az elem értéke'                     ,
-	'LBL_NON_EDITABLE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Nem szerkeszthető értékek'      ,
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Kiválasztólista elem átnevezése'    ,
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Kiválasztólista érték módosítása'   ,
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Csere ezzel: '                      ,
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Munkakör neve'                      ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Sorrend mentése'                    ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Válasszon ki egy értéket a módosításra vagy törlésre',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Kiválasztott értékek'               ,
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'ezek ezzel a Munkakörrel rendelkező Felhasználóknál jelennek meg',
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Válasszon kiválasztó listát ebben: ',
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'Több elem törlésékor tartsa lenyomva a Ctrl billentyűt az elemek kiválasztása során',
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Értékek, melyek hozzá vannak rendelve egy munkakörhöz',
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'nincsnek kiválasztó lista értékek'  ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'Minden Munkakör ki lett választva'  ,
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Ezt az elemet sikeresen hozzáadtuk' ,
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Ezt az elemet sikeresen átneveztük' ,
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az elemeket sikeresen töröltük'    ,
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A listát sikeresen frissítettük'    ,
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Több, mint egy elem van kiválasztva',
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'Nincs elem kiválasztva'             ,
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'nincsenek engedélyezve'             ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Kérjük, válasszon modult'           ,
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A sorrendet sikeresen frissítettük',
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Különleges karakterek mint'         ,
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az értéket sikeresen hozzárendeltük' ,
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'Az összes elemet nem törölheti',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Profil hozzáadása'           ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Válasszon Profilt'           ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Profil létrehozása'          ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Profil törlése'              ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Jogosultságot Töröl'         ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Törlés'                      ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Leírás'                      ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Másolat készítés'            ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplikált Profil található'  ,
-    'LBL_EDIT_ALL_DESC'            => 'Szerkesztheti az összes modul információt',
-    'LBL_EDIT_ALL'                 => 'Minden szerkesztése'         ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Jogosultságok szerkesztése ehhez a Profilhoz',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Jogosultságot Létrehoz/Szerkeszt',
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Szerkesztés'                 ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Mező és Eszköz jogosultságok',
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Mezők'                       ,
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Láthatatlan'                 ,
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modulok'                     ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profil neve'                 ,
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profilok'                    ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profil nézet'                ,
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Csak olvasható'              ,
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Eszközök'                    ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Munkakörök átvitele a profilba',
-    'LBL_VIEW_ALL_DESC'            => 'Megtekintheti az összes modul információt',
-    'LBL_VIEW_ALL'                 => 'Minden megtekintése'         ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Jogosultságok mutatása'      ,
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Írás'                        ,
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profilok'                    ,
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profil'                      ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A Profilt sikeresen töröltük',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Munkakör hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ALL_USERS'                => 'Minden Felhasználó'        ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Jogosultságok hozzárendelése létező profilból',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Jogosultságok hozzárendelése közvetlenül a Munkakörhöz',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Munkakör hozzárendelése'   ,
-	'LBL_CAN_ASSIGN_RECORDS_TO'    => 'Hozzárendelhet rekordokat: ',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Válasszon profilt'         ,
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Kattintson a Szerkesztéshez / Fogja meg a Mozgatáshoz',
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Jogosultságok másolása innen: ',
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Munkakör törlése'          ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplikált Munkakör található',
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Név'                       ,
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Jogosultságok'             ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profil'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Jelentés neki: '           ,
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'egy másik Munkakörhöz'     ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Tulajdonosság átvitele'    ,
-	'LBL_USERS_WITH_LOWER_LEVEL'   => 'Felhasználók, akik beosztott munkakörökkel rendelkeznek',
-	'LBL_USERS_WITH_SAME_OR_LOWER_LEVEL' => 'Felhasználók, akik ugyanazzal, vagy beosztott munkakörrel rendelkeznek',
-	'Roles'                        => 'Munkakörök'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Munkakör'                  , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NO_PERMISSIONS_TO_MOVE' => 'Nincs jogosultsága a mozgatáshoz',
-	'JS_PERMISSION_DENIED' => 'Jogosultság megtagadva',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'isactive'                     => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'Új konfiguráció'             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Új konfiguráció'             ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Konfiguráció szerkesztése'   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Válasszon egyet'             ,
-	'password'                     => 'Jelszó'                      ,
-	'providertype'                 => 'Szolgáltató'                 ,
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS szolgáltató konfiguráció',
-	'username'                     => 'Felhasználónév'              ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS szolgáltató konfiguráció mentve',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS szolgáltató sikeresen törölve',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni akarja ezt az SMS szolgáltató konfigurációt?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/SharingAccess.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cégek és Kapcsolatok'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Jogosultsági Szabály hozzáadás', 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Jogosultsági Szabály hozzáadás ehhez: ',
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Haladó megosztási szabályok'   ,
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Új megosztási szabályok alkalmazása',
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Hozzáférhető '                 , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'Nincsenek egyedi megosztási szabályok definiálva',
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Modul'                         ,
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Jogosultságok'                 , 
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Csak megnéz'                   ,
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Megnéz/Szerkeszt'              ,
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Szabály #'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Megosztási Szabályok'          , 
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'Engedélyekkel'                 ,
-	'Read Only'                    => 'Csak megnéz'                   , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'Megnéz/Szerkeszt'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Csoport'                       ,
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'Munkakör és alárendelés'       ,
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Munkakör'                      ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az egyedi megosztási szabályokat sikeresen mentettük.',
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Lehetőségek, Kérések, Ajánlatok, Rendelések és Díjbekérők hozzáférése Privát kell, hogy legyen, amikor a Cég hozzáférés Privátra van állítva',
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Az új megosztási szabályokat sikeresen alkalmaztuk.',
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Válasszon egy tetszőleges másik felhasználót, aki hozzáfér',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'address'                      => 'Utca, ház szám'              ,
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Állítsa be az időzített feladatokat (Cron)',
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Webes Űrlapok menedzselése' ,
-	'city'                         => 'Város'                       ,
-	'code'                         => 'Irányítószám'                ,
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Konfiguráció szerkesztő'     ,
-	'country'                      => 'Ország'                      ,
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'E-mail Sablon'               ,
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'E-mail Sablon'               ,
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         ,
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Határidők és Feltételek'     ,
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Hozzáférés menedzsment'      ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Felhasználók'                ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Menü elem hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Menü elem hozzáadása/mozgatása',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Új Adónem hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Felhasználó hozzáadása/törlése',
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Felhasználó hozzáadása'      ,
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Közlemény'                   ,
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Adja meg azt a szöveget, ami közleményként minden oldal tetején meg fog jelenni.',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Állítsa be a cég szintű hirdetményeket',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Közlemények'                 ,
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Kiválasztólista mező elemek függőségeinek beállítása mindegyik modulhoz',
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Számológép megjelenítése'    ,
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Kommunikációs sablonok'      , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'A Cég üzleti címeinek megadása',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Cégadatok'                   , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Cég adatok'                  ,
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Cég logó'                    ,
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'A vtiger CRM konfigurációs beállításainak szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Konfiguráció szerkesztő'     ,
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Az alkalmazás konfigurációs fájljának szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              ,
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Új létrehozása'              ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Állítsa be a nemzetközi pénznemeket és átváltási árfolyamokat', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Pénznemek'                   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Ügyfélszolgálati Portál'     , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Modul Entitás szám beállítás', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Rekord számozás beállítása'  , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Rekord számozás testre szabása'  ,
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Alapértelmezett Modul'       ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Töröl'                       ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Leírás'                      ,
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Letiltva'                    ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'A cég adatok szerkesztéséhez kattintson a Beállítások ikon > Felhasználó hozzáadása/törlése > Cég ',
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Szerkesztés'                 ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Szerkeszt'                   ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Adónem szerkesztése'         ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Állítsa be a sablonokat az E-mail modulhoz', 
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Adja meg a közleményeket itt',
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Adja meg az adónem nevét'    ,
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Adja meg az adó értékét'     ,
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Bővítmények'                 ,
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Bővítmények helye'           ,
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Külső szerver beállítások'   ,
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Adjon meg saját egyenleteket, hogy testre szabja a mezőket', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Mező Formulák'               ,
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'A mező információ üres'      ,
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'Küldő E-mail cím'            ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Állítsa be a különböző típusú csoportokat a munkakörök, felhasználók és profilok alapján', 
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Ügyfélszolgálat E-mail címe' ,
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Ügyfélszolgálat megnevezése' ,
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Vírust érzékeltünk, vagy a feltöltött kép érvénytelen',
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Inaktív'                     ,
-	'LBL_INTEGRATION'              => 'Integráció'                  ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Érvénytelen E-mail cím'      ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Érvénytelen kép'             ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Érvénytelen modul'           ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Érvénytelen szám'            ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Érvénytelen név'             ,
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Határozza meg a Határidőket és Feltételeket az Ajánlatokhoz, Rendelésekhez és Díjbekérőkhöz', 
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Utolsó átvizsgálás '         ,
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Utolsó átvizsgálás időzítve' ,
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Az egyes modulok megjelenésének beállítása és módosítása',
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Automatikus Munkafolyamatok' , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Automatikus Munkafolyamat létrehozása és szerkesztésa a vtiger CRM-hez', 
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME'          => 'Kijelentkezés ideje'         , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Bejelentkezések előzményei, részletes adatok',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS'    => 'Bejelentkezések előzményei'  ,
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME'               => 'Bejelentkezés ideje',
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Javasolt méret 170x60 képpont ( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png formátumban ).',
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Állítsa be a sablonokat a Levél Összefésüléshez', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Levél Összefésülés'          , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Postafiók beállítása vizsgálatra', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'E-mail vizsgáló'             , 
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Az e-mailt nem sikerült elküldeni az admin felhasználónak. Kérjük, hogy ellenőrizze a szerver beállításokat és az admin felhasználó e-mail címét',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Állítsa be a kimenő szerver adatait', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Kimenő szerver'              , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Szerver beállítások (SMTP)' ,
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Lista tételek maximális mennyisége oldalanként',
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Előzmények max. hossza'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         ,
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Lista nézet maximális szöveg hossza',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Max. feltöltési méret (Max 5MB)',
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          ,
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Egyedi menüsorrend beállítása', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menü szerkesztő'             ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'      => 'A képernyőn megjelenő menü elemek aktuális száma függ a kijelző méretétől, és lehet kevesebb is, mint a kiválasztott elemek.',
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini naptár megjelenítése'   ,
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Adja meg a nyomon-követendő modulokat', 
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Modul Entitás számozás testre szabása',
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Modul menedzsment'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modulok'                     ,
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Értesítések'                 , 
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => 'Send emails from your mail server<br>- Enter the SMTP account details (Server Name, User Name, Password) for the same account as entered in the FROM email address.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 => 'Add od1.vtiger.com server as a authorized sender for your domain.<br>- If you prefer to retain the vtiger server as the outgoing server, we recommend that you configure your domain\'s SPF record to include the vtiger server as a valid sender for your domain.<br>For additonal instruction on setting up SPF record, please email od-support@vtiger.com .', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Egyéb beállítások'           , 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Konfigurálja az ön kimenő levelező szerverét (SMTP)',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'Megjegyzés: Kimenő szerver kell állítani SSL vagy TLS Protocal és ha "a küldő e-mail" mező értéke üres, akkor a felhasználó e-mail címét veszi fel.',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Kimenő szerver'              ,
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Jelszó'                      ,
-	'LBL_PBXMANAGER'               => 'PBX-Menedzser',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Kiválasztólista értékek egymástól való függőségének beállítása a modulok számára', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Kiválasztólista függőségek beállítása', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'A kiválasztólista értékeit szabja testre minden modulhoz', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Kiválasztólista Szerkesztő'  , 
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'Megjelölés'                  ,
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Termék és Szolgáltatás adók' ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Állítsa be a felhasználó-specifikus modulok hozzáférését a különböző felhasználói profilokhoz', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profilok'                    , 
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Hitelesítés szükséges'       ,
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Alapértelmezés visszaállítása',
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Állítsa be a munkakörök hierarchiáját, és rendelje hozzá a felhasználókhoz', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Munkakörök'                  , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Futás közben'                ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Keresési beállítások'     ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_DATE'              => 'Válasszon dátumot'           ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Szerver neve'                ,
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Beállítások ikon'            ,
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Beállítások gyorsbillentyűk' ,
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Állítsa be a hozzáférési szabályokat', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Hozzáférések megosztása'     , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Szállítási és kezelési ktg. adói',
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'másodperc'                   ,
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Adja meg a Határidőket és a Feltételeket itt',
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Kezdő számérték'             ,
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Állapot'                     ,
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Megjelenés és működés'       ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Tárgy'                       ,
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Sikeresen frissítve'         ,
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Összesítés'                  ,
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Adó számítások'              ,
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Különböző adónemek és ezek százalékos értékeinek, mint ÁFA, forgalmi adó, stb. kezelése',
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Állítsa be az adókat és a megfelelő adó százalékokat', 
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Adónem neve'                 ,
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Ez az adónév már létezik'    ,
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Adó számítások'              , 
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Aktiválja az adót a jelölő dobozban pipával',
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Adó értéke'                  ,
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Sablon neve'                 ,
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Határidők és Feltételek'     ,
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Teszt E-Mail állapot : '     ,
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' megtörtént '                ,
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'Egy új Felhasználó hozzáadásához kattintson a ',
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Nem-jelölés'                 ,
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Frissítés'                   ,
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Logó frissítése'             ,
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Hiányzó rekord számozás frissítése',
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Előtag használata'           ,
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Felhasználók beállítása, akiknek hozzáférésük van a vtiger CRM-hez', 
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'          => 'Felhasználó IP címe', 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Felhasználók és Hozzáférés menedzsment', 
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'Felhasználónév'              ,
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'RTE használata'              ,
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Webes űrlapok létrehozása és kezelése abból a célból, hogy vevőjelölteket gyűjtsünk',
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Automatikus Munkafolyamatok listája', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Munkafolyamatok'             ,
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'Világóra megjelenítése'      ,
-	'LoginHistory'                 => 'Felhasználó belépési előzményei',
-	'logoname'                     => 'Cég logó'                    ,
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Nyomkövető'                  , 
-	'organizationname'             => 'Cégnév'                      ,
-	'phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     ,
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Ügyfélszolgálati Portál Plugin beállítás engedélyezve', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Időzítő'                     , 
-	'Settings'                     => 'Beállítások'                 , 
-	'state'                        => 'Megye / Állam'               ,
-	'Update configuration file of the application' => 'A vtiger CRM konfigurációs beállításainak szerkesztése', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Csoportok'                   , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'A modulok viselkedésének beállítása a vtiger CRM-ben', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Modul Menedzser'             , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webes Å°rlapok'               , 
-	'website'                      => 'Web oldal'                   ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'A közleményt mentettük'         ,
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'A konfigurációs beállításokat mentettük',
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy meg akarja változtatni az alapértelmezett szerver beállításokat?',
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Szerkesztés'                    ,
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A csoportot sikeresen töröltük',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Kérjük, hogy adjon meg egy 1 és 100 közötti számot'        ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Kérjük, hogy adjon meg egy 1 és 5 közötti számot'            ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Kérjük, hogy legalább egy csoport tagot válasszon ki',
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'A rekord sorszámozást sikeresen mentettük ehhez: '     ,
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'A rekord sorszámozást sikeresen frissítettük ehhez: ',
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'A sorozat szám nagyobb vagy egyenlő kell, hogy legyen ehhez :'       ,
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Az adónem letiltva'             ,
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Az adónem engedélyezve'         ,
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Az adónemet sikeresen mentettük',
-	'JS_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_SAVED' => 'Határidők és feltételek mentve',
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'Csak 1 MB méretű fájlt tölthet fel',
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'Nincsen logó kiválasztva'       ,
-	'LBL_PREFIX_IN_USE'            => 'A Prefix már használatban van'  ,
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'nem támogatott kép típus'       ,
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha engedélyezve'        ,
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Állapot'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Mezők hozzáadása'            ,
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Lehetővé teszi a Webes Űrlapok menedzselését',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN'       => 'Felelős hozzárendelése körforgás szerint',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS'             => 'Felelős hozzárendelése'      ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Űrlap név már létezik'       ,
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Illessze be a következő űrlapot a weboldalára',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Cél modul engedélyezése a webes űrlap számára',
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Mező adatok'                 ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Mező neve'                   ,
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Rejtett'                     ,
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'címke'                       ,
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Kötelező'                    ,
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Felülírás értéke'            ,
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST'    => 'Felhasználók listája a körforgó szétosztóhoz',
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER'        => 'Mező sorrend mentése', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Válasszon mezőket a cél Modul számára...',
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Válasszon értéket'           ,
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Űrlap mutatás'               ,
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webes Å°rlap adatai'          ,
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webes Űrlap referencia mező' ,
-	'Module'                       => 'Modul'                       ,
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Űrlap feldolgozó Url'        ,
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Nyilvános AZ'                ,
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Visszatérő Url'              ,
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webes Å°rlapok'               ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webes Å°rlap'                 ,
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webes Å°rlap neve'            ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LABEL'                        => 'címke'                    ,
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'A cél Modul mezőit töltjük be ...' ,
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Kötelező mezők felülíró értékek nélkül nem lehetnek rejtettek',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'A Hivatkozás mező nem lehet kötelező mező felülíró értékek nélkül',
-	'JS_SELECT_AN_OPTION'             => 'Válasszon egy opciót'     ,
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH'               => 'Írja be a kereséshez'     ,
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A Webes Űrlapot sikeresen töröltük',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'A Webes Űrlap ezzel a névvel már létezik',
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--- a/languages/hu_hu/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Feltételek hozzáadása'       ,
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Feladat hozzáadása'          ,
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Teendő'                      ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Mező hozzáadása'             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Mezők hozzáadása'            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Feladat hozzáadása a munkafolyamathoz',
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Idő hozzáadása'              ,
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'éves bevétel'                ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Felelős'                     ,
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'Az alapértelmezett munkafolyamatot nem törölheti',
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'Ez a munkafolyamat a régebbi nézetben készült. A régebbi nézetben megadott feltételek nem szerkeszthetők. Választhatja a feltétel újbóli létrehozását, vagy használhatja a létező feltételeket változtatás nélkül.',
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Munkafolyamat létrehozása'   ,
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Határidő'                    ,
-	'LBL_EDITING_WORKFLOW'         => 'Munkafolyamat szerkesztése'  ,
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Ismétlődés engedélyezve'     ,
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Szűrők létrehozásának engedélyezése',
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Befejezés dátuma'            ,
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'Befejezés ideje'             ,
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Adja meg a munkafolyamat alapvető adatait',
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Esemény neve'                ,
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Kifejezés'                   ,
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Mező'                        ,
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Nyers szöveg'                ,
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Feladat végrehajtása'        ,
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end',
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Kifejezés'                   ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Mező'                        ,
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Vége'                        ,
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'Inaktív'                     ,
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Módszer neve'                ,
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modulok a rekordok létrehozására',
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'Új'                          ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Következő'                   ,
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'Nincs elérhető módszer ehhez a Modulhoz',
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'Nincs feladat'               ,
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'értesítsd a rekord felelőst' ,
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Prioritás'                   ,
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Nyers szöveg'                ,
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Címzettek'                   ,
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Feltételek újbóli létrehozása',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Mentés és Folytatás'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Válasszon a lehetőségekből'  ,
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Értesítés küldése'           ,
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Mező értékek megadása'       ,
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Érték megadása'              ,
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'SMS szöveg'                  ,
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Határozza meg, hogy mikor hajtódjon végre ez a munkafolyamat',
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Kezdés dátuma'               ,
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Kezdés ideje'                ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => '1. lépés'                    ,
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Feladat megnevezése'         ,
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Feladat típusa'              ,
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'Ugyanez az érték van a kezdő dátumra is',
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Idő'                         ,
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Megnevezés'                  ,
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Típus'                       ,
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Létező feltételek használata',
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Mező használata'             ,
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Függvény használata'         ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      ,
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Munkafolyamat'               ,
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'Rendszer'                    ,
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Csak addig, amíg a feltétel igaz',
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Minden alkalomkor, amikor a rekord mentésre kerül',
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Csak az első mentéskor'      ,
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Minden alkalomkor, amikor a rekord módosítva lesz',
-	'ON_SCHEDULE'                  => 'Időzített pillanatban'       ,
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Munkafolyamat időzítése'     ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Ugyanazt a mezőt egynél többször választotta ki',
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY'         => 'Az állapotot sikeresen megváltoztattuk'         ,
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'           => 'A feladatot sikeresen töröltük'                 ,
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'         => 'A munkafolyamatot sikeresen mentettük'          ,
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                         ,
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk beállítások (Open Source VOIP telefon)',
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk bővítmény'            ,
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Naptár óra formátum'           ,
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Jelszó megerősítése'           ,
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Dátum formátum'                ,
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Tizedesjegy elválasztó'        ,
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Alapértelmezett'               ,
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Hívás alapértelmezett hossza (perc)',
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Alapértelmezett Vevőjelölt nézet',
-	'Department'                   => 'Részleg'                       ,
-	'Detail'                       => 'Részlet'                       ,
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Számjegy csoportosítási minta' ,
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Ezres elválasztó'              ,
-	'ForgotPassword'               => 'Elfelejtett jelszó'            ,
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefon, otthoni'              ,
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Belső Levelezés Kezelő'        ,
-	'Language'                     => 'Nyelv'                         ,
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		           => 'Rólam'                         ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Aktív felhasználók'            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Felhasználó hozzáadása'        ,
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Felhasználó címe'              ,
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'	=> '(Minden mező itt, alább kötelező!)',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	           => 'Már majdnem kész vagyunk!'     ,
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		       => 'Alapvető pénznem'              ,
-	'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD'          => 'Jelszó megváltoztatása'        ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	   => 'Válasszon alapvető pénznemet'  ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'       => 'Válasszon dátum formátumot'    ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	       => 'Válasszon nyelvet'             ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	       => 'Válasszon időzónát'            ,
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		       => 'Cég méret'                     ,
-	'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'         => 'Jelszó megerősítése'           ,
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Hozzáférés módosítása Key',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Hozzáférési kulcs sikeresen frissítve',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Nem sikerült frissíteni a hozzáférési kulcs',
-	'LBL_CONNECT_WITH_US'          => 'Lépjen kapcsolatba velünk: '   ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Pénznem beállításai'           ,
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		       => 'Dátum formátum'                ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Csoport Törlés'                ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Csoport Törlésre'              ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Profil törlés'                 ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY'  => 'Felhasználó végleges törlése'  ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Felhasználó törlésre'          ,
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		       => 'Részleg',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_SEND'               => 'Küldtünk egy e-mailt önnek a jelszava beállítása céljából.',
-	'LBL_GET_MORE'                 => 'Legyen több haszna a Vtiger-ből',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	           => 'Lássunk neki'                  ,
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Rejtett'                       ,
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Rejt'                          ,
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Kezdőlap összetevők'           ,
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Kezdőlap összetevők'           ,
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS'           => 'Inaktív felhasználók'          ,
-	'LBL_INVALID_USER_OR_EMAIL'    => 'Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy e-mail cím.',
-	'LBL_INVALID_USER_OR_PASSWORD' => 'Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó.',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			       => 'Beosztás'                      ,
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE'                 => 'Nyelv'                         ,
-	'LBL_LOGIN_AS'                 => 'Belépett: '                    ,
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Belépési adatok'               ,
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'További adatok'                ,
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Beállításaim'                  ,
-	'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD'             => 'Új jelszó'                     ,
-	'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD'             => 'Régi jelszó'                   ,
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	   => 'Az alapvető pénznem nem változtatható később. Válasszon egy pénznemet a működéshez.',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	                   => 'Telefon'                       ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Profil Törlésre'               ,
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Helyreállítás'                 ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	       => 'Válasszon országot'            ,
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Mutat'                         ,
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Megjelenített'                 ,
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Címke felhő megjelenítés'      ,
-	'LBL_TO_CRM'                   => 'Belépés a Vtiger CRM-be'       ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Tulajdonosság átadás: '        ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Tulajdonosság átadása'         ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RECORDS_TO_USER' => 'Rekordok átadása felhasználónak',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Munkakör átadás Profilhoz'    ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Tulajdonosság átadás felhasználónak',
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Haladó Felhasználói Opciók'    ,
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Felhasználót sikeresen töröltük',
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Részletes adatok megjelenítése a felhasználóról',
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Felhasználó fényképe'          ,
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Adatok'                        ,
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Felhasználó Belépés & Munkakör',
-	'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Felhasználó sikeresen visszaállítva',
-	'LBL_USER_TO_BE_DELETED'       => 'Felhasználó törlésre',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Megígérjük, hogy ezt bizalmasan kezeljük)',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM'       => 'Ön honnan való?',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER'      => 'Az Ön kapcsolati azonosító száma',
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Tizedesek száma a Pénznemben'  ,
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefon,irodai'                ,
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Egyéb esemény alapértelmezett hossza (perc)' ,
-	'Password'                     => 'Jelszó'                        ,
-	'Receive Incoming Calls'       => 'Bejövő hívások fogadása'       ,
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Felettese'                     ,
-	'Role'                         => 'Munkakör'                      ,
-	'Signature'                    => 'Aláírás'                       ,
-	'Street Address'               => 'Utca/házszám'                  ,
-	'Summary'                      => 'Összesítés'                    ,
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Szimbólum elhelyezés'          ,
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Címke Felhő'                   ,
-	'Theme'                        => 'Megjelenés'                    ,
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Időzóna'                       ,
-	'Title'                        => 'Beosztás'                      ,
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Követő nullák elhagyása'       ,
-	'User Image'                   => 'Fotó feltöltés'                ,
-	'User Name'                    => 'Felhasználó neve'              ,
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Hozzáférési kulcs'             ,
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo azonosító'               ,
-	//Missing keys - TO-DO handle en_us
-	'Starting Day of the week'     => 'A hét kezdő napja'             ,
-	//Time zones-Dont change any value
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West',
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11',
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           ,
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          ,
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          ,
-    'America/Los_Angeles'  =>  '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana,Baja California',
-    'America/Denver'  =>  '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua,La Paz,Mazatlan',
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        ,
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         ,
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    ,
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' ,
-    'America/Chicago'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     ,
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       ,
-    'America/New_York'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota,Lima,Quito',
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            ,
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      ,
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  ,
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         ,
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)',
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          ,
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        ,
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          ,
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          ,
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        ,
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    ,
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    ,
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        ,
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       ,
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      ,
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    ,
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          ,
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  ,
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London,Edinburgh,Dublin,Lisbon',
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time,Greenwich Mean Time',
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia,Reykjavik'   ,
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            ,
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade,Bratislava,Budapest,Ljubljana,Prague',
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo,Skopje,Warsaw,Zagreb',
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels,Copenhagen,Madrid,Paris',
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa',
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam,Berlin,Bern,Rome,Stockholm,Vienna',
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           ,
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           ,
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki,Riga,Sofia,Tallinn,Vilnius',
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens,Bucharest',
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        ,
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       ,
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           ,
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          ,
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        ,
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          ,
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait,Riyadh'  ,
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         ,
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         ,
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          ,
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         ,
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow,Volgograd',
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi,Muscat',
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            ,
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         ,
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad,Karachi',
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        ,
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai,Kolkata,Mumbai,New Delhi',
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura',
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       ,
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           ,
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          ,
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    ,
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)',
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     ,
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok,Jakarta',
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing,Chongqing,Hong Kong,Urumqi',
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     ,
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    ,
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur,Singapore',
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          ,
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           ,
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         ,
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           ,
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           ,
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          ,
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        ,
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra,Melbourne,Sydney',
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        ,
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          ,
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     ,
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam,Port Moresby',
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         ,
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            ,
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       ,
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        ,
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         ,
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'A tizedesjel és az ezres elválasztó nem lehet ugyanaz.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Kérjük, hogy erősítse meg a jelszavát.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Kérjük, hogy adja meg az új jelszavát.',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Kérjük, hogy adja meg a régi jelszavát.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'Egy érvényes felhasználónevet és jelszót kell megadnia.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'A jelszó megváltoztatás nem sikerült részére: ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' sikertelen. Új jelszót kell megadnia.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Helytelen régi jelszó lett megadva. Adja meg újra a jelszó információkat.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Kérjük, hogy adja meg újra a jelszót.  Az \"új jelszó\" és a \"jelszó megerősítése\" értékek nem egyeznek meg.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Új hozzáférési kulcsot kért',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Azt kérte, egy új hozzáférési kulcsot. Az új hozzáférési kulcsot rendelkezés, ki kell cserélni a régi hozzáférési kulcsot az újat minden telepített bővítmények. Do szeretné folytatni?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Vendors.php b/languages/hu_hu/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f182131cb104a5b1eb8d5a4265af80e4d114afd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          ,
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          ,
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           ,
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         ,
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  ,
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             ,
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          ,
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  ,
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             ,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail, elsődleges'          ,
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Főkönyvi szám'               ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Beszállító hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Beszállítók listája'         ,
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Cím adatok'                ,
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Beszállító adatai'           ,
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon, elsődleges'         ,
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Beszállító'                  ,
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Beszállító neve'             ,
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Beszállító No.'              ,
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Beszállítók'                 ,
-	'Website'                      => 'Weboldal'                    ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'A Beszállító törlése el fogja távolítani a hozzá kapcsolódó Beszerzéseket is az adatbázisból. Biztos,hogy el akarja távolítani a Beszállítót?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'A kiválasztott Beszállítók törlése el fogja távolítani a hozzájuk kapcsolódó Beszerzéseket is az adatbázisból. Biztos,hogy el akarja távolítani a Beszállítókat?',
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban,hogy törölni akarja?',
diff --git a/languages/hu_hu/Vtiger.php b/languages/hu_hu/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec7cb80cb9580e3617b49253c1794467094ae59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/hu_hu/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,815 +0,0 @@
-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'--None--'                     => '--Semmi--'                   ,
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Cég név'                     ,
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Cégek'                       ,
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Megszerzett'                 ,
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktív'                       ,
-	'Activities'				   => 'Tevékenységek'			    ,
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Feljegyzés hozzáadása'       ,
-	'Add Note' 					   => 'Dokumentum hozzáadása'       ,
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Kézi módosítási lehetőség'   ,
-	'All Comments' => 'Összes Feljegyzés',
-	'All'                          => 'Minden'                      ,
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Éves Bevétel'                ,
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Ruházat - Felszerelés'       ,
-	'Approved'                     => 'Jóváhagyott'                 ,
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  ,
-	'Assets'                       => 'Vagyontárgyak'               ,
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Felelős'                     ,
-	'Banking'                      => 'Bank'                        ,
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Utca, házszám (Számlázási cím)',
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Város (Számlázási cím)'      ,
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Irányítószám (Számlázási cím)',
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Ország (Számlázási cím)'     ,
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Postafiók (Számlázási cím)'  ,
-	'Billing State'                => 'Állam/megye (Számlázási cím)',
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnológia'              ,
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    ,
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Naptár'                      ,
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampányok'                   ,
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Törölt'                      ,
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Futár'                       ,
-	'Category'                     => 'Kategória'                   ,
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Vegyipar'                    ,
-	'City'                         => 'Város'                       ,
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Hideg Hívás'                 ,
-	'Comment'                      => 'Feljegyzés'                  ,
-	'Communications'               => 'Kommunikáció'                ,
-	'Conference'                   => 'Konferencia'                 ,
-	'Construction'                 => 'Építőipar'                   ,
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Tanácsadás'                  ,
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Kapcsolat neve'              ,
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Kapcsolatok'                 ,
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Váltási árfolyam'            ,
-	'Country'                      => 'Ország'                      ,
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Létrehozás ideje'            ,
-	'Created'                      => 'Létrehozva'                  ,
-	'Currency'                     => 'Pénznem'                     ,
-	'Customer Name'                => 'ügyfél neve'                 ,
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Kiszállított'                ,
-	'Description'                  => 'Megjegyzés'                  ,
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         ,
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 ,
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Kedvezmény összeg'           ,
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Kedvezmény százalék'         ,
-	'Discount'                     => 'kedvezmény'                  ,
-	'Documents'                    => 'Dokumentumok'                ,
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Határidő (óra,perc)'         ,
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Határidő'                    ,
-	'Education'                    => 'Oktatás'                     ,
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Elektronika'                 ,
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'E-mail, leiratkozott'        ,
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail'                      ,
-	'Emails'                       => 'E-mailek'                    ,
-	'Employee'                     => 'Alkalmazott'                 ,
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energia szektor'             ,
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Mérnöki tevékenység'         ,
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Szórakoztató ipar'           ,
-	'Environmental'                => 'Környezetvédelem'            ,
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Jövedéki adó'                ,
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Meglévő Vevő'                ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Várható lezárási dátum'      ,
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         ,
-	'Fax: '                        => 'Fax: '                       ,
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       ,
-	'Finance'                      => 'Pénzügyek'                   ,
-	'First Name'                   => 'Keresztnév'                  ,
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Élelmiszer ipar'             ,
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Előrejelzés'                 ,
-	'Funnel Amount' 			   => 'Összesen, értékesítési állapotonként',
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Tölcsér'                     ,
-	'Government'                   => 'Államigazgatás'              ,
-	'Grand Total:'                 => 'Összesen:'                   ,
-	'Half-Yearly'                  => 'Féléves'                     ,
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Egészségügy'                 ,
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Kérések'                     ,
-	'High'                         => 'Magas'                       ,
-	'History'                      => 'Előzmények'                  ,
-	'Home' 						   => 'Kezdőlap'					,//TO-DO: the 'LBL_HOME' does not translated
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Vendéglátás'                 ,
-	'In Progress'                  => 'Folyamatban'                 ,
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Biztosítás'                  ,
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Díjbekérők'                  ,
-	'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Vevőjelöltből konvertált?'   ,
-	'Issued Date'                  => 'kibocsátás dátuma'           ,
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Megjegyzés a tételhez'       ,
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Tétel Kedvezmény összeg'     ,
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Tétel Kedvezmény százalék'   ,
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Tétel megnevezése'           ,
-	'Labels Editor'                => 'Felirat szerkesztő'          ,
-	'Last 5 Comments'              => 'Utolsó 5 Feljegyzés'         ,
-	'Last Comment'                 => 'Utolsó Feljegyzés'           ,
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Utoljára módosította'        ,
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Vezetéknév'                  ,
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Hozzáférés megtagadva: '     ,
-	'LBL_ACTION'                   => 'Művelet'                     ,
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Műveletek'                   ,
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Tevékenységek'               ,
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Hozzáadás'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'hozzáadva'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Cím adatok'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Rejtett másolat hozzáadása'  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Másolat hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Feljegyzés hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Feltétel hozzáadása'         ,
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Esemény hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Csoport hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Modulok hozzáadása/kezelése' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'További oszlopok hozzáadása' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'További mezők hozzáadása'    ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Új Feljegyzés hozzáadása'    ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Megjegyzés hozzáadása'       ,
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Következő tétel: Termék hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Rekord hozzáadása'           ,
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Következő tétel: Szolgáltatás hozzáadása',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Feladat hozzáadása'          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Képernyő modul hozzáadása'   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Írja ide a Feljegyzéseit...' ,
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Kézi módosítási lehetőség'   ,
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'BÅ‘vebb...'                   ,
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'utána'                       ,
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ezelőtt'                     ,
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Minden'                      ,
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Minden Feltétel'             ,
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Minden feltételnek egyeznie kell',
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'Minden E mail fiók'          ,
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'Minden Rekord'               ,
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'STATISZTIKÁK'                ,
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'és'                          ,
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Közlemények'                 ,
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Bármely Feltétel'            ,
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Legalább egy feltételnek egyeznie kell',
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Jóváhagy'                    ,
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Ápr'                         ,
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Felelős'                     ,
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'időpont:'                    ,
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Csatolmány'                  ,
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS' 		   => 'Elérhető mezők'              ,
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Vissza'                      ,
-	'LBL_BACK_TO_PRODUCTS'         => 'Vissza a termékekhez'        ,
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Alap pénznem'                ,
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Alapadatok'                  ,
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Rejtett másolat'             ,
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'előtte'                      ,
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' esemény előtt'              ,
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'közötte'                     ,
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Számlázási cím másolása innen ',
-	'LBL_BLANK' 				   => '-Ãœres-'                      ,
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'CRM böngészése'              ,
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'általa'                      ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Naptár'                      ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Naptár beállítások'          ,
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Visszavon'                   ,
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Az alapértelmezett képernyő modul nem távolítható el',
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Másolat'                     ,
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'megváltozott'                ,
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'             => 'Chat Támogatás'              ,
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Válasszon oszlopokat és sorrendet',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Válasszon szűrő feltételeket',
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Töröl'                       ,
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Kattintson a "Hozzáadás"-ra' ,
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Bezár'                       ,
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'Feljegyzés kelte:'           ,
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'FELJEGYZÉS'                  ,
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'elkészült'                   ,
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'E-mail szerkesztése'         ,
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'tartalmazza ezt'             ,
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Számlázási cím'              ,
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Szállítási cím'              ,
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Létrehozás: '                ,
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Létrehozva'                  ,
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Létrehozva'                  ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Létrehozás Új '              ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Új Szűrő létrehozása'        ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Új Nézet létrehozása'        ,
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Létrehozás Új '              ,
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM beállítások'             ,
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Pénznem'                     ,
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Jelenlegi Pü-i n.év'         ,
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Jelenlegi Pü-i év'           ,
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Jelenlegi hónap'             ,
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Jelenlegi hét'               ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Egyedi'                      ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU'      => 'Főmenü testre szabása'       ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Egyedi mező leképezés'       ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Egyedi adatok'               ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'a szűrő már létezik',
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Műszerfal'                   ,
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'nap'                         ,
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'nappal'                      ,
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         ,
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Levon'                       ,
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Törlés'                      ,
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'Törölve'                     ,
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Megtagad'                    ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Leírás'                      ,
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Kiválasztási pipák törlése'  ,
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Adatok'                      ,
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Közvetlen kedvezmény összege',
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Közvetlen ár csökkentés'     ,
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Kedvezmény'                  ,
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Közepes'                     ,
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Keskeny'                     ,
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Kijelző típusa'              ,
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Széles'                      ,
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Dokumentáció'                ,
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'nem tartalmazza ezt'         ,
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Belehúz'                     ,
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'késésben'                    ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplikáció'                  ,
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Szerkesztés'                 ,
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Szerkesztés'                 ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Mezők szerkesztése'          ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Emailek átalakítása'         ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Kiválasztó lista szerkesztése',
-	'LBL_EDIT_REASON' 			   => 'Indíték szerkesztése'        ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Munkafolyamat szerkesztése'  ,
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'befejeződik ezzel'           ,
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'egyenlő ezzel'               ,
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'túllépve'                    ,
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exportálás'                  ,
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Minden adat exportálása'     ,
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Adatok exportálása az aktuális oldalról',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'A megadott rekord típusok exportálása',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Kiválasztott rekordok exportálása',
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         ,
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Visszajelzés'                ,
-	'LBL_FIELDS' 				   => 'Mezők'                       ,
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Szűrő'                       ,
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Szűrő feltételek'            ,
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Szűrés dátumra'              ,
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Végső kedvezmény összege'    ,
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Duplikációt keres'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Mappa törölve'               ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Mappa már létezik'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Mappa mentve'                ,
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'neki'                        ,
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'találat'                     ,
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Pén'                         ,
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'innen '                      ,
-	'LBL_FULLSCREEN'               => 'Teljes képernyő'             ,
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Teljes Å°rlap'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Generál'                     ,
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Írja be a kulcsszót és nyomja meg az Entert',
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Csak az első 100 találatot listáztuk az összes modulból itt alul. A modul specifikus kereséshez válasszon egy modult,és keressen abban.'       ,
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Csak az első 100 találatot listáztuk itt alul. Kérjük,hogy használja a Bővebb... kereső funkciót,ha nem elégedett az eredménnyel.' ,
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Vissza'                      ,
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Ugrás a teljes űrlapra'      ,
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Előnézethez'                 ,
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Teljes összeg'               ,
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'nagyobb vagy egyenlő ezzel'  ,
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'nagyobb,mint ez'            ,
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Csoport'                     ,
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Csoportok'                   ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Csoport adó'                 ,
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Útmutató'                    ,
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Feldolgozó program nem található',
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Súgó'                        ,
-	'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS'    => 'Rejtse a lezárt naptár eseményeket',
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Kezdőlap'                    ,
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'óra'                         ,
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'órával'                      ,
-	'LBL_IGNORE_EMPTY_VALUES'      => 'Üres értékek figyelmen kívül hagyása',
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importálás'                  ,
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'ebben a mezőben:'            ,
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'egyedi'                      ,
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'LELTÁR'                      ,
-	'LBL_IS_EMPTY'				   => 'a mező üres'                 ,
-	'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'a mező nem üres'             ,
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Összes tétel'                ,
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Tételek adatai'              ,
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Tétel megnevezése'           ,
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         ,
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Júl'                         ,
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jún'                         ,
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'épp most'                    ,
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Elmúlt 120 nap'              ,
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Elmúlt 30 nap'               ,
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Elmúlt 60 nap'               ,
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Elmúlt 7 nap'                ,
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Elmúlt 90 nap'               ,
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Múlt hónap'                  ,
-	'LBL_LAST_SAVED_ON' 		   => 'Utoljára mentve: '           ,
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Utoljára megtekintett rekordok',
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Előző hét'                   ,
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'kisebb,mint ez'             ,
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'kisebb vagy egyenlő ezzel'   ,
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Ugrás az oldalra'            ,
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'Listázás Mérőszámokkal'      ,
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Csomagár'                    ,
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Betöltés...'                 ,
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Betöltés,kérjük,várjon!'  ,
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Betöltés,kérjük,várjon!'   ,
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Modul betöltése'             ,
-	'LBL_MANAGE_USERS' => 'Felhasználók kezelése'      ,
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Már'                         ,
-	'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD'             => 'Jelölés, mint megtörtént'    ,
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Tömeges szerkesztés'         ,
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => ', amelyek megfelelnének a feltételnek',
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Maximum 12'                 ,
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maximális érték'             ,
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximális feltöltési méret'  ,
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'Máj'                         ,
-	'LBL_MERGE' 				   => 'Rekord egyesítés'            ,
-	'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Az elsődleges rekord megmarad az egyesítés után. Kiválaszthatja azokat az oszlopokat,melyek értékei meg kell,hogy maradjanak. A másik rekord törölve lesz,de a kapcsolódó információk egyesítésre kerülnek.',
-	'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_IN' 		   => 'Rekord egyesítés ebben: '    ,
-	'LBL_MERGE_SELECT' 			   => 'Rekord egyesítés válasszon'  ,
-	'LBL_MERGING_CRITERIA_SELECTION' => 'Rekord egyesítés szempontok választása',
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'az én'                       ,
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini lista'                  ,
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'perc'                        ,
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'perccel'                     ,
-	'LBL_MODIFIED' 				   => 'Módosítva'                   ,
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Módosítva: '                 ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_DISABLED'          => ' Modul nincs engedélyezve'   ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Modul rekord sorszámozás'   ,
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Hét'                         ,
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'hónap'                       ,
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'hónappal'                    ,
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'További'                     ,
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'több pénznem'                ,
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Ez a rekord több email címet is tartalmaz. Válaszd ki azt az email címet,amire a levelet küldeni kívánod',
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Beállításaim'                ,
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Nettó ár'                    ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Következő 120 nap'           ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Következő 30 nap'            ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Következő 60 nap'            ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Következő 90 nap'            ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Következő n.év'              ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Következő Pü-i év'           ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Következő hónap'             ,
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Következő hét'               ,
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Nem'                         ,
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Nincs'                       ,
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--'                          ,
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Megjegyzés'                  ,
-	'LBL_NOTEPAD' 				   => 'Jegyzetfüzet'                ,
-	'LBL_NOTEPAD_CONTENT'		   => 'Jegyzetfüzet tartalma'       ,
-	'LBL_NOTEPAD_NAME' 			   => 'Jegyzetfüzet neve'           ,
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Hozzáférés tiltva'           ,
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'nem egyenlő ezzel'           ,
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         ,
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'Nincsenek Feljegyzések'      ,
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Nincs ilyen adat'            ,
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'Nem áll rendelkezésre adat'  ,
-	'LBL_NO_DUPLICATED_FOUND' 	   => 'Nem találhatók duplikált rekordok',
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'Nincsenek lejárt határidejű tevékenységek',
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'Nincsenek függőben maradt tevékenységek',
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'Nincsenek új frissítések'    ,
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'Nincs rekord'                ,
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Nincs ilyen rekord'          ,
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'Nincs kiválasztott rekord'     ,
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'Nincs kapcsolódó'            ,
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'Nincsenek betervezett tevékenységek',
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'Nincsenek frissítések'       ,
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'Nincsenek frissítések vagy megjegyzések',
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Okt'                         ,
-	'LBL_OF'                       => '-'                           ,
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'az Árnak'                    ,
-	'LBL_ON'                       => ': '                          ,
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Felhasználó Hozzáadása / Törlése',
-	'LBL_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED'  => 'A művelet nem engedélyezett' ,
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'vagy'                        ,
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Tulajdonos'                  ,
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Oldal'                       ,
-	'LBL_PARENT_OWNER'             => 'Szülő rekord tulajdonosa'    ,
-	'LBL_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRED_OR_INVALID_PASSWORD' => 'A jelszó link idejét múlta, vagy Ön érvénytelen jelszót adott meg.',
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Hozzáférés megtagadva'       ,
-	'LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'     => 'Válasszon modult'            ,
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Bejegyzés'                   ,
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Előző Pü-i n.év'             ,
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Előző Pü-i év'               ,
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Adók előtt összesen'         ,
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Ár adatok'                   ,
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Adatvédelmi irányelvek'      ,
-	'LBL_PROFILE_PASSWORD'         => 'Profil / Jelszó'             ,
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'db'                          ,
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Készlet'                     ,
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Gyors Létrehozás'            ,
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Olvasd el a Licenciát'       ,
-	'LBL_REASON_FOR_CHANGING_COMMENT' => 'A feljegyzés módosításának oka',
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Legutóbb módosítva'          ,
-	'LBL_RECORD' 				   => 'Rekord'                      ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Rekordok listája'            ,
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'A rekord,amit meg kívánt volna nézni,törölve lett.',
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'A rekord,amit el kívánt volna érni,nem található.',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Modul összefoglaló'          ,
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Frissítés'                   ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Termék adatai'               ,
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Emlékeztető adatai'          ,
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Eltávolít'                   ,
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'eltávolítva'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'válaszok'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Válasz'                      ,
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'helyreállítva'               ,
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Eredmények a címkékre'       ,
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Szo'                         ,
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Mentés'                      ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Mentés piszkozatként'        ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Mentés, mint Szűrő'          ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Szűrő mentése'               ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Szűrő módosítása/mentése'    ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Keresés'                     ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Keresés Gomb'                ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Keresés'                     ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Keresés ebben: '             ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Keresési eredmények'         ,
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'mp'                          ,
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'mp'                          ,
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Kiválaszt'                   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Mindent kiválaszt'           ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Válasszon e-mail címeket'    ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Válasszon E-mail sablont'    ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Válasszon Mezőt'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Válasszon Modult'            ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Válasszon egy lehetőséget'   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Válassza ki a Kapcsolódó modulokat'  ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Válasszon állapotot'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Válasszon Listát betöltésre' ,
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Küldés'                      ,
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'E-mail küldése'              ,
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'SMS küldés'                  ,
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sze'                         ,
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Beállítások'                 ,
-	'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'           => 'Webes űrlap beállítása'      ,
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Alapértelmezettnek beállít'  ,
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => 'Nyilvánosnak beállít'        ,
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Kedvezmény beállítása'       ,
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Szállítási és kezelési ktg. ÁFA beállítása',
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Adót beállít ennek: '        ,
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Szállítási cím másolása innen ',
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Szállítási és kezelési ktg.',
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'További adatok bevitele'     ,
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Mutassa az összes adatot'    ,
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Kilépés'                     ,
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Egyszerűsített Űrlap'        ,
-	'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maximum 160 karakter enegedélyezett a szöveges üzenetre',
-	'LBL_SPECIAL_OPTIONS'          => 'Különleges opciók'           ,
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'kezdődik ezzel'              ,
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Nincs elegendő készlet'      ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Tárgy'                       ,
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'             => 'Altermékek'                  ,
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Összegzés'                   ,
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Adatok összegzése'           ,
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Vas'                         ,
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT'             ,
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Címke felhő'                 ,
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Rekord címkézése'            ,
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'adó'                         ,
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Szállítási és kezelési ktg. ÁFA-ja',
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Adó mód'                     ,
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Határidők és feltételek'     ,
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Csü'                         ,
-	'LBL_to'                       => '-'                           ,
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'ide '                        ,
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Ma'                          ,
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Holnap'                      ,
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Eszközök'                    ,
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'ESZKÖZÖK'                    ,
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Súgó Menedzsment'            ,
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Összesen'                    ,
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Összeg Kedvezmények levonása után',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Teljes ÁFA összeg'           ,
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Rekord-felelős cseréje'      ,
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Ked'                         ,
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Írja be a kereséshez'        ,
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Frissítve: '                 ,
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Frissítések'                 ,
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Felhasználó'                 ,
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Felhasználók'                ,
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'Felhasználói beállítások'    ,
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Videó oktató anyagok'        ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Adatok megtekintése'         ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'Nézet neve'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'Téma megtekintése'           ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM őszinte Nyílt Forrású rendszer',
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Webes Å°rlapok'               ,
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Sze'                         ,
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'év'                          ,
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'évvvel'                      ,
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Igen'                        ,
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Tegnap'                      ,
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Nulla kedvezmény'            ,
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Vevőjelölt forrása'          ,
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Vevőjelöltek iparág szerint' ,
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Vevőjelöltek forrás szerint' ,
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Vevőjelöltek állapot szerint',
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Létrehozott Vevőjelöltek'    ,
-	'Leads'                        => 'Vevőjelöltek'                ,
-	'List and Campaigns'           => 'Listák és Kampányok'         ,
-	'List Price'                   => 'Csomagár'                    ,
-	'Low'                          => 'Alacsony'                    ,
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Gépipar'                     ,
-	'MailManager'                  => 'E-mail menedzser'            ,
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Gyártás'                     ,
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Rossz célpiac'               ,
-	'Media'                        => 'Média'                       ,
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini lista'                  ,
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Mobil'                       ,
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Feljegyzések'                ,
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Módosítás ideje'             ,
-	'Net Total'                    => 'Nettó összesen'              ,
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Non-Profit'                  ,
-	'Notebook' 					   => 'Jegyzetfüzet'                ,
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Értesítsd a rekord felelősét',
-	'NOT_A_BUNDLE'                 => 'Nem egy csomag'              ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Nyitott Kérések'             ,
-	'Other Email'                  => 'E-mail, egyéb'               ,
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Telefon, másik'              ,
-	'Other'                        => 'Egyéb'                       ,
-	'Others'                       => 'Másik'                       ,
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Lejárt határidejű teendők'   ,
-	'Parent Product'               => 'Szülő termék'                ,
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     ,
-	'Pending'                      => 'Függő'                       ,
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     ,
-	'Phone: '                      => 'telefon: '                   ,
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Értékesítési csatorna'       ,
-	'Po Box'                       => 'Postafiók'                   ,
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Irányítószám'                ,
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Lehetőség megnevezése'       ,
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Lehetőségek állapot szerint' ,
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Lehetőségek'                 ,
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Működtető motor: vtiger CRM ',
-	'Price'                        => 'ár'                          ,
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Csomagárak'                  ,
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioritás'                   ,
-	'Product Bundles'              => 'Termék csomagok'             ,
-	'Product Code'                 => 'Termék kód',
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Termék név'                  ,
-	'Products'                     => 'Termékek'                    ,
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Törölt projekt'              ,
-	'Project Milestones'           => 'Projekt Mérföldkövek'        ,
-	'Project Tasks'                => 'Projekt Feladatok'           ,
-	'Project'                      => 'Projektek'                   ,
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Projekt Mérföldkövek'        ,
-	'Projects'                     => 'Projektek'                   ,
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Projekt Feladatok'           ,
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            ,
-	'Public'                       => 'Nyilvános'                   ,
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Beszerzések'                 ,
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Beszerzések'                 ,
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Mennyiség'                   ,
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Ajánlatok'                   ,
-	'Rating'                       => 'Értékelés'                   ,
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Wellness'                    ,
-	'Related To'                   => 'Kapcsolódik'                 ,
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Felugró emlékeztető időintervalluma',
-	'Retail'                       => 'Kiskereskedelem'             ,
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Átvizsgálva'                 ,
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS Hírfolyam'               ,
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'Szállítás és kezelés ktg.'   ,
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Értékesítés Záró dátuma'     ,
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Megrendelések'               ,
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Értékesítés Kezdő dátuma'    ,
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Megrendelések'               ,
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Üdvözlés '                   ,
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'E-mail, másodlagos'          ,
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Ő keresett meg'              ,
-	'Service Contracts'            => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződések'   ,
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Szolgáltatási Szerződések'   ,
-	'Services'                     => 'Szolgáltatások'              ,
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges'  => 'Szállítás és kezelési költség',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:'     => 'Szállítás és kezelése adó:'  ,
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Utca, házszám (Szállítási cím)',
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Város (Szállítási cím)'      ,
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Irányítószám (Szállítási cím)',
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Ország (Szállítási cím)'     ,
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Postafiók (Szállítási cím)'  ,
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Állam/megye (Szállítási cím)',
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Szállítás'                   ,
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Halott akta'                 ,
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cég'                         ,
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Kapcsolat'                   ,
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'E-mail'                      ,
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Felhasználó'                 ,
-	'State'                        => 'Állam/megye'                 ,
-	'Status'                       => 'Állapot'                     ,
-	'Street'                       => 'Utca, házszám'               ,
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Részösszeg'                  ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Tárgy'                       ,
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Támogatás Záró dátuma'       ,
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Támogatás Kezdő dátuma'      ,
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Adó típusa'                  ,
-	'Tax'                          => 'adó'                         ,
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Adó1'                        ,
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Adó2'                        ,
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Adó3'                        ,
-	'Tax:'                         => 'adó:'                        ,
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technológia'                 ,
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telekommunikáció'            ,
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Határidők és feltételek'     ,
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Kérések állapot szerint'     ,
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Legfontosabb Lehetőségek'    ,
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Összes Bevétel'              ,
-	'Total'                        => 'Teljes összeg'               ,
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Kereskedelmi bemutató'       ,
-	'Transportation'               => 'Közlekedés'                  ,
-	'Type'                         => 'Típus'                       ,
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Esedékes teendők'            ,
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'várakozó Feldatok'           ,
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         ,
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        ,
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Szolgáltatás'                ,
-	'Valid Date'                   => 'érvényes dátum'              ,
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Beszállító neve'             ,
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Beszállítók'                 ,
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Weboldal'                    ,
-	'Website: '                    => 'weboldal: '                  ,
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Szóbeszéd'                   ,
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Konverziós arány'           ,
-	//Missing keys - TO-DO handle en_us file (Calendar settings)
-	'Starting Day of the week'     => 'A hét kezdő napja'           ,
-	'Day starts at'                => 'Nap kezdete'                 ,
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Dátum formátum'              ,
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Időkijelzés formátuma'       ,
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Időzóna'                     ,
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Tevékenység nézet, alapértelmezett',
-	'Today'                        => 'Ma'                          ,
-	'This Week'                    => 'Ez a hét'                    ,
-	'This Month'                   => 'Ez a hónap'                  ,
-	'Private'                      => 'Magán'                       ,
-	'Selected Users'               => 'Kiválasztott felhasználók'   ,
-	'Mobile Call'                  => 'Mobil hívás'                 ,
-	'Monday'                       => 'Hétfő'                       ,
-	'Tuesday'                      => 'Kedd'                        ,
-	'Wednesday'                    => 'Szerda'                      ,
-	'Thursday'                     => 'Csütörtök'                   ,
-	'Friday'                       => 'Péntek'                      ,
-	'Saturday'                     => 'Szombat'                     ,
-	'Sunday'                       => 'Vasárnap'                    ,
-	'1 Minute'                     => '1 perc'                      ,
-	'5 Minutes'                    => '5 perc'                      ,
-	'15 Minutes'                   => '15 perc'                     ,
-	'30 Minutes'                   => '30 perc'                     ,
-	'45 Minutes'                   => '45 perc'                     ,
-	'1 Hour'                       => '1 óra'                       ,
-	'1 Day'                        => '1 nap'                       ,
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS emlékeztető'             ,
-	'Quick Create'                 => 'Gyors létrehozás'            ,
-	'Email Templates'              => 'E-mail sablonok'             ,
-	'Project Task'                 => 'Projekt feladatok'           ,
-	'Held'                         => 'Megtörtént'                  ,
-	'End Date'                     => 'Befejezés dátuma'            ,
-	'of'                           => ':'                           ,
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webes űrlapok'               ,
-	'EmailTemplates'               => 'E-mail sablonok'             ,
-	'Dashboard'                    => 'Műszerfal'                   ,
-	'Summary'                      => 'Összegzés'                   ,
-	'Module'                       => 'Modul'                       ,
-	'Execution Condition'          => 'Végrehajtás feltétele'       ,
-	'Created By'                   => 'Létrehozó'                   ,
-	'SUBJECT'                      => 'Tárgysor'                    ,
-	'TO'                           => 'Címzett'                     ,
-	'BODY'                         => 'Levél szöveg'                ,
-	'BCC'                          => 'Titkos másolat'              ,
-	'CC'                           => 'Másolat'                     ,
-	'FROM'                         => 'Feladó'                      ,
-	'DATE'                         => 'Dátum'                       ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'AM'                           => 'de.'                         ,
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Érvénytelen szám'            ,
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Érvénytelen szám: '          ,
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Csak számok adhatók meg'     ,
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'Csak pozitív számok adhatók meg',
-	'JS_ALLOWED_TO_SELECT_MAX_OF_THREE_RECORDS' => 'Maximum 3 rekord kiválasztása engedélyezett',
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_WIDGET' => 'Biztos Ön abban, hogy törölni akarja ezt a képernyű modult?',
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Az alapértelmezett képernyő  modul nem távolítható el',
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Fájl épségének ellenőrzése',
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'tiltott karaktereket tartalmaz',
-	'JS_CURRENT_DATE'              => 'Mai dátum',
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'nincs e-mail címe',
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplikált bejegyzést találtunk erre az értékre: ',
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE'  => 'Duplikált bejegyzést találtunk erre az értékre: ',
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplikált rekord'           ,
-	'JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION' => 'A cégnév már létezik. Egy duplikált rekordot kíván létrehozni?',
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Kérjük,hogy állítsa be a kimenő e-mail szerver (SMTP) beállításait a Beállítások oldalon',
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'Befejező dátum és időpont'   ,
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Hiba'                        ,
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Nem sikerült menteni a szerver beállításait',
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'A mezőt egynél több helyre rendelték hozzá',
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Az importálandó fájl nem lehet üres',
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Információ'                  ,
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Érvénytelen oldalszám'       ,
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'letiltva'                    ,
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'engedélyezve'                ,
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'tételek'                     ,
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A tételt sikeresen töröltük',
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'A tételt sikeresen hozzáadtuk',
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A tételt sikeresen átneveztük',
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Biztos Ön abban, hogy ezt a fájlt törölni akarja?',
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Visszavon'                   ,
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'A Feljegyzés nem lehet üres mező',
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Engedélyek'                 ,
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Mentés'                     ,
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Kérjük,hogy a kötelező mezőket rendelje hozzá a leképezéshez',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Leképezés neve már foglalt',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'A Leképezés neve nem lehet üres mező',
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'           => 'Tömeges szerkesztéssel egy időben max. 500 rekord szerkeszthető',
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'Maximális feltölthető fájl méret túllépve' ,
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'A cimke hosszabb,mint ami megengedett'    ,
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Ãœzenet'                      ,
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'perc'                        ,
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Modul letiltva'              ,
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Modul engedélyezve'          ,
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Több,mint egy tétel van kiválasztva' ,
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'Nincs engedélyezve a Létrehozás funkció vagy nincs engedélyezve a gyors Létrehozás',
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'Nincs egy tétel sem kiválasztva'        ,
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'Nincs olyan rekord,ami ehhez a szűrőhöz kapcsolódna',
-	'JS_NO_RESULTS_FOUND'          => 'Nem találtunk semmit'        ,	
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'Önnek nem lesz engedélye ezt a rekordot a mentés után megtekinteni. Folytatni kívánja?',
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'A szám 32-nél kisebb legyen',
-	'JS_PAGE_NOT_EXIST'       => 'Az oldal nem létezik',
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM'        => 'Hívás innen: ',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'  => 'Kérjük, hogy töltse ki az összes mezőt',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL'    => 'Bejövő hívás',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE' => 'Hívás sikertelen',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS' => 'A szám tárcsázához vegye fel a bővítménybe a címzetett',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'A százalék érték 100-nál kisebb legyen',
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'a telefonszám hossza túllépte a limitet',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENABLE_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT' => 'Kérjük,hogy engedélyezze az alap pénznemet a Termékek részére',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Adjon meg egy cimkét'          ,// TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Kérjük,hogy tizedes tört számot adj meg',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Kérjük,hogy egész számot adj meg',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Kérjük,hogy adja meg a Kapcsolat elsődleges e-mail címét,hogy Portál felhasználóként engedélyezhető legyen.',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Kérjük,hogy adjon meg valami szöveget a Feljegyzéshez',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Kérjük,hogy adjon meg valamit,ami alapján keresni lehet',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Kérjük,hogy érvényes dátumot adjon meg'     ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Kérjük,hogy működő email címet adjon meg',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Kérjük,hogy érvényes időpontot adjon meg'   ,
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Kérjük,hogy válasszon egy Céget a cím másolásához',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Kérjük,hogy válasszon egy Kapcsolatot a cím másolásához',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Kérjük,hogy legalább egy Kötelező mezőt válasszon ki',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Kérjük,hogy legalább egy lehetőséget válasszon ki',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT' => 'Kérjük,hogy válasszon alap pénznemet a termékekhez',	
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Bázisvaluta meg kell változtatni, hogy tiltsa',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Kérjük,hogy legalább egy mezőt válasszon ki az egyesítés feltételei végett',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Kérjük,hogy legalább egy rekordot válasszon ki',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Kérjük,hogy szeletelje fel a fájlt kisebb részekre,majd importálja újból.',
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Későbbre tesz'                    ,
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Hiányzik az elsődleges e-mail,és enélkül a Portál felhasználó nem engedélyezhető',// TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORDS_ARE_GETTING_DELETED' => 'Rekordok törlődnek',
-	'JS_RECORDS_TRANSFERRED SUCCESSFULLY' => 'A rekord felelőst sikeresen megváltoztattuk',
-	'JS_RECORD_GETTING_DELETED' => 'A rekordot töröltük',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Adja meg újból a jelszavát',
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* Ez a mező kötelező'     ,
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'A kiválasztott Cégnek nincs megadva címe,ami másolható lenne',
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'A kiválasztott Kapcsolatnak nincs megadva címe,ami másolható lenne',
-	'JS_SELECT_ATLEAST_TWO_RECORD_FOR_MERGING' => 'Válasszon legalább 2 rekordot az egyesítéshez',
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Kérjük,hogy válasszon egy fájl a következő kiterjesztéssel:',
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Kérjük,hogy válasszon modult',
-	'JS_SELECT_RECORDS_TO_MERGE_FROM_SAME_GROUP' => 'Ugyanabból a csoportból kell rekordot választani az egyesítéshez',
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'Ez a gyors elérés már hozzá van adva',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'a mai dátum utáni kell,hogy legyen',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'egyenlő vagy nagyobb kell,hogy legyen annál',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'a mai dátum előtti kell,hogy legyen',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'egyenlő vagy kisebb kell,hogy legyen annál',
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Kérjük,hogy állítsa be az SMS Küldőt az SMS Küldő beállítási oldalán.',
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Kezdés dátuma és ideje'      ,
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Gyors elérés hozzáadva sikeresen' ,
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Gyors elérés törölve sikeresen',
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Címke név már létezik'      ,
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Ezt a dokumentumot már csatolta',
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Ezt a fájlt már kiválasztotta',
-	'JS_TOTAL_RECORDS'             => 'Rekordok száma összesen'      ,
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Feltöltési fájl méretet túllépte'  ,
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'A feltöltendő fájl mérete maximum: ',
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS'               => 'A Felhasználó már létezik',
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'nullánál nagyobb számot adjon meg',
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'A beállított időzített feladatok ismétlődési gyakorisága nem lehet kisebb mint ',
-	'JS_YOU_ARE_IN_PAGE_NUMBER'    => 'Ön itt van,oldalszám: ',
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'Kiválasztható: '        ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni akarja?',
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER_CONFIRMATION' => 'Amikor a felhasználó törlésre kerül, a felhasználó meg kell jelölni "inaktív" és nem az új rekordok lehet rendelni a Felhasználó, és a felhasználó nem tud bejelentkezni. Biztosan törölni szeretné?',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Képet sikeresen töröltük',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Képet nem sikerült törölni',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Biztos ön abban, hogy törölni akarja a kiválasztott rekordokat?',
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Nem'                         ,
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Igen'                        ,
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'Egyetlen mező értéke sem változott a tömeges szerkesztés során',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Felülírjuk a mostani címet a kiválasztott címmel?',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Cím adatok'                 ,
-	'PM'                           => 'du.'                         ,
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Ennek a mai nap előttinek kell lennie',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Szervezet'                   ,
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Kapcsolat'                   ,
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'A változtatások elvesznek!',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Accounts.php b/languages/it_it/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Accounts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizzazione'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organizzazione'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Aggiungi Organizzazione'     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Organizzazione lista'        , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Organizzazione Informazioni' , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Visualizza la gerarchia dellorganizzazione'    , 
-	'industry'                     => 'Industria'                   , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nome Organizzazione'         , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Organizzazione No. '         , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Sito Web'                    , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Simbolo Ticker'              , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Membro di'                   , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Dipendenti'                  , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'proprietà '                   , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Codice SIC'                  , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Altre Email'                 , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analista'                    , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Concorrente'                 , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Cliente'                     , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investitore'                 , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Premere'                     , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospettiva'                 ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Conti Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Rivenditore'                 , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Data Inizio'                 , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Data Fine'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Nome organizzazione esiste già ', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copiare lindirizzo di spedizione'       ,
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copiare lindirizzo di fatturazione'        ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sei sicuro di che voler eliminare?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => "L'eliminazione di questa organizzazione rimuoverà le sue citazioni & opportunità correlate. Sei sicuro di che voler eliminare questa organizzazione?", 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => "L'eliminazione di questa organizzazione rimuoverà le sue citazioni & opportunità correlate. Sei sicuro di che voler eliminare questa organizzazione?", 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Assets.php b/languages/it_it/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Aggiungi Assets'     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets Elenco'       , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Asset Dettagli'      , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'            , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Numero di serie'     , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Data Venduto'        , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Data in Service'     , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Numero Tag'          , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Nome Fattura'        , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Metodo di trasporto' , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Trasporto numero di inseguimento' , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Nome'          , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nome cliente'        , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Note'                , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'          , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'      , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Calendar.php b/languages/it_it/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Da fare'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Da fare'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Aggiungi Evento'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vista per Lista'             , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventi'                      , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Compiti'                     , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Evento / Da fare'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Da fare Informazione'        , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Dettagli evento'             ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Soggetto'                    , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Orario e data inizio'        , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo Attivit&agrave;'        , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Manda Notifica'              , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Luogo'                       , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data e Ora Fine'             , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Data Fine Supporto'          , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Chiamata'                    , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Riunione'                    , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Da fare'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Previsto'                 , 
-        'Held'                         =>  'Held',
-        'Not Held'                     => 'Non Held',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Completato'                  , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'In Attesa di Input'          , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Non Iniziato'                , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Posticipato'                 , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Medio'                       , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Cambia Proprietario'         , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Da fare'                     , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'Da fare',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Predefinito Stato e tipo'    ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Stato'                       ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tipo'                        ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Modifica colore',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Aggiungi Calendar View',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Selezionare Calendario utente',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Selezionare Calendario Colore',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Editing Calendar View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Elimina Calendario',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Selezionare il tipo di attività',
-	'Tasks' => 'Compiti',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / Da fare'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Da fare is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Non possiamo essere ritenuti Per Futuro',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Vista calendario colore aggiornato con successo',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo punto di vista Calendar?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View aggiunto con successo',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendario Vista eliminata correttamente',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'No Calendar View per aggiungere',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Modifica Calendario',
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Campaigns.php b/languages/it_it/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6e06962181f3d156a02b4ef2db62502e0f1d04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Campaigns.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagne'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campagna'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Informazioni Campagna'       , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Previsti &amp; Effettivi'    , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nome Campagna'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Campagna No'                 , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tipo di Campagna'            , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Prodotto'                    , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Stato della Campagna'        , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Numero inviati'              , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Target Destinatari'          , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Dimensioni Target'           , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Risposta Attesa'             , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Ritorno Atteso'              , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Costo a Budget'              , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Costo Effettivo'             , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Conteggio Risposte Attese'   , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Conteggio Vendite Attese'    , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'ROI Atteso'                  , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Conteggio Risposte Effettive', 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Conteggio Vendite Effettive' , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'ROI Effettivo'               , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Programma di Riferimento'    , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Pubblicit&agrave;'           , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banner'                      , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mail Diretta'                , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Altri'                       , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Pianificare'                 , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inattivo'                    , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Completo'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Annullato'                   , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Eccellente'                  , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Buono'                       , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Medio'                       , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Scarso'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contacted - Successful'      , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contacted - Unsuccessful'    , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contacted - Never Contact Again', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Contacts.php b/languages/it_it/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 98679452aa70406e36aa5521290d1e23eea8e1a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contatti'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contatto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni Contatto'       , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Informazioni Portale Clienti', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informazioni Immagine Contatto:', 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefono Ufficio'            , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefono Casa'               , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titolo'                      , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Dipartimento'                , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Compleanno'                  , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Riporta a'                   , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistente'                  , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Telefono Assistente'         , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Non Chiamare'                , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Riferimento'                 , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Utente Portale'              , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Via (spedizione)'            , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Citt&agrave;  (spedizione)'  , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Provincia (spedizione)'      , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'CAP (spedizione)'            , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Stato (spedizione)'          , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Casella postale di mailing'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Altra Via'                   , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Altra Citt&agrave;'          , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Altra Provincia'             , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Altro CAP'                   , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Altro Stato'                 , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Immagine Contatto'           , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sig.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sig.ra'                      , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Sig.ina'                     , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Lista Utente'                , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contatto Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Supporto Data di inizio'     ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Data di supporto End'        ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Documents.php b/languages/it_it/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a69bcc047d4423d59b2333ee26736cf73d7891c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Documents.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Documento'                   , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informazioni Base'           , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informazioni file'           , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrizione'                 , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titolo'                      , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nome file'                   , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Note'                        , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Tipo file'                   , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Grandezza'                   , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Tipo download'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Versione'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Attivo'                      , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Conteggio download'          , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Nome cartella'               , 
-	'Document No'                  => '>Numero documento'           , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download file'               , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Controllo di integrità'     , 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Interno'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Esterno'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Muovi'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Aggiungi cartella'           , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Aggiungi cartella'           , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nome cartella'               , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php
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--- a/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Email Templates' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Aggiungi Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nome modello',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descrizione',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Soggetto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Campi Generale',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selezionare il tipo di campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gestire modelli per il modulo E-Mail',
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Emails.php b/languages/it_it/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d39be1ed241af84f84665e1f9faa7796c94eb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Emails.php
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Soggetto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Allegato'                    , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Invia'                       , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Seleziona un Template Email' , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Componi e-mail'              , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'CC :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'CCN:'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'misit'                       ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail Informazione',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/it_it/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Eventi'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventi'                      , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Compito'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Tenere Followup On'          ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Crea Follow Up Event'        ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Data e Ora inizio'           , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data e Ora Fine'             , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo Attivit&agrave;'        , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Privato'                     , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Pubblico'                    , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Chiamata'                    , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Riunione'                    , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Pianificato'                 , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Tenuto'                      , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Non Tenuto'                  , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Una volta ogni'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'Faq'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Informazione Faq'            , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni Commento'       , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Domanda'                     , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Risposta'                    , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Commenti'                    , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'No. Faq'                     , 
-	'General'                      => 'Generale'                    , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Bozza'                       , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Pubblicato'                  , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsoleto'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'SOLUZIONE'                   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/HelpDesk.php b/languages/it_it/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e6ac712fe4b787d6a297dfb784af5e00f2ec1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Assistenza Clienti'          , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Informazioni Ticket'         , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Informazioni Soluzione'      , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Biglietto n.'                , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Importanza'                  , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Storico Aggiornamenti'       , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Orario'                      , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Giorni'                      , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titolo'                      , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Soluzione'                   , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'From Portal'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Grosso Problema'             , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Piccolo Problema'            , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Altro Problema'              , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normale'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'Alto'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgente'                     , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Minore'                      , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Maggiore'                    , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Caratteristica'              , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Critica'                     , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Aperto'                      , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'In Attesa Risposta'          , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Chiuso'                      , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Stato'                       , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Importanza'                  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Relazionato a'               ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Salve',
-	'Dear' => 'Gentile',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Il ticket &egrave;',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'i dettagli sono :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Cordiali saluti',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Gruppo Assistenza Clienti',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Dettaglio ticket',
-	'created' => 'creato',
-	'replied' => 'risposto',
-	'reply' => 'C&#39;&egrave; una risposta a ',
-	'customer_portal' => 'nel Portale Clienti di vTiger',
-	'link' => 'Puoi usare il seguente link per visualizzare le risposte date:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Grazie',
-	'Support_team' => 'Team di supporto vTiger',
-	//This label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Lo stato del Ticket &egrave; aggiornato a',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Non &egrave; stato possibile chiudere il Ticket',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Il Cliente ha fornito le seguenti informazioni aggiuntive alla tua risposta:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Per cortesia rispondi al Ticket qui sopra il prima possibile.',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Amministratore del Supporto Clienti',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Rispondi al Ticket ID',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Risposta al biglietto numero',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'sul Portale Clienti - URGENTE',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Di seguito, i dettagli del tuo Login al Portale Clienti:',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Non &egrave; stato possibile inviare la Mail',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Nome Utente :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Password :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Relativamente ai dettagli del tuo Login al Portale Clienti',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Prego inserire il tuo indirizzo e-mail',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Per cortesia controlla la tua e-mail  per il Portale Clienti',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Il tuo login &egrave; stato revocato. Si prega di contattare l&#39;amministratore.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Una mail &egrave; stata inviata al tuo indirizzo di posta con i dettagli del tuo Login al Portale Clienti',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Questo &egrave; il corpo del messaggio in testo semplice per client di posta non-HTML',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Numero Ticket',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Migliori Aziende'            , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Migliori Opportunità '      , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Migliori Preventivi'         , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Indici chiave'               , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'I miei Gruppi'               , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Ordini di Vendita Importanti', 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Fatture Importanti'          , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Cruscotto Home Page'         , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Ordini di Acquisto Importanti', 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Mie FAQ recenti'             , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Prossimi Eventi'             , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Eventi Pendenti'             , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Domestico'                         ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Metriche chiave',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Import.php b/languages/it_it/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Import.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Select File'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Supported File Type(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specify Format'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Character Encoding'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimitatore:'               , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Ha un Header (Intestazione)' , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Step 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Duplicate Record Handling'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Select this option to enable and set duplicate merge criteria', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Select how duplicate records should be handled', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Select the matching fields to find duplicate records', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Campi disponibili'           , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => 'Campi su cui effettuare la corrispondenza', 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Prossimo'                    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Step 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map the Columns to Module Fields', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Header'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Row 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Save as Custom Mapping '     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importa'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Records successfully imported', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Records created'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Records overwritten'         , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records skipped'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Records merged'              , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Records failed importing'    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importa di pi&ugrave;'       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Last Imported Records'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Annulla la scorsa importazione', 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Fine'                        , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Undo Import Result'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Total Number of Records'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Number of records deleted'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Scheduled'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancel Import'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Errore:'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Clear Data'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Unable to import more data in this batch. Please start a new import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Current Import has been interrupted. Please try again later', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Failed to lock the module for import. Re-try again later', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Invoice.php b/languages/it_it/Invoice.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d941c1b6997d06e9fea5e101cf1b9a1e44e683b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Invoice.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Fattura'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Esporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista fatture'               , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni Fattura'        , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Ordine di Vendita'           , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Numero cliente'              , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Data Fattura'                , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Ordine di Acquisto'          , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commissioni Vendita'         , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Fattura Numero'              , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Spedito'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Fattura di Accredito'        , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pagato'                      , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Annulla'                     , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Non è un Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Prodotti Sub',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Azione',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Leads.php b/languages/it_it/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 39cd98a30f2b9d1e9af33d7f7352a0058ad7fa49..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Informazioni Lead'           , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'No. Lead'                    , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Societ&agrave;'              , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Designazione'                , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Sito Web'                    , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Settore'                     , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Stato Lead'                  , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Numero Impiegati'            , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sig.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Signorina'                   , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Sig.ra'                      , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Tentativo di contatto'       , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Freddo'                      , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contattare in futuro'        , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contattato'                  , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Caldo'                       ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Leads Hot',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Lead Spazzatura'             , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Lead Perso'                  , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Non contattato'              , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Prequalificato'              , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Qualificato'                 , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Caldo'                       , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Converti Lead:'              , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Non può essere convertito'  , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Possible reasons include:'   , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Leads Field Mapping is incomplete(Settings > Module Manager > Leads > Leads Field Mapping)', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Mandatory fields are empty'  , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Leads Field Mapping'         , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Migration.php b/languages/it_it/Migration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2ef4bf95d1700f718a64685578e03a2c586528..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Migration.php
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Benvenuti in materia di migrazione Vtiger',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migrazione Completato',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Migrazione guidata',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Siamo orgogliosi di essere associati con voi.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Hai delle domande? Trova aiuto su Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussioni </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Per saperne di più su Vtiger seguici nostra <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Aiuto - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Video</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Grazie per aver utilizzato <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Miriamo ad essere - semplicemente il migliore',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Andiamo oltre, non vi è spazio anche per te!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'La migrazione vtiger6 completata correttamente.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Per sapere che cosa è nuovo in questa versione, si prega di leggere <a href="#" target="_blank">Note di rilascio</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Attendere prego ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migrazione in corso',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migrazione: Database modifiche Log',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/ModComments.php b/languages/it_it/ModComments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b82abbbd4f1892a3945f5e5965fdae12ce256e0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Other Information'           , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Creator'                     , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Relazionato a'               , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/PBXManager.php b/languages/it_it/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b1c5f45be734f83b63f81feaa41de05fe151a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/PBXManager.php
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Gestione chiamate'           , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Gestione chiamate'           , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Chiamata da'                 , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Chiamata verso'              , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Durata chiamata'             , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Portal.php b/languages/it_it/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a641219215c04102089c3cbbcf67f19c4bc1bf08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'I nostri siti',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Aggiungi segnalibro',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Nome',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Creato il',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Il nostro sito',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Edit Bookmark',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Inserisci Bookmark Nome',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Inserisci Url (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Aggiungi nuovo segnalibro',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark salvato con successo',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Record eliminato correttamente',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'La nostra Lista Siti',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista dei segnalibri',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Segnalibri eliminati correttamente',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Segnalibri',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Il sito che si sta tentando di aprire non è sicuro e potrebbe non aprire. Se si desidera comunque visualizzare la pagina web quindi è possibile fare clic sul bloccante contenuto nella barra degli indirizzi e abilitarlo.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
index f0c5deeb025936f75ecc3940785d2d6792cbbd5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Opportunita\''               , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Opportunit&agrave;'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Informazioni Opportunit&agrave;', 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'No. Opportunit&agrave;'      , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Ammontare'                   , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Step successivo'             , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Stadio di vendita'           , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilit&agrave; (%)'      , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Fonte Campagna'              , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'In Prospettiva'              , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Qualificazione'              , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Da Analizzare'               , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Proposto il valore'          , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Potere decisionale'          , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Analisi di percezione'       , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Proposta/Preventivo Prezzo'  , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Trattativa/Revisione'        , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Chiuso VINTO'                , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Chiuso PERSO'                , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Business Esistente'          , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Nuovo Business'              , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potenziali Aggiudicati',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/PriceBooks.php b/languages/it_it/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listini'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Listino'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Informazioni Listino:'       , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Nome Listino'                , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'No Listino'                  , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Prezzo unitario',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Aggiungere a',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Prodotti'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Prodotto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Aggiungi Prodotto'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni Prodotto'       , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informazioni Immagine Prodotto:', 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Informazioni Stock:'         , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Altre valute'                , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Prezzo prodotti'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prezzo'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Annulla prezzo'              , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Annulla'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'No. prodotto'                , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Numero di serie'             , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Prodotto Attivo'             , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Produttore'                  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Categoria Prodotto'          , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Sito Web'                    , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Numero di Serie Produttore'  , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Numero di Serie Fornitore'   , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unit&agrave;  Utilizzo'      , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Responsabile'                , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Livello Riordino'            , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Classe di Tasse'             , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Numero di Serie'             , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Quantit&agrave; in Stock'    , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Specifiche Prodotto'         , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Quantit&agrave;  in richiesta', 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Codice Contabile'            , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Immagine Prodotto'           , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Prezzo Unitario'             , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Tasso commissione (%)'       , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Quantit&agrave;&#47;Unit&agrave;', 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Applicazioni CRM'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Vendita-Software'        , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Vendita-Hardware'        , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Noleggi-Software'        , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interessi'               , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Vendite-Software-Support', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Vendite-Altro'           , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Vendite-Internet'        , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Servizi-Riparazione-Hardware', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Vendite-Libri'           , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Box'                         , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Cartone'                     , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Scatola'                     , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Vetro'                       , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Ogni'                        , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Ore'                         , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressioni'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pacco'                       , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Pagine'                      , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Pezzi'                       , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Risme'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Foglio'                      , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Raccoglitore a spirale '     , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Sq Ft'                       , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Abilita Prodotti Modulo per visualizzare i prodotti',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Progetto'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Project'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projects List'               , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informationi Progetto'       , 
-	'Project Name'                 => 'Nome Progetto'               , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Data di Inizio'              , 
-	'Target End Date'              => 'Target End Date'             , 
-	'Actual End Date'              => 'Actual End Date'             , 
-	'Project No'                   => 'Project Number'              , 
-	'Target Budget'                => 'Target Budget'               , 
-	'Project Url'                  => 'Project Url'                 , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progress'                    , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'               => 'Tasks Open'                  , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'                => 'Tasks Due'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'          => 'Tasks Completed'             , 
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'                   => 'People'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHARTS'                   => 'Charts'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'               => 'Milestones'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Tasks'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'                => 'Status is'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'          => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'more'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download File'               , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista Milestones'            ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'Alta priorità'               ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Priorità normale'            ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Bassa priorità'              ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Altre priorità'              ,
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Selezionare Progress'        ,
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospezione',
-    'in progress' => 'In Progress',
-    'initiated' => 'Avviato',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'In attesa di un commento',
-    'on hold' => 'In attesa',
-    'archived' => 'Archiviati',
-    'completed' => 'Completato',
-    'delivered' => 'Consegnato',
-	'administrative' => 'Amministrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Altro',
-    'low' => 'Basso',
-    'normal' => 'Normale',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Selezionare Stato',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selezionare Progress',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/it_it/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/ProjectMilestone.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'	=>	"Progetto Milestone",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Aggiungi Milestone Progetto",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Progetto Lista Milestones",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Lista Progetti",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"List Tasks",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Milestones",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION'	=>	"Progetto Milestone Dettagli",
-	'Project Milestone Name'	=>	"Progetto Milestone Nome",
-	'Milestone Date'	=>	"Milestone Data",
-	'Project Milestone No'	=>	"Progetto Numero Milestone",
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Amministrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Altro',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/ProjectTask.php b/languages/it_it/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/ProjectTask.php
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'	=>	"Compito del progetto",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Aggiungi attività di progetto",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Progetto Elenco attività",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION'	=>	"Progetto Task Dettagli",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Lista Progetti",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"List Tasks",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Milestones",
-	'Project Task Name'	=>	"Progetto Nome attività",
-	'Project Task No'	=>	"Progetto Task No",
-	'Project Task Number'	=>	"Progetto Numero Task",
-	'Status'	=>	"Stato",
-	'Priority'	=>	"Priorità",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Progress",
-	'Type'	=>	"Tipo",
-	'Worked Hours'	=>	"Ore lavorate",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data di inizio",
-	'End Date'	=>	"Data di fine",
-	'Related To'	=>	"Legati alla",
-	'administrative' => 'Amministrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Altro',
-    'low' => 'Basso',
-    'normal' => 'Normale',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-	'Created Time'	=>	"Tempo di creazione",
-	'Modified Time'	=>	"Tempo Modified",
-	'description'	=>	"Descrizione",
-	'Assigned To'	=>	"Assegnato a",
-	'Open'	=>	"Aprire",
-	'In Progress'	=>	"In Progress",
-	'Completed'	=>	"Completato",
-	'Deferred'	=>	"Differite",
-	'Canceled'	=>	"Cancellato",
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Ordine di Acquisto'          , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Esporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista Ordini Acquisto'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Informazione Ordine di Acquisto ', 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Numero Ordine di Acquisto'   , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Numero Richiesta'            , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Numero Tracking'             , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commissioni Vendita'         , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Spedizione Ricevuta'         ,
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Prezzo di listino',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Prezzo di listino',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copia Company Indirizzo',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Quotes.php b/languages/it_it/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Quotes.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Preventivo'                  , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Esporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista Preventivi'            , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informazioni Preventivo'     , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'No. Preventivo'              , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Stadio Preventivo'           , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Valido fino a'               , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Responsabile inventario'     , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Accettato'                   , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rifiutato'                   ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Aperto Quotes',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/RecycleBin.php b/languages/it_it/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Cestino'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Svuota Cestino'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Ripristinare'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Nessun modulo consentiti disponibile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Recycle Bin List'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Nessuna voce trovata per ripristinare nel modulo', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere definitivamente tutti i record eliminati dal database?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare i record?', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Reports.php b/languages/it_it/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Reports.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Sposta Report'               ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Personalizza'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Stampa'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Dettagli Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Seleziona Colonne'           ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtri'                      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Aggiungi una Nuova Cartella' ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'=>'Only 1000 records are shown below. Please export to see all Records',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nome Report'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Cartella Report'             ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrizione'                 ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Massimo'                     ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Prossimo'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendente'                  ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Discendente'                 ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Calcoli'                     ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Colonne'                     ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Somma'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Media'                       ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Valore pi&ugrave; basso'     ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'Somma'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'Media'                       ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'Minimo'                      ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Nomi dei Campi'              ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'View Details'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nome Report'                 ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Report Aziende e Contatti'   ,
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Report Lead'                 ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Report Opportunit&agrave;'   ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Report Attivit&agrave;'      ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Report Ticket di Assistenza Clienti',
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Report Prodotti'             ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Report Preventivi'           ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Report Ordini di Acquisto'   ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Report Ordini di Vendita'    ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Report Fatture'              ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Report Campagne'             ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contatti per Aziende'        ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contatti senza Aziende'      ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contatti per Opportunit&agrave;',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contatti collegati alle Aziende',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contatti non collegati alle Aziende',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contatti collegati alle Opportunit&agrave;',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Lead per Fonte'              ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Report Lead per Stato'       ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Andamento Opportunit&agrave;',
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Opportunit&agrave; Chiuse'   ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Opportunit&agrave;  Vinte'   ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Ticket per Prodotti'         ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Ticket per Priorit&agrave;'  ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Ticket Aperti'               ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Ticket collegati ai Prodotti',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Ticket  Aperti'              ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Dettagli Prodotti'           ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Prodotti per Contatto'       ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Report Prodotti Dettagliato' ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Prodotti collegati ai Contatti',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Preventivi Aperti'           ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Report Preventivi Dettagliato',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Preventivi che sono Aperti'  ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Ordini di Acquisto per Contatti',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Report Ordini di Acquisto Dettagliato',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Ordini di Acquisto Collegati ai Contatti',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Report Fatture Dettagliato'  ,
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Attivit&agrave;  del Mese Scorso',
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Attivit&agrave;  di Questo Mese',
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Valori Attesi ed Effettivi delle Campagne',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Report Ordini di Vendita Dettagliato',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Fonti Feed Rss',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Aggiungere fonte di alimentazione',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feed List Da',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Imposta come predefinito',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'trasmettitore',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'fonte di alimentazione',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Inserisci fonte di alimentazione',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'di feed RSS',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss con successo salvati',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Non valido Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Fatto come predefinito',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php
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--- a/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                ,
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/SalesOrder.php
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Ordine di Vendita'           , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Esporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista Ordini di Vendita'     , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Informazioni Ordine di Vendita', 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'No. Ordini di Vendita'       , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Nome Preventivo'             , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Numero cliente'              , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Numero Richiesta'            , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Numero Tracking'             , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Commissione Vendita'         , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Ordine di acquisto'          , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Condizioni fornitore'        , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendente'                    , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Abilita ricorrenza'          , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequenza'                   , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Inizio Periodo'              , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Fine Periodo'                , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Durata pagamento'            , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Stato fattura'               , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub totale'                  , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Sent'                        , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Credit Invoice'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paid'                        , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/it_it/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a93ac0519ad1a47f05f0e01f29b924cd88f4726..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/ServiceContracts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratti di servizio'       , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contratto di servizio'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Informazioni contratto di servizio', 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Numero contratto'            , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Data di inzio'               , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Data di fine'                , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unità di monitoraggio'      , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'UInità totali'              , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unità utilizzate'           , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progresso (in %)'            , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Durata pianificata (in Giorni)', 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Durata attuale (in Giorni)'  , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Services.php b/languages/it_it/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dff2056223af4e0ade4dd04b9bb98750678c71fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Servizi'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Servizi'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Aggiungi Servizio'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni servizio'       , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Altre valute'                , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prezzo'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Annulla prezzo'              , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Annulla'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Nome servizio'               , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Attivo'                      , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categoria'                   , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Numero servizio'             , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Propietario'                 , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Non per unità'              , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commissione (%)'             , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Prezzo'                      , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unità di  utilizzo'         , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Classe di tasse'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Sito web'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/CronTasks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba11eeb0f83f0f1147758e547d98063a485511b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/CronTasks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 59bf1426289a4717295c70b54fe5abcd688ea332..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/Currency.php
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@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a948fba5515dc96147d5b7a49ffbfa09d2aaa6ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrizione'                 , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7837a96a82d414ab0ebdaf862081bd8f9fe05b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Da fare',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a6aaf6e2cae65ee2a122a4bc70f980824f0ddc68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mappatura salvato con successo',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/MailConverter.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Convertire le email a rispettivi record",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Posta",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Regola",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Aggiungi casella",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Tutti",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "Non letto",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Leggere di",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Leggi",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Modifica mailbox",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Crea cassetta postale",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Eseguire alle cassette postali",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Segna messaggio come",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Crea cassetta postale ora",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Aggiunta di New Mail Box",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Mail Dettagli Box",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selezionare Cartelle",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Aggiungere Regole",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creazione di Piombo",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creare Contatti",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creare Organizzazione",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Azioni",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mail Box",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Regola",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Condizioni",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Cartelle analizzati",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Successivo",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Terminare",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Per modificare la selezione deselezionare cartella qualsiasi delle cartelle selezionate",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter consente di configurare la tua casella di posta per eseguire la scansione dei messaggi di posta elettronica e creare entità appropriate in vtiger CRM. <br> Sarà inoltre necessario definire le regole per specificare quali azioni devono essere eseguite sui vostri email. <br> Le tue email scansionata automaticamente, a meno che non hai disattivato attività Stampa Scanner in Scheduler. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Hai superato il limite di cassetta postale aggiuntiva!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "In stato di esecuzione",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvato con successo",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Collegamento alla casella fallito <br>! I caratteri speciali non sono ammessi per il server.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Cancellato con successo",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Regole di cancellazione non è riuscita",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regole informazioni sequenza è vuota",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Sequenza aggiornato con successo",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Acquisita correttamente",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Nome dello scanner'          , // TODO: Review
-    'Server'                       => 'Nome del server'             , // TODO: Review
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protocollo'                  , // TODO: Review
-    'User Name'                    => 'Nome utente'                 , // TODO: Review
-    'Password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'Tipo SSL'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Metodo SSL'                  , // TODO: Review
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Connessione URL'             , // TODO: Review
-    'Look For'                     => 'Cercare'                     , // TODO: Review
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Dopo la scansione'           , // TODO: Review
-    'Status'                       => 'Stato'                       ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Fuso orario'                 ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Convalidare il certificato SSL',
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Non convalidare il certificato SSL',
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Attiva",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Disabilitare",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Controllare Per rendere attivo",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Convalida certificato SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Non Convalida certificato SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Tutti i messaggi dall'ultima scansione",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "I messaggi non letti da ultima scansione",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Segna i messaggi come letti",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "Non lo so",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Esegui scansione",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Lista regola",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selezionare Cartelle",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Cancellato con successo",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Regole di cancellazione non è riuscita",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvato con successo",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Acquisita correttamente",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "in posizione di regime",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Informazioni Folders è vuoto",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regole informazioni sequnce è vuoto",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Aggiornare cartelle",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "Da",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "A",
-    'subject'   =>   "Soggetto",
-    'body'   =>   "Corpo",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Fiammifero",
-    'action'   =>   "Azioni",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priorità",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Trascinare e rilasciare i blocchi di dare priorità alla regola",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Tutte le Condizioni",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Qualsiasi",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contiene",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "Non Contiene",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Uguale",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "Non è Uguale",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Iniziare",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Fine",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Crea Ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Aggiornamento Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Aggiungi alla rubrica [DA]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Aggiungi alla rubrica [TO]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Aggiungi a Organizzazione [DA]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Aggiungi a Organizzazione [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Aggiungi a piombo [DA]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Aggiungi a piombo [TO]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Aggiornare cartelle",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Deseleziona tutto",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Convertire le email a rispettivi record",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "La regola numero indica la priorità. Drag and drop per modificare la priorità.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Aggiungi regola",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Priorità",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Elimina regola",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Corpo",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Fiammifero",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Azione",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "Da",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Cassetta postale eliminata con successo",
-    'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Posta caricato correttamente",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4e25d03dfd9e7c83660a21a4b44d45ac4d2cf1f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Da fare',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profili'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profilo'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Visualizza'                  , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Crea/Modifica'               , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Elimina'                     , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Ruoli'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Ruolo'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Aggiungi Ruolo'              , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Aggiungi regola privilegio personalizzata', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'accessibile da'              , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilegi'                   , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Numero regola'               , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integrazione',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Impostazioni'                , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Studio'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Template Comunicazione'      , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Gestione Utenti e Accessi'   , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Altre Impostazioni'          , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Gestisce gli Utenti che possono accedere a vTiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Ruoli'                       , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Definisce una Gerarchia di Ruoli e la assegna agli Utenti', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profili'                     , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Gestisce l\'accesso specifico di un Utente a Ruoli differenti', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Gruppi'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Gestisce differenti Gruppi basati sui ruoli, utenti e profili', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Accesso Condiviso'           , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestisce Regole di condivisione & condivisione personalizzata dei moduli', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Formule campi'               , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Aggiungi una forumula ai campi personalizzati', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Gestore moduli'              , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestisci il comportamento del modulo all&#39;interno del CRM vtiger', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editor di Picklist'          , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Personalizza i valori delle Picklist in ciascun modulo', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Picklist Dependency Setup'   , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menu Editor'                 , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Customize Menu Sequence'     , 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'Il numero effettivo di voci di menu visualizzate dipenderà dalla dimensione dello schermo e può essere inferiore a elementi selezionati.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Template Email'              , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestisce i template per il modulo Email', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Dettagli Societ&agrave;'     , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Specifica l\'indirizzo e i dati dell\'azienda', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Mail Merge'                  , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Gestisce template per Unione Email', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Calcolo delle Tasse'         , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Gestisce le tasse e le percentuali di tassazione', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Server in Uscita'            , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Cambia le impostazioni per il Server di Posta in Uscita', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Inventario: Termini e Condizioni', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Specifica Termini e Condizioni per Preventivi, Ordini e Fatture', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestisci gli annunci aziendali', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Valute'                      , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Gestisce le valute internazionali e il tasso di conversione', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Personalizza la numerazione dei record', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Personalizzazione della numerazione delle entità', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Mail Scanner'                , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configura mailbox per scansionare', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Workflow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Crea e modifica i workflow per vtiger', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Configuration Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portale Clienti'             , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permette di configurare il plugin Portale Clienti', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Mod Tracker'                 , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Select modules for tracking' , 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTE: Outgoing server should be set to SSL or TLS Protocal and If "From Email" field is set to blank then the User Email address will be picked up.', //TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/it_it/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha abilitato'           ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Ordine Save campi', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Nascosto',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Abilita moduli target per WebForm',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Assegnazione utente',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Assegna utenti Nel Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Turno Lista Utenti Robin',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'I campi obbligatori senza valori di override smussano essere nascosti',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Campi di riferimento cant essere obbligatorio senza valore di override',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Tipo di ricerca',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform con questo nome esiste già',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/it_it/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Da',
-	'Optional' => 'Opzionale',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Compito',	
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Customer Portal collegamento Pdf',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Aggiungi modello',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'Blocco LineItems per IVA di gruppo',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Blocco LineItems per fiscali',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar' => 'Da fare',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Users.php b/languages/it_it/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/it_it/Users.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Le Mie Preferenze'           , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Pi&ugrave; Informazioni'     , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Ruolo e Login Utente'        , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Fotografia Utente'           , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Currency and Number Field Configuration', 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Indirizzo utente'            , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Opzioni avanzate utente'     , 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Configurazione di Asterisk'  , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Componenti di Home Page'     , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Ruolo'                       , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Amministratore'              , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nome Utente'                 , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Vista Calendario di Default' , 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Vista Lead di Default'       , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titolo'                      , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefono Ufficio'            , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Interno'                     , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Riporta a'                   , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo id'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefono Casa'               , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Carica Fotografia'           , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Formato Data'                , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Firma'                       , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Via'                         , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Password'                    , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Conferma Password'           , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Mostrato'                    , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Nascosto'                    , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Mostra'                      , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Nascondi'                    , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Componenti di Home Page'     , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Storico Login'               , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Visualizzando i dettagli dell&#39;utente', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Elimina Gruppo'              , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Gruppo da Eliminare'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Trasferisci la Propriet&agrave;  a:', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Utente da Eliminare'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Trasferisci la propriet&agrave;  all&#39;Utente', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Elimina Profilo'             , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Trasferisci Ruoli al Profilo', 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Profilo da Eliminare'        , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Compositore Email interno'   , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk Extension'          , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Intervallo Promemoria'       , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Password di accesso'         , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Linguaggio:'                 , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Theme'                       , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimal Separator'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Grouping Pattern'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Grouping Separator'    , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbol Placement'            , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utente cancellato con successo',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Utenti attivi',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Gli utenti inattivi',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Elimina utente in modo permanente',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Ripristinare',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utente ripristinato con successo',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Ci siamo quasi!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Il mio profilo',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Ci impegniamo a mantenere questo privato)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Tutti i campi sottostanti sono obbligatori)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Per Iniziare',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Il tuo numero di Contatto',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Di dove sei?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Seleziona un Paese',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Dimensioni della società',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Professione',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Dipartimento',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Valuta di Base',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Scegliere Valuta di Base',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Valuta di riferimento non può essere modificato successivamente. Seleziona la tua valuta operativo',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Lingua',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Scegli la lingua',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Scegli Fuso orario',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Data Format',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Scegli la Data Format',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefono',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Cambio Accessibilità',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Chiave di accesso aggiornato con successo',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Impossibile aggiornare chiave di accesso',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'nuova chiave di accesso richiesto',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Hai richiesto per una nuova chiave di accesso. Con la nuova disposizione chiave di accesso, è necessario sostituire la chiave di accesso vecchio con quello nuovo in tutte le estensioni installate. Do si desidera continuare?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Vendors.php b/languages/it_it/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ef959e6a52f39581c8e8e863fbc0b5967e713e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fornitori'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Fornitore'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Informazioni Fornitore:'     , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Informazioni Indirizzo:'     , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nome Fornitore'              , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'No. Fornitore'               , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Sito Web'                    , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Codice Contabile'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Vendita-Software'        , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Vendita-Hardware'        , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Noleggi-Software'        , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interessi'               , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Vendite-Software-Support', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Vendite-Altro'           , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Vendite-Internet'        , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Servizi-Riparazione-Hardware', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Vendite-Libri'           , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/it_it/Vtiger.php b/languages/it_it/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 78586097ba27969e4427efd7ec2d174bca1fc763..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/it_it/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Leggi la licenza'            , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Privacy Policy'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Seleziona Tutti'             , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Modifica'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Salva'                       , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Annulla'                     , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Indietro'                    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importa'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Esporta'                     , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Trova Duplicati'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Ulteriori'                   , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Azioni'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Aggiungi'                    , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Modifica'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Elimina'                     , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Impostazioni'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Il record che vuoi visualizzare &egrave; stato cancellato', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Il record a cui stai tentando di accedere non &egrave; stato trovato.', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Seleziona'                   , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Pulisci'                     , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'S&igrave;'                   , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Nessun'                      , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Deseleziona tutto'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Creazione Veloce'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Send SMS'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Trovato'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Aggiungere more fields'      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Aggiungi Nota'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Aggiungere Event'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Aggiungere Da fare'          , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Domestico'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Cruscotto'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Le Mie Preferenze'           , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Esci'                        , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Aiuto'                       , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Feedback'                    , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Supporto Chat',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM Settings'                , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Calendario'                  , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Utente'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Gruppo'                      , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Orario creazione'            , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Orario modifica'             , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Descrizione'                 , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Assegnato a '                , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Caricamento...'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Cerca'                       , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'In'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Ricerca avanzata'            , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Utenti'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Aziende'                     , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Calendario'                  , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagne'                    , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contatti'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documenti'                   , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Opportunita\''               , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listini'                     , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Prodotti'                    , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projects'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratti di Servizio'       , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Servizi'                     , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fornitori'                   , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Preventivi'                  , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Ordini di Acquisto'          , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Ordini di Vendita'           , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Fatture'                     , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'I nostri siti'               ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Indietro'                    , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'and'                         , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'o'                           , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'finisce con'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contiene'                    , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'minore di'                   , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'maggiore di'                 , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'minore o uguale a'           , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'maggiore o uguale a'         , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'non è vuota'                 ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Ricerca'                     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Tutti'                       , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Altri'                       , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'In attesa'                   , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Pubblico'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Non Accessibile'             , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Dettagli dell&#39;elemento'  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Valuta'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Modalit&agrave; di Tassazione', 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individuale'                 , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Strumenti'                   , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nome dell&#39;elemento'      , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Quantit&agrave; in Stock'    , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Quantit&agrave;'             , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Prezzo di listino'           , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Totale'                      , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Prezzo Netto'                , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Sconto'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Totale dopo Sconto'          , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Tasse'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Aggiungi Prodotto'           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Aggiungi Servizio'           , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Spese di Spedizione'         , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Tasse sulle Spese di Spedizione', 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Arrotondamento'              , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Deduci'                      , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Totale '                     , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Nessuno Sconto'              , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'di prezzo'                   , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Riduzione diretta  sul prezzo', 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Totale tasse'                , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Sconto Diretto Quantit&agrave;', 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Totale sconti'               , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'Altre valute'                , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Crea'                        , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Genera'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplica'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'COMMENTI'                    , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Refresh'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Chiudi'                      , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Tutti'                       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Aggiornato'                  , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'di'                          , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'by'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'per'                         , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Creato'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Storico'                     , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Informazioni personalizzate' , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Nessun dato trovato'         , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Utente'                      , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Oggi'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Ultima settimana'            , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Prossime attivit&agrave;'    , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Biglietti Aperto'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Export di tutti i dati'      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Export dei dati della pagina corrente', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Export delle tipologie di record', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nome Azienda'                , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Arrotondamento'              , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Fatturato'                   , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Indirizzo di fatturazione'   , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Code'                , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Elemento portante'           , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Categoria'                   , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Citt&agrave;'                , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nessuno--'                 , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Attivo'                      , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Nome Contatto'               , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Indirizzo di Spedizione'     , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Stato'                       , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Creato'                      , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Valuta'                      , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Valuta di base'              , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Data di Pagamento'           , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Blocca Email'                , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Viene convertito da piombo'  , 
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Data di Chiusura Attesa'     , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Cognome'                     , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Nome'                        , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'In Corso'                    , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Soggetto'                    , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Termini e Condizioni'        , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nome dell&#39;elemento'      , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Quantit&agrave;'             , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Prezzo di listino'           , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Imposta di Fabbricazione'    , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Totale'                      , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Totale Parziale'             , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Stato'                       , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nome Fornitore'              , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni indirizzo'      , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Termini e condizioni'        , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Informazioni sui prezzi'     , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Dettagli Prodottto'          , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Origine Lead'                , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Cellulare'                   , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notificare il proprietario'  , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Altro telefono'              , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefono'                    , 
-	'State'                        => 'Provincia'                   , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Nome Opportunit&agrave;'     , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Priorit&agrave;'             , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Nome Prodotto'               , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Rating (Valutazione)'        , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Relazionato a'               , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Tipo'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Formula di saluto'           , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Via'                         , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Data Inizio Supporto'        , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Selezionare Stato'           ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Unire',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversione Tasso'             , // TODO: Review
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Data valida',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Telefono: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'rilasciato Data',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Spedizione e spese di trattamento',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Spedizione & trattare Tax:',
-	'Discount' => 'sconto',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total Net',
-	'Product Code' => 'Prodotto Codice',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nome cliente',
-	'Price'=>'prezzo',
-	'Tax:' => 'Tax:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nome contatto',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Totale generale:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Sito web: ',
-	'Tax' => 'Tax',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contratti di Servizio',
-	'Projects' => 'Projects',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Ordini di Vendita',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Ordini di Acquisto',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personalizzazione del menu principale',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Commento',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Ultimo Commento',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Ultimi 5 Commenti',
-	'All Comments' => 'Tutti i commenti',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Non un fascio',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Segna come Held',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Massimo 160 caratteri sono consentiti per il messaggio di testo',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Nascondi completate Calendario degli eventi',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Setup Webfroms'              , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'deve essere maggiore o uguale a', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Data corrente',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Operazione di modifica di massa può essere fatto su 500 o meno record contemporaneamente',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
-	// Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Chiamare da',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Chiamata in arrivo',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Sollevare il ricevitore di estensione per comporre il numero',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Chiamata non riuscita',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Si prega di compilare tutti i campi',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Le tue modifiche saranno perse!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Valuta di base deve essere cambiato per disabilitare',
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Accounts.php b/languages/nl_nl/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Accounts.php
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Accounts'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Account'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Organizatie toe'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Accountlijst'                , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Accountinformatie'           , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Toon Accounthierarchie'      , 
-	'industry'                     => 'Industrie'                   , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Accountnaam'                 , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Account Nr'                  , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Ticker symbool'              , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Onderdeel van'               , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Werknemers'                  , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Eigendom'                    , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'SBI code'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Extra e-mailadres'           , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analist'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Concurrent'                  , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Klant'                       , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investeerder'                , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Pers'                        , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospect'                    ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Prospect Accounts',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Wederverkoper'               , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Einddatum'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organisatienaam bestaat al'  , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Bij het verwijderen van deze organisatie worden ook de gerelateerde Verkoopkansen en Offertes verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u deze Organisatie wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Bij het verwijderen van deze organisatie(s) worden ook de gerelateerde Verkoopkansen en Offertes verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u deze Organisatie(s) wilt verwijderen?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php b/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 88eb1e5c0e570a358ae23a35280f36a4913ea55d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Activa'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Activa Toevoegen'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Activalijst'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Activa Informatie'           , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Activanummer'                , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serienummer'                 , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Datum Verkocht'              , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Datum in Service'            , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tagnummer'                   , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Factuur Naam'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Transportmethode'            , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Verzending Trackingcode'     , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Activa Naam'                 , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Klant Naam'                  , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notities'                    , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Uit Service'                 , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Calendar.php b/languages/nl_nl/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e49a1727f43f09442f0e2d4dae3f4ac0a7ebaf1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Te doen'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Te doen toevoegen'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Afspraken toevoegen'         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Bekijk lijst'                , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Afspraken'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Acties'                      , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Evenement / Te doen'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Te doen informatie'             , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'event Details'               ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Onderwerp'                   , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Startdatum & tijd'           , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Activiteit type'             , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Stuur notificatie'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Locatie'                     , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Einddatum & tijd'            , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Type Activiteit'             , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Ondersteuning einddatum'     , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Geboortedatum'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Bel'                         , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Vergadering'                 , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Te doen'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Gepland'                     , 
-        'Held'                             => 'Held',
-        'Not Held'                      => 'Niet Held',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Gereed'                      , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Wacht op informatie'         , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Niet gestart'                , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Uitgesteld'                  , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Medium'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Wijzig eigenaar'             , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Afspraak'                    , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Te doen'                       , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'Te doen',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Kalenderoverzicht'           , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Standaard Status & Type'     ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Toestand'                    ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Kleur bewerken',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Voeg Kalender',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Selecteer Gebruikers Kalender',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Selecteer Agenda Kleur',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Bewerken Kalender',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Verwijderen Kalender',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Selecteer Activiteit Type',
-	'Tasks' => 'Acties',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Voeg Event / Te doen'       , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Te doen is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Kan niet worden gesteld voor de toekomst',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalenderweergave kleur succesvol bijgewerkt',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weet u zeker dat u dit wilt Calendar view verwijderen?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalender View toegevoegd',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalender Bekijk succesvol verwijderd',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Geen Kalender View toe te voegen',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Kalender bewerken',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Campaigns.php b/languages/nl_nl/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Campaigns.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagnes'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campagne'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Campagne toevoegen'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campagnelijst'               , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Campagne informatie'         , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Verwachting en actueel'      , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Campagnenaam'                , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Campagnenummer'              , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Campagnetype'                , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Product'                     , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Campagnestatus'              , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Aantal verzonden'            , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Doelgroep'                   , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Doelgroep grote'             , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Verwachte reactie'           , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Verwachte omzet'             , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Budget kosten'               , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Actuele kosten'              , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Verwachte reactie'           , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Verwachte verkoop'           , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Verwachte opbrengsten'       , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Actuele reactie'             , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Actuele verkoop'             , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Actuele opbrengsten'         , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Referral programma'          , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Advertie'                    , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banner advertenties'         , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct mail'                 , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Anders'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planning'                    , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactief'                    , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Gereed'                      , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Afgezegd'                    , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Uitstekend'                  , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Goed'                        , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Gemiddeld'                   , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Slecht'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--None--'                    , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contact gehad - Success'     , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contact gehad - Geen success', 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contact gehad - Nooit meer contacten', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Contacts.php b/languages/nl_nl/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Contacts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacten'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Contact toevoegen'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contactenlijst'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Contactinformatie'           , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Klantportaal informatie'     , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Afbeelding:'                 , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefoon Kantoor'            , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefoon Thuis'              , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Afdeling'                    , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Verjaardag'                  , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Rapporteert aan'             , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistent'                   , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Telefoon assistent'          , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Niet bellen'                 , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referentie'                  , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Toegang Portaal'             , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Postadres straat'            , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Postadres Plaats'            , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Postadres Provincie'         , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Postadres Postcode'          , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Postadres Land'              , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Postadres Postbus'           , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Bezoekadres straat'          , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Bezoekadres Plaats'          , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Bezoekadres Provincie'       , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Bezoekadres Postcode'        , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Bezoekadres Land'            , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Bezoekadres Postbus'         , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Contactfoto'                 , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'heer'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'mevrouw'                     , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'mejuffrouw'                  , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Gebruikerslijst'             , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contact Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Ondersteuning Start Datum'   ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Ondersteuning Einddatum'     , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b6b0db110c642aa3c34c149a0fcb0a631a44f6a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Documents.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Document'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Document toevoegen'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documentenlijst'             , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Standaard Informatie'        , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Bestandsinformatie'          , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Omschrijving'                , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Bestandsnaam'                , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notitie'                     , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Bestandstype'                , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Grootte'                     , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Download Type'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Versie'                      , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Actief'                      , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Download Teller'             , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Mapnaam'                     , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Document Nr'                 , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Laatst aangepast door'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Verplaats a.u.b. eerst de documenten  alvorens de map te verwijderen', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download bestand'            , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Controleer integriteit'      , 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Intern'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Extern'                      , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximale bestandgrootte'     , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Verplaats'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Maak map'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Mappenlijst'                 , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Mappen'                      , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documenten Succesvol verplaatst', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Afgewezen Documenten'        , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Maak map'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Map Naam'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Mapomschrijving'             , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'Bestand is beschikbaar voor download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'Dit document is niet beschikbaar voor download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'Nieuwe map'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Verplaats documenten'        , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Weet u zeker dat u de/het bestand(en) wilt verplaatsen naar', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'map'                         , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operatie Geweigerd'          , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-mailsjablonen' ,
-	 'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Voeg E-mailsjabloon toe',
-    'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mailsjabloon',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-mailsjablonen',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-mailsjabloon',
-    'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Sjabloonnaam',
-    'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Omschrijving',
-    'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Onderwerp',
-    'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Algemene velden',
-    'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selecteer veldtype',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Beheer sjablonen voor E-mail module',
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Emails.php b/languages/nl_nl/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b85caa9e372469454e0a2c37c54f4bfc8ba43c65..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Emails.php
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Selecteer E-mailaddressen'   , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Onderwerp:'                  , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Bijlage'                     , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Verzenden'                   , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Oplsan als concept'          , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Selecteer e-mailsjabloon'    , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Nieuwe e-mail'               , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Voeg Cc toe'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Voeg Bcc toe'                , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximale omvang upload is'   , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Overschreden'                , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                    => 'Zeit gesendet'               ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail Informatie',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Afspraken'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Afspraken'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Afspraak toevoegen'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lijstoverzicht'              , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Afspraken'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Taak'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Hold On Followup'            ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Maak Follow Up Event'        ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Herhaal Details'             , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Startdatum & tijd'           , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Herhaling'                   , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Stuur Notificatie'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Locatie'                     , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Stuur Herinnnering'          , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Einddatum & tijd'            , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Type Activiteit'             , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Zichtbaarheid'               , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Prive'                       , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Publiek'                     , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Bel'                         , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Vergadering'                 , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'gepland'                     , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Gehouden'                    , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Niet gehouden'               , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Dagen'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Uren'                        , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Eens in'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Kalenderoverzicht'           , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Faq.php
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQs'                        , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs Lijst'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg FAQ toe'                , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'FAQ informatie'              , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Opmerking informatie'        , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Vraag'                       , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Antwoord'                    , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Opmerkingen'                 , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'FAQ Nr'                      , 
-	'General'                      => 'Algemeen'                    , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Tijdelijk'                   , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Gepubliceerd'                , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Verouderd'                   , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'OPLOSSING'                   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/HelpDesk.php b/languages/nl_nl/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Helpdesk'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Ticket toe'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticketlijst'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Ticket informatie'           , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Oplossing'                   , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Ticket Nr'                   , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Ernstigheid'                 , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Geschiedenis verversen'      , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Uren'                        , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Dagen'                       , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Oplossing'                   , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Van Portaal'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Groot probleem'              , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Klein probleem'              , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Probleem'                    , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normaal'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'Hoog'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgent'                      , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Klein'                       , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Groot'                       , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Mogelijkheden'               , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Kritiek'                     , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Open'                        , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Wacht op reactie'            , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Gesloten'                    , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Ernstigheid'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Converteer naar FAQ'         , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Gerelateerd aan'             ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Hallo',
-	'Dear' => 'Beste',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Ticket is',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'de omschrijving is:',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Groeten',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'HelpDesk team',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Ticket omschrijving',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Onderwerp: ',
-	'created' => 'Gemaakt',
-	'replied' => 'Beantwoord',
-	'reply' => 'Er is een antwoord naar',
-	'customer_portal' => 'in "Klanten Portal" van '.$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME.'.',
-	'link' => 'Men kan de volgende link bekijken om de gemaakte antwoorden te zien:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Bedankt',
-	//'Support_team' => 'vTiger Support Team',
-	'Support_team' => $HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME,
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Ticket status is veranderd naar',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Ticket kan niet',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'De klant heeft de volgende additionele informatie toegevoegd in uw antwoord:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Gaarne vroegtijdig bericht op bovengenoemde ticket.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Vriendelijke Groeten',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Ondersteuningsbeheerder',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Antwoord op ticket ID',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Reactie op Ticketnummer',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'in klanten Portal - SPOED',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Hierbij uw klant Portal login details gegevens:',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'E-mail kon niet verstuurd worden',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Gebruikersnaam :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Wachtwoord :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Met betrekking tot uw klant Portal login gegevens',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Gaarne uw e-mail id',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Gaarne uw e-mail id voor de klanten portal bekijken',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Uw login is ingetrokken. Contacteer uw administrator.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Een e-mail is naar uw e-mail id verstuurd met daarin klant portal login gegevens',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Dit is een e-mail pagina met platte tekst voor niet HTML mail clients',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Ticket ID',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Ticket ID',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Ticket Nummer',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Top Accounts'                , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Top Verkoopkansen'           , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Top Offertes'                , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Kerngetallen'                , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Tickets'                 , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Mijn Groepstoewijzing'       , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Top Verkooporders'           , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Top Facturen'                , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Homepagina Dashboard'        , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Top Inkooporders'            , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Mijn recente FAQs'           , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Nieuwe Afspraken'            , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Afwachtende Afspraken'       , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Huis'                        ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Key Metrics',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Import.php b/languages/nl_nl/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cf705755124a185ce4477297520b6935ba4eea29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Stap 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Selecteer Bestand'           , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Ondersteunde bestandstype(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Stap 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specificeer Formaat'         , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Bestandstype'                , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Tekencodering'               , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Scheidingsteken:'            , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Heeft koptekst'              , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Stap 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Verwerken Dubbele Records'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Selecteer deze optie om merge criteria te selecteren en aan te zetten', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Selecteer hoe dubbele records verwerkt moeten worden', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Selecteer de matchende velden om de dubbele records te identificeren', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Beschikbare velden'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => ' Velden om te vergelijking'  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Volgende'                    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Stap 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map de Kolommen aan de Modulevelden', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Kop'                         , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Rij 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Velden'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Standaardwaarde'             , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Opslaan als eigen mapping '  , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importeer'                   , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Resultaat'                   , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Records successvol ge&iuml;mporteerd', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Records aangemaakt'          , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Records overschreven'        , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records overgeslagen'        , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Records samengevoegd'        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Records gefaalt bij import'  , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importeer meer'              , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Laatst Ge&iuml;porteerde Records', 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Annuleer laatste import'     , 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Afmaken'                     , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Importresultaat terugdraaien', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Totaal aantal Records'       , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Aantal records verwijderd'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Ingepland'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Loopt'                       , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Import annuleren'            , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Foutmelding:'                , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Gegevens leegmaken'          , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Het is niet mogelijk om meer gegevens in deze bacht te importeren. Start a.u.b. een nieuwe import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'De huidige import wordt verstoord. Probeer het later', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Fout bij het reserveren van de module om te importeren. Probeer het later.', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Selecteer Opgeslagen Mapping', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Factuur'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporteer naar PDF'          , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg factuur toe'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Factuurlijst'                , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Factuur informatie'          , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Verkooporder'                , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Klantnummer'                 , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Factuurdatum'                , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Inkooporder'                 , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Verkoopcommissie'            , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Factuur Nr'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Verstuurd'                   , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Creditnota'                  , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Betaald'                     , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutomatischGegenereerd'      , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Annuleer'                    , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Niet een bundel',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Sub Producten',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Actie',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leadslijst'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Lead toe'               , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Lead informatie'             , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Lead Nr'                     , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Bedrijf'                     , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Functie'                     , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Industrie'                   , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Status lead'                 , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Aantal medewerkers'          , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Geen--'                    , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'heer'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'mevrouw'                     , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'mejuffrouw'                  , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Contact gezocht'             , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Koud'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contakt in toekomst'         , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Gecontacteerd'               , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Warm'                        ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Hot Leads',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Junk Lead'                   , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Verloren Lead'               , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Niet gecontacteerd'          , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Voorgekwalificeerd'          , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Gekwalificeerd'              , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Warm'                        , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Converteer Lead:'            , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Verplaats gerelateerde record naar', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'U moet of Organisatie of Contact selecteren om Lead te converteren', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Uitgeschakelt'       , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Geen Conversie Mogelijk'     , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Hetvolgende is een van de mogelijke redenen', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Niet alle verplichte velden zijn gekoppeld', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Enkele van de verplichte velden zijn leeg', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Leads Maatwerk Veldmapping'  , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Bewerk Veld Mapping'         , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Selecteer Contacten om verder te gaan', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Selecteer Organisatie om verder te gaan', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversie vereist selectie van Contact of Organisatie', 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Welkom op Vtiger Migratie',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migratie voltooid',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Migration Wizard',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Wij zijn trots op die verbonden zijn met jou.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Zijn er vragen? Zoek hulp op Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussies </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Voor meer informatie over Vtiger weten volg ons onze <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Help - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Bedankt voor het gebruik <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Wij streven ernaar om zijn - gewoon de beste',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Come on over, er is ruimte voor u ook!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Uw vtiger6 migratie succesvol afgerond.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Om te weten wat er nieuw is in deze versie gebruikt, leest <a href="#" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Even geduld aub ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migratie in uitvoering',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migratie: Database Wijzigingen Inloggen',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/ModComments.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Opmerking'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opmerkingenlijst'            , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Opmerkingen'                 , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Andere Informatie'           , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Voeg Opmerking Toe'          , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Voer Opmerking hier in'      , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Opmerking'                   , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Gemaakt Door'                , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Gerelateerd Aan'             , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/PBXManager.php b/languages/nl_nl/PBXManager.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'PBX Beheer'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'PBX Beheer'                  , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Oproep van'                  , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Oproep naar'                 , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Tijdstip van Oproep'         , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Portal.php b/languages/nl_nl/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Onze sites',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark toevoegen',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Naam',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Gemaakt op',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Onze Site',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Bladwijzer bewerken',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Voer Bookmark Naam',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'URL invoeren (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Toevoegen nieuwe bladwijzer',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark succesvol opgeslagen',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Record succesvol verwijderd',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Onze sites List',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Bookmarks List',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bladwijzers succesvol verwijderd',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bladwijzer',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Bladwijzers',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'De website die u probeert te openen is niet veilig en misschien niet open. Als u nog steeds wilt de webpagina te zien dan kunt u klikken op de inhoud blocker in de adresbalk en schakel deze in.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
index bbe5c96a2d6fc950acd290295b36aa3f15b252b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Potentials.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Verkoopkansen'               , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Verkoopkans'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Verkoopkans toe'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Verkoopkansenlijst'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Verkoopkans informatie:'     , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Verkoopkans Nr'              , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Bedrag'                      , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Volgende stap'               , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Verkoop stadium'             , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Waarschijnlijkheid (%)'      , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Bron campagne'               , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Verwachting bedrag'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Verkoopkansen per stadium'   , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Omzet per Verkoper'          , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Verkoopkansen'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Verkoopvoorspelling'         , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Kennismaking'                , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Kwalificatie'                , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Behoeftenonderzoek'          , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Waardevoorstel'              , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Identificeer Beslissers'     , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Perceptieonderzoek'          , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Voorstel/Prijsopgave'        , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Onderhandeling/Afronding'    , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Gesloten Gewonnen'           , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Gesloten Verloren'           , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Geen--'                    , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Bestaande business'          , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Nieuwe business'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Verwachte sluiting op'       , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potentials Won',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index bf8c3ec1bebec22f9fa70c458115bf6441f7610f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Prijslijsten'                , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Prijslijst'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Prijslijst toe'         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lijst Prijslijsten'          , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Prijslijst informatie:'      , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Bewerk lijstprijs'           , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Naam prijslijst'             , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Prijslijst Nr'               , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Prijs Unit',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Toevoegen aan',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Products.php b/languages/nl_nl/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 398c6370a2702e01d83a1f5149a9c909be6069e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Products.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Producten'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Product'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Product toe'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Productenlijst'              , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Productinformatie'           , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Productafbeeldingen:'        , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Voorraad informatie:'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'meer valuta'                 , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Productprijzen'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prijs'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Reset Prijs'                 , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Reset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Voeg toe aan Prijslijsten'   , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Product Nr'                  , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Partnummer'                  , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Product actief'              , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Producent'                   , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Product categorie'           , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Artikelnummer'               , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Leveranciersnummer'          , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Gebruikseenheid'             , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Productmanager'              , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Nabestellingsniveau'         , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Belastingklasse'             , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Serienummer'                 , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Aantal op voorraad'          , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Productinformatie'           , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Aantal in bestelling'        , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Grootboekrekening'           , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Productafbeelding'           , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Prijs per Eenheid'           , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commissie (%)'               , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Hoeveelheid / Eenheid'       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Geen--'                    , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM Applicaties'             , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Verkoop-Software'        , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Verkoop-Hardware'        , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Huur-Inkomen'            , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Rente-Inkomen'           , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Verkoop-Software-Ondersteuning', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Verkoop Anders'          , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Verkoop'        , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Werkuren', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Verkoop-Boeken'          , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Doos'                        , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Kartonnen doos'              , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Kartonnen doos'              , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dozijn'                      , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Elk'                         , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Uren'                        , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Vertoningen'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pak'                         , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Pagina\'s'                   , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Stuks'                       , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Riemen'                      , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Vel'                         , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spiraal Map'                 , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Vierkante meter'             , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Enable Producten Module voor Producten bekijken',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Project.php b/languages/nl_nl/Project.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Project.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Project'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Project toe'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projectenlijst'              , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'      => 'Projectinformatie'           , 
-	'Project Name'                 => 'Project naam'                , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'Target End Date'              => 'Doel Einddatum'              , 
-	'Actual End Date'              => 'Actuele Einddatum'           , 
-	'Project No'                   => 'Projectnummer'               , 
-	'Target Budget'                => 'Doel Budget'                 , 
-	'Project Url'                  => 'Project Url'                 , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Voortgang'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'               => 'Taken Open'                  , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'                => 'Taken Due'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'          => 'Tasken Completed'            , 
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'                   => 'Mensen'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHARTS'                   => 'Grafieken'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'               => 'Milestones'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Tasks'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'                => 'Status is'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'          => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'more'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download File'               , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Mijlpalen Lijst'             ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH'               => 'Hoge prioriteit'             ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL'             => 'Normaal Prioriteit'          ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW'                => 'Lage prioriteit'             ,
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER'              => 'Andere prioriteiten'         ,  
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS'          => 'Selecteer Progress'          ,
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospectie',
-    'in progress' => 'In Progress',
-    'initiated' => 'Gestart',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Wachten op feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'On Hold',
-    'archived' => 'Gearchiveerd',
-    'completed' => 'Voltooid',
-    'delivered' => 'Geleverd',
-	'administrative' => 'Administratief',
-    'operative' => 'Arbeider',
-    'other' => 'Ander',
-    'low' => 'Laag',
-    'normal' => 'Normaal',
-    'high' => 'Hoog',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Selecteer Status',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selecteer Progress',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/nl_nl/ProjectMilestone.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/ProjectMilestone.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Project Mijlpaal'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Project Mijlpaal toe'   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Project Mijlpalenlijst'      , 
-    'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Projecten Lijst'             ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Taken Lijst'                 , 
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Mijlpalen Lijst'             ,
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Project Mijlpaal Informatie' , 
-	'Project Milestone Name'       => 'Mijlpaal Naam'               , 
-	'Milestone Date'               => 'Mijlpaal Datum'              , 
-	'Project Milestone No'         => 'Mijlpaal Nr'                 , 
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administratief',
-    'operative' => 'Arbeider',
-    'other' => 'Ander',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/ProjectTask.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'           => 'Projecttaak'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Projecttaak toe'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Projecttaak List'            , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Projecttaak Informatie'      , 
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Projects List'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Mijlpalen Lijst'             ,
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Project Task Name',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Project Task No',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Project Task Number',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priority',
-    'Progress' => 'Progress',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Worked Hours',
-    'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-    'End Date'=>'End Date',
-    'Related To' => 'Related To',
-    'administrative' => 'Administratief',
-    'operative' => 'Arbeider',
-    'other' => 'Ander',
-    'low' => 'Laag',
-    'normal' => 'Normaal',
-    'high' => 'Hoog',
-    'Created Time' => 'Created Time',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Modified Time',
-    'description' => 'Description',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Assigned To',
-	'Open' => 'Open',
-	'In Progress' => 'In Progress',
-	'Completed' => 'Completed',
-	'Deferred' => 'Deferred',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Canceled',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Inkooporder'                 , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporteer naar PDF'          , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Inkooporder toe'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Inkooporder lijst'           , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Inkooporder Informatie'      , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Inkoopordernummer'           , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Vorderingsnummer'            , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Volgnummer'                  , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Verkoopcommissie'            , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Goederen ontvangen'          , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Adviesprijs',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Adviesprijs',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copy Company Adres',
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Quotes.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Offerte'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporteer naar PDF'          , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Offerte toe'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Offertelijst'                , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Offerte informatie'          , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Offerte Nr'                  , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Offerte stadium'             , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Geldig tot'                  , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Voorraad manager'            , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Geaccepteerd'                , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Geweigerd'                   ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Open Quotes',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Prullenbak'                     ,
-    'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Selecteer Module'               ,
-    'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Maak Prullenbak leeg'           ,
-    'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Herstel'                        ,
-    'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Geen toegestane modules beschikbaar',
-    'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Prullenbak Lijst'               ,
-    'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Geen herstelbare records in module',
-    'Recycle Bin'                  => 'Prullenbak'                     ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weet u zeker dat u alle verwijderde records permanent uit de database wilt verwijderen?',
-    'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt herstellen?',
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Reports.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Map is niet leeg'            ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Verhuis rapport'             ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Bewerk'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Exporteer Excel'             ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Print'                       ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Stap 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Stap 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Stap 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Rapport Details'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Selecteer kolom'             ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filters'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Mappen'                      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Nieuwe groep toevoegen'      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Mapnaam'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Map Omschrijving'            ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Voer Omschrijving in'        ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicaat bestaat'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Mappenlijst'                 ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Geweigerde Rapportages'      ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Slechts 1000 records worden hieronder weergegeven. Gelieve exporteren naar alle records te zien',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Rapportage toe'         ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Voeg Map toe'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Geen Toegang om de rapportage te verwijderen',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'Deze map kan niet worden verwijderd',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Rapportenlijst'              ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Rapportnaam'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Rapport map'                 ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Omschrijving'                ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primaire Module'             ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Selecteer Gerelateerde Modules',
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Volgende'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Rapportagelijst'             ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Groeperen op'                ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sorteervolgorde'             ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Oplopend'                    ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Aflopend'                    ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Berekeningen'                ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Kolommen'                    ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Opgeteld'                    ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Gemiddeld'                   ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Laagste getal'               ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Genereer Rapportage'         ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'Totaal'                      ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'Gemiddeld'                   ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Totalen'                     ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Exporteer CSV'               ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Toon Details'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Rapportnaam'                 ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Account en contact rapport'  ,
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Lead rapport'                ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Verkoopkans rapport'         ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Activiteit rapport'          ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Ticket rapport'              ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Product rapport'             ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Offerte rapport'             ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Inkooporder rapport'         ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Verkooporder rapport'        ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Factuur rapport'             ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Campagne rapport'            ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contacten bij accounts'      ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contacten zonder accounts'   ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contacten bij verkoopkansen' ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contacten gerelateerd aan accounts',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contacten niet gerelateerd aan accounts',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contacten gerelateerd aan verkoopkansen',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Lead per bron'               ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Lead status rapport'         ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Verkoopkans Pipeline'        ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Gesloten verkoopkansen'      ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Gewonnen verkoopkansen'      ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tickets per Product'         ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tickets per prioriteit'      ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Open tickets'                ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tickets gerelateerd aan Producten',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Tickets die open zijn'       ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Product details'             ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Products per contact'        ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Gedetailleerd Product rapport',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Producten gerelateerd aan contacten',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Open offertes'               ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Gedetailleerd factuur rapport',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Offertes die open zijn'      ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Inkooporder van contacten'   ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Gedetailleerd inkooporder rapport',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Inkooporder gerelateerd aan contacten',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Gedetailleerd factuur rapport',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Activiteiten verleden maand' ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Activiteiten van deze maand' ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Campagne verwachting + actueel',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Gedetailleerd verkooporder rapport',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'E-mail Raportages'           ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacten E-mail Rapportage' ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organisaties E-mail Rapportage',
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads E-mail Rapportage'     ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors E-mail Rapportage'   ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'E-mails verzonden naar Contacten',
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'E-mails verzonden naar Organisaties',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'E-mails verzonden naar Leads',
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'E-mails verzonden naar Leveranciers',
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Rss.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'RSS Feed Bronnen',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Voeg Feed Bron',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feeds Lijst Van',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Als standaard instellen',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'zender',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Feed Bron',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Voer Feed Bron',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'RSS-Feed',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss succesvol opgeslagen',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Ongeldige Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Made als standaard',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Stuur SMS naar de selectedeerde nummers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Stap 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Stap 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecteer de telefoonnummervelden om te versturen',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Typ het bericht'             ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'schrijf uw bericht hier'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Voeg meer velden toe'        ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Serverconfiguratie'          ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Controleer status'           ,
-	'message'                      => 'Bericht'                     ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Informatie'              ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index f6892240d6add681b451071892d5e6005af0c742..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/SalesOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Verkooporder'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporteer naar PDF'          , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Verkooporder toe'       , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Verkooporder lijst'          , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Verkooporder Informatie'     , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Verkooporder Nr'             , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Offertenaam'                 , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Klantnummer'                 , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Incassonummer'               , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Volgnummer'                  , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Verkoopcommissie'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Verkooporder'                , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Voorwaarden leverancier'     , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Wacht op'                    , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Activeer periodiek factureren', 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequentie'                  , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Start Periode'               , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Einde Periode'               , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Betalingstermijn'            , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Factuur Status'              , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Subtotaal'                   , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Verzonden'                   , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Creditnota'                  , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Betaald'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/ServiceContracts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Service Contracten'          , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Service Contract'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Service Contract toe'   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracten Lijst'    , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Service Contract Informatie' , 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Contract Nr'                 , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Startdatum'                  , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Einddatum'                   , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Levereenheid'                , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Aantal eenheden'             , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Verbruikte eenheden'         , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Voortgang (in %)'            , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Geplande duur in dagen'      , 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Actuele duur in dagen'       , 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Diensten'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Dienst'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Dienst toe'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'DienstenLijst'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Diensten Informatie'         , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'meer valuta'                 , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Diensten Prijzen'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Prijs'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Reset Prijs'                 , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Reset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Voeg toe aan Prijslijsten'   , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Dienstnaam'                  , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Actief'                      , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categorie'                   , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Dienst Nr'                   , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Eigenaar'                    , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Aantal eenheden'             , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Commissie (%)'               , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Prijs'                       , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Verbruikseenheid'            , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Belastingklasse'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Templatenaam'                , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Omschrijving'                , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Draag eigendom over'         , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'Aan andere groep '           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   => 'Te doen'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Leads.php
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Succesvol Opgeslagen',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-        'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Converteren e-mails te onderscheiden registers",
-        'MAILBOX'   =>   "MailBox",
-        'RULE'   =>   "Regel",
-        'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Voeg MailBox",
-        'ALL'   =>   "Alle",
-        'UNSEEN'   =>   "Ongelezen",
-        'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Markeer als gelezen",
-        'SEEN'   =>   "Lezen",
-        'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Bewerken MailBox",
-        'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Maak MailBox",
-        'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Terug naar mailboxen",
-        'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Bericht als",
-        'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Maak Mailbox nu",
-        'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Nieuwe Mail Box toe te voegen",
-        'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Mail Box Details",
-        'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selecteer Mappen",
-        'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Regels toevoegen",
-        'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Maak Lood",
-        'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Maak contact",
-        'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Maak Organisatie",
-        'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Acties",
-        'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mail Box",
-        'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Regel",
-        'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Voorwaarden",
-        'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Mappen Gescande",
-        'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Volgende",
-        'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Eindigen",
-        'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Om de map te selecteren schakelt u wijzigingen aan in de geselecteerde mappen",
-        ''   =>   "",
-        ''   =>   "",
-        'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Je hebt de extra mailbox limiet overschreden!",
-        'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "In rijklare toestand",
-        'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Succesvol opgeslagen",
-        'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Aansluiten op mailbox <br> mislukt! Speciale tekens zijn niet toegestaan ​​voor servernaam.",
-        'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Succesvol verwijderd",
-        'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Regel verwijderen is mislukt",
-        'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regels volgorde info is leeg",
-        'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Sequence succesvol bijgewerkt",
-        'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Correct gescande",
-        'Scanner Name'                 => 'Scanner naam'                , 
-	'Server'                       => 'De naam van server'          , 
-	'Protocol'                     => 'Protocol'                    , 
-	'User Name'                    => "Gebruikersnaam"              , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Wachtwoord'                  , 
-	'SSL Type'                     => 'SSL Type'                    , 
-	'SSL Method'                   => 'SSL methode'                 , 
-	'Connect URL'                  => 'Verbinding maken met URL'    , 
-	'Look For'                     => 'Zoeken'                      , 
-	'After Scan'                   => 'Na het scannen'              , 
-        'Status'                       => 'Status'                      ,
-        'Time Zone'                    => 'Tijdzone'                    ,
-        'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'SSL certificaat valideren'   ,
-        'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate',
-	'markas'                       => 'Na het scannen'              ,
-        //Ends
-        'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "In staat stellen",
-        'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Onbruikbaar maken",
-        'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Controleer Om actief te maken",
-        'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Valideren SSL Certificaat",
-        'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Niet valideren SSL Certificaat",
-        'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Alle berichten van de laatste scan",
-        'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Ongelezen berichten van de laatste scan",
-        'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Berichten als gelezen markeren",
-        'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "Ik weet het niet",
-        'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Nu scannen",
-        'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Rule List",
-        'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selecteer Mappen",
-        'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Succesvol verwijderd",
-        'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Regel verwijderen is mislukt",
-        'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Succesvol opgeslagen",
-        'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Correct gescande",
-        'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "is in rijklare toestand",
-        'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Mappen informatie is leeg",
-        'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regels sequnce informatie is leeg",
-        'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Werk Mappen",
-        'fromaddress'   =>   "Van",
-        'toaddress'   =>   "Naar",
-        'subject'   =>   "Onderwerp",
-        'body'   =>   "Lichaam",
-        'matchusing'   =>   "Wedstrijd",
-        'action'   =>   "Acties",
-        'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioriteit",
-        'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Slepen en neerzetten blok naar prioriteren van de regel",
-        'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Alle voorwaarden",
-        'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Elke Staat",
-        'Contains'   =>   "Bevat",
-        'Not Contains'   =>   "Niet Bevat",
-        'Equals'   =>   "Gelijk",
-        'Not Equals'   =>   "Niet gelijk aan",
-        'Begins With'   =>   "Beginnen",
-        'Ends With'   =>   "Einde",
-        'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-        'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Ticket maken",
-        'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Ticket updaten",
-        'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "In Contact [FROM]",
-        'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "In Contact [TO]",
-        'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "In Organisatie [FROM]",
-        'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "In Organisatie [TO]",
-        'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "In Lood [FROM]",
-        'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "In Lood [TO]",
-        'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Werk Mappen",
-        'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Selectie ongedaan maken",
-        'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Converteren e-mails te onderscheiden registers",
-        'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "De regel nummer geeft de prioriteit. Slepen en neerzetten om prioriteit te wijzigen.",
-        'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Regel toevoegen",
-        'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioriteit",
-        'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Regel verwijderen",
-        'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Lichaam",
-        'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Wedstrijd",
-        'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Actie",
-        'LBL_FROM'   =>   "Van",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "MailBox Succesvol verwijderd",
-    'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "MailBox Succesvol geladen",
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 06c596c7985bfbbb9cd62aef3ebad401758970ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   => 'Te doen'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Profiles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profielen'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profiel'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Profiel toevoegen'           , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Bekijk'                      , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Aanmaken/Bewerken'           , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Verwijder'                   , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Roles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a9eb91b2c3cd8bcec7e1da64fdd47a7001a79fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Rollen'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Rol toevoegen'               , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Toevoegen standaard privilege regel', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'L'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'L+S'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Toegang verkrijgen door'     , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Regels delen'                , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Regel nr.'                   , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Vtiger.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integratie',
-    'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Instellingen'                , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Studio'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Communicatie sjablonen'      , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Gebruikers & Toegang Management', 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Toegangsbeheer'              , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Modulebeheer'                , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notificaties'                , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Instellingen Externe Server' , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Oude instellingen'           , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Definieer de gebruikers die CRM gebruiken', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Rollen'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Definieer de hierarchie van de rollen en voeg gebruikers toe', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profielen'                   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Definieer profielen om toegangsrechten te geven per rol', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Groepen'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Definieer groepen gebaseerd op rollen, gebruikers, profielen etc', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Toegang delen'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Definieer rechten voor elke rol om met CRM modules te werken', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflowlijst'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Instellen afhankelijkheden tussen picklijstwaarden in elke module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Veld Formules'               , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Voeg maatwerk vergelijkingen toe aan maatwerk velden', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Module Manager'              , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Manage module gedrag binnen het CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Picklijst editor'            , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Inhoud van selectielijstjes in alle CRM modules', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Instellingen Picklijst relaties ', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Instellen van de afhankelijkheden tussen de picklijstwaarden voor alle modules', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menubewerker'                , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Pas de Menuvolgorde aan'     ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'Het werkelijke aantal menu-items worden weergegeven, is afhankelijk van de grootte van het scherm en misschien minder dan de geselecteerde items.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'E-mail sjablonen'            , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Regel sjablonen voor de e-mail module', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Bedrijfsinformatie'          , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Details van uw bedrijf'      , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Samenvoegen'                 , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Regel sjablonen voor e-mail merging', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Belasting instellingen'      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Instellen waarden voor belastingen', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Uitgaande server'            , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Instellingen van de uitgaande e-mail server', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Algemene Voorwaarden'        , 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Tekstinhoud vand e Algemene Voorwaarden', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Verander de teksten van de aankondigingen', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Valuta instellingen'         , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Instellen valuta en wissel koersen', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Maatwerk Record Nummering'   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Op maat instellen van nummerschema\'s', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Mail Scanner'                , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configureer mailbox voor scanning', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Werkstromen'                 , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Maak en bewerk de CRM workflows', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Configuratie bewerker'       , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Klant Portaal'               , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configureer Klant Portaal Plugin', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'ModTracker'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Selecteer modules voor tracking', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Planner'                     , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configureer Crontaken'       , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webformulieren'              , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Beheer Webformulieren'       , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'OPMERKING: uitgaande server moet worden ingesteld op SSL of TLS Protocal en Als veld "Van E-mail" is ingesteld op leeg dan is de Gebruiker E-mailadres wordt opgehaald.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha ingeschakeld'        ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Sparen velden bestellen', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Verborgen',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Enable Target modules voor webformulier',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Gebruiker Assignment',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Gebruikers toewijzen In Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round Robin Gebruikers Lijst',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Verplichte velden zonder voorrang boven de waarden niet kan worden verborgen',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Referentievelden cant verplicht zijn zonder override waarde',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Typ om te zoeken',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webformulier met deze naam bestaat',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Workflows.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/nl_nl/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Van',
-	'Optional' => 'Facultatief',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Taak',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal Pdf koppeling',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Sjabloon Voeg de',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'Artikelen blok voor groep belasting',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Artikelen blok voor individuele fiscale',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   => 'Te doen'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Users.php b/languages/nl_nl/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mijn voorkeuren'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Meer informatie'             , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Gebruiker login & rol'       , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Foto gebruiker'              , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Currency Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Adresinformatie'             , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Geavanceerde gebruikersopties', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Homepagina componenten'      , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Gebruikersnaam'              , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Standaard Activiteiten overzicht', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Standaard Lead overzicht'    , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titel'                       , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefoon Kantoor'            , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Afdeling'                    , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Rapporteert aan'             , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Tweede e-mailadres'          , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Thuis telefoon'              , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Foto Gebruiker '             , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Datum formaat'               , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag cloud'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Handtekening'                , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Adres'                       , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Wachtwoord'                  , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Bevestig wachtwoord'         , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Gezien'                      , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Verborgen'                   , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Laten zien'                  , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Verberg'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Homepagina componenten'      , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Login geschiedenis'          , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Bekijk details van de gebruiker', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Verwijder groep'             , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Verwijder groep'             , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Verander eigenaar: '         , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Verwijder gebruiker'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Verander eigendom naar gebruiker', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Verwijder profiel'           , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Verander rol naar profiel'   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Verwijder profiel'           , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Interne e-mail Composer'     , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk Extension'          , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'herinnerings Interval'       , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Toegangssleutel'             , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Taal'                        , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Thema'                       , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Tijdzone'                    , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimaal Scheidingsteken'    , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Groepeer Patroon'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Groupeer Scheidingsteken', 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbool Plaatsing'           , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Aantal Valuta Decimalen'     , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Verwijder Extra Nullen'      , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         ,
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Gebruiker succesvol verwijderd',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Actieve gebruikers',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Inactieve gebruikers',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Gebruiker verwijderen permanent',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Herstellen',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'De gebruiker is succesvol hersteld',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'We zijn er bijna!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Over mij',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(We beloven om deze prive te houden)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Alle onderstaande velden zijn verplicht)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Aan de slag',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Uw contactpersoon Nummer',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Waar kom je vandaan?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Kies een land',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Bedrijfsgrootte',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Vacature titel',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Afdeling',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Basisvaluta',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Kies basisvaluta',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Basisvaluta kan later niet worden gewijzigd. Selecteer uw besturingssysteem valuta',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Taal',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Kies Taal',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Kies Tijdzone',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Date Format',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Kies datumnotatie',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefoon',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Toegang Change Key',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Access key bijgewerkt',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Mislukt toegangssleutel actualiseren',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'New Access key gevraagd',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'U heeft gevraagd voor een nieuwe Access key. Met de nieuwe Access belangrijkste bepaling, moet u de oude toegang toets met het nieuwe in alle geïnstalleerde extensies & lt vervangen;. Br &gt;&lt;br &gt;Do u wilt doorgaan?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Vendors.php b/languages/nl_nl/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 291bdc96b6daaada4c79a1e334ff28ef144966b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Leveranciers'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Leverancier'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Leverancier toe'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leverancierslijst'           , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Leveranciers Informatie:'    , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Adresinformatie:'            , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Naam leverancier'            , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Leverancier Nr'              , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Grootboekrekening'           , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Verkoop-Software'        , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Verkoop-Hardware'        , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Huur-Inkomsten'          , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Rente-Inkomsten'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Verkoop-Software-Ondersteuning', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Verkoop anders'          , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet verkoop'        , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Dienst-Hardware arbeid'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Verkoop-Boeken'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Bij het verwijderen van deze Leverancier worden ook de gerelateerde inkooporders verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u deze leverancier wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Bij het verwijderen van deze Leverancier worden ook de gerelateerde inkooporders verwijderd. Weet u zeker dat u deze records wilt verwijderen?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl_nl/Vtiger.php b/languages/nl_nl/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb48b0b262e129bd310d9cec16cb4e833ba978b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/nl_nl/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM, Translation By Vicus', 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Lees Licentie'               , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Privacy Policy'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Selecteer Alles'             , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Maak nieuwe'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Bewerken'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Bewaar'                      , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Annuleer'                    , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Terug'                       , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importeer'                   , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exporteer'                   , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Vind Dubbelen'               , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Meer'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Acties'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Toevoegen'                   , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Bewerk'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Wis'                         , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Instellingen'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Voeg Opmerking toe'          , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Bewerk Velden'               , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Bewerk Workflows'            , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Bewerk Picklijst Waarden'    , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Converteer E-mails'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Deze informatie is verwijderd.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Record niet gevonden'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Selecteer'                   , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Leegmaken'                   , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Ja'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Neen'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Geen'                        , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Bulkbewerking'               , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Deselecteer alle'    , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Snel Maken'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Verstuur E-mail'             , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'Alle e-mail accounts'        , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Dit record heeft meerdere e-mail accounts. Selecteer a.u.b. de e-mailadressen naar welke de e-mail moet worden gestuurd', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Ga naar volledige formulier' , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Stuur SMS'                   , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Gevonden'                    , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click voeg toe'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Voeg meer velden toe'        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Toevoegen Notitie'           , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Maak Nieuw(e)'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Voeg Event toe'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Toevoegen Te doen'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'GEREEDSCHAPPEN'              , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'ONDERSTEUNING'               , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTARIS'                  , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTISE'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Huis'                        , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Laatst Bekeken Records'      , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Dashboard'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'Gebruikersinstellingen'      , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Mijn voorkeuren'             , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Log-uit'                     , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Help'                        , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Terugkoppeling'              , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Chat Ondersteuning',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM instellingen'            , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Annoncering'                 , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Gebruiker'                   , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Groep'                       , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Laatst Aangepast Door'       , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Gemaakt'                     , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Gewijzigd'                   , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Omschrijving'                , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Toegewezen aan'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Laden...'                    , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Laden van de Widget'         , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Laden, wachten a.u.b.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Vernieuwingen'               , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Samenvating Details'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Voeg nieuwe Opmerking toe'   , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'Geen Aanpassingen'           , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Zoek naar'                   , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'In'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Typ om te zoeken'            , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Zoekbutton'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Geavanceerd zoeken'          , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Laden, wachten a.u.b.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Gebruikers'                  , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groepen'                     , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Volledig Formulier'          , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Eenvoudig Formulier'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Voeg uw commentaar hier toe...', 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'Toon Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'Geen Opmerkingen'            , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'antwoorden'                  , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Accounts'                    , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Activa'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campagnes'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacten'                   , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documenten'                  , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Commentaar'                  , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Verkoopkansen'               , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Prijslijsten'                , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Producten'                   , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projecten'                   , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Mijlpalen'           , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Taken'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Servicecontracten'           , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Diensten'                    , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Leveranciers'                , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Offertes'                    , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Inkooporder'                 , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Verkooporder'                , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Factuur'                     , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Onze sites'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Voeg Record toe'             , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recent Aangepast'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records Lijst'               , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Samenvatting'         , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Toegang Geweigerd voor'      , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Ga terug'                    , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'Geen gegevens beschikbaar'   , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Typ kernwoord en toets enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'en'                          , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'of'                          , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Geen--'                    , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Goedkeuren'                  , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Afkeuren'                    , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'gelijk aan'                  , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'niet gelijk aan'             , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'start met'                   , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'eindigd met'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'Bevat'                       , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'bevat niet'                  , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'kleiner dan'                 , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'groter dan'                  , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'kleiner of gelijk'           , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'groter of gelijk'            , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'voor'                        , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'na'                          , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'tussen'                      , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'is niet leeg'                ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Zoek'                        , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Zoek In'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Voeg Voorwaarde toe'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Voeg Groep toe'              , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Voorwaarden'          , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Alle Voorwaarden'            , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Aan alle Voorwaarden moet zijn voldaan', 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Alle Voorwaarden'            , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Er moet minstens aan een van de Voorwaarden worden voldaan', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Selecteer Veld'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Selecteer Module'            , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Maak Nieuw Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Alle'                        , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Anders'                      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Nog niet verwerkt'           , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Publiek'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Bewaar Filter'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Bewaar of bewerk Filter'     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Zoekresultaten'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Sla op als Filter'           , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Niet toegankelijk'           , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Item Details'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Valuta'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Belasting modus'             , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'individeel'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Gereedschappen'              , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Item Naam'                   , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Voorraad'                    , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Aantal'                      , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Verkoopprijs'                , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Totaal'                      , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Netto prijs'                 , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Korting'                     , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Totaal na korting'           , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'BTW'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Voeg Product toe'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Voeg Service toe'            , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Handling en Verzendtoeslag'  , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'BTW over Handling en Verzendtoeslag', 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Stel V_H Belaasting in voor' , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Bijstelling'                 , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Aftrekken'                   , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'TOTAAL'                      , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'NUL Korting'                 , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'van prijs'                   , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Directe prijsreductie'       , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Stel Kortin in voor'         , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Niet voldoende voorraad'     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum waarde is'          , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Sleur'                       , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Totaal belastingbedrag'      , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Direct kortingsbedrag'       , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Kortingbedrag'               , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'meer valuta'                 , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Nieuw'                      , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Genereer'                    , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplicaat'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Voeg Widget toe'             , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'OPMERKINGEN'                 , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Ververs'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Sluit'                       , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Alle'                        , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Bijgewerkt'                  , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'van'                         , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'tot'                         , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'op'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'van'                         , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'Door '                       , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'toegevoegd'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'voor'                        , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Gemaakt'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'verwijderd'                  , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'hersteld'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'becommentariseerd'           , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'verwijderd'                  , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Verwijder'                   , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'op'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mijn'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Geschiedenis'                , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Aankomende Taken'            , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'jaar'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'jaren'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'maand'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'maanden'                     , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'dag'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'dagen'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'uur'                         , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'uren'                        , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minuut'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minuten'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'seconde'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconden'                    , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'precies nu'                  , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Standaardinformatie'         , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'Geen recente aanpassingen'   , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Geen info gevonden'          , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Toegang geweigerd'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler niet gevonden'       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'afgerond'                    , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'geleden'                     , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'aangepast'                   , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Gebruiker'                   , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'voldeen aan deze criteria'   , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'Geen geplande activiteiten'  , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'Geen achterstallige activiteiten', 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'Geen aanpassingen of opmerkingen', 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'Overzicth naam'              , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Maak nieu Overzixht'         , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basisdetails'                , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Kies Kolommmen en Volgorde'  , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter op datum'             , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Kies filter Condities'       , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Instellen als Standaard'     , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'Toon in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Instellen als Publiek'      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Voeg meer kolommen toe'      , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Maatwerk'                    , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Vorige FY'                   , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Huidige FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Volgende FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Vorige FQ'                   , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Huidige FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Volgende FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Gisteren'                    , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Vandaag'                     , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Morgen'                      , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Vorige week'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Huidige Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Volgende Week'               , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Vorige Maand'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Huidige Maand'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Volgende Maand'              , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Vorige 7 Dagen'              , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Vorige 30 Dagen'             , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Vorige 60 Dagen'             , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Vorige 90 Dagen'             , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Vorige 120 Dagen'            , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Komende 30 Dagen'            , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Komende 60 Dagen'            , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Komende 90 Dagen'            , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Komende 120 Dagen'           , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Eigenaar'                    , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Gemaakt Op'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Aangepast Op'                , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Voor Event'                 , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Aankomende Afspraken'        , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activiteiten'        , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Verkoopkansen per Stage'     , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Verkooppijplijn'             , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Totale Omzet'                , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Verkoopkansen'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Voorspelling'                , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Gemaakte Leads '             , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads per Status'            , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads per Source'            , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads per Industrie'         , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Open Kaarten'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exporteer alle gegevens'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exporteer gegevens in huidige pagina', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Exporteer Geselecteerde Records', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Exporteer records'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'Geen records geselecteerd.'  , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Kan de standaard widget niet verplaatsten', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter bestaat al'           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Modules toevoegen en beheren', 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Accountnaam'                 , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Voeg Opmerking toe'          , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Bijstelling'                 , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Jaarlijkse Inkomsten'        , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Postadres'                   , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Factuur Plaats'              , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Factuur Postcode'            , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Factuur Land'                , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Factuur Postbus'             , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Factuur Provincie'           , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Vervoerder'                  , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Categorie'                   , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemie'                      , 
-	'City'                         => 'Plaats'                      , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Bestaande klant'             , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Zelf gegenereerd'            , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Medewerker'                  , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conferentie'                 , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Handelsbeurs'                , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Mond tot mond'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Anders'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Geen--'                    , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Geacqireerd'                 , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktief'                      , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Markt Gefaald'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Gecanceld'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communicatie'                , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Constructie'                 , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consultancy'                 , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Educatie'                    , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronica'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energie'                     , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Financieel'                  , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Voedingsmiddellen en dranken', 
-	'Government'                   => 'Overheid'                    , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Gezondheidszorg'             , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Horeca'                      , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Verzekeringen'               , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Fabricage'                   , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreatie'                   , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Scheepvaart'                 , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technologie'                 , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunicatie'            , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transport'                   , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Notsvoorzieningen'           , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Contactnaam'                 , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversierate'               , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Afleveradres'                , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Afleveradres Plaats'         , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Afleveradres Provincie'      , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Afleveradres Postcode'       , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Afleveradres Land'           , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Afleveradres Postbus'        , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Land'                        , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Gemaakt'                     , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Goedgekeurd'                 , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Afgeleverd'                  , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Gecanceld'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Valuta'                      , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Standaard Valuta'            , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Kortingspercentage'          , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Kortingsbedrag'              , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Kortingsbedrag'         , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Kortingspercentage'     , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Vervaldatum'                 , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Datum & Tijd'            , 
-	'Email'                        => 'E-mail'                      , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Tweede E-mail'               , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Andere E-mail'               , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Niet e-mailen'               , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Wordt geconverteerd van Lead'  , 
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Verwachte sluitingsdatum'    , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Achternaam'                  , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Voornaam'                    , 
-	'High'                         => 'Hoog'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Laag'                        , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'In uitvoering'               , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Onderwerp'                   , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Voorwaarden & Condities'     , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Item Naam'                   , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Hoeveelheid'                 , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Verkoopprijs'                , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Opmerking'              , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Belasting1'                  , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Belasting2'                  , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Belasting3'                  , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Accijnzen'                   , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Totaal'                      , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Subtotaal'                   , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Belastingtype'               , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'V&H Bedrag'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Leveranciersnaam'            , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Adresdetails'                , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Omschrijving Details'        , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Voorwaarden & Condities'     , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Prijsinformatie'             , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Productdetails'              , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminderdetails'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Map opgeslagen'              , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Map bestaat al'              , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Map verwijderd'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Lead bron'                   , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Telefoon Mobiel'             , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Eigenaar inlichten'          , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Telefoon Extra'              , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefoon'                    , 
-	'State'                        => 'Provincie'                   , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'Postbus'                     , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postcode'                    , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Verkoopkans naam'            , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioriteit'                  , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Productnaam'                 , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Beoordeling'                 , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Gerelateerd aan'             , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Type'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Nagekeken'                   , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Begroeting '                 , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Straat'                      , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Ondersteuning startdatum'    , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiratiedatum'      , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Verkoop Startdatum'          , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Verkoop Einddatum'           , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Selecteer Status'            ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Samensmelten',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Succespercentage'             , // TODO: Review
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'geldige Date',
-	'Phone: ' => 'telefoon: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'uitgegeven Datum',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Behandeling en verzendkosten',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Het verschepen & Behandeling Tax:',
-	'Discount'=>'korting',
-	'Net Total' => 'netto Totaal',
-	'Product Code'=>'Product Code',
-	'Customer Name'=>'Naam van de klant',
-	'Price'=>'prijs',
-	'Tax:' => 'belasting:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Contacteer Naam',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'algemeen totaal:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Website: ',
-	'Tax' => 'belasting',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Service Contracten',
-	'Projects' => 'Projecten',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Verkoop Order',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Inkoop Order',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Niet een bundel',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Markeren als Held',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maximaal 160 tekens zijn toegestaan ​​voor tekstbericht',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Verberg afgesloten Gebeurtenissen',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Configureer Webformulieren'  , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Configureer a.u.b. uw uitgaande server instellingen op de instellingenpagina', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Configureer a.u.b. uw SMS notifier op de SMS notifier instellingenpagina', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Selecteer a.u.b. minstens één record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Voer a.u.b. een geldig e/mailadres', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'bevat ongeldige tekens'      , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'lengte van telefoonummer langer dan maximum', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepteerd alleen positieve waarden', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'waarde moet groter zijn dan nul', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Ongeldig aantal'             , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overschrijf het bestaande adres met het geselecteerde adres?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Adresdetails'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organisatie'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Weer u zeker dat u de geselecteerde records wilt verwijderen?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Opslaan'                     , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Annuleren'                   , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Moet plaatsvinden voor vandaag', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Selecteer a.u.b. minstens 1 optie', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Selecteer a.u.b. een Module' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Selecteer a.u.b. minstens 1 verplicht veld', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Voer a.u.b. een integere waarde in', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Voer a.u.b. een decimale waarde in', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'moet kleiner zijn dan de huidige datum', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'moet groter zijn dan de huidige datum', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'moet groter zijn dan of gelijk zijn aan', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Huidige datum',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Opslaan van wijzigingen op de server is mislukt', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Het te importeren bestand mag niet Leeg zijn', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Selecteer minstens 1 veld als samenvoegcriterium', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'De Mapnaam mag niet leeg zijn', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Mapnaam bestaat al'          , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Selecteer a.u.b. een bestand met de volgende extentie:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Veld is meermalen gemapped'  , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Map a.u.b. de verplichte velden', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Voer a.u.b. een waarde in om te zoeken', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'U kunt allen selecteren'     , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissies'                  , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Controleer Bestandsintegriteit', 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Dubbel Record'               , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is aangezet'                 , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is uitgezet'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Voer a.u.b. wat tekst in als opmerking', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'De waarde in Opmerking mag niet leeg zijn', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* Dit veld is verplicht'     , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'De standaard Widget kan niet worden verwijderd', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'U heeft geen permissie om records aan te maken of niet voor snelle aanmaak', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Afbeelding succesvol verwijderd', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Afbeelding niet verwijderd'  , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Ja'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Geen'                         , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Massa werking bewerken kan op 500 of minder platen tegelijk',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Logging in as another user will terminate the current session. Are you sure want to continue?',
-    // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'bellen vanaf',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Inkomend gesprek',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'De ontvanger uitbreiding halen om het nummer te bellen',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Bel mislukt',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Gelieve alle velden in te vullen',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Uw wijzigingen zullen verloren gaan!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Basisvaluta moet worden gewijzigd om uit te schakelen',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Accounts.php b/languages/pl_pl/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 700a0a8b49c5da6d2b87ee10229d983e60a096ec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Accounts.php
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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Accounts' => 'Kontrahenci',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts' => 'Kontrahent',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Kontrahenta',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Kontrahentów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Kontrahenta',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły Kontrahenta',
-	// Mass Action
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY' => 'Hierarchia Kontrahenta',
-	//Field Labels
-	'industry' => 'Branża',
-	'Account Name' => 'Nazwa Kontrahenta',
-	'Account No' => 'Numer Kontrahenta',
-	'Website' => 'Strona WWW',
-	'Ticker Symbol' => 'Symbol giełdowy',
-	'Member Of' => 'PowiÄ…zany z',
-	'Employees' => 'Liczba pracowników',
-	'Ownership' => 'Właściciel',
-	'SIC Code' => 'Numer EKD',
-	'Other Email' => 'Drugi mail',
-	//Added for existing picklist entries
-	'Analyst'=>'Analityk',
-	'Competitor'=>'Konkurencja',
-	'Customer'=>'Klient',
-	'Integrator'=>'Integrator',
-	'Investor'=>'Inwestor',
-	'Press'=>'Media',
-	'Prospect'=>'Potencjalny Klient',
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Konta Prospect',
-	'Reseller'=>'Partner',
-	'LBL_START_DATE' => 'Data rozpoczęcia',
-	'LBL_END_DATE' => 'Data zakończenia',
-	//Duplication error message
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Taka nazwa Kontrahenta już istnieje!',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Usunięcie Kontrahenta spowoduje usunięcie powiązanych z nim Szans Sprzedaży i Ofert, czy na pewno chcesz to zrobić?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Usunięcie Kontrahentów spowoduje usunięcie powiązanych z nimi Szans Sprzedaży i Ofert, czy na pewno chcesz to zrobić?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Assets.php b/languages/pl_pl/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index aa748fc0ab436e5b866bb635c5f177ce2afb829c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Assets.php
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_Assets' => 'Produkt Serwisowy',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Produkt Serwisowy',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Produktów Serwisowych',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Produktu Serwisowego',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły Produktu Serwisowego',
-	//Field Labels
-    'Asset No' => 'Numer', 
-	'Serial Number' => 'Numer seryjny', 
-	'Date Sold' => 'Data sprzedaży',
-	'Date in Service' => 'Data ważności serwisu',
-	'Tag Number' => 'Oznaczenie',
-	'Invoice Name' => 'Faktura',
-	'Shipping Method' => 'Rodzaj dostawy',
-	'Shipping Tracking Number' => 'Numer przesyłki',
-	'Asset Name' => 'Nazwa produktu serwisowego',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nazwa Kontrahenta',
-	'Notes' => 'Opis',
-	/*picklist values*/
-	'In Service'=>'W serwisie',
-	'Out-of-service'=>'Serwis zakończony',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Calendar.php b/languages/pl_pl/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a571368d63c6c42e066242fa71912514c98ee088..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_Calendar' => 'Uwagi',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Dodaj Uwagi',
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT' => 'Dodaj Czynność',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista wydarzeń',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie wydarzenia',
-	'LBL_EVENTS' => 'Czynności',
-	'LBL_TODOS' => 'Zadania',
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK' => 'Wydarzenie / Uwagi',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły Uwagi',
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'=> 'Szczegóły wydarzenia',
-	//Fields
-	'Subject' => 'Temat',
-	'Start Date & Time' => 'Data rozpoczęcia',
-	'Activity Type'=>'Typ czynności',
-	'Send Notification'=>'Wyślij powiadomienie',
-	'Location'=>'Lokalizacja',
-	'End Date & Time' => 'Data zakończenia',
-	//Side Bar Names
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES' => 'Typ czynności',
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Data zakończenia wsparcia',
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY' => 'Data urodzin',
-	//Activity Type picklist values
-	'Call' => 'Telefon',
-	'Meeting' => 'Spotkanie',
-	//Status picklist values
-	'Planned' => 'Planowany',
-        'Held'    => 'Held',
-        'Not Held'=> 'Nie Held',
-	'Completed' => 'Zakończone',
-	'Pending Input' => 'W realizacji',
-	'Not Started' => 'Nierozpoczęte',
-	'Deferred' => 'Przełożone',
-	//Priority picklist values
-	'Medium' => 'Normalny',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER' => 'Zmień właściciela',
-	'LBL_EVENT' => 'Czynność',
-	'LBL_TASK' => 'Uwagi',
-	'LBL_TASKS' => 'Uwagi',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Widok listy',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Widok kalendarza',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Kolor Edit',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Dodaj kalendarz',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Wybierz kalendarz użytkownika',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Wybierz kolor kalendarz',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Montaż kalendarza View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Usuń kalendarz',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Wybierz typ aktywny',
-	'Tasks' => 'Zadania',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK' => 'Dodaj zadanie / Uwagi',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'MiesiÄ…c',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Dzisiaj',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Dzień',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Tydzień',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Niedziela',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Poniedziałek',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Wtorek',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Åšroda',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Czwartek',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'PiÄ…tek',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Sobota',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Cz',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'pon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Wt',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Poślubić',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Czw',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'pt',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sob',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'Styczen',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'Luty',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'mar',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'kwi',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'maja',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'cze',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'lipiec',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'Sierpień',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'wrzesnia',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'paź',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'Listopad',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'Grudzień',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Sty',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Lutego',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Zniszczyć',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Kwietnia',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'maja',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Czer',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Lipca',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Sie',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Wrz',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Październik',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Listopad',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Grudnia',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'Wszystkie dni',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobile Call',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Zobacz kalendarz kolor zaktualizowane',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten pogląd kalendarz?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalendarz Zobacz pomyślnie dodana',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kalendarz Zobacz pomyślnie usunięty',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Nie Kalendarz Zobacz dodać',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Edit Calendar',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Campaigns.php b/languages/pl_pl/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 30bc3d52a197b8a5a7a433166e666473a7e60c62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Campaigns.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Campaigns' => 'Kampanie reklamowe',
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns' => 'Kampania reklamowa',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj kampanie',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista kampanii',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie kampanii',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły kampanii',
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Założenia i oczekiwania',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Campaign Name' => 'Nazwa Kampanii',
-	'Campaign No' => 'Numer Kampanii', 
-	'Campaign Type' => 'Rodzaj Kampanii', 
-	'Product' => 'Produkt',
-	'Campaign Status' => 'Status Kampanii',
-	'Num Sent' => 'Liczba wysłanych',
-	'Sponsor' => 'Sponsor',
-	'Target Audience' => 'Grupa docelowa',
-	'TargetSize' => 'Wielkość grupy docelowej',
-	'Expected Response' => 'Planowana skuteczność',
-	'Expected Revenue' => 'Planowany przychód',
-	'Budget Cost' => 'Budżet dla kampanii',
-	'Actual Cost' => 'Rzeczywisty koszt kampanii',
-	'Expected Response Count' => 'Planowana ilość nowych Kontrahentów',
-	'Expected Sales Count' => 'Planowana sprzedaż',
-	'Expected ROI' => 'Planowany zwrot z kampanii',
-	'Actual Response Count' => 'Rzeczywista ilość nowych Kontrahentów',
-	'Actual Sales Count' => 'Rzeczywista sprzedaż',
-	'Actual ROI' => 'Rzeczywisty zwrot z inwestycji',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'Webinar'=>'Webinarium',
-	'Referral Program'=>'Program referencyjny',
-	'Advertisement'=>'Reklama',
-	'Banner Ads'=>'Banery',
-	'Direct Mail'=>'Wysyłka maili',
-	'Telemarketing'=>'Telemarketing',
-	'Others'=>'Inne',
-	'Planning'=>'Planowana',						      	    
-	'Inactive'=>'Nieaktywna',
-	'Complete'=>'Zakończona',
-	'Cancelled'=>'Anulowana',							      
-	'Excellent'=>'Bardzo dobra',
-	'Good'=>'Dobra',
-	'Average'=>'Åšrednia',
-	'Poor'=>'ZÅ‚a',
-	// status fields 
-	'--None--'=>'--Brak--',
-	'Contacted - Successful' => 'Kontakt zakończony powodzeniem',
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful' => 'Kontakt zakończony niepowodzeniem',
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Kontakt nie życzy sobie kontaktu w przyszłości',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Contacts.php b/languages/pl_pl/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index de0551e63eeec454527a7d2fee2d2975b3e2e30d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Contacts' => 'Kontakty',
-	'SINGLE_Contacts' => 'Kontakt',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj kontakt',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista kontaktów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie kontaktu',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION' => 'Podstawowe informacje',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Dostęp do portalu Klienta',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje dotyczące zdjęcia',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Office Phone' => 'Telefon biurowy',
-	'Home Phone' => 'Telefon domowy',
-	'Title' => 'Stanowisko',
-	'Department' => 'Dział',
-	'Birthdate' => 'Data urodzin',
-	'Reports To' => 'Raporty do',
-	'Assistant' => 'Asystent(ka)',
-	'Assistant Phone' => 'Telefon asystenta(ki)',
-	'Do Not Call' => 'Nie dzwonić',
-	'Reference' => 'Referencje',
-	'Portal User' => 'Aktywacja portalu Klienta',
-	'Mailing Street' => 'Dane adresowe - ulica',
-	'Mailing City' => 'Dane adresowe - miasto',
-	'Mailing State' => 'Dane adresowe - województwo',
-	'Mailing Zip' => 'Dane adresowe - kod pocztowy',
-	'Mailing Country' => 'Dane adresowe - kraj',
-	'Mailing Po Box' => 'Dane adresowe - skrytka pocztowa',
-	'Other Street' => 'Adres dodatkowy - ulica',
-	'Other City' => 'Adres dodatkowy - miasto',
-	'Other State' => 'Adres dodatkowy - województwo',
-	'Other Zip' => 'Adres dodatkowy - kod pocztowy',
-	'Other Country' => 'Adres dodatkowy - kraj',
-	'Other Po Box' => 'Adres dodatkowy - skrytka pocztowa',
-	'Contact Image' => 'Zdjęcie kontaktu',
-    'Support Start Date' => 'Wsparcie PoczÄ…tek',
-    'Support End Date' => 'Data zakończenia wsparcia',
-	//Added for Picklist Values
-	'Mr.'=>'Pan',
-	'Ms.'=>'Panna',
-	'Mrs.'=>'Pani',
-	'Dr.'=>'Dr',
-	'Prof.'=>'Prof.',
-	'User List'=>'Lista użytkowników',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Documents.php b/languages/pl_pl/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0f0412ee35a0d6dfc1d8bed2a9ee22fd39a96c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Documents.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_Documents' => 'Dokument',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj dokument',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista dokumentów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie dokumentu',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION' => 'Podstawowe informacje',
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje o pliku',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Title' => 'Nazwa dokumentu',
-	'File Name' => 'Nazwa pliku',
-	'Note' => 'Treść dokumentu',
-	'File Type' => 'Rodzaj pliku',
-	'File Size' => 'Rozmiar pliku',
-	'Download Type' => 'Typ dokumentu',
-	'Version' => 'Wersja',
-	'Active' => 'Aktywny link',
-	'Download Count' => 'Liczba pobrań',
-	'Folder Name' => 'Nazwa folderu',
-	'Document No' => 'Numer dokumentu',
-	'Last Modified By' => 'Ostatnio modyfikowane przez',
-	//Folder
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS' => 'Przesuń dokument do innego folderu, przed usunięciem obecnie przydzielonego folderu',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE' => 'Pobierz dokument',
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY' => 'Sprawdź poprawność pliku',
-	//EditView
-	'LBL_INTERNAL' => 'Wewnętrzny',
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL' => 'Zewnętrzny',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Maksymalny rozmiar pliku',
-	//ListView Actions
-	'LBL_MOVE' => 'PrzenieÅ›',
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER' => 'Dodaj folder',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST' => 'Lista folderów',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS' => 'Foldery',
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Dokument przeniesiony poprawnie',
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS' => 'Brak dostępu do dokumentu',
-	'MB' => 'MB',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER' => 'Dodaj nowy folder',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME' => 'Nazwa folderu',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis folderu',
-	//Check file integrity messages
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE' => 'Plik jest dostępny do pobrania',
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'Plik nie jest dostępny do pobrania',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER' => 'Nowy folder',
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS' => 'PrzenieÅ› dokument',
-	//Move documents confirmation message
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz przenieść plik/pliki do ',
-	'JS_FOLDER' => 'folder',
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED' => 'Brak uprawnień',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/pl_pl/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 979671a376a72b0b427f09f0c10f9487dba9db16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-       'Email Templates' => 'Szablony mailowe' ,
-   ' LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj rekord',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Szablon mailowy',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Szablony mailowe',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Szablon mailowy',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nazwa szablonu',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Temat',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Pola podstawowe',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Zaznacz typ pliku',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Zarządzaj szablonami dla modułu mailowego',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Emails.php b/languages/pl_pl/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Emails.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS' => 'Zaznacz adresy mailowe',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Temat',
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT' => 'Załącznik',
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM' => 'PrzeglÄ…daj dokumenty w CRM',
-	'LBL_SEND' => 'Wyślij',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT' => 'Zapisz jako kopia robocza',
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL' => 'Utwórz wiadomość',
- 	'LBL_CC' => 'DW',
-   	'LBL_BCC' => 'UDW',
-   	'LBL_ADD_CC' => 'Dodaj do DW',
-   	'LBL_ADD_BCC' => 'Dodaj do UDW',
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Maksymalny rozmiar załącznika ',
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED' => 'przekroczony',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje o e-mail',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Events.php b/languages/pl_pl/Events.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb0c12ee7d601dfa3b6a377034760c60805ed36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Events.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-/* NOTE: Should be inline with Calendar language translation but few variations */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Events' => 'Czynności',
-	'SINGLE_Events' => 'Czynność',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj czynność',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista czynności',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie czynności',
-	'LBL_EVENTS' => 'Czynności',
-	'LBL_TODOS' => 'Zadania',
-    'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON' => 'Trzymaj NawiÄ…zanie na',
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Stwórz śledzić wydarzenie',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły czynności',
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje o powtarzalności',
-	//Fields
-	'Start Date & Time'=>'Czas rozpoczęcia',
-	'Recurrence' => 'Powtarzalność',
-	'Send Notification' => 'Wyślij powiadomienie',
-	'Location'=>'Miejsce',
-	'Send Reminder' => 'Wyślij przypomnienie',
-	'End Date & Time' => 'Czas zakończenia',
-	'Activity Type'=>'Rodzaj czynności',
-	'Visibility' => 'Widoczność',
-	//Visibility picklist values
-	'Private' => 'Prywatne',
-	'Public' => 'Publiczne',
-	//Activity Type picklist values
-	'Call' => 'Telefon',
-	'Meeting' => 'Spotkanie',
-	//Status picklist values
-	'Planned' => 'Planowane',
-	'Held' => 'Wykonane',
-	'Not Held' => 'Niewykonane',
-	//Reminder Labels
-	'LBL_DAYS' => 'Dni',
-	'LBL_HOURS' => 'Godzin',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Widok listy',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Widok kalendarza',
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT' => 'Raz w każdy',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Faq.php b/languages/pl_pl/Faq.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Faq.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq' => 'Instrukcje',
-	'SINGLE_Faq' => 'Instrukcja',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista instrukcji',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj instrukcje',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie instrukcji',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION' => 'FAQ Informacje',
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION' =>  'Komentarze',
-	//Fields
-	'Question'=>'Pytanie',
-	'Answer'=>'Odpowiedź',
-	'Comments'=>'Komentarze',
-	'Faq No' => 'Numer instrukcji',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'General'=>'Weryfikacja',
-	'Draft'=>'Szkic',
-	'Published'=>'Opublikowana',
-	'Obsolete'=>'Archiwalna',
-	//EditView
-	'LBL_SOLUTION' => 'RozwiÄ…zanie',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/HelpDesk.php b/languages/pl_pl/HelpDesk.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'HelpDesk' => 'Zgłoszenia',
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk' => 'Zgłoszenie',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj zgłoszenie',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista zgłoszeń',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie zgłoszenia',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION' => 'Informacja o biletach',
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION' => 'Rozwiązanie dla zgłoszenia',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Ticket No' => 'Numer zgłoszenia',
-	'Severity' => 'Waga zgłoszenia',
-	'Update History' => 'Historia zmian',
-	'Hours' => 'Godzin',
-	'Days' => 'Dni',
-	'Title' => 'Temat',
-	'Solution' => 'RozwiÄ…zanie',
-	'From Portal' => 'Z portalu Klienta',
-	//Added for existing picklist entries
-	'Big Problem' => 'Duży problem',
-	'Small Problem' => 'Mały problem',
-	'Other Problem' => 'Inny rodzaj problemu',
-	'Normal' => 'Normalny',
-	'High' => 'Wysoki',
-	'Urgent' => 'Pilny',
-	'Minor' => 'Niewielka',
-	'Major' => 'Poważna',
-	'Feature' => 'Przyszłościowa',
-	'Critical' => 'Krytyczna',
-	'Open' => 'Otwarte',
-	'Wait For Response' => 'Oczekuje na odpowiedź',
-	'Closed' => 'Zamknięte',
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status',
-	'LBL_SEVERITY' => 'Waga zgłoszenia',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ' => 'Konwertuj na instrukcje',
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO' => 'Przydzielony do',
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Witamy',
-	'Dear' => 'Szanowni Państwo',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Informacje dotyczące zgłoszenia',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'szczegóły :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Z poważaniem',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Biuro Obsługi Klienta',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Szczegóły zgłoszenia',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Temat : ',
-	'created' => '[utworzono]',
-	'replied' => '[odpowiedziano]',
-	'reply' => 'Jest nowa odpowiedź : ',
-	'customer_portal' => 'w internetowym Biurze Obsługi Kienta.',
-	'link' => 'Możesz użyć tego odnośnika aby zobaczyć odpowiedzi:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Dziękujemy',
-	'Support_team' => 'Biuro Obsługi Klienta',
-	'The comments are' => 'Komentarze sÄ…',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Tytuł zgłoszenia',
-	'Re' => 'Odp :',
-	//This label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Status Zgłoszenia został zaaktualizowany no',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Zgłoszenie może nie być',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Klient dołączył następującą informację w nawiązaniu do udzielonej odpowiedzi:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Możliwie najszybciej zostanie wysłana odpowiedź na zgłoszenie.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Z poważaniem Administrator',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Dział IT',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Odpowiedź na Zgłoszenie',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Reakcja na numer',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'w Portalu Klienta - WAŻNE',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Dane do Portalu Klienta:',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Wiadomość E-mail nie może być wysłana',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Nazwa Użytkownika :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Hasło :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Dane dostępu do Portalu Klienta',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Proszę podać adres email',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Wysłaliśmy na Twój E-mail szczegóły dot. dostępu do Portalu',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Twoje konto zostało zablokowane. Proszę skontaktować się z Administratorem Systemu.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Wysłaliśmy na Twój E-mail wiadomość z szczegółami dot. logowania do Portalu',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Treść w postaci tekstowej dla programów email bez HTML',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'ID Zgłoszenia',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Nr zgłoszenia',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Numer Ticket',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Home.php b/languages/pl_pl/Home.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Home.php
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Home Page Components
-	'ALVT' => 'Najważniejsi Kontrahenci',
-	'PLVT' => 'Najważniejsze szanse sprzedaży',
-	'QLTQ' => 'Najważniejsze oferty',
-	'CVLVT' => 'Tablica',
-	'HLT' => 'Najważniejsze zgłoszenia',
-	'GRT' => 'Przydzielone do mojej grupy',
-	'OLTSO' => 'Najważniejsze zamówienia od Klientów',
-	'ILTI' => 'Najważniejsze faktury',
-	'HDB' => 'Wykres podsumowujÄ…cy',
-	'OLTPO' => 'Najważniejsze zamówienia do dostawców',
-	'LTFAQ' => 'Moje ostatnie instrukcje',
-	'UA' => 'NadchodzÄ…ce wydarzenia',
-	'PA' => 'OczekujÄ…ce wydarzenia',
-	'Home' => 'Pulpit',
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'kluczowych wskaźników',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Import.php b/languages/pl_pl/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fc36bf9858626f5084ee7bad0c5b18b27ec75b93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1' => 'Krok 1',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Wybierz plik',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => ' Obsługiwane formaty plików: .CSV, .VCF',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2' => 'Krok 2',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Informacje dotyczÄ…ce formatu',
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE' => 'Typ pliku',
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING' => 'Kodowanie pliku',
-	'LBL_DELIMITER' => 'Wartość rozdzielająca',
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER' => 'Czy posiada nagłówek',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3' => 'Krok 3',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Czy wyszukiwać duplikaty',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'zaznacz tą opcje, jeżeli chcesz użyć narzędzia do wyszukiwania duplikatów',
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE' => 'Co narzędzie ma zrobić, gdy napotka duplikat',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS' => 'Wybierz pola, po których narzędzia ma szukać duplikatów',
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS' => 'Dostępne pola',
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS' => 'Wybrane pola',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4' => 'Krok 4',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Powiąż kolumny z pliku z polami w systemie CRM',
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER' => 'Nagłówek',
-	'LBL_ROW_1' => 'Wiersz 1',
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS' => 'Pola w systemie CRM',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE' => 'Domyślna wartość',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING' => 'Zapisz mapowanie jako szablon ',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Importuj',
-	'LBL_RESULT' => 'Wynik',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED' => 'Rekordy zaimportowane poprawnie',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Rekordy utworzone',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Rekordy nadpisane',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Rekordy pominięte',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Rekordy złączone', 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED' => 'Rekordy niezaimportowane',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE' => 'Importuj więcej',
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Lista zaimportowanych rekordów',
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT' => 'Usuń rekordy z ostatniego importu',
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT' => 'Wynik usunięcia zaimportowanych rekordów',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS' => 'Liczba wszystkich rekordów',
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Liczba rekordów usuniętych',
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED' => 'Harmonogram importu',
-	'LBL_RUNNING' => 'Uruchomiony',
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT' => 'Anuluj import',
-	'LBL_ERROR' => 'BÅ‚Ä…d',
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA' => 'Resetuj datÄ™',
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Nie można zaimportować więcej rekordów w tym imporcie, uruchom ponownie import.',
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED' => 'Obecny import został przerwany. Spróbuj ponownie później',
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE' => 'Nie można zablokować modułu do importu. Spróbuj ponownie później',
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING' => 'Wybierz zapisany szablon importu'
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Invoice.php b/languages/pl_pl/Invoice.php
deleted file mode 100644
index abb1966962c2292e1a681f3d4e9c64c8029d64a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'SINGLE_Invoice' => 'Faktura',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF' => 'Eksport do PDF',
-	//Basic strings
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj FakturÄ™',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Faktur',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Faktury',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły Faktury',
-	//Field labels
-	'Sales Order' => 'Zamówienie od Klientów',
-	'Customer No' => 'Nr klienta',
-	'Invoice Date' => 'Data sprzedaży',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Zamówienie do Dostawców',
-	'Sales Commission' => 'Prowizja od sprzedaży',
-	'Account Name' => 'Kontrahent',
-	'Invoice No' => 'Nr faktury',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'Sent'=>'Wysłana',
-	'Credit Invoice'=>'Faktura Kredytowa',
-	'Paid'=>'Zapłacona',
-	'AutoCreated'=>'Utworzona automatycznie',
-	'Cancel' => 'Anulowana',
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Pakiet nie',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Produkty czÄ…stkowe',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Akcja',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Leads.php b/languages/pl_pl/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d4891e75a77002d885cb4b4d1756e4c66c5075e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Leads' => 'Potencjalni Klienci',
-	'SINGLE_Leads' => 'Potencjalny Klient',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Potencjalnych Klientów',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Potencjalnego Klienta',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Potencjalnego Klienta',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły ołowiu',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Lead No' => 'Numer Potencjalnego Klienta',
-	'Company' => 'Nazwa firmy',
-	'Designation' => 'Opis',
-	'Website' => 'Strona WWW',
-	'Industry' => 'Branża',
-	'Lead Status' => 'Status Potencjalnego Klienta',
-	'No Of Employees' => 'Liczba pracowników',
-	//Added for Existing Picklist Entries
-	'--None--'=>'-- Brak --',
-	'Mr.'=>'Pan',
-	'Ms.'=>'Pani',
-	'Mrs.'=>'Państwo',
-	'Dr.'=>'Dr.',
-	'Prof.'=>'Prof.',
-	//Lead Status Picklist values
-	'Attempted to Contact'=>'Zakwalifikowany do kontaktu',
-	'Cold'=>'Niezakwalifikowany do kontaktu',
-	'Contact in Future'=>'Kontakt w przyszłości',
-	'Contacted'=>'NawiÄ…zano kontakt',
-	'Hot'=>'Zainteresowany',
-        'Hot Leads'=>'GorÄ…ce przewody',
-	'Junk Lead'=>'Nowy',
-	'Lost Lead'=>'Utracony',
-	'Not Contacted'=>'Brak kontaktu',
-	'Pre Qualified'=>'Wstępnie zakwalifikowany',
-	'Qualified'=>'Zakwalifikowany',
-	'Warm'=>'Ważny',
-	// Mass Action
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Konwertuj na kontrahenta',
-	//Convert Lead
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD' => 'Transfer powizanych rekordów do',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR' => 'Aby konwertować Potencjalnego Klienta musiszą być aktywne moduły Kontrahenci i Kontakty.',
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Moduły wyłączone',
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT' => 'Nie można przekonwertować',
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Poniżej może znajdować się jeden z możliwych powodów:',
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Wszystkie obowiązkowe pola nie są mapowane (Narzędzia konfiguracyjne > Zarządzanie modułami > Potencjalni Klienci > Mapowanie utworzony pół w Potencjalnych klientach)',
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Niektóre wartość z obowiązkowych pól są puste',
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Potencjalni Klienci - niestandardowe mapowanie pól',
-	//Leads Custom Field Mapping
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'=> 'Edytuj mapowanie pól',
-	'LBL_LEAD_SOURCE' => 'Źródło pozyskania'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS' => 'Wybierz Kontakty aby kontynuować',
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION' => 'Wybierz Kontrahenta aby kontynuować',
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Konwersja wymaga wybrania Kontaktu lub Kontrahenta'
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Migration.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Zapraszamy do migracji Vtiger',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migracja Zakończony',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Kreator migracji',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Jesteśmy dumni, są związane z tobą.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Masz pytania? Znajdź pomoc na Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Dyskusje </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat Śledź nas Nasza Vtiger <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Pomoc - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Filmy</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Dziękujemy za korzystanie z <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Chcemy być - po prostu najlepszy',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Chodź, tam jest miejsce dla Ciebie!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Migracja vtiger6 zakończone powodzeniem.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Wiedzieć, co jest nowego w tej wersji, przeczytaj <a href="#" target="_blank">Informacje o wydaniu</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Proszę czekać ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Trwa migracja',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migracja: Baza Zmiany Zaloguj',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/ModComments.php b/languages/pl_pl/ModComments.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ModComments' => 'Komentarz',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Komentarzy',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Komentarza',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION' => 'Pozostałe Informacje',
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT' => 'Dodaj komentarz',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Tutaj wpisz treść komentarza',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Comment' => 'Komentarz',
-	'Creator' => 'Utworzył',
-	'Related To Comments' => 'PowiÄ…zany z',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/PBXManager.php b/languages/pl_pl/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/PBXManager.php
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk' => 'Asterisk',
-	'PBXManager' => 'Połączenia Telefoniczne',
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager' => 'Połączenie Telefoniczne',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły połączenia',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Call From'=>'Połączenia OD',
-	'Call To'=>'Połączenia DO',
-	'Time Of Call'=>'Czas Połączeń',
-	'PBXManager ID' => 'ID Połączenia'
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Portal.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Nasze strony',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Dodaj do zakładek',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Nazwa zakładka',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Dodaj do zakładek WWW',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Utworzono dnia',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Nasze strony',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Edytuj zakładkę',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Wpisz nazwę zakładki',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Wpisz adres URL (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Dodaj nową zakładkę',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Zakładka zapisana',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Rekord został pomyślnie usunięty',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Nasza Lista Witryny',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista zakładek',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Zakładki usunięta pomyślnie',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Dodaj do ulubionych',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Zakładki',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Strona, którą próbujesz otworzyć nie jest bezpieczna i może nie otwarte. Jeśli nadal chcesz obejrzeć stronę internetową, a następnie kliknij na blokera treści w pasku adresu i włączyć go.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Potentials.php b/languages/pl_pl/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bdccd27841264037e38f536f1275b69d2ae22ba8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Potentials' => 'Szanse Sprzedaży',
-	'SINGLE_Potentials' => 'Szansa Sprzedaży',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Szansę Sprzedaży',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Szans Sprzedaży',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Szans Sprzedaży',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły szans',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Potential No' => 'Numer Szansy Sprzedaży',
-	'Amount' => 'Wartość',
-	'Next Step' => 'Kolejny krok',
-	'Sales Stage' => 'Etap sprzedaży',
-	'Probability' => 'Prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu',
-	'Campaign Source' => 'Kampania reklamowa',
-	'Forecast Amount' => 'Planowany przychód',
-	//Dashboard widgets
-	'Funnel' => 'Lejek Szans Sprzedaży',
-	'Potentials by Stage' => 'Szanse Sprzedaży według etapu',
-	'Total Revenue' => 'Przychody wg sprzedawcy',
-	'Top Potentials' => 'Najważniejsze szanse sprzedaży',
-	'Forecast' => 'Prognozy sprzedaży',
-	//Added for Existing Picklist Strings
-	'Prospecting'=>'Nowa sprzedaż',
-	'Qualification'=>'Rozpoznanie',
-	'Needs Analysis'=>'Analizy wymagań',
-	'Value Proposition'=>'Wstępna Wycena',
-	'Id. Decision Makers'=>'Podejmowanie decyzji',
-	'Perception Analysis'=>'Analiza potrzeb',
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'=>'Oferta cenowa',
-	'Negotiation/Review'=>'Negocjacje',
-	'Closed Won'=>'Zakończone sukcesem',
-	'Closed Lost'=>'Zakończone porażką',
-	'--None--'=>'-- Brak --',
-	'Existing Business'=>'Dla istniejÄ…cego klienta',
-	'New Business'=>'Dla nowego klienta',
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON' => 'Oczekuje się, że zakończy się',
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potencjały Wygrane',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/PriceBooks.php b/languages/pl_pl/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da77dbaf3e1fa6d4b8005b430f02a9ae344cc52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'PriceBooks' => 'Cenniki',
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks' => 'Cennik',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Cennik',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Cenników',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Cennika',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION' => 'Cena Zarezerwuj Szczegóły',
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE' => 'Edytuj listê cenników',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Price Book Name' => 'Nazwa cennika',
-	'PriceBook No' => 'Numer cennika',
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Cena za sztukÄ™',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Dodać do',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Products.php b/languages/pl_pl/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ffd2eed56068430063df58a4adc42634e9628c21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Products' => 'Produkty',
-	'SINGLE_Products' => 'Produkt',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Produkt',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Produktów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Produktu',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły produktu',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje dotyczące zdjęcia',
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje magazynowe',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES' => 'więcej walut', 
-	'LBL_PRICES' => 'Ceny Produktu',
-	'LBL_PRICE' => 'Cena',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE' => 'Przelicz cenÄ™',
-	'LBL_RESET' => 'Przelicz',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Dodaj do Cenników',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Product No' => 'Numer produktu',
-	'Part Number' => 'Kod produktu',
-	'Product Active' => 'Produkt w sprzedaży',
-	'Manufacturer' => 'Producent',
-	'Product Category' => 'Kategoria Produktu',
-	'Website' => 'Strona WWW',
-	'Mfr PartNo' => 'Nr Fabryczny',
-	'Vendor PartNo' => 'Kod produktu u Dostawcy',
-	'Usage Unit'=>'Jednostka',
-	'Handler'=>'Odpowiedzialny za produkt',
-	'Reorder Level'=>'Minimalny stan magazynowy',
-	'Tax Class'=>'Typ podatku',
-	'Reorder Level'=>'Minimalny stan magazynowy',
-	'Vendor PartNo'=>'Kod produktu u Dostawcy',
-	'Serial No'=>'Nr seryjny',
-	'Qty In Stock'=>'Ilość na magazynie',
-	'Product Sheet'=>'Dane techniczne',
-	'Qty In Demand'=>'Wymagana ilość w Magazynie',
-	'GL Account'=>'Konto Księgowe',
-	'Product Image'=>'Zdjęcie produktu',
-	'Unit Price'=>'Cena jednostkowa',
-	'Commission Rate'=>'Marża',
-	'Qty/Unit'=>'Szt. w opakowaniu',
-	//Added for existing picklist entries
-	'--None--'=>'-- Brak --',
-	'Hardware'=>'Komputery',
-	'Software'=>'Oprogramowanie',
-	'CRM Applications'=>'Aplikacje CRM',
-	'300-Sales-Software'=>'300 Sprzedaż oprogramowania',
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'=>'301 Sprzedaż urządzeń',
-	'302-Rental-Income'=>'302 Przychody z wynajmu',
-	'303-Interest-Income'=>'303 Przychody z tytułu odsetek',
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'=>'304 Sprzedaż wsparcia na oprogramowanie',
-	'305-Sales Other'=>'305 Sprzedaż pozostała',
-	'306-Internet Sales'=>'306 Sprzedaż internetowa',
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'=>'307 Koszty naprawy',
-	'308-Sales-Books'=>'308 Sprzedaż książek',
-	'Box'=>'Pudło',
-	'Carton'=>'Karton',
-	'Caton'=>'Jednostka',
-	'Dozen'=>'Tuzin',
-	'Each'=>'Każdy',
-	'Hours'=>'Godziny',
-	'Impressions'=>'Rodzaj',
-	'Lb'=>'Lb',
-	'M'=>'M',
-	'Pack'=>'Paczka',
-	'Pages'=>'Strony',
-	'Pieces'=>'Kawałki',
-	'Reams'=>'Ryz',
-	'Sheet'=>'Zeszytów',
-	'Spiral Binder'=>'Skoroszytów',
-	'Sq Ft'=>'m²',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Dodaj do Cenników',
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Włącz Produkty modułu aby zobaczyć produkty',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Project.php b/languages/pl_pl/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e6a4e6c4344c3afadc7084daf1f4167260c6f27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Project.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_Project' => 'Projekt',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Projekt',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Projektów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Projektu',
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'=>'Lista Milestones',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły projektu',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Name' => 'Nazwa Projektu',
-    'Start Date' => 'Data rozpoczęcia',
-    'Target End Date' => 'Planowana data zakończenia',
-    'Actual End Date' => 'Rzeczywista data zakończenia',
-	'Project No' => 'Numer projektu',
-	'Target Budget' => 'Szacowany budżet',
-	'Project Url' => 'Adres URL do projektu',
-	'Progress' => 'Realizacja',
-	//Summary Information
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN' => 'Otwarte zadania',
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE' => 'Zadania nie zamknięte',
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED' => 'Zadania zakończone',
-	'LBL_PEOPLE' => 'Ilość uczestników',
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'O wysokim priorytecie',
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Normalny Priorytet',
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Niski priorytet',
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Inne priorytety',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Wybierz Progress',
-	//Related List
-	'LBL_CHARTS' => 'Wykresy',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Lista zadań",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Kamienie milowe",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Zadania",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Status jest",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Status",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Priorytet",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"więcej",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista kamieni milowych",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Pobierz plik",
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Poszukiwania',
-    'in progress' => 'W toku',
-    'initiated' => 'ZapoczÄ…tkowany',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Czekam na Komentarze',
-    'on hold' => 'Podpięcie',
-    'archived' => 'W archiwum',
-    'completed' => 'Zakończony',
-    'delivered' => 'Dostarczone',
-	'administrative' => 'Administracyjny',
-    'operative' => 'Operacyjny',
-    'other' => 'Inny',
-    'low' => 'Niski',
-    'normal' => 'Normalny',
-    'high' => 'Wysoki',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Wybierz status',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Wybierz Progress',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/pl_pl/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/ProjectMilestone.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone' => 'Etap Projektu',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Etap Projektu',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Etapów Projektu',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Etap Projektu',
-    'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Lista projektów',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Lista zadań', 
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista Milestones',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły projektu Milestone',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Milestone Name' => 'Nazwa etapu',
-	'Milestone Date' => 'Data rozpoczęcia etapu',
-	'Project Milestone No' => 'Numer etapu',
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administracyjny',
-    'operative' => 'Operacyjny',
-    'other' => 'Inny',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/ProjectTask.php b/languages/pl_pl/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 143e55b91d31382bc41c39983c78615f49d28c7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/ProjectTask.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask' => 'Zadanie Projektu',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Zadanie Projektu',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Zadań Projektu',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Zadania Projektu',
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'=>'Lista Milestones',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły zadań projektu',
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST' => 'Lista projektów',
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST' => 'Lista zadań',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Nazwa projektu Zadanie',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Projekt nr Zadanie',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Numer zadania projektu',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priorytet',
-    'Progress' => 'Postęp',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Przepracowane godziny',
-    'Start Date'=>'Data rozpoczęcia',
-    'End Date'=>'Data zakończenia',
-    'Related To' => 'ZwiÄ…zanych z',
-    'administrative' => 'Administracyjny',
-    'operative' => 'Operacyjny',
-    'other' => 'Inny',
-    'low' => 'Niski',
-    'normal' => 'Normalny',
-    'high' => 'Wysoki',
-    'Created Time' => 'Utworzono Czas',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Zmodyfikowany czas',
-    'description' => 'Opis',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Przypisany do',
-	'Open' => 'Otwarte',
-	'In Progress' => 'W toku',
-	'Completed' => 'Zakończony',
-	'Deferred' => 'Odroczona',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Odwołany',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/PurchaseOrder.php b/languages/pl_pl/PurchaseOrder.php
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index db2c9f05ee5fa0dc8311929c9a43533921c29f16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/PurchaseOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder' => 'Zamówienie do Dostawcy',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF' => 'Eksport do PDF',
-	//Basic strings
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Zamówienie do Dostawcy',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Zamówień do Dostawców',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Zamówienie do Dostawcy',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION' => 'Podstawowe informacje',
-	//Field Labels
-	'PurchaseOrder No' => 'Numer Zamówienia do Dostawcy',
-	'Requisition No' => 'Nr Zamówienia klienta',
-	'Tracking Number' => 'Nr listu przewozowego',
-	'Sales Commission' => 'Prowizja od sprzedaży',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'Received Shipment'=>'Przyjęty Transport',
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Cennik',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Cennik',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Adres kopia firmy',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Quotes.php b/languages/pl_pl/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bf4c514cce7b32815976847dfa7c3f659dc2d866..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'SINGLE_Quotes' => 'Oferta',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF' => 'Eksport do PDF',
-	//Basic strings
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj OfertÄ™',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista Ofert',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie Oferty',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION' => 'Cytat deatils',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Quote No'=>'Numer oferty',
-	'Quote Stage'=>'Status oferty',
-	'Valid Till'=>'Termin ważności',
-	'Inventory Manager'=>'Kierownik Magazynu',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'Accepted'=>'Zaakceptowana',
-	'Rejected'=>'Odrzucona',
-        'Open Quotes'=>'Otwarte Cytaty',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/RecycleBin.php b/languages/pl_pl/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 89349d9c552c4c69a900582aee254c30e524939c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-'Recycle Bin' => 'Kosz',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Zaznacz moduł',
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN' => 'Opróżnij cały kosz',
-	'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Przywróć',
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES' => 'Brak modułów do wybrania',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista rekordów',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND' => 'Nie znaleziono rekordów do przywrócenia w tym module',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć wszystkie rekordy z bazy (nie będzie można cofnąć tej operacji)?',
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przywrócić rekordy?',
-	'JS_RESTORING_RECORDS' => 'Przywracanie rekordów',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Reports.php b/languages/pl_pl/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcb4cdcee7a66159730dd2153aa09bc40418810..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'=>'Raporty',
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY' => 'Folder który chcesz usunąć zawiera w sobie raporty.',
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT' => 'PrzenieÅ› Raporty',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE' => 'Edytuj Raport',
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL' => 'Eksportuj do Excel',
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT' => 'Drukuj',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Krok 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Krok 2',
-	'LBL_STEP_3' => 'Krok 3',
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS' => 'Szczegóły dot. Raportu',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS' => 'Wybór Kolumn',
-	'LBL_FILTERS' => 'Filtry',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS' => 'Foldery',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER' => 'Dodaj nowy Folder',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME' => 'Nazwa folderu',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis folderu',
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'Taka nazwa już istnieje',
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST' => 'Lista folderów',
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS' => 'Brak dostępu do Raportów',
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS' => 'Wszystkich wpisów',
-    'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'=>'Tylko 1000 rekordy zostały przedstawione poniżej. Proszę wyeksportować, aby zobaczyć wszystkie rekordy',
-	//ListView Actions
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj Raport',
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER' => 'Dodaj Folder',
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED' => 'Odmowa dostępu do usunięcia raportu',
-	//Folder Actions
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY' => 'Folder który chcesz usunąć zawiera w sobie raporty.',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'Folder nie może być usunięty',
-	//Mass Actions
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST' => 'Lista raportów',
-	//Step1 Strings
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME' => 'Nazwa raportu',
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER' => 'Folder Raportu',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis',
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE' => 'Moduł podstawowy',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES' => 'Wybierz powiązane moduły',
-	'LBL_MAX' => 'Maksymalnie',
-	'LBL_NEXT' => 'Dalej',
-	'LBL_REPORTS' => 'Lista raportów',
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES' => 'Wybierz powiązane moduły',
-	//Step2 Strings
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY' => 'Grupuj według',
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER' => 'Kolejności sortowania',
-	'LBL_ASCENDING' => 'RosnÄ…co',
-	'LBL_DESCENDING' => 'MalejÄ…co',
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS' =>'Obliczenia',
-	'LBL_COLUMNS' => 'Kolumny',
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE' => 'Suma',
-	'LBL_AVERAGE' => 'Åšrednia',
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE' => 'Najniższa wartość',
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE' => 'Najwyższa wartość',
-	//Step3 Strings
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT' => 'Generuj raport',
-	//DetailView
-	'LBL_SUM' => 'Suma',
-	'LBL_AVG' => 'Åšrednia',
-	'LBL_MAX' => 'Najwyższa wartość',
-	'LBL_MIN' => 'Najniższa wartość',
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES' => 'Nazwy pól',
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV' => 'Eksportuj do pliku CSV',
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS' => 'Wyświetl szczegóły',
-	//List View Headers
-	'Report Name' => 'Nazwa raportu',
-	//Default Folders Names, Report Names and Description
-	'Account and Contact Reports'=>'Raporty: Kontrahenci i Kontakty',
-	'Lead Reports'=>'Raporty: Potencjalni Klienci',
-	'Potential Reports'=>'Raporty: Szanse Sprzedaży',
-	'Activity Reports'=>'Raporty: Kalendarz',
-	'HelpDesk Reports'=>'Raporty: Zgłoszenia',
-	'Product Reports'=>'Raporty: Produkty',
-	'Quote Reports'=>'Raporty: Oferty',
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'=>'Raporty: Zamówienia do Dostawców',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'=>'Raporty: Zamówienia od Klientów', //Added for SO
-	'Invoice Reports'=>'Raporty: Faktury',
-	'Campaign Reports'=>'Raporty: Kampanie Marketingowe', //Added for Campaigns
-	'Contacts by Accounts'=>'Kontakty z podziałem na Kontrahenta',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'=>'Kontakty bez Kontrahenta',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'=>'Kontakty z podziałem na Szanse Sprzedaży',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts'=>'Kontakty przydzielone do Kontrahentów',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts'=>'Kontakty nieprzydzielone do Kontrahentów',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials'=>'Kontakty powiązane z Szansami Sprzedaży',
-	'Lead by Source'=>'Potencjalni Klienci według źródła',
-	'Lead Status Report'=>'Potencjalni Klienci według statusu',
-	'Potential Pipeline'=>'Szanse Sprzedaży według postępu',
-	'Closed Potentials'=>'Szanse Sprzedaży zamknięte',
-	'Potential that have Won'=>'Szanse Sprzedaży zakończone sukcesem',
-	'Tickets by Products'=>'Zgłoszenia serwisowe z podziałem na produkty',
-	'Tickets by Priority'=>'Zgłoszenia serwisowe z podziałem na status',
-	'Open Tickets'=>'Otwarte zgłoszenia serwisowe',
-	'Tickets related to Products'=>'Zgłoszenia serwisowe przydzielone do produktu',
-	'Tickets that are Open'=>'Otwarte zgłoszenia serwisowe',
-	'Product Details'=>'Szczegóły produktu',
-	'Products by Contacts'=>'Produkty powiÄ…zane z Kontaktami',
-	'Product Detailed Report'=>'Raport produktów - szczegółowy',
-	'Products related to Contacts'=>'Produkty powiÄ…zane z Kontaktami',
-	'Open Quotes'=>'Otwarte oferty',
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'=>'Raport ofert - szczegółowy',
-	'Quotes that are Open'=>'Otwarte zgłoszenia',
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'=>'Zamówienia do Dostawców po Kontaktach',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report'=>'Szczegółowy raport Zamówień do Dostawców',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts'=>'Zamówienia do Dostawców powiązane z Kontaktami',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'=>'Raport faktur - szczegółowy',
-	'Last Month Activities'=>'Kalendarz - wydarzenia z odstatniego miesiÄ…ca',
-	'This Month Activities'=>'Kalendarz - wydarzenia z odstatniego miesiÄ…ca',
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals'=>'Raport oczekiwań i realizacji z kampanii', //Added for Campaigns
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'=>'Raport Zamówień od Klientów - szczegółowy', //Added for SO
-	'Email Reports'=>'Raport wiadomości mail',
-	'Contacts Email Report'=>'Raport wiadomości mail dla Kontaktów',
-	'Accounts Email Report'=>'Raport wiadomości mail dla Kontrahentów',
-	'Leads Email Report'=>'Raport wiadomości mail dla Potencjalnych Klientów',
-	'Vendors Email Report'=>'Raport wiadomości mail dla Dostawców',
-	'Emails sent to Contacts' => 'Wiadomości mail wysłane do Kontaktów',
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Wiadomości mail wysłane do Kontrahentów',
-	'Emails sent to Leads' => 'Wiadomości mail wysłane do Potencjalnych Klientów',
-	'Emails sent to Vendors' => 'Wiadomości mail wysłane do Dostawców',
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT' => 'Wydruk z raportu',
-	'LBL_RECORDS' => 'rekordów',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Rss.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Rss Źródła RSS',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Dodaj Kanał Źródło',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Kanały listy Z',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Ustaw jako domyślny',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'nadajnik',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Kanał Źródło',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Wprowadź podawania źródła',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'Kanał RSS',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss pomyślnie,',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Nieprawidłowy RSS url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Wykonane jako domyślne',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d43f8c883e0e3bff4e8700271710e7c79c03ec9d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Wyślij smsa do zaznaczonych numerów',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Krok 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Krok 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Wybierz pola numerów do wysyłki',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'Rodzaj wiadomości',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'tutaj wpisz swoją wiadomość',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Dodaj więcej pól',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Konfiguracja serwera',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'Sprawdź status',
-	'message' => 'Wiadomość',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje o wiadomości',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/SalesOrder.php b/languages/pl_pl/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4255bdc81887ecea9e0b2a616db305fe05b3b51b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/SalesOrder.php
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder' => 'Zamówienie od Klienta',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF' => 'Eksport do PDF',
-	//Basic strings
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj zamówienie od Klienta',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista zamówień od Klientów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie zamówienia od Klienta',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły zamówienia od Klienta',
-	//Field labels
-	'SalesOrder No'=>'Numer zamówienia od Klienta',
-	'Quote Name'=>'Oferta',
-	'Customer No' => 'Numer Kontrahenta',
-	'Requisition No'=>'Numer rezerwacji',
-	'Tracking Number'=>'Numer przesyłki',
-	'Sales Commission' => 'Marża ze sprzedaży',
-	'Purchase Order'=>'Zamówienie do Dostawcy',
-	'Vendor Terms'=>'Warunki zamówienia do Dostawcy',
-	'Pending'=>'OczekujÄ…ce',
-	'Enable Recurring' => 'WÅ‚Ä…cz automatyczne fakturowanie',
-	'Frequency' => 'Częstotliwość',
-	'Start Period' => 'Data rozpoczęcia',
-	'End Period' => 'Data zakończenia',
-	'Payment Duration' => 'Okres płatności',
-	'Invoice Status' => 'Status faktury',
-	//Added for existing Picklist Entries
-	'Sub Total'=>'Podsumowanie',
-	'AutoCreated'=>'Utworzona automatycznie',
-	'Sent'=>'Wysłana',
-	'Credit Invoice'=>'Faktura kredytowa',
-	'Paid'=>'Zapłacona',
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/pl_pl/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c69968aa15b2f817c9c425bd4684a4443c32b6c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/ServiceContracts.php
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-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'ServiceContracts' => 'Umowy serwisowe',
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts' => 'Umowa serwisowa',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj umowÄ™ serwisowÄ…',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista umów serwisowych',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie umowy serwisowej',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły umowy serwisowej',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Contract No' => 'Numer umowy serwisowej',
-	'Start Date' => 'Data rozpoczęcia',
-	'End Date' => 'Data zakończenia',
-	'Tracking Unit' => 'Rodzaj jednostki rozliczenia',
-	'Total Units' => 'Do wykorzystania jednostek',
-	'Used Units' => 'Wykorzystane jednostki',
-	'Progress'=> 'W realizacji',
-	'Planned Duration' => 'Czas obowiÄ…zywania umowy (w dniach)',
-	'Actual Duration' => 'Rzeczywisty czas obowiÄ…zywania umowy (w dniach)',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Services' => 'Usługi',
-	'SINGLE_Services' => 'Usługa',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj usługę',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista usług',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie usługi',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły usługi',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES' => 'więcej walut', 
-	'LBL_PRICES' => 'Cena za usługę',
-	'LBL_PRICE' => 'Cena',
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE' => 'Wyczyść cenę',
-	'LBL_RESET' => 'Wyczyść',
-	//Services popup of pricebook
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Dodaj do cennika',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Service Name'=>'Nazwa usługi',
-	'Service Active'=>'Usługa aktywna',
-	'Service Category'=>'Kategoria',
-	'Service No'=>'Numer usługi',
-	'Owner'=>'Właściciel',
-	'No of Units'=>'Liczba jednostek',
-	'Commission Rate'=>'Marża za usługę',
-	'Price'=>'Cena',
-	'Usage Unit'=>'Użytych jednostek',
-	'Tax Class'=>'Rodzaj podatku',
-	'Website'=>'Strona WWW',
-	//Services popup of pricebook
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS' => 'Dodaj do cennika',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nazwa szablonu',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Opis '
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Groups.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP' => 'Przenieś właściciela',
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP' => 'do innej grupy '
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Profiles.php b/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Profiles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 473b9219d724a85132f87806c2130c6a6b9c49cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Profiles.php
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@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Profiles' => 'Profile',
-	'SINGLE_Profiles' => 'Profil',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj profil',
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE' => 'PrzeglÄ…d',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE' => 'Utwórz / Edytuj',
-	'LBL_FIELD_PRVILIGES' => 'Uprawnienia na polach',
-	'LBL_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Narzędzie do uprawnień',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Roles.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Roles.php
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Roles' => 'Role',
-	'SINGLE_Roles' => 'Rola',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj role',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/SharingAccess.php b/languages/pl_pl/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE' => 'Dodaj przykładową role',
-	'Read Only' => 'R',
-	'Read Write' => 'R+W',
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_RULE' => 'Dodaj nową przykładową role',
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY' => 'Może być dostępna przez',
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES' => 'Uprawnienia',
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE' =>  'Zasady udostępniania',
-	'LBL_RULE_NO' => 'Numer reguły',
-	'LBL_PRIVILAGES' => 'Uprawnienia',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Vtiger.php
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--- a/languages/pl_pl/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integracja',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Settings' => 'Ustawienia',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_STUDIO' => 'Ustawienia systemowe',
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES' => 'Ustawienia szablonów',
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT' => 'ZarzÄ…dzanie uprawnieniami',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT' => 'Zarządzanie dostępem',
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER' => 'Zarządzanie modułami',
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS' => 'Powiadomienia',
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Ustawienia serwera zewnętrznego',
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS' => 'Inne ustawienia',
-	// Fields
-	// Other Strings
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzania dostępem użytkowników do vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_ROLES' => 'Role',
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Skonfiguruj hierarchie ról',
-	'LBL_PROFILES' => 'Profiles',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Konfiguracja na rolach dostępu do pozostałych modułów',
-	'USERGROUPLIST' => 'Grupy',
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj uprawnieniami na podstawie ról, użytkowników i profili',
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS' => 'Zasady dostępu',
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj zasadami udostępniania modułów',
-	'LBL_FIELDS_ACCESS'=> 'Dostęp do pól',
-	'LBL_SHARING_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zdefiniuj globalny dostęp na poziomie pola w każdym module',
-	'LBL_AUDIT_TRAIL' => 'Historia dostępu',
-	'LBL_AUDIT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Ostatnia operacje na danych wykonywane przez użytkowników',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Historia Logowanie użytkownika',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Wyświetlać historię logowania użytkowników',
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP_MANAGEMENT' => 'Dymek po najechaniu myszkÄ…',
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP_MANAGEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj treścią dymków po najechaniu myszką',
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST' => 'Lista obiegów informacji',
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST' => 'WÅ‚Ä…czone obiegi informacji',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS' => 'Obliczenia na polach',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Dodaj własne obliczenia do pól niestandardowych',
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER' => 'Zarządzanie modułami',
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj modułami istniejącymi w systemie Vtiger',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR' => 'Edytor słowników',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION' => 'Dostosuj wartości w słownikach',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Konfiguracja zależności pomiędzy słownikami',
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Ustaw zależności pomiędzy słownikami dla każdego z modułów',
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST' => 'Ustaw zależność pomiędzy wartościami w słownikach',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS' => 'Obliczenia na polach',
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Dodaj własne obliczenia do pól niestandardowych',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR' => 'Konfiguracja Menu',
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC' => 'Konfiguracja widoczności pozycji menu',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE' => 'Rzeczywista liczba punktów menu wyświetlanych będzie zależeć od wielkości ekranu i może być mniejsza niż wybranych pozycjach.',
-	'NOTIFICATIONSCHEDULERS' => 'Harmonogram powiadomień',
-	'LBL_NOTIF_SCHED_DESCRIPTION' => 'ZarzÄ…dzaj powiadomieniami',
-	'INVENTORYNOTIFICATION' => 'Powiadomienia magazynowe',
-	'LBL_INV_NOTIF_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zmień powiadomienia magazynowe',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES' => 'Szablony mail',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'ZarzÄ…dzaj szablonami mail',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS' => 'Szczegóły firmy',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Dane adresowe firmy',
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE' => 'Korespondencja seryjna',
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION' => 'ZarzÄ…dzaj szablonami korespondencji seryjnej',
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS' => 'Obliczenia podatkowe',
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION' => 'ZarzÄ…dzaj podatkami i stawkami podatkowymi',
-	'LBL_PROXY_SETTINGS' => 'Proxy Server',
-	'LBL_PROXY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Skonfiguruj serwery proxy, aby uzyskać dostęp do kanałów RSS za pośrednictwem Internetu',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Serwer poczty wychodzÄ…cej (SMTP)',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Konfiguruj serwer poczty wychodzÄ…cej',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE_VIEW' => 'Domyślny widok w module',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE_VIEW_DESC' => 'Ustaw domyślny widok dla wszystkich modułów',
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS' => 'Magazyn: warunki i ustalenia',
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION' => 'Określić warunki i ustalenia dla ofert, faktur i zamówień',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj ogłoszeniami systemowymi',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzaj międzynarodowymi walutami i kursami wymiany',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER' => 'Dostosuj numeracje dla modułów',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zarządzanie numeracją w modułach',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER' => 'Skaner poczty przychodzÄ…cej',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Skonfiguruj skrzynki pocztowe do automatycznego zarzÄ…dzania pocztÄ… przychodzÄ…cÄ….',
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS' => 'Automatyzacja procesów biznesowych',
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Twórz i zarządzają przepływem pracy',
-	'Configuration Editor' => 'Konfiguracja globalna',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'Portal Klienta',
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Konfiguruj komponent Portalu Klienta.',
-	'ModTracker' => 'Åšledzenie zmian',
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Zaznacz moduły, które mają mieć śledzone zmiany',
-	'Scheduler' => 'Harmonogram',
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Konfiguracja zadań wykonywanych automatycznie przez system',
-	'Webforms' => 'Formularze WWW',
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'ZarzÄ…dzaj formularzami WWW',
-	//Outgoing Server
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT' => 'Reset to Default',
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME' => 'Server Name',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME' => 'User Name',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Password',
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL' => 'From Email',
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION' => 'Requires Authentication',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER' => 'Outgoing Server',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC' => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details',
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'=>'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'=>'',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'=>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'=>'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)',
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTE: Outgoing server should be set to SSL or TLS Protocal and If "From Email" field is set to blank then the User Email address will be picked up.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'=>'Test Mail Status : ',
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'=>'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Users.php b/languages/pl_pl/Users.php
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index fe57cc6b673beffd310ed2cef9f2bfa6dda1546e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Users.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj użytkownika',
-	//MyPreference Blocks
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'  =>  'Moje ustawienia',
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'  =>  'Więcej informacji',
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'  =>  'Nazwy użytkowników i ich role',
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION' => 'Zdjęcie użytkownika',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION' =>  'Konfiguracja walut i formatu liczb',
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Adres użytkownika',
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS' => 'Opcje zaawansowane użytkownika',
-	'Asterisk Configuration'  =>  'Konfiguracja centrali telefonicznej Asterisk',
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS' => 'Komponenty strony głównej',
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY' => 'Wyświetlanie chmury tagów',
-	//MyPreference Fields
-	'Role' => 'Role',
-	'Admin' => 'Admin',
-	'User Name' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
-	'Default Activity View' => 'Domyślny widok kalendarza',
-	'Default Lead View' => 'Domyślny widok w Potencjalnych Klientach',
-	'Title' => 'Stanowisko',
-	'Office Phone' => 'Telefon biurowy',
-	'Department' => 'Dział',
-	'Reports To' => 'Raportuj do',
-	'Yahoo id' => 'ID komunikatora Yahoo',
-	'Home Phone' => 'Telefon domowy',
-	'User Image' => 'Załaduj zdjęcie',
-	'Date Format' => 'Format daty',
-	'Tag Cloud' => 'Chmura tagów',
-	'Signature' => 'Podpis',
-	'Street Address' => 'Adres ulicy',
-	'Password' => 'Hasło',
-	'Confirm Password' => 'Potwierdź hasło',
-	'LBL_SHOWN' => 'Widoczny',
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Ukryty',
-	'LBL_SHOW' => 'Pokaż',
-	'LBL_HIDE' => 'Ukryj',
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO' => 'Komponenty strony głównej',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY' => 'Historia logowania',
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO' => 'Szczegóły użytkownika',
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP' => 'Usunięte grupy',
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME' => 'Grupy do usunięcia',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP' => 'Zmiana właściciela na: ',
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER' => 'Użytkownik został usunięty',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER' => 'Przenieś z użytkownika na użytkownika',
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE' => 'Usuń profil',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'PrzenieÅ› role do profili',
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED' => 'Profil został usunięty',
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER' => 'Używaj wbudowanego klienta poczty',
-	'Asterisk Extension'  =>  'Rozszerzenie Asterisk',
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'  =>  'Odbieranie przychodzących rozmów',
-	'Reminder Interval' => 'Częstotliwość przypomnień',
-	'Webservice Access Key' => 'Klucz dostępu (Access Key)',
-	'Language' => 'Język',
-	'Theme' =>  'Szablon wyglÄ…du',
-	'Time Zone'  =>  'Strefa czasowa',
-	'Decimal Separator'  =>  'Separator dziesiętny',
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'  =>  'Format liczby',
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'  =>  'Separator tysięcy',
-	'Symbol Placement'  =>  'Miejsce symbolu waluty',
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  =>  'Liczba miejsc po przecinku dla walut',
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'  =>   'Obcinanie końcowych zer',
-	'Default Call Duration' => 'Domyślny czas trwania połączeń (minuty)',
-	'Other Event Duration' => 'Pozostały czas zdarzenia (minuty)',
-	'Calendar Hour Format' => 'Godzinowy format kalendarza',
-	'Tag Cloud' => 'Chmura tagów',
-	//Time zones-Dont change any value
-    'Kwajalein'  =>  '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West',
-    'Pacific/Midway'  =>  '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11',
-    'Pacific/Samoa'  =>  '(UTC-11:00) Samoa',
-    'Pacific/Honolulu'  =>  '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii',
-    'America/Anchorage'  =>  '(UTC-09:00) Alaska',
-    'America/Los_Angeles'  =>  '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-    'America/Tijuana'  =>  '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California',
-    'America/Denver'  =>  '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-    'America/Chihuahua'  =>  '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan',
-    'America/Mazatlan'  =>  '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan',
-    'America/Phoenix'  =>  '(UTC-07:00) Arizona',
-    'America/Regina'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan',
-    'America/Tegucigalpa'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Central America',
-    'America/Chicago'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-    'America/Mexico_City'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City',
-    'America/Monterrey'  =>  '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey',
-    'America/New_York'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)',
-    'America/Bogota'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito',
-    'America/Lima'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Lima',
-    'America/Rio_Branco'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco',
-    'America/Indiana/Indianapolis'  =>  '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)',
-    'America/Caracas'  =>  '(UTC-04:30) Caracas',
-    'America/Halifax'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)',
-    'America/Manaus'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) Manaus',
-    'America/Santiago'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) Santiago',
-    'America/La_Paz'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) La Paz',
-    'America/Cuiaba'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba',
-    'America/Asuncion'  =>  '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion',
-    'America/St_Johns'  =>  '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland',
-    'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'  =>  '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires',
-    'America/Sao_Paulo'  =>  '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia',
-    'America/Godthab'  =>  '(UTC-03:00) Greenland',
-    'America/Montevideo'  =>  '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo',
-    'Atlantic/South_Georgia'  =>  '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic',
-    'Atlantic/Azores'  =>  '(UTC-01:00) Azores',
-    'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'  =>  '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.',
-    'Europe/London'  =>  '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon',
-    'UTC'  =>  '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time',
-    'Africa/Monrovia'  =>  '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik',
-    'Africa/Casablanca'  =>  '(UTC) Casablanca',
-    'Europe/Belgrade'  =>  '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague',
-    'Europe/Sarajevo'  =>  '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb',
-    'Europe/Brussels'  =>  '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris',
-    'Africa/Algiers'  =>  '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa',
-    'Europe/Amsterdam'  =>  '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna',
-    'Europe/Minsk'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Minsk',
-    'Africa/Cairo'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Cairo',
-    'Europe/Helsinki'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius',
-    'Europe/Athens'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest',
-    'Europe/Istanbul'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul',
-    'Asia/Jerusalem'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem',
-    'Asia/Amman'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Amman',
-    'Asia/Beirut'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Beirut',
-    'Africa/Windhoek'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek',
-    'Africa/Harare'  =>  '(UTC+02:00) Harare',
-    'Asia/Kuwait'  =>  '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh',
-    'Asia/Baghdad'  =>  '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad',
-    'Africa/Nairobi'  =>  '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi',
-    'Asia/Tehran'  =>  '(UTC+03:30) Tehran',
-    'Asia/Tbilisi'  =>  '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi',
-    'Europe/Moscow'  =>  '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd',
-    'Asia/Muscat'  =>  '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat',
-    'Asia/Baku'  =>  '(UTC+04:00) Baku',
-    'Asia/Yerevan'  =>  '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan',
-    'Asia/Karachi'  =>  '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi',
-    'Asia/Tashkent'  =>  '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent',
-    'Asia/Kolkata'  =>  '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi',
-    'Asia/Colombo'  =>  '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura',
-    'Asia/Katmandu'  =>  '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu',
-    'Asia/Dhaka'  =>  '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka',
-    'Asia/Almaty'  =>  '(UTC+06:00) Almaty',
-    'Asia/Yekaterinburg'  =>  '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg',
-    'Asia/Rangoon'  =>  '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)',
-    'Asia/Novosibirsk'  =>  '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk',
-    'Asia/Bangkok'  =>  '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta',
-    'Asia/Brunei'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi',
-    'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk',
-    'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar',
-    'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore',
-    'Asia/Taipei'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Taipei',
-    'Australia/Perth'  =>  '(UTC+08:00) Perth',
-    'Asia/Irkutsk'  =>  '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk',
-    'Asia/Seoul'  =>  '(UTC+09:00) Seoul',
-    'Asia/Tokyo'  =>  '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo',
-    'Australia/Darwin'  =>  '(UTC+09:30) Darwin',
-    'Australia/Adelaide'  =>  '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide',
-    'Australia/Canberra'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney',
-    'Australia/Brisbane'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane',
-    'Australia/Hobart'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Hobart',
-    'Asia/Vladivostok'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok',
-    'Pacific/Guam'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby',
-    'Asia/Yakutsk'  =>  '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk',
-    'Etc/GMT-11' => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-    'Pacific/Fiji'  =>  '(UTC+12:00) Fiji',
-    'Asia/Kamchatka'  =>  '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka',
-    'Pacific/Auckland'  =>  '(UTC+12:00) Auckland',
-    'Asia/Magadan'  =>  '(UTC+12:00) Magadan',
-    'Pacific/Tongatapu'  =>  '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Aktywnych użytkowników',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Nieaktywnych użytkowników',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Usuń użytkownika na stałe',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Przywracać',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Użytkownik odtworzone',
-	'Summary' => 'Podsumowanie',
-	'Detail' => 'Szczegóły',
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS' => 'Szczegóły',
-	'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD' => 'Stare hasło',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'Zmień hasło',
-	'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD' => 'Nowe hasło',
-	'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'Potwierdź hasło',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Zmień Access Key',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Klawisz pomyślnie zaktualizowane',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Nie udało się zaktualizować klucz dostępu',
-	//Login strings
-	'LBL_TO_CRM' => 'Zaloguj do Vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_INVALID_USER_OR_PASSWORD' => 'Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło.',
-	'LBL_INVALID_USER_OR_EMAIL' => 'Niepoprawna nazwa uzytkownika lub hasło.',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_SEND' => 'Wysłaliśmy Ci email potrzebny do zresetowania hasła.',
-	'ForgotPassword' => 'Zapomniane hasło',
-	'LBL_CONNECT_WITH_US' => 'Połącz z nami',
-	'LBL_GET_MORE' => 'Wykorzystaj lepiej Vtiger',
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RECORDS_TO_USER' => 'Przenieś rekordy na użytkownika',
-	'LBL_USER_TO_BE_DELETED' => 'Użytkownik do usunięcia',
-	'Starting Day of the week' => 'Tydzień rozpoczyna od dnia',
-	'Default Record View' => 'Domyślny widok rekordu',
-	'Row Height' => 'Wysokość wiersza',
-	'Left Panel Hide' => 'Ukryj lewy panel',
-	'Medium' => 'Åšredni',
-	'Wide' => 'Szeroki',
-	'Narrow' => 'WÄ…ski',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Prawie tam!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'O mnie',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Obiecujemy, aby utrzymać ten prywatny)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Wymagane są wszystkie pola poniżej)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Pierwsze kroki',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Twój numer kontaktowy',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Gdzie jesteÅ›?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Wybierz Kraj',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Wielkość firmy',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Zawód',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Dział',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Waluta bazowa',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Wybierz walutÄ™ podstawowego',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Waluta bazowa nie można później modyfikować. Wybierz walutę operacyjny',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Język',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Wybierz język',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Wybierz czasowÄ…',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Format daty',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Wybierz format daty',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefon',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Wpisz swoje stare hasło.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Wpisz nowe hasło.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Wpisz potwierdzenie nowego hasła.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Wpisz hasła ponownie.  Nowe hasło i potwierdzenie hasła nie są identyczne.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'Musisz podać poprawną nazwę uzytkownika i hasło.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'Nie udało się zmienic hasła dla ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' niepowodzenie. Nowe hasło musi zostać ustawione.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Podano niepoprawne stare hasło. Wpisz ponownie.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Nowy klucz dostępu wymagane',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Zażądano nowego klucza dostępowego. Z nowego przepisu klucz dostępu, trzeba zastąpić stary klucz dostępu z nową we wszystkich zainstalowanych rozszerzeń. chcesz kontynuować?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Vendors.php b/languages/pl_pl/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2210702c70b5318f425519ad9f41b4e7223dc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'Vendors' => 'Dostawcy',
-	'SINGLE_Vendors' => 'Dostawca',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj dostawcÄ™',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista dostawców',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie dostawcy',
-	// Blocks
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegółu dostawcy',
-	//Field Labels
-	'Vendor Name' => 'Nazwa dostawcy',
-	'Vendor No' => 'Numer dostawcy',
-	'Website' => 'Strona WWW',
-	'GL Account' => 'Konto Księgowe',
-	//Added for existing Picklist entries
-	'300-Sales-Software'=>'300 Sprzedaż oprogramowania',
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'=>'301 Sprzedaż urządzeń',
-	'302-Rental-Income'=>'302 Przychody z wynajmu',
-	'303-Interest-Income'=>'303 Przychody z tytułu odsetek',
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'=>'304 Sprzedaż wsparcia na oprogramowanie',
-	'305-Sales Other'=>'305 Sprzedaż pozostała',
-	'306-Internet Sales'=>'306 Sprzedaż internetowa',
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'=>'307 Koszty naprawy',
-	'308-Sales-Books'=>'308 Sprzedaż książek',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Usunięcie dostawcy spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich zamówieniń z którymi jest powiązany, czy na pewno chcesz usunąć rekord?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Usunięcie dostawcy (ów) spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich zamówieniń z którymi jest (są) powiązany (i), czy na pewno chcesz usunąć rekord?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pl_pl/Vtiger.php b/languages/pl_pl/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f19bcf88199f5fd1d69b667dc36d802c958f50ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pl_pl/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Footer
-	'APPTITLE' => 'Vtiger CRM',
-	'POWEREDBY'=> 'Wspierane przez vtiger CRM',
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE' => 'Czytaj licencje (EN)',
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY' => 'Polityka prywatności (EN)',
-	// Common Actions
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL' => 'Zaznacz wszystkie rekordy',
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW' => 'Tworzenie nowych',
-	'LBL_EDITING' => 'Edytowanie',
-	'LBL_SAVE' => 'Zapisz',
-	'LBL_CANCEL' => 'Anuluj',
-	'LBL_BACK' => 'Cofnij',
-	'LBL_IMPORT' => 'Import',
-	'LBL_EXPORT' => 'Export',
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES' => 'Szukaj duplikatów',
-	'LBL_MORE' => 'Więcej',
-	'LBL_ACTIONS' => 'Dostępne narzędzia',
-    'LBL_ADD' => 'Dodaj',
-	'LBL_EDIT' => 'Edytuj',
-	'LBL_DELETE' => 'Usuń',
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'=> 'Ustawienia',
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT' => 'Dodaj komentarz',
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS' => 'Edytuj pola',
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS' => 'Edytuj obieg informacji',
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Edytuj słowniki',
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER' => 'Konwertuj maile',
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE' => 'Ten rekord został usunięty.',
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND' => 'Niestety nie można odnaleźć tego rekordu',
-	//'LBL_EDIT_CURRENT_FILTER' => 'Edit Current Filter',
-	//'LBL_DELETE_CURRENT_FILTER' => 'Delete Current Filter',
-	'LBL_SELECT' => 'Zaznacz',
-	'LBL_CLEAR' => 'Wyczyść',
-	'LBL_YES' => 'Tak',
-	'LBL_NO' => 'Nie',
-        'LBL_EQ_ZERO' => 'Żaden',
-        'LBL_MASS_EDITING' => 'Edycja masowa',
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS' => 'Odznacz wszystko',
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE' => 'Szybkie tworzenie',
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL' => 'Wyślij maila',
-	//SEND EMAIL translations
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS' => 'Wszystkie pola mailowe',
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Ten rekord posiada wiele adresów mailowych, wybierz właściwy.',
-	//SEND EMAIL translations
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM' => 'Przejdź do pełnego formularza',
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS' => 'Wyślij SMS',
-	'LBL_FOUND' => 'znaleniono',
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD' => 'Wciśnij przycisk Dodaj',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Dodaj więcej pól',
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE' => 'Dodaj dokument',
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW' => 'Utwórz nowy',
-    'LBL_ADD_EVENT' => 'Dodaj wydarzenie',
-    'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Dodaj do zrobienia',
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES' => 'Marketing i Sprzedaż',
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER' => 'Narzędzia',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT' => 'Pomoc',
-	'LBL_INVENTORY' => 'Magazyn',
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS' => 'Raporty',
-	'LBL_HOME' => 'Pulpit',
-	// Common Link Labels
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS' => 'Ostatnie przeglÄ…dane rekordy',
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD' => 'Tablica',
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS' => 'Ustawienia użytkownika',
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES' => 'Moje ustawienia',
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT' => 'Wyloguj',
-	'LBL_HELP' => 'Pomoc (EN)',
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK' => 'Informacja do producenta',
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'=>'Język Wsparcie',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS' => 'Konfiguracja systemu',
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN' => 'Dodaj/Usuń użytkowników',
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT' => 'Ogłoszenie',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR' => 'Kalendarz',
-	'LBL_POST' => 'Dodaj komentarz',
-	// Common Fields
-	'LBL_USER' => 'Użytkownik',
-	'LBL_GROUP' => 'Grupa',
-	'Last Modified By' => 'Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez',
-	'Created Time' => 'Czas utworzenia',
-	'Modified Time' => 'Czas modyfikacji',
-	'Description' => 'Opis',
-	'Assigned To'=>'Przydzielone do',
-	//Loading Labels
-	'LBL_LOADING' => 'Ładowanie',
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET' => 'Ładowanie obiektu',
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS'	=> 'Ładowanie, proszę czekać...',
-	// Detail View
-	'LBL_UPDATES' => 'Aktualizacja',
-	'LBL_COMPLETE_DETAILS' => 'Pokaż szczegóły',
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS' => 'Pokaż podsumowanie',
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT' =>'Dodaj nowy komentarz',
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES' => 'Brak aktualizacji',
-	// Popup window
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR' => 'Szukana fraza',
-	'LBL_IN' => 'w',
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH' => 'Wpisz frazÄ™ do szukania',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON' => 'Wyszukaj',
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH' => 'Szukanie zaawansowane',
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT' => 'Ładowanie, proszę czekać...',
-	//DropDown Category
-	'LBL_USERS' => 'Użytkownicy',
-	'LBL_GROUPS' => 'Grupy',
-	//EditView Form Links
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM' => 'Pełen formularz',
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM' => 'Formularz uproszczony',
-	//Recent Comments
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Dodaj swój komentarz tutaj...',
-	'LBL_REPLY' => 'Odpowiedz',
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD' => 'PrzeglÄ…daj wÄ…tek',
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS' => 'Brak komentarzy',
-	'LBL_REPLIES' => 'odpowiedzi',
-	//Translation for all modules
-	'Accounts' => 'Kontrahenci',
-	'Assets' => 'Produkty Serwisowe',
-	'Calendar' => 'Kalendarz',
-	'Campaigns' => 'Kampanie Reklamowe',
-	'Contacts' => 'Kontakty',
-	'Documents' => 'Dokumenty',
-	'Leads' => 'Potencjalni Klienci',
-	'ModComments' => 'Komentarze',
-	'Potentials' => 'Szanse Sprzedaży',
-	'PriceBooks' => 'Czenniki',
-	'Products' => 'Produkty',
-	'Project' => 'Projekty',
-	'ProjectMilestone' => 'Etapy projektów',
-	'ProjectTask' => 'Zadania dla projektów',
-	'ServiceContracts' => 'Umowy serwisowe',
-	'Services' => 'Usługi',
-	'Vendors' => 'Dostawcy',
-	'Rss' => 'Kanały RSS',
-	'Quotes'=>'Oferty',
-	'PurchaseOrder'=>'Zamówienia do Dostawców',
-	'SalesOrder'=>'Zamówienia od Klientów',
-	'Invoice'=>'Faktury',
-    'Portal' => 'Nasze strony',
-	//Basic String Translation
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Dodaj rekord',
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED' => 'Ostatnio zmodyfikowane',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST' => 'Lista rekordów',
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY' => 'Podsumowanie modułu',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR' => 'Dostęp zabroniony dla',
-	'LBL_GO_BACK' => 'Cofnij',
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE' => 'Brak danych',
-	// Global Search
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH' => 'Wpisz wyrażenie i wciśnij enter',
-	//Filters & Advance Filter
-	'LBL_AND' => 'i',
-	'LBL_OR' => 'lub',
-	'LBL_NONE' => 'żaden',
-	'LBL_APPROVE' => 'zaakceptowany',
-	'LBL_DENY' => 'zabroniony',
-	'LBL_EQUALS' => 'taniej',
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO' => 'niewystarczajÄ…co',
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH' => 'zaczyna siÄ™',
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH' => 'kończy się',
-	'LBL_CONTAINS' => 'zawiera',
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN' => 'nie zawiera',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN' => 'mniej niż',
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN' => 'więcej od',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL' => 'mniej lub równo',
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL' => 'więcej lub równo',
-	'LBL_BEFORE' => 'przed',
-	'LBL_AFTER' => 'po',
-	'LBL_BETWEEN' => 'pomiędzy',
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'=> 'nie jest pusty',
-	'LBL_SEARCH' => 'Szukaj',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN' => 'szukaj w',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION' => 'Dodaj warunek',
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP' => 'Dodaj grupę warunków',
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Warunki filtrowania',
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS' => 'Wszystkie warunki',
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC' => 'Wszystkie warunki muszą być spełnione',
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS' => 'Dowolny warunek',
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC' => 'Dowolny warunek będzie spełniony',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD' => 'Zaznacz pole',
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Zaznacz moduł',
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER' => 'Utwórz nowy filtr',
-	'All' => 'Wszystkie',
-	'Others' => 'Inne',
-	'Pending' => 'OczekujÄ…ce',
-	'Public' => 'Publiczne',
-	//Advance Search
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER' => 'Zapisz filtr',
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER' => 'Zapisz / Modyfikuj filtr',
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Szukaj wyników',
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER' => 'Zapisz jako filtr',
-	//Exception String Translation
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE' => 'Dostęp zabroniony',
-	//Line Items
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'=> 'Szczegóły powiązanych produktów / usług',
-	'LBL_CURRENCY' => 'Waluta',
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE' => 'Podatek',
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Indywidualny',
-	'LBL_GROUP' => 'Grupowy',
-	'LBL_TOOLS' => 'Narzędzia',
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME' => 'Nazwa produktu / usługi',
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK' => 'w magazynie',
-	'LBL_QTY' => 'Ilość',
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE' => 'Cena jednostkowa',
-	'LBL_TOTAL' => 'Netto',
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE' => 'Brutto',
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT' => 'Rabat',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT' => 'Netto po rabacie',
-	'LBL_TAX' => 'Podatek',
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT' => 'Dodaj produkt',
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE' => 'Dodaj usługę',
-	'LBL_NET_TOTAL' => 'Brutto',
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Koszty dostawy i transportu',
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Podatek od kosztów dostawy i transportu',
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Ustaw podatek od dostawy/transportu',
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT' => 'Korekta kwotowa',
-	'LBL_DEDUCT' => 'Odejmij',
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL' => 'Brutto z kosztami dostawy',
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT' => 'Brak rabatu',
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE' => ' Cena',
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION' => 'Bezpośrednia redukcja ceny',
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR' => 'Ustaw rabat na',
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH' => 'niewystarczająca ilość w magazynie',
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT' => 'Maksymalna wartość',
-	'LBL_DRAG' => 'Upust',
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT' => 'Łączna wartość podatku (VAT)',
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT' => 'Bezpośrednia redukcja ceny',
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT' => 'Łączna redukcja ceny',
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES' => 'więcej walut',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CREATE' => 'Utwórz',
-	'LBL_GENERATE' => 'Generuj',
-    'LBL_DUPLICATE' => 'Duplikuj',
-	//Dashboard String
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET' => 'Dodaj okno',
-	'LBL_COMMENTS' => 'Komentarze',
-	'LBL_REFRESH' => 'Odśwież',
-	'LBL_CLOSE' => 'Zamknij',
-	'LBL_ALL' => 'Wszsytkie',
-	'LBL_UPDATED' => 'zaktualizował',
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Od',
-	'LBL_TO' => 'z',
-	'LBL_ON' => 'w',
-	'LBL_OF' => 'wyłączony',
-	'LBL_BY' => 'przez',
-	'LBL_ADDED' => 'dodał',
-	'LBL_FOR' => 'dla',
-	'LBL_CREATED' => 'utworzony',
-	'LBL_DELETED' => 'usunięty',
-	'LBL_RESTORED' => 'przywrócony',
-	'LBL_COMMENTED' => 'dodał komentarz',
-	'LBL_REMOVED' => 'usunięty',
-	'LBL_REMOVE' => 'Usuń',
-	'LBL_AT' => 'w',
-	'LBL_MINE' => 'Moje',
-	'History' => 'Historia',
-	'Upcoming Tasks' => 'NadchodzÄ…ce zadania',
-	'LBL_YEAR' => 'rok',
-	'LBL_YEARS' => 'lata',
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'miesiÄ…c',
-	'LBL_MONTHS' => 'miesiÄ…ce',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'dzień',
-	'LBL_DAYS' => 'dni',
-	'LBL_HOUR' => 'godzina',
-	'LBL_HOURS' => 'godziny',
-	'LBL_MINUTE' => 'minuta',
-	'LBL_MINUTES' => 'minuty',
-	'LBL_SECOND' => 'sekunda',
-	'LBL_SECONDS' => 'sekundy',
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW' => 'teraz',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje custom',
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES' => 'Brak aktualizacji',
-	'LBL_NO_DATA' => 'No Data',
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES' => 'Brak aktualizacji',
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED' => 'Brak dostępu',
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND' => 'Handler nieodnaleziony',
-	'LBL_FILTER' => 'Filtr',
-	'LBL_DUE' => 'należny w',
-	'LBL_DAYS' => 'dni',
-	'LBL_COMPLETED' => 'kompletny',
-	'LBL_AGO' => 'temu',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'dzisiaj',
-	'LBL_TOMORROW' => 'jutro',
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY' => 'wczoraj',
-	'LBL_CHANGED' => 'zmieniony',
-	'Single_Users' => 'Użytkownik',
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'=> 'dopasowany według kryteriów',
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES' => 'Brak nadchodzących wydarzeń',
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES' => 'Brak zaległych wydarzeń',
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS' => 'Brak aktualizacji lub komentarzy',
-	// Basic Strings- custom view
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME' => 'Nazwa filtru',
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW' => 'Utwórz nowy filtr',
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS' => 'Podstawowe informacje',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS' => 'Wybierz kolumny i kolejność',
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Maksymalnie 7',
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE' => 'Filtrowanie według daty',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Wybierz warunki filtrowania',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION' => 'Dodaj warunek',
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Ustaw jako domyślnie dla mnie',
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS' => 'Wrzuć na pulpit do tablicy',
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC' => ' Ustaw jako publiczne (wymaga akceptacji administratora)',
-	'LBL_AND' => 'i',
-	'LBL_OR' => 'lub',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS' => 'Dodaj więcej kolumn',
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP' => 'Dodaj grupÄ™',
-	//DateFilter Conditions
-	'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'WÅ‚asny',
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY' => 'Ubiegły Rok',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY' => 'Obecny Rok',
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY' => 'Kolejny Rok',
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ' => 'Ubiegły Kwartał',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ' => 'Obeny Kwartał',
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ' => 'Przyszły Kwartał',
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY' => 'Wczoraj',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Dzisiaj',
-	'LBL_TOMORROW' => 'Jutro',
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK' => 'Ostatni Tydzień',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK' => 'Obeny Tydzień',
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK' => 'Następny Tydzień',
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH' => 'Ostatni MiesiÄ…c',
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH' => 'Obeny MiesiÄ…c',
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH' => 'Następny Miesiąc',
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS' => 'Ostatnie 7 dni',
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS' => 'Ostatnie 30 dni',
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS' => 'Ostatnie 60 dni',
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS' => 'Ostatnie 90 dni',
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS' => 'Ostatnie 120 dni',
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS' => 'Następne 30 dni',
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS' => 'Następne 60 dni',
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS' => 'Następne 90 dni',
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS' => 'Następne 120 dni',
-	//advanced Filter Options
-	'LBL_EQUALS' => 'równe',
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO' => 'nie równe',
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH' => 'zaczyna siÄ™ od',
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH' => 'kończy się na',
-	'LBL_CONTAINS' => 'zawiera',
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN' => 'nie zawiera',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN' => 'mniej niż',
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN' => 'większy niż',
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL' => 'mniejszy lub równy',
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL' => 'większy lub równy',
-	'LBL_BEFORE' => 'przed',
-	'LBL_AFTER' => 'po',
-	'LBL_BETWEEN' => 'pomiędzy',
-	//Detail view summary widgets
-	'LBL_OWNER' => 'Właściciel',
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Utworzono',
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON' => 'Zmodyfikowano',
-    //calender set-reminder
-    'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT' => ' Przed zdarzeniem',
-	//Dashboard widgets
-	'History' => 'Historia',
-	'Upcoming Activities' => 'NadchodzÄ…ce wydarzenia',
-	'Overdue Activities' => 'Zaległe wydarzenia',
-	'Funnel' => 'Lejek Szans Sprzedaży',
-	'Potentials by Stage' => 'Szanse Sprzedaży według etapu',
-	'Pipelined Amount' => 'Planowana sprzedaż',
-	'Total Revenue' => 'Przychody wg sprzedawcy',
-	'Top Potentials' => 'Najważniejsze szanse sprzedaży',
-	'Forecast' => 'Prognozy sprzedaży',
-	'Leads Created' => 'Utworzeni Potencjalni Klienci',
-	'Leads by Status' => 'Potencjalni Klienci według statusu',
-	'Leads by Source' => 'Potencjalni Klienci według Źródło pozyskania',
-	'Leads by Industry' => 'Potencjalni Klienci według Branży',
-	'Tickets by Status' => 'Zgłoszenia według statusu',
-	'Open Tickets' => 'Otwarte Zgłoszenia',
-	//Exports strings
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA' => 'Wyeksportować wszystkie dane',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Eksport danych z aktualnej strony',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS' => 'Eksport zaznaczonych rekordów',
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS' => 'Eksport rekordów',
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED' => 'Nie wybrano rekordów.',
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Nie można usunąć domyślnego widget',
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filtr już istnieje',
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES' => 'Dodaj / Zarządzaj modułami',
-    'LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Wybierz status',
-	// Added Common Keys for all modules
-	'Account Name' => 'Nazwa Kontrahenta',
-	'Add Comment' => 'Dodaj komentarz',
-	'Adjustment' => 'Korekta',
-	'Annual Revenue' => 'Przychód roczny',
-	'Apparel'=>'Odzież',
-	'Banking'=>'Bank',
-	'Billing Address' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Ulica',
-	'Billing City' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Miasto',
-	'Billing Code' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Kod pocztowy',
-	'Billing Country' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Kraj',
-	'Billing Po Box' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Skrytka pocztowa',
-	'Billing State' => 'Adres korespondencyjny - Województwo',
-	'Biotechnology'=>'Biotechnologia',
-	//for SO PO and Quotes
-	'FedEx'=>'FedEx',
-	'UPS'=>'UPS',
-	'USPS'=>'USPS',
-	'DHL'=>'DHL',
-	'BlueDart'=>'BlueDart',
-	'Carrier' => 'Przewoźnik',
-	'Category'=>'Kategoria',
-	'Chemicals'=>'Chemikalia',
-	'City' => 'Miasto',
-	'Cold Call'=>'Rozmowa telefoniczna',
-	'Existing Customer'=>'IstniejÄ…cy kontrahent',
-	'Self Generated'=>'Automatycznie generowany',
-	'Employee'=>'Pracownik',
-	'Partner'=>'Partner',
-	'Public Relations'=>'Public Relations',
-	'Direct Mail'=>'Bezpośredni mail',
-	'Conference'=>'Konferencja',
-	'Trade Show'=>'Targi',
-	'Web Site'=>'Strona WWW',
-	'Word of mouth'=>'Polecenie',
-	'Other'=>'Inne',
-	//for leads and accounts
-	'--None--'=>'--None--',
-	'Acquired'=>'Nabyty',
-	'Active'=>'Aktywny',
-	'Market Failed'=>'Marketing nieudany',
-	'Project Cancelled'=>'Projekt anulowany',
-	'Shutdown'=>'Wyłączony',
-	'Apparel'=>'Odzież',
-	'Banking'=>'Bank',
-	'Biotechnology'=>'Biotechnologia',
-	'Chemicals'=>'Chemikalia',
-	'Communications'=>'Komunikacja',
-	'Construction'=>'Budownictwo',
-	'Consulting'=>'Konsultacje',
-	'Education'=>'Edukacja',
-	'Electronics'=>'Elektroniczna',
-	'Energy'=>'Energetyka',
-	'Engineering'=>'Inżynieria',
-	'Entertainment'=>'Rozrywka',
-	'Environmental'=>'Ochrona środowiska',
-	'Finance'=>'Finanse',
-	'Food & Beverage'=>'Żywność oraz napoje',
-	'Government'=>'RzÄ…d',
-	'Healthcare'=>'Opieka zdrowotna',
-	'Hospitality'=>'Hotelarstwo',
-	'Insurance'=>'Ubezpieczenia',
-	'Machinery'=>'Maszyny',
-	'Manufacturing'=>'Przetwórstwo',
-	'Media'=>'Media',
-	'Not For Profit'=>'Organizacje niepubliczne',
-	'Recreation'=>'Wypoczynek',
-	'Retail'=>'Detaliczny',
-	'Shipping'=>'Transport',
-	'Technology'=>'Technologie',
-	'Telecommunications'=>'Telekomunikacja',
-	'Transportation'=>'Transport',
-	'Utilities'=>'Użytkowe',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Osoba kontaktowa',
-	'Conversion Rate' => 'Współczynnik konwersji',
-	'Shipping Address' => 'Ulica dostawy',
-	'Shipping City' => 'Miasto dostawy',
-	'Shipping State' => 'Województwo dostawy',
-	'Shipping Code' => 'Kod pocztowy dostawy',
-	'Shipping Country' => 'Kraj dostawy',
-	'Shipping Po Box' => 'Skrytka pocztowa dostawy',
-	'Country' => 'Kraj',
-	'Description' => 'Opis',
-	'Created'=>'Utworzona',
-	'Approved'=>'Zaakceptowana',
-	'Delivered'=>'Dostarczona',
-	'Cancelled'=>'Anulowana',
-	'Currency' => 'Waluta',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY' => 'Waluta podstawowa',
-	'Discount Percent' => 'Procent rabatu',
-	'Discount Amount' => 'Kwota rabatu',
-	'Item Discount Amount' => 'Kwota rabatu dla wiersza',
-	'Item Discount Percent' => 'Procent rabatu dla wiersza',
-	'Due Date' => 'Data realizacji',
-	'Due Date & Time' => 'Czas realizacji',
-	'Email' => 'Mail główny',
-	'Secondary Email' => 'Mail dodatkowy',
-	'Other Email' => 'Inny email',
-	'Email Opt Out' => 'Czy wyłączyć system powiadomień?',
-    'Is Converted From Lead' => 'Jest przekształcany z ołowiu'  , 
-	'Expected Close Date' => 'Planowana data zakończenia',
-	'Fax' => 'Faks',
-	'Last Name' => 'Nazwisko',
-	'First Name' => 'ImiÄ™',
-	'High' => 'Wysoki',
-	'Low' => 'Niski',
-	'In Progress' => 'W realizacji',
-	'Subject' => 'Temat',
-	'Shipping Address' => 'Ulica dostawy',
-	'Shipping City' => 'Miasto dostawy',
-	'Shipping State' => 'Województwo dostawy',
-	'Shipping Code' => 'Kod pocztowy dostawy',
-	'Shipping Country' => 'Kraj dostawy',
-	'Shipping Po Box' => 'Skrytka pocztowa dostawy',
-	'Terms & Conditions' => 'Warunki i ustalenia',
-	'Item Name' => 'Nazwa produktu / usługi',
-	'Quantity' => 'Ilość',
-	'List Price' => 'Cena jednostkowa',
-	'Item Comment' => 'Komentarz do produktu / usługi',
-	'Tax1' => 'VAT 1',
-	'Tax2' => 'VAT 2',
-	'Tax3' => 'VAT 3',
-	'Excise Duty' => 'Akcyza',
-	'Total' => 'Netto',
-	'Sub Total' => 'Brutto',
-	'Tax Type' => 'Rodzaj podatku',
-	'S&H Amount' => 'Koszt dostawy i doajzdu',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Vendor Name'=>'Nazwa dostawcy',
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje adresowe',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły opisu',
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION' => 'Warunki i ustalenia',
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION' => 'Informacja cenowa',
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS' => 'Szczegóły produktu',
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION' => 'Szczegóły przypomnienia',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED' => 'Folder zapisania',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS' => 'Folder już istnieje',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED' => 'Folder usunięto',
-	'Lead Source' => 'Źródło pozyskania',
-	'Mobile' => 'Telefon komórkowy',
-	'Notify Owner' => 'Czy właściciel rekordu ma otrzymywać email-e',
-	'Other Phone' => 'Dodatkowy telefon',
-	'Phone' => 'Telefon główny',
-	'State' =>  'Województwo',
-	'Po Box' => 'Skrytka pocztowa',
-	'Postal Code' => 'Kod pocztowy',
-	'Potential Name' => 'Nazwa Szansy Sprzedaży',
-	'Priority'=>'Priorytet',
-	'Product Name' => 'Nazwa produktu',
-	'Rating' => 'Ocena',
-	'Related To'=>'PowiÄ…zany z',
-	'Type' => 'Rodzaj',
-	'Reviewed'=>'Oczekuje na decyzjÄ™',
-	'Salutation' => 'Przywitanie',
-	'Street' => 'Ulica',
-	'Support Start Date' => 'Data rozpoczęcia wsparcia',
-	'Support Expiry Date' => 'Data zakończenia wsparcia',
-	'Sales Start Date'=>'Data rozpoczęcia sprzedaży',
-	'Sales End Date'=>'Data zakończenia sprzedaży',
-	//Dashboard list of widgets translation
-	'Open Ticktes' => 'Otwarte zgłoszenia',
-	//PageTitle translations
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Dostosuj menu główne',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Komentarz',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Ostatni komentarz',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Ostatnie 5 komentarzy',
-	'All Comments' => 'Wszystkie komentarze',
-	//Feedback on removing old version
-	'LBL_OLD_VERSION_REMOVED_SOON' => 'Ważna uwaga na stary wygląd',
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK_ON_REMOVING_OLD_VERSION' => 'Jesteśmy szczęśliwi mogąc dzielić się, że stary wygląd będzie dostępny dopiero w lutym 2014 roku. Dodaliśmy następujące funkcje do nowego wyglądu niedawno <br><br> 1. Raporty Pivot Łódź <br>2. Wykresy niestandardowe Tanie <br>3. Szybkie wyszukiwanie na listach <br><br> Jeśli masz pomysły na nowy wygląd, proszę podzielić się z nami poniżej.',
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Podziel siÄ™ propozycje tutaj ..',
-	'LBL_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK' => 'Prześlij opinię',
-	'LBL_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN' => 'Nie pokazuj tego ponownie',
-	'LBL_CONTINUE_TO_OLD_LOOK' => 'Dalej stary wyglÄ…d',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Nie wiÄ…zka',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Oznacz jako przeznaczone',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maksymalnie 160 znaków są dozwolone dla wiadomości tekstowej',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Ukryj Wykonane Wydarzenia Kalendarium',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS' => 'Konfiguracja formularzy WWW',
-    'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Łączyć',
-    	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate', //TOreview
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Należy skonfigurować ustawienia serwera poczty wychodzącej - SMTP',
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Należy skonfigurować bramkę SMS w panelu konfiguracji.',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD' => 'Proszę zaznaczyć przynajmniej jeden rekord.',
-	//Validation Error Message
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Proszę wprowadzić poprawny adres email.',
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'zawiera niedozwolone znaki',
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'numer telefonu ma za dużo znaków',
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER' => 'przyjmuje tylko wartości dodatnie',
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'wartość ta powinna być większa niż zero',
-    'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT' => 'Masa Edycja operacja może być wykonane na 500 lub mniej w czasie zapisy',
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF' => 'niepoprawny numer',
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć rekordy?',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1' => 'Czy na pewno nadpisać aktualny adres zaznaczonym adresem?',
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2' => 'Dane adresowe',
-	'SINGLE_Accounts' => 'Kontrahent',
-	'SINGLE_Contacts' => 'Kontakt',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone rekordy?',
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE' => 'Zapisz',
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL' => 'Anuluj',
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY' => 'Musi nastąpić przed dniem dzisiejszym',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Proszę wybrać co najmniej jedną z opcji',
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Proszę zaznaczyć moduł',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Proszę wybrać co najmniej jedno obowiązkowe pole',
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE' => 'Proszę zaznaczyć moduł',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Wprowadź wartość całkowitą',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Proszę podać wartość dziesiętną',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'powinna być mniejsza niż bieżąca data',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'powinna być większa niż bieżąca data',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'powinna być większa lub równa',
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Aktualna Data',
-	//Roles
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE' => 'Nie udało się zapisać zmian na serwerze',
-	//Import Translations
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Importowany plik nie może być pusty',
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Wybierz co najmniej jedno pole dla kryteriów scalania',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Nazwa szablonu nie może być pusta',
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS' => 'Nazwa szablonu już istnieje',
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION' => 'Proszę wybrać plik z następującym rozszerzeniem:',
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Pole mapowane więcej niż raz',
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS' => 'Proszę zmapować pola obowiązkowe',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE' => 'Proszę podać wartość do wyszukiwania',
-	//Select2 elements validation message
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'=> 'Można wybrać tylko',
-	'JS_ITEMS' => 'pozycji',
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION' => 'uprawnienia',
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY' => 'Sprawdź integralność pliku',
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD' => 'Zdublowany rekord',
-	//advance filter checkbox type condition values
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED' => 'jest włączony',
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED' => 'jest wyłączony',
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Proszę podać tekst komentarza',
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Treść komentarz nie może być pusta',
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD' => '* To pole jest wymagane',
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Nie można usunąć domyślnego widgetu',
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'powinna być mniejsza niż bieżąca data',
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'Brak uprawnień do tworzenia lub szybkiego tworzenia',
-	//Image Action
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Zdjęcie zostało pomyślnie usunięte',
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED' => 'Zdjęcie nie zostało usunięte',
-	'LBL_YES' => 'Tak',
-	'LBL_NO' => 'Nie',
-	'AM' => 'AM',
-	'PM' => 'PM',
- 	'JS_ERROR' => 'BÅ‚Ä…d',
-	'JS_INFORMATION' => 'Informacja',
-	 'SINGLE_Vendors' => 'Dostawca',
-	// Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'zadzwonić z',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Połączenie przychodzące zadzwonić',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Podnieś słuchawkę wewnętrzny, aby wybrać numer',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Połączenie nie powiodło się',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Proszę wypełnić wszystkie pola',
-	// ends	
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Waluta bazowa musi zostać zmieniony, aby wyłączyć',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Accounts.php b/languages/pt_br/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7108e9ddfcc115241349558110c88ddc061c8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Accounts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizações'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organização'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listar Organizações'       , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação Organização'  , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Mostrar Hierarquia da Organização', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Atividade'                   , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nome Organização'          , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Cód. Organização'         , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Cod. Bolsa'                  , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Membro de'                   , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Empregados'                  , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Propriedade'                 , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Cod CNAE'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Email Alternativo'           , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analista'                    , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Concorrente'                 , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Cliente'                     , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrador'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investidor'                  , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Imprensa'                    , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospect'                    ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Contas Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Revendedor'                  , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Data Inicial'                , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Data Final'                  , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Assets.php b/languages/pt_br/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8835914bf647fe8bbdcdd81e71b8a47986d2ba7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Ativo'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação Ativo'          , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'No. Ativo'                   , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número Série'              , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Data Venda'                  , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Data em Serviço'            , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Número Etiqueta'            , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Nome Fatura'                 , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Método Entrega'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número Rastreamento Entrega', 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nome Ativo'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nome Cliente'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'Em Serviço'                 , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fora Serviço'               , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Calendar.php b/languages/pt_br/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 78262473a5860d75ed9f3daf31c03c33b1b1e221..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Que fazer'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Que fazer'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista'                       , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Compromissos'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Evento / Que fazer'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Informação Que fazer'         , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalhes do Evento'          ,
-	'Subject'                      => 'Assunto'                     , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Data & Hora Início'         , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo Atividade'              , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Enviar Notificação'        , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Local'                       , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data & Hora Final'           , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Término Suporte'            , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Chamada'                     , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunião'                    , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Que fazer'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planejado'                   , 
-        'Held'                         =>  'Realizada',
-         'Not Held'                    =>  'Não Realizada',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Concluído'                  , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Pendente'                    , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Não Iniciado'               , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Adiado'                      , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Média'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Mudar Proprietário'         , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Que fazer'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'						=> 'Que fazer',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Padrão Estado e Tipo'        ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Estado'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tipo'                        ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Editar cores',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Adicionar Calendar View',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Selecione Calendar Usuário',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Selecione Calendar Cor',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Edição Calendar View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Excluir Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Selecionar Tipo de Atividade',
-	'Tasks' => 'Compromissos',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / Que fazer'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Que fazer is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Não pode ser detida para futuro',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Chamada móvel',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View cor atualizado com sucesso',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este ponto de vista do calendário?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View adicionado com sucesso',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View excluído com sucesso',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'No Calendar View para adicionar',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Editar Calendar',
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Campaigns.php b/languages/pt_br/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a72ace587e7e155e3b869512828609803e3a2d0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Campaigns.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campanhas'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campanha'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Informação da Campanha'    , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Expectativas & Atualidades'  , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nome Campanha'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'No. Campanha'                , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tipo Campanha'               , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Produto'                     , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Status Campanha'             , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'No. Envio'                   , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Patrocinador'                , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Público Alvo'               , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Tamanho Alvo'                , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Expectativa Resposta'        , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Previsão Receita'           , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Custo Orçado'               , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Custo Atual'                 , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Quantidade Resposta Esperada', 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Montante Esperado Vendas'    , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Expectativa ROI'             , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Quantidade Resposta Atual'   , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Montante Vendas Atual'       , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'ROI Atual'                   , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Seminário via Web'          , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Programa Referência'        , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Propaganda'                  , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Banners'                     , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mala Direta'                 , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Outros'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planejamento'                , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inativa'                     , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Completa'                    , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelada'                   , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excelente'                   , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Boa'                         , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Média'                      , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Ruim'                        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contactado - Sucesso'        , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contactado - Insucesso'      , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contactado - Nunca Contactar Novamente', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Contacts.php b/languages/pt_br/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c596311d8ae4ceaa970e778781d7297f85e7292..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contatos'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contato'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação do Contato'     , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Informação Portal Cliente' , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação Imagem Contato:', 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Telefone Escritório'        , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Telefone Residencial'        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Cargo'                       , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento'                , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Aniversário'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Reporta-se à'               , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Assistente'                  , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Telefone Assistente'         , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Recusa Chamada'              , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referência'                 , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Portal Usuário'             , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Endereço Correspondência'  , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Cidade Correspondência'     , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Estado Correspondência'     , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'CEP Correspondência'        , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'País Correspondência'      , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Da Mailing Po Box'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Endereço Alternativo'       , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Cidade Alternativo'          , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Estado Alternativo'          , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'CEP Alternativo'             , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'País Alternativo'           , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Imagem Contato'              , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.'                       , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Lista Usuário'              , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contato Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Suporte Data de Início',
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Data de Apoio Fim',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Documents.php b/languages/pt_br/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b832ba7b01b2198e10daa4a0bb69025337083079..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Documents.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Documento'                   , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informação do Documento'   , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informação Arquivo'        , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrição'                 , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Título'                     , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nome Arquivo'                , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Tipo Arquivo'                , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Tamanho'                     , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Tipo Download'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Versão'                     , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Ativo'                       , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Contar Download'             , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Nome Pasta'                  , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'No. Documento'               , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Download Arquivo'            , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Checar integridade arquivo'  , 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Interno'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Externo'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Mover'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Adicionar Pasta'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Adicionar Pasta'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nome Pasta'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7b406a8361842d328968ba097ccc73aeca20f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Email Templates' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Adicionar Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'nome do modelo',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'descrição',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'assunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Geral Campos',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Escolha um tipo de campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gerenciar modelos de E -Mail módulo',
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Emails.php b/languages/pt_br/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d1cdc44cb675eeb1df8c6255318df8e5ae6fb60d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Emails.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Assunto:'                    , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Anexos'                      , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Enviar'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Selecione Modelo Email'      , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Novo E-Mail'                 , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'O tamanho máximo de upload é', 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                    => 'tempo Sent'                            ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail Informações',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Events.php b/languages/pt_br/Events.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Evento'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Eventos'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Compromisso'                 , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Segure Acompanhamento On'    ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Criar Follow Up Eventos'     ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Data & Hora Inicial'         , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data & Hora Final'           , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tipo Atividade'              , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Particular'                  , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Público'                    , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Chamada'                     , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Reunião'                    , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planejado'                   , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Confirmado'                  , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Não Confirmado'             , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Uma vez em cada'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Faq.php b/languages/pt_br/Faq.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Faq.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'Faq'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Informação FAQ'            , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Dados do Comentário'        , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Questão'                    , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Resposta'                    , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Comentários'                , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'No. Faq'                     , 
-	'General'                      => 'Geral'                       , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Rascunho'                    , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Publicada'                   , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Obsoleta'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'SOLUÇÃO'                   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/HelpDesk.php b/languages/pt_br/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a247e22d24263c8ff1f34b97952e92ceecd913d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/HelpDesk.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Ticket'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Dados do Ticket'             , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Dados da Solução'          , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'No. Ticket'                  , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Gravidade'                   , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Histórico do Update'        , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Horas'                       , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Dias'                        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Título'                     , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solução'                   , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'Do Portal'                   , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Problema Grande'             , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Problema Pequeno'            , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Outro Problema'              , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'Alta'                        , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgente'                     , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Menor'                       , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Maior'                       , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Crítico'                    , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Aberto'                      , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Aguarda Resposta'            , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Fechado'                     , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Gravidade'                   , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Relacionado à'              ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Olá',
-	'Dear' => 'Prezado(a)',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'O Ticket em referência foi',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'e os detalhes do mesmo são apresentados abaixo:',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Cordialmente',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Equipe HelpDesk',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Detalhes Ticket',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Assunto : ',
-	'created' => 'criado',
-	'replied' => 'respondido',
-	'reply' => 'Existe uma resposta para',
-	'customer_portal' => ' no nosso "Portal do Cliente".',
-	'link' => ' Você pode utilizar o seguinte link para visualizar a resposta:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Obrigado',
-	'Support_team' => 'Equipe Suporte vtiger',
-	'The comments are' => 'Os comentários são',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Título Ticket',
-	'Re' => 'Re :',
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Status do Ticket foi atualizado como',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'O Ticket não pode ser',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'O Cliente forneceu a seguinte informação adicional para sua resposta:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Por gentileza, responda este ticket o mais rápido possível.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Cordialmente',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Administrador Suporte',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Responder Ticket No.',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => ' no Portal do Cliente - URGENTE',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Estes são seus detalhes de login no Portal do Cliente :',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'A mensagem não pode ser enviada',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Nome Usuário :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Senha :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Observar os detalhes de login no Portal do Cliente',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Por gentileza, informe seu e-mail',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Por favor, verifique seu e-mail para o Portal do Cliente',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Seu login foi cancelado. Por favor, contacte o Administrador do Sistema.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Mensagem enviada para seu e-mail com detalhes do login no Portal do Cliente.',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Este é o corpo da mensagem em texto simples para programas de e-mail que não suportam HTML',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'ID Tickets',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'No. Ticket',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Resposta ao bilhete número',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Número Ticket',
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Principais Organizações'   , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Principais Oportunidades'    , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Principais Cotações'       , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Métricas Chave'             , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Meus Grupos'                 , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Principais Pedidos Vendas'   , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Principais Faturas'          , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Página Painel'              , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Principais Pedidos Compras'  , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Minhas FAQs Recentes'        , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Eventos Programados'         , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Eventos Pendentes'           ,
-        'Home'                         => 'Casa'                        ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Principais Métricas',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Import.php b/languages/pt_br/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c63a380a4e4ad868293969ddea8f3babc7f16e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Import.php
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Select File'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Supported File Type(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specify Format'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Character Encoding'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimitador:'                , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Tem Cabeçalho:'             , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Step 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Duplicate Record Handling'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Select this option to enable and set duplicate merge criteria', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Select how duplicate records should be handled', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Select the matching fields to find duplicate records', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Campos Disponíveis'         , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => ' Campos para serem combinados', 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Próximo'                    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Step 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map the Columns to Module Fields', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Header'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Row 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Save as Custom Mapping '     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importar'                    , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Records successfully imported', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Records created'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Records overwritten'         , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records skipped'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Records merged'              , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Records failed importing'    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importar Mais'               , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Last Imported Records'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Desfazer Última Importação', 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Final'                       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Undo Import Result'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Total Number of Records'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Number of records deleted'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Scheduled'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Executando'                  , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancel Import'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Erro:'                       , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Clear Data'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Unable to import more data in this batch. Please start a new import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Current Import has been interrupted. Please try again later', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Failed to lock the module for import. Re-try again later', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Invoice.php b/languages/pt_br/Invoice.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Invoice.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Fatura'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar para PDF'           , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listar Fatura'               , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação Fatura'         , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Pedido Vendas'               , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Cod. Cliente'                , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Data Fatura'                 , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Pedido Compra:'              , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comissão Vendas'            , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'No. Fatura'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviada'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Creditar Fatura'             , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paga'                        , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Auto Criado'                 , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Cancelar'                    , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Não é um Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Subprodutos',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Ação',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Lead'                        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Informação Lead'           , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Cod. Lead'                   , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Empresa'                     , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Título'                     , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Atividade'                   , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Status Lead'                 , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'No. Empregados'              , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Sr.'                         , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Sra.'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Srta.'                       , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr'                          , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Tentativa Contato'           , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Frio'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contactar no Futuro'         , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contactado'                  , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Quente'                      ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Leads quentes',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Descartado'                  , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Perdido'                     , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Não Contactado'             , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pré-Qualificado'            , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Qualificado'                 , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Morno'                       , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Converter Lead:'             , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Não pode ser Convertido'    , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'O seguinte pode ser uma das possíveis razões', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Todos os campos obrigatórios não são mapeados', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Alguns dos valores dos campos obrigatórios estão vazios', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Mapeamento Campos Customizados do Lead', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
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diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Migration.php b/languages/pt_br/Migration.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Migration.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Bem-vindo ao Migração Vtiger',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migração Concluída',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Assistente de Migração',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Temos orgulho em ser associado com você.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Tem alguma dúvida? Procure ajuda em Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discussões </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Para saber mais sobre Vtiger nos seguir nosso <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Ajuda - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Vídeos</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Obrigado por utilizar <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Nosso objetivo é ser - simplesmente o melhor',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Venha até aqui, não há espaço para você também!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sua migração vtiger6 concluída com êxito.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Para saber o que é novo nesta versão, por favor leia <a href="#" target="_blank">Notas de Lançamento</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Por favor aguarde ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migração em andamento',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migração: Banco de Dados Alterações Log',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/ModComments.php b/languages/pt_br/ModComments.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comentário'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Informação Comentários'   , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Outras Informações'        , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comentário'                 , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Criador'                     , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Comentário Pai'             , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/PBXManager.php b/languages/pt_br/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/PBXManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Administrador PBX'           , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Administrador PBX'           , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Chamada de'                  , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Chamada para'                , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Tempo Chamada'               , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Portal.php b/languages/pt_br/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2731a046f0e33b189d2971fb64164b8c79eaafbc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Portal.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Nossos Sites',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Adicionar marcadores',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Bookmark Nome',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Criado em',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Nosso Site',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Editar marcador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Digite o nome do indicador',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Digite Url (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Adicionar Novo Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Bookmark salvo com sucesso',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Registro excluído com sucesso',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Nosso Sites Lista',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista de Favoritos',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Marcadores excluído com sucesso',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Marcadores',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'O site que você está tentando abrir não é seguro e pode não abrir. Se você ainda quiser ver a página da web, então você pode clicar sobre o bloqueador de conteúdo na barra de endereços e habilitá-lo.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Potentials.php b/languages/pt_br/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6807b0ff9498fcb652a890a241649d4cb6e5bf06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidade'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Oportunidade'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Oportunidade'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Oportunidade List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Dados da Oportunidade:'      , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'No. Oportunidade'            , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Montante'                    , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Próximo Passo'              , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Estágio de Vendas'          , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilidade(%)'            , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Fonte Campanha'              , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Oportunidade by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Oportunidade'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Prospectando'                , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Qualificação'              , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Necessita Análise'          , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Proposta Valor'              , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Identif. Decisor'            , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Análise Percepção'        , 
-	'Proposal or Price Quote'      => 'Proposta or Cotação'          , 
-	'Negotiation or Review'        => 'Negociação or Revisão'       , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Fechado Vencido'             , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Fechado Perdido'             , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Negócio Existente'          , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Novo Negócio'               , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Cold Call'=>'Cold Call',
-	'Existing Customer'=>'Cliente Existente',
-	'Self Generated'=>'Auto Gerado',
-	'Employee'=>'Empregado',
-	'Partner'=>'Parceiro',
-	'Public Relations'=>'Relações Públicas',
-	'Direct Mail'=>'Mala Direta',
-	'Conference'=>'Conferência',
-	'Trade Show'=>'Feira Negócios',
-	'Web Site'=>'Website',
-	'Word of mouth'=>'Boca-boca',
-	'Other'=>'Outro',
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potenciais Ganhou',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/PriceBooks.php b/languages/pt_br/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index be19a79d668fd5d60420b26f10c4158168327838..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listas Preços'              , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Lista Preço'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Informação Lista de Preço:', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Nome Lista Preço'           , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'No. Lista Preços'           , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Preço unitário',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Adicionar para',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Products.php b/languages/pt_br/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c92273f6b9eba7092172d7dae544cfa6a3289e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Produto'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Produto'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adicionar Produto'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Dados do Produto'            , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação Imagem Produto:', 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação do Estoque:'    , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'outras moedas'               , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Preços Produtos'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Preço'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Redefinir Preço'            , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Redefinir'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Cod. Produto'                , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Part Number'                 , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Produto Ativo'               , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Fabricante'                  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Categoria de Produto'        , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Cód. Fabricante'            , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Cód. Fornecedor'            , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidade Utilizada'           , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Responsável'                , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Nível Reabastecimento'      , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Categoria de Impostos'       , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'No. Série'                  , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Qde. em Estoque'             , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Ficha do Produto'            , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Qde. Comprada'               , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Conta Plano Contas'          , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Imagem Produto'              , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Preço Unitário'            , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comissão(%)'                , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Qde/Un'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Aplicações CRM'            , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Vendas-Software'         , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Vendas-Hardware'         , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Aluguel-Renda'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Juros-Renda'             , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Vendas-Suporte-Software' , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Outras Vendas'           , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Vendas Internet'         , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Serviço-Lab. Hardware'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Vendas-Livros'           , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Cx'                          , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Cartão'                     , 
-	'Caton'                        => ''                            , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dz'                          , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Cada'                        , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Hora'                        , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressão'                  , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pct'                         , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Páginas'                    , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Peças'                      , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Resma'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Folhas'                      , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => ''                            , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => ''                            , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED' => 'Ativar Produtos Módulo para ver os produtos',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Project.php b/languages/pt_br/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Project.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'	=>	"Projeto",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Adicionar projeto",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Lista de Projetos",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'	=>	"Detalhes do Projeto",
-	'Project Name'	=>	"Nome do Projeto",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data de Início",
-	'Target End Date'	=>	"Target Date End",
-	'Actual End Date'	=>	"Actual End Date",
-	'Project No'	=>	"Número do Projeto",
-	'Target Budget'	=>	"Orçamento alvo",
-	'Project Url'	=>	"Url projeto",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Progresso",
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'	=>	"Tarefas abertas",
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'	=>	"Tarefas devido",
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'	=>	"As tarefas concluídas",
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'	=>	"Pessoas",
-	'LBL_CHARTS'	=>	"Gráficos",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Lista de Tarefas",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Milestones",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Tarefas",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Estado é",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Estado",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Prioridade",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"mais",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Milestones",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Baixar Arquivo",
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'Alta prioridade',
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Prioridade normal',
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Baixa Prioridade',
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Outras prioridades',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selecione Progresso',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospecção',
-    'in progress' => 'Em andamento',
-    'initiated' => 'Iniciado',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'À espera de feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'Em Espera',
-    'archived' => 'Arquivado',
-    'completed' => 'Concluído',
-    'delivered' => 'Entregue',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Outro',
-    'low' => 'Baixo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Selecione Status',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selecione Progresso',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/pt_br/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
index efd74db93cf186f7763a2a0f9a3b5cc7ab147477..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/ProjectMilestone.php
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Marco Projeto'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Project Milestone'       , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Project Milestones List'     , 
-    'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Lista de Projetos'           ,
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Lista de Tarefas'            , 
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista Milestones'            ,
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION' => 'Informação Marco Projeto'  , 
-	'Project Milestone Name'       => 'Nome Marco'                  , 
-	'Milestone Date'               => 'Data Marco'                  , 
-	'Project Milestone No'         => 'No. Marco'                   , 
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Outro',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/ProjectTask.php b/languages/pt_br/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c9ca7006bce3f44637063d7eed602347ab7425..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/ProjectTask.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'           => 'Tarefa Projeto'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Project Task'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Project Task List'           , 
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION' => 'Informação Tarefa Projeto' , 
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'            => 'Projects List'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'               => 'Tasks List'                  , // TODO: Review
-    'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'          => 'Lista Milestones'            ,
-	//Field Labels
-	'Project Task Name' => 'Project Task Name',
-    'Project Task No' => 'Project Task No',
-    'Project Task Number' => 'Project Task Number',
-	'Status' => 'Status',
-	'Priority' => 'Priority',
-    'Progress' => 'Progress',
-    'Type'=>'Type',
-    'Worked Hours'=>'Worked Hours',
-    'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-    'End Date'=>'End Date',
-    'Related To' => 'Related To',
-    'administrative' => 'Administrativo',
-    'operative' => 'Operativo',
-    'other' => 'Outro',
-    'low' => 'Baixo',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Alto',
-    'Created Time' => 'Created Time',
-    'Modified Time' => 'Modified Time',
-    'description' => 'Description',
-	'Assigned To' => 'Assigned To',
-	'Open' => 'Open',
-	'In Progress' => 'In Progress',
-	'Completed' => 'Completed',
-	'Deferred' => 'Deferred',
-	'Canceled ' => 'Canceled',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/PurchaseOrder.php b/languages/pt_br/PurchaseOrder.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/PurchaseOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Pedido Compra'               , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar para PDF'           , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listar Pedido de Compra'     , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Informação Pedido Compra'  , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'No. Pedido Compra'           , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'No. Requisição'            , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'No. Rastreamento'            , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comissão Vendas'            , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Entrega Recebida'            , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Lista dos Preços',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Lista dos Preços',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Copiar endereço da Empresa',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Quotes.php b/languages/pt_br/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5f9f794b19724831d0455d3da6f5558f036d3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Cotação'                   , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar para PDF'           , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista Cotações'            , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação Cotação'      , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'No. Cotação'               , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Estágio Cotação'          , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Válido até'                , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Almoxarife'                  , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Aceita'                      , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Rejeitada'                   ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Abertas Cotações',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/RecycleBin.php b/languages/pt_br/RecycleBin.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b6905cb25627cf62288ec40c9a0c388580caf670..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Lixeira'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Esvaziar Lixeira'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'restaurar'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Nenhum módulo autorizadas disponíveis', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Recycle Bin Lista'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Nenhum registro encontrado para restaurar no módulo', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja remover permanentemente todos os registros excluídos de seu banco de dados ?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja restaurar os registros?', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Reports.php b/languages/pt_br/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e878a2d59fcd63fbd84ea2196f5422de4757a15c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Mover Relatórios'           ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Customizar'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Imprimir'                    ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Detalhes Relatório'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Selecionar Colunas'          ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtros'                     ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Adicionar Novo Grupo'        ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'=>'Only 1000 records are shown below. Please export to see all Records',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nome Relatório'             ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Pasta Relatório'            ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrição'                 ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Próximo'                    ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendente'                  ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descendente'                 ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Cálculos'                   ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Colunas'                     ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Soma'                        ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Média'                      ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Valor Mínimo'               ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'SOMA'                        ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'MED'                         ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Nomes Campos'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Detalhes Visualização'     ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nome Relatório'             ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Relatórios de Organizações e Contatos',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Relatórios de Leads'        ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Relatórios de Oportunidades',
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Relatórios de Atividades'   ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Relatórios de Tickets'      ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Relatórios de Produtos'     ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Relatórios de Cotação'    ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Relatórios de Pedidos de Compras',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Relatórios de Pedidos de Vendas',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Relatórios de Faturas'      ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Relatórios de Campanhas'    ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contatos por Organizações' ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contatos sem Organizações' ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contatos por Oportunidades'  ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contatos relacionados às Organizações',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contatos não relacionados às Organizações',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contatos relacionados às Oportunidades',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Lead por Fonte'              ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Relatório Status do Lead'   ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Oportunidade Funil de Vendas',
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Oportunidade Fechada'        ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Oportunidade vitoriosa'      ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tickets por Produtos'        ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tickets por Prioridade'      ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Tickets Abertos'             ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tickets relacionados aos Produtos',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Tickets que estão Abertos'  ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Detalhes do Produto'         ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Produtos por Contatos'       ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Relatório Detalhado do Produto',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Produtos relacionados aos Contatos',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Cotações Abertas'          ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Relatório Detalhado das Cotações',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Cotações que estão Abertas',
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Pedido Compra por Contatos'  ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Relatório Detalhado dos Pedidos Compras',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Pedidos Compras relacionados aos Contatos',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Relatório Detalhado da Fatura',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Atividades do Último Mês'  ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Atividades deste Mês'       ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Campanha - Previsto/Realizado',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Relatório Detalhado Pedido de Vendas',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Rss.php b/languages/pt_br/Rss.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Rss.php
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Fontes RSS feed',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Adicionar feed Fonte',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Feeds Lista De',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Definir como padrão',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'transmissor',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Fonte de alimentação',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Digite alimentação Fonte',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'alimentação de Rss',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss salvos com sucesso',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Inválido Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Feitos como padrão',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuração Servidor'     ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Checar status'               ,
-	'message'                      => 'Mensagem'                    ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Informação SMS'            ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/SalesOrder.php b/languages/pt_br/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 34aefca23f3c4fbe56d3eec6b69049828800f01b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/SalesOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Pedido Venda'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exportar para PDF'           , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listar Pedido Vendas'        , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Informação Pedido Venda'   , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'No. Pedido Vendas'           , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Nome Cotação'              , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Cód. Cliente'               , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'No. Requisição'            , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'No. Rastreamento'            , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comissão Vendas'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Pedido Compra'               , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Condições Fornecedor'      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendente'                    , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Habilitar Recorrência'      , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequencia'                  , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Início Período'            , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Final Período'              , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Duração Pagamento'         , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Status Fatura'               , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub-Total'                   , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'Auto Criado'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Enviado'                     , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Fatura Crédito'             , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Pago'                        , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/pt_br/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 81fe5874cf08a04d799dcedbc2eebd23b446d930..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/ServiceContracts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos Serviços'         , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contrato Serviço'           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Informação Contrato Serviço', 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'No. Contrato'                , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Data Início'                , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Data Término'               , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unidade Rastreamento'        , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Unidades Totais'             , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unidades Utilizadas'         , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progresso (em %)'            , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Duração Planejada (em Dias)', 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Duração Atual (em Dias)'   , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Services.php b/languages/pt_br/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 01cfa1eecdb5febe209e01e1272a61c89fcae6e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Services.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Serviços'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Serviço'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adicionar Serviço'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação Serviço'       , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'outras moedas'               , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Preço'                      , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Redefinir Preço'            , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Redefinir'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Nome Serviço'               , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Ativo'                       , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categoria'                   , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Cod. Serviço'               , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Proprietário'               , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'No. Unidades'                , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Comissão(%)'                , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Preço'                      , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unidade Utilizada'           , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Categoria Imposto'           , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/CronTasks.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Currency.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Currency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descrição'                 , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Groups.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c65c988e290c1d3f91dc76195396c7f3faa3484..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Groups.php
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b99260ec4f7810c33915c38478476ba780a2df82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					  => 'Que fazer'					,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2d8f734fad525741775985df85d8efb288af6a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Leads.php
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapeamento Salvo com sucesso',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 75537c0dc919345b57c212cf9e35cc6d8cbc900d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/MailConverter.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Converter Correio",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Converter e-mails para os respectivos registros",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "MailBox",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Regra",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Adicionar caixa de correio",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Tudo",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "Não lido",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Marcar como Lido",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Ler",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Editar caixa postal",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Criar caixas de correio",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Voltar às caixas de correio",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Marcar mensagem como",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Criar caixa postal agora",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Adicionando Nova caixa de correio",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Detalhes da caixa de correio",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selecione Folders",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Adicionar regras",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Criar Chumbo",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Criar Contato",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Criar Organização",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Ações",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Caixa Postal",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Regra",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Condições",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Pastas digitalizadas",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Próximo",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Terminar",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Para alterar a seleção de pasta desmarque qualquer uma das pastas selecionadas",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Conversor de correio permite que você configure sua caixa de correio para verificar seus e-mails e criar entidades competentes em Vtiger CRM. <br> Você também precisará definir regras para especificar quais ações devem ser executadas em seus e-mails. <br> Seus e-mails são digitalizados automaticamente, a menos que você tenha desativado tarefa Mail Scanner em Scheduler. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Você excedeu o limite de caixa de correio adicional!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "Em estado de execução",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvo com sucesso",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Conectando-se a caixa de correio caracteres especiais falhado <br>! Não são permitidas para servername.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Excluído com sucesso",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Exclusão regra não",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regras Informações seqüência está vazia",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Sequência atualizado com sucesso",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Digitalizada com êxito",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Nome do scanner'             , 
-    'Server'                       => 'Nome do servidor'            , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'Protocolo'                   , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'Nome de usuário'             , 
-    'Password'                     => 'Senha'                       , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'Tipo SSL'                    , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Método SSL'                  , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'URL de conexão'              , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'Procurar'                    , 
-    'After Scan'                   => 'Depois da verificação'       , 
-    'Status'                       => 'Status'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Fuso horário'                ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validar o certificado SSL'   ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Não validar o certificado SSL',
-    'markas'                       => 'Depois da verificação'       ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Permitir",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Incapacitar",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Verifique para certificar-ativo",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Validar certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Não Validar Certificado SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Todas as mensagens da última verificação",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "As mensagens não lidas da última verificação",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Marcar mensagens como lidas",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "Eu não sei",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Scan Now",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Lista de regras",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selecione Folders",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Excluído com sucesso",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Exclusão regra não",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvo com sucesso",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Digitalizada com êxito",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "está em estado de execução",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Informações Folders está vazia",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Regras informações sequnce está vazia",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Atualize Folders",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "De",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "A",
-    'subject'   =>   "Assunto",
-    'body'   =>   "Corpo",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Corresponder",
-    'action'   =>   "Ações",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridade",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Arraste e solte bloco de priorizar a regra",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Todas as Condições",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Qualquer Estado",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Contém",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "Não Contém",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Igual",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "Não é igual a",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "Começar",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Final",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Criar Ticket",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Atualize Ticket",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Adicionar ao contato [DE]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Adicionar ao contato [TO]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Adicionar à Organização [DE]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Adicionar à Organização [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Aumentar a vantagem [DE]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Aumentar a vantagem [TO]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Atualize Folders",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Desmarcar todos",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Converter e-mails para os respectivos registros",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "A regra número indica a prioridade. Arraste e solte para alterar a prioridade.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Adicionar regra",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioridade",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Excluir regra",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Corpo",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Corresponder",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Ação",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "De",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox loaded Successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 188e0610474584c137fb275ac57b4070fece0698..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Picklist.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					  => 'Que fazer'					,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Profiles.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Profiles.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Perfis'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Perfil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Visualizar'                  , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Criar/Editar'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Apagar'                      , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Roles.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Funções'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Função'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adicionar Função'          , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
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--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Adicionar Privilégio para Função Customizada', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Pode ser acessado por'       , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privilégios'                , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'No. Função'                , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Vtiger.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b6d8c7ff9a2e76ec5932ead2e07650db6b2a6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integração',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Configurações'             , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Estudio'                     , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Modelos de Comunicação'    , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Administração de Usuário & Acessos', 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Outras Configurações'      , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Administrar Usuários que podem acessar o vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Funções'                   , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Definir hierarquia das Funções e Atribuições para Usuários', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Perfis'                      , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Administrar acesso de Usuários a Módulos específicos para diferentes Funções', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Grupos'                      , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Administrar tipos diferentes de Equipes baseados em Funções, Usuários, Perfis etc', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Compartilhar Acesso'         , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar Módulo de Compartilhamento para Funções Padrões & Funções Customizadas', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Field Formulas'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Add custom equations to custom fields', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Gerenciador Módulos'        , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gerenciar Comportamento Módulos no vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editor Lista Opções'       , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Customizar Lista de Opções em cada Módulo', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Configuração Dependência Lista Opções', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configuração Dependência entre valores Lista Opções em cada módulo', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Editor de Menu'              , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Customizar sequência do Menu',
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'O número real de itens de menu apresentados dependerá do tamanho da tela e pode ser menor do que os itens selecionados.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Modelos E-mail'              , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar modelos para Módulo de E-Mail', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Detalhes da Empresa'         , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Especificar Endereço comercial da Empresa', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Mesclar Correspondência'    , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Administrar modelos de Correspondências', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Cálculo Imposto'            , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Administrar Impostos e respectivas alíquotas', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Servidor Envio Mensagem'     , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Configurar detalhes do Servidor de Envio Mensagem', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Estoque: Prazos e Condições', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Especificar Prazos e Condições para Cotações, Pedidos e Faturas', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administrar Anúncios da Empresa', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Moedas'                      , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Administrar Moedas Internacionais e Taxas de Câmbio', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Customizar Numeração Registros', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Customizar Número Entidade do Módulo', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Scanner de Mensagem'         , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configure Caixa Correio para Scanear', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Workflows'                   , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Criar e Editar Workflows para o vtiger', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Editor Configuração'       , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portal do Cliente'           , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permite Configurar o Plugin do Portal do Cliente', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Rastreador de Módulo'       , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Selecionar Módulos para rastrear', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTE: Outgoing server should be set to SSL or TLS Protocal and If "From Email" field is set to blank then the User Email address will be picked up.',// TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Webforms.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Webforms.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 93259df2ea6d4be2023ff22d53203868eff21903..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha habilitado'          ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Salve campos encomendar', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Escondido',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Habilitar módulos alvo para webform',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Atribuição de Usuário',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Atribuir usuários em Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Lista Robin Usuários Rodada',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Campos obrigatórios sem valores de substituição não pode ser escondido',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Campos de referência não pode ser obrigatória, sem valor de substituição',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Digite para pesquisar',	
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform com este nome já existe',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/pt_br/Settings/Workflows.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f5775473af9c059b4200ddf39edf3af080074e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'De',
-	'Optional' => 'Opcional',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Tarefa',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal do Cliente ligação Pdf',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Adicionar modelo',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems bloco para o imposto de Grupo',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems bloco de imposto Individual',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					  => 'Que fazer'					,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Users.php b/languages/pt_br/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 10edcae7631cc1b75002b054524402a0b582ffc6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Users.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Minhas Preferências'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Mais Informação'           , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Login & Função do Usuário', 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Fotografia do Usuário'      , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Configuração Moeda'        , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação Endereço'      , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Opções para Usuários Avançados', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Configuração Asterisk'     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Componentes Home Page'       , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Função'                    , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nome Usuário'               , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Padrão Visualização Agenda', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Padrão Visualização Lead' , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Título'                     , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Fone Escritório'            , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departamento'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Reporta-se à'               , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'ID Yahoo'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Fone Residencial'            , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Imagem Usuário'             , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Formato Data'                , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Assinatura'                  , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Endereço'                   , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Senha'                       , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirmar Senha'             , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Mostrar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Ocultar'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Mostrar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Ocultar'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Componentes Home Page'       , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Histórico Login'            , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Visualizando detalhes sobre o Usuário', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Apagar Grupo'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Grupo a ser Apagado'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Transferir Propriedade para: ', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Usuário a ser Apagado'      , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Transferir Propriedade para Usuário', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Apagar Perfil'               , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transferir Funções para o Perfil', 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Perfil a ser Apagado'        , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Editor Interno de Mensagens' , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Extensão Asterisk'          , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Intervalo Lembrete'          , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Chave Acesso'                , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Idioma'                      , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Tema'                        , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Fuso Horário'               , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Separador Decimal'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Padrão Agrupamento Dígitos', 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Separador Agrupamento Dígitos', 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Localização Símbolo'      , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) Data Internacional Linha Oeste', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Hora Coordenada Universal-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawai'           , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Hora do Pacífico (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baixa California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Hora Montanhas (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) América Central', 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Hora Central (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Cidade do México', 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Hora do Leste (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogotá, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Hora Atlântico (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Assunção'      , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Ilhas Cabo Verde', 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) Londres, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisboa', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Tempo Universal Coordenado, Hora Média de Greenwich', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrado, Bratislava, Budapeste, Ljubljana, Praga', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Bruxelas, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) África Central Oeste', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Roma, Estocolmo, Viena', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Atenas, Bucareste', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalém'      , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirute'         , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Bagdad'          , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscou, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nova Deli', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Toquio'          , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11' => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia'        ,
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuário excluído com sucesso',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Usuários ativos',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Usuários inativos',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Excluir usuário permanentemente',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restaurar',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Usuário restaurado com sucesso',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Quase lá!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Quem sou eu',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Prometemos manter este particular)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(São necessários Todos os campos)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Começar',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Seu Número de contato',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'De onde você é?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Selecione o País',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Tamanho da empresa',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Cargo',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Departamento',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Moeda Base',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Escolha Moeda Base',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Divisa do fundo não podem ser modificados posteriormente. Seleccione a sua moeda operacional',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Língua',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Escolha o Idioma',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Escolha o fuso horário',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Formato de data',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Escolha Formato de data',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefone',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Alterar Chave de Acesso',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'chave de acesso atualizado com sucesso',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Falha ao atualizar a chave de acesso',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'chave New Access solicitado',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Você pediu para uma nova chave de acesso. Com a nova disposição fundamental Access, você tem que substituir a chave de acesso antigo com o novo, em todas as extensões instaladas. Do você quer continuar?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Vendors.php b/languages/pt_br/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b17ddaffbb2d407cb9ac558778a0b9baa53584b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fornecedores'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Fornecedor'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Informação Fornecedor:'    , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Informação Endereço:'     , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nome Fornecedor'             , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Cod. Fornecedor'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Conta Plano Contas'          , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Vendas-Software'         , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Vendas-Hardware'         , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Locação-Renda'         , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Juro-Renda'              , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Vendas-Software-Suporte' , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Outras Vendas'           , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Vendas Internet'         , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Serviço-Lab Hardware'   , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Vendas-Livros'           , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/pt_br/Vtiger.php b/languages/pt_br/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b24ca7a441a110f3b08e678d8543ed9d7e2d04df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/pt_br/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Ler a Licença'              , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Política de Privacidade'    , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Selecionar Tudo'             , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editando'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Salvar'                      , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Cancelar'                    , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Voltar'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importar'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exportar'                    , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Localizar Duplicados'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Mais'                        , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Ações'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Adicionar'                   , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Editar'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Apagar'                      , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Configurações'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'O registro que você está tentando visualizar foi apagado.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Os registros que você está tentando acessar não foram econtrados', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Selecionar'                  , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Limpar'                      , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Sim'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Não'                         , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Nenhum(a)'                   , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Cancelar tudo'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Criar Rápido'               , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Enviar SMS'                  , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Encontrado(a)'               , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Adicionar more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Adicionar Nota'              , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Adicionar Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Adicionar Que fazer'               , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Casa'                        , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Painel'                      , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Minhas Preferências'        , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Desconectar'                 , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Ajuda'                       , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Feedback'                    , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Suporte chat',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'Configurações CRM'         , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Usuário'                    , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Grupo'                       , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Data Criação'              , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Hora Modificação'          , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Descrição'                 , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Responsável'                , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Carregando...'               , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Pesquisar por'               , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'Em'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Pesquisa Avançada'          , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Usuários'                   , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizações'              , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Agenda'                      , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campanhas'                   , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contatos'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documentos'                  , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Leads'                       , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comentários'                , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Oportunidade'                , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Listas Preços'              , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Produto'                     , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projetos'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contratos Serviço'          , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Serviços'                   , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Fornecedores'                , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Cotações'                  , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Pedido Compra'               , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Pedido Venda'                , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Fatura'                      , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Nossos Sites'                ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Voltar'                      , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'e'                           , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'ou'                          , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'termina com'                 , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contem'                      , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'menor que'                   , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'maior que'                   , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'menor ou igual'              , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'maior ou igual'              , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'não está vazia'              ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Pesquisar'                   , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Todos'                       , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Outros'                      , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Pendente'                    , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Público'                    , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Não Acessivel'              , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Detalhes do Item'            , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Moeda'                       , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Tributação'                , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individual'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Ferramentas'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nome do Item'                , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Qde em Estoque'              , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Qde'                         , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Lista de Preço'             , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Preço Líquido'             , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Desconto'                    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total após Desconto'        , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Imposto'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Adicionar Produto'           , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Adicionar Serviço'          , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Frete'                       , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Impostos s/ Frete'           , 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Ajuste'                      , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Deduzir'                     , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Total Geral'                 , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Sem Desconto'                , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'de Preço'                   , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Redução Direta Preço'     , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Total Imposto'               , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Total Desconto Direto'       , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Soma Final Desconto'         , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'outras moedas'               , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Criar'                       , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Gerar'                       , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplicar'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'COMENTÁRIOS'                , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Atualizar'                   , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Fechar'                      , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Todos'                       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Atualizado'                  , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'de'                          , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'Por '                        , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'para'                        , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Criado'                      , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Histórico'                  , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Informação Customizada'    , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Nenhum dado encontrado'      , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Usuário'                    , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Hoje'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Última Semana'              , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Próximas Atividades'        , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Abertas Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exportar todos os dados'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exportar dados na página atual', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Tipos Registros para Exportar', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nome Organização'          , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ajuste'                      , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Receita Anual'               , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Endereço Faturamento'       , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Code'                , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Transportador'               , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Categoria'                   , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Cidade'                      , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nada--'                    , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Ativo'                       , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Contato'                     , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Endereço Entrega'           , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'País'                       , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Criado'                      , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Moeda'                       , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Moeda Base'                  , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Vencimento'                  , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Recusa E-mail'               , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'É convertido de chumbo'      ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Previsão Fechamento'        , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Sobrenome'                   , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Nome'                        , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'Em Andamento'                , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Assunto'                     , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Prazos & Condições'        , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nome do Item'                , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Quantidade'                  , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Lista de Preço'             , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'IPI'                         , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Total'                       , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Fornecedor'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Prazos & Condições'        , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Informação Preço Venda'   , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Detalhes do Produto'         , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Fonte Lead'                  , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Celular'                     , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Notificar Proprietário'     , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Telefone Alternativo'        , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefone'                    , 
-	'State'                        => 'Estado'                      , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Nome Oportunidade'           , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioridade'                  , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Nome Produto'                , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Avaliação'                 , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Relacionado à'              , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Tipo'                        , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Saudação'                  , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Rua'                         , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Início Suporte'             , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Selecione Status'            ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Mesclar',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Válido até',
-	'Discount' => 'Desconto',
-	'Product Code' => 'Código Produto',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Cliente',
-	'Price' => 'Preço',
-	'Tax:' => 'Imposto:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nome Contato',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Telefone: ',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Website: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Data Emissão',
-	'Quantity' => 'quantidade',
-	'Net Total' => 'total Líquido',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Frete',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Imposto Frete:',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'Total Geral:',
-	'Tax' => 'Imposto',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contratos Serviço',
-	'Projects' => 'Projetos',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Pedido Venda',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Pedido Compra',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Personalize o Menu Principal',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Comentar',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Último Comentário',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Últimos 5 comentários',
-	'All Comments' => 'Todos os comentários',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Não é um pacote',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Marcar como Realizada',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'São permitidos no máximo 160 caracteres por mensagem de texto',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Ocultar concluídas Calendário de Eventos',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Setup Webfroms'              , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'deve ser superior ou igual a', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Data atual',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Operação de edição em massa pode ser feito em 500 ou menos registos de cada vez',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'chamar de',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Chamada recebida',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Pegue o aparelho de extensão para discar o número',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Ligação Perdida',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Por favor, preencha todos os campos',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Suas alterações serão perdidas!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Moeda Base tem que ser mudado para desativar',
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Accounts.php b/languages/ro_ro/Accounts.php
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index ab95aebfaf3b407b3bbbe9ccffd5a1b10a169834..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Accounts.php
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Conturi'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Cont'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista conturi'               , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informatii Cont'             , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Afiseaza Ierarhie Conturi'   , 
-	'industry'                     => 'Industrie'                   , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nume Cont'                   , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'ID Cont'                     , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Simbol bursier'              , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Membru al'                   , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Angajati'                    , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Proprietar'                  , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Cod SIC'                     , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Alt email'                   , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analist'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Concurent'                   , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Client'                      , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Integrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Investitor'                  , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Presa'                       , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospectare'                 ,
-        'Prospect Accounts'            => 'Conturi Prospect',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Reseller'                    , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Data inceput'                , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Data final'                  , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php b/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e769289b565368b64d71dec2dee9ff0719fe2730..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Assest Details'              , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'                    , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Shipping Tracking Number'    , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nume Client'                 , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Calendar.php b/languages/ro_ro/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3be074a4ede425d1361765bf85f334cd7a2c02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Pentru a face'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Pentru a face'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Adauga eveniment'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista'                       , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Evenimente'                  , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Task-uri'                    , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'            => 'Eveniment / Pentru a face'                ,
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Info Pentru a face'                   , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalii eveniment',
-	'Subject'                      => 'Subiect'                     , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Data & ora inceput'          , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tip activitate'              , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Trimite notificare'          , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Locatie'                     , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data & ora final'            , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Data final asistenta'        , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Apel'                        , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Intalnire'                   , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Pentru a face'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planificat'                  , 
-        'Held'                         => 'A avut loc',
-        'Not Held'                     => 'Nu Held',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Finalizat'                   , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'In suspans'                  , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Neinceput'                   , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Amanat'                      , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Mediu'                       , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Modifica proprietar'         , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Eveniment'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Pentru a face'               , 
-	'LBL_TASKS' => 'Pentru a face',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Implicit Stare & Tip'        ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Starea'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tip'                         ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Editare Culoare',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Adauga Calendar View',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Selectați utilizatorului Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Selectați Calendar Color',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Editarea Calendar View',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Ștergeți Calendar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Selectați Tipul de activitate',
-	'Tasks' => 'Task-uri',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / Pentru a face'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Pentru a face is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Nu poate fi reținută pentru viitor',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Call mobil',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View culoare actualizat cu succes',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sigur doriți să ștergeți acest punct de vedere calendar?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View adăugat cu succes',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Calendar View șters cu succes',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Nu Calendar View pentru a adăuga',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Editare Calendar',
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Campaigns.php b/languages/ro_ro/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e45c54f9e5d8cbf568f9cbbcca0b5660e465f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Campaigns.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campanii'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Campanie'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Info Campanie'               , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Asteptari si realitate'      , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Nume Campanie'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'ID Campanie'                 , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Tip Campanie'                , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Produs'                      , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Stare Campanie'              , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Numar trimis'                , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Audienta tinta'              , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Dimensiuni tinta'            , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Raspuns asteptat'            , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Venit preconizat'            , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Cost buget'                  , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Cost real'                   , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Rata raspuns preconizata'    , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Nr preconizat vanzari'       , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'ROI preconizat'              , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Rata reala raspuns'          , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Numar real vanzari'          , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'ROI real'                    , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Webinar'                     , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Program trimitere'           , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Publicitate'                 , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Reclama baner'               , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Mailing direct'              , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telemarketing'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Altele'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planificare'                 , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Inactiv'                     , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Complet'                     , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Anulat'                      , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Excelent'                    , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Bun'                         , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Mediu'                       , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Slab'                        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nimic--'                   , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contacted - Successful'      , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contacted - Unsuccessful'    , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contacted - Never Contact Again', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Contacts.php b/languages/ro_ro/Contacts.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 113e448f07de1d83aca5f3d10c055c1d8b95200a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacte'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Info Contact'                , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Info portal clienti'         , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Info imagine contact:'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Nr tel birou'                , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Nr tel acasa'                , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titlu'                       , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departament'                 , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'Data nastere'                , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Raporteaza catre'            , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Asistent'                    , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Nr tel asistent'             , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Apel interzis'               , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referinta'                   , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Utilizator Portal'           , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Strada'                      , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Oras'                        , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Judet'                       , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Cod postal'                  , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Tara'                        , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Mailing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Alta strada'                 , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Alt oras'                    , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Alt judet'                   , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Alt cod postal'              , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Alta tara'                   , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Imagine contact'             , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'D-nul'                       , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'D-na'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'D-ra'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Lista utilizatori'           , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Contact Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Suport Data începerii'       ,
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Suport Data de încheiere'    ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Documents.php b/languages/ro_ro/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cb2aaef9f1fd993d8da1e4c506ab519e7cae3c87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Documents.php
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@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Document'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informatie de baza'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Informatie Fisier'           , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descriere'                   , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titlu'                       , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Nume Fisier'                 , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Note'                        , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Tip Fisier'                  , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Dimensiune'                  , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Tip Descarcare'              , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Versiune'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Activ'                       , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Nr Descarcari'               , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Nume Director'               , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'ID Document'                 , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Descarca Fisier'             , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Verifica integritatea fisierului', 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Intern'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Extern'                      , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Muta'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Adauga Director'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Adauga Director'             , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Nume Director'               , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EXCEEDS_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'   => 'Exceeded maximum upload size', 
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	 'Email Templates' => 'Template-uri de e-mail' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Adăugați șablon de e-mail',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Format e-mail',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Template-uri de e-mail',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Format e-mail',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Numele Format',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descriere',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subiect',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Domenii',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selectați tipul câmpului',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gestionarea template-uri pentru E-Mail modul',
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Emails.php b/languages/ro_ro/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f1051b90f8b36faf0c87083d689b206849a44539..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Emails.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subiect:'                    , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Atasament'                   , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Trimite'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Selecteaza model email'      , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compune email'               , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'timp Trimisa'                ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail de informare',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Events.php b/languages/ro_ro/Events.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Evenimente'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Eveniment'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Evenimente'                  , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Calendar'                    , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Hold On Urmărire'            ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Crea Urmărire Eveniment'     ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Data & ora inceput'          , 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Data & ora final'            , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Tip activitate'              , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Privat'                      , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Apel'                        , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Intalnire'                   , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planificat'                  , 
-	'Held'                         => 'A avut loc'                  , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Nu a avut loc'               , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'După ce în fiecare'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Faq.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'FAQ'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Informatie Faq'              , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Informatie comentariu'       , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Intrebare'                   , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Raspuns'                     , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Comentarii'                  , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'ID Faq'                      , 
-	'General'                      => 'Generale'                    , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Ciorna'                      , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Publicat'                    , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Invechit'                    , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'SOLUTIE'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/HelpDesk.php b/languages/ro_ro/HelpDesk.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/HelpDesk.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'HelpDesk'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Tichet'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Tichet'                  ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Tichet List'                 ,
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Info Tichet'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Info solutii'                , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'ID Tichet'                   , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Gravitate'                   , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Istoric tichet'              , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Days'                        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titlu'                       , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Solutie'                     , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'From Portal'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Problema grava'              , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Problema minora'             , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Alta problema'               , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normala'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'Ridicata'                    , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Urgenta'                     , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Redusa'                      , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Majora'                      , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Functionalitate'             , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Critica'                     , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Deschis'                     , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Asteapta raspuns'            , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Inchis'                      , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Stare'                       , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Gravitate'                   , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Se refera la'                ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Catre',
-	'Dear' => 'Stimate',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Tichetul este',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'detaliile sunt: ',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Va multumim',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Serviciul de asistenta nationala certificata Magister Software',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Detalii Tichet',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subiect: ',
-	'created' => 'creat,',
-	'replied' => 'unul de raspuns,',
-	'reply' => 'Exista un raspuns catre',
-	'customer_portal' => 'pe Portalul pentru Clienti.',
-	'link' => 'Poti utiliza urmatorul link pentru a vizualiza raspunsurile efectuate:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Multumiri',
-	'Support_team' => 'Departament HelpDesk, Magister Software',
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Starea tichetului este actualizata la',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Tichetul nu poate fi',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Clientul a furnizat urmatoarea informatie suplimentara la raspunsul dvs.:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Va rugam sa raspundeti la tichetul de mai sus cat mai curand posibil.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Cu stima',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Administrator asistenta',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Raspunde la ID Tichet',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Răspuns la numărul biletului',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Numarul de bilete',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'in Portal Client - URGENT',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'In continuare aveti detaliile dvs. de login pe Portalul Client :',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Emailul nu a putut fi trimis',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Nume Utilizator:',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Parola:',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'In ce priveste detaliile dvs. de login pe Portalul Client',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Va rugam sa precizati ID-ul de email',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Va rugam sa verificati ID-ul dvs. de email pentru Portalul Client',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Autentificarea dvs. a fost revocata. Va rugam sa contactati admin-ul.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Un email a fost trimis pe adresa dvs. de email ce contine detaliile dvs. de login',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Aceasta este continutul in format text pentru clientii de email fara suport HTML.',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'ID Tichet',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'ID Tichet',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Home.php b/languages/ro_ro/Home.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Home.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Top Conturi'                 , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Top Potentiale'              , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Top Oferte'                  , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Indicatori Cheie'            , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Alocarile Grupului meu'      , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Top Comenzi Vanzare'         , 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Top Facturi'                 , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Index Tablou de Bord'        , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Top Comenzi Cumparare'       , 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'FAQ Recente'                 , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Activitati viitoare'         , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Activitati in asteptare'     , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Index'                       ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Metrics cheie',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Import.php b/languages/ro_ro/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Select File'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Supported File Type(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specify Format'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Character Encoding'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Delimitator:'                , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Are header:'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Step 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Duplicate Record Handling'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Select this option to enable and set duplicate merge criteria', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Select how duplicate records should be handled', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Select the matching fields to find duplicate records', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Campuri disponibile'         , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => ' Campuri de asociat la'      , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Urmatorul/oarea'             , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Step 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map the Columns to Module Fields', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Header'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Row 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Save as Custom Mapping '     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Importa'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Records successfully imported', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Records created'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Records overwritten'         , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records skipped'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Records merged'              , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Records failed importing'    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Importa inca'                , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Last Imported Records'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Anuleaza import'             , 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Final'                       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Undo Import Result'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Total Number of Records'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Number of records deleted'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Scheduled'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancel Import'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Eroare:'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Clear Data'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Unable to import more data in this batch. Please start a new import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Current Import has been interrupted. Please try again later', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Failed to lock the module for import. Re-try again later', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Factura'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista facturi'               , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Info facturare'              , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Comanda Vanzare'             , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'ID client'                   , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Data facturare'              , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Comanda Cumparare'           , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comision vanzari'            , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Nr Factura'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Trimis'                      , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Factura credit'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Platit'                      , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Anuleaza'                    , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Nu este o Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Sub Produse',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Ac?iune',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Leads.php b/languages/ro_ro/Leads.php
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index 884570d13f8d40dcb33b678e42e2f7cde0e15362..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospectari'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Prospectare'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Info prospectare'            , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'ID Prospectare'              , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Companie'                    , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Titlu'                       , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Industrie'                   , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Stare prospectare'           , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Nr angajati'                 , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Zero--'                    , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'D-nul'                       , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'D-na'                        , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'D-ra'                        , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Contact incercat'            , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Rece'                        , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Contact de viitor'           , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Contactat'                   , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Fierbinte'                   ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Oportunitati Hot',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Prospectare Junk'            , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Prospectare pierduta'        , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'N-a fost contactat'          , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Pre calificat'               , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Calificat'                   , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Cald'                        , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Converteste prospectare:'    , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Nu poate fi convertit'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Possible reasons include:'   , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Leads Field Mapping is incomplete(Settings > Module Manager > Leads > Leads Field Mapping)', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Mandatory fields are empty'  , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Leads Field Mapping'         , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Migration.php b/languages/ro_ro/Migration.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4d5b7f0fe45234aa7a1f0edd93c1ced71e512c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Migration.php
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Bine ati venit la migrație Vtiger',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Migrația Finalizat',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Wizard Migrație',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Suntem mândri de a fi asociat cu tine.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Aveți întrebări? Găsi ajutor pe Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Discuții </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Pentru a ști mai multe despre Vtiger ne urmeze nostru <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Ajutor - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Video</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Vă mulțumim pentru utilizarea <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Scopul nostru este de a fi - pur și simplu cel mai bun',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Vino, nu există spațiu pentru tine!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Migrației dvs. vtiger6 finalizat cu succes.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Pentru a ști ce este nou în această versiune, vă rugăm să citiți <a href="#" target="_blank">Note de lansare</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Vă rugăm să așteptați ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Migrația în curs',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Migrația: Baza de date Modificări Conectares',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/ModComments.php b/languages/ro_ro/ModComments.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Other Information'           , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Creator'                     , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Se refera la'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/PBXManager.php b/languages/ro_ro/PBXManager.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'PBX Manager'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'PBX Manager'                 , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Apel de la'                  , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Apel catre'                  , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Data apel'                   , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Portal.php b/languages/ro_ro/Portal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Site-urile noastre',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Adauga semn de carte',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Nume marcaj',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Creat pe',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Site-ul nostru',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Edit Bookmark',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Introduceți numele Bookmark',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Introduceți URL (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Adauga New Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Marcaj salvat cu succes',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Înregistrare șters cu succes',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Lista noastră de site-uri',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Lista de marcaje',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Marcaje șters cu succes',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Semn de carte',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Semne de carte',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Site-ul pe care încercați să deschideți nu este sigură și nu s-ar putea deschide. Dacă totuși doriți să vizualizați pagina de web, atunci puteți să faceți clic pe de blocare a conținutului în bara de adrese și permite o.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Potentials.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Potentiale'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Potential'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Info potential:'             , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'ID Potential'                , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Valoare'                     , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Urmatorul pas'               , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Stadiu vanzari'              , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Probabilitate (%)'           , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Sursa campanie'              , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'In prospectare'              , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Calificare'                  , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Necesita analiza'            , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Propunere valoare'           , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'ID persoane decizie'         , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Analiza perceptie'           , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Oferta propunere/pret'       , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Negociere/Revizuire'         , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Afacere castigata'           , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Afacere pierduta'            , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Zero--'                    , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Afacere existenta'           , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Afacere noua'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Potentiale Victorii',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/PriceBooks.php b/languages/ro_ro/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eadece74eb354a0d54dc2f33977b0a723a620a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/PriceBooks.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Liste Preturi'               , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Lista preturi'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Info lista preturi:'         , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Nume lista preturi'          , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'ID Lista Preturi'            , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Pret unitate',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Adăuga la',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1afe488f5a3c8142ba6afc8e88f5b5dbefb9cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Products.php
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@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Produse'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Produs'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adauga produs'               , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Info produs'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Info imagine produs:'        , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Info stoc:'                  , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'mai multe monede'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Preturi Produse'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Pret'                        , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Reseteaza pret'              , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Reseteaza'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'ID Produs'                   , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Cod produs'                  , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Produs activ'                , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Fabricant'                   , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Categorie produs'            , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Cod produs'                  , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Cod vanzator'                , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unitate de utilizare'        , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Handler'                     , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Nivel comanda repetata'      , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Clasa impozit'               , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Nr serial'                   , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Cantitate in stoc'           , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Fisa produs'                 , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Cantitate solicitata'        , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cont GL'                     , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Imagine produs'              , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Pret unitar'                 , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Rata comision (%)'           , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Cantitate/unitate'           , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Zero--'                    , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Hardware'                    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Software'                    , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'Aplicatii CRM'               , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Cutie'                       , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Carton'                      , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton'                       , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dazon'                       , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Fiecare'                     , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Ore'                         , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impresii'                    , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Pachet'                      , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Pagini'                      , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Bucati'                      , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Reams'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Fisa'                        , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spiral Binder'               , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Sq Ft'                       , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Permite Produse Module pentru a vizualiza produsele',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'	=>	"Proiect",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Adauga proiectului",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Lista proiectelor",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'	=>	"Detalii proiect",
-	'Project Name'	=>	"Denumirea proiectului",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data de începere",
-	'Target End Date'	=>	"Target Data de încheiere",
-	'Actual End Date'	=>	"Reală Data de încheiere",
-	'Project No'	=>	"Numărul proiectului",
-	'Target Budget'	=>	"Bugetul țintă",
-	'Project Url'	=>	"Url-ul proiectului",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Progres",
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'	=>	"Sarcini Deschideți",
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'	=>	"Sarcini Datorită",
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'	=>	"Sarcinile finalizate",
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'	=>	"Oameni",
-	'LBL_CHARTS'	=>	"Grafice",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Lista de sarcini",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Repere",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Sarcini",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Starea este",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Starea",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Prioritate",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"mai mult",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Repere",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Descărcare fișier",
-        'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'Prioritate',
-        'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Prioritate normală',
-        'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Prioritate scăzută',
-        'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Alte priorități',
-        'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selectați Progress',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Prospectarea',
-    'in progress' => 'ÃŽn progres',
-    'initiated' => 'Inițiat',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Așteptare pentru feedback',
-    'on hold' => 'În așteptare',
-    'archived' => 'Arhivate',
-    'completed' => 'Terminat',
-    'delivered' => 'Livrate',
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Alte',
-    'low' => 'Scăzut',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Mare',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Selectați Stare',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Selectați Progress',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/ro_ro/ProjectMilestone.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/ProjectMilestone.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'	=>	"Proiectul Milestone",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Adăugați etapă a proiectului",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Lista Repere proiect",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Lista proiectelor",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Lista de sarcini",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Repere",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION'	=>	"Detalii proiect Milestone",
-	'Project Milestone Name'	=>	"Proiectul Milestone Numele",
-	'Milestone Date'	=>	"Milestone Data",
-	'Project Milestone No'	=>	"Numarul etapă a proiectului",
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Alte',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/ProjectTask.php b/languages/ro_ro/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/ProjectTask.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'SINGLE_ProjectTask'	=>	"Activitate de proiect",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Adauga echipei de proiect",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Project Task List",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION'	=>	"Detalii proiect de lucru",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Lista proiectelor",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Lista de sarcini",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Lista Repere",
-	'Project Task Name'	=>	"Sarcina Denumirea proiectului",
-	'Project Task No'	=>	"Proiectul Sarcina Nu",
-	'Project Task Number'	=>	"Numărul de activități de proiect",
-	'Status'	=>	"Starea",
-	'Priority'	=>	"Prioritate",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Progres",
-	'Type'	=>	"Tip",
-	'Worked Hours'	=>	"Ore lucrate",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data de începere",
-	'End Date'	=>	"Data de încheiere",
-	'Related To'	=>	"Legate de",
-	'administrative' => 'Administrativ',
-    'operative' => 'Operativ',
-    'other' => 'Alte',
-    'low' => 'Scăzut',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Mare',
-	'Created Time'	=>	"A creat timpul",
-	'Modified Time'	=>	"Timp de modificare",
-	'description'	=>	"Descriere",
-	'Assigned To'	=>	"Atribuite",
-	'Open'	=>	"Deschide",
-	'In Progress'	=>	"În curs de desfășurare",
-	'Completed'	=>	"Terminat",
-	'Deferred'	=>	"Amânat",
-	'Canceled'	=>	"Anulat",
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/PurchaseOrder.php
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Comanda Cumparare'           , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista comenzi cumparare'     , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Info comanda cumparare'      , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'ID Comanda Cumparare'        , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Nr achizitie'                , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nr urmarire'                 , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comision vanzari'            , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Marfa primita'               , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Lista de preturi',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Lista de preturi',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Adresa copie de companie',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Quotes.php b/languages/ro_ro/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 931661b22a471942a7b8a5c28e6e6edb2ab2ac29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Quotes.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Oferta'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista oferte'                , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Info oferta'                 , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'ID Oferta'                   , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Stadiu oferta'               , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Valid pana la'               , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Manager inventar'            , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Acceptat'                    , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Respins'                     ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Citate deschise',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/RecycleBin.php b/languages/ro_ro/RecycleBin.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/RecycleBin.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Recycle Bin'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Selectați Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Empty Recycle Bin'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Restabili'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Nu module permise disponibile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Recycle Bin Listă'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Nu au fost găsite la Restaurare în modul', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sigur doriți să eliminați definitiv toate înregistrările șterse din baza de date?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Sunteți sigur că doriți să restaurați înregistrările?', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Reports.php b/languages/ro_ro/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Reports.php
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@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Muta rapoarte'               ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Personalizeaza'              ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Printeaza'                   ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Detalii raport'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Selecteaza coloane'          ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtre'                      ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Adauga director nou'         ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Total Records : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Only 1000 records are shown below. Please export to see all Records',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Nume raport'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Director rapoarte'           ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descriere'                   ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'MAX'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Urmatorul/oarea'             ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Ascendent'                   ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Descendent'                  ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Calcule'                     ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Columns'                     ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Suma'                        ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Medie'                       ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Valoarea cea mai mica'       ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'SUM'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'AVG'                         ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'MIN'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Nume campuri'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'View Details'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Nume raport'                 ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Rapoarte conturi si contacte',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Rapoarte prospectari'        ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Rapoarte potentiale'         ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Rapoarte activitati'         ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Rapoarte tichete'            ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Rapoarte produse'            ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Rapoarte oferte'             ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Rapoarte comenzi cumparare'  ,
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Rapoarte comenzi vanzare'    ,
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Rapoarte facturi'            ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Rapoarte campanii'           ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Contacte pe conturi'         ,
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Contacte fara conturi'       ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Contacte pe potentiale'      ,
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Contacte asociate cu conturi',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Contacte neasociate cu conturi',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Contacte asociate cu potentiale',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Prospectari pe sursa'        ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Raport stare prospectare'    ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Continuitate potential (portofel)',
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Potentiale inchise'          ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Potential castigat'          ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Tichete pe produse'          ,
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Tichete pe prioritate'       ,
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Tichete deschise'            ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Tichete asociate cu produse' ,
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Tichete deschise'            ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Detalii produs'              ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Produse pe contacte'         ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Raport detaliat produs'      ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Produse asociate cu contacte',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Oferte deschise'             ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Raport detaliat oferte'      ,
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Oferte deschise'             ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Comenzi cumparare pe contacte',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Raport detaliat ordine cumparare',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Comenzi cumparare asociat cu contacte',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Raport detaliat factura'     ,
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Activitati pe luna trecuta'  ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Activitati pe luna in curs'  ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Preconizari si rezultate reale campanie',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Raport detaliat comenzi vanzare',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculul se bazează pe preferințele moneda mele de CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Rss.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Surse RSS Feed',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Adaugă alimentare Sursa',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Fluxuri Lista Din',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Setare ca implicit',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'transmițător',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Sursa de alimentare',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Introduceți alimentare Sursa',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'RSS Feed',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'RSS salvat cu succes',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Invalid Adresă URL RSS',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'RSS Made ca implicit',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                ,
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/SalesOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Comanda Vanzare'             , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Exporta in PDF'              , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Listeaza comenzi vanzare'    , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Info comanda vanzare'        , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'ID Comanda Vanzare'          , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Nume Oferta'                 , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Nr client'                   , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Nr Achizitie'                , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Nr Urmarire'                 , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Comision vanzari'            , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Comanda Cumparare'           , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Termeni vanzator'            , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'In asteptare'                , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Activeaza Repetare'          , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frecventa'                   , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Perioada Inceput'            , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Perioada Sfarsit'            , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Durata Plata'                , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Stare Factura'               , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Subtotal'                    , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Sent'                        , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Credit Invoice'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paid'                        , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/ro_ro/ServiceContracts.php
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/ServiceContracts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contracte'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Contract'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Info Contract'               , 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'ID Contract'                 , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Data Inceput'                , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Data Sfarsit'                , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Unitate de urmarire'         , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Total Unitati'               , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Unitati Utilizate'           , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Progres (in %)'              , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Durata Planificata (in Zile)', 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Durata Reala (in Zile)'      , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Services.php b/languages/ro_ro/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e2628e7d7b70686a5c3462e35b9c6d806b4a09..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Servicii'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Serviciu'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adauga serviciu'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Informatie Service'          , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'mai multe monede'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Pret'                        , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Reseteaza pret'              , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Reseteaza'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Nume Serviciu'               , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Activ'                       , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Categorie'                   , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'ID Serviciu'                 , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Proprietar'                  , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Nr Unitati'                  , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Rata Comision (%)'           , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Pret'                        , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Unitate de Utilizare'        , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Clasa Impozit'               , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/CronTasks.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/CronTasks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba11eeb0f83f0f1147758e547d98063a485511b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/CronTasks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 59bf1426289a4717295c70b54fe5abcd688ea332..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Currency.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c003627527b52605a45b9d447030d5c7e44037d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Descriere'                   , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Groups.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Groups.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c40e5657d819fec2a643c6d65bf47b1b708beea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   =>'Pentru a face'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c5cdf4d3460753486715586fb8e745d995d418..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping salvat cu succes',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/MailConverter.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/MailConverter.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfc7a938fc00b61fa1ec9df3ceb95dc1b078617..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/MailConverter.php
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@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'MailConverter'   =>   "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description'   =>   "Conversia e-mailuri cu înregistrările respective",
-    'MAILBOX'   =>   "Cutie poștală",
-    'RULE'   =>   "Articolul",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD'   =>   "Adauga căsuța poștală",
-    'ALL'   =>   "Toate",
-    'UNSEEN'   =>   "Necitit",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ'   =>   "Marcați ca fiind Citit",
-    'SEEN'   =>   "Citit",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX'   =>   "Editare căsuța poștală",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'   =>   "Creați căsuța poștală",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES'   =>   "Înapoi la cutiile poștale",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS'   =>   "Marchează mesajul ca",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW'   =>   "Creați cutie poștală acum",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX'   =>   "Adăugarea de noi Mail Box",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS'   =>   "Caseta Detalii",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selectați Dosare",
-    'ADD_RULES'   =>   "Adauga Reguli",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creați Plumb",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creare contact",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT'   =>   "Creați Organizația",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS'   =>   "Acțiuni",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX'   =>   "Mail Box",
-    'LBL_RULE'   =>   "Articolul",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Conditii",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED'   =>   "Dosare scanate",
-    'LBL_NEXT'   =>   "Următor",
-    'LBL_FINISH'   =>   "Termina",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS'   =>   "Pentru a modifica selecția deselecta dosar oricare din dosarele selectate",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION'   =>   "Mail Converter vă permite să configurați căsuța poștală pentru a scana mesajele de poștă electronică și de a crea entități corespunzătoare în Vtiger CRM. <br> Veți avea nevoie, de asemenea, de a defini reguli pentru a specifica ce acțiuni ar trebui să fie efectuate pe mesajele de poștă electronică. <br> E-mailurile tale sunt scanate în mod automat, cu excepția cazului în care le-ați dezactivat sarcina Scanner Mail în Scheduler. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'   =>   "Ați depășit limita suplimentar cutia poștală!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "În stare de funcționare de stat",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvate cu succes",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED'   =>   "Conectarea la căsuța poștală nu <br>! Caractere speciale nu sunt permise pentru ServerName.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Șters cu succes",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Ștergerea regulă nu",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reguli info secvență este gol",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Secvență actualizat cu succes",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanată cu succes",
-    'Scanner Name'                 => 'Scanner Numele'              , 
-    'Server'                       => 'server de nume'              , 
-    'Protocol'                     => 'protocol'                    , 
-    'User Name'                    => 'nume utilizator'             , 
-    'Password'                     => 'parolă'                      , 
-    'SSL Type'                     => 'SSL Tip'                     , 
-    'SSL Method'                   => 'Metoda SSL'                  , 
-    'Connect URL'                  => 'Conectează-URL'              , 
-    'Look For'                     => 'căuta'                       ,   
-    'After Scan'                   => 'după scanare'                , 
-    'Status'                       => 'Starea'                      ,
-    'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   ,
-    'Validate SSL Certificate'     => 'Validare certificat SSL'     ,
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate'=> 'Nu Validarea certificat SSL',
-    'markas'                       => 'după scanare'                ,
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE'   =>   "Permite",
-    'LBL_DISABLE'   =>   "Dezactivați",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE'   =>   "Verificați pentru a vă activa",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Validate Certificate SSL",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE'   =>   "Nu Validate Certificate SSL",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Toate mesajele de la ultima scanare",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN'   =>   "Mesajele necitite de la ultima scanare",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ'   =>   "Marcheaza mesajele ca fiind citite",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW'   =>   "Nu știu",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW'   =>   "Scan Now",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST'   =>   "Lista de regulă",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS'   =>   "Selectați Dosare",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Șters cu succes",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED'   =>   "Ștergerea regulă nu",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Salvate cu succes",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY'   =>   "Scanată cu succes",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE'   =>   "este în stare de funcționare de stat",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Dosare informații este gol",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY'   =>   "Reguli informații sequnce este gol",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualizare Dosare",
-    'fromaddress'   =>   "Din",
-    'toaddress'   =>   "De",
-    'subject'   =>   "Subiect",
-    'body'   =>   "Corp",
-    'matchusing'   =>   "Potrivi",
-    'action'   =>   "Acțiuni",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioritate",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE'   =>   "Trageți și plasați bloc să acorde prioritate la regula",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'   =>   "Toate Condiții",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn'   =>   "Orice condiții",
-    'Contains'   =>   "Conține",
-    'Not Contains'   =>   "Nu Contine",
-    'Equals'   =>   "Egal",
-    'Not Equals'   =>   "Nu Egal",
-    'Begins With'   =>   "ÃŽncepe",
-    'Ends With'   =>   "Sfârșit",
-    'Regex'   =>   "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM'   =>   "Crearea de vânzare bilete",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT'   =>   "Actualizare de vânzare bilete",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM'   =>   "Adăugați la contact [DIN]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO'   =>   "Adăugați la contact [A]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM'   =>   "Adauga la Organizația [DIN]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO'   =>   "Adauga la Organizația [la]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM'   =>   "Adauga la Plumb [DIN]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO'   =>   "Adauga la Plumb [la]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS'   =>   "Actualizare Dosare",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL'   =>   "Deselect",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS'   =>   "Conversia e-mailuri cu înregistrările respective",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE'   =>   "Regula numarul indică prioritate. Drag and drop pentru a schimba prioritatea.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE'   =>   "Adauga Regula",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY'   =>   "Prioritate",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE'   =>   "Șterge regula",
-    'LBL_BODY'   =>   "Corp",
-    'LBL_MATCH'   =>   "Potrivi",
-    'LBL_ACTION'   =>   "Acțiune",
-    'LBL_FROM'   =>   "Din",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'MailBox loaded Successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/ro_ro/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   =>'Pentru a face'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profiluri'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Vizualizeaza'                , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Creaza/Editeaza'             , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Sterge'                      , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Roluri'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Adauga rol'                  , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Adauga regula acces customizat', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Poate fi accesat prin'       , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Drepturi'                    , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Regula Nr.'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Integrare',
-    'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Setari'                      , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Studio'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Modele comunicare'           , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Administrare utilizatori & acces', 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Alte setari'                 , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Administreaza utilizatori care pot accesa vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Roluri'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Seteaza ierarhie roluri si asigneaza utilizatorilor', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiluri'                   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Administreaza module specifice acces utilizatori pentru diferite roluri', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Grupuri'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Administreaza tipuri diferite echipe bazate pe roluri, utilizatori si profiluri', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Acces sharing'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administreaza reguli sharing module & reguli de sharing customizat', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Formule Campuri'             , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Adauga ecuatii personalizate pentru a customiza campurile', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Administrare Module'         , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Gestioneaza comportamentul modulelor din vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Editare Liste Selectie'      , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Customizeaza valori selectie in fiecare modul', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Picklist Dependency Setup'   , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menu Editor'                 , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Customize Menu Sequence'     ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'Numarul real de elemente de meniu afi?ate depind de dimensiunea ecranului ?i s-ar putea sa fie mai mica decât elementele selectate.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Modele de email-uri'         , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administreaza modele pentru modul Email', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Detalii Companie'            , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Specifica adresa afaceri a companiei', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Fuzioneaza email'            , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Administreaza modele pentru fuzionare mailuri', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Calcule taxe'                , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Administreaza taxe si ratele corespunzatoare', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Server plecare email-uri'    , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Configureaza detaliile serverului plecare a emailurilor', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Inventar : Termeni & Conditii', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Specifica termeni si conditii pentru oferte, comenzi, si facturi', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Administreaza anunturile mari ale companiei', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Monede'                      , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Administreaza monede internationale si rate schimb', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Numerotare Inregistrari'     , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Reguli de numerotare a entitatilor pe module', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Scaner de Mail'              , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Configureaza casuta postala pentru scanare', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Workflow-uri'                , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Creaza si editeaza workflow-uri pentru vtiger', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Configuration Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Portal Clienti'              , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Permite Configurarea Plugin-ului de Portal Clienti', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Mod Tracker'                 , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Select modules for tracking' , 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	 'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE' => 'NOTĂ: serverului de ieșire ar trebui să fie setat la SSL sau TLS Protocal și cazul câmp "De la e-mail" este setat la gol, atunci adresa de email de utilizator va fi ridicat.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ro_ro/Settings/Webforms.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'captcha Activat'             ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Salveaza domenii comanda', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Ascuns',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Permite module țintă pentru Webform',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Cesiunea de utilizator',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Atribui Utilizatorii In Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Runda Lista de Utilizatori Robin',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Câmpurile obligatorii fără valori suprascrie cant fi ascuns',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Domenii de referință cant fi obligatorie, fără valoare de anulare',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Tastați pentru a căuta',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform cu acest nume există deja',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Din',
-	'Optional' => 'Facultativ',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Sarcină',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Portal pentru clienți link Pdf',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Adauga ÅŸablon',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems bloc pentru grup fiscal',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems bloc de impozitare individuale',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'					   =>'Pentru a face'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Users.php b/languages/ro_ro/Users.php
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Preferintele mele'           , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Mai multa info'              , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Login & Rol utilizator'      , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Poza utilizator'             , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Currency and Number Field Configuration', 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Adresa utilizator'           , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Optiuni Avansate Utilizator' , 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Configuration'      , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Componente index'            , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Admin'                       , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Nume Utilizator'             , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Vizualizare implicita Calendar', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Vizualizare implicita Prospectare', 
-	'Title'                        => 'Titlu'                       , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Nr tel birou'                , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departament'                 , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Raporteaza catre'            , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Id Yahoo'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Nr tel acasa'                , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Incarca poza'                , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Format data'                 , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Cloud'                   , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Semnatura'                   , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Adresa strada'               , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Parola'                      , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Confirma parola'             , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Vizibile'                    , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Ascunse'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Afiseaza'                    , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Ascunde'                     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Componente index'            , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Istoric Login'               , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Se vizualizeaza detalii despre utilizator', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Sterge grup'                 , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Grup spre a fi sters'        , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Transfera proprietate catre: ', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Utilizator spre a fi sters'  , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Transfera drept de proprietate catre utilizator', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Sterge profil'               , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfera roluri catre profil', 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Profil spre a fi sters'      , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Compune email intern'        , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Extensie Asterisk'           , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Interval Reminder'           , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Cheie Acces'                 , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Limba'                       , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Theme'                       , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimal Separator'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Grouping Pattern'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Grouping Separator'    , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbol Placement'            , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia',
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utilizator șters cu succes',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Utilizatori activi',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Utilizatorii inactivi',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Sterge utilizator permanent',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restabili',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Utilizatorul restaurat cu succes',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Aproape acolo!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Despre mine',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Am promisiunea de a menține acest privat)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Toate campurile de mai jos sunt obligatorii)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Începeți',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Numărul dvs. de contact',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'De unde ești?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Selectați Țară',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Dimensiuni companie',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Denumirea postului',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Departament',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Moneda de bază',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Alegeți Moneda de bază',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Valută de bază nu poate fi modificat ulterior. Selectați moneda dvs. de operare',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Limbă',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Alegeți limba',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Alegeți Timezone',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Format dată',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Alegeți Format dată',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefon',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Schimbare cheie de acces',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Cheia de acces a fost actualizat',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Actualizarea nu a reușit cheie de acces',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Tasta de acces nou solicitat',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Ați solicitat o nouă cheie de acces. cu acces noua prevedere cheie, trebuie să înlocuiți cheia de acces vechi cu unul nou, în toate extensiile instalate. Do doriți să continuați?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Vendors.php b/languages/ro_ro/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2579b8712819075836110bfc629583a783336fbf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Vanzatori'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Vanzator'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Info vanzator:'              , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Info adresa:'                , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nume Vanzator'               , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'ID Vanzator'                 , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Site Web'                    , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Cont GL'                     , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ro_ro/Vtiger.php b/languages/ro_ro/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index de3b72217f2720a12fd068ed90c46877513273b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ro_ro/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Citeste licenta'             , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Politica de Securitate'      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Selecteaza Tot'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editare'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Salveaza'                    , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Anuleaza'                    , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Inapoi'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Importa'                     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Exporta'                     , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Gaseste duplicate'           , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'Informatii Suplimentare'     , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actiuni'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Adauga'                      , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Editeaza'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Sterge'                      , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Setari'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Inregistrare stearsa'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Inregistrarea pe care incercati s-o accesati nu poate fi gasita', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Selecteaza'                  , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Sterge'                      , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Da'                          , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Nu'                          , 
-	'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Niciun'                      , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Deselecta toate'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Creaza rapid'                , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Send SMS'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => ' in selectia curenta'        , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click adăuga'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Adăuga more fields'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Adauga Nota'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Adăuga Event'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Adăuga Pentru a face'        , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Index'                       , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Tablou de Bord'              , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Preferintele mele'           , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Sign Out'                    , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Ajutor'                      , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Feedback'                    ,
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Suport Chat',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM Settings'                , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Calendar'                    , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Utilizator'                  , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Grup'                        , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Creat la ora'                , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Modificat la ora'            , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Descriere'                   , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Asignat la'                  , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Se incarca...'               , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Cauta'                       , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'In'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Cautare avansata'            , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Utilizatori'                 , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Conturi'                     , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Calendar'                    , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Campanii'                    , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Contacte'                    , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documente'                   , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Prospectari'                 , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Potentiale'                  , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Liste Preturi'               , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Produse'                     , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projects'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Contracte'                   , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Services'                    , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Vanzatori'                   , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Oferte'                      , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Comanda Cumparare'           , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Comanda Vanzare'             , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Facturi'                     , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Site-urile noastre',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Inapoi'                      , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'and'                         , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'sau'                         , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Nimic--'                   , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'se termina cu'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'contine'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'mai putin'                   , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'mai mare decat'              , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'mai mic sau egal'            , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'mai mare sau egal'           , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'nu este gol'                 ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Cauta'                       , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Toate'                       , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Alte'                        , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'In asteptare'                , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Public'                      , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Inaccesibil'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Detalii Obiect'              , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Moneda'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Modalitate impozit'          , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Individual'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Instrumente'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Nume Obiect'                 , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Cantitate in stoc'           , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Cantitate'                   , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Pret lista'                  , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Total'                       , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Pret net'                    , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Discount'                    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Total dupa discount'         , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Impozit'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Adauga produs'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Adauga serviciu'             , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Taxe transport & livrare'    , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Taxe transport & livrare'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Ajustare'                    , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Extrage'                     , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Total intreg'                , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Discount zero'               , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'de pret'                     , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Reducere directa de pret'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Cantitate totala impozit'    , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Discount direct cantitate'   , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Cantitate discount final'    , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'mai multe monede'            , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Creaza'                      , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Genereaza'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Duplica'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'COMENTARII'                  , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Refresh'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Inchide'                     , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Toate'                       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Actualizat'                  , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'din lista'                   , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'by'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'pentru'                      , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Creat la data'               , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Istoric'                     , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Info client'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Lipsa Info'                  , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Utilizator'                  , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Astazi'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Saptamana trecuta'           , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Activitati ce Urmeaza'       , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Bilete deschise'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Exporta toate datele'        , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Exporta date in pagina curenta', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Exporta tipuri inregistrari' , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Nume Cont'                   , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ajustare'                    , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Venit anual'                 , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Adresa facturare'            , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Postal Code'         , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Transportator'               , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Categorie'                   , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Oras'                        , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Nimic--'                   , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Activ'                       , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'Nume contact'                , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Adresa livrare'              , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Tara'                        , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Creat la data'               , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Moneda'                      , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Moneda de baza'              , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Data scadenta'               , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Email Opt Out'               , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Este convertit de la plumb'  ,
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Data inchidere preconizata'  , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Nr fax'                      , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Nume Familie'                , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Prenume'                     , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'In desfasurare'              , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Subiect'                     , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Termeni & Conditii'          , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Nume Obiect'                 , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Cantitate'                   , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Pret lista'                  , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Taxe'                        , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Total'                       , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Sub Total'                   , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Stare'                       , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Nume vanzator'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Termeni & Conditii'          , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Info Preturi'                , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Detalii produs'              , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Sursa prospectare'           , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Nr tel mobil'                , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Instiinteaza proprietar'     , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Alt nr tel'                  , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Nr tel'                      , 
-	'State'                        => 'Judet'                       , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Nume Potential'              , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Prioritate'                  , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Nume Produs'                 , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Rating'                      , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Se refera la'                , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Tip'                         , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Salut'                       , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Strada'                      , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Data inceput asistenta'      , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Selectați Stare'             ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'ÃŽmbina',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Rata de conversie'             , // TODO: Review
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'valabil Data',
-	'Discount' => 'reducere',
-	'Product Code' => 'Cod produs',
-	'Customer Name' => 'Nume client',
-	'Price' => 'preÈ›',
-	'Tax:' => 'taxa:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Nume de contact',
-	'Phone: ' => 'telefon: ',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Fax: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Website: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'eliberat Data',
-	'Quantity' => 'cantitate',
-	'Net Total' => 'Total net',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Transport & manipulare',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Expediere și manevrare Fiscal:',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'total general:',
-	'Tax' => 'taxa',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Contracte',
-	'Projects' => 'Projects',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Comanda Vanzare',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Comanda Cumparare',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Pentru a adapta Meniul Principal',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Comentariu',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Ultima Comentariu',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Ultimele 5 comentarii',
-	'All Comments' => 'Toate Comentarii',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Nu este un pachet',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Mark ca fiind deținute',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Ascunde terminate Calendar Evenimente',
-	'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maxim 160 de caractere sunt permise pentru mesaj text',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Setup Webfroms'              , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Sigur doriți să ștergeți?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'ar trebui să fie mai mare sau egală cu', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Data curenta',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Edit operație masa se poate face pe 500 sau mai puțin înregistrări la un moment dat',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-    // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Suna la',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Apel de intrare',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Ridica receptorul de extensie pentru a apela numărul',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Suna a eșuat',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Vă rugăm să completați toate câmpurile',
-	// ends
-	//Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Modificările dvs. se vor pierde!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Moneda de bază trebuie să fie schimbat pentru a dezactiva',
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Accounts.php b/languages/ru_ru/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Accounts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Контрагенты'      , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Контрагент'        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить организацию',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Контрагентов', // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Информация о Контрагенте', 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Иерархия Контрагента', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Отрасль'              , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Контрагент'        , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Контрагент №'    , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Веб сайт'             , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Краткое Название', 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Входит в группу', 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Кол-во сотрудников', 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Форма'                  , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'Код по классификатору', 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Доп.Email'                , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Аналитик'            , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Конкурент'          , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Клиент'                , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Интегратор'        , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Инвестор'            , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Пресса'                , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Перспективный'  ,
-        'Prosepect Accounts'           => 'Проспект счета',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Посредник'          , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Дата начала'       , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Дата окончания' , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Название организации уже существует',
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Копировать Адрес доставки'       ,
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Копировать Адрес для выставления счета'        ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Удаление этой Организации будет удалить связанные с ним возможности & Котировки. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту Организацию?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Удаление этого организация (организации) снимет свои возможности, связанные с & Котировки. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранные записи?',
-	'JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION' => 'Название организации уже Exists.Do вы хотите создать дубликат записи?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php b/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Активы'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить актив',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Активы Список',
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Информация Актива', 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Актив №'              , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Серийный Номер' , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Дата Продажи'     , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Дата Сервиса'     , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Номер Тега'         , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Счет'                    , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Метод Доставки' , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Номер Доставки' , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Название Актива', 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Название Клиента', 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Примечания'        , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'Обслуживается'  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Не обслуживается', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Calendar.php b/languages/ru_ru/Calendar.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1acb87ddaeaff3a3df2d8e254b8f63f9d99272..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Calendar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Делать'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Добавить делать'                    ,
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Добавить Событие', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LISTVIEW
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'События'              , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Задачи'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Настройки Календаря', // KEY 5.x: LBL_CALSETTINGS
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Использовать совмесно с', 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'По умолчанию длительность события'      ,
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'звонить по телефону', 
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Другие события'                ,
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'минут'                  , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Выбор пользователей'                ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'			   => 'Событие / Делать',
-	'Subject'                      => 'Тема'                    , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Дата и Время Начала', 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Тип Действия'     , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Отправить Уведомление', 
-	'Location'                     => 'Расположение'    , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Дата и Время Завершения', 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Виды работ'              ,
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Дата завершения Поддержки', // KEY 5.x: Support End Date
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Дата рождения'               ,
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Добавлено Календари'             ,
-	'Call'                         => 'Звонок'                , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Встреча'              , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Делать'                , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Запланированный'  , 
-        'Held'                         => 'Held',
-        'Not Held'                     =>  'Не состоялось',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Завершено'          , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'В ожидании'         , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Не Начато'           , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Отсрочено'          , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Средний'              , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Изменить Ответственного', 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Событие'              , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Делать'                , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'                    => 'Задачи'                , // KEY 5.x: Tasks
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Мой календарь'                 ,
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Общий календарь'             ,
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Воскресенье'      , 
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Понедельник'      , 
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Вторник'              , 
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Среда'                  , 
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Четверг'              , 
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Пятница'              , 
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Суббота'              , 
-	'first'                        => 'Первый'                , 
-	'last'                         => 'Последний'          , 
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'день месяца'       , // KEY 5.x: day of the month
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'в'                          , // KEY 5.x: on
-	'Daily'                        => 'Ежедневно'          , 
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Еженедельно'      , 
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Ежемесячно'        , 
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Ежегодно'            , 
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Дефолт и тип'        ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Статус'                      ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Тип'                         ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Редактировать цвета',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Добавить календарь',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Выберите User календарь',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Выберите цвет календарь',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Редактирование Календарь Просмотр',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Удалить календарь',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Выберите тип активности',
-	'Tasks' => 'Задачи',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Добавить событие / Делать'              ,
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Делать успешно добавлен в календаре',
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Невозможно выбрать соответствующие Контакты для проводов',
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Не может нести за будущее',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Звонок по мобильному телефону',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Календарь Просмотр цвет успешно обновлены',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот вид календарь?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Календарь Просмотр успешно добавлен',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Календарь Просмотр успешно удален',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Нет Календарь Просмотр добавить',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Редактировать календарь',
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Campaigns.php b/languages/ru_ru/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Campaigns.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Кампании'            , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Кампания'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить кампанию'                ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Кампании Список'              ,
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Информация'        , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Ожидания и Результаты', 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Наименование'    , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Кампания №'        , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Тип'                      , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Товар'                  , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Статус'                , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Отправлено'        , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Спонсор'              , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Целевая Аудитория', 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Размер Аудитории', 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Ожидаемая Реакция', 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Ожидаемый Доход', 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Бюджет'                , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Затраты'              , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Плановое к-во Откликов', 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Плановые Продажи', 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Ожидаемая Рентабельность', 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Фактический Отклик', 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Фактическое кол-во Продаж', 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Фактическая Рентабельность', 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Семинар'              , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Целенаправленная Программа', 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Реклама'              , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Баннеры'              , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Прямая Рассылка', 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Телемаркетинг'  , 
-	'Others'                       => 'Другое'                , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Планируется'      , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Неактивна'          , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Завершена'          , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Отменена'            , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Отлично'              , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Хорошо'                , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Средне'                , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Плохо'                  , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Нет--'                  , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Успешный Контакт', 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Неудачный Контакт', 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Никогда не Контактировать', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Contacts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Контакты'            , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Контакт'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить контакт'     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Контакты Список'      ,
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Информация о контакте', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Информация пользователя портала', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Изображение Контакта:', 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Копировать Другой Адрес', // KEY 5.x: LBL_CPY_OTHER_ADDRESS
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Копировать Почтовый Адрес', // KEY 5.x: LBL_CPY_MAILING_ADDRESS
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Рабочий тел.'      , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Домашний тел.'    , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Должность'          , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Отдел'                  , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'День рождения'   , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Начальник:'         , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Ассистент'          , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Тел.ассистента' , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Не звонить'         , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Рекомендации'    , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Пользователь портала', 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Улица'                  , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'Город'                  , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Область'              , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Индекс'                , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Страна'                , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Почтовый Po Box'       ,
-	'Other Street'                 => 'Доп.адрес: улица', 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Доп.адрес: город', 
-	'Other State'                  => 'Доп.адрес: область', 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'Доп.адрес: индекс', 
-	'Other Country'                => 'Доп.адрес: страна', 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Другое P.O. Коробка'   ,
-	'Contact Image'                => 'Изображение'      , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Г-н.'                      , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Г-жа.'                    , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Мис'                      , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Д-р.'                      , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Проф.'                   , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Список Пользователей', 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Контакт Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Поддержка Дата начала',
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Поддержка Дата окончания',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Documents.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Документ'            , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Документы'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить документ'                ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список документов'              ,
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Базовая Информация', 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Информация Файла', 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Оглавление'        , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Название Файла' , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Замечания'          , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Тип Файла'           , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Размер'                , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Размещение'        , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Версия'                , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Активен'              , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'Счетчик Загрузок', 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Название Папки' , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Документ №'        , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Последний Изменено'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Пожалуйста, наведите документы из папки перед удалением',
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Загрузить файл' , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Проверить целостность файла', // KEY 5.x: LBL_CHECK_INTEGRITY
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Внутри'                , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Внешний'              , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Максимальный размер загружаемых'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Переместить'      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Добавить Папку' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Папки Список'                ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Папки'                     ,
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Документы переименована',
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Отказано Документы'            ,
-	'MB'                           => 'МБ'                          ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Добавить Папку' , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Название Папки' , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Папка Описание'          ,
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'Файл доступен для загрузки',
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'Данный документ не доступен для загрузки',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EXCEEDS_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'   => 'Превышен максимальный размер загрузки',
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'Новая папка'                  ,
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Перемещение документов'              ,
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите переместить файл (ы) для',
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'папка'                      ,
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Операция запрещен'            ,
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , // TODO: Review
-    'JS_FILE_PREVIEW_NOT_SUPPORTED' => 'Файл Предварительный Не поддерживается',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/EmailTemplates.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Шаблоны Email' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Добавить E-mail шаблон',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mail шаблона',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Шаблоны Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-mail шаблона',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Имя шаблона ',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Описание',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Тема',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Общие поля',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Выберите тип поле',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Управление шаблонами для модуля E-Mail',
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Emails.php b/languages/ru_ru/Emails.php
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Emails.php
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Почта'                  , 
-	'Emails'                       => 'Сообщения E-mail'   , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Выберите адреса электронной почты'      ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Тема:'                   , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Вложение'            , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Обзор CRM'                  ,
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Отправить'          , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Сохранить как черновик'               ,
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'К Preview'               ,
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Создать E-Mail'       , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'Кому:'                   , 
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Копия :'                , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Скрытая Копия :' , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Добавить копию'                      ,
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Добавить СК'                     ,
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Максимальный размер загружаемых является'      ,
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Превышен'                    ,
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Переслать'          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_FORWARD_BUTTON
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Печать'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PRINT_EMAIL
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'От :'                      , 
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Информация'                        ,
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Составленная на'                  ,
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Отправлено'                     ,
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Владелец'                       ,
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Отправлено'        , 
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Время Отправленные',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'Электронная почта Информация',
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'События'              , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Событие'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить событие'                   ,
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список'                   ,
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'События'              , // KEY 5.x: Events
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Календарь'          , // KEY 5.x: SINGLE_Calendar
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Держите последующих на'      ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Создание следить за событие' ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Детали события'               ,
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Повторение Подробнее'          ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Связан с'             , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Дата и Время Начала', 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Повторение'                      ,
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Отправить уведомление'           ,
-	'Location'                     => 'Расположение'                    ,
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Отправить напоминание'               ,
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Дата и Время Завершения', 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Тип Действия'     , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Видимость'                  ,
-	'Private'                      => 'Личное'                , // KEY 5.x: PRIVATE_FILTER
-	'Public'                       => 'Публичное'          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PUBLIC
-	'Call'                         => 'Звонок'                , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Встреча'              , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Запланировано'  , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Приостановлено', 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Не остановлено' , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Дни'                        ,
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Часов'                       ,
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'День (ы)'                      ,
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Неделя (ы)'                     ,
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Месяц (ы)'                    ,
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Год'                        ,
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'Первая'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Последняя'          , 
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Солнце'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Понедельник'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Вторник'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Среда'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Тре'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Пятница'                         ,
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Суббота'                         ,
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Воскресенье'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Понедельник'                      ,
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Вторник'                     , 
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Среда'                   , 
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Четверг'                    , 
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Пятница'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Суббота'                    , 
-	'Daily'                        => 'День (ы)'                      , 
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Неделя (ы)'                     , 
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Месяц (ы)'                    , 
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Год'                        , 
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Раз в'        , 
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'До'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'день месяца'            , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'на'                          , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Календарь Просмотр'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Приглашать'                      , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Пригласить пользователей'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'ЧаВо'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'ЧаВо'                    , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Вопросы и ответы'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Информация ЧаВо', 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Комментарий'      , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Вопрос'                , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Ответ'                  , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Комментарии'      , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'ЧаВо №'                , 
-	'General'                      => 'Общее'                  , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Черновик'            , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Опубликовано'    , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Устарело'            , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'РЕШЕНИЕ'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/HelpDesk.php
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@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Заявки'                , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Заявка'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Билет'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список по продаже билетов'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Информация Заявки', 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Информация о решении', 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Заявка №'            , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Важность'            , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Обновить историю', 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Часов'                  , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Дней'                    , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Название'            , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Решение'              , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'От Портал'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Большая Проблема', 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Средняя Проблема', 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'Иная Проблема'   , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Нормальный'        , 
-	'High'                         => 'Высокий'              , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Чрезвычайный'    , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Незначительная', 
-	'Major'                        => 'Значительная'    , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Особенная'          , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Критичная'          , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Открыто'              , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Ожидание Ответа', 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Закрыто'              , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Статус'                , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Важность'            , // KEY 5.x: Severity
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Преобразовать в ЧаВо'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Связан с'             ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Привет',
-	'Dear' => 'Уважаемый(ая)',
-	'LBL_PORTAL_BODY_MAILINFO' => 'Ваша заявка',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'детали :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'С уважением',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Служба поддержки',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'Детали Заявки',
-	'created' => 'создано',
-	'replied' => 'отвечено',
-	'reply' => 'Добавлен новый комментарий для заявки ',
-	'customer_portal' => ' в клиентском портале SalesPlatform.ru. ',
-	'link' => 'Вы можете использовать приведенную ссылку для просмотра комментариев:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Спасибо',
-	'Support_team' => 'Служба поддержки',
-	'The comments are' => 'Комментарии',
-	'Ticket Title' => 'Наименование заявки',
-	'Re' => 'Re :',
-	//This label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'Статус Заявки обновлен на',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'Заявка не может быть',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Клиент предоставил следующую дополнительную информацию на Ваш ответ:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Пожалуйста ответьте на следующую заявку как можно скорее.',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Администратор Поддержки',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Ответ на Заявку №',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Ответ на номер билета',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'на Клиентском Портале - СРОЧНО',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Это Ваши учетные данные Портала',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Письмо не может быть отправлено',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Учетная запись :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Пароль :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Согласно Вашим учетным данным Портала',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Пожалуйста, предоставьте Ваш адрес email',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Пожалуйста, проверьте Ваш адрес email для Портала',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Ваш логин заблокирован. Пожалуйста свяжитесь с Вашим администратором.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Письмо отправлено на Ваш адрес с Вашими регистрационными данными на Портале',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'Это тело в обычном тексте для не-HTML почтовых клиентов',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Поддержка ID',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Номер',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Количество билетов',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Home.php b/languages/ru_ru/Home.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 71699d51b9cda76a43966e1a6f6e99a915ff70d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Home.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Последние Контрагенты', // KEY 5.x: Top Accounts
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Последние Сделки', // KEY 5.x: Top Potentials
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Последние Предложения', // KEY 5.x: Top Quotes
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Ключевые Показатели', // KEY 5.x: Key Metrics
-	'HLT'                          => 'Топ Билеты Поддержка'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Положение Моей Группы', // KEY 5.x: My Group Allocation
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Последние Заказы на Продажу', // KEY 5.x: Top Sales Orders
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Последние Счета', // KEY 5.x: Top Invoices
-	'HDB'                          => 'Панель Главной Страницы', // KEY 5.x: Home Page Dashboard
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Последние Заказы на Закупку', // KEY 5.x: Top Purchase Orders
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Мои Частые ЧаВо', // KEY 5.x: My Recent FAQs
-	'UA'                           => 'Ближайшие События', // KEY 5.x: LBL_UPCOMING_EVENTS
-	'PA'                           => 'События в процессе', // KEY 5.x: LBL_PENDING_EVENTS
-        'Home'                         => 'Главная',
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Ключевых показателей',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Облако тегов',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Import.php b/languages/ru_ru/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9da9c8d34d154dc836a50827e48cdbaf9f2855..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Шаг 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Выберите Файл'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => 'Поддерживаемый тип файла (ы):.. CSV, VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Шаг 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Укажите формат'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'Тип файла'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Кодировка символов'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Разделитель:'     , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Заголовок:'         , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Шаг 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Дубликат обработка Рекорд'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Выберите эту опцию, чтобы включить и настроить дубликат объединить критерии', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Выберите, как повторяющиеся записи должны быть обработаны', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Выберите подходящие поля для поиска повторяющихся записей', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Доступные Поля' , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => ' Поля для обработки', 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Далее'                  , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Шаг 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Сопоставьте столбцов в модуле полей', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Заголовок'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Ряд 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Поля'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Значение по умолчанию'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Сохранить как заказ карт '     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Импорт'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_IMPORT
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Записи успешно импортированных', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Отчеты, созданные'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Отчеты перезаписаны'         , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Пропускается записей'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Объединены записей'              , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Записи не удалось импортировать'    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Импортировать Больше', 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Последний Imported отчеты'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Отменить последний Импорт', 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Финиш'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_FINISH
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Отменить Импорт Результат'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Общее количество записей'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Количество записей удаленных'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Хорошо'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Импорт по расписанию'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'работа'                , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Отменить Импорт'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Ошибка:'               , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Очистка данных'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Невозможно импортировать больше данных в этой партии. Пожалуйста, начните новый импорт.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Текущий Импорт была прервана. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Не удалось заблокировать модуль для импорта. Re-повторите попытку позже', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Выберите сохраненный Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Ошибка импорта больших файлов '    , 
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'Загрузка файлов удалось'          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Импорт Изменение Загрузить Размер'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Импорт Справочник не доступна для записи', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Копия Импорт файла не удалось'     , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Неверный файл'                , 
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'Не строк не найдено'               , 
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Ваш импорта был запланирован и начнется в течение 15 минут. Вы получите по электронной почте после завершения импорта.  <br> <br>
-										Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что Сервер исходящей почты и адрес электронной почты настроен на получение уведомлений по электронной почте', 
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Детали'                     , 
-	'skipped'                      => 'Пропущенные отчеты'             , 
-	'failed'                       => 'Ошибка записи'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Invoice.php b/languages/ru_ru/Invoice.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9a11fce8caf3ede673ccad2dd2eae7b74fd30b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Invoice.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Счет'                    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Экспорт в PDF'       , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Отправить на e-mail с PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Счет'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Счетов'   , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Информация Счета', 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Заказ на Продажу', 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Номер Клиента'   , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Дата'                    , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Заказ на Закупку', 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Комиссия'            , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Счет №'                , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Получено'                    , 
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Баланс'                     , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Отправлен'          , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Просрочен'          , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Оплачен'              , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'АвтоСоздан'        , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Отменить'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Не Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Вспомогательные изделия',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Действие',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Leads.php b/languages/ru_ru/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b78914b4fbc7e26dfd9077131f591f8d70735a95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Leads.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Обращения'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Обращение'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ведет список'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить свинец'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Информация об Обращении', 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Обращение №'      , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Организация'      , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Должность'          , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Веб сайт'             , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Отрасль'              , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Статус'                , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Кол-во сотрудников', 
-	'--None--'                     => '--нет--'                  , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Г-н.'                      , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Г-жа.'                    , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Мис.'                     , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Д-р.'                      , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Проф.'                   , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Попытка Связаться', 
-	'Cold'                         => 'Холодный'            , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Контакт в Будущем', 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Есть Контакт'     , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Горячий'              ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Горячие снабжении',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Ненужное Обращение', 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'Утерянное Обращение', 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'Не Связывался'   , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Предв. Классифицирован', 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Классифицирован', 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Теплый'                , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Преобразовать:' , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Передача связанных запись в'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'Вы должны включить либо организации или Контакт преобразовать свинец', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Модули для инвалидов'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Невозможно Конвертировать', 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Ниже приведены возможные причины', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'поле отображения неполной', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'обязательные поля пусты', 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Ведет поле отображения', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Редактировать поле Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Контакты для исходящее'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Выберите организацию для продолжения', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Преобразование требует выбора Связаться или организации', 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Migration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Добро пожаловать в Vtiger миграции',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Завершено миграции',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Мастер миграции',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Мы гордимся тем, что связано с вами.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'У Вас есть вопросы? Найти справку по Vtiger <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Обсуждения </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'Чтобы узнать больше о Vtiger Следуйте за нами наш <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Блог</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Помощь - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Documentaion</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Видео</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Спасибо за использование <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Мы стремимся быть - просто лучший',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Приходите на более, есть место для вас тоже!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Ваш vtiger6 миграция выполнена успешно.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Чтобы узнать, что нового в этой версии, пожалуйста, прочтите <a href="#" target="_blank">Примечания к выпуску</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Миграция продолжается',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Миграция: База данных Изменения Вход',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/ModComments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Комментарии'      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Комментарии Список'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Информация Комментария', 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Другая Информация', 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Добавление комментарий'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Введите комментарии здесь'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Комментарий'      , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Автор'                  , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Относится к Комментарию', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/PBXManager.php b/languages/ru_ru/PBXManager.php
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'Менеджер PBX'        , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'Менеджер PBX'        , // KEY 5.x: PBXManager
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Звоните Подробнее'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Звонок От'           , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Звонок'                , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Время Звонка'     , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'Id PBX Manager'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Portal.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Наши сайты',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Добавить в закладки',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Имя в закладки',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Закладка Адрес',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'Дата создания',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Наш сайт',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'Изменить закладку',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Введите имя закладки',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Введите URL (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Добавить новую закладку',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Закладка успешно сохранены',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Запись успешно удалена',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Наша сайты Список',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Закладки Список',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Закладки успешно удален',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Закладка',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Закладки',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Сайт, который вы пытаетесь открыть не является безопасным и не может открыть. Если вы все еще хотите, чтобы посмотреть веб-страницу, то вы можете нажать на блокатор содержимому в адресной строке и включить его.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Potentials.php b/languages/ru_ru/Potentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e105d56df3b12ab6324efb60d394d4b825e41f5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Potentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Сделки'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Сделка'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Возможность'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Возможности Список'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Информация:'       , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Сделка №'            , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Сумма'                  , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Дальнейшие Действия', 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Стадия'                , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Вероятность (%)'  , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Кампания Источник', 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Прогноз Количество'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Воронка продаж'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Возможности по сцене'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Выручка по продавцам'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Топ Возможности'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Прогноз продаж'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Переговоры'        , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Оценка'                , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Нуждается в анализе', 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Предложение'      , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Поиск принимающих решение', 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Анализ Ситуации', 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Коммерческое предложение/Цены', 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Переговоры/ознакомление', 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Закрыта удачно' , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Закрыта неудачно', 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Нет--'                  , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Существующий Бизнес', 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Новый Бизнес'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Ожидается, будет завершена на'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Связанные Контакты'            , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Похожие продукты'            ,
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Потенциалы Выигранные',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/PriceBooks.php b/languages/ru_ru/PriceBooks.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ab9f044c457d5573602cc5bd74e86b77174b5f0e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/PriceBooks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Каталоги'            , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Каталог'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить прейскуранту'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Цена книги Список'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Информация о Каталоге:', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Редактировать список Цена'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Название'            , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'Каталог №'          , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Цена за штуку',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Добавлять к',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Products.php b/languages/ru_ru/Products.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a5c89fb27ad6ee8bd5633b7ca75a72ebe57a9e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Products.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Товары'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Товар'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Товар' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_PRODUCT
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Продукция список'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Описание Товара', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Изображение:'     , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Информация Склада:', 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'больше валют'     , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Цены Товаров'     , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PRODUCT_PRICES
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Цена'                    , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Сбросить Цену'   , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Сбросить'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Добавить в PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Товар №'              , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Код товара'         , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Активен'              , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Производитель'  , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Категория Товара', 
-	'Website'                      => 'Веб-сайт'             , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Код Производителя', 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Код Поставщика' , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Единица Измерения', 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Ответственный за склад', 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Пороговый остаток для дозаказа', 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Класс Налога'     , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Серийный Номер' , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Кол-во на Складе', 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Характеристики', 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Минимальный Заказ', 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Счёт в гл.книге' , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Изображение'      , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Цена за Единицу', 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Комиссия (%)'        , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Кол-во/Ед.'           , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Нет--'                  , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Оборудование'    , 
-	'Software'                     => 'ПО'                        , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM-Приложения'    , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Продажи-ПО'     , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Продажи-Оборудование', 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Рента-Доход'   , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Комиссионные-Доход', 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Продажи-ПО-Поддержка', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Продажи-Другое', 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Интернет-Продажи', 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Услуги-Настройка Оборудования', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Продажи-Периферия', 
-	'Box'                          => 'Ящик'                    , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Коробка'              , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Катушка'              , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Дюжина'                , 
-	'Each'                         => 'шт.'                       , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Часов'                  , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Показ'                  , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'кг'                        , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Пакет'                  , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Страница'            , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Единица'              , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Стопка'                , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Лист'                    , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Переплет'            , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'м2'                         , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Включить Продукты модуль для просмотра продуктов',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Project.php b/languages/ru_ru/Project.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a3b018a2197217f90d1581ffc7527aff5cbb6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Project.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'               => 'Общая', 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Добавить проект",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Список проектов",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'	=>	"Детали проекта",
-	'Project Name'	=>	"Название проекта",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Дата начала",
-	'Target End Date'	=>	"Намеченная дата Конец",
-	'Actual End Date'	=>	"Фактическая дата окончания",
-	'Project No'	=>	"Номер проекта",
-	'Target Budget'	=>	"Целевой бюджет",
-	'Project Url'	=>	"Адрес проекта",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Прогресс",
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'	=>	"Задачи Open",
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'	=>	"Задачи в связи",
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'	=>	"Выполнено задач",
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'	=>	"Люди",
-	'LBL_CHARTS'	=>	"Чарты",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Список задач",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Вехи",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Задачи",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Статус",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Статус",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Приоритет",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"больше",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Вехи Список",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Скачать файл",
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'Высокий приоритет',
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Нормальный приоритет',
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Низкий приоритет',
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Другие приоритеты',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Выберите Прогресс',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'Разведка',
-    'in progress' => 'In Progress',
-    'initiated' => 'Начатый',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'В ожидании Обратная связь',
-    'on hold' => 'Отложено',
-    'archived' => 'Архивировано',
-    'completed' => 'Завершено',
-    'delivered' => 'Доставленный',
-	'administrative' => 'Административный',
-    'operative' => 'Оперативный',
-    'other' => 'Другой',
-    'low' => 'Низкий',
-    'normal' => 'Нормальный',
-    'high' => 'Высокий',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Выбор Статус',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'Выберите Прогресс',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/ProjectMilestone.php b/languages/ru_ru/ProjectMilestone.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 374b2770ec631b53ad6521fe91d1f44799d86cb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/ProjectMilestone.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'      => 'Контрольная Точка', 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Добавить проект Milestone",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Список Этапы проекта",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Список проектов",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Список задач",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Вехи Список",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION'	=>	"Подробности проекта Milestone",
-	'Project Milestone Name'	=>	"Название проекта Milestone",
-	'Milestone Date'	=>	"Дата Milestone",
-	'Project Milestone No'	=>	"Номер проекта Milestone",
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Административный',
-    'operative' => 'Оперативный',
-    'other' => 'Другой',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/ProjectTask.php b/languages/ru_ru/ProjectTask.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6682129a2893034a1eddad32c553a123ff0ed3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/ProjectTask.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'	=>	"Задач проекта",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Добавить задач проекта",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Списка задач проекта",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION'	=>	"Подробности задач проекта",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Список проектов",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Список задач",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Вехи Список",
-	'Project Task Name'	=>	"Имя задач проекта",
-	'Project Task No'	=>	"Не задач проекта нет",
-	'Project Task Number'	=>	"Число задач проекта",
-	'Status'	=>	"Статус",
-	'Priority'	=>	"Приоритет",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Прогресс",
-	'Type'	=>	"Тип",
-	'Worked Hours'	=>	"Отработанных часов",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Дата начала",
-	'End Date'	=>	"Дата окончания",
-	'Related To'	=>	"Связанный С",
-	'administrative' => 'Административный',
-    'operative' => 'Оперативный',
-    'other' => 'Другой',
-    'low' => 'Низкий',
-    'normal' => 'Нормальный',
-    'high' => 'Высокий',
-	'Created Time'	=>	"Время создания",
-	'Modified Time'	=>	"Времени изменения",
-	'description'	=>	"Описание",
-	'Assigned To'	=>	"Назначено",
-	'Open'	=>	"Открыть",
-	'In Progress'	=>	"В процессе",
-	'Completed'	=>	"Завершенный",
-	'Deferred'	=>	"Отложенный",
-	'Canceled'	=>	"Отменен",
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index bf3e38e5db80b84143ff9d3b69af3371533163c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/PurchaseOrder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Заказ на Закупку', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Экспорт в PDF'       , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Отправить на e-mail с PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Заказ'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Заказов на Закупку', // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Копировать Адрес доставки'       , 
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Копировать Адрес для выставления счета'        , 
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Заказ на Закупку', 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Заказ на Закупку №', 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Заказ №'              , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Отслеживаемый Номер', 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Коммисия'            , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Оплаченный'                        , 
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Баланс'                     , 
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Получено с Доставкой', 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Прайс-лист',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Прайс-лист',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Копировать Адрес компании',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Quotes.php b/languages/ru_ru/Quotes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 662a6500665b5ef63f84217e36f757111e6625fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Quotes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Предложение'      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Экспорт в PDF'       , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Отправить на e-mail с PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Цитата'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Предложений', // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Информация'        , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Предложение Id'   , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Стадия'                , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Действительно до', 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Ответственный за склад', 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Принято'              , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Отклонено'          ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  => 'Открытые Цитаты',
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/RecycleBin.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Корзина'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Выберите Модуль', 
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Очистить Корзину', 
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Востановить'      , // KEY 5.x: LBL_MASS_RESTORE
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'Нет доступных модулей', 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Корзина Список'            , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Не найдено записей для Востановления в модуле', // KEY 5.x: LBL_EMPTY_MODULE
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда удалить все удаленные записи из базы данных?', 
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите восстановить записи?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Reports.php b/languages/ru_ru/Reports.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Reports.php
+++ /dev/null
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Отчеты'                ,
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Отчет'                  ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Папка не пуста'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Переместить Отчеты', // KEY 5.x: Move_Reports
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Изменить'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CUSTOMIZE_BUTTON
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Экспорт в Excel'                , 
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Печать'                , // KEY 5.x: LNK_PRINT
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Шаг 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Шаг 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Шаг 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Детали Отчета'   ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Выберите колонки',
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Фильтры'              ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Папки'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Добавить новую Папку', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_NEW_GROUP
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Имя папки'                 , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Папка Описание'          , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Введите Описание'           , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Имя отчета уже существует'  , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Папки Список'                , 
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Опроверг сообщения'              , 
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Всего записей : '           , 
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Только 1000 записей, приведены ниже. Пожалуйста, экспортировать на просмотр всех записей',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить отчет'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Добавить папку'                  , 
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Доступ запрещен удалить отчет', 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'Эта папка не может быть удален', 
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Список докладов'                , 
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Название Отчета',
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Папка для отчётов', // KEY 5.x: LBL_REP_FOLDER
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Первичный модуль'              , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Выберите связанных модулей'      , 
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'МАКС'                    , // KEY 5.x: MAX
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'следующий'          , // KEY 5.x: LNK_LIST_NEXT
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Отчеты Список'                , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Группировка по'                    , 
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Сортировку'                  , 
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'По возрастанию' , // KEY 5.x: Ascending
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'По убыванию'       , // KEY 5.x: Descending
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'Рассчеты'            ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Колонки'              ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Сумма'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_COLUMNS_SUM
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Среднее'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_COLUMNS_AVERAGE
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'Наименьшая величина', // KEY 5.x: LBL_COLUMNS_LOW_VALUE
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Высшая стоимость'               , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Создать отчет'             , 
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'СУМ'                      , // KEY 5.x: SUM
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'СРЕДН'                  , // KEY 5.x: AVG
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'МИН'                      , // KEY 5.x: MIN
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Названия Полей' , // KEY 5.x: Totals
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Экспорт в формате CSV'                  , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'Просмотр Подробностей',
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Сформировать'    ,
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Название Отчета', // KEY 5.x: LBL_REPORT_NAME
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Отчеты по Контактам и Контрагентам',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Отчеты по Обращениям',
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Отчеты по Сделкам',
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Отчеты по Деятельности',
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Отчеты по Заявкам в Поддержку',
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Отчеты по Товарам',
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Отчеты по Предложениям',
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Отчеты по Заказам на Закупку',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Отчеты по Заказам на Продажу',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Отчеты по Счетам',
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Отчеты по Кампаниям',
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Контакты по Контрагентам',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Контакты без Контрагентов',
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'Контакты по Сделкам',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Контакты, относящиеся к Контрагентам',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Контакты, не относящиеся к Контрагентам',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'Контакты относящиеся к Сделкам',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Обращения по Источникам',
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Отчет по Статусу Обращения',
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Конвейер Сделок',
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Закрытые Сделки',
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Сделки с Выигрышем',
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Заявки по Товарам',
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Заявки по Приоритетам',
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Открытые Заявки',
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Заявки, относящиеся к Товарам',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Открытые Заявки',
-	'Product Details'              => 'Информация о Товаре',
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'Товары по Контактам',
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Детальный отчет по Товарам',
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'Товары относящиеся к Контактам',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Открытые Предложения',
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Детальный Отчет Запросов',
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Открытые Запросы',
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'Заказы на Закупку по Контактам',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Детальный отчет по Заказам на Закупку',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'Заказы на Закупку, относящиеся к Контактам',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Детальный Отчет по Счетам',
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Деятельность за прошлый месяц',
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Деятельность за этот месяц',
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Ожидания и Факты по Кампаниям',
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Детальный Отчет по Заказам на Продажу',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Отчеты'               , 
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Контакты E-mail Сообщить'       , 
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Организации электронной почте отчет'  , 
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Ведет отчет по электронной почте'          , 
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Производители электронной почте отчет'        , 
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Письма, отправленные в список контактов'     , 
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Письма, отправленные на организациях', 
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Письма, отправленные на снабжении'        , 
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Письма, отправленные на поставщиков'      , 
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Напечатать Отчет',
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Записи'                ,
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Отображаются только 1000 + записей. Используйте CSV или Excel Экспорт, чтобы увидеть все записи', 
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Топ'                         , 
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'Все отчеты'                 , 
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Расчет на основе Мои предпочтения валюту Вашего CRM', 
-    'LBL_CREATING_REPORT' 		=> 'Создание отчета',
-    'LBL_EDITING_REPORT' 		=> 'Редактирование Сообщить',
-    'LBL_SCHEDULE_REPORTS' 		=> 'Расписание Отчеты',
-    'LBL_AT_TIME' 				=> 'В две недели',
-    'LBL_DAILY' 				=> 'Ежедневно',
-    'LBL_WEEKLY' 				=> 'Еженедельно',
-    'LBL_MONTHLY_BY_DATE' 		=> 'Месячный по дате',
-    'LBL_YEARLY' 				=> 'Годовой',
-    'LBL_SPECIFIC_DATE' 		=> 'На определенный день',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE' 			=> 'Выберите Дата',
-    'LBL_ON_THESE_DAYS' 		=> 'В эти дни',
-    'LBL_SELECT_MONTH_AND_DAY' 	=> 'Выберите месяц и дата',
-    'LBL_SELECTED_DATES' 		=> 'Выбранных дат',
-    'LBL_EXCEEDING_MAXIMUM_LIMIT' => 'Максимальный лимит превышен',
-    'LBL_NEXT_TRIGGER_TIME' 	=> 'В следующий раз триггер',
-    'LBL_RUN_REPORT' 			=> 'Запустить отчет',
-    'LBL_SELECT_RECIEPIENTS' 	=> 'Выбор получателей',
-    'LBL_SPECIFIC_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Отправить конкретной электронной почте',
-    );
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Rss.php
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'RSS поток Источники',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Добавить поток Источник',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Ленты список с',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Установить по умолчанию',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'передатчик',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Лента Источник',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Введите поток Источник',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'RSS подача',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Rss успешно сохранены',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Неверный Rss Адрес',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Rss Сделано Использовать по умолчанию',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/SMSNotifier.php
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Отправить SMS на выбранные номера', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Шаг 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Шаг 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Выберите поля на номер телефона для отправки', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Введите сообщение'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'напишите ваше сообщение здесь'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Добавить больше полей'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Конфигурация Сервера', // KEY 5.x: SERVER_CONFIGURATION
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Проверить статус', 
-	'message'                      => 'Сообщение'          , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Информация SMS'    , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Инфо'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/SalesOrder.php b/languages/ru_ru/SalesOrder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index afc3c27f7f07a7b1fd3508291cd669b0cfe961a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/SalesOrder.php
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Заказ на Продажу', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'Экспорт в PDF'       , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Отправить на e-mail с PDF'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить заказа клиента'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Список Заказов' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_SO_FORM_TITLE
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Заказ на Продажу', 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Заказ №'              , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Предложение'      , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Клиент №'            , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Заказ №'              , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'Отслеживаемый Номер', 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Комиссионные'    , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Заказ на Закупку', 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Условия Поставщика', 
-	'Pending'                      => 'В ожидании'         , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Включить Периодичность', 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Периодичность'  , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Начало'                , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Конец'                  , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Продолжительность Оплаты', 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Статус Счета'     , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Итого'                  , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'АвтоСоздан'        , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Отправлен'          , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Кредит'                , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Оплачен'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/ServiceContracts.php b/languages/ru_ru/ServiceContracts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/ServiceContracts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Сервисные Контракты', 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Сервисные Контракты', 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить контракта службы'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Контракты на обслуживание Список'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Информация Сервисного Контракта', 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'Контракт №'        , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Начало'                , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'Дата Завершения', 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Отслеживаемая Единица', 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Всего Единиц'     , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Использовано Единиц', 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Прогрес (в %)'       , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Плановая Продолжительность (в Днях)', 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Фактическая Продолжительность (в Днях)', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Services.php b/languages/ru_ru/Services.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a1a1d8f54a35b0ae51216f48b3449d8182fe24..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Services.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Услуги'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Услуги'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Услугу', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_SERVICE
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Услуги Список'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Сервисная Информация', 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'больше валют'     , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Специальные цены'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Цена'                    , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Сбросить Цену'   , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Сбросить'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Добавить в PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Название Услуги', 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Активна'              , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Категория'          , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Услуга №'            , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Владелец'            , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'К-во Единиц'        , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Комисионные (%)'  , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Цена'                    , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Единица Использования', 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Категория Налога', 
-	'Website'                      => 'Вебсайт'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Планировщик'                   , 
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , 
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Крон работы'                    , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Частота'                   , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Статус'                , 
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Последнее сканирование началось'           , 
-	'Last End'                     => 'Последнее сканирование состава'             , 
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Последовательность'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Завершено'          , // KEY 5.x: Completed
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'работа'                , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Активен'              , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Неактивен'          , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Currency.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Currency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cf91f19d2b355f7b86caac10248752e1877d843..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Currency.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Валюта'                , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Редактировать валют'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Добавить новую валюту'            , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Валюта'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Код Валюты'         , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Символ'                , 
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Обменный курс'   , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Введите Коэффициент конверсии'       , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Включить флажок, чтобы валюта активность', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Конвертировать Валюту', 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Основная Валюта', 
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Валюта Данные сохранены'      , 
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Валюта успешно удален', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/CustomerPortal.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b217b81918ccb36cf1e06bdf32a7611819fcf32..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/CustomerPortal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Клиентский Портал', 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Настройка Привилегии Portal пользователя', 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Права'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'По умолчанию Назначена'            , 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Портал Адрес'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Параметры'          , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Включить модуль'               , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'См. отчеты через организации', 
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'Этого пользователя \'ы льготы будут применяться на портал пользователя.', 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Билеты будут назначены выбранному правопреемником по умолчанию пользователя / группы в от Клиентский Портал.', 
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'Это URL для Portal, где ваши контакты могут авторизуйтесь, чтобы представить / дорожки билеты, база знаний доступ и сделать больше. Контакты будут отправлены данные для входа, когда доступ Портал включена с контактными данными странице.', 
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Перетаскивание модулей для изменения порядка в Портал клиентов', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Настройки Портал для клиентов сохраняются', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/EmailTemplate.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bc96825685e706e73772f232f2df3f206730540..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/EmailTemplate.php
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Шаблон Email'          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Имя шаблона'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Тема'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Groups.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Groups.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 42931af355077adc216f71bfaeb048111b353b42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Groups.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Передача права собственности'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Группа'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_GROUP
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'Для другой группы'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Группу', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_GROUP_BUTTON
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Название Группы', 
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Участники группы'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Добавить пользователей, ролей ...'         , 
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Роль и Подчиненные'       , 
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Роль и Подчиненные'       , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одного члена для группы', 
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Группа успешно удален'  , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/LayoutEditor.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ad5c2ef9bd8e18bbddfb21aebf4e1051086c40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/LayoutEditor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Поля и Редактор макета'    , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Создать Пользовательское Поле', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_FIELD
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Детальный просмотр макета'          , 
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Организовать Похожие Tabs'        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Добавить Пользовательское Поле', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_CUSTOMFIELD
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Добавить пользовательский блок'            , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Сохранить поле Последовательность'         , 
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Название Блока' , 
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Добавить После'                   , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Действия'            , 
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Всегда показывать'                 , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Неактивные Поля'             , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Удалить пользовательский блок'         , 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Обязательное Поле', 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Активен'              , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Быстрое Создание', 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Основная Посмотреть'                , 
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Массовое Изменение', 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Значение по умолчанию', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Выберите Тип Поля: ', 
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Название этикетки'                  , 
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Длина: '                , 
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Десятичные'                    , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Введите PickList значения ..'     , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Список выбора значения'             , 
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Реактивировать'                  , 
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Организовать по теме Список'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Выберите модуль для добавления'        , 
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'Нет Похожие информация'      , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Перетащите модуль для сортировки списка', 
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Кликните на тесном значок, чтобы удалить модуль из списка', 
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Выберите модуль из удаленных модулей, чтобы добавить к списку', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Выбрать Модуль' , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Имя блока уже существует'   , 
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Номера на основе ролей Список выбора'     , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Дублировать поле существует'      , 
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Неправильный поле Тип'            , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'На основе ролей Список выбора'         , 
-	'Text'                         => 'Текст'                  , 
-	'Decimal'                      => 'Десятичный'                     , 
-	'Integer'                      => 'Целое'                     , 
-	'Percent'                      => 'Процент'              , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Валюта'                , 
-	'Date'                         => 'Дата'                    , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Email'                       , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Тел.'                     , 
-	'PickList'                     => 'Список'                , 
-	'MultiSelectCombo'             => 'Список с возможностью Множественнного Выбора', // KEY 5.x: LBL_MULTISELECT_COMBO
-	'URL'                          => 'Ссылка'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_URL
-	'Checkbox'                     => 'Метка'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CHECK_BOX
-	'TextArea'                     => 'Текстовое Поле' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_TEXT_AREA
-	'Skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , 
-	'Time'                         => 'Время'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_TIME
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Делать'				,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Блок-шоу включен'          , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Блок спрятать включен'          , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'Новый пользовательский Блок добавил'      , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Блоки Последовательность Обновлено'     , 
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Выбранные поля возобновлена' , 
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Поле Данные сохранены'         , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Пользовательского блока удаленных'        , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'Новый пользовательский поле Добавлено'      , 
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Пользовательское поле Удаленные'        , 
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Длина должна быть меньше или равна', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Десятичный должно быть в диапазоне от 2 до 5', 
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Сохраните изменения, чтобы обновить поля последовательность', 
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Другая информация по Сохранено'          , 
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Имя блока уже существует'   , 
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'Нет неактивные поля'          , 
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Специальные символы, такие как'     , 
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'не допускаются'             , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Leads.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Leads.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 080468c0d0648eb26dc2880b462a9ed31d907e23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Успешно сохранено'          , 
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Успешно удален'        , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Неверный карт'             , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Преобразование Lead Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Метка Поля'         , // KEY 5.x: FieldLabel
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Тип Поля'             , // KEY 5.x: FieldType
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Контрагенты'      , // KEY 5.x: COMBO_ACCOUNTS
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Контакты'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CONTACT_TITLE
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'добавить отображение', 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--нет--'                  , 
-	'phone'                        => 'Тел.'                     , // KEY 5.x: Phone
-	'picklist'                     => 'Список'                , // KEY 5.x: PickList
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // KEY 5.x: LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS
-	'text'                         => 'Строка'                      , 
-	'currency'                     => 'Валюта'                , // KEY 5.x: Currency
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Список с возможностью Множественнного Выбора', // KEY 5.x: LBL_MULTISELECT_COMBO
-	'time'                         => 'Время'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_TIME
-	'textArea'                     => 'Текстовое Поле' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_TEXT_AREA
-	'url'                          => 'Адрес'                         , 
-	'string'                       => 'Строка'                      , 
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Флажок'                   , 
-	'date'                         => 'Дата'                    , // KEY 5.x: Date
-	'decimal'                      => 'Десятичный'                     , 
-	'percent'                      => 'Процент'              , // KEY 5.x: Percent
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // KEY 5.x: Skype
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'Ни один'                        , 
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'уже были нанесены на карту'      , 
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Не могу карту'                    , 
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'с'                        , 
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Отображение успешно удален', 
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Сохраненный Успешно',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Телефон'                       , 
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Памятка'                   , 
-	'JS_email'                     => 'E-mail'                       , 
-	'JS_text'                      => 'Строка'                      , 
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Валюта'                    , 
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Поле со списком'      , 
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Время'                        , 
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Текстовая область'                   , 
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Адрес'                         , 
-	'JS_string'                    => 'Строка'                      , 
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Флажок'                   , 
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Дата'                        , 
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Десятичный'                     , 
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Процент'                     , 
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , 
-	'JS_None'                      => 'Ни один'                        , 
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Целое',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/MailConverter.php
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-/* +**********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'MailConverter' => "Почта Конвертер",
-    'MailConverter_Description' => "Конвертировать письма на соответствующие записи",
-    'MAILBOX' => "MailBox",
-    'RULE' => "Правило",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => "Добав.почт.ящик",
-    'ALL' => "Все",
-    'UNSEEN' => "Непрочитанный",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ' => "Отметить как прочитанное",
-    'SEEN' => "Читать",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX' => "Edit Mailbox",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX' => "Создать почтовый ящик",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES' => "Назад к почтовым ящикам",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS' => "Пометить сообщение как",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW' => "Создать почтовый ящик сейчас",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX' => "Добавление нового почтового ящика",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS' => "Подробности Почтовый ящик",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS' => "Выбор папок",
-    'ADD_RULES' => "Добавить Правила",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT' => "Создать Ведущие",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT' => "Создать контакт",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT' => "Создание организации",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS' => "Действия",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX' => "Почтовый ящик",
-    'LBL_RULE' => "Правило",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS' => "Условия",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED' => "Папки Отсканированные",
-    'LBL_NEXT' => "Следующий",
-    'LBL_FINISH' => "Заканчивать",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS' => "Чтобы изменить папку отмените выбор любой из выбранных папок",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION' => "Почта Конвертер позволяет настроить ваш почтовый ящик для сканирования электронной почты и создания соответствующих лиц в CRM Vtiger. <br> Вы также должны определить правила указывают, какие действия должны быть выполнены на вашу электронную почту. <br> Ваши письма сканироваться автоматически, если вы не запрещенного задания сканер почты планировщик. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => "Вы превысили предел дополнительного почтового ящика!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE' => "В рабочем состоянии",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Успешно сохранено",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED' => "Подключение к почтовому ящику Специальные символы <br> удалось! Не допускаются к имя_сервера.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Успешно удален",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED' => "Ошибка при удалении правила",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Правила последовательности информации пусто",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Последовательность успешно обновлены",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Отсканированные успешно",
-    'Scanner Name' => 'Сканер Имя',
-    'Server' => 'Имя сервера',
-    'Protocol' => 'Протокол',
-    'User Name' => 'Имя пользователя',
-    'Password' => 'Пароль',
-    'SSL Type' => 'SSL Тип',
-    'SSL Method' => 'Метод SSL',
-    'Connect URL' => 'Подключите URL',
-    'Look For' => 'Искать',
-    'After Scan' => 'После сканирования',
-    'Status' => 'Статус',
-    'Time Zone' => 'Часовой пояс',
-    'Validate SSL Certificate' => 'Проверка SSL-сертификат',
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate' => 'Не Подтвердить SSL сертификат',
-    'markas' => 'После сканирования',
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE' => "Включить",
-    'LBL_DISABLE' => "Запрещать",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE' => "Проверьте, чтобы активные",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => "Проверка SSL сертификата",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => "Не делайте проверку SSL-сертификат",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => "Все сообщения от последнего сканирования",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => "Непрочитанные сообщения от последнего сканирования",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ' => "Помечать сообщения как прочитанные",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW' => "Я не знаю,",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW' => "Scan Now",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST' => "Список правил",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS' => "Выбор папок",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Успешно удален",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED' => "Ошибка при удалении правила",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Успешно сохранены",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Отсканированные успешно",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE' => "находится в рабочем состоянии",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Папки информации пусто",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Правила сходящейся информации пусто",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS' => "Папок с обновлениями",
-    'fromaddress' => "От",
-    'toaddress' => "Для",
-    'subject' => "Тема",
-    'body' => "Тело",
-    'matchusing' => "Совпадать",
-    'action' => "Действия",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY' => "Приоритет",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE' => "Перетащите блок по приоритетам правил",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS' => "Все условия",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn' => "Любом состоянии",
-    'Contains' => "Содержит",
-    'Not Contains' => "Не содержит",
-    'Equals' => "Равно",
-    'Not Equals' => "Не равно",
-    'Begins With' => "Начинать",
-    'Ends With' => "Конец",
-    'Regex' => "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM' => "Создать статью",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT' => "Обновление билетов",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM' => "Добавить в контакт [из]",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO' => "Добавить в контакт [К]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM' => "Добавить в организации [из]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO' => "Добавить в организации [К]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM' => "Добавить в свинца [из]",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO' => "Добавить в Ведущий [К]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS' => "Папок с обновлениями",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL' => "Очистить все",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS' => "Конвертировать письма на соответствующие записи",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE' => "Правило номер указывает на приоритет. Перетащите, чтобы изменить приоритет.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE' => "Добавить правило",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY' => "Приоритет",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE' => "Удалить правило,",
-    'LBL_BODY' => "Тело",
-    'LBL_MATCH' => "Совпадать",
-    'LBL_ACTION' => "Действие",
-    'LBL_FROM' => "От",
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Почта успешно удален",
-    'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "MailBox успешно загружен",
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ab5b379781d62d1b87f472505a6d1cf90d99c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Модуль импорта'               , 
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Расширение магазин'      , 
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Издатель'            , 
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'Лицензия'            , 
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Дата Издания'     , 
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Установить'        , 
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Обновить'            , 
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Версия'                , // KEY 5.x: VTLIB_LBL_PACKAGE_VERSION
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , 
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Принять и установить'          , 
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Уже существует' , 
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'Хорошо'                          , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Расширение не Vtiger Совместим', 
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Неверный файл'                , 
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'Нет лицензии условии'         , 
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Установка'                , 
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Ошибка'                , 
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'К успеху'                 , 
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Установка Вход'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/PickListDependency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce38dae3b113ed5aeb5b5922dfa60b0fc295ab9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить PickList зависимости'     , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Список выбора зависимостей'         , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Выбрать Модуль' , 
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Источник поля'                , 
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Целевой области'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Выберите поле'                , 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Кликните на соответствующей ячейке, чтобы изменить отображение для списка выбора значений целевой области', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Только преобразованные значения списка выбора исходного поля будет показано ниже (в первый раз, за ​​исключением)', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'Если вы хотите просмотреть или изменить сопоставление для других значений списка выбора исходного поля, <br/>
-										то вы можете выбрать значения, нажав на <b> \ "Выбрать значений источника \" </ B> кнопку на правой стороне', 
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Отдельные значения значений целевых местах, будут выделены,', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Выбор источника значений'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Выберите Источник PickList значения', 
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'Эта установка зависимость не допускается, как она попадает в некоторых циклических зависимости', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот PickList зависимость?', 
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Зависимость успешно удален', 
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Список выбора Зависимость Сохранено'   , 
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'Вы должны выбрать по крайней мере одно значение для', 
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Источник поля и Целевая поле не должно быть таким же,', 
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Выберите определенную ценность'           , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Picklist.php
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@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Выберите PickList в'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Добавить Значение'                   , 
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Переименовать значение Тип'                , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Удалить значение'                , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Значения'            , // KEY 5.x: Values
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Перетащите элементы, чтобы изменить их', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Выберите пункт чтобы переименовать или удалить', 
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'Чтобы удалить несколько элементов удерживайте кнопку Ctrl вниз при выборе элементов', 
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Добавить элемент в'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Значение Пункт'                  , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Пункт переименовать'              , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Введите новое имя'              , 
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Переименовать PickList товар'        , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Удалить PickList товары'       , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Элементы для удаления'             , 
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Замените его'             , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Назначают по роли'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'Все Роли'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Выберите ролей'                , 
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'Все значения'                  , 
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Значения, присвоенные роли'   , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Присвоить значение'                , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Сохранить Заказать'                  , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Название Роли'   , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'появится для пользователя с этой ролью', 
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Нажмите на ценность для Enable / Disable it.After завершится, нажмите кнопку Сохранить', 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Присвоить значения ролей'      , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Отдельные значения'             , 
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'не имеют никаких списка выбора поля', 
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Делать'				,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Пункт Переименован успешно'   , 
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Вещь добавлена ​​успешно'     , 
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'не выделено ни одного элемента'            , 
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Более одного товара выбранного' , 
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Удаленные Успешно'  , 
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'Вы не можете удалять все значения', 
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'Все Роли Избранные'          , 
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Список обновляется Успешно'   , 
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Последовательность успешно обновлены', 
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Значение присваивается успешно' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Пожалуйста seelct модуль'        , 
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Profiles.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Профили'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PROFILES
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Профиль'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PROFILE_M
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Профиль'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Создание профиля'              , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Профиль'              , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Редактировать priviliges для этого профиля', 
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Модули'                     , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Вид профиля'                , 
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Поля'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Инструменты'      , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Полевые и инструментов Привилегии'   , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Редактировать'  , // KEY 5.x: Edit
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Дублировать'      , // KEY 5.x: LBL_DUPLICATE_BUTTON
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Удалить'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_DELETE
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Просмотр'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_VIEW
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Создание/Изменение', // KEY 5.x: LBL_CREATE_EDIT
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Удалить'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_DELETE
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Невидимый'                   , 
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Только Чтение'   , 
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Запись'                       , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Удалить Профиль'              , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Трансфер роли в профиль'   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Профили'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Выберите анкеты'             , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL'                 => 'Просматривать все', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_ALL'                 => 'Редактировать все', 
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_DESC'            => 'Можно просматривать всю информацию о модули', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_ALL_DESC'            => 'Может редактировать всю информацию о модули', 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Дубликат профиля Существует'    , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Профиль успешно удален', 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Роли'                    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ROLES
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Роли'                    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_CONTACT_ROLE
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить Роль'   , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_ROLE
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Удалить Роль'     , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Изменить Ответственного на', 
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'Для другой роли'               , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Нажмите, чтобы редактировать / Drag в движении'  , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Назначить роль'                 , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Выберите профили'             , 
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Скопируйте привилегии от'        , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Профиль'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PROFILE_M
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Подчиняется'      , 
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Имя'                      , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Связать привилегии непосредственно к роли', 
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Связать priviliges из существующих профилей', 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Права'                  , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Дубликат Роль Существует'       , 
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Новая конфигурация'           , 
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS-Уведомления'  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'Новая конфигурация'           , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Изменить конфигурацию'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Выберите один'                  , 
-	'providertype'                 => 'Поставщик'                    , 
-	'isactive'                     => 'Активен'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ACTIVE
-	'username'                     => 'Пользователь'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_USERNAME
-	'password'                     => 'Пароль'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PASWRD
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Вы уверены, что вы хотите удалить этот SMSNotifier Конфигурация', 
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Поставщик SMS успешно удален', 
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'Поставщика SMS Конфигурации, сохраненные', 
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/SharingAccess.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Контрагенты'      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Добавить Пользовательское Правило', 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'Только чтение'                   , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'Чтение/Запись'   , // KEY 5.x: Read/Write
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Добавить пользовательское правило, чтобы'          , 
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'доступно для'     , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CAN_BE_ACCESSED_BY
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Права'                  , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Обмен Правила'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Правило №.'         , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Модуль CRM'            , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Расширенный Правила сети'      , 
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'С разрешений'            , 
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Применить новые правила распределения доходов'     , 
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Прочитанное'      , 
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Чтение и запись'              , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'Не установлено пользовательских прав Совместного доступа.', 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Группа'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_GROUP
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Роли'                    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_CONTACT_ROLE
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Пользовательские Обмен Правило успешно сохранены', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Выберите любой другой доступом пользователя', 
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Новый Правила сети успешно применяться', 
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Возможности, Билеты, котировки, SalesOrder & Счет Доступ должен быть установлен в частный, когда Организация доступа установлен в частный', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Vtiger.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Интеграция',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Настройки'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Параметры поиска'             , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Итог'                    , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Пользователи'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_USERS
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Обработчики'      , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Модули'                     , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Настройки Ярлыки'          , 
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Снять метку'                       , 
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'штифт'                         , 
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Студия'                , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'Шаблоны Документов', 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Управление Пользователями и Доступом', 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Управление доступом'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Модуль управления'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Уведомления'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'Внешние Параметры сервера'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'Другие Настройки', 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Расширения Место'            , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Расширения'                  , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Описание'            , 
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Управление пользователями имеющими доступ к CRM-Системе', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Роли'                    , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Установить иерархию ролей и назначить пользователям', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Профили'              , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Управление доступом пользователей к модулям для различных Ролей', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Группы'                , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Управление разными типами Комманд, базирующихся на ролях, пользователях и профилях', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Совместный Доступ', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Управление правилами доступа Пользователей к Модулям', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Рабочий процесс Список'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Доступные Рабочие процессы'         , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Полевые Формулы'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Добавить пользовательские уравнения для пользовательских полей', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Менеджер Модулей', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Управление модулями Vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Редактор Списков', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Настройка значений Списков в каждом Модуле', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Настройка зависимостей списков', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Настройка зависимостей между значениями списков в каждом модуле', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'редактор меню'   , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'описание меню'   ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'Фактическое число пунктов меню, отображаемых будет зависеть от размера экрана и может быть меньше выбранных элементов.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'Шаблоны Email'        , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'Управление Шаблонами Модуля Email', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Данные Организации', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Укажите юридический адрес компании', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'Шаблоны Документов', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Управление Шаблонами Документов для объединения', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Настройки Налогов', 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Управление налогами и ставками налогов', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Сервер Исходящей почты', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Настройте параметры Сервера Исходящей Почты', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Склад: Сроки и Условия', 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Укажите Сроки и Условия для предложений, заказов и счетов', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Управление Оповещениями', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Настройки Валют', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Управление валютами и курсами', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Настройка Нумерации Записей', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Настройка Нумерации Обьекта Модуля', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Сканер Почты'     , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Настройка почтового ящика для сканирования', 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Обработчики'      , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Создавайте и редактируйте Обработчики для vtiger', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Редактор Конфигурации', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Клиентский Портал', 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Разрешает Вам Настроить Плагин Клиентского Портала', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Дизайн и Изменение разметки в каждом из модулей', 
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Создание и управление веб-формам, могут быть использованы для захвата снабжении', 
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'Чтобы добавить нового пользователя, нажмите на ', 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Настройки Иконка'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Добавить / удалить пользователей'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Добавить пользователя'                    , 
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'модуль трекер'   , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Модуль трекер описание', 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Планировщик'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Позволяет настроить Cron задачи', 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'ВебФормы'            , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Управление WebForms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Создание нового'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Редактирование', 
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Редактировать'  , // KEY 5.x: Edit
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Удалить'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_DELETE
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Добавить / Переместить Пункты меню'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Добавить пункт меню'               , 
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Макс'                         , 
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Настройки Налогов', // KEY 5.x: LBL_TAX_SETTINGS
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Управление ставками налогов', 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Налоги на Товары и Услуги', // KEY 5.x: LBL_PRODUCT_TAX_SETTINGS
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Добавить новый налог'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Редактировать Налоговый'                    , 
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Налог'                  , 
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Ставка Налога'   , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Статус'                , 
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Включить флажок, чтобы сделать налог активным', 
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Введите налоговую имя'              , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Введите налоговую стоимость'             , 
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Налоговый Имя уже существует'     , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Сроки и Условия', // KEY 5.x: Terms & Conditions
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Укажите Условия & Условия здесь', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Оповещения'        , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Введите Announcement Here'     , 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Изменение текста Оповещения', 
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Восстановить значения по умолчанию'            , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Имя Сервера'       , // KEY 5.x: LBL_OUTGOING_MAIL_SERVER
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'Пользователь'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_USERNAME
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Пароль'                , 
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'Email Отправителя', // KEY 5.x: LBL_FROM_EMAIL_FIELD
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Требуется проверка подлинности'     , 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Сервер Исходящей почты', // KEY 5.x: LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Настроить Сервер Исходящей Почты', // KEY 5.x: LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESC
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'По умолчанию в учетной записи SMTP в качестве исходящего сервера установлен od1.vtiger.com. Чтобы избежать удаления исходящих сообщений СПАМ-фильтрами получателя мы рекомендуем сделать следующее.', 
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '', 
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"", 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Настройки Сервера (SMTP)', 
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE'     => 'ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Сервер исходящей почты должен быть установлен на SSL или TLS Protocal И если "С адреса электронной почты" поле установлено пустой, то пользователь Адрес электронной почты будет поднят.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Статус Тестового Сообщения: ', 
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Письмо не может быть отправлено админу. Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки адреса и сервера админа', 
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Редактор Конфигурации', // KEY 5.x: Configuration Editor
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Измените данные конфигурации Vtiger CRM', 
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , 
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'МБ'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Мини Отображение календаря'       , 
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'Мир Дисплей часов'         , 
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Калькулятор Дисплей'          , 
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Используйте RTE'                     , 
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Поддержка Helpdesk электронной почты'   , 
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Поддержка Helpdesk Имя'       , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Максимальный размер вложений (Макс 5 МБ)', 
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Максимальная История Просмотров'      , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Модуль по умолчанию'              , 
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Максимальная длина текста в виде списка', 
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Максимальные записей на странице в виде списка', 
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Неверный EmailId'             , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Неверный Имя'                , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Неверный Модуль'              , 
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Неверный номер'              , 
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Информация Поля пуст' , 
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Успешно Обновлено'        , 
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Обновление отсутствующую запись последовательности', 
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Использовать Префикс', 
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Начальный Номер', // KEY 5.x: LBL_START_SEQ
-	'organizationname'             => 'Название Организации', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_NAME
-	'logoname'                     => 'Логотип Организации', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_LOGO
-	'address'                      => 'Адрес'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_ADDRESS
-	'city'                         => 'Город'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_CITY
-	'state'                        => 'Область'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_STATE
-	'code'                         => 'Индекс'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_CODE
-	'country'                      => 'Страна'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_COUNTRY
-	'phone'                        => 'Тел.'                     , // KEY 5.x: Phone
-	'fax'                          => 'Факс'                    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_FAX
-	'website'                      => 'Вебсайт'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_WEBSITE
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Неверный Image'               , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Вирус обнаружен или Загружено изображение поврежден', 
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Рекомендуемый размер 170x60 пикселей (. JPEG,. JPG,. PNG,. GIF,. Pjpeg, формат х-PNG.).', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Информация Организации', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_DETAILS
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Обновить'            , 
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Обновление Логотип'                 , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Логотип Организации', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ORGANIZATION_LOGO
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'Чтобы изменить сведения о компании, пожалуйста, нажмите на значок Параметры> Добавить / Удалить Пользователи> Компания', 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Активен'              , 
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'Неактивен'          , 
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Выключено'          , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'работа'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'последней проверки тайм-аут', 
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'последняя проверка на', 
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => 'время затраченное', 
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'сек'                         , 
-	//User Login History
-	'LoginHistory' => 'User Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DETAILS' => 'Login History',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Login History Details',
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'=> 'User Name',
-	'LBL_USER_IP_ADDRESS'=> 'User IP Address', 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_TIME' => 'Sign-in Time',
-	'LBL_LOGGED_OUT_TIME' => 'Sign-out Time', 
-	'LBL_STATUS' => 'Status'
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одного члена для группы', 
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Группа успешно удален'  , 
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Налоговый Успешно сохранено'      , 
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Налоговый отключена'                , 
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Налоговый Enabled'                 , 
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Редактировать'                        , 
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Объявление Сохраненные'          , 
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Вы уверены, что вы хотите изменить детали сервера для значений сервер по умолчанию', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Пожалуйста, введите значение в диапазоне 1-5', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Пожалуйста, введите значение в диапазоне 1-100', 
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Запись Нумерация Успешно сохранены для', 
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Запись Нумерация Обновлено Успешно для', 
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Порядковый номер должен быть больше или равен', 
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'не поддерживается Тип изображения'    , 
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'Вы можете загружать ограничение 1 Мбайт только', 
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'Нет логотипа выбран'            , 
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Подробности Конфигурация Сохранено' , 
-	'JS_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_SAVED' => 'Условия сохраненные'  , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , 
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Имя'                , 
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Общественная Id'                   , 
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Статус'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS
-	'Module'                       => 'Модуль'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_MODULENAMES
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Вернуться Адрес'                  , 
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Сообщение Адрес'                    , 
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'ЗАЩИТНЫЙ КОД включен'        ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Показать форму'                   , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Имя уже существует' , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Информация'         , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Информация о Поле:', 
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Название Поля'   , // KEY 5.x: FieldName
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Переопределить значение'              , 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Обязательный'                   , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'WebForms ссылки на поле'    , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Выберите полей для целевой модуль ...', 
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Позволяет управлять WebForms', 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Добавление полей'                  , 
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Вставить следующий вид в свой веб-сайт', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Выберите значение'                , 
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'Метка: '                , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Заказать Сохранить поля', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Скрытый',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Включить Целевые модули для веб-форму',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Назначение Пользователь',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Назначение пользователей В Round Robin',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Круглый Список Робин Пользователи',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform успешно удален', 
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Загрузка целевой модуль поля', 
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Выберите значение'                , 
-	'JS_LABEL'                     => 'этикетка'                       , 
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Обязательные поля без значений переопределения не может быть скрыто',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Ориентир поля не могу быть обязательным без коррекции стоимости',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Введите для поиска',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Webform с таким именем уже существует',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/ru_ru/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'Новые'                  , 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Рабочий процесс'                    , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Создание WorkFlow'           , 
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'следующий'          , // KEY 5.x: LNK_LIST_NEXT
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Шаг 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Введите основные детали Рабочий процесс', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Укажите, когда следует выполнять эту Рабочий процесс', 
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Только после первого сохранения', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ONLY_ON_FIRST_SAVE
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Пока не будет достигнуто условие', // KEY 5.x: LBL_UNTIL_FIRST_TIME_CONDITION_TRUE
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'После каждого сохранения записи', // KEY 5.x: LBL_EVERYTIME_RECORD_SAVED
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'После каждого изменения записи', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ON_MODIFY
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'Система'                      , 
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Расписание рабочего процесса'           , 
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Добавить Условия'              , 
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Добавить Задачи'                   , 
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Выражение'                  , 
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Loading...'                       , 
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Заданное значение'                   , 
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Использование поле'                   , 
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Используйте функцию'                , 
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Сырье текст'                    , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Включить создавать фильтры'    , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'Этот рабочий процесс был создан в старой вид. Условия, созданные в старых взгляд не может быть изменен. Вы можете выбрать воссоздать условия, или использовать существующие условия без изменения их.', 
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Используйте существующие условия'     , 
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Воссоздать условия'         , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Сохранить и Продолжить'             , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Активен'              , 
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Тип задачи'                   , 
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Оглавление Задачи', 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Добавить задачу для Workflow'       , 
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Выполнить задачу'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Выберите Функции'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Создать Пользовательское Поле', 
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Добавить время'                    , 
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Заголовок'          , 
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'приоритет'          , 
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Ответственный'  , 
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Время'                  , 
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Дата Платежа'     , 
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'То же самое значение используется для даты начала', 
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Название события'                  , 
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Тип'                      , 
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Имя метода'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Получателям'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Добавление полей'                  , 
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Текст SMS'                    , 
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Набор Значения полей'            , 
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'В активность'                   , 
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Отправить уведомление'           , 
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'время начала'     , // KEY 5.x: Start Time
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Дата Начала'       , 
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'время окончания', // KEY 5.x: End Time
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'Дата Окончания' , 
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Включить Repeat'               , 
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'Ни один метод не доступен для этого модуля', 
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Финиш'                  , 
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'Нет задач'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'Вы не можете удалять умолчанию рабочий процесс', 
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Модули для создания рекорд'    , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Выражение'                  , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , 
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Поле'                       , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , 
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , 
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'если mailingcountry == \'Индия \', то Concat (имя, \'\', фамилия) еще Concat (фамилия, \'\', Имя) конец', 
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'От',
-	'Optional' => 'Необязательный',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Задача',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Портал для клиентов Pdf ссылка',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Добавить шаблон',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'Блок LineItems для налоговой группы',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'Блок LineItems для индивидуального налога',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Делать'				,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Статус изменился Успешно' , 
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Задача успешно удален'   , 
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Те же поля выбран более чем один раз', 
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Рабочий процесс успешно сохранены' , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить пользователя'                    , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Мои Настройки'   , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Дополнительная Информации', 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Учетная Запись и Роль Пользователя', 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Фотография Пользователя', 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Настройка валюты', 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Адрес'                  , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Дополнительные Опции Пользователя', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Конфигурация Asterisk', 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Компоненты Главной Страницы', // KEY 5.x: LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMP
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Отображение Облака Тегов', // KEY 5.x: LBL_TAGCLOUD_DISPLAY
-	'Role'                         => 'Роль'                    , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Администратор'  , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Пользователь'    , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Вид Календаря по умолчанию', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Вид Обращения по умолчанию', 
-	'Title'                        => 'Должность'          , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Тел.'                     , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Отдел'                  , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Начальник'          , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo id'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Тел. дом.'             , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Фотография'        , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Формат даты'       , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Облако Тегов'     , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Подпись'              , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Адрес'                  , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Пароль'                , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Подтверждение Пароля', 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Отображено'        , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Скрыто'                , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Показать'            , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Скрыть'                , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Компоненты Главной Страницы', // KEY 5.x: LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMP
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Журнал Регистрации в Системе', 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Просмотр данных о Пользователе', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Удалить Группу' , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Группа для Удаления', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Перенести Право Собственности для: ', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Пользователь для Удаления', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Перенести Право Собственности Пользователю', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Удалить Профиль', 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Перенести Роли в Профиль', 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Профиль для Удаления', 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Встроенная эл.почта', 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Внутренний телефонный номер', 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Получать Входящие Звонки', 
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Интервал Оповещения', 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Ключ Доступа'     , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Язык'                    , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Тема Оформления', 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Часовой Пояс'     , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Десятичный Разделитель', 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Шаблон Группировки Разрядов', 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Разделитель Группировки Разрядов', 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Расположение Символа', 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Количество валютной Десятичные' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Обрезать конечные нули'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'По умолчанию Продолжительность вызова (Мин)', 
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Другое длительность события (Мин)' , 
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Календарь часовой формат'        , 
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Минск'      , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Москва, Волгоград', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Екатеринбург', 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Новосибирск', 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Красноярск', 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Иркутск'  , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Владивосток', 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Якутск'    , 
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia', //TODO Review
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Камчатка', 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Магадан'  , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Резюме'                     , 
-	'Detail'                       => 'Деталь'                      , 
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Детали'                     , 
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Пользователь удален успешно',
-    'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Активные пользователи',
-    'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Неактивные пользователи',
-    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Удалить пользователя Постоянно',
-    'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Восстановление',
-    'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Пользователь успешно восстановлены',
-	'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Почти там!',
-	'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Обо мне',
-	'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Мы обещаем сохранить этот частный)',
-	'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Все приведенные ниже поля обязательны для заполнения)',
-	'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Начать',
-	'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Контактный телефон',
-	'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'Откуда вы?',
-	'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Выберите страну',
-	'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Размер компании',
-	'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Профессия',
-	'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Отдел',
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Базисная валюта',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Выберите базовую валюту',
-	'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Базовая валюта не могут быть изменены позже. Выберите операционную валюту',
-	'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Язык',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Выберите язык',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Выберите часовой пояс',
-	'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Формат даты',
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Выберите формат даты',
-	'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Телефон',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Изменение ключа доступа',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Ключ доступа успешно обновлен',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Не удалось обновить ключ доступа',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Ключ доступа Новый просил',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы запросили для нового доступа key.With нового ключевого положения доступа, вы должны заменить старый ключ доступа с новым во всех установленных extensions.Do вы хотите продолжить?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Vendors.php b/languages/ru_ru/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4809f99b338fbaeeb0d3d67c083066c465d23f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Поставщики'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Поставщик'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Добавить продавца'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Продавцы Список'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Информация о Поставщике:', 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Адресная Информация:', 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Название Поставщика', 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Поставщик №'      , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Веб сайт'             , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Счет в Главной Книге', 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Продажа-Программного-Обеспечения', 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Продажа-Комплектующих', 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Доход-с-Аренды', 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Прибыль'          , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Продажи-Поддержка-Программного-Обеспечения', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Продажи-Другое', 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Продажи-Интернет', 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Сервис-Работа', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Продажи-Книги', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Удаление этого продавца удалит связанные с ним PurchaseOrders. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот Производитель?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Удаление этого поставщика (ов) удалит связанные с ним Заказы. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранные записи?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/ru_ru/Vtiger.php b/languages/ru_ru/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e2b9f72beb463d56d5097aabbe62c8f6fd0976..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/ru_ru/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'Vtiger CRM'                  ,
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Создано Vtiger CRM'       ,
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Прочитать лицензию', // KEY 5.x: LNK_READ_LICENSE
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Политика Конфиденциальности', // KEY 5.x: LNK_PRIVACY_POLICY
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Отметить Все'     , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Выберите для загрузки списка'         ,
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Создание нового'                ,
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Редактирование', 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Сохранить'          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_SAVE_LABEL
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Отменить'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Назад'                  , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'Импорт'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Экспорт'              , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Найти Дубликаты', 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'больше'                , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Действия'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Добавить'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ADD_ITEM
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Изменить'            , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'удалять'              , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'настройки'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Добавить комментарий'                 ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Редактирование полей'                 ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Редактировать Рабочие процессы'              ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Редактировать список выбора значения'        ,
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Mail Converter'              ,
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Запись, которую Вы хотите посмотреть, удалена.', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Запись не найдена', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Выбрать'              , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Очистить'            , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Да'                        , 
-        'LBL_NO'                       => 'Нет'                           , 
-        'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'Не'                            , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Полные подробности'            ,
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Массовая Редактирование'                ,
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Удалить все'        ,
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Быстрое Создание', 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Отправить на e-mail'                  ,
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'Все учетные записи электронной почты'          ,
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Эта запись хранит несколько учетных записей электронной почты. Пожалуйста, выберите счета, на которые по электронной почте должны быть отправлены на',
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Перейти к полной форме'             ,
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Отправить SMS'      , // KEY 5.x: Send SMS
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'найденный'          , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Нажмите добавить'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Добавить больше полей'             ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Добавить Заметку', 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Создать новый'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Добавить событие'                   ,
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Добавить делать'					,
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ'                       ,
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'ПОДДЕРЖКА'                     ,
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ'                   ,
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'АНАЛИТИКА'                   ,
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Главная'              , // KEY 5.x: SINGLE_Home
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Последние просмотренные записи'         ,
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'График'                , // KEY 5.x: SINGLE_Dashboard
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'Настройки пользователя'               ,
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Мои Настройки'   , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Выход'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LOGOUT
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Помощь'                , // KEY 5.x: LNK_HELP
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Документация'               ,
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Учебник Видео'              ,
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Отзыв'                  ,
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'             => 'Чат поддержки',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM настройки'      , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Добавить / удалить пользователей'          ,
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Объявление'                ,
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Календарь'          , // KEY 5.x: Calendar
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Пост'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Тип дисплея'                , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Широкий'                        ,
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Среда'                      , 
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Узкий'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Отметить эту запись'             ,
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Страница'            , // KEY 5.x: Page
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Страница Перейти'                   , 
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Пользователь'    , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Группа'                , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Последний Изменено'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Создано'              , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'Изменено'            , 
-	'Description'                  => 'описание'            , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Ответственный'  , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Загрузка...'         , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Загрузка Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Загрузка, Пожалуйста, подождите.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Обновления'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Показать полную информацию'           , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Основная Подробности'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Добавить комментарий'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'Нет Обновления'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Действия'            , // KEY 5.x: Activities
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'Нет отложенных мероприятий'       , 
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Резюме'                     , 
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Детали'                     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Поиск'                  , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'в'                          , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Введите для поиска'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Кнопка поиска'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Расширеный Поиск', // KEY 5.x: LNK_ADVANCED_SEARCH
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Загрузка, Пожалуйста, подождите.'       , 
-	'LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'     => 'Please select module'        , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Пользователи'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_USER_TITLE
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Группы'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Полный формуляр'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Простая форма'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Добавить здесь свой комментарий ...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Ответ'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'Просмотр темы'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'Нет комментариев'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'ответов'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Контрагенты'      , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Активы'                , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Календарь'          , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Кампании'            , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Контакты'            , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Документы'          , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Обращения'          , 
-	'ModComments'                  => ''                            , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Сделки'                , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Каталоги'            , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Товары'                , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Проекты'              , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Контрольные Точки', 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Проектные Задачи', 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Сервисные Контракты', 
-	'Services'                     => 'Услуги'                , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Поставщики'        , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Предложения'      , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Заказы на Закупку', 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Заказы на Продажу', 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Счета'                  , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'почта менеджер' , 
-	'Activities'				   => 'Действия'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Наши сайты',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Details'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Назад'                  , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'Данные отсутствуют'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Тип ключевое слово и нажмите клавишу ВВОД', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'Все отчеты'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'Не записи не найдено'            , 
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'и'                          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CRITERIA_AND
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'или'                      , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--нет--'                  , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Утвердить'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Отрицать'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'равна'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'не равно'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'начинается с'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'заканчивается на', // KEY 5.x: ends_with
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'содержит'            , // KEY 5.x: contains
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'не содержит'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'меньше чем'         , // KEY 5.x: less_than
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'больше чем'         , // KEY 5.x: greater_than
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'меньше или равно', // KEY 5.x: less_or_equal
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'больше или равно', // KEY 5.x: greater_or_equal
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'до'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'после'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'между'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'не пусто',
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Поиск'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Искать в'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Добавить Состояние'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Добавить группу'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Условий фильтра'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'Все условия'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'Все условия должны быть выполнены'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Любые условия'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'По крайней мере одно из условий должны быть выполнены', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Выберите поле'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Выбрать модуль'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Создать новый фильтр'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Все'                      , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ALL
-	'Others'                       => 'Другое'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_OTHERS
-	'Pending'                      => 'В ожидании'         , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PENDING
-	'Public'                       => 'Публичное'          , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PUBLIC
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Сохранить фильтр'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Сохранить / Изменить фильтр'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Результаты поиска'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Сохранить как фильтр'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'Недоступно'        , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Детали Записи'   , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Валюта'                , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Тип Налога'         , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Индивидуально'  , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Инструменты'      , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Наименование'    , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Количество в Наличии', 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Кол-во'                 , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Розничная Цена' , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Всего'                  , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Цена с налогом'  , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Скидка'                , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'Всего после Скидки', 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Налог'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Добавить Товар' , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Добавить Услугу', 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Позиций Итого'                 , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Стоимость Доставки и Хранения', 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Предварительно Налоговый Всего'               , 
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Налоги на Доставку и Хранение', 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Установить S & H налоги за "'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Корректировка'  , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Убрать'                , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Общая Сумма'       , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Скидки нет'         , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'от Цены'               , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'Понижение Цены' , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Установите Скидка для'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Не хватает складе'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Пользователя максимальное значение'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Тащить'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Общая Сумма Налога', 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'Прямая Скидка'   , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Окончательная Сумма Скидки', 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'больше валют'     , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => '% налога для'       , // KEY 5.x: LABEL_SET_TAX_FOR
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Группа Налоговый'                   , 
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Копировать Адрес для выставления счета от'   , 
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Копировать Адрес доставки от'  , 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Адрес Доставки' , // KEY 5.x: Shipping Address
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Юридический Адрес', // KEY 5.x: Billing Address
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'Создать'              , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Создать'              , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Дубликат'            , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Добавить виджет'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'КОММЕНТАРИИ'      , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Обновить'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Закрыть'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Все'                      , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Обновлено'          , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'от'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'К'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'на'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'из'                        , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_OF
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'по'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'добавленный'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'для'                      , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'Создано'              , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'удаленный'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'восстановлено'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'прокомментировал'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'удалить'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Удалять'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'в'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Шахта'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Журнал'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_HISTORY
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Предстоящие задачи'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'год'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'лет'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'месяц'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'месяцев'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'день'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'дней'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'час'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'часов'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'минут'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'минут'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'второй'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'секунды'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'сейчас'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Заметки Пользователя', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'Нет Последние обновления'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Ничего не найдено', 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Доступ запрещен'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Проводник не найдено'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Фильтр'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'должен быть представлен в'                      , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'завершено'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'тому назад'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'изменилась'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Пользователи'    , // KEY 5.x: SINGLE_Users
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'соответствует этим критериям'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'Нет запланированных мероприятий'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'не иметь задолженности по деятельности'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'Нет обновления и комментарии'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Мини Список'                   , 
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Мини Список'                   , 
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Результаты для тега'         , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'Название представления'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Создание нового Вид'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Основные детали'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Выбрать столбцы и орденом'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Макс 12'                      , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Фильтр по дате'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Выберите условия фильтра'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Установить по умолчанию'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'Список в Метрики'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Установить как Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Добавить несколько столбцов'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Обычай'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Предыдущий финансовый год'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Текущий финансовый год'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Следующая FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Предыдущий FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Текущий FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Следующая FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Вчера'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Сегодня'              , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Завтра'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Предыдущая неделя'               , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Текущая неделя'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Следующая неделя'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Предыдущий месяц'              , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Текущий месяц'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Следующий месяц'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'За последние 7 дней'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Последние 30 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Последние 60 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Последние 90 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Последние 120 дней'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Следующие 30 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Следующие 60 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Следующая 90 дней'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Следующая 120 дней'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Владелец'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Дата создания'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Изменение'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Перед событие'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'Ближайшие События', // KEY 5.x: LBL_UPCOMING_EVENTS
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Просроченные Мероприятия'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Воронка'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Возможности по сцене'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Трубопровод продаж'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Общий доход'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Топ Возможности'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Прогноз'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Ведет создания'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Ведет по статусу'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Ведет по источникам'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Ведет по отрасли'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Билеты по положению'           , 
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Открытые Билеты'                , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Экспорт всех данных', // KEY 5.x: LBL_ALL_DATA
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Экспорт данных этой страницы', // KEY 5.x: LBL_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Экспорт выбранные записи'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'Типы экспорта Записей', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'Нет записи не выбраны.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Невозможно удалить виджет по умолчанию', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'фильтр уже существует'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Добавить / Управление модулями'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Контрагент'        , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Добавить комментарий'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Корректировка'  , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Годовой доход'   , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Одежда'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Банковское дело'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Юридический Адрес', 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Биллинг Город'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Биллинг Почтовый индекс'         , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Биллинг Страна'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Биллинг PO Box'              , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Государственный Биллинг'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Биотехнология'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'ИБП'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Перевозчик'        , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Категория'          , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Химикалии'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'Город'                  , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Существующий клиент'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Самостоятельная Создано'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Сотрудник'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Партнер'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Связи с общественностью'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Конференция'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Выставка'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Веб-сайт'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Из уст в уста'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Другой'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--нет--'                  , // KEY 5.x: LBL_NONE
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Приобретенный'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Активно'              , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Рынок удалось'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Проект Отмененные'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Выключение'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Коммуникации'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Строительство'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Консалтинг'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Образование'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Электроника'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Энергия'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Машиностроение'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Развлечения'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Окружающей среды'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Финансы'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Еда и напитки'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Правительство'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Здоровье'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Гостеприимство'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Страхование'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Машины'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Производство'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Средства массовой информации'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Благотворительньный'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Отдых'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Розничная торговля'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Перевозка груза'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Технология'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Связь'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Транспорт'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Коммунальные услуги'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'контактное лицо', 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Коэффициент конверсии'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Адрес Доставки' , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Доставка Город'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Государственный Доставка'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Доставка Почтовый индекс'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Доставка Страна'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Доставка PO Box'             , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Страна'                , 
-	'Created'                      => 'Создано'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CREATED
-	'Approved'                     => 'Утвержденный'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Доставленный'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Отменено'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Валюта'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_CURRENCY
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Базовая Валюта' , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Скидка Процент'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Сумма скидки'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Пункт Сумма скидки'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Пункт Скидка Процент'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'срок оплаты'       , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Впритык & Время'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'Электронная почта'                      , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Дополнительный адрес электронной почты'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Другое E-mail'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Не отправлять E-mail', 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Преобразуется из свинца', 
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'Ожидаемая Дата Закрытия', 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Факс'                    , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Фамилия'              , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Имя'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'Высокий'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Низкий'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'В Процессе'         , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Тема'                    , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Сроки и Условия', 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Наименование'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ITEM_NAME
-	'Quantity'                     => 'К-во'                     , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Розничная Цена' , // KEY 5.x: LBL_LIST_PRICE
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Пункт комментарий'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Налог 1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Налог2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Налог 3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Акцизный сбор'   , 
-	'Total'                        => 'общий'                  , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Итог'                    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_SUB_TOTAL
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Налоги Тип'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S & H Количество'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Статус'                , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'продавец имя'     , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Адрес Подробнее'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Описание Детали'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Сроки и Условия', // KEY 5.x: Terms & Conditions
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Информация о Цене', // KEY 5.x: Pricing Information
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Описание Товара', // KEY 5.x: LBL_PRODUCT_DETAILS
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Напоминание Подробнее'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Папка сохранены'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Папка уже существует'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Папка удален'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Источник Обращения', 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Моб.'                     , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Уведомить Ответственного', 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'Другой тел.'        , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Тел.'                     , 
-	'State'                        => 'Область'              , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'PO Коробка'                      , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Почтовый индекс'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Сделка'                , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Приоритет'          , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Товар'                  , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'Рейтинг'              , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Связан с'             , // KEY 5.x: LBL_RELATED_TO
-	'Type'                         => 'Тип'                      , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Отзыв'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Обращение'          , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Улица'                  , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Дата начала Поддержки', 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Поддержка срок действия'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Продажи Дата начала'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Продажи Дата окончания'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Открытые Билеты'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Выбор Статус', 
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'Vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Контрагент'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Контакт'              , 
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Солнце'                         , 
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Понедельник'                         , 
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Вторник'                         , 
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Среда'                         , 
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Четверг'                         , 
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Пятница'                         , 
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Суббота'                         , 
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Янв'                      , // KEY 5.x: Jan
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Фев'                      , // KEY 5.x: Feb
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Мар'                      , // KEY 5.x: Mar
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Апр'                      , // KEY 5.x: Apr
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'Май'                      , // KEY 5.x: May
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Июн'                      , // KEY 5.x: Jun
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Июл'                      , // KEY 5.x: Jul
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Авг'                      , // KEY 5.x: Aug
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Сен'                      , // KEY 5.x: Sep
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Окт'                      , // KEY 5.x: Oct
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Ноя'                      , // KEY 5.x: Nov
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Дек'                      , // KEY 5.x: Dec
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Календарь Настройки'           , 
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Заявки'                , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Облако Тегов'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'Нет Записей'       , // KEY 5.x: LBL_NO_RECORD
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'Нет Похожие'                  , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Только первые 100 Результаты всех модулей приведены ниже. Для модуля конкретных результатов, выберите соответствующий модуль и поиск', 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Только первые 100 Результаты показаны ниже. Пожалуйста Расширенный поиск, если вы не удовлетворены результатом', 
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'действие'            , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ACTION
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Примечание'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Выберите один вариант'            , 
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Подсказка Управление'          , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Модуль последовательность нумерации'   , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Пользовательское поле Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , 
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Почта'                  , 
-	'Emails'                       => 'Сообщения E-mail'   , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Выберите адреса электронной почты'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Заголовок'          , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Вложение'            , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Обзор CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Отправить'          , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Сохранить как черновик'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'К Preview'               , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Написать на e-mail'               , 
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Копия'                          , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'СК'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Добавить копию'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Добавить СК'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Максимальный размер загружаемых является'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Превышен'                    , 
-	'LBL_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED'  => 'Операция не разрешена'     , 
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'Действительно до',
-	'Discount'=>'скидка',
-	'Product Code'=>'товарный код',
-	'Customer Name'=>'Имя клиента',
-	'Price'=>'цена',
-	'Tax:' => 'Налог:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Контакт',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Тел.: ',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Факс: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'Веб-сайт: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'Дата создания',
-	'Quantity' => 'Кол-во',
-	'Net Total' => 'Итого',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Стоимость доставки',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Налоги на доставку ',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'общий итог:',
-	'Tax' => 'Налог',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Сервисные Контракты',
-	'Projects' => 'Проекты',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Заказы на Продажу',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Заказы на Закупку',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Настройка главного меню',
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Комментировать',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Последний комментарий',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Последние 5 комментариев',
-	'All Comments' => 'Все комментарии',
-    //Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Не расслоение',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Максимальные 160 символов разрешено для текстового сообщения',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Марк как предназначенные',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Скрыть Завершенные Календарь событий',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Настройка WebForms'              ,
-    'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Слияние',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Обменный курс'   , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Пожалуйста, настроить параметры исходящей сервера на странице настроек', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Пожалуйста, настроить SMS Notifier на странице настроек SMS Notifier', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Пожалуйста, выберите хотя бы один рекорд', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Пожалуйста, введите действующий адрес электронной почты', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'содержит недопустимые символы' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'Длина номер телефона превысил лимит', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'Принимает только положительные числа', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'значение должно быть больше нуля', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Количество должно быть не менее 32', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Пожалуйста, введите правильную дату'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Пожалуйста, введите Действительный срок'     , 
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Неверный Номер страницы'         , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Неверное число'           , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Неверный номер'              , 
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Заменить существующую адрес с выбранного', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Адрес Подробности?'            , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Организация'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Контакт'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить?',
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранные записи?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Экономить'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Отменить'                      , 
-	'JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION' => 'Название организации уже Exists.Do вы хотите создать дубликат записи?', 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Должен произойти до сегодня'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите хотя бы один вариант', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Пожалуйста, выберите модуль'      , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите хотя бы один Обязательное поле', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Пожалуйста, введите целое значение'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Пожалуйста, введите десятичное значение'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'должна быть не менее текущей даты', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'должно быть больше текущей даты', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'должно быть больше или равно', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'должно быть меньше или равно', 
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Текущая дата',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Процентное значение должно быть меньше 100', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Принимает только цифры'        , 
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Этот файл уже был выбран', 
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'макс файл Загрузить превышает'     , 
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'Данный документ уже был присоединен', 
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Не удалось сохранить изменения на сервере', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Импорт файла не может быть пустым' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Выберите хотя бы одно поле для критериев слияния', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Имя карты не может быть пустым'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Имя карты уже существует'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Выберите файл со следующим расширением:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Размер Загрузить файл должен быть меньше', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Загружено размер файла превышает'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Пожалуйста, разбить файл на несколько файлов меньшего размера и импортировать снова.', 
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Поле отображен несколько раз' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Пожалуйста карту обязательные поля' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Пожалуйста, введите значение для поиска', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'Вы можете выбрать только'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'предметы'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Разрешения'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Проверка целостности файла'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Дублировать запись'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'включена'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'отключен'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Введите текст для комментариев', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Комментарий значение не может быть пустым', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* Это поле обязательно'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Невозможно удалить умолчанию виджет', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'Нет создавать разрешения или не включена для быстрого создания', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Изображение успешно удален'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Изображение не удаляются'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Да'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'Нет'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Ошибка'                       , 
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Информация'                 , 
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'не иметь адрес электронной почты', 
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'Ни один из значений полей не были изменены в Mass Edit', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите организацию скопировать адрес', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите контакт для копирования адрес', 
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Выбранный Организация не содержит адрес для копирования', 
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Выбранный Контакт не содержит адрес для копирования', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Пожалуйста, введите основной адрес электронной почты, чтобы включить пользователя Портала', 
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Первичная поле электронной почты не существует для того, чтобы пользователя Портала', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , 
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Имя тега уже существуют'      , 
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Длина тегов превышает максимальный размер' , 
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'Вы не будете иметь права, чтобы просмотреть эту запись после сохранения. Хотите продолжить?', 
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'Записей не относящиеся к этой Фильтр', 
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Дата начала & Time'           , 
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'Дата окончания и Время'             , 
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Откладывать'                    , 
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Сообщение'                     , 
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Массовое редактирование операция может быть выполнена на 500 или менее записей в то время,',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Ярлык успешно добавлен' , 
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Ярлык успешно удалены', 
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'Этот ярлык уже добавлен', 
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Модуль включен'              , 
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Модуль инвалидов'             , 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Частота любой хрон работу настроенного не должна быть меньше', 
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'мин'                        , 
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Пункт Переименован успешно'   , 
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Вещь добавлена ​​успешно'     , 
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'не выделено ни одного элемента'            , 
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'Более одного товара выбранного' , 
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Удаленные Успешно'  , 
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Повторяющиеся записи, найденные для значения', 
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'Пользователь уже существует',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Арендатор Пароли',
-	'LBL_SIGN_IN_AS_USER'=>'Вход в систему от имени другого пользователя прекращает текущую сессию. Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?',
-	//For Print Templates
-    'JS_MAX_RECORDS_LIMIT' => 'Максимальное количество записей на выбор:',
-    'JS_NONE' => 'Ни один',
-	 'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Поставщик'  ,
-	//Feedback on removing old version
-	'JS_PLEASE_GIVE_YOUR_FEEDBACK' => 'Пожалуйста заполните Обратная связь',
-    // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Позвоните С',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Входящий вызов',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Поднимите трубку удлинитель, чтобы набрать номер',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Позвоните удалось',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Пожалуйста, заполните все поля',
-	// ends
-        //Google Synchronization
-        'SYNC_REMOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Синхронизации Google успешно удален.',
-        'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MESSAGE' => 'Нажав на это снимет существующую аутентификацию Gmail. Он не будет удалять любые записи, которые уже синхронизированы.',
-        'REMOVE_SYNCHRONIZATION' => 'Удалить синхронизации',
-        'FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Поле Mapping',
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Синхронизация Теперь',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Синхронизация ....',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Вы еще не синхронизированы',
-        'LBL_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Поле Mapping',
-        'LBL_RESTORE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Записи ранее присвоенные этому пользователю не будут восстановлены. Вы уверены, что хотите восстановить этот пользователь?',
-        'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENT_CONFIRMATION' => 'После удаления этого пользователь не может быть восстановлена ​​назад. Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот пользователь навсегда?',
-        'LBL_LANGUAGE_LABEL_VALIDATION' => 'Значение Этикетка не может быть пустым. Вы должны ввести некоторое значение.',
-    	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Ваши изменения будут потеряны!',
-		'JS_RECORD_DELETED' => 'Запись удалена',
-    'JS_NO_DELETE_PERMISSION' => 'Нет удаления разрешение',
-    'JS_CONFIRM_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите отметить событие / Todo как удерживаемые?',
-    'JS_TODO_MARKED_AS_COMPLETED' => 'Todo отмечен как Завершено',
-    'JS_EVENT_MARKED_AS_HELD' => 'Событие помечено Held',
-    'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_MARKED_AS_HELD' => 'Будущее событие не может быть отмечен как удерживаемые',
-    'JS_PERMISSION_DENIED' => 'Доступ запрещен',
-    'JS_EXCEEDS_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Превышен максимальный размер загрузки',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Максимальные 160 символов разрешено для текстового сообщения',
-    'JS_VIEWNAME_ALERT' => 'Максимум 40 символов разрешены для имени фильтра',
-	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Не может нести за будущее',
-    //Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Ваши изменения будут потеряны!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Базовая валюта должна быть изменена, чтобы отключить',
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Accounts.php b/languages/tr_tr/Accounts.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Accounts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Müşteriler'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Müşteri'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Organization'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Müşteri Listesi'           , 
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION'      => 'Müşteri Bilgisi'           , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'   => 'Müşteri Hiyerarşisini göster', 
-	'industry'                     => 'Sektör'                     , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Müşteri Adı'              , 
-	'Account No'                   => 'Müşteri No'                , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Web Sayfası'                , 
-	'Ticker Symbol'                => 'Ticker Sembolü'             , 
-	'Member Of'                    => 'Ana Müşteri'               , 
-	'Employees'                    => 'Çalışanlar'               , 
-	'Ownership'                    => 'Ortaklığı'                , 
-	'SIC Code'                     => 'SIC Kodu'                    , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'DiÄŸer E-Posta Adresi'       , 
-	'Analyst'                      => 'Analist'                     , 
-	'Competitor'                   => 'Rakip'                       , 
-	'Customer'                     => 'Müşteri'                   , 
-	'Integrator'                   => 'Entegrator'                  , 
-	'Investor'                     => 'Yatırımcı'                , 
-	'Press'                        => 'Basın'                      , 
-	'Prospect'                     => 'Prospect'                    ,
-        'Prosepect Accounts'           => 'Umudu Hesapları',
-	'Reseller'                     => 'Reseller'                    , 
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'BaÅŸlama Tarihi'             , 
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'BitiÅŸ Tarihi'               , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Organization Name already exists', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to Delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this Organization will remove its related Opportunities & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete this Organization?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php b/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Assest Details'              , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'                    , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Shipping Tracking Number'    , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Müşteri Adı'              , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notlar'                      , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Calendar.php b/languages/tr_tr/Calendar.php
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Calendar.php
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@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Calendar'              => 'Yapılacak'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Add Yapılacak'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Olay Ekle'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Liste Görünümü'          , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Olaylar'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Görevler'                   , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING'         => 'Calendar Sharing'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION'   => 'Default Event Duration'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALL'                     => 'Call'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OTHER_EVENTS'             => 'Other Events'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_USERS'             => 'Select Users'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK'			   => 'Etkinlik / Yapılacak'			, 
-	'LBL_TASK_INFORMATION'         => 'Bilgi Yapılacak'              , 
-    'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Etkinlik Ayrıntıları',
-	'Subject'                      => 'Konu'                        , 
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Başlangıç Tarihi & Zamanı', 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Aktivite Tipi'               , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Hatırlatıcı Gönder'      , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Konum'                       , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Bitiş Tarihi ve Zamanı'    , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES'           => 'Activity Types'              , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_SUPPORT_END_DATE' => 'Destek BitiÅŸ Tarihi'        , 
-	'LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY'       => 'Date of Birth'               , 
-	'LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS'          => 'Added Calendars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Call'                         => 'Arama'                       , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Toplantı'                   , 
-	'Task'                         => 'Yapılacak'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planlanmış'                  , 
-        'Held'                             =>   'Held',
-        'Not Held'                             =>   'DeÄŸil Held',
-	'Completed'                    => 'Tamamlandı'                 , 
-	'Pending Input'                => 'Haber Bekleniyor'            , 
-	'Not Started'                  => 'Başlanmadı'                , 
-	'Deferred'                     => 'Ertelendi'                   , 
-	'Medium'                       => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'             => 'Sahibini DeÄŸiÅŸtir'         , 
-	'LBL_EVENT'                    => 'Olay'                        , 
-	'LBL_TASK'                     => 'Yapılacak'                      , 
-	'LBL_TASKS'					 => 'Yapılacak',
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR'          => 'Shared Calendar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'first'                        => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'last'                         => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE'      => 'Varsayılan Durum ve Tipi'    ,
-        'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Durum'                       ,
-        'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Tip'                         ,
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'LBL_EDIT_COLOR' => 'Rengi Düzenle',
-	'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Takvim Görünümü Ekle',
-	'LBL_SELECT_USER_CALENDAR' => 'Kullanıcı Takvim seçin',
-	'LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR' => 'Takvim Renk seçin',
-	'LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Düzenleme Takvim Görünümü',
-	'LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR' => 'Takvim Sil',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE' => 'Seçin Faaliyet Türü',
-	'Tasks' => 'Görevler',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT_TASK'           => 'Add Event / Yapılacak'            , 
-	'JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR' => 'Yapılacak is successfully added to your Calendar', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS' => 'Cannot select related Contacts for Leads', // TODO: Review
-        'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Gelecek Amaçlı edilemez',
-	//Calendar view label translation
-	'LBL_MONTH' => 'Month',
-	'LBL_TODAY' => 'Today',
-	'LBL_DAY' => 'Day',
-	'LBL_WEEK' => 'Week',
-	'LBL_SUNDAY' => 'Sunday',
-	'LBL_MONDAY' => 'Monday',
-	'LBL_TUESDAY' => 'Tuesday',
-	'LBL_WEDNESDAY' => 'Wednesday',
-	'LBL_THURSDAY' => 'Thursday',
-	'LBL_FRIDAY' => 'Friday',
-	'LBL_SATURDAY' => 'Saturday',
-	'LBL_SUN' => 'Sun',
-	'LBL_MON' => 'Mon',
-	'LBL_TUE' => 'Tue',
-	'LBL_WED' => 'Wed',
-	'LBL_THU' => 'Thu',
-	'LBL_FRI' => 'Fri',
-	'LBL_SAT' => 'Sat',
-	'LBL_JANUARY' => 'January',
-	'LBL_FEBRUARY' => 'February',
-	'LBL_MARCH' => 'March',
-	'LBL_APRIL' => 'April',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUNE' => 'June',
-	'LBL_JULY' => 'July',
-	'LBL_AUGUST' => 'August',
-	'LBL_SEPTEMBER' => 'September',
-	'LBL_OCTOBER' => 'October',
-	'LBL_NOVEMBER' => 'November',
-	'LBL_DECEMBER' => 'December',
-	'LBL_JAN' => 'Jan',
-	'LBL_FEB' => 'Feb',
-	'LBL_MAR' => 'Mar',
-	'LBL_APR' => 'Apr',
-	'LBL_MAY' => 'May',
-	'LBL_JUN' => 'Jun',
-	'LBL_JUL' => 'Jul',
-	'LBL_AUG' => 'Aug',
-	'LBL_SEP' => 'Sep',
-	'LBL_OCT' => 'Oct',
-	'LBL_NOV' => 'Nov',
-	'LBL_DEC' => 'Dec',
-	'LBL_ALL_DAY' => 'All-Day',
-	'Mobile Call' => 'Mobil Arama',
-	//End
-	//Fixing colors for Shared Calendar and My Calendar
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Takvim görünümü renk başarıyla güncellendi',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Eğer bu Takvim görünümünü silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Takvim Görünümü başarıyla eklendi',
-	'JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Takvim Görünümü başarıyla silindi',
-	'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Eklemek için hiçbir Takvim Görünümü',
-	'JS_EDIT_CALENDAR' => 'Düzen Takvim',
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Campaigns.php b/languages/tr_tr/Campaigns.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Campaigns.php
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampanyalar'                 , 
-	'SINGLE_Campaigns'             => 'Kampanya'                    , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Campaign'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Campaigns List'              , 
-	'LBL_CAMPAIGN_INFORMATION'     => 'Kampanya Bilgisi'            , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTATIONS_AND_ACTUALS' => 'Beklenen ve Gerçekleşen'   , 
-	'Campaign Name'                => 'Kampanya Adı'               , 
-	'Campaign No'                  => 'Kampanya No'                 , 
-	'Campaign Type'                => 'Kampanya Tipi'               , 
-	'Product'                      => 'Ürün'                      , 
-	'Campaign Status'              => 'Kampanya Durumu'             , 
-	'Num Sent'                     => 'Gönderilen Adet'            , 
-	'Sponsor'                      => 'Sponsor'                     , 
-	'Target Audience'              => 'Hedef Ä°lgili'               , 
-	'TargetSize'                   => 'Hedef Büyüklüğü'        , 
-	'Expected Response'            => 'Beklenen Cevap'              , 
-	'Expected Revenue'             => 'Beklenen Ciro'               , 
-	'Budget Cost'                  => 'Bütçelenen Maliyet'        , 
-	'Actual Cost'                  => 'Geçekleşen Maliyet'        , 
-	'Expected Response Count'      => 'Beklenen Cevap Adeti'        , 
-	'Expected Sales Count'         => 'Beklenen Satış Adeti'      , 
-	'Expected ROI'                 => 'Beklenen ROI'                , 
-	'Actual Response Count'        => 'Gerçekleşen Cevap Adeti'   , 
-	'Actual Sales Count'           => 'Gerçekleşen Satış Adeti' , 
-	'Actual ROI'                   => 'Gerçekleşen ROI'           , 
-	'Webinar'                      => 'Net sunumu'                  , 
-	'Referral Program'             => 'Referans Programı'          , 
-	'Advertisement'                => 'Reklam'                      , 
-	'Banner Ads'                   => 'Bant Reklam'                 , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'DoÄŸrudan Posta'             , 
-	'Telemarketing'                => 'Telepazarlama'               , 
-	'Others'                       => 'DiÄŸer'                      , 
-	'Planning'                     => 'Planlanıyor'                , 
-	'Inactive'                     => 'Pasif'                       , 
-	'Complete'                     => 'Tamamlandı'                 , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Ä°ptal Edildi'               , 
-	'Excellent'                    => 'Mükemmel'                   , 
-	'Good'                         => 'Ä°yi'                        , 
-	'Average'                      => 'Ortalama'                    , 
-	'Poor'                         => 'Kötü'                      , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Yok--'                     , 
-	'Contacted - Successful'       => 'Contacted - Successful'      , 
-	'Contacted - Unsuccessful'     => 'Contacted - Unsuccessful'    , 
-	'Contacted - Never Contact Again' => 'Contacted - Never Contact Again', 
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Contacts.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸiler'            , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Contact'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Contacts List'               , 
-	'LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION'      => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi Bilgisi'       , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION' => 'Müşteri Portal Bilgisi'    , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Resim Bilgisi:'              , 
-	'LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS'       => 'Copy Other Address'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Mailing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Ofis Telefonu'               , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Ev Telefonu'                 , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Unvani'                      , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departman'                   , 
-	'Birthdate'                    => 'DoÄŸum Tarihi'               , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Dialog Referansı'           , 
-	'Assistant'                    => 'Asistanı'                   , 
-	'Assistant Phone'              => 'Asistanının Telefonu'      , 
-	'Do Not Call'                  => 'Telefon ile Aranmayacak'     , 
-	'Reference'                    => 'Referans'                    , 
-	'Portal User'                  => 'Portal Kullanicisi'          , 
-	'Mailing Street'               => 'Sokak/ Cad'                  , 
-	'Mailing City'                 => 'İlçe'                      , 
-	'Mailing State'                => 'Ä°l'                         , 
-	'Mailing Zip'                  => 'Posta Kodu'                  , 
-	'Mailing Country'              => 'Ãœlke'                       , 
-	'Mailing Po Box'               => 'Po Box Posta'            , 
-	'Other Street'                 => 'DiÄŸer Sokak/ Cad'           , 
-	'Other City'                   => 'Diğer ilçe'                , 
-	'Other State'                  => 'DiÄŸer il'                   , 
-	'Other Zip'                    => 'DiÄŸer Posta Kodu'           , 
-	'Other Country'                => 'DiÄŸer Ãœlke'                , 
-	'Other Po Box'                 => 'Other P.O. Box'              , 
-	'Contact Image'                => 'KiÅŸi Resmi'                 , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Bay.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Bayan.'                      , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Bayan.'                      , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'User List'                    => 'Kullanıcı Listesi'         , 
-	'Contact Id' => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi Id',
-    'Support Start Date'           => 'Destek Başlangıç ​​Tarihi',
-    'Support End Date'             => 'Destek BitiÅŸ Tarihi',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Documents.php b/languages/tr_tr/Documents.php
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Documents.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Documents'             => 'Belge'                       , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Documents'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Document'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Documents List'              , 
-	'LBL_NOTE_INFORMATION'         => 'Temel Bilgiler'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_INFORMATION'         => 'Dosya Bilgisi'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Açıklama'                  , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Başlık'                    , 
-	'File Name'                    => 'Dosya Adı'                  , 
-	'Note'                         => 'Notlar'                      , 
-	'File Type'                    => 'Dosya Tipi'                  , 
-	'File Size'                    => 'Boyu'                        , 
-	'Download Type'                => 'Ä°ndirme Tipi'               , 
-	'Version'                      => 'Sürüm'                     , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktif'                       , 
-	'Download Count'               => 'İndirilme Sayısı'         , 
-	'Folder Name'                  => 'Folder Name'                 , 
-	'Document No'                  => 'Belge No'                    , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_HAS_DOCUMENTS'     => 'Please move documents from folder before deleting', 
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'            => 'Dosya Ä°ndir'                , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'     => 'Dosya Bütünlüğünü Denetle', 
-	'LBL_INTERNAL'                 => 'Dahili'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL'                 => 'Harici'                      , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size'         , 
-	'LBL_MOVE'                     => 'Taşı'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Klasör Ekle'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTS_MOVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Documents Moved Successfully', 
-	'LBL_DENIED_DOCUMENTS'         => 'Denied Documents'            , 
-	'MB'                           => 'MB'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Klasör Ekle'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Klasör Adı'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          , 
-	'LBL_FILE_AVAILABLE'           => 'File is available for download', 
-	'LBL_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE'       => 'This Document is not available for Download', 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NEW_FOLDER'                => 'New Folder'                  , 
-	'JS_MOVE_DOCUMENTS'            => 'Move Documents'              , 
-	'JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MOVE_DOCUMENTS_TO' => 'Are you sure you want to move the file(s) to', 
-	'JS_FOLDER'                    => 'folder'                      , 
-	'JS_OPERATION_DENIED'          => 'Operation Denied'            , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php b/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-posta şablonları' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'E-posta Åžablonu Ekle',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-posta Åžablonu',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-posta şablonları',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-posta Åžablonu',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Şablon adı',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Tanım',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Konu',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Genel Alanlar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Seçin Alan Türü',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'E-posta modülü için şablonlar yönetin',
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Emails.php b/languages/tr_tr/Emails.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Konu:'                       , 
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Ekler'                       , 
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , 
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Gönder'                     , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'E-Posta Şablonu Seç'       , 
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'E-Posta Yaz'                 , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'To'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc :'                        , 
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc :'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , 
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , 
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , 
-	'LBL_FORWARD'                  => 'Forward'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRINT'                    => 'Print'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'From'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INFO'                     => 'Info'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAFTED_ON'               => 'Drafted on'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SENT_ON'                  => 'Sent on'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Date & Time Sent'             => 'Date Sent'                   , // TODO: Review
-    'Time Start'                   => 'Gönderilen Zaman'            ,
-    'LBL_EMAIL_INFORMATION' => 'E-mail Bilgileri',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Events.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Events'                       => 'Olaylar'                     , 
-	'SINGLE_Events'                => 'Olay'                        , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Event'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'List View'                   , 
-	'LBL_EVENTS'                   => 'Olaylar'                     , 
-	'LBL_TODOS'                    => 'Görev'                      , 
-	'LBL_HOLD_FOLLOWUP_ON'         => 'Ä°zleyen Hold On'             ,
-    'LBL_CREATE_FOLLOWUP_EVENT'    => 'Takip Etkinlik OluÅŸtur'      ,
-	'LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION'        => 'Event Details'               , 
-	'LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION'   => 'Recurrence Details'          , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Related To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Start Date & Time'            => 'Başlangıç Tarihi ve Zamanı', 
-	'Recurrence'                   => 'Recurrence'                  , 
-	'Send Notification'            => 'Send Notification'           , 
-	'Location'                     => 'Location'                    , 
-	'Send Reminder'                => 'Send Reminder'               , 
-	'End Date & Time'              => 'Bitiş Tarihi ve Zamanı'    , 
-	'Activity Type'                => 'Aktivite Tipi'               , 
-	'Visibility'                   => 'Visibility'                  , 
-	'Private'                      => 'Özel'                       , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Herkese Açık'              , 
-	'Call'                         => 'Arama'                       , 
-	'Meeting'                      => 'Toplantı'                   , 
-	'Planned'                      => 'Planlandı'                  , 
-	'Held'                         => 'Yapıldı'                   , 
-	'Not Held'                     => 'Yapılmadı'                 , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'Days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'Hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_DAYS_TYPE'                => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEEKS_TYPE'               => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MONTHS_TYPE'              => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_YEAR_TYPE'                => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIRST'                    => 'First'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST'                     => 'Last'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SUN'                   => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_MON'                   => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_TUE'                   => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_WED'                   => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_THU'                   => 'Thr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_FRI'                   => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SM_SAT'                   => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY0'                     => 'Sunday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY1'                     => 'Monday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY2'                     => 'Tuesday'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY3'                     => 'Wednesday'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY4'                     => 'Thursday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY5'                     => 'Friday'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY6'                     => 'Saturday'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Daily'                        => 'Day(s)'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Weekly'                       => 'Week(s)'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Monthly'                      => 'Month(s)'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Yearly'                       => 'Year'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPEATEVENT'              => 'Sonra her'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNTIL'                    => 'Until'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH'         => 'day of the month'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW'            => 'Calendar View'               , 
-	'LBL_INVITE_USER_BLOCK'        => 'Invite'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVITE_USERS'             => 'Invite Users'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Faq'                          => 'SSS'                         , 
-	'SINGLE_Faq'                   => 'SSS'                         , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'FAQs List'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add FAQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_FAQ_INFORMATION'          => 'Bilgi Tabanı Açıklması'  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENT_INFORMATION'      => 'Yorum Bilgisi'               , 
-	'Question'                     => 'Soru'                        , 
-	'Answer'                       => 'Cevap'                       , 
-	'Comments'                     => 'Yorumlar'                    , 
-	'Faq No'                       => 'Faq No'                      , 
-	'General'                      => 'Genel'                       , 
-	'Draft'                        => 'Taslak'                      , 
-	'Published'                    => 'Yayındı'                   , 
-	'Obsolete'                     => 'Eski'                        , 
-	'LBL_SOLUTION'                 => 'ÇÖZÜM'                    , 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/HelpDesk.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Destek'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_HelpDesk'              => 'Destek'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Ticket'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Ticket List'                 , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION'       => 'Ä°ÅŸemri Bilgisi'            , 
-	'LBL_TICKET_RESOLUTION'        => 'Çözüm Bilgisi'            , 
-	'Ticket No'                    => 'Ä°ÅŸemri No'                 , 
-	'Severity'                     => 'Åžiddet'                     , 
-	'Update History'               => 'Tarihçeyi Güncelle'        , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Saatleri'                    , 
-	'Days'                         => 'Gün'                        , 
-	'Title'                        => 'Başlık'                    , 
-	'Solution'                     => 'Çözüm'                    , 
-	'From Portal'                  => 'From Portal'                 , 
-	'Big Problem'                  => 'Büyük Problem'             , 
-	'Small Problem'                => 'Küçük Problem'            , 
-	'Other Problem'                => 'DiÄŸer Problem'              , 
-	'Normal'                       => 'Normal'                      , 
-	'High'                         => 'Yüksek'                     , 
-	'Urgent'                       => 'Acil'                        , 
-	'Minor'                        => 'Minor'                       , 
-	'Major'                        => 'Major'                       , 
-	'Feature'                      => 'Öncelikli'                  , 
-	'Critical'                     => 'Kritik'                      , 
-	'Open'                         => 'Açık'                      , 
-	'Wait For Response'            => 'Cevap Bekleniyor'            , 
-	'Closed'                       => 'Kapandı'                    , 
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Durum'                       , 
-	'LBL_SEVERITY'                 => 'Åžiddet'                     , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_FAQ'              => 'Convert to FAQ'              , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_TO'               => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi'               ,
-	//added to support i18n in ticket mails
-	'Hi' => 'Merhaba',
-	'Dear' => 'Sayın',
-	'LBL_DETAIL' => 'detayları :',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Teşekkürler',
-	'LBL_TEAM' => 'Destek Takımı',
-	'LBL_TICKET_DETAILS' => 'İşemri detayları',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Konu : ',
-	'created' => 'oluÅŸturuldu',
-	'replied' => 'cevaplandı',
-	'reply' => 'Cevaplandı',
-	'customer_portal' => 'Vtigerın Müşteri Detek Portalı.',
-	'link' => 'Cevapları izlemek için bu linki izleyiniz:',
-	'Thanks' => 'Teşekkürler',
-	'Support_team' => 'VtigerTurkey Destek Takımı',
-	//this label for customerportal.
-	'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED' => 'Closed',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you have to change in customerportal language file also.
-	'LBL_STATUS_UPDATE' => 'İşemri durumu şöyle güncellendi',
-	'LBL_COULDNOT_CLOSED' => 'İşemri yapılamadı',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS' => 'Müşteri cevabınızla ilgili olarak aşağıdaki ek bilgiyi verdi:',
-	'LBL_RESPOND' => 'Lütfen yukarıdaki işemri ile ilgili en erken zamanda cevap veriniz.',
-	'LBL_REGARDS' => 'Saygılar',
-	'LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN' => 'Destek Yöneticisi',
-	'LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID' => 'Ä°ÅŸemriye cevap ver',
-	'LBL_RESPONSE_TO_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Bilet sayısı Yanıt',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL' => 'Müşteri Portali içinde - ACİL',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Aşağıda Müşteri Portaline giriş yapmak içşin gereken bilgiler var :',
-	'LBL_MAIL_COULDNOT_SENT' => 'Eposta gönderilemedi',
-	'LBL_USERNAME' => 'Kullanıcı Adı :',
-	'LBL_PASSWORD' => 'Åžifre :',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT_PORTAL_LOGIN_DETAILS' => 'Müşteri Portaline giriş bilgileriniz hakkında',
-	'LBL_GIVE_MAILID' => 'Lütfen eposta adresinizi verin',
-	'LBL_CHECK_MAILID' => 'Müşteri portali için lütfen eposta adresinizi kontrol edin',
-	'LBL_LOGIN_REVOKED' => 'Girişiniz kapatılmıştır. Lütfen yöneticiniz ile görüşün.',
-	'LBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Müşteri portaline girmek için gereken bilgiler eposta adresinize gönderildi',
-	'LBL_ALTBODY' => 'HTML anlamayana eposta okuyucuları için eposta metni',
-	'HelpDesk ID' => 'Ä°ÅŸemri No',
-	'Ticket ID' => 'Ä°ÅŸemri No',
-	'LBL_TICKET_NUMBER' => 'Bilet sayısı',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ALVT'                         => 'Önemli Müşteriler'        , 
-	'PLVT'                         => 'Önemli Fırsatlar'          , 
-	'QLTQ'                         => 'Önemli Teklifler'           , 
-	'CVLVT'                        => 'Kilit Ölçümler'           , 
-	'HLT'                          => 'Top Support Tickets'         , 
-	'GRT'                          => 'Grup Dağıtımım'          , 
-	'OLTSO'                        => 'Önemli Satış Siparişleri', 
-	'ILTI'                         => 'Önemli Faturalar'           , 
-	'HDB'                          => 'Ana Sayfa Grafikleri'        , 
-	'OLTPO'                        => 'Önemli Satınalma Siparişleri', 
-	'LTFAQ'                        => 'Yakın SSS'                  , 
-	'UA'                           => 'Gelecek Ä°ÅŸler'             , 
-	'PA'                           => 'Bekleyen Ä°ÅŸler'            , 
-        'Home'                         => 'Ana Sayfa'                 ,
-        'Key Metrics'                  => 'Anahtar Ölçütleri',
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Etiket Bulutu',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Import.php b/languages/tr_tr/Import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f383cbcaef8e1cddf8296bae537b454ec98249..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/Import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1'            => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_1_DESCRIPTION' => 'Select File'                 , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES' => '	Supported File Type(s): .CSV, .VCF', 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2'            => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_2_DESCRIPTION' => 'Specify Format'              , 
-	'LBL_FILE_TYPE'                => 'File Type'                   , 
-	'LBL_CHARACTER_ENCODING'       => 'Character Encoding'          , 
-	'LBL_DELIMITER'                => 'Ayraç:'                     , 
-	'LBL_HAS_HEADER'               => 'Başlık satırın var'      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3'            => 'Step 3'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION' => 'Duplicate Record Handling'   , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_3_DESCRIPTION_DETAILED' => 'Select this option to enable and set duplicate merge criteria', 
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_MERGE_TYPE'       => 'Select how duplicate records should be handled', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MERGE_FIELDS'      => 'Select the matching fields to find duplicate records', 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'         => 'Varolan Alanlar'             , 
-	'LBL_SELECTED_FIELDS'          => ' Tutturalacak alanlar'       , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL'        => 'Sonraki'                     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4'            => 'Step 4'                      , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_STEP_4_DESCRIPTION' => 'Map the Columns to Module Fields', 
-	'LBL_FILE_COLUMN_HEADER'       => 'Header'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROW_1'                    => 'Row 1'                       , 
-	'LBL_CRM_FIELDS'               => 'CRM Fields'                  , 
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_CUSTOM_MAPPING'   => 'Save as Custom Mapping '     , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'İçeri Aktar'               , 
-	'LBL_RESULT'                   => 'Result'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_IMPORTED'   => 'Records successfully imported', 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_CREATED' => 'Records created'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_UPDATED' => 'Records overwritten'         , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_SKIPPED' => 'Records skipped'             , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_MERGED' => 'Records merged'              , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FAILED'     => 'Records failed importing'    , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MORE'              => 'Daha Fazla İçeri Al'       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_LAST_IMPORTED_RECORDS' => 'Last Imported Records'       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT'         => 'Son içeri almayı geri al'  , 
-	'LBL_FINISH_BUTTON_LABEL'      => 'Bitir'                       , 
-	'LBL_UNDO_RESULT'              => 'Undo Import Result'          , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS'            => 'Total Number of Records'     , 
-	'LBL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_DELETED' => 'Number of records deleted'   , 
-	'LBL_OK_BUTTON_LABEL'          => 'Ok'                          , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_SCHEDULED'         => 'Import Scheduled'            , 
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL_IMPORT'            => 'Cancel Import'               , 
-	'LBL_ERROR'                    => 'Hata:'                       , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR_DATA'               => 'Clear Data'                  , 
-	'ERR_UNIMPORTED_RECORDS_EXIST' => 'Unable to import more data in this batch. Please start a new import.', 
-	'ERR_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED'       => 'Current Import has been interrupted. Please try again later', 
-	'ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MODULE'    => 'Failed to lock the module for import. Re-try again later', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_SAVED_MAPPING'     => 'Select Saved Mapping'        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT_ERROR_LARGE_FILE'  => 'Import Error Large file '    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'       => 'File Upload Failed'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_CHANGE_UPLOAD_SIZE' => 'Import Change Upload Size'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'Import Directory is not writable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMPORT_FILE_COPY_FAILED'  => 'Import File copy failed'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_ROWS_FOUND'            => 'No rows found'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_DETAILS' => 'Your import has been scheduled and will start within 15 minutes. You will receive an email after import is completed.  <br> <br>
-										Please make sure that the Outgoing server and your email address is configured to receive email notification', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skipped'                      => 'Skipped Records'             , // TODO: Review
-	'failed'                       => 'Failed Records'              , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Invoice.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Invoice'               => 'Fatura'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'PDF Olarak Aktar'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Invoice'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Fatura Listesi'              , 
-	'LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Fatura Bilgisi'              , 
-	'Sales Order'                  => 'Satış Siparişi'           , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Müşteri Numarası'         , 
-	'Invoice Date'                 => 'Fatura Tarihi'               , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Satınalma Siparişi'        , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Satış Komisyonu'           , 
-	'Invoice No'                   => 'Fatura No'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECEIVED'                 => 'Received'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Sent'                         => 'Gönderildi'                 , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'İade Faturası'             , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Ödendi'                     , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Cancel'                       => 'Ä°ptal'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'DeÄŸil bir Bundle',
-	'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS'	=> 'Alt Ürünler',
-	'LBL_ACTION'	=> 'Eylem',
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Leads.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Leads'                        => 'Kaynaklar'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Leads'                 => 'Kaynak'                      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Leads List'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Lead'                    , 
-	'LBL_LEAD_INFORMATION'         => 'Kaynak Bilgisi'              , 
-	'Lead No'                      => 'Kaynak No'                   , 
-	'Company'                      => 'Åžirket'                     , 
-	'Designation'                  => 'Ãœnvan'                      , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Industry'                     => 'Sektör'                     , 
-	'Lead Status'                  => 'Kaynak Statüsü'            , 
-	'No Of Employees'              => 'Çalışan Sayısı'         , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Hiç Biri--'               , 
-	'Mr.'                          => 'Bay.'                        , 
-	'Ms.'                          => 'Bayan.'                      , 
-	'Mrs.'                         => 'Bayan.'                      , 
-	'Dr.'                          => 'Dr.'                         , 
-	'Prof.'                        => 'Prof.'                       , 
-	'Attempted to Contact'         => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi GiriÅŸimi'     , 
-	'Cold'                         => 'SoÄŸuk'                      , 
-	'Contact in Future'            => 'Gelecekte Ara'               , 
-	'Contacted'                    => 'Arandı'                     , 
-	'Hot'                          => 'Sıcak'                      ,
-        'Hot Leads'                    => 'Sıcak İlanlar',
-	'Junk Lead'                    => 'Kötü Kaynak'               , 
-	'Lost Lead'                    => 'KaybedilmiÅŸ Kaynak'         , 
-	'Not Contacted'                => 'İrtibatageçilemedi'        , 
-	'Pre Qualified'                => 'Zaten uygundu'               , 
-	'Qualified'                    => 'Uygun bulundu'               , 
-	'Warm'                         => 'Sıcak'                      , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD'             => 'Kaynağı Dönüştür:'     , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_RELATED_RECORD'  => 'Transfer related record to'  , 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR'       => 'You have to enable either Organization or Contact to convert the Lead', 
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_ERROR_TITLE' => 'Modules Disabled'            , 
-	'CANNOT_CONVERT'               => 'Dönüştürülemedi.'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLLOWING_ARE_POSSIBLE_REASONS' => 'Possible reasons include:'   , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING_INCOMPLETE' => 'Leads Field Mapping is incomplete(Settings > Module Manager > Leads > Leads Field Mapping)', 
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY' => 'Mandatory fields are empty'  , 
-	'LBL_LEADS_FIELD_MAPPING'      => 'Leads Field Mapping'         , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Edit Field Mapping'          , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_SELECT_CONTACTS'           => 'Select Contacts to proceed'  , 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION'       => 'Select Organization to proceed', 
-	'JS_SELECT_ORGANIZATION_OR_CONTACT_TO_CONVERT_LEAD' => 'Conversion requires selection of Contact or Organization', 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Migration.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_VTIGER_MIGRATION' => 'Vtiger Göç Hoşgeldiniz',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED' => 'Göç Tamamlandı',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_WIZARD' => 'Geçiş Sihirbazı',
-	'LBL_PRIDE_BEING_ASSOCIATED' => 'Sizinle birlikte anılmaktan gurur.',
-	'LBL_TALK_TO_US_AT_FORUMS' => 'Herhangi bir sorunuz var mı? VTiger yardım bulabilirsiniz <a href="http://forums.vtiger.com" target="_blank"> Tartışmalar </a><br>',
-	'LBL_DISCUSS_WITH_US_AT_BLOGS' => 'VTiger hakkında daha fazla bilgi için bizi takip eden <a href="http://blogs.vtiger.com" target="_blank">Blog</a>',
-	'LBL_CRM_DOCUMENTATION' => 'Vtiger6 Yardım - <a href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6" target="_blank">Belgelerini</a> , <a href="http://www.youtube.com/vtiger" target="_blank">Videoları</a> <BR>',
-	'LBL_THANKS' => 'Kullandığınız için teşekkür ederiz <b>vtiger CRM</b>',
-	'LBL_WE_AIM_TO_BE_BEST' => 'Sadece iyi - Biz olmayı hedefliyoruz',
-	'LBL_SPACE_FOR_YOU' => 'Gel, sizin için çok alan var!',
-	'LBL_MIGRATION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sizin vtiger6 göç başarıyla tamamlandı.',
-	'LBL_RELEASE_NOTES' => 'Bu sürümde yeni ne olduğunu bilmek, lütfen okuyun <a href="#" target="_blank">Sürüm Notları</a> <br>',
-	'LBL_WAIT' => 'Lütfen bekleyin ...',
-	'LBL_INPROGRESS' => 'Devam Göç',
-	'LBL_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOG' => 'Göç: Veritabanı Değişiklikleri Günlüğü',
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/ModComments.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ModComments'           => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Comments List'               , 
-	'LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION'  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_INFORMATION'        => 'Other Information'           , 
-	'LBL_ADDING_COMMENT'           => 'Adding Comment'              , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter comments here'         , 
-	'Comment'                      => 'Comment'                     , 
-	'Creator'                      => 'Creator'                     , 
-	'Related To Comments'          => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi'               , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/PBXManager.php b/languages/tr_tr/PBXManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b5507bb60b87e0d5f3c2b3e3bf3928e3a0b61d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/PBXManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Asterisk'                     => 'Asterisk'                    , 
-	'PBXManager'                   => 'PBX Yöneticisi'             , 
-	'SINGLE_PBXManager'            => 'PBX Yöneticisi'             , 
-	'LBL_CALL_INFORMATION'         => 'Call Details'                , 
-	'Call From'                    => 'Çagri'                       , 
-	'Call To'                      => 'Call'                        , 
-	'Time Of Call'                 => 'Time Call Of'                , 
-	'PBXManager ID'                => 'PBX Manager ID'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Portal.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'Portal' => 'Bizim Siteleri',
-    'LBL_ADD_BOOKMARK' => 'Ekle Bookmark',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Yer işareti adı',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_URL' => 'Bookmark Url',
-    'LBL_CREATED_ON' => 'OluÅŸturulma',
-    'SINGLE_Portal' => 'Sitemiz',
-    'LBL_EDIT_BOOKMARK' => 'İşaretini Düzenle',
-    'LBL_ENTER_BOOKMARK_NAME' => 'Yerimi adı girin',
-    'LBL_ENTER_URL' => 'Url Enter (www.example.com)',
-    'LBL_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK' => 'Yeni bir yer imi eklemek',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Yerimi başarıyla kaydedildi',
-    'LBL_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kayıt başarıyla silindi',
-    'LBL_OUR_SITES_LIST' => 'Bizim Siteleri Listesi',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_LIST' => 'Bookmarks List',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Imleri başarıyla silindi',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARK' => 'Yer imi',
-    'LBL_BOOKMARKS' => 'Bookmarks',
-    'HTTP_ERROR' => 'Açmaya çalıştığınız web sitesi güvenli değildir ve belki açık değildi. Hala web sayfasını görmek istiyorsanız, o zaman adres çubuğuna içerik engelleyici tıklayın ve etkinleştirebilirsiniz.',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Potentials.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Fırsatlar'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_Potentials'            => 'Fırsat'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Opportunity'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Opportunities List'          , 
-	'LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION'  => 'Fırsat Bilgisi:'            , 
-	'Potential No'                 => 'Fırsat No'                  , 
-	'Amount'                       => 'Tutar'                       , 
-	'Next Step'                    => 'Sonraki Adım'               , 
-	'Sales Stage'                  => 'Satış Aşaması'           , 
-	'Probability'                  => 'Olabilirlik (%)'             , 
-	'Campaign Source'              => 'Kaynak Kampanya'             , 
-	'Forecast Amount'              => 'Forecast Amount'             , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Sales Funnel'                , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Revenue by Salesperson'      , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Opportunities'           , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Sales Forecast'              , 
-	'Prospecting'                  => 'Aday Olabilirmi?'            , 
-	'Qualification'                => 'Aday Olarak Uygun'           , 
-	'Needs Analysis'               => 'Analiz Edelim'               , 
-	'Value Proposition'            => 'Değerimizi Göster'         , 
-	'Id. Decision Makers'          => 'Karar Mercii Bul'            , 
-	'Perception Analysis'          => 'Algı Oluştur'              , 
-	'Proposal/Price Quote'         => 'Teklif'                      , 
-	'Negotiation/Review'           => 'Pazarlık'                   , 
-	'Closed Won'                   => 'Kapalı - Kazanıldı'       , 
-	'Closed Lost'                  => 'Kapalı - Kaybedildi'        , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Hiçbiri--'                , 
-	'Existing Business'            => 'Eksi Ä°ÅŸ'                   , 
-	'New Business'                 => 'Yeni Ä°ÅŸ'                   , 
-	'LBL_EXPECTED_CLOSE_DATE_ON'   => 'Expected to close on'        , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_CONTACTS'         => 'Related Contacts'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Related Products'            , // TODO: Review
-        'Potentials Won'               => 'Kazanılan Potansiyelleri',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Fiyat Listeleri'             , 
-	'SINGLE_PriceBooks'            => 'Fiyat Listesi'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Price Book'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Price Books List'            , 
-	'LBL_PRICEBOOK_INFORMATION'    => 'Fiyat Listesi Bilgisi:'      , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_LIST_PRICE'          => 'Edit List Price'             , 
-	'Price Book Name'              => 'Fiyat Listesi Adı'          , 
-	'PriceBook No'                 => 'PriceBook Number'            , 
-	'LBL_UNIT_PRICE' => 'Birim Fiyatı',
-	'LBL_ADD_TO' => 'Eklemek karşı',
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diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Products.php b/languages/tr_tr/Products.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Products'                     => 'Ürünler'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Products'              => 'Ürün'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Ürün Ekle'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Products List'               , 
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_INFORMATION'      => 'Ürün Bilgisi'              , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION'        => 'Ürün resim bilgisi:'       , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_INFORMATION'        => 'Stok Bilgisi:'               , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'başa dövizler'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Ürün Fiyatları'           , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Fiyat'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Fiyatı Temizle'             , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Temizle'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Product No'                   => 'Ürün No'                   , 
-	'Part Number'                  => 'Parça Numarası'            , 
-	'Product Active'               => 'Aktif'                       , 
-	'Manufacturer'                 => 'Ãœretici'                    , 
-	'Product Category'             => 'Ürün Kategorisi'           , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'Mfr PartNo'                   => 'Ãœretim Kodu'                , 
-	'Vendor PartNo'                => 'Ãœretici Kodu'               , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Kullanilan Birim'            , 
-	'Handler'                      => 'Satış Temsilcisi'          , 
-	'Reorder Level'                => 'Yeniden Siparis Seviyesi'    , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Vergi Sınıfı'             , 
-	'Serial No'                    => 'Seri No'                     , 
-	'Qty In Stock'                 => 'Stok'                        , 
-	'Product Sheet'                => 'Ürün Sayfasi'              , 
-	'Qty In Demand'                => 'Talep Miktari'               , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Statü'                      , 
-	'Product Image'                => 'Ürün Resmi'                , 
-	'Unit Price'                   => 'Birim Fiyatı'               , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Komisyon Oranı (%)'         , 
-	'Qty/Unit'                     => 'Miktar/Birim'                , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Hiç Biri--'               , 
-	'Hardware'                     => 'Doanım'                     , 
-	'Software'                     => 'Yazılım'                   , 
-	'CRM Applications'             => 'CRM'                         , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Sales-Software'          , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Sales-Hardware'          , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Rental-Income'           , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Interest-Income'         , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Sales-Software-Support'  , 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Sales Other'             , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-Internet Sales'          , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Service-Hardware Labor'  , 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Sales-Books'             , 
-	'Box'                          => 'Kutu'                        , 
-	'Carton'                       => 'Karton'                      , 
-	'Caton'                        => 'Caton'                       , 
-	'Dozen'                        => 'Dazon'                       , 
-	'Each'                         => 'Her biri'                    , 
-	'Hours'                        => 'Saat'                        , 
-	'Impressions'                  => 'Impressions'                 , 
-	'Lb'                           => 'Lb'                          , 
-	'M'                            => 'M'                           , 
-	'Pack'                         => 'Paket'                       , 
-	'Pages'                        => 'Sayfa'                       , 
-	'Pieces'                       => 'Adet'                        , 
-	'Reams'                        => 'Reams'                       , 
-	'Sheet'                        => 'Sayfa'                       , 
-	'Spiral Binder'                => 'Spiral Binder'               , 
-	'Sq Ft'                        => 'Sq Ft'                       , 
-    'LBL_PRODUCTSMOD_DISABLED'     => 'Ürünleri görmek için Ürünler Modülü etkinleştirin',
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Project'	=>	"Proje",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Proje Ekle",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Projeler Listesi",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION'	=>	"Proje Detayları",
-	'Project Name'	=>	"Proje Adı",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Başlangıç ​​Tarihi",
-	'Target End Date'	=>	"Hedef BitiÅŸ Tarihi",
-	'Actual End Date'	=>	"Gerçek Bitiş Tarihi",
-	'Project No'	=>	"Proje Numarası",
-	'Target Budget'	=>	"Hedef Bütçe",
-	'Project Url'	=>	"Proje URL",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Ilerleme",
-	'LBL_TASKS_OPEN'	=>	"Görevler açın",
-	'LBL_TASKS_DUE'	=>	"Nedeniyle Görevler",
-	'LBL_TASKS_COMPLETED'	=>	"Görevler Tamamlandı",
-	'LBL_PEOPLE'	=>	"Insanlar",
-	'LBL_CHARTS'	=>	"Grafikler",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Görevler Listesi",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES'	=>	"Kilometre Taşları",
-	'LBL_TASKS'	=>	"Görevler",
-	'LBL_STATUS_IS'	=>	"Durumudur",
-	'LBL_STATUS'	=>	"Durum",
-	'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'	=>	"Öncelik",
-	'LBL_MORE'	=>	"daha fazla",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Kilometre Taşları Listesi",
-	'LBL_DOWNLOAD_FILE'	=>	"Dosya indir",
-    'LBL_TASKS_HIGH' => 'Yüksek Öncelikli',
-    'LBL_TASKS_NORMAL' => 'Normal Öncelik',
-    'LBL_TASKS_LOW' => 'Düşük Öncelik',
-    'LBL_TASKS_OTHER' => 'Diğer Öncelikler',
-    'LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'İlerleme Seçiniz',
-	//picklist values
-	'prospecting' => 'ZenginleÅŸtirilmesi',
-    'in progress' => 'Devam',
-    'initiated' => 'Başlatılan',
-	'waiting for feedback' => 'Feedback için bekliyor',
-    'on hold' => 'On Hold',
-    'archived' => 'ArÅŸivlenen',
-    'completed' => 'Tamamlandı',
-    'delivered' => 'Teslim',
-	'administrative' => 'Idari',
-    'operative' => 'Faal',
-    'other' => 'DiÄŸer',
-    'low' => 'Düşük',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Yüksek',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_STATUS' => 'Seçiniz Durumu',
-    'JS_LBL_SELECT_PROGRESS' => 'İlerleme Seçiniz',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectMilestone'	=>	"Proje Milestone",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Proje Milestone ekle",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Proje Aşamaları Listesi",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Projeler Listesi",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Görevler Listesi",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Kilometre Taşları Listesi",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_MILESTONE_INFORMATION'	=>	"Proje Milestone Detayları",
-	'Project Milestone Name'	=>	"Proje Milestone Adı",
-	'Milestone Date'	=>	"Milestone Tarihi",
-	'Project Milestone No'	=>	"Proje Milestone sayısı",
-	//picklist values
-	'administrative' => 'Idari',
-    'operative' => 'Faal',
-    'other' => 'DiÄŸer',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_ProjectTask'	=>	"Proje Görevi",
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'	=>	"Proje Görev ekle",
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'	=>	"Proje Görev Listesi",
-	'LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION'	=>	"Proje Görev Detayları",
-	'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST'	=>	"Projeler Listesi",
-	'LBL_TASKS_LIST'	=>	"Görevler Listesi",
-	'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST'	=>	"Kilometre Taşları Listesi",
-	'Project Task Name'	=>	"Proje Görev Adı",
-	'Project Task No'	=>	"Proje Görev Yok",
-	'Project Task Number'	=>	"Proje Görev sayısı",
-	'Status'	=>	"Durum",
-	'Priority'	=>	"Öncelik",
-	'Progress'	=>	"Ilerleme",
-	'Type'	=>	"Tip",
-	'Worked Hours'	=>	"Çalışılan Saat",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Başlangıç ​​Tarihi",
-	'End Date'	=>	"BitiÅŸ Tarihi",
-	'Related To'	=>	"Ä°lgili",
-	'administrative' => 'Idari',
-    'operative' => 'Faal',
-    'other' => 'DiÄŸer',
-    'low' => 'Düşük',
-    'normal' => 'Normal',
-    'high' => 'Yüksek',
-	'Created Time'	=>	"OluÅŸturulma Zaman",
-	'Modified Time'	=>	"Modifiye Zaman",
-	'description'	=>	"Tanımlama",
-	'Assigned To'	=>	"Atanan",
-	'Open'	=>	"Açık",
-	'In Progress'	=>	"Devam",
-	'Completed'	=>	"Tamamlandı",
-	'Deferred'	=>	"Ertelenen",
-	'Canceled'	=>	"Iptal edildi",
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_PurchaseOrder'         => 'Satın Alma Siparişi'       , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'PDF Olarak Aktar'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Purchase Order'          , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Satınalma Siparişi Listesi', 
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Copy Shipping Address'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Copy Billing Address'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PO_INFORMATION'           => 'Satınalma Sipariş Bilgisi' , 
-	'PurchaseOrder No'             => 'Satınalma Siparişi No'     , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Ä°stak No'                   , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'İzleme Numarası'           , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Satış Komisyonu'           , 
-	'LBL_PAID'                     => 'Paid'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BALANCE'                  => 'Balance'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Received Shipment'            => 'Gönderi Tamamlandı'        , 
-        'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Liste Fiyatı',
-        'List Price'                   => 'Liste Fiyatı',
-        'LBL_COPY_COMPANY_ADDRESS' => 'Kopya Åžirket Adresi',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Quotes'                => 'Teklif'                      , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'PDF Olarak Aktar'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Quote'                   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Teklfiler Listesi'           , 
-	'LBL_QUOTE_INFORMATION'        => 'Teklif Bilgisi'              , 
-	'Quote No'                     => 'Teklif No'                   , 
-	'Quote Stage'                  => 'Teklif Aşaması'            , 
-	'Valid Till'                   => 'Geçerlilik Tarihi'          , 
-	'Inventory Manager'            => 'Stok Yöneticisi'            , 
-	'Accepted'                     => 'Kabul Edildi'                , 
-	'Rejected'                     => 'Ä°ptal'                      ,
-        'Open Quotes'                  =>'Açık Kurları',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Recycle Bin'                   => 'Recycle Bin'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMPTY_RECYCLEBIN'         => 'Empty Recycle Bin'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESTORE'                  => 'Restore'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PERMITTED_MODULES'     => 'No permitted modules available', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Recycle Bin List'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found to Restore in module', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_MSG_EMPTY_RB_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted records from your database?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_RESTORE_RECORDS_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to restore the records?', // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Reports'                      => 'Reports'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Reports'               => 'Report'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY'         => 'Folder is not empty'         ,
-	'LBL_MOVE_REPORT'              => 'Raporları Taşı'           ,
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE'                => 'Özellestir'                 ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_EXPORT_EXCEL'      => 'Export Excel'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_PRINT'             => 'Yazdır'                     ,
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_3'                   => 'Step 3'                      ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DETAILS'           => 'Rapor Detayları'            ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS'           => 'Sütun Seçimi'              ,
-	'LBL_FILTERS'                  => 'Filtreler'                   ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS'                  => 'Folders'                     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_FOLDER'           => 'Yeni Klasör Ekle'           ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_NAME'              => 'Folder Name'                 ,
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Folder Description'          ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_DESCRIPTION_HERE' => 'Enter Description'           ,
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Duplicate Exists'            ,
-	'LBL_FOLDERS_LIST'             => 'Folders List'                ,
-	'LBL_DENIED_REPORTS'           => 'Denied Reports'              ,
-	'LBL_NO_OF_RECORDS'            => 'Toplam Yorum : '           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MORE_RECORDS_TXT'		   => 'Sadece 1000 kayıt aşağıda gösterilmiştir. Tüm kayıtları görmek için ihracat lütfen',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Report'                  ,
-	'LBL_ADD_FOLDER'               => 'Add Folder'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_DELETE_DENIED'     => 'Permission denied to delete the Report',
-	'LBL_FOLDER_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED' => 'This folder can not be deleted',
-	'LBL_REPORTS_LIST'             => 'Reports list'                ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_NAME'              => 'Rapor Adı'                  ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_FOLDER'            => 'Rapor Bölümü'             ,
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Açıklama'                  ,
-	'PRIMARY_MODULE'               => 'Primary Module'              ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES'   => 'Select Related Modules'      ,
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Mak'                         ,
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Sonraki'                     ,
-	'LBL_REPORTS'                  => 'Reports List'                ,
-	'LBL_GROUP_BY'                 => 'Group By'                    ,
-	'LBL_SORT_ORDER'               => 'Sort Order'                  ,
-	'LBL_ASCENDING'                => 'Artan'                       ,
-	'LBL_DESCENDING'               => 'Azalan'                      ,
-	'LBL_CALCULATIONS'             => 'HEsaplamalar'                ,
-	'LBL_COLUMNS'                  => 'Kolonlar'                    ,
-	'LBL_SUM_VALUE'                => 'Topla'                       ,
-	'LBL_AVERAGE'                  => 'Ortalama'                    ,
-	'LBL_LOWEST_VALUE'             => 'En Düsük'                  ,
-	'LBL_HIGHEST_VALUE'            => 'Highest Value'               ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_REPORT'          => 'Generate Report'             ,
-	'LBL_SUM'                      => 'TOP'                         ,
-	'LBL_AVG'                      => 'Avj'                         ,
-	'LBL_MIN'                      => 'Min'                         ,
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAMES'              => 'Toplamlar'                   ,
-	'LBL_REPORT_CSV'               => 'Export CSV'                  ,
-	'LBL_VIEW_DETAILS'             => 'View Details'                ,
-	'LBL_GENERATE_NOW'             => 'Generate now'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Report Name'                  => 'Rapor Adı'                  ,
-	'Account and Contact Reports'  => 'Müşteri ve İlgili Kişi Raporları',
-	'Lead Reports'                 => 'Kaynak Raporları'           ,
-	'Potential Reports'            => 'Fırsat Raporları'          ,
-	'Activity Reports'             => 'Aktivite Raporları'         ,
-	'HelpDesk Reports'             => 'Destek Raporları'           ,
-	'Product Reports'              => 'Ürün Raporları'           ,
-	'Quote Reports'                => 'Teklif Raporları'           ,
-	'PurchaseOrder Reports'        => 'Satınalma Siparişi Raporları',
-	'SalesOrder Reports'           => 'Satış Siparişi Raporları',
-	'Invoice Reports'              => 'Fatura Raporları'           ,
-	'Campaign Reports'             => 'Kampanya Raporları'         ,
-	'Contacts by Accounts'         => 'Müşterilere Göre İlgili Kişiler',
-	'Contacts without Accounts'    => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸiler'            ,
-	'Contacts by Potentials'       => 'İlgili Kişilere Bağlı Fırsatlar',
-	'Contacts related to Accounts' => 'Müşteriler ile ilişkili ilgili Kişiler',
-	'Contacts not related to Accounts' => 'Müşterilere bağlı olmayan ilgili kişiler',
-	'Contacts related to Potentials' => 'İlgili Kişilere Göre Fırsatlar',
-	'Lead by Source'               => 'Elde Edilen Kaynaklar'       ,
-	'Lead Status Report'           => 'Kaynak Durum Raporu'         ,
-	'Potential Pipeline'           => 'Fırsatlar'                  ,
-	'Closed Potentials'            => 'Kapnan Fırsatları'         ,
-	'Potential that have Won'      => 'Kazanılan Fırsatlar'       ,
-	'Tickets by Products'          => 'Ürünlere Göre İşemirleri',
-	'Tickets by Priority'          => 'Önem Derecesine Göre Işemirleri',
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Açık Işemirleri'          ,
-	'Tickets related to Products'  => 'Ürünlere Göre Işemirleri',
-	'Tickets that are Open'        => 'Açık Işemirleri'          ,
-	'Product Details'              => 'Ürün Detayları'           ,
-	'Products by Contacts'         => 'İlgili Lişi Ürünleri'    ,
-	'Product Detailed Report'      => 'Ürün Detayları Raporu'    ,
-	'Products related to Contacts' => 'İlgili Kişilere Göre Ürünler',
-	'Open Quotes'                  => 'Açık Teklifler'            ,
-	'Quotes Detailed Report'       => 'Teklif Detayları'           ,
-	'Quotes that are Open'         => 'Açıkta Kalan Teklifler'    ,
-	'PurchaseOrder by Contacts'    => 'İlgili Kişilere Göre Satın almalar',
-	'PurchaseOrder Detailed Report' => 'Satınalma Siparişi Raporları',
-	'PurchaseOrder related to Contacts' => 'İlgili Kişiye Bağlı Satınlama Siparişi',
-	'Invoice Detailed Report'      => 'Fatura Detayları'           ,
-	'Last Month Activities'        => 'Geçen Ayın Aktiviteleri'   ,
-	'This Month Activities'        => 'Bu Ayın Aktiviteleri'       ,
-	'Campaign Expectations and Actuals' => 'Kampanya Durumları'         ,
-	'SalesOrder Detailed Report'   => 'Satış Siparişi Detayları',
-	'Email Reports'                => 'Email Reports'               ,
-	'Contacts Email Report'        => 'Contacts Email Report'       ,
-	'Accounts Email Report'        => 'Organizations Email Report'  ,
-	'Leads Email Report'           => 'Leads Email Report'          ,
-	'Vendors Email Report'         => 'Vendors Email Report'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Contacts'      => 'Emails sent to Contacts'     ,
-	'Emails sent to Organizations' => 'Emails sent to Organizations',
-	'Emails sent to Leads'         => 'Emails sent to Leads'        ,
-	'Emails sent to Vendors'       => 'Emails sent to Vendors'      ,
-	'LBL_PRINT_REPORT'             => 'Print Report'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS'                  => 'Records'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'           => 'Only 1000 + records are displayed. Use CSV or Excel Export to see all the records', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOP'                      => 'Top'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_REPORTS'              => 'All Reports'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATION_CONVERSION_MESSAGE' => 'Calculation are based on the base currency of your CRM', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Report'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CALCULATION_LINE_ITEM_FIELDS_SELECTION_LIMITATION' => 'Limitation: Line Item fields(List Price, Discount & Quantity) can only be used when other calculation fields are not selected.', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'LBL_RSS_FEED_SOURCES' => 'Rss Kaynakları',
-    'LBL_ADD_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Besleme Kaynak Ekle',
-    'LBL_FEEDS_LIST_FROM' => 'Gönderen Listesi Feeds',
-    'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Varsayılan olarak ayarla',
-    'LBL_SENDER' => 'verici',
-    'LBL_FEED_SOURCE' => 'besleme Kaynağı',
-    'LBL_ENTER_FEED_SOURCE' => 'Besleme Kaynağı girin',  
-    'SINGLE_Rss' => 'RSS beslemesine',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RSS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED' => 'Başarıyla kaydedildi RSS',
-    'JS_INVALID_RSS_URL' => 'Geçersiz Rss Url',
-    'JS_RSS_MADE_AS_DEFAULT' => 'Varsayılan olarak yapılmıştır rss',
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      ,
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     ,
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             ,
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        ,
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                ,
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     ,
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             ,
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/SalesOrder.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_SalesOrder'            => 'Satış Siparişi'           , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'            => 'PDF Olarak Aktar'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF'            => 'Send Email with PDF'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Sales Order'             , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Satış Sipariş Listesi'    , 
-	'LBL_SO_INFORMATION'           => 'Satış Siparişi Bilgileri' , 
-	'SalesOrder No'                => 'Satış Siparişi No'        , 
-	'Quote Name'                   => 'Teklif Adı'                 , 
-	'Customer No'                  => 'Müşteri No'                , 
-	'Requisition No'               => 'Talep No'                    , 
-	'Tracking Number'              => 'İzleme Numarsı'            , 
-	'Sales Commission'             => 'Satış Komisyonu'           , 
-	'Purchase Order'               => 'Satınalma Siparişi'        , 
-	'Vendor Terms'                 => 'Tedarikçi Şartları'       , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Bekliyor'                    , 
-	'Enable Recurring'             => 'Tekrarla'                    , 
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Sıklık'                    , 
-	'Start Period'                 => 'Başlangıç Dönemi'        , 
-	'End Period'                   => 'Bitiş Dönemi'              , 
-	'Payment Duration'             => 'Ödeme Süresi'              , 
-	'Invoice Status'               => 'Fatura Durumu'               , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Ara Toplam'                  , 
-	'AutoCreated'                  => 'AutoCreated'                 , 
-	'Sent'                         => 'Sent'                        , 
-	'Credit Invoice'               => 'Credit Invoice'              , 
-	'Paid'                         => 'Paid'                        , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Hizmet Anlaşmaları'        , 
-	'SINGLE_ServiceContracts'      => 'Hizmet Anlaşması'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Service Contract'        , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Service Contracts List'      , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACT_INFORMATION' => 'Hizmet Anlaşması Bilgisi'  , 
-	'Contract No'                  => 'AnlaÅŸma No'                 , 
-	'Start Date'                   => 'Başlangıç Tarihi'         , 
-	'End Date'                     => 'BitiÅŸ Tarihi'               , 
-	'Tracking Unit'                => 'Takip Birimi'                , 
-	'Total Units'                  => 'Toplam Birim'                , 
-	'Used Units'                   => 'Kullanılmış Birim'        , 
-	'Progress'                     => 'Tamamlanma Oranı (%)'       , 
-	'Planned Duration'             => 'Planlanan Süre (Gün)'      , 
-	'Actual Duration'              => 'Gerçek Süre (Gün)'        , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Services'                     => 'Hizmetler'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Services'              => 'Hizmet'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Hizmet Ekle'                 , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Services List'               , 
-	'LBL_SERVICE_INFORMATION'      => 'Hizmet Bilgisi'              , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'başa dövizler'             , 
-	'LBL_PRICES'                   => 'Service Prices'              , 
-	'LBL_PRICE'                    => 'Fiyat'                       , 
-	'LBL_RESET_PRICE'              => 'Fiyatı Temizle'             , 
-	'LBL_RESET'                    => 'Temizle'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TO_PRICEBOOKS'        => 'Add to PriceBooks'           , 
-	'Service Name'                 => 'Hizmet Adı'                 , 
-	'Service Active'               => 'Aktif'                       , 
-	'Service Category'             => 'Kategori'                    , 
-	'Service No'                   => 'Hizmet No'                   , 
-	'Owner'                        => 'Sahibi'                      , 
-	'No of Units'                  => 'Kaç Birim'                  , 
-	'Commission Rate'              => 'Komisyon Oranı (%)'         , 
-	'Price'                        => 'Fiyat'                       , 
-	'Usage Unit'                   => 'Kullanım Birimi'            , 
-	'Tax Class'                    => 'Vergi Sınıfı'             , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CronTasks'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Id'                           => 'Id'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'Cron Job'                     => 'Cron Job'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'Frequency'                    => 'Frequency'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Status'                       => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Last Start'                   => 'Last scan started'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Last End'                     => 'Last scan ended'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Sequence'                     => 'Sequence'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'Completed'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Currency'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CURRENCY'            => 'Edit Currency'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_CURRENCY'         => 'Add New Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_NAME'            => 'Currency Name'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CODE'            => 'Currency Code'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL'          => 'Symbol'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'Conversion Rate'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_CONVERSION_RATE'    => 'Enter Conversion Rate'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_STATUS_DESC'     => 'Enable checkbox to make currency Active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_CURRENCY'        => 'Transfer Currency'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CURRENT_CURRENCY'         => 'Current Currency'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Albania, Leke'                => 'Albania, Leke'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Argentina, Pesos'             => 'Argentina, Pesos'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Aruba, Guilders'              => 'Aruba, Guilders'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Australia, Dollars'           => 'Australia, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Azerbaijan, New Manats'       => 'Azerbaijan, New Manats'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahamas, Dollars'             => 'Bahamas, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bahrain, Dinar'               => 'Bahrain, Dinar'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Barbados, Dollars'            => 'Barbados, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Belarus, Rubles'              => 'Belarus, Rubles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Belize, Dollars'              => 'Belize, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bermuda, Dollars'             => 'Bermuda, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Bolivia, Bolivianos'          => 'Bolivia, Bolivianos'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Convertible Marka'            => 'Convertible Marka'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Botswana, Pulas'              => 'Botswana, Pulas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Bulgaria, Leva'               => 'Bulgaria, Leva'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Brazil, Reais'                => 'Brazil, Reais'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Great Britain Pounds'         => 'Great Britain Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'   => 'Brunei Darussalam, Dollars'  , // TODO: Review
-	'Canada, Dollars'              => 'Canada, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Cayman Islands, Dollars'      => 'Cayman Islands, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Chile, Pesos'                 => 'Chile, Pesos'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Colombia, Pesos'              => 'Colombia, Pesos'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Costa Rica, Colón'           => 'Costa Rica, Colón'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Croatia, Kuna'                => 'Croatia, Kuna'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Cuba, Pesos'                  => 'Cuba, Pesos'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Cyprus, Pounds'               => 'Cyprus, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Czech Republic, Koruny'       => 'Czech Republic, Koruny'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Denmark, Kroner'              => 'Denmark, Kroner'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Dominican Republic, Pesos'    => 'Dominican Republic, Pesos'   , // TODO: Review
-	'East Caribbean, Dollars'      => 'East Caribbean, Dollars'     , // TODO: Review
-	'Egypt, Pounds'                => 'Egypt, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'El Salvador, Colón'          => 'El Salvador, Colón'         , // TODO: Review
-	'England, Pounds'              => 'England, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Estonia, Krooni'              => 'Estonia, Krooni'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Euro'                         => 'Euro'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'Falkland Islands, Pounds'     => 'Falkland Islands, Pounds'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Fiji, Dollars'                => 'Fiji, Dollars'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Ghana, Cedis'                 => 'Ghana, Cedis'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Gibraltar, Pounds'            => 'Gibraltar, Pounds'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Guatemala, Quetzales'         => 'Guatemala, Quetzales'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Guernsey, Pounds'             => 'Guernsey, Pounds'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Guyana, Dollars'              => 'Guyana, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Honduras, Lempiras'           => 'Honduras, Lempiras'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LvHong Kong, Dollars '        => 'LvHong Kong, Dollars '       , // TODO: Review
-	'Hungary, Forint'              => 'Hungary, Forint'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Iceland, Krona'               => 'Iceland, Krona'              , // TODO: Review
-	'India, Rupees'                => 'India, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Indonesia, Rupiahs'           => 'Indonesia, Rupiahs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Iran, Rials'                  => 'Iran, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Isle of Man, Pounds'          => 'Isle of Man, Pounds'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Israel, New Shekels'          => 'Israel, New Shekels'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Jamaica, Dollars'             => 'Jamaica, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Japan, Yen'                   => 'Japan, Yen'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Jersey, Pounds'               => 'Jersey, Pounds'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Kazakhstan, Tenge'            => 'Kazakhstan, Tenge'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (North), Won'           => 'Korea (North), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Korea (South), Won'           => 'Korea (South), Won'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'             => 'Kyrgyzstan, Soms'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Laos, Kips'                   => 'Laos, Kips'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Latvia, Lati'                 => 'Latvia, Lati'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Lebanon, Pounds'              => 'Lebanon, Pounds'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Liberia, Dollars'             => 'Liberia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland Francs'           => 'Switzerland Francs'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Lithuania, Litai'             => 'Lithuania, Litai'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Macedonia, Denars'            => 'Macedonia, Denars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Malaysia, Ringgits'           => 'Malaysia, Ringgits'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Malta, Liri'                  => 'Malta, Liri'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Mauritius, Rupees'            => 'Mauritius, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mexico, Pesos'                => 'Mexico, Pesos'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Mongolia, Tugriks'            => 'Mongolia, Tugriks'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Mozambique, Meticais'         => 'Mozambique, Meticais'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Namibia, Dollars'             => 'Namibia, Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Nepal, Rupees'                => 'Nepal, Rupees'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders' => 'Netherlands Antilles, Guilders', // TODO: Review
-	'New Zealand, Dollars'         => 'New Zealand, Dollars'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Nicaragua, Cordobas'          => 'Nicaragua, Cordobas'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Nigeria, Nairas'              => 'Nigeria, Nairas'             , // TODO: Review
-	'North Korea, Won'             => 'North Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Norway, Krone'                => 'Norway, Krone'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Oman, Rials'                  => 'Oman, Rials'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'Pakistan, Rupees'             => 'Pakistan, Rupees'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Panama, Balboa'               => 'Panama, Balboa'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Paraguay, Guarani'            => 'Paraguay, Guarani'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Peru, Nuevos Soles'           => 'Peru, Nuevos Soles'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Philippines, Pesos'           => 'Philippines, Pesos'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Poland, Zlotych'              => 'Poland, Zlotych'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Qatar, Rials'                 => 'Qatar, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Romania, New Lei'             => 'Romania, New Lei'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Russia, Rubles'               => 'Russia, Rubles'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Saint Helena, Pounds'         => 'Saint Helena, Pounds'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'         => 'Saudi Arabia, Riyals'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Serbia, Dinars'               => 'Serbia, Dinars'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Seychelles, Rupees'           => 'Seychelles, Rupees'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Singapore, Dollars'           => 'Singapore, Dollars'          , // TODO: Review
-	'Solomon Islands, Dollars'     => 'Solomon Islands, Dollars'    , // TODO: Review
-	'Somalia, Shillings'           => 'Somalia, Shillings'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Africa, Rand'           => 'South Africa, Rand'          , // TODO: Review
-	'South Korea, Won'             => 'South Korea, Won'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Sri Lanka, Rupees'            => 'Sri Lanka, Rupees'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Sweden, Kronor'               => 'Sweden, Kronor'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Switzerland, Francs'          => 'Switzerland, Francs'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Suriname, Dollars'            => 'Suriname, Dollars'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Syria, Pounds'                => 'Syria, Pounds'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Taiwan, New Dollars'          => 'Taiwan, New Dollars'         , // TODO: Review
-	'Thailand, Baht'               => 'Thailand, Baht'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars' => 'Trinidad and Tobago, Dollars', // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, New Lira'             => 'Turkey, New Lira'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Turkey, Liras'                => 'Turkey, Liras'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Tuvalu, Dollars'              => 'Tuvalu, Dollars'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Ukraine, Hryvnia'             => 'Ukraine, Hryvnia'            , // TODO: Review
-	'United Kingdom, Pounds'       => 'United Kingdom, Pounds'      , // TODO: Review
-	'USA, Dollars'                 => 'USA, Dollars'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Uruguay, Pesos'               => 'Uruguay, Pesos'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Uzbekistan, Sums'             => 'Uzbekistan, Sums'            , // TODO: Review
-	'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes' => 'Venezuela, Bolivares Fuertes', // TODO: Review
-	'Vietnam, Dong'                => 'Vietnam, Dong'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Zimbabwe Dollars'             => 'Zimbabwe Dollars'            , // TODO: Review
-	'China, Yuan Renminbi'         => 'China, Yuan Renminbi'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Afghanistan, Afghanis'        => 'Afghanistan, Afghanis'       , // TODO: Review
-	'Cambodia, Riels'              => 'Cambodia, Riels'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Jordan, Dinar'                => 'Jordan, Dinar'               , // TODO: Review
-	'Kenya, Shilling'              => 'Kenya, Shilling'             , // TODO: Review
-	'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary'  => 'MADAGASCAR, Malagasy Ariary' , // TODO: Review
-	'United Arab Emirates, Dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates, Dirham', // TODO: Review
-	'United Republic of Tanzania, Shilling' => 'United Republic OF Tanzania, Shilling', // TODO: Review
-	'Yemen, Rials'                 => 'Yemen, Rials'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Zambia, Kwacha'               => 'Zambia, Kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Malawi, kwacha'               => 'Malawi, kwacha'              , // TODO: Review
-	'Tunisian, Dinar'              => 'Tunisian, Dinar'             , // TODO: Review
-	'Moroccan, Dirham'             => 'Moroccan, Dirham'            , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DETAILS_SAVED'    => 'Currency Details Saved'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CURRENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Currency Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'CustomerPortal'               => 'Customer Portal'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Setup Privileges of Portal User', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE'         => 'Default Assignee'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL'               => 'Portal Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_NAME'              => 'Module Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_MODULE'            => 'Enable Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_ALL_RECORDS'         => 'See Records across Organization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PREVILEGES_MESSAGE'       => 'This User\'s privileges will be applied to the Portal User.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_MESSAGE' => 'Tickets will be Assigned to the selected Assignee by the default Group/User from the Customer Portal.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PORTAL_URL_MESSAGE'       => 'This is URL for the Portal where your contacts can login to submit/track tickets, access knowledge base and do more. Contacts will be sent the login details when Portal access is enabled from Contact details page.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE'    => 'Drag and Drop modules to reorder in the Customer Portal', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PORTAL_INFO_SAVED'         => 'Customer Portal settings saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'EmailTemplate'                => 'Email Template'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME'            => 'Template name'               , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Açıklama'                  , 
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_TRANSFORM_OWNERSHIP'      => 'Transfer ownership'          , 
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_GROUP'           => 'To Other Group '             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Group'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_NAME'               => 'Group Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_MEMBERS'            => 'Group Members'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USERS_ROLES'          => 'Add Users, Roles...'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLEANDSUBORDINATE'       => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-	'RoleAndSubordinates'          => 'Role and Subordinates'       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_FIELDS_AND_LAYOUT_EDITOR' => 'Fields and Layout Editor'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE_CUSTOM_FIELD'      => 'Create Custom Field'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILVIEW_LAYOUT'        => 'Detail View Layout'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS'     => 'Arrange Related Tabs'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD'         => 'Add Custom Field'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK'         => 'Add Custom Block'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELD_SEQUENCE'      => 'Save Field Sequence'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BLOCK_NAME'               => 'Block Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_AFTER'                => 'Add After'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Actions'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALWAYS_SHOW'              => 'Always Show'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE_FIELDS'          => 'Inactive Fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_CUSTOM_BLOCK'      => 'Delete Custom Block'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD'          => 'Mandatory Field'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Quick Create'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_FIELD'            => 'Summary View'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDIT'                => 'Mass Edit'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_VALUE'            => 'Default Value'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE'        => 'Select Field Type'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL_NAME'               => 'Label Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LENGTH'                   => 'Length'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECIMALS'                 => 'Decimals'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_PICKLIST_VALUES'    => 'Enter Picklist Values..'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_VALUES'          => 'Picklist Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REACTIVATE'               => 'Reactivate'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_LIST'     => 'Arrange Related List'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE_TO_ADD'     => 'Select Module To Add'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED_INFORMATION'   => 'No Related Information'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RELATED_LIST_INFO'        => 'Drag and drop the module to reorder the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REMOVE_INFO'              => 'Click on the close icon to remove the module from the list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MODULE_INFO'          => 'Select the module from the removed modules to add back to list', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module..'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NON_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'  => 'Non Role Based Picklist'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_EXISTS'   => 'Duplicate Field Exists'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE'         => 'Wrong Field Type'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_BASED_PICKLIST'      => 'Role Based Picklist'         , // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Yapılacak'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_SHOW'     => 'Block show enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_VISIBILITY_HIDE'     => 'Block hide enabled'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Block added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_UPDATED'    => 'Blocks Sequence Updated'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_FIELDS_REACTIVATED' => 'Selected Fields Reactivated' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_DETAILS_SAVED'       => 'Field Details Saved'         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_DELETED'      => 'Custom Block Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_ADDED'        => 'New Custom Field Added'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CUSTOM_FIELD_DELETED'      => 'Custom Field Deleted'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LENGTH_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO' => 'Length Should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_2TO5' => 'Decimal should be in the range 2 to 5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAVE_THE_CHANGES_TO_UPDATE_FIELD_SEQUENCE' => 'Save the changes to update Field sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RELATED_INFO_SAVED'        => 'Related Info Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_BLOCK_NAME_EXISTS'         => 'Block Name already exists'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_HIDDEN_FIELDS_EXISTS'   => 'No Inactive Fields'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS'        => 'Special Characters like'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NOT_ALLOWED'               => 'are not allowed'             , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'       => 'Saved Successfully'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY'     => 'Deleted Successfully'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MAPPING'          => 'Invalid Mapping'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONVERT_LEAD_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Convert Lead Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_LABEL'              => 'Field Label'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_TYPE'               => 'Field Type'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAPPING_WITH_OTHER_MODULES' => 'Mapping with other Modules'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ORGANIZATIONS'            => 'Organizations'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONTACTS'                 => 'Contacts'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPPURTUNITIES'            => 'Oppurtunities'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MAPPING'              => 'Add Mapping'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'picklist'                     => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'email'                        => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'text'                         => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'currency'                     => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'multiSelectCombo'             => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'time'                         => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'textArea'                     => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'url'                          => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'string'                       => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'checkBox'                     => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'date'                         => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'decimal'                      => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'percent'                      => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'skype'                        => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_NONE'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_IS_ALREADY_BEEN_MAPPED'    => 'is already been mapped'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CANT_MAP'                  => 'Cant map'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WITH'                      => 'with'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Mapping Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAPPING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Haritalama Başarıyla Kaydedildi',
-	'JS_phone'                     => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_picklist'                  => 'Pick List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_email'                     => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_text'                      => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_currency'                  => 'Currency'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_multiSelectCombo'          => 'Multi-Select Combo Box'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_time'                      => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_textArea'                  => 'Text Area'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_url'                       => 'Url'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_string'                    => 'String'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_checkBox'                  => 'Check Box'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_date'                      => 'Date'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_decimal'                   => 'Decimal'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_percent'                   => 'Percent'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_skype'                     => 'Skype'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_None'                      => 'None'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_integer'					=> 'Integer',
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-/* +**********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = array(
-    'MailConverter' => "Mail Converter",
-    'MailConverter_Description' => "Ilgili kayıtları için e-posta dönüştürmek",
-    'MAILBOX' => "Posta Kutusu",
-    'RULE' => "Kural",
-    'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => "Posta Kutusu Ekle",
-    'ALL' => "Tüm",
-    'UNSEEN' => "Okunmamış",
-    'LBL_MARK_READ' => "Okundu Ä°ÅŸaretle",
-    'SEEN' => "Okumak",
-    'LBL_EDIT_MAILBOX' => "Düzen Posta Kutusu",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX' => "Posta Kutusu OluÅŸturma",
-    'LBL_BACK_TO_MAILBOXES' => "Posta kutularına geri",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGE_AS' => "Mesajı olarak işaretle",
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX_NOW' => "Åžimdi Posta Kutusu OluÅŸturma",
-    'LBL_ADDING_NEW_MAILBOX' => "Yeni Posta Kutusu Ekleme",
-    'MAILBOX_DETAILS' => "Posta Kutusu Detayları",
-    'SELECT_FOLDERS' => "Klasörler seçin",
-    'ADD_RULES' => "Kuralları Ekle",
-    'CREATE_Leads_SUBJECT' => "KurÅŸun oluÅŸturma",
-    'CREATE_Contacts_SUBJECT' => "Ä°letiÅŸim oluÅŸturun",
-    'CREATE_Accounts_SUBJECT' => "Organizasyon oluÅŸturma",
-    'LBL_ACTIONS' => "Eylemleri",
-    'LBL_MAILBOX' => "Posta Kutusu",
-    'LBL_RULE' => "Kural",
-    'LBL_CONDITIONS' => "KoÅŸullar",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_SCANNED' => "Klasörler Taranan",
-    'LBL_NEXT' => "Sonraki",
-    'LBL_FINISH' => "Bitirmek",
-    'TO_CHANGE_THE_FOLDER_SELECTION_DESELECT_ANY_OF_THE_SELECTED_FOLDERS' => "Seçilen klasörlerin herhangi bir klasör seçimi kaldırın değiştirmek için",
-    'LBL_MAILCONVERTER_DESCRIPTION' => "Mail Converter e-postalarınızı tarar ve Vtiger CRM uygun varlıkları oluşturmak için posta kutusu yapılandırmanızı sağlar. <br> Ayrıca eylemler e-postalarınızı yapılmalıdır ne belirlemek için kurallar tanımlamak gerekir. <br> E-postalarınızı olan Eğer Zamanlayıcı Mail Tarayıcı görev devre dışı sürece, otomatik olarak taranır. <br> <br> <br>",
-    'LBL_MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => "Ek kutusu sınırını aştınız!",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE' => "Devlet çalışan",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla Kayıtlı",
-    'LBL_CONNECTION_TO_MAILBOX_FAILED' => "Posta kutusuna bağlanması başarısız! <br> Özel karakterler sunucuadı için izin verilmez.",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla Silindi",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED' => "Kural silinemedi",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Kuralları dizi bilgi boş",
-    'LBL_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Dizi başarıyla güncellendi",
-    'LBL_SCANNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla taranmış",
-    'Scanner Name' => 'Tarayıcı Adı',
-    'Server' => 'Sunucu Adı',
-    'Protocol' => 'Protokol',
-    'User Name' => 'Kullanıcı Adı',
-    'Password' => 'Åžifre',
-    'SSL Type' => 'SSL Türü',
-    'SSL Method' => 'SSL Yöntem',
-    'Connect URL' => "URL'yi bağlayın",
-    'Look For' => 'Aramak',
-    'After Scan' => 'Tarama sonrası',
-    'Status' => 'Durum',
-    'Time Zone' => 'Zaman Dilimi',
-    'Validate SSL Certificate' => 'Doğrulama SSL Sertifikası',
-    'Do Not Validate SSL Certificate' => 'SSL sertifikasını doğrulamak Etmeyin',
-    'markas' => 'Tarama sonrası',
-    //Ends
-    'LBL_ENABLE' => "EtkinleÅŸtirme",
-    'LBL_DISABLE' => "Devre Dışı Bırak",
-    'LBL_STATUS_MESSAGE' => "Aktif hale getirmek için kontrol edin",
-    'LBL_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => "SSL Sertifikası doğrulamak",
-    'LBL_DO_NOT_VALIDATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE' => "SSL Sertifikası Validate Etmeyin",
-    'LBL_ALL_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => "Son tarama tüm mesajları",
-    'LBL_UNREAD_MESSAGES_FROM_LAST_SCAN' => "Son tarama okunmamış mesajlar",
-    'LBL_MARK_MESSAGES_AS_READ' => "Okundu olarak mesajları İşaretle",
-    'LBL_I_DONT_KNOW' => "Bilmiyorum",
-    'LBL_SCAN_NOW' => "Åžimdi Tara",
-    'LBL_RULES_LIST' => "Kural Listesi",
-    'LBL_SELECT_FOLDERS' => "Klasörler seçin",
-    'LBL_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla silindi",
-    'LBL_RULE_DELETION_FAILED' => "Kural silinemedi",
-    'LBL_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla kaydedildi",
-    'LBL_SCANED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Başarıyla taranmış",
-    'LBL_IS_IN_RUNNING_STATE' => "devlet çalışan bir",
-    'LBL_FOLDERS_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Klasörler bilgi boş",
-    'LBL_RULES_SEQUENCE_INFO_IS_EMPTY' => "Kuralları sequnce bilgi boş",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS' => "Klasörler Güncelleme",
-    'fromaddress' => "Itibaren",
-    'toaddress' => "Karşı",
-    'subject' => "Konu",
-    'body' => "Vücut",
-    'matchusing' => "Maç",
-    'action' => "Eylemleri",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY' => "Öncelik",
-    'PRIORITISE_MESSAGE' => "Sürükle ve kural öncelik blok bırak",
-    'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS' => "Tüm Koşullar",
-    'LBL_ANY_CONDITIOn' => "Herhangi bir durumda",
-    'Contains' => "Içerir",
-    'Not Contains' => "Içerir değil",
-    'Equals' => "EÅŸittir",
-    'Not Equals' => "EÅŸittir deÄŸil",
-    'Begins With' => "BaÅŸlamak",
-    'Ends With' => "Son",
-    'Regex' => "Regex",
-    'CREATE_HelpDesk_FROM' => "Bilet oluÅŸturma",
-    'UPDATE_HelpDesk_SUBJECT' => "Bilet Güncelleme",
-    'LINK_Contacts_FROM' => "[DAN] Ä°letiÅŸim ekle",
-    'LINK_Contacts_TO' => "Ä°letiÅŸim ekle [TO]",
-    'LINK_Accounts_FROM' => "[DAN] Organizasyon ekle",
-    'LINK_Accounts_TO' => "Organizasyon ekle [TO]",
-    'LINK_Leads_FROM' => "[DAN] KurÅŸun ekle",
-    'LINK_Leads_TO' => "KurÅŸun ekle [TO]",
-    'LBL_UPDATE_FOLDERS' => "Klasörler Güncelleme",
-    'LBL_UNSELECT_ALL' => "Tüm seçimi kaldırır",
-    'LBL_CONVERT_EMAILS_TO_RESPECTIVE_RECORDS' => "Ilgili kayıtları için e-posta dönüştürmek",
-    'LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_BLOCK_TO_PRIORITISE_THE_RULE' => "Kural öncelik gösterir. Sürükle ve önceliğini değiştirmek için bırakın.",
-    'LBL_ADD_RULE' => "Kural Ekle",
-    'LBL_PRIORITY' => "Öncelik",
-    'LBL_DELETE_RULE' => "Kural Sil",
-    'LBL_BODY' => "Vücut",
-    'LBL_MATCH' => "Maç",
-    'LBL_ACTION' => "Eylem",
-    'LBL_FROM' => "Itibaren"
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'JS_MAILBOX_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Posta Kutusu başarıyla silindi",
-    'JS_MAILBOX_LOADED_SUCCESSFULLY' => "Posta Kutusu Başarıyla yüklendi",
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/ModuleManager.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/ModuleManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f5c15d8207ab1adf231213930bf9f632d15e38cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/ModuleManager.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_IMPORT_MODULE'            => 'Import Module'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER_EXTENSION_STORE'   => 'Vtiger Extension Store'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHER'                => 'Publisher'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LICENSE'                  => 'License'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PUBLISHED_ON'             => 'Published on'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALL'                  => 'Install'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPGRADE'                  => 'Upgrade'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VERSION'                  => 'Version'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DECLINE'                  => 'Decline'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACCEPT_AND_INSTALL'       => 'Accept and Install'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALREADY_EXISTS'           => 'Already Exists'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OK'                       => 'OK'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSION_NOT_COMPATABLE' => 'Extension is not Vtiger Compatable', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_FILE'             => 'Invalid File'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LICENSE_PROVIDED'      => 'No License Provided'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION'             => 'Installation'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FAILED'                   => 'Failed'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULL'              => 'Successfull'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INSTALLATION_LOG'         => 'Installation Log'            , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/PickListDependency.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/PickListDependency.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c596c7985bfbbb9cd62aef3ebad401758970ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/PickListDependency.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Picklist Dependency'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY'      => 'Picklist Dependency'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SOURCE_FIELD'             => 'Source Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TARGET_FIELD'             => 'Target Field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select field'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_INFO' => 'Click on the respective cell to change the mapping for picklist values of target field', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_1' => 'Only mapped picklist values of the Source field will be shown below (except for first time)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_2' => 'If you want to see or change the mapping for the other picklist values of Source field, <br/>
-										then you can select the values by clicking on <b>\'Select Source values\'</b> button on the right side', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCY_HELP_3' => 'Selected values of the Target field values, are highlighted as', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_VALUES'     => 'Select Source Values'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_SOURCE_PICKLIST_VALUES' => 'Select Source Picklist Values', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ERR_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY'    => 'This dependency setup is not allowed as it ends up in some cyclic dependency', // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this picklist dependency?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_DELETED_SUEESSFULLY' => 'Dependency deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SAVED' => 'Picklist Dependency Saved'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENCY_ATLEAST_ONE_VALUE' => 'You need to select atleast one value for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_FIELDS_SHOULD_NOT_BE_SAME' => 'Source field and Target field should not be same', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Select some value'           , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Picklist.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Picklist.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SELECT_PICKLIST_IN'       => 'Select Picklist in'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_VALUE'                => 'Add Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_VALUE'             => 'Rename Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_VALUE'             => 'Delete Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS'                    => 'Values'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DRAG_ITEMS_TO_RESPOSITION' => 'Drag items to reposition them', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_AN_ITEM_TO_RENAME_OR_DELETE' => 'Select an item to rename or delete', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_DELETE_MULTIPLE_HOLD_CONTROL_KEY' => 'To Delete multiple items hold Ctrl key down while selecting items', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_ITEM_TO'              => 'Add Item to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_VALUE'               => 'Item value'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEM_TO_RENAME'           => 'Item to rename'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_NEW_NAME'           => 'Enter new Name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RENAME_PICKLIST_ITEM'     => 'Rename PickList Item'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PICKLIST_ITEMS'    => 'Delete PickList Items'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TO_DELETE'          => 'Items to Delete'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPLACE_IT_WITH'          => 'Replace it with'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_TO_ROLE'           => 'Assign to Role'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_ROLES'                => 'All Roles'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_ROLES'             => 'Choose Roles'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALL_VALUES'               => 'All values'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VALUES_ASSIGNED_TO_A_ROLE' => 'Values assigned to a role'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUE'             => 'Assign Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_ORDER'               => 'Save Order'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ROLE_NAME'                => 'Role name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES_MESSGAE'  => 'will appear for the user with this role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE/DISABLE_MESSGAE'   => 'Click on value to Enable/Disable it.After done click on save', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_VALUES_TO_ROLES'   => 'Assign Values to Roles'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECTED_VALUES'          => 'Selected Values'             , // TODO: Review
-	'NO_PICKLIST_FIELDS'           => 'do not have any picklist fields', // TODO: Review
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Yapılacak'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_YOU_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_THE_VALUES' => 'You cannot delete all the values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ALL_ROLES_SELECTED'        => 'All Roles Selected'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LIST_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'List updated Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Sequence updated successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_ASSIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Value assigned successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE'      => 'Please seelct module'        , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Profiles'                     => 'Profiller'                   , 
-	'SINGLE_Profiles'              => 'Profil'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Profile'                 , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_PROFILE'           => 'Create Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_NAME'             => 'Profile name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRIVILIGES_FOR_THIS_PROFILE' => 'Edit priviliges for this profile', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE_VIEW'             => 'Profile view'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS'                   => 'Fields'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Tools'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_AND_TOOL_PRVILIGES' => 'Field and Tool Privileges'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD'         => 'Duplicate'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_PRVILIGE'            => 'Göster'                     , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PRVILIGE'            => 'Yarat/Düzenle'              , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PRVILIGE'          => 'Sil'                         , 
-	'LBL_INIVISIBLE'               => 'Invisible'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_ONLY'                => 'Read only'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE'                    => 'Write'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Delete Profile'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Transfer roles to profile'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiles'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose Profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Profile deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Roles.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Roles.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1e2b9bc77369ec497546e86e52685455b92d0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Roles'                        => 'Roller'                      , 
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Rol Ekle'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'              => 'Delete Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP'       => 'Transfer Ownership'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_OTHER_ROLE'            => 'To other Role'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CLICK_TO_EDIT_OR_DRAG_TO_MOVE' => 'Click to edit/Drag to move'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_ROLE'              => 'Assign Role'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_PROFILES'          => 'Choose profiles'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_PRIVILEGES_FROM'     => 'Copy privileges from'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PROFILE'                  => 'Profile'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REPORTS_TO'               => 'Reports To'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NAME'                     => 'Name'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_NEW_PRIVILEGES'    => 'Assign privileges directly to Role', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_EXISTING_PRIVILEGES' => 'Assign priviliges from existing profiles', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Privileges'                  , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SharingAccess.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SharingAccess.php
deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Organizations & Contacts'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE'          => 'Özel Hak Kuralı Ekle'      , 
-	'Read Only'                    => 'R'                           , 
-	'Read Write'                   => 'R+W'                         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_RULE_TO'       => 'Add Custom Rule to'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CAN_ACCESSED_BY'          => 'Tarafından erişilebilir'   , 
-	'LBL_PRIVILEGES'               => 'Haklar'                      , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_RULE'             => 'Sharing Rules'               , 
-	'LBL_RULE_NO'                  => 'Kural No.'                   , 
-	'LBL_MODULE'                   => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADVANCED_SHARING_RULES'   => 'Advanced Sharing Rules'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WITH_PERMISSIONS'         => 'With Permissions'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_APPLY_NEW_SHARING_RULES'  => 'Apply New Sharing Rules'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ'                     => 'Read'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_READ_WRITE'               => 'Read and Write'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_ACCESS_MESG'       => 'No Custom Access Rules defined', // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Groups'                => 'Group'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Roles'                 => 'Role'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_RoleAndSubordinates'   => 'RoleAndSubordinate'          , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_CUSTOM_RULE_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Custom Sharing Rule Saved Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_ANY_OTHER_ACCESSING_USER' => 'Select any other accessing user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NEW_SHARING_RULES_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'New Sharing Rules Applied Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGES_SHOULD_CHANGE' => 'Opportunities, Tickets, Quotes, SalesOrder & Invoice Access must be set to Private when the Organization Access is set to Private', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Vtiger.php
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@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_INTEGRATION' => 'Bütünleşme',
-        'LBL_PBXMANAGER' => 'PBXManager',
-	'Settings'                     => 'Ayarlar'                     , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Search Settings'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS'             => 'Users'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVE'         => 'Workflows'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES'                  => 'Modules'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS'       => 'Settings Shortcuts'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UNPIN'                    => 'Unpin'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PIN'                      => 'pin'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STUDIO'                   => 'Stüdyo'                     , 
-	'LBL_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES'  => 'İletişim Şablonları'     , 
-	'LBL_USER_MANAGEMENT'          => 'Kullanıcılar & Erişim Yönetimi', 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_MANAGEMENT'        => 'Access Management'           , 
-	'LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'           => 'Module Management'           , 
-	'LBL_NOTIFICATIONS'            => 'Notifications'               , 
-	'LBL_EXTERNAL_SERVER_SETTINGS' => 'External Server Settings'    , 
-	'LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS'           => 'DiÄŸer Ayarlar'              , 
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS_PLACE'         => 'Extensions Place'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXTENSIONS'               => 'Extensions'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION'              => 'Description'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Giriş yapan kullanıcıları yönet', 
-	'LBL_ROLES'                    => 'Roller'                      , 
-	'LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION'         => 'Rol hiyerarşisi ve atanan kullanıcıları tanımla', 
-	'LBL_PROFILES'                 => 'Profiller'                   , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Giriş yapan çeşitli rollerin, özgü kullanıcı modüllerini yönet', 
-	'USERGROUPLIST'                => 'Gruplar'                     , 
-	'LBL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION'        => 'Takım tabanlı rollerin çeşitli tiplerini, kullanıcıları, profilleri yönet', 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS'           => 'Paylaşılan Erişim'        , 
-	'LBL_SHARING_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Modül paylaşım, özel alan paylaşım kurallarını yönet', 
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW_LIST'            => 'Workflow List'               , 
-	'LBL_AVAILABLE_WORKLIST_LIST'  => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS'            => 'Alan Formülleri'            , 
-	'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Özel alanlara özel hesaplar ekleyin', 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER'     => 'Modül Yöneticisi'          , 
-	'VTLIB_LBL_MODULE_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION' => 'vtiger CRM içindeki modül davranışını düzenle', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_EDITOR'          => 'Sıralı Liste Editörü'    , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Modüllerdeki sıralı liste değerlerini özelleştir', 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_SETUP' => 'Picklist Dependency Setup'   , 
-	'LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY_DESCRIPTION' => 'Set up dependency between picklist values in each module', 
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR'              => 'Menu Editor'                 , 
-	'LBL_MENU_DESC'                => 'Customize Menu Sequence'     ,
-	'LBL_MENU_EDITOR_MESSAGE'		=>'Görüntülenen menü öğeleri gerçek sayısı ekran boyutuna bağlıdır ve seçilen öğelerin daha az olabilir.',
-	'EMAILTEMPLATES'               => 'E-Posta Şablonları'        , 
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION' => 'E-Posta Şablonlarını yönet', 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DETAILS'          => 'Firma Detayları'            , 
-	'LBL_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION'      => 'Firmanıza özgün adres bilgileri', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE'               => 'BirleÅŸtirme'                , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_MERGE_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Mail Birleştirme şablonlarını yönet', 
-	'LBL_TAX_SETTINGS'             => 'Vergi Hesaplamaları'        , 
-	'LBL_TAX_DESCRIPTION'          => 'Vergi ve vergi oranlarını yönet', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SETTINGS'     => 'Giden Sunucusu'              , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_DESCRIPTION'  => 'Giden E-Posta Sunucusu detaylarını ayarla', 
-	'INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS'  => 'Stok > Åžart & KoÅŸullar'    , 
-	'LBL_INV_TANDC_DESCRIPTION'    => 'Teklif, Fatura, Sipariş özgü şart ve koşulları', 
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESCRIPTION' => 'Firma duyurularını yönet' , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_SETTINGS'        => 'Para Birimleri'              , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Uluslararası para birimlerini ve değişim oranlarını ayarları', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER'  => 'Kayıt Numaralandırmayı Özelleştir', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MODENT_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Modul Kayıt Numarası Özelleştirme', 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER'             => 'Eposta Tarayıcısı'        , 
-	'LBL_MAIL_SCANNER_DESCRIPTION' => 'Tarancak eposta Ayarları'   , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS'           => 'İşakışları'             , 
-	'LBL_LIST_WORKFLOWS_DESCRIPTION' => 'vtiger için İşAkışlarını yarat veya düzenle', 
-	'Configuration Editor'         => 'Configuration Editor'        , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL'          => 'Kullanıcı Portali'         , 
-	'PORTAL_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION' => 'Kullanıcı Portali Eklentisini ayarlamınızı sağlar', 
-	'LBL_LAYOUT_EDITOR_DESCRIPTION' => 'Designing and Modifying the layout in each of the modules', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS_DESCRIPTION'     => 'Create and manage webforms which can be used to capture Leads', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TO_ADD_NEW_USER_PLEASE_CLICK_ON' => 'To add a new User, please click on ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SETTINGS_ICON'            => 'Settings Icon'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_OR_DELETE_USERS'      => 'Add/Delete Users'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_USER'                 => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'ModTracker'                   => 'Mod Tracker'                 , 
-	'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION'   => 'Select modules for tracking' , 
-	'Scheduler'                    => 'Scheduler'                   , 
-	'Allows you to Configure Cron Task' => 'Configure Cron Tasks'        , 
-	'Webforms'                     => 'Webforms'                    , 
-	'Allows you to manage Webforms' => 'Manage Webforms'             , 
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating new'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Editing'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_RECORD'              => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DELETE_RECORD'            => 'Delete'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MOVE_MENU_ITEMS'      => 'Add/Move Menu Items'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MENU_ITEM'            => 'Add Menu Item'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX'                      => 'Max'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_CALCULATIONS'         => 'Tax Calculations'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_DESC'                 => 'Manage different types of tax rates for taxes, such as Sales Tax, VAT etc.,', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRODUCT_SERVICE_TAXES'    => 'Product & Service Taxes'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_HANDLING_TAXES'  => 'Shipping & Handling Taxes'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_TAX'              => 'Add New Tax'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_TAX'                 => 'Edit Tax'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME'                 => 'Tax Name'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_VALUE'                => 'Tax Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STATUS'                   => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_STATUS_DESC'          => 'Enable checkbox to make tax active', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_NAME'           => 'Enter tax name'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_TAX_VALUE'          => 'Enter tax value'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_NAME_EXIST'           => 'Tax Name already exists'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS'     => 'Terms & Conditions'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS' => 'Specify Terms & Conditions here', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'            => 'Announcements'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_ANNOUNCEMENT_HERE'  => 'Enter Announcement Here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT_DESC'        => 'Change the text that appears in the announcement display on top of each page', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESET_TO_DEFAULT'         => 'Reset to Default'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_NAME'              => 'Server Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_NAME'                => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PASSWORD'                 => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM_EMAIL'               => 'From Email'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION'  => 'Requires Authentication'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER'          => 'Outgoing Server'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_DESC'     => 'Configure your Outgoing Mail Server details', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT'                  => 'By default, SMTP account settings for the outgoing server are configured to od1.vtiger.com mail server. To avoid outgoing emails getting filtered out by spam filters on your recipient ISP mail server, we recommend you implement one of the following.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OPTIONS1'                 => '',
-	'LBL_OPTIONS2'                 =>"",
-	'LBL_MAIL_SERVER_SMTP'         => 'Mail Server Settings (SMTP)' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OUTGOING_SERVER_NOTE'    => 'NOT: Giden sunucusu SSL veya TLS protokolü ayarlanmış olmalıdır ve "Eğer-Postadan" alan Kullanıcı E-posta adresi alınacak daha sonra boş olarak ayarlanır.',
-	'LBL_TESTMAILSTATUS'           => 'Test Mail Status : '         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAILSENDERROR'            => 'Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_EDITOR'            => 'Configuration Editor'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION'       => 'Edit the Configuration details of vtiger CRM', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CONFIG_FILE'              => 'config.inc.php'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MB'                       => 'MB'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MINI_CALENDAR_DISPLAY'    => 'Mini Calendar Display'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK_DISPLAY'      => 'World Clock Display'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALCULATOR_DISPLAY'       => 'Calculator Display'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_RTE'                  => 'Use RTE'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAILID' => 'Helpdesk Support Email-Id'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME'    => 'Helpdesk Support Name'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum Upload Size (Max 5MB)', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_HISTORY_VIEWED'       => 'Maximum History Viewed'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DEFAULT_MODULE'           => 'Default Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum text length in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_IN_LISTVIEW' => 'Maximum entries per page in List View', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_EMAILID'          => 'Invalid EmailId'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_SUPPORT_NAME'     => 'Invalid Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_MODULE'           => 'Invalid Module'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_NUMBER'           => 'Invalid Number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELDS_INFO_IS_EMPTY'     => 'Fields information is empty' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED'     => 'Successfully Updated'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_RECORD_NUMBERING' => 'Customize Record Numbering'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_ENTITY_NUMBER_CUSTOMIZATION' => 'Module Entity Number customization', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_MISSING_RECORD_SEQUENCE' => 'Update Missing Record Sequence', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_PREFIX'               => 'Use Prefix'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_SEQUENCE'           => 'Start Sequence'              , // TODO: Review
-	'organizationname'             => 'Company Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'logoname'                     => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'address'                      => 'Address'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'city'                         => 'City'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'state'                        => 'State'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'code'                         => 'Postal Code'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'country'                      => 'Country'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'phone'                        => 'Phone'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'fax'                          => 'Fax'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'website'                      => 'Website'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INVALID_IMAGE'            => 'Invalid Image'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IMAGE_CORRUPTED'          => 'Virus detected or Uploaded image corrupted', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LOGO_RECOMMENDED_MESSAGE' => 'Recommended size 170X60 pixels( .jpeg , .jpg , .png , .gif , .pjpeg , .x-png format ).', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_INFORMATION'      => 'Company Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE'                   => 'Update'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_UPDATE_LOGO'              => 'Update Logo'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPANY_LOGO'             => 'Company Logo'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_COMPANY_DETAILS_MESSAGE' => 'To edit company details, please click on Settings Icon > Add/Delete Users > Company ', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_INACTIVE'                 => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISABLED'                 => 'Disabled'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RUNNING'                  => 'Running'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_TIMED_OUT'      => 'Last scan timed out'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LAST_SCAN_AT'             => 'Last scanned at '            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME_TAKEN'               => ' time taken '                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHORT_SECONDS'            => 'sec'                         , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MEMBER_FOR_A_GROUP' => 'Please select atleast one member for a group', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_GROUP_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Group deleted successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'    => 'Tax Saved Successfully'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_DISABLED'              => 'Tax disabled'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAX_ENABLED'               => 'Tax Enabled'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_EDIT'                      => 'Edit'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ANNOUNCEMENT_SAVED'        => 'Announcement Saved'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIRM_DEFAULT_SETTINGS'  => 'Are you sure that you want to change the server details to the default server values', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO5' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-5', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_NUMBER_IN_RANGE_1TO100' => 'Please enter value in the range 1-100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Successfully saved for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_NUMBERING_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY_FOR' => 'Record Numbering Updated Successfully for', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MESSAGE'   => 'Sequence Number should be greater than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE'         => 'not supported Image type'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDS'     => 'You can upload maximum size of 1MB only', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_LOGO_SELECTED'         => 'No logo selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS_SAVED' => 'Configuration Details Saved' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Settings:Webforms'     => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'WebForm Name'                 => 'Webform Name'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Public Id'                    => 'Public Id'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Enabled'                      => 'Status'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Module'                       => 'Module'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'Return Url'                   => 'Return Url'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'Post Url'                     => 'Post Url'                    , // TODO: Review
-    'Captcha Enabled'              => 'Captcha etkin'               ,
-	'SINGLE_Webforms'              => 'Webform'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHOW_FORM'                => 'Show Form'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUPLICATES_EXIST'         => 'Webform Name already exists' , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_INFORMATION'      => 'Webform Information'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_INFORMATION'        => 'Field Information'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_OVERRIDE_VALUE'           => 'Override Value'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MANDATORY'                => 'Mandatory'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORM_REFERENCE_FIELD'  => 'Webforms reference Field'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELDS_OF_TARGET_MODULE' => 'Select Fields for Target Module...', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_MANAGE_WEBFORMS' => 'Allows you to manage webforms', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EMBED_THE_FOLLOWING_FORM_IN_YOUR_WEBSITE' => 'Embed the following form in your website', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_VALUE'             => 'Select Value'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LABEL'                    => 'label'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_FIELDS_ORDER' => 'Kaydet alanlar sipariÅŸ', 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN' => 'Gizli',
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TARGET_MODULES_FOR_WEBFORM' => 'Webform için hedef modülleri etkinleştirme',
-	'LBL_ASSIGN_USERS' => 'Kullanıcı Atama',
-    'LBL_ASSIGN_ROUND_ROBIN' => 'Round Robin yılında Kullanıcılar atama',
-    'LBL_ROUNDROBIN_USERS_LIST' => 'Round Robin Kullanıcılar Listesi',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_WEBFORM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Webform deleted successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LOADING_TARGET_MODULE_FIELDS' => 'Loadding Target Module Fields', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECT_VALUE'              => 'Select Vlaue'                , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MANDATORY_FIELDS_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE_CANT_BE_HIDDEN' => 'Yüzdesel değerler olmadan zorunlu alanlar gizli cant',
-	'JS_REFERENCE_FIELDS_CANT_BE_MANDATORY_WITHOUT_OVERRIDE_VALUE' => 'Referans alanlar geçersiz kılma değeri olmayan zorunlu olamaz',
-	'JS_TYPE_TO_SEARCH' => 'Aramak için yazın',
-	"JS_WEBFORM_WITH_THIS_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" => 'Bu adla Webform zaten var',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Workflows.php b/languages/tr_tr/Settings/Workflows.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_NEW'                      => 'New'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WORKFLOW'                 => 'Workflow'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_WORKFLOW'        => 'Creating WorkFlow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NEXT'                     => 'Next'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENTER_BASIC_DETAILS_OF_THE_WORKFLOW' => 'Enter basic details of the Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SPECIFY_WHEN_TO_EXECUTE'  => 'Specify when to execute this Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_FIRST_SAVE'                => 'Only on the first save'      , // TODO: Review
-	'ONCE'                         => 'Until the first time the condition is true', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_EVERY_SAVE'                => 'Every time the record is saved', // TODO: Review
-	'ON_MODIFY'                    => 'Every time a record is modified', // TODO: Review
-	'MANUAL'                       => 'System'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'SCHEDULE_WORKFLOW'            => 'Schedule Workflow'           , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_CONDITIONS'               => 'Add Conditions'              , // TODO: Review
-	'ADD_TASKS'                    => 'Add Tasks'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION'               => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FIELD_NAME'               => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_VALUE'                => 'Set Value'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FIELD'                => 'Use Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_FUNCTION'             => 'Use Function'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RAW_TEXT'                 => 'Raw text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_TO_CREATE_FILTERS' => 'Enable to create Filters'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATED_IN_OLD_LOOK_CANNOT_BE_EDITED' => 'This workflow was created in older look. Conditions created in older look cannot be edited. You can choose to recreate the conditions, or use the existing conditions without changing them.', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USE_EXISTING_CONDITIONS'  => 'Use existing conditions'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECREATE_CONDITIONS'      => 'Recreate Conditions'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE'        => 'Save & Continue'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ACTIVE'                   => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TYPE'                => 'Task type'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TASK_TITLE'               => 'Task Title'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TASKS_FOR_WORKFLOW'   => 'Add Task for Workflow'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXECUTE_TASK'             => 'Execute Task'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTIONS'           => 'Select Options'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELD'                => 'Add Field'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_TIME'                 => 'Add time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TITLE'                    => 'Title'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PRIORITY'                 => 'Priority'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'              => 'Assigned to'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TIME'                     => 'Time'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DUE_DATE'                 => 'Due Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_THE_SAME_VALUE_IS_USED_FOR_START_DATE' => 'The same value is used for the start date', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EVENT_NAME'               => 'Event Name'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE'                     => 'Type'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_METHOD_NAME'              => 'Method Name'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECEPIENTS'               => 'Recepients'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_FIELDS'               => 'Add Fields'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SMS_TEXT'                 => 'Sms Text'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SET_FIELD_VALUES'         => 'Set Field Values'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_IN_ACTIVE'                => 'In Active'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION'        => 'Send Notification'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_TIME'               => 'Start Time'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_START_DATE'               => 'Start Date'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_TIME'                 => 'End Time'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_END_DATE'                 => 'End Date'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ENABLE_REPEAT'            => 'Enable Repeat'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_METHOD_IS_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_MODULE' => 'No method is available for this module', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FINISH'                   => 'Finish'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_TASKS_ADDED'           => 'No Task'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW' => 'You Cannot delete default Workflow', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULES_TO_CREATE_RECORD' => 'Modules to create record'    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_EXPRESSION'       => 'Expression'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_RAWTEXT'          => 'Rawtext'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VTIGER'                   => 'Vtiger'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXAMPLE_FIELD_NAME'       => 'Field'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTIFY_OWNER'             => 'notify_owner'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE'           => 'annual_revenue'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPRESSION_EXAMPLE2'      => 'if mailingcountry == \'India\' then concat(firstname,\' \',lastname) else concat(lastname,\' \',firstname) end', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FROM' => 'Itibaren',
-	'Optional' => 'Isteğe bağlı',
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK' => 'Add Görev',
-    'Portal Pdf Url' =>'Müşteri Portalı Pdf bağlantı',
-    'LBL_ADD_TEMPLATE' => 'Åžablon ekle',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_GROUP' => 'LineItems bloğu için Grup Taxt',
-    'LBL_LINEITEM_BLOCK_INDIVIDUAL' => 'LineItems bloğu için bireysel vergi',
-	//Translation for module
-	'Calendar'						=> 'Yapılacak'						,
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Status changed Successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TASK_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Task deleted Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SAME_FIELDS_SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Same fields selected more than once', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_WORKFLOW_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Workflow saved successfully' , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add User'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Ayarlarım'                  , 
-	'LBL_MORE_INFORMATION'         => 'Detaylı Bilgi'              , 
-	'LBL_USERLOGIN_ROLE'           => 'Kullanıcı Giriş & Rol'    , 
-	'LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION'   => 'Kullanıcı Resmi'           , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY_CONFIGURATION'   => 'Currency and Number Field Configuration', 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Adres Bilgisi'               , 
-	'LBL_USER_ADV_OPTIONS'         => 'Gelişmiş Kullanıcı Seçenekleri', 
-	'Asterisk Configuration'       => 'Asterisk Yapılandırma'     , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPONENTS'     => 'Ana Sayfa Parçaları'       , 
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD_DISPLAY'        => 'Tag Cloud Display'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Role'                         => 'Rol'                         , 
-	'Admin'                        => 'Yönetici'                   , 
-	'User Name'                    => 'Kullanıcı İsmi'           , 
-	'Default Activity View'        => 'Tanımlı Takvim Görüntüsü', 
-	'Default Lead View'            => 'Tanımlı Kaynak Görüntüsü', 
-	'Title'                        => 'Başlık'                    , 
-	'Office Phone'                 => 'Ofis Telefonu'               , 
-	'Department'                   => 'Departman'                   , 
-	'Reports To'                   => 'Üstü'                      , 
-	'Yahoo id'                     => 'Yahoo id'                    , 
-	'Home Phone'                   => 'Ev Telefonu'                 , 
-	'User Image'                   => 'Fotoğraf Yükle'            , 
-	'Date Format'                  => 'Tarih Formatı'              , 
-	'Tag Cloud'                    => 'Tag Bulutu'                  , 
-	'Signature'                    => 'Ä°mza'                       , 
-	'Street Address'               => 'Sokak'                       , 
-	'Password'                     => 'Åžifre'                      , 
-	'Confirm Password'             => 'Åžifre Onayla'               , 
-	'LBL_SHOWN'                    => 'Görünen'                   , 
-	'LBL_HIDDEN'                   => 'Gizlenen'                    , 
-	'LBL_SHOW'                     => 'Göster'                     , 
-	'LBL_HIDE'                     => 'Gizle'                       , 
-	'LBL_HOME_PAGE_COMPO'          => 'Ana Sayfa Parçaları'       , 
-	'LBL_LOGIN_HISTORY'            => 'Tarihçeye Gir'              , 
-	'LBL_USERDETAIL_INFO'          => 'Kullanıcı Detaylarını Göster', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUP'             => 'Grup Sil'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_GROUPNAME'         => 'Grup Silindi'                , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_GROUP'           => 'Aidiyetini Taşı: '         , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_USER'              => 'Kullanıcı Silindi'         , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_USER'            => 'Kullanıcının Aidiyetini Transfer Et', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_PROFILE'           => 'Profil Sil'                  , 
-	'LBL_TRANSFER_ROLES_TO_PROFILE' => 'Profile Rolleri Transfer Et' , 
-	'LBL_PROFILE_TO_BE_DELETED'    => 'Profil Silindi'              , 
-	'INTERNAL_MAIL_COMPOSER'       => 'Dahili Eposta OluÅŸturucusu' , 
-	'Asterisk Extension'           => 'Asterisk Uzatma'             , 
-	' Receive Incoming Calls'      => 'Receive Incoming Calls'      , // TODO: Review
-	'Reminder Interval'            => 'Hatırlatma Aralığı'      , 
-	'Webservice Access Key'        => 'Erişim Anahtarı'           , 
-	'Language'                     => 'Dil:'                        , 
-	'Theme'                        => 'Theme'                       , 
-	'Time Zone'                    => 'Time Zone'                   , 
-	'Decimal Separator'            => 'Decimal Separator'           , 
-	'Digit Grouping Pattern'       => 'Digit Grouping Pattern'      , 
-	'Digit Grouping Separator'     => 'Digit Grouping Separator'    , 
-	'Symbol Placement'             => 'Symbol Placement'            , 
-	'Number Of Currency Decimals'  => 'Number Of Currency Decimals' , 
-	'Truncate Trailing Zeros'      => 'Truncate Trailing Zeros'     , 
-	'Default Call Duration'        => 'Default Call Duration (Mins)', // TODO: Review
-	'Other Event Duration'         => 'Other Event Duration (Mins)' , // TODO: Review
-	'Calendar Hour Format'         => 'Calendar Hour Format'        , // TODO: Review
-	'Kwajalein'                    => '(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West', 
-	'Pacific/Midway'               => '(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11', 
-	'Pacific/Samoa'                => '(UTC-11:00) Samoa'           , 
-	'Pacific/Honolulu'             => '(UTC-10:00) Hawaii'          , 
-	'America/Anchorage'            => '(UTC-09:00) Alaska'          , 
-	'America/Los_Angeles'          => '(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Tijuana'              => '(UTC-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', 
-	'America/Denver'               => '(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Chihuahua'            => '(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan', 
-	'America/Mazatlan'             => '(UTC-07:00) Mazatlan'        , 
-	'America/Phoenix'              => '(UTC-07:00) Arizona'         , 
-	'America/Regina'               => '(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan'    , 
-	'America/Tegucigalpa'          => '(UTC-06:00) Central America' , 
-	'America/Chicago'              => '(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Mexico_City'          => '(UTC-06:00) Mexico City'     , 
-	'America/Monterrey'            => '(UTC-06:00) Monterrey'       , 
-	'America/New_York'             => '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)', 
-	'America/Bogota'               => '(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito', 
-	'America/Lima'                 => '(UTC-05:00) Lima'            , 
-	'America/Rio_Branco'           => '(UTC-05:00) Rio Branco'      , 
-	'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' => '(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)'  , 
-	'America/Caracas'              => '(UTC-04:30) Caracas'         , 
-	'America/Halifax'              => '(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', 
-	'America/Manaus'               => '(UTC-04:00) Manaus'          , 
-	'America/Santiago'             => '(UTC-04:00) Santiago'        , 
-	'America/La_Paz'               => '(UTC-04:00) La Paz'          , 
-	'America/Cuiaba'               => '(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba'          , 
-	'America/Asuncion'             => '(UTC-04:00) Asuncion'        , 
-	'America/St_Johns'             => '(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland'    , 
-	'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => '(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires'    , 
-	'America/Sao_Paulo'            => '(UTC-03:00) Brasilia'        , 
-	'America/Godthab'              => '(UTC-03:00) Greenland'       , 
-	'America/Montevideo'           => '(UTC-03:00) Montevideo'      , 
-	'Atlantic/South_Georgia'       => '(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic'    , 
-	'Atlantic/Azores'              => '(UTC-01:00) Azores'          , 
-	'Atlantic/Cape_Verde'          => '(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.'  , 
-	'Europe/London'                => '(UTC) London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Lisbon', 
-	'UTC'                          => '(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time', 
-	'Africa/Monrovia'              => '(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik'   , 
-	'Africa/Casablanca'            => '(UTC) Casablanca'            , 
-	'Europe/Belgrade'              => '(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague', 
-	'Europe/Sarajevo'              => '(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb', 
-	'Europe/Brussels'              => '(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris', 
-	'Africa/Algiers'               => '(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa', 
-	'Europe/Amsterdam'             => '(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna', 
-	'Europe/Minsk'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Minsk'           , 
-	'Africa/Cairo'                 => '(UTC+02:00) Cairo'           , 
-	'Europe/Helsinki'              => '(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius', 
-	'Europe/Athens'                => '(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest', 
-	'Europe/Istanbul'              => '(UTC+02:00) Istanbul'        , 
-	'Asia/Jerusalem'               => '(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem'       , 
-	'Asia/Amman'                   => '(UTC+02:00) Amman'           , 
-	'Asia/Beirut'                  => '(UTC+02:00) Beirut'          , 
-	'Africa/Windhoek'              => '(UTC+02:00) Windhoek'        , 
-	'Africa/Harare'                => '(UTC+02:00) Harare'          , 
-	'Asia/Kuwait'                  => '(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh'  , 
-	'Asia/Baghdad'                 => '(UTC+03:00) Baghdad'         , 
-	'Africa/Nairobi'               => '(UTC+03:00) Nairobi'         , 
-	'Asia/Tehran'                  => '(UTC+03:30) Tehran'          , 
-	'Asia/Tbilisi'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi'         , 
-	'Europe/Moscow'                => '(UTC+04:00) Moscow, Volgograd', 
-	'Asia/Muscat'                  => '(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat', 
-	'Asia/Baku'                    => '(UTC+04:00) Baku'            , 
-	'Asia/Yerevan'                 => '(UTC+04:00) Yerevan'         , 
-	'Asia/Karachi'                 => '(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi', 
-	'Asia/Tashkent'                => '(UTC+05:00) Tashkent'        , 
-	'Asia/Kolkata'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', 
-	'Asia/Colombo'                 => '(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura', 
-	'Asia/Katmandu'                => '(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu'       , 
-	'Asia/Dhaka'                   => '(UTC+06:00) Dhaka'           , 
-	'Asia/Almaty'                  => '(UTC+06:00) Almaty'          , 
-	'Asia/Yekaterinburg'           => '(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg'    , 
-	'Asia/Rangoon'                 => '(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', 
-	'Asia/Novosibirsk'             => '(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Bangkok'                 => '(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta', 
-	'Asia/Brunei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi', 
-	'Asia/Krasnoyarsk'             => '(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk'     , 
-	'Asia/Ulaanbaatar'             => '(UTC+08:00) Ulaan Bataar'    , 
-	'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'            => '(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore', 
-	'Asia/Taipei'                  => '(UTC+08:00) Taipei'          , 
-	'Australia/Perth'              => '(UTC+08:00) Perth'           , 
-	'Asia/Irkutsk'                 => '(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk'         , 
-	'Asia/Seoul'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Seoul'           , 
-	'Asia/Tokyo'                   => '(UTC+09:00) Tokyo'           , 
-	'Australia/Darwin'             => '(UTC+09:30) Darwin'          , 
-	'Australia/Adelaide'           => '(UTC+09:30) Adelaide'        , 
-	'Australia/Canberra'           => '(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney', 
-	'Australia/Brisbane'           => '(UTC+10:00) Brisbane'        , 
-	'Australia/Hobart'             => '(UTC+10:00) Hobart'          , 
-	'Asia/Vladivostok'             => '(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok'     , 
-	'Pacific/Guam'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby', 
-	'Asia/Yakutsk'                 => '(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk'         ,
-    'Etc/GMT-11'                   => '(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia', // TODO: Review
-	'Pacific/Fiji'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Fiji'            , 
-	'Asia/Kamchatka'               => '(UTC+12:00) Kamchatka'       , 
-	'Pacific/Auckland'             => '(UTC+12:00) Auckland'        , 
-	'Asia/Magadan'                 => '(UTC+12:00) Magadan'         , 
-	'Pacific/Tongatapu'            => '(UTC+13:00) Nukualofa'       , 
-	'Summary'                      => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'Detail'                       => 'Detail'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_LIST_DETAILS'        => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kullanıcı başarıyla silindi',
-        'LBL_ACTIVE_USERS' => 'Aktif Kullanıcılar',
-        'LBL_INACTIVE_USERS' => 'Etkin Kullanıcılar',
-        'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENTLY' => 'Kalıcı Kullanıcıyı Sil',
-        'LBL_RESTORE' => 'Restore',
-        'LBL_USER_RESTORED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Kullanıcı başarıyla restore',
-		'LBL_ALMOST_THERE'	=>	'Neredeyse orada!',
-		'LBL_ABOUT_ME'		=>	'Hakkımda',
-		'LBL_WE_PROMISE_TO_KEEP_THIS_PRIVATE'	=>	'(Biz bu özel tutmak için söz veriyorum)',
-		'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED'		=>	'(Altındaki tüm alanların doldurulması zorunludur)',
-		'LBL_GET_STARTED'	=> 'Başlayın',
-		'LBL_YOUR_CONTACT_NUMBER' => 'Sizin İletişim Numarası',
-		'LBL_WHERE_ARE_YOU_FROM' =>	'EÄŸer Nerelisin?',
-		'LBL_SELECT_COUNTRY'	=> 'Ülke Seçin',
-		'LBL_COMPANY_SIZE'		=> 'Şirket Büyüklüğü',
-		'LBL_JOB_TITLE'			=> 'Meslek',
-		'LBL_DEPARTMENT'		=> 'Bölüm',
-		'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'		=> 'Baz Döviz',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_BASE_CURRENCY'	=> 'Dövizi Seç',
-		'LBL_OPERATING_CURRENCY'	=> 'Baz para birimi daha sonra değiştirilemez. İşletim para seçin',
-		'LBL_LANGUAGE' => 'Dil',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE'	=> 'Dil Seçin',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_TIMEZONE'	=> 'Dilimimi seçin',
-		'LBL_DATE_FORMAT'		=> 'Tarih Biçimi',
-		'LBL_CHOOSE_DATE_FORMAT'=> 'Tarih Biçimi seçin',
-		'LBL_PHONE'	=> 'Telefon',
-	'LBL_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'Değişim Erişim Anahtarı',
-	'LBL_ACCESS_KEY_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Erişim tuşu başarıyla güncellendi',
-	'LBL_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ACCESS_KEY' => 'erişim anahtarı güncellenemedi',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	//Curency separator validation messages
-	'JS_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AND_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_CANT_BE_SAME' => 'Decimal separator and Grouping separator cant be same',
-	'JS_ENTER_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your old password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your new password.',
-	'JS_ENTER_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD'=>'Please enter your password confirmation.',
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS'=>'Please re-enter passwords.  The \"new password\" and \"confirm password\" values do not match.',
-	'JS_INVALID_PASSWORD'=>'You must specify a valid username and password.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'=>'User password change failed for ',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'=>' failed.  The new password must be set.',
-	'JS_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'=>'Incorrect old password specified. Re-enter password information.',
-	'JS_NEW_ACCESS_KEY_REQUESTED' => 'Yeni Erişim anahtarı talep',
-	'JS_CHANGE_ACCESS_KEY_CONFIRMATION' => 'Yeni Erişim anahtarı hüküm key.With yeni erişim için talep ettiğiniz, size devam etmek istiyor yüklü tüm extensions.Do içinde yenisi ile eski erişim anahtarı değiştirmek zorunda?',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Vendors.php b/languages/tr_tr/Vendors.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e27f7a60a90527b94f72f88c52de4ca617104e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/Vendors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Tedarikçiler'               , 
-	'SINGLE_Vendors'               => 'Tedarikçi'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Vendor'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vendors List'                , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_INFORMATION'       => 'Tedarikçi Bilgisi:'         , 
-	'LBL_VENDOR_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Adres Bilgisi:'              , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Tedarikçi '                 , 
-	'Vendor No'                    => 'Tedarikçi No'               , 
-	'Website'                      => 'Website'                     , 
-	'GL Account'                   => 'Genel Muhasebe No'           , 
-	'300-Sales-Software'           => '300-Satış-Yazılım'       , 
-	'301-Sales-Hardware'           => '301-Satış-Donanım'        , 
-	'302-Rental-Income'            => '302-Kiralama-Gelir'          , 
-	'303-Interest-Income'          => '303-Faiz-Gelir'              , 
-	'304-Sales-Software-Support'   => '304-Satış-Yazılım-Destek', 
-	'305-Sales Other'              => '305-Diğer Satış'          , 
-	'306-Internet Sales'           => '306-İnternet Satış'       , 
-	'307-Service-Hardware Labor'   => '307-Hizmet-Donanım İşçiliği', 
-	'308-Sales-Books'              => '308-Satış-Kitap'           , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?', 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Deleting this Vendor will remove its related PurchaseOrders. Are you sure you want to delete this Vendor?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/tr_tr/Vtiger.php b/languages/tr_tr/Vtiger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 87984d30e230c3ea858d65614e149ef5b9dd6763..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/languages/tr_tr/Vtiger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'APPTITLE'                     => 'vtiger CRM'                  , 
-	'POWEREDBY'                    => 'Powered by vtiger CRM'       , 
-	'LBL_READ_LICENSE'             => 'Lisansı Oku'                , 
-	'LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY'           => 'Gizlilik Politikası'        , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ALL'               => 'Hepsini Seç'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST'      => 'Select to Load List'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATING_NEW'             => 'Creating New'                , 
-	'LBL_EDITING'                  => 'Düzenleniyor'               , 
-	'LBL_SAVE'                     => 'Kaydet'                      , 
-	'LBL_CANCEL'                   => 'Ä°ptal'                      , 
-	'LBL_BACK'                     => 'Geri'                        , 
-	'LBL_IMPORT'                   => 'İçeri Aktar'               , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT'                   => 'Dışarı Aktar'             , 
-	'LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES'          => 'Çiftleri Bulma'             , 
-	'LBL_MORE'                     => 'DiÄŸer'                      , 
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'                  => 'Ä°ÅŸlemler'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD'                      => 'Ekle'                        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT'                     => 'Düzenle'                    , 
-	'LBL_DELETE'                   => 'Sil'                         , 
-	'LBL_SETTINGS'                 => 'Ayarlar'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'              => 'Edit Fields'                 , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS'           => 'Edit Workflows'              , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES'     => 'Edit Picklist Values'        , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_MAILSCANNER'         => 'Convert Emails'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_DELETE'            => 'Kaydı Silmek İçin Tekrar Deneyin', 
-	'LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND'         => 'Erişmeye çalıştığımnız kayıt bulunamadı', 
-	'LBL_SELECT'                   => 'Seç'                        , 
-	'LBL_CLEAR'                    => 'Temizle'                     , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Evet'                        , 
-        'LBL_NO'                       => 'Hayır'                       , 
-        'LBL_EQ_ZERO'                  => 'DeÄŸil'                       , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS'    => 'Complete Details'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MASS_EDITING'             => 'Mass Editing'                , 
-	'LBL_DESELECT_ALL_RECORDS'     => 'Tüm seçimleri kaldırmak'        , 
-	'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'             => 'Hızlı Oluştur'            , 
-	'LBL_SEND_EMAIL'               => 'Send Email'                  , 
-	'LBL_ALL_EMAILS'               => 'All email accounts'          , 
-	'LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE' => 'This record stores multiple email accounts. Please select the accounts to which the email should be sent to', 
-	'LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM'          => 'Go to full form'             , 
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS'                 => 'Send SMS'                    , 
-	'LBL_FOUND'                    => 'Bulunamadı'                 , 
-	'LBL_CLICK_ADD'                => 'Click add'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Eklemek more fields'         , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NOTE'                 => 'Not ekle'                    , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW'               => 'Create New'                  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_EVENT'                => 'Eklemek Event'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_TASK'                 => 'Eklemek Yapılacak'           , 
-	'LBL_MARKETING_AND_SALES'      => 'MARKETING & SALES'           , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS_HEADER'             => 'TOOLS'                       , 
-	'LBL_SUPPORT'                  => 'SUPPORT'                     , 
-	'LBL_INVENTORY'                => 'INVENTORY'                   , 
-	'LBL_ANALYTICS'                => 'ANALYTICS'                   , 
-	'LBL_HOME'                     => 'Ana Sayfa'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS'      => 'Last Viewed Records'         , 
-	'LBL_DASHBOARD'                => 'Grafik'                      , 
-	'LBL_USER_SETTINGS'            => 'User Settings'               , 
-	'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'           => 'Ayarlarım'                  , 
-	'LBL_SIGN_OUT'                 => 'Çıkış'                   , 
-	'LBL_HELP'                     => 'Yardım'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOCUMENTATION'            => 'Documentation'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL'           => 'Video Tutorial'              , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_FEEDBACK'                 => 'Geri Besleme'                , 
-	'LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT'			   => 'Sohbet DesteÄŸi',
-	'LBL_CRM_SETTINGS'             => 'CRM Settings'                , 
-	'LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN'          => 'Add / Delete Users'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ANNOUNCEMENT'             => 'Announcement'                , 
-	'LBL_CALENDAR'                 => 'Ajanda'                      , 
-	'LBL_POST'                     => 'Post'                        , 
-	'LBL_GUIDER'                   => 'Guider'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE'             => 'Display Type'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_WIDETYPE'         => 'Wide'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_MEDIUMTYPE'       => 'Medium'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DISPLAY_NARROWTYPE'       => 'Narrow'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD'          => 'Tag this Record'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_PAGE'                     => 'Page'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_LISTVIEW_PAGE_JUMP'       => 'Page Jump'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_USER'                     => 'Kullanıcı'                 , 
-	'LBL_GROUP'                    => 'Grup'                        , 
-	'Last Modified By'             => 'Last Modified By'            , 
-	'Created Time'                 => 'Yaratılma Zamanı'          , 
-	'Modified Time'                => 'DeÄŸiÅŸtirilme Tarihi'       , 
-	'Description'                  => 'Açıklama'                  , 
-	'Assigned To'                  => 'Atanan KiÅŸi'                , 
-	'LBL_LOADING'                  => 'Yükleniyor...'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_WIDGET'           => 'Loading Widget'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS' => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATES'                  => 'Updates'                     , 
-	'LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS'        => 'Show Full Details'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS'          => 'Summary Details'             , 
-	'LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT'          => 'Add New Comment'             , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES'               => 'No Updates'                  , 
-	'LBL_ACTIVITIES'               => 'Activities'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No pending activities'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUMMARY'                  => 'Summary'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_DETAILS'                  => 'Details'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'               => 'Aranacak Kelime'             , 
-	'LBL_IN'                       => 'Alan'                        , 
-	'LBL_TYPE_SEARCH'              => 'Type to search'              , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_BUTTON'            => 'Search Button'               , 
-	'LBL_ADVANCE_SEARCH'           => 'Detaylı Arama'              , 
-	'LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT'      => 'Loading, Please wait.'       , 
-	'LBL_USERS'                    => 'Kullanıcılar'              , 
-	'LBL_GROUPS'                   => 'Groups'                      , 
-	'LBL_FULL_FORM'                => 'Full Form'                   , 
-	'LBL_SIMPLE_FORM'              => 'Simple Form'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE'    => 'Add your comment here...'    , 
-	'LBL_REPLY'                    => 'Reply'                       , 
-	'LBL_VIEW_THREAD'              => 'View Thread'                 , 
-	'LBL_NO_COMMENTS'              => 'No Comments'                 , 
-	'LBL_REPLIES'                  => 'replies'                     , 
-	'Accounts'                     => 'Müşteriler'                , 
-	'Assets'                       => 'Assets'                      , 
-	'Calendar'                     => 'Ajanda'                      , 
-	'Campaigns'                    => 'Kampanyalar'                 , 
-	'Contacts'                     => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸiler'            , 
-	'Documents'                    => 'Belgeler'                    , 
-	'Leads'                        => 'Kaynaklar'                   , 
-	'ModComments'                  => 'Comments'                    , 
-	'Potentials'                   => 'Fırsatlar'                  , 
-	'PriceBooks'                   => 'Fiyat Listeleri'             , 
-	'Products'                     => 'Ürünler'                   , 
-	'Project'                      => 'Projects'                    , 
-	'ProjectMilestone'             => 'Project Milestones'          , 
-	'ProjectTask'                  => 'Project Tasks'               , 
-	'ServiceContracts'             => 'Hizmet Sözleşmeleri'       , 
-	'Services'                     => 'Hizmetler'                   , 
-	'Vendors'                      => 'Tedarikçiler'               , 
-	'Rss'                          => 'RSS'                         , 
-	'Quotes'                       => 'Teklifler'                   , 
-	'PurchaseOrder'                => 'Satınalma Emri'             , 
-	'SalesOrder'                   => 'Satış Emri'                , 
-	'Invoice'                      => 'Fatura'                      , 
-	'MailManager'                  => 'Mail Manager'                , // TODO: Review
-	'Activities'				   => 'Activities'					,
-    'Portal'                       => 'Bizim Siteleri'                            ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Record'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECENTLY_MODIFIED'        => 'Recently Modified'           , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Records List'                , 
-	'LBL_RECORD_SUMMARY'           => 'Module Summary'              , 
-	'LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR'        => 'Access Denied for'           , 
-	'LBL_GO_BACK'                  => 'Geri Dön'                   , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE'        => 'No data available'           , 
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH'            => 'Type keyword and press enter', 
-	'LBL_ALL_RECORDS'              => 'All Records'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'         => 'No records found'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_AND'                      => 'and'                         , 
-	'LBL_OR'                       => 'veya'                        , 
-	'LBL_NONE'                     => '--Yok--'                     , 
-	'LBL_APPROVE'                  => 'Approve'                     , 
-	'LBL_DENY'                     => 'Deny'                        , 
-	'LBL_EQUALS'                   => 'equals'                      , 
-	'LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO'             => 'not equal to'                , 
-	'LBL_STARTS_WITH'              => 'starts with'                 , 
-	'LBL_ENDS_WITH'                => 'biter'                       , 
-	'LBL_CONTAINS'                 => 'içerir'                     , 
-	'LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN'         => 'does not contains'           , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN'                => 'küçüktür'                , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_THAN'             => 'büyüktür'                 , 
-	'LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL'       => 'küçük eşit'              , 
-	'LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'         => 'büyük eşit'               , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE'                   => 'before'                      , 
-	'LBL_AFTER'                    => 'after'                       , 
-	'LBL_BETWEEN'                  => 'between'                     , 
-    'LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY'             => 'boÅŸ deÄŸil'                   ,
-	'LBL_SEARCH'                   => 'Arama'                       , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_IN'                => 'Search In'                   , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONDITION'            => 'Add Condition'               , 
-	'LBL_ADD_GROUP'                => 'Add Group'                   , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS'        => 'Filter Conditions'           , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS'           => 'All Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'All conditions must be met'  , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS'           => 'Any Conditions'              , 
-	'LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC'      => 'At least one of the conditions must be met', 
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD'             => 'Select Field'                , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_MODULE'            => 'Select Module'               , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER'        => 'Create New Filter'           , 
-	'All'                          => 'Hepsi'                       , 
-	'Others'                       => 'DiÄŸerleri'                  , 
-	'Pending'                      => 'Beklemede'                   , 
-	'Public'                       => 'Herkese Açık'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_FILTER'              => 'Save Filter'                 , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER'       => 'Save/Modify Filter'          , 
-	'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS'           => 'Search Results'              , 
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER'           => 'Save As Filter'              , 
-	'LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'           => 'EriÅŸiebilir DeÄŸil'         , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_DETAILS'             => 'Kalem Detayı'               , 
-	'LBL_CURRENCY'                 => 'Döviz'                      , 
-	'LBL_TAX_MODE'                 => 'Vergi Türü'                , 
-	'LBL_INDIVIDUAL'               => 'Özel'                       , 
-	'LBL_TOOLS'                    => 'Araçlar'                    , 
-	'LBL_ITEM_NAME'                => 'Kalem Adı'                  , 
-	'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'             => 'Stokdaki Miktarı'           , 
-	'LBL_QTY'                      => 'Miktar'                      , 
-	'LBL_LIST_PRICE'               => 'Liste Fiyatı'               , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL'                    => 'Toplam'                      , 
-	'LBL_NET_PRICE'                => 'Net Fiyat'                   , 
-	'LBL_DISCOUNT'                 => 'Ä°skonto'                    , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT'     => 'İskonto Sonrası Toplam'    , 
-	'LBL_TAX'                      => 'Vergi'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'              => 'Ürün Ekle'                 , 
-	'LBL_ADD_SERVICE'              => 'Hizmet Ekle'                 , 
-	'LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL'              => 'Items Total'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_CHARGES' => 'Sevkiyat Masrafı'           , 
-	'LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL'            => 'Pre Tax Total'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAX_FOR_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING' => 'Vergi ve Sevkiyat'           , 
-	'LBL_SET_SHIPPING_AND_HANDLING_TAXES_FOR' => 'Set S&H Taxes For'           , 
-	'LBL_ADJUSTMENT'               => 'Düzeltme'                   , 
-	'LBL_DEDUCT'                   => 'Çıkart'                    , 
-	'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'              => 'Genel Toplam'                , 
-	'LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT'            => 'Sıfır İskonto'            , 
-	'LBL_OF_PRICE'                 => 'fiyatı'                     , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION'   => 'DoÄŸrudan Fiyat Ä°skontosu'  , 
-	'LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR'         => 'Set Discount For'            , 
-	'LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH'         => 'Not enough stock'            , 
-	'LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT'           => 'Maxmimum value is'           , 
-	'LBL_DRAG'                     => 'Drag'                        , 
-	'LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT'         => 'Toplam Vergi Tutarı'        , 
-	'LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT'   => 'DoÄŸrudan Tutar Ä°skontosu'  , 
-	'LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT'    => 'Son İskonto Tutarı'        , 
-	'LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES'          => 'başa dövizler'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_TAX_FOR'              => 'Set Tax for'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GROUP_TAX'                => 'Group Tax'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM'     => 'Copy Billing Address from'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM'    => 'Copy Shipping Address from'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'    => 'Shipping Address'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS'     => 'Billing Address'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CREATE'                   => 'OluÅŸtur'                    , 
-	'LBL_GENERATE'                 => 'Dönüştür'                , 
-	'LBL_DUPLICATE'                => 'Çift'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_WIDGET'               => 'Add Widget'                  , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTS'                 => 'YORUMLAR'                    , 
-	'LBL_REFRESH'                  => 'Refresh'                     , 
-	'LBL_CLOSE'                    => 'Kapat'                       , 
-	'LBL_ALL'                      => 'Hepsi'                       , 
-	'LBL_UPDATED'                  => 'Güncelleştirildi'          , 
-	'LBL_FROM'                     => 'from'                        , 
-	'LBL_TO'                       => 'to'                          , 
-	'LBL_ON'                       => 'on'                          , 
-	'LBL_OF'                       => 'ile'                         , 
-	'LBL_BY'                       => 'by'                          , 
-	'LBL_ADDED'                    => 'added'                       , 
-	'LBL_FOR'                      => 'için'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED'                  => 'OluÅŸturan'                  , 
-	'LBL_DELETED'                  => 'deleted'                     , 
-	'LBL_RESTORED'                 => 'restored'                    , 
-	'LBL_COMMENTED'                => 'commented'                   , 
-	'LBL_REMOVED'                  => 'removed'                     , 
-	'LBL_REMOVE'                   => 'Remove'                      , 
-	'LBL_AT'                       => 'at'                          , 
-	'LBL_MINE'                     => 'Mine'                        , 
-	'History'                      => 'Geçmiş'                    , 
-	'Upcoming Tasks'               => 'Upcoming Tasks'              , 
-	'LBL_YEAR'                     => 'year'                        , 
-	'LBL_YEARS'                    => 'years'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTH'                    => 'month'                       , 
-	'LBL_MONTHS'                   => 'months'                      , 
-	'LBL_DAY'                      => 'day'                         , 
-	'LBL_DAYS'                     => 'days'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOUR'                     => 'hour'                        , 
-	'LBL_HOURS'                    => 'hours'                       , 
-	'LBL_MINUTE'                   => 'minute'                      , 
-	'LBL_MINUTES'                  => 'Minutes'                     , 
-	'LBL_SECOND'                   => 'second'                      , 
-	'LBL_SECONDS'                  => 'seconds'                     , 
-	'LBL_JUSTNOW'                  => 'just now'                    , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'       => 'Müşteri Bilgisi'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES'        => 'No recent updates'           , 
-	'LBL_NO_DATA'                  => 'Kayıt bulanamadı'          , 
-	'LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED'        => 'Permission denied'           , 
-	'LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND'        => 'Handler not found'           , 
-	'LBL_FILTER'                   => 'Filter'                      , 
-	'LBL_DUE'                      => 'due'                         , 
-	'LBL_COMPLETED'                => 'completed'                   , 
-	'LBL_AGO'                      => 'ago'                         , 
-	'LBL_CHANGED'                  => 'changed'                     , 
-	'Single_Users'                 => 'Kullanıcı'                 , 
-	'LBL_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA'    => 'matched this criteria'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES'  => 'No scheduled activities'     , 
-	'LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES'    => 'No overdue activities'       , 
-	'LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS'   => 'No updates or comments'      , 
-	'LBL_MINI_LIST'                => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'Mini List'                    => 'Mini List'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG'       => 'Results for the tag'         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_VIEW_NAME'                => 'View Name'                   , 
-	'LBL_CREATE_VIEW'              => 'Creating new View'           , 
-	'LBL_BASIC_DETAILS'            => 'Basic Details'               , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS'           => 'Choose Columns and Order'    , 
-	'LBL_MAX_NUMBER_FILTER_COLUMNS' => 'Max 7'                       , 
-	'LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE'           => 'Filter on date'              , 
-	'LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS' => 'Choose filter Conditions'    , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT'           => 'Set as Default'              , 
-	'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'          => 'List in Metrics'             , 
-	'LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC'            => ' Set as Public'              , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS'         => 'Add more Columns'            , 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM'                   => 'Custom'                      , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FY'              => 'Previous FY'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FY'               => 'Current FY'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FY'                  => 'Next FY'                     , 
-	'LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ'              => 'Previous FQ'                 , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_FQ'               => 'Current FQ'                  , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_FQ'                  => 'Next FQ'                     , 
-	'LBL_YESTERDAY'                => 'Yesterday'                   , 
-	'LBL_TODAY'                    => 'Bugün'                      , 
-	'LBL_TOMORROW'                 => 'Tomorrow'                    , 
-	'LBL_LAST_WEEK'                => 'Geçen Hafta'                , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_WEEK'             => 'Current Week'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_WEEK'                => 'Next Week'                   , 
-	'LBL_LAST_MONTH'               => 'Last Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_CURRENT_MONTH'            => 'Current Month'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_MONTH'               => 'Next Month'                  , 
-	'LBL_LAST_7_DAYS'              => 'Last 7 Days'                 , 
-	'LBL_LAST_30_DAYS'             => 'Last 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_60_DAYS'             => 'Last 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_90_DAYS'             => 'Last 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_LAST_120_DAYS'            => 'Last 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS'             => 'Next 30 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS'             => 'Next 60 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS'             => 'Next 90 Days'                , 
-	'LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS'            => 'Next 120 Days'               , 
-	'LBL_OWNER'                    => 'Owner'                       , 
-	'LBL_CREATED_ON'               => 'Created On'                  , 
-	'LBL_MODIFIED_ON'              => 'Modified On'                 , 
-	'LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'             => ' Before Event'               , 
-	'Upcoming Activities'          => 'YaklaÅŸan Aktiviteler'       , 
-	'Overdue Activities'           => 'Overdue Activities'          , 
-	'Funnel'                       => 'Funnel'                      , 
-	'Potentials by Stage'          => 'Opportunities by Stage'      , 
-	'Pipelined Amount'             => 'Sales Pipeline'              , 
-	'Total Revenue'                => 'Total Revenue'               , 
-	'Top Potentials'               => 'Top Potentials'              , 
-	'Forecast'                     => 'Forecast'                    , 
-	'Leads Created'                => 'Leads Created'               , 
-	'Leads by Status'              => 'Leads by Status'             , 
-	'Leads by Source'              => 'Leads by Source'             , 
-	'Leads by Industry'            => 'Leads by Industry'           , 
-	'Tickets by Status'            => 'Tickets by Status'           , // TODO: Review
-	'Open Tickets'                 => 'Açık Biletleri'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA'          => 'Tüm Verileri İhraç et'    , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE' => 'Bu sayfadaki verileri İhraç et', 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS'  => 'Export Selected Records'     , 
-	'LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS'           => 'İhraç edilecek Kayıt Tipleri', 
-	'LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED'       => 'No record selected.'         , 
-	'LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove default widget', 
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST' => 'filter already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES'       => 'Add / Manage Modules'        , 
-	'Account Name'                 => 'Müşteri Adı'              , 
-	'Add Comment'                  => 'Add Comment'                 , 
-	'Adjustment'                   => 'Ayarlama'                    , 
-	'Annual Revenue'               => 'Yıllık Ciro'               , 
-	'Apparel'                      => 'Apparel'                     , 
-	'Banking'                      => 'Banking'                     , 
-	'Billing Address'              => 'Fatura Adresi'               , 
-	'Billing City'                 => 'Billing City'                , 
-	'Billing Code'                 => 'Billing Postal Code'         , 
-	'Billing Country'              => 'Billing Country'             , 
-	'Billing Po Box'               => 'Billing P.O. Box'            , 
-	'Billing State'                => 'Billing State'               , 
-	'Biotechnology'                => 'Biotechnology'               , 
-	'FedEx'                        => 'FedEx'                       , 
-	'UPS'                          => 'UPS'                         , 
-	'USPS'                         => 'USPS'                        , 
-	'DHL'                          => 'DHL'                         , 
-	'BlueDart'                     => 'BlueDart'                    , 
-	'Carrier'                      => 'Nakliye'                     , 
-	'Category'                     => 'Katagori'                    , 
-	'Chemicals'                    => 'Chemicals'                   , 
-	'City'                         => 'İlçe'                      , 
-	'Cold Call'                    => 'Cold Call'                   , 
-	'Existing Customer'            => 'Existing Customer'           , 
-	'Self Generated'               => 'Self Generated'              , 
-	'Employee'                     => 'Employee'                    , 
-	'Partner'                      => 'Partner'                     , 
-	'Public Relations'             => 'Public Relations'            , 
-	'Direct Mail'                  => 'Direct Mail'                 , 
-	'Conference'                   => 'Conference'                  , 
-	'Trade Show'                   => 'Trade Show'                  , 
-	'Web Site'                     => 'Web Site'                    , 
-	'Word of mouth'                => 'Word of mouth'               , 
-	'Other'                        => 'Other'                       , 
-	'--None--'                     => '--Yok--'                     , 
-	'Acquired'                     => 'Acquired'                    , 
-	'Active'                       => 'Aktif'                       , 
-	'Market Failed'                => 'Market Failed'               , 
-	'Project Cancelled'            => 'Project Cancelled'           , 
-	'Shutdown'                     => 'Shutdown'                    , 
-	'Communications'               => 'Communications'              , 
-	'Construction'                 => 'Construction'                , 
-	'Consulting'                   => 'Consulting'                  , 
-	'Education'                    => 'Education'                   , 
-	'Electronics'                  => 'Electronics'                 , 
-	'Energy'                       => 'Energy'                      , 
-	'Engineering'                  => 'Engineering'                 , 
-	'Entertainment'                => 'Entertainment'               , 
-	'Environmental'                => 'Environmental'               , 
-	'Finance'                      => 'Finance'                     , 
-	'Food & Beverage'              => 'Food & Beverage'             , 
-	'Government'                   => 'Government'                  , 
-	'Healthcare'                   => 'Healthcare'                  , 
-	'Hospitality'                  => 'Hospitality'                 , 
-	'Insurance'                    => 'Insurance'                   , 
-	'Machinery'                    => 'Machinery'                   , 
-	'Manufacturing'                => 'Manufacturing'               , 
-	'Media'                        => 'Media'                       , 
-	'Not For Profit'               => 'Not For Profit'              , 
-	'Recreation'                   => 'Recreation'                  , 
-	'Retail'                       => 'Retail'                      , 
-	'Shipping'                     => 'Shipping'                    , 
-	'Technology'                   => 'Technology'                  , 
-	'Telecommunications'           => 'Telecommunications'          , 
-	'Transportation'               => 'Transportation'              , 
-	'Utilities'                    => 'Utilities'                   , 
-	'Contact Name'                 => 'İlgili Kişi Adı'          , 
-	'Conversion Rate'              => 'Conversion Rate'             , 
-	'Shipping Address'             => 'Teslimat Adresi'             , 
-	'Shipping City'                => 'Shipping City'               , 
-	'Shipping State'               => 'Shipping State'              , 
-	'Shipping Code'                => 'Shipping Postal Code'        , 
-	'Shipping Country'             => 'Shipping Country'            , 
-	'Shipping Po Box'              => 'Shipping P.O. Box'           , 
-	'Country'                      => 'Ãœlke'                       , 
-	'Created'                      => 'OluÅŸturan'                  , 
-	'Approved'                     => 'Approved'                    , 
-	'Delivered'                    => 'Delivered'                   , 
-	'Cancelled'                    => 'Cancelled'                   , 
-	'Currency'                     => 'Döviz'                      , 
-	'LBL_BASE_CURRENCY'            => 'Temel Döviz'                , 
-	'Discount Percent'             => 'Discount Percent'            , 
-	'Discount Amount'              => 'Discount Amount'             , 
-	'Item Discount Amount'         => 'Item Discount Amount'        , 
-	'Item Discount Percent'        => 'Item Discount Percent'       , 
-	'Due Date'                     => 'Ödeme Tarihi'               , 
-	'Due Date & Time'              => 'Due Date & Time'             , 
-	'Email'                        => 'E-Posta'                     , 
-	'Secondary Email'              => 'Secondary Email'             , 
-	'Other Email'                  => 'Other Email'                 , 
-	'Email Opt Out'                => 'Eposta Ä°stemiyor'           , 
-    'Is Converted From Lead'       => 'Müşteri adayından dönüştürülür',
-	'Expected Close Date'          => 'BitiÅŸ Tarihi'               , 
-	'Fax'                          => 'Faks'                        , 
-	'Last Name'                    => 'Soyadı'                     , 
-	'First Name'                   => 'Adı'                        , 
-	'High'                         => 'High'                        , 
-	'Low'                          => 'Low'                         , 
-	'In Progress'                  => 'Devam Ediyor'                , 
-	'Subject'                      => 'Konu'                        , 
-	'Terms & Conditions'           => 'Åžartlar'                    , 
-	'Item Name'                    => 'Kalem Adı'                  , 
-	'Quantity'                     => 'Adet'                        , 
-	'List Price'                   => 'Liste Fiyatı'               , 
-	'Item Comment'                 => 'Item Comment'                , 
-	'Tax1'                         => 'Tax1'                        , 
-	'Tax2'                         => 'Tax2'                        , 
-	'Tax3'                         => 'Tax3'                        , 
-	'Excise Duty'                  => 'Özel Vergi'                 , 
-	'Total'                        => 'Toplam'                      , 
-	'Sub Total'                    => 'Ara Toplam'                  , 
-	'Tax Type'                     => 'Tax Type'                    , 
-	'S&H Amount'                   => 'S&H Amount'                  , 
-	'Status'                       => 'Durum'                       , 
-	'Vendor Name'                  => 'Tedarikçi Adı'             , 
-	'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION'  => 'Description Details'         , 
-	'LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION'        => 'Åžartlar'                    , 
-	'LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION'      => 'Fiyat Bilgisi'               , 
-	'LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS'         => 'Ürün Detayları'           , 
-	'LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION'     => 'Reminder Details'            , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_SAVED'             => 'Folder saved'                , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS'            => 'Folder already exists'       , 
-	'LBL_FOLDER_DELETED'           => 'Folder deleted'              , 
-	'Lead Source'                  => 'Kaynak Nereden'              , 
-	'Mobile'                       => 'Cep Tel'                     , 
-	'Notify Owner'                 => 'Sahibini Bilgilendir'        , 
-	'Other Phone'                  => 'DiÄŸer Telefon'              , 
-	'Phone'                        => 'Telefon'                     , 
-	'State'                        => 'Eyalet'                      , 
-	'Po Box'                       => 'P.O. Box'                    , 
-	'Postal Code'                  => 'Postal Code'                 , 
-	'Potential Name'               => 'Fırsat Adı'                , 
-	'Priority'                     => 'Öncelik'                    , 
-	'Product Name'                 => 'Ürün Adı'                 , 
-	'Rating'                       => 'DeÄŸerlendirme'              , 
-	'Related To'                   => 'Ä°lgili KiÅŸi'               , 
-	'Type'                         => 'Tip'                         , 
-	'Reviewed'                     => 'Reviewed'                    , 
-	'Salutation'                   => 'Salutation '                 , 
-	'Street'                       => 'Sokak'                       , 
-	'Support Start Date'           => 'Destek BaÅŸlama Tarihi'      , 
-	'Support Expiry Date'          => 'Support Expiry Date'         , 
-	'Sales Start Date'             => 'Sales Start Date'            , 
-	'Sales End Date'               => 'Sales End Date'              , 
-	'Open Ticktes'                 => 'Open Tickets'                , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_STATUS'            => 'Seçiniz Durumu'              ,
-	'LBL_VTIGER_CRM_HONEST_OPEN_SOURCE' => 'vtiger CRM Open Source'        , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sun'                      => 'Sun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mon'                      => 'Mon'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Tue'                      => 'Tue'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Wed'                      => 'Wed'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Thu'                      => 'Thu'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Fri'                      => 'Fri'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sat'                      => 'Sat'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jan'                      => 'Jan'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Feb'                      => 'Feb'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Mar'                      => 'Mar'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Apr'                      => 'Apr'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_May'                      => 'May'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jun'                      => 'Jun'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Jul'                      => 'Jul'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Aug'                      => 'Aug'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Sep'                      => 'Sep'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Oct'                      => 'Oct'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Nov'                      => 'Nov'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_Dec'                      => 'Dec'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS'        => 'Calendar Settings'           , // TODO: Review
-	'HelpDesk'                     => 'Tickets'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'                => 'Tag Cloud'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RECORDS'               => 'No Records'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NO_RELATED'               => 'No Related'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE' => 'Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE' => 'Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL ACTION'                   => 'Action'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_NOTE'                     => 'Note'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_OPTION'            => 'Select an Option'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TOOLTIP'                  => 'Tooltip Management'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING' => 'Module Sequence Numbering'   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING'     => 'Custom Field Mapping'        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WEBFORMS'                 => 'WebForms'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'SINGLE_Emails'                => 'Email'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'Emails'                       => 'Emails'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS'         => 'Select Email Addresses'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'                  => 'Subject'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENT'               => 'Attachment'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BROWSE_CRM'               => 'Browse CRM'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SEND'                     => 'Send'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT'            => 'Save as Draft'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW'            => 'Go to Preview'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'    => 'Select Email Template'       , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL'            => 'Compose Email'               , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_CC'                       => 'Cc'                          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_BCC'                      => 'Bcc'                         , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CC'                   => 'Add Cc'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_BCC'                  => 'Add Bcc'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'          => 'Maximum upload size is'      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EXCEEDED'                 => 'Exceeded'                    , // TODO: Review
-        'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'birleÅŸtirmek',
-	'LBL_CONVERSION_RATE'          => 'dönüşüm Oranı'             , // TODO: Review
-	//Translations used for Export to Pdf
-	'Valid Date' => 'geçerli tarihi',
-	'Phone: ' => 'Telefon: ',
-	'Issued Date' => 'tarihi İhraç',
-	'Shipping & Handling Charges' => 'Ücretler Nakliye ve Taşıma',
-	'Shipping & Handling Tax:' => 'Vergi Nakliye ve Taşıma:',
-	'Discount'=>'indirim',
-	'Net Total' => 'net Toplam',
-	'Product Code'=>'Ürün Kodu',
-	'Customer Name'=>'Müşteri Adı',
-	'Price'=>'fiyat',
-	'Tax:' => 'vergi:',
-	'Contact Name' => 'Kişi Adı',
-	'Grand Total:' => 'genel Toplam:',
-	'Fax: ' => 'Faks: ',
-	'Website: ' => 'web sitesi: ',
-	'Tax' => 'vergi',
-    'LBL_ALPHABETS' => 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z',
-	//Realted tab strings
-	'Service Contracts' => 'Hizmet Sözleşmeleri',
-	'Projects' => 'Projects',
-	'Sales Order' => 'Satış Emri',
-	'Purchase Order' => 'Satınalma Emri',
-	'List and Campaigns' => 'List and Campaigns',
-	'Project Tasks' => 'Project Tasks',
-	'Project Milestones' => 'Project Milestones',
-	'Labels Editor' => 'Labels Editor',
-	//Related tabs of Products
-	'Product Bundles' => 'Product Bundles',
-	'Parent Product' => 'Parent Product',
-	'LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU' => 'Ana Menü Özelleştirme',//TODO REVIEW
-	//Comments Field Labels for Workflow
-	'Comment' => 'Yorum',
-	'Last Comment' => 'Son Yorum',
-	'Last 5 Comments' => 'Son 5 Yorum',
-	'All Comments' => 'Tüm Yorumları',
-	//Products Popup View
-    'NOT_A_BUNDLE' => 'Değil bir bohça',
-    'LBL_MARK_AS_HELD' => 'Mark gibi Held',
-    'LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED' => 'Maksimum 160 karakter bir kısa mesaj için izin verilir',
-    'LBL_HIDE_COMPLETED_EVENTS' => 'Tamamlanan Takvimi Etkinlikler gizle',
-    'LBL_SETUP_WEBFORMS'                 => 'Setup Webfroms'              , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION' => 'Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page', 
-	'JS_SMS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION'  => 'Please configure your SMS notifier from the SMS notifier settings page', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD'  => 'Please select at least one record', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Please enter a valid email address', 
-	'JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'contains illegal characters' , 
-	'JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED' => 'phone number length exceeded limit', 
-	'JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER'    => 'accepts only positive values', 
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO' => 'value should be greater than zero', 
-	'JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32' => 'Number should be less than 32', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE'   => 'Please Enter Valid Date'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME'   => 'Please Enter Valid Time'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER'       => 'Invalid Page Number'         , // TODO: Review
-	'INVALID_NUMBER_OF'            => 'Invalid number'              , 
-	'INVALID_NUMBER'               => 'Invalid number'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1'      => 'Overwrite the existing address with the selected address?', 
-	'OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2'      => 'Address Details'             , 
-	'SINGLE_Accounts'              => 'Organization'                , 
-	'SINGLE_Contacts'              => 'Contact'                     , 
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'EÄŸer silmek istediÄŸinizden emin misiniz?', 
-	'LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected Records?', 
-	'JS_LBL_SAVE'                  => 'Save'                        , 
-	'JS_LBL_CANCEL'                => 'Cancel'                      , 
-	'SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY'    => 'Must occur before today'     , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION' => 'Please select atleast one option', 
-	'JS_SELECT_MODULE'             => 'Please Select Module'        , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD' => 'Please select atleast one Mandatory Field', 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE' => 'Please enter integer value'  , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE' => 'Please enter decimal value'  , 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be less than Current Date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE' => 'should be greater than current date', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'büyük veya eşit olmalıdır', 
-	'JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO' => 'should be less than or equal to', // TODO: Review
-    'JS_CURRENT_DATE' => 'Geçerli Tarih',
-	'JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100' => 'Percentage value should be less than 100', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER'        => 'Accepts only numbers'        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This File has already been selected', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS'   => 'max file Upload exceeds'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED' => 'This Document has already been attached', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE'            => 'Failed to save changes on server', 
-	'JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Import File cannot be Empty' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE' => 'Select at least one field for merge criteria', 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Map Name cannot be empty'    , 
-	'JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS'   => 'Map Name already exists'     , 
-	'JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION'     => 'Please select a file with the following extension:', 
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Upload file size should be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS' => 'Uploaded file size exceeds'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN' => 'Please split the file into smaller files and import again.', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE' => 'Field mapped more than once' , 
-	'JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS'      => 'Please map mandatory fields' , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'   => 'Please enter some value to search', 
-	'JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY'       => 'You can select only'         , 
-	'JS_ITEMS'                     => 'items'                       , 
-	'JS_LBL_PERMISSION'            => 'Permissions'                 , 
-	'JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY'      => 'Check File Integrity'        , 
-	'JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD'          => 'Duplicate Record'            , 
-	'JS_IS_ENABLED'                => 'is enabled'                  , 
-	'JS_IS_DISABLED'               => 'is disabled'                 , 
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT' => 'Please enter some text for comment', 
-	'JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Comment value cannot be empty', 
-	'JS_REQUIRED_FIELD'            => '* This field is required'    , 
-	'JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET' => 'Cannot remove Default Widget', 
-	'JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED' => 'No create permissions or not enabled for quick create', 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Image Deleted Successfully'  , 
-	'LBL_IMAGE_NOT_DELETED'        => 'Image Not Deleted'           , 
-	'LBL_YES'                      => 'Yes'                         , 
-	'LBL_NO'                       => 'No'                          , 
-	'AM'                           => 'AM'                          , 
-	'PM'                           => 'PM'                          , 
-	'JS_ERROR'                     => 'Error'                       , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_INFORMATION'               => 'Information'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID'   => 'does not have an email address', // TODO: Review
-	'NONE_OF_THE_FIELD_VALUES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_MASS_EDIT' => 'None of the field values are changed in Mass Edit', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select an Organization to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS' => 'Please select a Contact to copy address', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Organization does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS' => 'Selected Contact does not contain address to copy', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER' => 'Please enter Primary email address to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG'        => 'Please enter a tag'          , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST'    => 'Tag name already exist'      , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS'    => 'Tag length exceeds max size' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE' => 'You will not have permissions to view this record after save. Would you like to continue?', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER' => 'No Records Related to this Filter', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_START_DATE_TIME'           => 'Start Date & Time'           , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_END_DATE_TIME'             => 'End Date & Time'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_POSTPONE'                  => 'Postpone'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MESSAGE'                   => 'Message'                     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT'	       => 'Toplu düzenleme işlemi bir seferde 500 veya daha az kayıtları yapılabilir',
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED'       => 'Shortcut added successfully' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED'     => 'Shortcut removed successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED'    => 'This shortcut is already added', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_ENABLED'            => 'Module Enabled'              , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MODULE_DISABLED'           => 'Module Disabled'             , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN' => 'Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MINUTES'                   => 'mins'                        , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_RENAMED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Item Renamed Successfully'   , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'   => 'Item added Successfully'     , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'          => 'No item Selected'            , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED' => 'More than one Item selected' , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_ITEMS_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Items Deleted Successfully'  , // TODO: Review
-	'JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE' => 'Duplicate entries found for the value', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_USER_EXISTS' => 'User Already Exists',//TODO Review
-	'JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS' => 'Renter Passwords',//TODO Review
-        // Specific starts - For PBXManager
-	'JS_PBX_CALL_FROM' => 'Gönderen Çağrı',
-	'JS_PBX_INCOMING_CALL' => 'Gelen çağrı',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_SUCCESS'=>'Uzantı numarayı çevirmek için ahizeyi',
-	'JS_PBX_OUTGOING_FAILURE'=>'Çağrı Başarısız',
-	'JS_PBX_FILL_ALL_FIELDS'=>'Tüm alanları doldurunuz',
-	// ends
-    //Edit view mode Translations
-	'JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST' => 'Sizin Değişiklikler Kayıp Will Be!',
-	'JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY' => 'Baz Döviz devre dışı bırakmak için değiştirilmelidir',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/v7/modules/Inventory/resources/Popup.js b/layouts/v7/modules/Inventory/resources/Popup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96653877ea63b898414ec9912a6d5207d85969b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/v7/modules/Inventory/resources/Popup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+ * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+	searchHandler : function() {
+		var self = this;
+		var aDeferred = jQuery.Deferred();
+		var completeParams = self.getCompleteParams();
+		completeParams['page'] = 1;
+		return this.getPageRecords(completeParams).then(
+			function(data){
+				self.registerEventForBackToProductsButtonClick();
+				aDeferred.resolve(data);
+			});
+		return aDeferred.promise();
+	},
+	registerSubproductsClick : function() {
+		var self = this;
+		var popupPageContainer = this.getPopupPageContainer();
+		this.parentProductEle = popupPageContainer.clone(true, true);
+		popupPageContainer.on('click','.subproducts', function(e){
+			e.stopPropagation();
+			var rowElement = jQuery(e.currentTarget).closest('tr');
+			var params = {};
+			params.view = 'SubProductsPopup';
+			params.module = app.getModuleName();
+			params.multi_select = true;
+			params.subProductsPopup = true;
+			params.productid = rowElement.data('id');
+			jQuery('#recordsCount').val('');
+			jQuery('#pageNumber').val("1");
+			jQuery('#pageToJump').val('1');
+			jQuery('#orderBy').val('');
+			jQuery("#sortOrder").val('');
+			app.request.get({'data':params}).then(function(error, data){
+				jQuery('#popupContentsDiv').html(data);
+				jQuery('#totalPageCount').text('');
+				vtUtils.applyFieldElementsView(jQuery('#popupContentsDiv'));
+				self.registerEventForBackToProductsButtonClick();
+				self.registerPostPopupLoadEvents();
+				jQuery('#pageNumber',popupPageContainer).val(1);
+				jQuery('#pageToJump',popupPageContainer).val(1);
+				self.updatePagination();
+			});
+		});
+	},
+	getCompleteParams : function() {
+		var params = this._super();
+		var subProductsPopup = jQuery('#subProductsPopup').val();
+		var parentProductId = jQuery('#parentProductId').val();
+		if(typeof subProductsPopup != "undefined" && typeof parentProductId != "undefined") {
+			params['subProductsPopup'] = subProductsPopup;
+			params['productid'] = parentProductId;
+			params['view'] = 'SubProductsPopupAjax';
+		}
+		params['module'] = jQuery('#EditView').find('[name="module"]').val();
+		return params;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Function to get Page Jump Params
+	 */
+	getPageJumpParams : function(){
+		var params = this.getCompleteParams();
+		params['view'] = 'PopupAjax';
+		params['mode'] = 'getPageCount';
+		params['module'] = this.getModuleName();
+		return params;
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Function to register event for back to products button click
+	 */
+	registerEventForBackToProductsButtonClick : function(){
+		var self = this;
+		jQuery('#backToProducts').on('click',function(){
+		self.getPopupPageContainer().html(self.parentProductEle.html());
+			self.registerPostPopupLoadEvents();
+		});
+	},
+	registerEvents : function(){
+		this._super();
+		this.registerSubproductsClick();
+	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Delete.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Delete.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5d6d2c7694ba5921a202d5a1d4e537d359e9ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Delete.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_Delete_Action extends Vtiger_Delete_Action {
-	function checkPermission(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$recordId = $request->get('record');
-		$ajaxDelete = $request->get('ajaxDelete');
-		$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordId);
-		$moduleModel = $recordModel->getModule();
-		$recordModel->delete($recordId);
-		$listViewUrl = $moduleModel->getListViewUrl();
-		if($ajaxDelete) {
-			$response = new Vtiger_Response();
-			$response->setResult($listViewUrl);
-			return $response;
-		} else {
-			header("Location: $listViewUrl");
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/DeleteAjax.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/DeleteAjax.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e2602121bfc647961d1327af53f1ec3798c02849..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/DeleteAjax.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_DeleteAjax_Action extends Vtiger_Delete_Action {
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$recordId = $request->get('record');
-		$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordId);
-		$recordModel->setModule($moduleName);
-		$recordModel->delete();
-		$cvId = $request->get('viewname');
-		$response = new Vtiger_Response();
-		$response->setResult(array('viewname'=>$cvId, 'module'=>$moduleName));
-		$response->emit();
-	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/MassDelete.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/MassDelete.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0959be57861230f6b565b416c8d4e6f0382623..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/MassDelete.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_MassDelete_Action extends Vtiger_Mass_Action {
-	function checkPermission(){
-		return true;
-	}
-	function preProcess(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	function postProcess(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$recordModel = new EmailTemplates_Record_Model();
-		$recordModel->setModule($moduleName);
-		$selectedIds = $request->get('selected_ids');
-		$excludedIds = $request->get('excluded_ids');
-		if($selectedIds == 'all' && empty($excludedIds)){
-			$recordModel->deleteAllRecords();
-		}else{
-			$recordIds = $this->getRecordsListFromRequest($request, $recordModel);
-			foreach($recordIds as $recordId) {
-				$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordId);
-				$recordModel->delete();
-			}
-		}
-		$response = new Vtiger_Response();
-		$response->setResult(array('module'=>$moduleName));
-		$response->emit();
-	}
-	public function getRecordsListFromRequest(Vtiger_Request $request, $recordModel) {
-		$selectedIds = $request->get('selected_ids');
-		$excludedIds = $request->get('excluded_ids');
-		if(!empty($selectedIds) && $selectedIds != 'all') {
-			if(!empty($selectedIds) && count($selectedIds) > 0) {
-				return $selectedIds;
-			}
-		}
-		if(!empty($excludedIds)){
-			$moduleModel = $recordModel->getModule();
-			$recordIds  = $moduleModel->getRecordIds($excludedIds);
-			return $recordIds;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Save.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Save.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d061c4c1cac544f5ff91e1c6901c794a7014c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/actions/Save.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_Save_Action extends Vtiger_Save_Action {
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$record = $request->get('record');
-		$recordModel = new EmailTemplates_Record_Model();
-		$recordModel->setModule($moduleName);
-		if(!empty($record)) {
-			$recordModel->setId($record);
-		}
-		$recordModel->set('templatename', $request->get('templatename'));
-		$recordModel->set('description', $request->get('description'));
-		$recordModel->set('subject', $request->get('subject'));
-		$recordModel->set('body', $request->get('templatecontent'));
-		$recordModel->save();
-		$loadUrl = $recordModel->getDetailViewUrl();
-		header("Location: $loadUrl");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/DetailView.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/models/DetailView.php
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index 337207f6b2981233c87548ac2e07f1a70546fa9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/DetailView.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_DetailView_Model extends Vtiger_DetailView_Model {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the detail view links (links and widgets)
-	 * @param <array> $linkParams - parameters which will be used to calicaulate the params
-	 * @return <array> - array of link models in the format as below
-	 *                   array('linktype'=>list of link models);
-	 */
-	public function getDetailViewLinks($linkParams) {
-		$linkTypes = array('DETAILVIEWBASIC','DETAILVIEW');
-		$moduleModel = $this->getModule();
-		$recordModel = $this->getRecord();
-		$moduleName = $moduleModel->getName();
-		$recordId = $recordModel->getId();
-		$detailViewLink = array();
-		$detailViewLinks[] = array(
-				'linktype' => 'DETAILVIEWBASIC',
-				'linklabel' => 'LBL_EDIT',
-				'linkurl' => $recordModel->getEditViewUrl(),
-				'linkicon' => ''
-		);
-		foreach ($detailViewLinks as $detailViewLink) {
-			$linkModelList['DETAILVIEWBASIC'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($detailViewLink);
-		}
-		$linkModelListDetails = Vtiger_Link_Model::getAllByType($moduleModel->getId(),$linkTypes,$linkParams);
-		$detailViewBasiclinks = $linkModelListDetails['DETAILVIEWBASIC'];
-		unset($linkModelListDetails['DETAILVIEWBASIC']);
-			$deletelinkModel = array(
-					'linktype' => 'DETAILVIEW',
-					'linklabel' => 'LBL_DELETE',
-					'linkurl' => 'javascript:Vtiger_Detail_Js.deleteRecord("'.$recordModel->getDeleteUrl().'")',
-					'linkicon' => ''
-			);
-			$linkModelList['DETAILVIEW'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($deletelinkModel);
-		if(!empty($detailViewBasiclinks)) {
-			foreach($detailViewBasiclinks as $linkModel) {
-				$linkModelList['DETAILVIEW'][] = $linkModel;
-			}
-		}
-		return $linkModelList;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the Quick Links for the Detail view of the module
-	 * @param <Array> $linkParams
-	 * @return <Array> List of Vtiger_Link_Model instances
-	 */
-	public function getSideBarLinks($linkParams) {
-		$linkTypes = array('SIDEBARLINK', 'SIDEBARWIDGET');
-		$moduleLinks = $this->getModule()->getSideBarLinks($linkTypes);
-		$listLinks = Vtiger_Link_Model::getAllByType($this->getModule()->getId(), $listLinkTypes);
-		if($listLinks['DETAILVIEWSIDEBARLINK']) {
-			foreach($listLinks['DETAILVIEWSIDEBARLINK'] as $link) {
-				$link->linkurl = $link->linkurl.'&record='.$this->getRecord()->getId().'&source_module='.$this->getModule()->getName();
-				$moduleLinks['SIDEBARLINK'][] = $link;
-			}
-		}
-			foreach($listLinks['DETAILVIEWSIDEBARWIDGET'] as $link) {
-				$link->linkurl = $link->linkurl.'&record='.$this->getRecord()->getId().'&source_module='.$this->getModule()->getName();
-				$moduleLinks['SIDEBARWIDGET'][] = $link;
-			}
-		}
-		return $moduleLinks;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the instance
-	 * @param <String> $moduleName - module name
-	 * @param <String> $recordId - record id
-	 * @return <Vtiger_DetailView_Model>
-	 */
-	public static function getInstance($moduleName,$recordId) {
-		$modelClassName = Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName('Model', 'DetailView', $moduleName);
-		$instance = new $modelClassName();
-		$moduleModel = EmailTemplates_Module_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
-		$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordId, $moduleName);
-		return $instance->setModule($moduleModel)->setRecord($recordModel);
-	}
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--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Field.php
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- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_Field_Model extends Vtiger_Field_Model {
-    /**
-	 * Function to check if the field is named field of the module
-	 * @return <Boolean> - True/False
-	 */
-	public function isNameField() {
-        return false;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/ListView.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/models/ListView.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b319c1316bc69c16f3ae10214ee66d73f276a9d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/ListView.php
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@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_ListView_Model extends Vtiger_ListView_Model {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of Mass actions for the module
-	 * @param <Array> $linkParams
-	 * @return <Array> - Associative array of Link type to List of  Vtiger_Link_Model instances for Mass Actions
-	 */
-	public function getListViewMassActions($linkParams) {
-		$moduleModel = $this->getModule();
-		$linkTypes = array('LISTVIEWMASSACTION');
-		$links = array();
-		$massActionLinks[] = array(
-			'linktype' => 'LISTVIEWMASSACTION',
-			'linklabel' => 'LBL_DELETE',
-			'linkurl' => 'javascript:Vtiger_List_Js.massDeleteRecords("index.php?module='.$moduleModel->get('name').'&action=MassDelete");',
-			'linkicon' => ''
-		);
-		foreach($massActionLinks as $massActionLink) {
-			$links['LISTVIEWMASSACTION'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($massActionLink);
-		}
-		return $links;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Static Function to get the Instance of Vtiger ListView model for a given module and custom view
-	 * @param <String> $moduleName - Module Name
-	 * @param <Number> $viewId - Custom View Id
-	 * @return Vtiger_ListView_Model instance
-	 */
-	public static function getInstance($moduleName, $viewId = 0) {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$modelClassName = Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName('Model', 'ListView', $moduleName);
-		$instance = new $modelClassName();
-		$moduleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
-		return $instance->set('module', $moduleModel);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list view header
-	 * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_Field_Model instances
-	 */
-	public function getListViewHeaders() {
-		$fieldObjects = array();
-		$listViewHeaders = array('Template Name' => 'templatename', 'Subject' => 'subject');
-		foreach ($listViewHeaders as $key => $fieldName) {
-			$fieldModel = new EmailTemplates_Field_Model();
-			$fieldModel->set('name', $fieldName);
-			$fieldModel->set('label', $key);
-			$fieldModel->set('column', $fieldName);
-			$fieldObjects[] = $fieldModel;
-		}
-		return $fieldObjects;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list view entries
-	 * @param Vtiger_Paging_Model $pagingModel
-	 * @return <Array> - Associative array of record id mapped to Vtiger_Record_Model instance.
-	 */
-	public function getListViewEntries($pagingModel) {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$startIndex = $pagingModel->getStartIndex();
-		$pageLimit = $pagingModel->getPageLimit();
-		$orderBy = $this->getForSql('orderby');
-		$sortOrder = $this->getForSql('sortorder');
-		$listQuery = $this->getQuery();
-		$searchKey = $this->get('search_key');
-		$searchValue = $this->get('search_value');
-		if(!empty($searchKey) && !empty($searchValue)) {
-			$listQuery .= " WHERE $searchKey LIKE '$searchValue%'";
-		}
-		if (!empty($orderBy) && $orderBy === 'smownerid') { 
-			$fieldModel = Vtiger_Field_Model::getInstance('assigned_user_id', $moduleModel); 
-			if ($fieldModel->getFieldDataType() == 'owner') { 
-				$orderBy = 'COALESCE(CONCAT(vtiger_users.first_name,vtiger_users.last_name),vtiger_groups.groupname)'; 
-			} 
-		}	
-		if ($orderBy) {
-			$listQuery .= " ORDER BY $orderBy $sortOrder";
-		}
-		$listQuery .= " LIMIT $startIndex,".($pageLimit+1);
-		$result = $db->pquery($listQuery, array());
-		$num_rows = $db->num_rows($result);
-		$listViewRecordModels = array();
-		for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
-			$recordModel = new EmailTemplates_Record_Model();
-			$recordModel->setModule('EmailTemplates');
-			$row = $db->query_result_rowdata($result, $i);
-			$listViewRecordModels[$row['templateid']] = $recordModel->setData($row);
-		}
-		$pagingModel->calculatePageRange($listViewRecordModels);
-		if($num_rows > $pageLimit){
-			array_pop($listViewRecordModels);
-			$pagingModel->set('nextPageExists', true);
-		}else{
-			$pagingModel->set('nextPageExists', false);
-		}
-        return $listViewRecordModels;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of listview links for the module
-	 * @param <Array> $linkParams
-	 * @return <Array> - Associate array of Link Type to List of Vtiger_Link_Model instances
-	 */
-	public function getListViewLinks($linkParams) {
-		$moduleModel = $this->getModule();
-		$links = Vtiger_Link_Model::getAllByType($moduleModel->getId(), $linkTypes, $linkParams);
-		$basicLinks = array(
-				array(
-						'linktype' => 'LISTVIEWBASIC',
-						'linklabel' => 'LBL_ADD_RECORD',
-						'linkurl' => $moduleModel->getCreateRecordUrl(),
-						'linkicon' => ''
-				)
-		);
-		foreach($basicLinks as $basicLink) {
-			$links['LISTVIEWBASIC'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($basicLink);
-		}
-		return $links;
-	}
-	function getQuery() {
-		$listQuery = 'SELECT templateid, templatename, foldername, subject FROM vtiger_emailtemplates';
-		return $listQuery;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list view entries
-	 * @param Vtiger_Paging_Model $pagingModel
-	 * @return <Array> - Associative array of record id mapped to Vtiger_Record_Model instance.
-	 */
-	public function getListViewCount() {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$listQuery = $this->getQuery();
-		$position = stripos($listQuery, 'from');
-		if ($position) {
-			$split = spliti('from', $listQuery);
-			$splitCount = count($split);
-			$listQuery = 'SELECT count(*) AS count ';
-			for ($i=1; $i<$splitCount; $i++) {
-				$listQuery = $listQuery. ' FROM ' .$split[$i];
-			}
-		}
-		$searchKey = $this->get('search_key');
-		$searchValue = $this->get('search_value');
-		if(!empty($searchKey) && !empty($searchValue)) {
-			$listQuery .= " WHERE $searchKey LIKE '$searchValue%'";
-		}
-		$listResult = $db->pquery($listQuery, array());
-		return $db->query_result($listResult, 0, 'count');
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Module.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Module.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e2221a533a934071f97abed4e4787d22889182..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Module.php
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-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-class EmailTemplates_Module_Model extends Vtiger_Module_Model {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get Alphabet Search Field 
-	 */
-	public function getAlphabetSearchField() {
-		return 'templatename';
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the url for the Create Record view of the module
-	 * @return <String> - url
-	 */
-	public function getCreateRecordUrl() {
-		return 'index.php?module=' . $this->get('name') . '&view=' . $this->getEditViewName();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to save a given record model of the current module
-	 * @param EmailtTemplates_Record_Model $recordModel
-	 * @return <integer> template id
-	 */
-	public function saveRecord($recordModel) {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$templateid = $recordModel->getId();
-		if(empty($templateid)){
-			$templateid = $db->getUniqueID('vtiger_emailtemplates');
-			$sql = "INSERT INTO vtiger_emailtemplates(templatename, subject, description, body, deleted, templateid) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
-		}else{
-			$sql = "UPDATE vtiger_emailtemplates SET templatename=?, subject=?, description=?, body=?, deleted=? WHERE templateid = ?";
-		}
-		$params = array(decode_html($recordModel->get('templatename')), decode_html($recordModel->get('subject')),
-				decode_html($recordModel->get('description')), $recordModel->get('body'), 0, $templateid);
-		$db->pquery($sql, $params);
-		return $recordModel->setId($templateid);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to delete the email template
-	 * @param type $recordIds
-	 */
-	public function deleteRecord($recordModel) {
-		$recordId = $recordModel->getId();
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$db->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_emailtemplates WHERE templateid = ? ', array($recordId));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to delete all the email templates
-	 * @param type $recordIds
-	 */
-	public function deleteAllRecords() {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$db->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_emailtemplates', array());
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get Email template fields from modules
-	 * @return <array> template fields
-	 */
-	public function getAllModuleEmailTemplateFields() {
-		$currentUserModel = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel();
-		$allModuleList = $this->getAllModuleList();
-		$allRelFields = array();
-		foreach ($allModuleList as $index => $module) {
-			if($module == 'Users'){
-				$fieldList = $this->getRelatedModuleFieldList($module, $currentUserModel);
-			}else{
-				$fieldList = $this->getRelatedFields($module, $currentUserModel);
-			}
-			foreach ($fieldList as $key => $field) {
-				$option = array(vtranslate($field['module'], $field['module']) . ':' . vtranslate($field['fieldlabel'], $field['module']), "$" . strtolower($field['module']) . "-" . $field['columnname'] . "$");
-				$allFields[] = $option;
-				if (!empty($field['referencelist'])) {
-					foreach ($field['referencelist'] as $key => $relField) {
-						$relOption = array(vtranslate($field['fieldlabel'], $field['module']) . ':' . '(' . vtranslate($relField['module'], $relField['module']) . ')' . vtranslate($relField['fieldlabel'],$relField['module']), "$" . strtolower($field['module']) . "-" . $field['columnname'] . ":" . $relField['columnname'] . "$");
-						$allRelFields[] = $relOption;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(is_array($allFields) && is_array($allRelFields)){
-				$allFields = array_merge($allFields, $allRelFields);
-				$allRelFields="";
-			}
-			$allOptions[vtranslate($module, $module)] = $allFields;
-			$allFields = "";
-		}
-		$option = array(vtranslate('LBL_CURRENT_DATE'), '$custom-currentdate$');
-        $allFields[] = $option;
-        $option = array(vtranslate('LBL_CURRENT_TIME'), '$custom-currenttime$');
-		$allFields[] = $option;
-		$allOptions['generalFields'] = $allFields;
-		return $allOptions;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get module fields
-	 * @param type $module
-	 * @param type $currentUserModel
-	 * @return <arrau>
-	 */
-	function getRelatedFields($module, $currentUserModel) {
-		$handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($module, $currentUserModel);
-		$meta = $handler->getMeta();
-		$moduleFields = $meta->getModuleFields();
-		$returnData = array();
-		foreach ($moduleFields as $key => $field) {
-			$referencelist = array();
-			$relatedField = $field->getReferenceList();
-			if ($field->getFieldName() == 'assigned_user_id') {
-				$relModule = 'Users';
-				$referencelist = $this->getRelatedModuleFieldList($relModule, $currentUserModel);
-			}
-			if (!empty($relatedField)) {
-				foreach ($relatedField as $ind => $relModule) {
-					$referencelist = $this->getRelatedModuleFieldList($relModule, $currentUserModel);
-				}
-			}
-			$returnData[] = array('module' => $module, 'fieldname' => $field->getFieldName(), 'columnname' => $field->getColumnName(), 'fieldlabel' => $field->getFieldLabelKey(), 'referencelist' => $referencelist);
-		}
-		return $returnData;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get related module fields
-	 * @param type $relModule
-	 * @param type $user
-	 * @return null
-	 */
-	function getRelatedModuleFieldList($relModule, $user) {
-		$handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($relModule, $user);
-		$relMeta = $handler->getMeta();
-		if (!$relMeta->isModuleEntity()) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		$relModuleFields = $relMeta->getModuleFields();
-		$relModuleFieldList = array();
-		foreach ($relModuleFields as $relind => $relModuleField) {
-			if($relModule == 'Users') {
-				if($relModuleField->getFieldDataType() == 'string' || $relModuleField->getFieldDataType() == 'email' || $relModuleField->getFieldDataType() == 'phone') {
-					$skipFields = array(98,115,116,31,32);
-					if(!in_array($relModuleField->getUIType(), $skipFields) && $relModuleField->getFieldName() != 'asterisk_extension'){
-						$relModuleFieldList[] = array('module' => $relModule, 'fieldname' => $relModuleField->getFieldName(), 'columnname' => $relModuleField->getColumnName(), 'fieldlabel' => $relModuleField->getFieldLabelKey());
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				$relModuleFieldList[] = array('module' => $relModule, 'fieldname' => $relModuleField->getFieldName(), 'columnname' => $relModuleField->getColumnName(), 'fieldlabel' => $relModuleField->getFieldLabelKey());
-			}
-		}
-		return $relModuleFieldList;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get module list which has the email field.
-	 * @return type
-	 */
-	public function getAllModuleList(){
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		//return the modules which are only enable 
-		$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(name) AS modulename FROM vtiger_tab 
-				  LEFT JOIN vtiger_field ON vtiger_field.tabid = vtiger_tab.tabid
-				  WHERE (vtiger_field.uitype = ? AND vtiger_tab.presence = ?)';
-		$result = $db->pquery($query, array(13,0));
-		$num_rows = $db->num_rows($result);
-		$moduleList = array();
-		for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
-			$moduleList[] = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'modulename');
-		}
-		return $moduleList;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the Quick Links for the module
-	 * @param <Array> $linkParams
-	 * @return <Array> List of Vtiger_Link_Model instances
-	 */
-	public function getSideBarLinks($linkParams) {
-		$linkTypes = array('SIDEBARLINK', 'SIDEBARWIDGET');
-		$links = Vtiger_Link_Model::getAllByType($this->getId(), $linkTypes, $linkParams);
-		$quickLinks = array(
-			array(
-				'linktype' => 'SIDEBARLINK',
-				'linklabel' => 'LBL_RECORDS_LIST',
-				'linkurl' => $this->getDefaultUrl(),
-				'linkicon' => '',
-			),
-		);
-		foreach($quickLinks as $quickLink) {
-			$links['SIDEBARLINK'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($quickLink);
-		}
-		return $links;
-	}
-	public function getRecordIds($skipRecords){
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$query = 'SELECT templateid FROM vtiger_emailtemplates WHERE templateid NOT IN ('.generateQuestionMarks($skipRecords).')';
-		$result = $db->pquery($query, $skipRecords);
-		$num_rows = $db->num_rows($result);
-		$recordIds = array();
-		for($i; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
-			$recordIds[] = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'templateid');
-		}
-		return $recordIds;
-	}
-    /**
-     * Funxtion to identify if the module supports quick search or not
-     */
-    public function isQuickSearchEnabled() {
-        return false;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Record.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Record.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 07af22c2a5217335fda7fdde4f9b4d69f2926217..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/models/Record.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_Record_Model extends Vtiger_Record_Model {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the id of the record
-	 * @return <Number> - Record Id
-	 */
-	public function getId() {
-		return $this->get('templateid');
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to set the id of the record
-	 * @param <type> $value - id value
-	 * @return <Object> - current instance
-	 */
-	public function setId($value) {
-		return $this->set('templateid',$value);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to delete the email template
-	 * @param type $recordIds
-	 */
-	public function delete(){
-		$this->getModule()->deleteRecord($this);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to delete all the email templates
-	 * @param type $recordIds
-	 */
-	public function deleteAllRecords(){
-		$this->getModule()->deleteAllRecords();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get template fields
-	 * To get the fields from module, which has the email field
-	 * @return <arrray> template fields
-	 */
-	public function getEmailTemplateFields(){
-		return $this->getModule()->getAllModuleEmailTemplateFields();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the Email Template Record
-	 * @param type $record
-	 * @return <EmailTemplate_Record_Model>
-	 */
-	public function getTemplateData($record){
-		return $this->getModule()->getTemplateData($record);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the Detail View url for the record
-	 * @return <String> - Record Detail View Url
-	 */
-	public function getDetailViewUrl() {
-		$module = $this->getModule();
-		return 'index.php?module='.$this->getModuleName().'&view='.$module->getDetailViewName().'&record='.$this->getId();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the instance of Custom View module, given custom view id
-	 * @param <Integer> $cvId
-	 * @return CustomView_Record_Model instance, if exists. Null otherwise
-	 */
-	public static function getInstanceById($templateId, $module=null) {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM vtiger_emailtemplates WHERE templateid = ?';
-		$params = array($templateId);
-		$result = $db->pquery($sql, $params);
-		if($db->num_rows($result) > 0) {
-			$row = $db->query_result_rowdata($result, 0);
-			$recordModel = new self();
-			return $recordModel->setData($row)->setModule('EmailTemplates');
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/schema.xml b/modules/EmailTemplates/schema.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 320560645f1645d35bb13811c8dba0569ab2bba1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/schema.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-	<tables>
-		<table>
-			<name>vtiger_emailtemplates</name>
-			<sql><![CDATA[CREATE TABLE `vtiger_emailtemplates` (
-					`foldername` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
-					`templatename` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
-					`subject` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
-					`description` text,
-					`body` text,
-					`deleted` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
-					`templateid` int(19) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
-					PRIMARY KEY (`templateid`),
-					KEY `emailtemplates_foldernamd_templatename_subject_idx` (`foldername`,`templatename`,`subject`
-            ]]></sql>
-		</table>
-		<table>
-			<name>vtiger_emailtemplates_seq</name>
-			<sql><![CDATA[CREATE TABLE  `vtiger_emailtemplates_seq` (
-					`id` int(11) NOT NULL
-			]]></sql>
-		</table>
-	</tables>
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Detail.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Detail.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c7f13945b2f3e08f92bc201fbd86d3a845a4bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Detail.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_Detail_View extends Vtiger_Index_View {
-	function preProcess(Vtiger_Request $request, $display=true) {
-		parent::preProcess($request, false);
-		$recordId = $request->get('record');
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		if(!$this->record){
-			$this->record = EmailTemplates_DetailView_Model::getInstance($moduleName, $recordId);
-		}
-		$recordModel = $this->record->getRecord();
-		$detailViewLinkParams = array('MODULE'=>$moduleName,'RECORD'=>$recordId);
-		$detailViewLinks = $this->record->getDetailViewLinks($detailViewLinkParams);
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
-		$viewer->assign('RECORD', $recordModel);
-		$viewer->assign('MODULE_MODEL', $this->record->getModule());
-		$viewer->assign('DETAILVIEW_LINKS', $detailViewLinks);
-		$viewer->assign('IS_EDITABLE', $this->record->getRecord()->isEditable($moduleName));
-		$viewer->assign('IS_DELETABLE', $this->record->getRecord()->isDeletable($moduleName));
-		$linkParams = array('MODULE'=>$moduleName, 'ACTION'=>$request->get('view'));
-		$linkModels = $this->record->getSideBarLinks($linkParams);
-		$viewer->assign('QUICK_LINKS', $linkModels);
-		$currentUserModel = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel();
-		$viewer->assign('DEFAULT_RECORD_VIEW', $currentUserModel->get('default_record_view'));
-		$viewer->assign('NO_PAGINATION', true);
-		if($display) {
-			$this->preProcessDisplay($request);
-		}
-	}
-	function preProcessTplName(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return 'DetailViewPreProcess.tpl';
-	}
-	function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$record = $request->get('record');
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
-		$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($record);
-		$recordModel->setModule($moduleName);
-        $viewer->assign('RECORD', $recordModel);
-		$viewer->assign('USER_MODEL', Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel());
-		$viewer->assign('MODULE_NAME', $moduleName);
-		$viewer->view('DetailViewFullContents.tpl', $moduleName);
-	}
-	public function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-			'modules.Vtiger.resources.Detail',
-		);
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Edit.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Edit.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3ab4626a85d58fa1edf25742dcf8bbc6668093..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/Edit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-Class EmailTemplates_Edit_View extends Vtiger_Edit_View {
-	/**
-	 * Function to check module Edit Permission
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 * @return boolean
-	 */
-	public function checkPermission(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of Script models to be included
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_JsScript_Model instances
-	 */
-	function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-				"libraries.jquery.ckeditor.ckeditor",
-				"libraries.jquery.ckeditor.adapters.jquery",
-				'modules.Vtiger.resources.CkEditor',
-		);
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Funtioin to process the Edit view
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 */
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer ($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$record = $request->get('record');
-		if(!empty($record)) {
-			$recordModel = EmailTemplates_Record_Model::getInstanceById($record);
-            $viewer->assign('RECORD_ID', $record);
-            $viewer->assign('MODE', 'edit');
-        } else {
-			$recordModel = new EmailTemplates_Record_Model();
-            $viewer->assign('MODE', '');
-			$recordModel->set('templatename','');
-			$recordModel->set('description','');
-			$recordModel->set('subject','');
-			$recordModel->set('body','');
-        }
-		$recordModel->setModule('EmailTemplates');
-        if(!$this->record){
-            $this->record = $recordModel;
-        }
-		$allFiledsOptions = $this->record->getEmailTemplateFields();
-		$viewer->assign('RECORD', $this->record);
-		$viewer->assign('MODULE', $moduleName);
-		$viewer->assign('CURRENTDATE', date('Y-n-j'));
-		$viewer->assign('USER_MODEL', Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel());
-		$viewer->assign('ALL_FIELDS', $allFiledsOptions);
-		$viewer->view('EditView.tpl', $moduleName);
-	}
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/List.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/views/List.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b0dadbd568a75ebd5b448e50cdbc9b3dbd079ab9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/List.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_List_View extends Vtiger_Index_View {
-	function __construct() {
-		parent::__construct();
-	}
-	function preProcess (Vtiger_Request $request, $display=true) {
-		parent::preProcess($request, false);
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer ($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$listViewModel = EmailTemplates_ListView_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
-		$linkParams = array('MODULE'=>$moduleName, 'ACTION'=>$request->get('view'));
-		$quickLinkModels = $listViewModel->getSideBarLinks($linkParams);
-		$viewer->assign('QUICK_LINKS', $quickLinkModels);
-		$this->initializeListViewContents($request, $viewer);
-		if($display) {
-			$this->preProcessDisplay($request);
-		}
-	}
-	function preProcessTplName(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return 'ListViewPreProcess.tpl';
-	}
-	function process (Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer ($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$moduleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
-		$this->initializeListViewContents($request, $viewer);
-		$viewer->assign('VIEW', $request->get('view'));
-		$viewer->assign('MODULE_MODEL', $moduleModel);
-		$viewer->assign('CURRENT_USER_MODEL', Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel());
-		$viewer->view('ListViewContents.tpl', $moduleName);
-	}
-    function postProcess(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-        $viewer = $this->getViewer ($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$viewer->view('ListViewPostProcess.tpl', $moduleName);
-		parent::postProcess($request);
-    }
-    /*
-	 * Function to initialize the required data in smarty to display the List View Contents
-	 */
-	public function initializeListViewContents(Vtiger_Request $request, Vtiger_Viewer $viewer) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$cvId = $request->get('viewname');
-		$pageNumber = $request->get('page');
-		$orderBy = $request->get('orderby');
-		$sortOrder = $request->get('sortorder');
-		if($sortOrder == "ASC"){
-			$nextSortOrder = "DESC";
-			$sortImage = "icon-chevron-down";
-		}else{
-			$nextSortOrder = "ASC";
-			$sortImage = "icon-chevron-up";
-		}
-		if(empty ($pageNumber)){
-			$pageNumber = '1';
-		}
-		$listViewModel = EmailTemplates_ListView_Model::getInstance($moduleName, $cvId);
-		$linkParams = array('MODULE'=>$moduleName, 'ACTION'=>$request->get('view'), 'CVID'=>$cvId);
-		$linkModels = $listViewModel->getListViewMassActions($linkParams);
-		$pagingModel = new Vtiger_Paging_Model();
-		$pagingModel->set('page', $pageNumber);
-		if(!empty($orderBy)) {
-			$listViewModel->set('orderby', $orderBy);
-			$listViewModel->set('sortorder',$sortOrder);
-		}
-		$searchKey = $request->get('search_key');
-		$searchValue = $request->get('search_value');
-		$operator = $request->get('operator');
-		if(!empty($operator)) {
-			$listViewModel->set('operator', $operator);
-			$viewer->assign('OPERATOR',$operator);
-			$viewer->assign('ALPHABET_VALUE',$searchValue);
-		}
-		if(!empty($searchKey) && !empty($searchValue)) {
-			$listViewModel->set('search_key', $searchKey);
-			$listViewModel->set('search_value', $searchValue);
-		}
-		if(!$this->listViewHeaders){
-			$this->listViewHeaders = $listViewModel->getListViewHeaders();
-		}
-		if(!$this->listViewEntries){
-			$this->listViewEntries = $listViewModel->getListViewEntries($pagingModel);
-		}
-		$noOfEntries = count($this->listViewEntries);
-		$viewer->assign('VIEWID', $cvId);
-		$viewer->assign('MODULE', $moduleName);
-		if(!$this->listViewLinks){
-			$this->listViewLinks = $listViewModel->getListViewLinks($linkParams);
-		}
-		$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_LINKS', $this->listViewLinks);
-		$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_MASSACTIONS', $linkModels['LISTVIEWMASSACTION']);
-		$viewer->assign('PAGING_MODEL', $pagingModel);
-		$viewer->assign('PAGE_NUMBER',$pageNumber);
-		$viewer->assign('ORDER_BY',$orderBy);
-		$viewer->assign('SORT_ORDER',$sortOrder);
-		$viewer->assign('NEXT_SORT_ORDER',$nextSortOrder);
-		$viewer->assign('SORT_IMAGE',$sortImage);
-		$viewer->assign('COLUMN_NAME',$orderBy);
-		$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_ENTRIES_COUNT',$noOfEntries);
-		$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_HEADERS', $this->listViewHeaders);
-		$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_ENTRIES', $this->listViewEntries);
-		if (PerformancePrefs::getBoolean('LISTVIEW_COMPUTE_PAGE_COUNT', false)) {
-			if(!$this->listViewCount){
-				$this->listViewCount = $listViewModel->getListViewCount();
-			}
-			$viewer->assign('LISTVIEW_COUNT', $this->listViewCount);
-		}
-		$viewer->assign('IS_MODULE_EDITABLE', $listViewModel->getModule()->isPermitted('EditView'));
-		$viewer->assign('IS_MODULE_DELETABLE', $listViewModel->getModule()->isPermitted('Delete'));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function returns the number of records for the current filter
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 */
-	function getRecordsCount(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$count = $this->getListViewCount($request);
-		$result = array();
-		$result['module'] = $moduleName;
-		$result['count'] = $count;
-		$response = new Vtiger_Response();
-		$response->setEmitType(Vtiger_Response::$EMIT_JSON);
-		$response->setResult($result);
-		$response->emit();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get listView count
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 */
-	function getListViewCount(Vtiger_Request $request){
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$searchKey = $request->get('search_key');
-		$searchValue = $request->get('search_value');
-		$listViewModel = EmailTemplates_ListView_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
-		$listViewModel->set('search_key', $searchKey);
-		$listViewModel->set('search_value', $searchValue);
-		$listViewModel->set('operator', $request->get('operator'));
-		return $listViewModel->getListViewCount();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the page count for list
-	 * @return total number of pages
-	 */
-	function getPageCount(Vtiger_Request $request){
-		$listViewCount = $this->getListViewCount($request);
-		$pagingModel = new Vtiger_Paging_Model();
-		$pageLimit = $pagingModel->getPageLimit();
-		$pageCount = ceil((int) $listViewCount / (int) $pageLimit);
-		$result = array();
-		$result['page'] = $pageCount;
-		$result['numberOfRecords'] = $listViewCount;
-		$response = new Vtiger_Response();
-		$response->setResult($result);
-		$response->emit();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of Script models to be included
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_JsScript_Model instances
-	 */
-	function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-			'modules.Vtiger.resources.List',
-		);
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/ListAjax.php b/modules/EmailTemplates/views/ListAjax.php
deleted file mode 100644
index be1f391ec0d09eea8befcf7f2e0c0eeb7cddc005..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/EmailTemplates/views/ListAjax.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class EmailTemplates_ListAjax_View extends EmailTemplates_List_View {
-	function __construct() {
-		parent::__construct();
-		$this->exposeMethod('getRecordsCount');
-		$this->exposeMethod('getPageCount');
-	}
-	function preProcess(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	function postProcess(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		return true;
-	}
-	function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$mode = $request->get('mode');
-		if(!empty($mode)) {
-			$this->invokeExposedMethod($mode, $request);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ProjectTask/models/Module.php b/modules/ProjectTask/models/Module.php
deleted file mode 100644
index aa87789a7d4bf6d1ced9c8094f35539030fcf53e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/ProjectTask/models/Module.php
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ************************************************************************************/
-class ProjectTask_Module_Model extends Vtiger_Module_Model {
-	public function getSideBarLinks($linkParams) {
-		$linkTypes = array('SIDEBARLINK', 'SIDEBARWIDGET');
-		$links = parent::getSideBarLinks($linkParams);
-		unset($links['SIDEBARLINK']);
-		$quickLinks = array(
-			array(
-				'linktype' => 'SIDEBARLINK',
-				'linklabel' => 'LBL_PROJECTS_LIST',
-				'linkurl' => $this->getProjectsListUrl(),
-				'linkicon' => '',
-			),
-			array(
-				'linktype' => 'SIDEBARLINK',
-				'linklabel' => 'LBL_TASKS_LIST',
-				'linkurl' => $this->getListViewUrl(),
-				'linkicon' => '',
-			),
-            array(
-				'linktype' => 'SIDEBARLINK',
-				'linklabel' => 'LBL_MILESTONES_LIST',
-				'linkurl' => $this->getMilestonesListUrl(),
-				'linkicon' => '',
-			),
-		);
-		foreach($quickLinks as $quickLink) {
-			$links['SIDEBARLINK'][] = Vtiger_Link_Model::getInstanceFromValues($quickLink);
-		}
-		return $links;
-	}
-	public function getProjectsListUrl() {
-		$taskModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('Project');
-		return $taskModel->getListViewUrl();
-	}
-    public function getMilestonesListUrl() {
-    $milestoneModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('ProjectMilestone');
-    return $milestoneModel->getListViewUrl();
-	/**
-	 * Function to check whether the module is summary view supported
-	 * @return <Boolean> - true/false
-	 */
-	public function isSummaryViewSupported() {
-		return false;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/Services.php b/modules/Services/Services.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e7cdaee6c3c22c7caada348c655cf04461629504..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/Services.php
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@@ -1,1196 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class Services extends CRMEntity {
-	var $db, $log; // Used in class functions of CRMEntity
-	var $table_name = 'vtiger_service';
-	var $table_index= 'serviceid';
-	var $column_fields = Array();
-	/** Indicator if this is a custom module or standard module */
-	var $IsCustomModule = true;
-	/**
-	 * Mandatory table for supporting custom fields.
-	 */
-	var $customFieldTable = Array('vtiger_servicecf', 'serviceid');
-	/**
-	 * Mandatory for Saving, Include tables related to this module.
-	 */
-	var $tab_name = Array('vtiger_crmentity','vtiger_service','vtiger_servicecf');
-	/**
-	 * Mandatory for Saving, Include tablename and tablekey columnname here.
-	 */
-	var $tab_name_index = Array(
-		'vtiger_crmentity'=>'crmid',
-		'vtiger_service'=>'serviceid',
-		'vtiger_servicecf'=>'serviceid',
-		'vtiger_producttaxrel'=>'productid');
-	/**
-	 * Mandatory for Listing (Related listview)
-	 */
-	var $list_fields = Array(
-   		/* Format: Field Label => Array(tablename, columnname) */
-		// tablename should not have prefix 'vtiger_'
-		'Service No'=>Array('service'=>'service_no'),
-		'Service Name'=>Array('service'=>'servicename'),
-        'Commission Rate'=>Array('service'=>'commissionrate'),
-		'No of Units'=>Array('service'=>'qty_per_unit'),
-		'Price'=>Array('service'=>'unit_price')
-	);
-	var $list_fields_name = Array(
-		/* Format: Field Label => fieldname */
-		'Service No'=>'service_no',
-		'Service Name'=>'servicename',
-		'Commission Rate'=>'commissionrate',
-		'No of Units'=>'qty_per_unit',
-		'Price'=>'unit_price'
-	);
-	// Make the field link to detail view
-	var $list_link_field= 'servicename';
-	// For Popup listview and UI type support
-	var $search_fields = Array(
-		/* Format: Field Label => Array(tablename, columnname) */
-		// tablename should not have prefix 'vtiger_'
-		'Service No'=>Array('service'=>'service_no'),
-		'Service Name'=>Array('service'=>'servicename'),
-		'Price'=>Array('service'=>'unit_price')
-	);
-	var $search_fields_name = Array(
-		/* Format: Field Label => fieldname */
-		'Service No'=>'service_no',
-		'Service Name'=>'servicename',
-		'Price'=>'unit_price'
-	);
-	// For Popup window record selection
-	var $popup_fields = Array ('servicename','service_usageunit','unit_price');
-	// Placeholder for sort fields - All the fields will be initialized for Sorting through initSortFields
-	var $sortby_fields = Array();
-	// For Alphabetical search
-	var $def_basicsearch_col = 'servicename';
-	// Column value to use on detail view record text display
-	var $def_detailview_recname = 'servicename';
-	// Required Information for enabling Import feature
-	var $required_fields = Array('servicename'=>1);
-	// Used when enabling/disabling the mandatory fields for the module.
-	// Refers to vtiger_field.fieldname values.
-	var $mandatory_fields = Array('servicename', 'assigned_user_id');
-	var $default_order_by = 'servicename';
-	var $default_sort_order='ASC';
-	var $unit_price;
-	/**	Constructor which will set the column_fields in this object
-	 */
-	function __construct() {
-		global $log;
-		$this->column_fields = getColumnFields(get_class($this));
-		$this->db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$this->log = $log;
-	}
-	function save_module($module)
-	{
-		//Inserting into service_taxrel table
-		if($_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW'&& $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates')
-		{
-			$this->insertTaxInformation('vtiger_producttaxrel', 'Services');
-			$this->insertPriceInformation('vtiger_productcurrencyrel', 'Services');
-		}
-		// Update unit price value in vtiger_productcurrencyrel
-		$this->updateUnitPrice();
-	}
-	/**	function to save the service tax information in vtiger_servicetaxrel table
-	 *	@param string $tablename - vtiger_tablename to save the service tax relationship (servicetaxrel)
-	 *	@param string $module	 - current module name
-	 *	$return void
-	*/
-	function insertTaxInformation($tablename, $module)
-	{
-		global $adb, $log;
-		$log->debug("Entering into insertTaxInformation($tablename, $module) method ...");
-		$tax_details = getAllTaxes();
-		$tax_per = '';
-		//Save the Product - tax relationship if corresponding tax check box is enabled
-		//Delete the existing tax if any
-		if($this->mode == 'edit')
-		{
-			for($i=0;$i<count($tax_details);$i++)
-			{
-				$taxid = getTaxId($tax_details[$i]['taxname']);
-				$sql = "delete from vtiger_producttaxrel where productid=? and taxid=?";
-				$adb->pquery($sql, array($this->id,$taxid));
-			}
-		}
-		for($i=0;$i<count($tax_details);$i++)
-		{
-			$tax_name = $tax_details[$i]['taxname'];
-			$tax_checkname = $tax_details[$i]['taxname']."_check";
-			if($_REQUEST[$tax_checkname] == 'on' || $_REQUEST[$tax_checkname] == 1)
-			{
-				$taxid = getTaxId($tax_name);
-				$tax_per = $_REQUEST[$tax_name];
-				if($tax_per == '')
-				{
-					$log->debug("Tax selected but value not given so default value will be saved.");
-					$tax_per = getTaxPercentage($tax_name);
-				}
-				$log->debug("Going to save the Product - $tax_name tax relationship");
-				$query = "insert into vtiger_producttaxrel values(?,?,?)";
-				$adb->pquery($query, array($this->id,$taxid,$tax_per));
-			}
-		}
-		$log->debug("Exiting from insertTaxInformation($tablename, $module) method ...");
-	}
-	/**	function to save the service price information in vtiger_servicecurrencyrel table
-	 *	@param string $tablename - vtiger_tablename to save the service currency relationship (servicecurrencyrel)
-	 *	@param string $module	 - current module name
-	 *	$return void
-	*/
-	function insertPriceInformation($tablename, $module)
-	{
-		global $adb, $log, $current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering into insertPriceInformation($tablename, $module) method ...");
-		//removed the update of currency_id based on the logged in user's preference : fix 6490
-		$currency_details = getAllCurrencies('all');
-		//Delete the existing currency relationship if any
-		if($this->mode == 'edit' &&  $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates')
-		{
-			for($i=0;$i<count($currency_details);$i++)
-			{
-				$curid = $currency_details[$i]['curid'];
-				$sql = "delete from vtiger_productcurrencyrel where productid=? and currencyid=?";
-				$adb->pquery($sql, array($this->id,$curid));
-			}
-		}
-		$service_base_conv_rate = getBaseConversionRateForProduct($this->id, $this->mode,$module);
-		//Save the Product - Currency relationship if corresponding currency check box is enabled
-		for($i=0;$i<count($currency_details);$i++)
-		{
-			$curid = $currency_details[$i]['curid'];
-			$curname = $currency_details[$i]['currencylabel'];
-			$cur_checkname = 'cur_' . $curid . '_check';
-			$cur_valuename = 'curname' . $curid;
-			$base_currency_check = 'base_currency' . $curid;
-			$requestPrice = CurrencyField::convertToDBFormat($_REQUEST['unit_price'], null, true);
-			$actualPrice = CurrencyField::convertToDBFormat($_REQUEST[$cur_valuename], null, true);
-			if($_REQUEST[$cur_checkname] == 'on' || $_REQUEST[$cur_checkname] == 1)
-			{
-				$conversion_rate = $currency_details[$i]['conversionrate'];
-				$actual_conversion_rate = $service_base_conv_rate * $conversion_rate;
-				$converted_price = $actual_conversion_rate * $requestPrice;
-				$log->debug("Going to save the Product - $curname currency relationship");
-				$query = "insert into vtiger_productcurrencyrel values(?,?,?,?)";
-				$adb->pquery($query, array($this->id,$curid,$converted_price,$actualPrice));
-				// Update the Product information with Base Currency choosen by the User.
-				if ($_REQUEST['base_currency'] == $cur_valuename) {
-					$adb->pquery("update vtiger_service set currency_id=?, unit_price=? where serviceid=?", array($curid, $actualPrice, $this->id));
-				}
-			}else{
-				$curid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id);
-				$adb->pquery("update vtiger_service set currency_id=? where serviceid=?", array($curid, $this->id));
-			}
-		}
-		$log->debug("Exiting from insertPriceInformation($tablename, $module) method ...");
-	}
-	function updateUnitPrice() {
-		$prod_res = $this->db->pquery("select unit_price, currency_id from vtiger_service where serviceid=?", array($this->id));
-		$prod_unit_price = $this->db->query_result($prod_res, 0, 'unit_price');
-		$prod_base_currency = $this->db->query_result($prod_res, 0, 'currency_id');
-		$query = "update vtiger_productcurrencyrel set actual_price=? where productid=? and currencyid=?";
-		$params = array($prod_unit_price, $this->id, $prod_base_currency);
-		$this->db->pquery($query, $params);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Return query to use based on given modulename, fieldname
-	 * Useful to handle specific case handling for Popup
-	 */
-	function getQueryByModuleField($module, $fieldname, $srcrecord) {
-		// $srcrecord could be empty
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get list view query.
-	 */
-	function getListQuery($module, $where='') {
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*, $this->table_name.*";
-		// Select Custom Field Table Columns if present
-		if(!empty($this->customFieldTable)) $query .= ", " . $this->customFieldTable[0] . ".* ";
-		$query .= " FROM $this->table_name";
-		$query .= "	INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = $this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		// Consider custom table join as well.
-		if(!empty($this->customFieldTable)) {
-			$query .= " INNER JOIN ".$this->customFieldTable[0]." ON ".$this->customFieldTable[0].'.'.$this->customFieldTable[1] .
-				      " = $this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		}
-		$query .= " LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-						ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-					LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-						ON vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid ";
-		global $current_user;
-		$query .= $this->getNonAdminAccessControlQuery($module,$current_user);
-		$query .= "WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 ".$where;
-		return $query;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Apply security restriction (sharing privilege) query part for List view.
-	 */
-	function getListViewSecurityParameter($module) {
-		global $current_user;
-		require('user_privileges/user_privileges_'.$current_user->id.'.php');
-		require('user_privileges/sharing_privileges_'.$current_user->id.'.php');
-		$sec_query = '';
-		$tabid = getTabid($module);
-		if($is_admin==false && $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 1 && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1
-			&& $defaultOrgSharingPermission[$tabid] == 3) {
-				$sec_query .= " AND (vtiger_crmentity.smownerid in($current_user->id) OR vtiger_crmentity.smownerid IN
-					(
-						SELECT vtiger_user2role.userid FROM vtiger_user2role
-						INNER JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_users.id=vtiger_user2role.userid
-						INNER JOIN vtiger_role ON vtiger_role.roleid=vtiger_user2role.roleid
-						WHERE vtiger_role.parentrole LIKE '".$current_user_parent_role_seq."::%'
-					)
-					OR vtiger_crmentity.smownerid IN
-					(
-						SELECT shareduserid FROM vtiger_tmp_read_user_sharing_per
-						WHERE userid=".$current_user->id." AND tabid=".$tabid."
-					)
-					OR
-						(";
-					// Build the query based on the group association of current user.
-					if(sizeof($current_user_groups) > 0) {
-						$sec_query .= " vtiger_groups.groupid IN (". implode(",", $current_user_groups) .") OR ";
-					}
-					$sec_query .= " vtiger_groups.groupid IN
-						(
-							SELECT vtiger_tmp_read_group_sharing_per.sharedgroupid
-							FROM vtiger_tmp_read_group_sharing_per
-							WHERE userid=".$current_user->id." and tabid=".$tabid."
-						)";
-				$sec_query .= ")
-				)";
-		}
-		return $sec_query;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Create query to export the records.
-	 */
-	function create_export_query($where)
-	{
-		global $current_user;
-		include("include/utils/ExportUtils.php");
-		//To get the Permitted fields query and the permitted fields list
-		$sql = getPermittedFieldsQuery('Services', "detail_view");
-		$fields_list = getFieldsListFromQuery($sql);
-		$query = "SELECT $fields_list
-					FROM vtiger_crmentity INNER JOIN $this->table_name ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid=$this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		if(!empty($this->customFieldTable)) {
-			$query .= " INNER JOIN ".$this->customFieldTable[0]." ON ".$this->customFieldTable[0].'.'.$this->customFieldTable[1] .
-				      " = $this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		}
-		$query .= " LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid";
-		$query .= " LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = vtiger_users.id AND vtiger_users.status='Active'";
-		$query .= $this->getNonAdminAccessControlQuery('Services',$current_user);
-		$where_auto = " vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0";
-		if($where != '') $query .= " WHERE ($where) AND $where_auto";
-		else $query .= " WHERE $where_auto";
-		return $query;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Transform the value while exporting
-	 */
-	function transform_export_value($key, $value) {
-		return parent::transform_export_value($key, $value);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function which will give the basic query to find duplicates
-	 */
-	function getDuplicatesQuery($module,$table_cols,$field_values,$ui_type_arr,$select_cols='') {
-		$select_clause = "SELECT ". $this->table_name .".".$this->table_index ." AS recordid, vtiger_users_last_import.deleted,".$table_cols;
-		// Select Custom Field Table Columns if present
-		if(isset($this->customFieldTable)) $query .= ", " . $this->customFieldTable[0] . ".* ";
-		$from_clause = " FROM $this->table_name";
-		$from_clause .= "	INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = $this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		// Consider custom table join as well.
-		if(isset($this->customFieldTable)) {
-			$from_clause .= " INNER JOIN ".$this->customFieldTable[0]." ON ".$this->customFieldTable[0].'.'.$this->customFieldTable[1] .
-				      " = $this->table_name.$this->table_index";
-		}
-		$from_clause .=	" LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-							LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid";
-		$where_clause = "	WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0";
-		$where_clause .= $this->getListViewSecurityParameter($module);
-		if (isset($select_cols) && trim($select_cols) != '') {
-			$sub_query = "SELECT $select_cols FROM  $this->table_name AS t " .
-				" INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity AS crm ON crm.crmid = t.".$this->table_index;
-			// Consider custom table join as well.
-			if(isset($this->customFieldTable)) {
-				$sub_query .= " INNER JOIN ".$this->customFieldTable[0]." tcf ON tcf.".$this->customFieldTable[1]." = t.$this->table_index";
-			}
-			$sub_query .= " WHERE crm.deleted=0 GROUP BY $select_cols HAVING COUNT(*)>1";
-		} else {
-			$sub_query = "SELECT $table_cols $from_clause $where_clause GROUP BY $table_cols HAVING COUNT(*)>1";
-		}
-		$query = $select_clause . $from_clause .
-					" LEFT JOIN vtiger_users_last_import ON vtiger_users_last_import.bean_id=" . $this->table_name .".".$this->table_index .
-					" INNER JOIN (" . $sub_query . ") AS temp ON ".get_on_clause($field_values,$ui_type_arr,$module) .
-					$where_clause .
-					" ORDER BY $table_cols,". $this->table_name .".".$this->table_index ." ASC";
-		return $query;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Handle saving related module information.
-	 * NOTE: This function has been added to CRMEntity (base class).
-	 * You can override the behavior by re-defining it here.
-	 */
-	// function save_related_module($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid) { }
-	/**
-	 * Handle deleting related module information.
-	 * NOTE: This function has been added to CRMEntity (base class).
-	 * You can override the behavior by re-defining it here.
-	 */
-	//function delete_related_module($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid) { }
-	/**
-	 * Handle getting related list information.
-	 * NOTE: This function has been added to CRMEntity (base class).
-	 * You can override the behavior by re-defining it here.
-	 */
-	//function get_related_list($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) { }
-	/**	function used to get the list of quotes which are related to the service
-	 *	@param int $id - service id
-	 *	@return array - array which will be returned from the function GetRelatedList
-	 */
-	function get_quotes($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $log, $singlepane_view,$currentModule,$current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_quotes(".$id.") method ...");
-		$this_module = $currentModule;
-        $related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$other = new $related_module();
-        vtlib_setup_modulevars($related_module, $other);
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		$parenttab = getParentTab();
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
-		else
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id='.$id;
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,4, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT')." ". getTranslatedString($related_module). "' class='crmbutton small edit' type='button' onclick=\"return window.open('index.php?module=$related_module&return_module=$currentModule&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid=$id&parenttab=$parenttab','test','width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');\" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT'). " " . getTranslatedString($related_module) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-			if(in_array('ADD', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " ". getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"EditView\";this.form.module.value=\"$related_module\"' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$userNameSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=>
-							'vtiger_users.first_name', 'last_name' => 'vtiger_users.last_name'), 'Users');
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*,
-			vtiger_quotes.*,
-			vtiger_potential.potentialname,
-			vtiger_account.accountname,
-			vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid,
-			case when (vtiger_users.user_name not like '') then $userNameSql
-				else vtiger_groups.groupname end as user_name
-			FROM vtiger_quotes
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
-				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_quotes.quoteid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_inventoryproductrel
-				ON vtiger_inventoryproductrel.id = vtiger_quotes.quoteid
-			LEFT OUTER JOIN vtiger_account
-				ON vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_quotes.accountid
-			LEFT OUTER JOIN vtiger_potential
-				ON vtiger_potential.potentialid = vtiger_quotes.potentialid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-				ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_quotescf
-                ON vtiger_quotescf.quoteid = vtiger_quotes.quoteid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_quotesbillads
-				ON vtiger_quotesbillads.quotebilladdressid = vtiger_quotes.quoteid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_quotesshipads
-				ON vtiger_quotesshipads.quoteshipaddressid = vtiger_quotes.quoteid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-				ON vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0
-			AND vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid = ".$id;
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($this_module, $related_module, $other, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_quotes method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
-	/**	function used to get the list of purchase orders which are related to the service
-	 *	@param int $id - service id
-	 *	@return array - array which will be returned from the function GetRelatedList
-	 */
-	function get_purchase_orders($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $log, $singlepane_view,$currentModule,$current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_purchase_orders(".$id.") method ...");
-		$this_module = $currentModule;
-        $related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$other = new $related_module();
-        vtlib_setup_modulevars($related_module, $other);
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		$parenttab = getParentTab();
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
-		else
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id='.$id;
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,4, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT')." ". getTranslatedString($related_module). "' class='crmbutton small edit' type='button' onclick=\"return window.open('index.php?module=$related_module&return_module=$currentModule&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid=$id&parenttab=$parenttab','test','width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');\" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT'). " " . getTranslatedString($related_module) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-			if(in_array('ADD', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " ". getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"EditView\";this.form.module.value=\"$related_module\"' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$userNameSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=>
-							'vtiger_users.first_name', 'last_name' => 'vtiger_users.last_name'), 'Users');
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*,
-			vtiger_purchaseorder.*,
-			vtiger_service.servicename,
-			vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid,
-			case when (vtiger_users.user_name not like '') then $userNameSql
-				else vtiger_groups.groupname end as user_name
-			FROM vtiger_purchaseorder
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
-				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_purchaseorder.purchaseorderid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_inventoryproductrel
-				ON vtiger_inventoryproductrel.id = vtiger_purchaseorder.purchaseorderid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_service
-				ON vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-				ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_purchaseordercf
-                ON vtiger_purchaseordercf.purchaseorderid = vtiger_purchaseorder.purchaseorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_pobillads
-				ON vtiger_pobillads.pobilladdressid = vtiger_purchaseorder.purchaseorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_poshipads
-				ON vtiger_poshipads.poshipaddressid = vtiger_purchaseorder.purchaseorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-				ON vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0
-			AND vtiger_service.serviceid = ".$id;
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($this_module, $related_module, $other, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_purchase_orders method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
-	/**	function used to get the list of sales orders which are related to the service
-	 *	@param int $id - service id
-	 *	@return array - array which will be returned from the function GetRelatedList
-	 */
-	function get_salesorder($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $log, $singlepane_view,$currentModule,$current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_salesorder(".$id.") method ...");
-		$this_module = $currentModule;
-        $related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$other = new $related_module();
-        vtlib_setup_modulevars($related_module, $other);
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		$parenttab = getParentTab();
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
-		else
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id='.$id;
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,4, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT')." ". getTranslatedString($related_module). "' class='crmbutton small edit' type='button' onclick=\"return window.open('index.php?module=$related_module&return_module=$currentModule&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid=$id&parenttab=$parenttab','test','width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');\" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT'). " " . getTranslatedString($related_module) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-			if(in_array('ADD', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " ". getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"EditView\";this.form.module.value=\"$related_module\"' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$userNameSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=>'vtiger_users.first_name', 'last_name' =>
-			'vtiger_users.last_name'), 'Users');
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*,
-			vtiger_salesorder.*,
-			vtiger_service.servicename AS servicename,
-			vtiger_account.accountname,
-			case when (vtiger_users.user_name not like '') then $userNameSql
-				else vtiger_groups.groupname end as user_name
-			FROM vtiger_salesorder
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
-				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_inventoryproductrel
-				ON vtiger_inventoryproductrel.id = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_service
-				ON vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid
-			LEFT OUTER JOIN vtiger_account
-				ON vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_salesorder.accountid
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_invoice_recurring_info
-                ON vtiger_invoice_recurring_info.start_period = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-				ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_salesordercf
-                ON vtiger_salesordercf.salesorderid = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_sobillads
-				ON vtiger_sobillads.sobilladdressid = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_soshipads
-				ON vtiger_soshipads.soshipaddressid = vtiger_salesorder.salesorderid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-				ON vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0
-			AND vtiger_service.serviceid = ".$id;
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($this_module, $related_module, $other, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_salesorder method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
-	/**	function used to get the list of invoices which are related to the service
-	 *	@param int $id - service id
-	 *	@return array - array which will be returned from the function GetRelatedList
-	 */
-	function get_invoices($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $log, $singlepane_view,$currentModule,$current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_invoices(".$id.") method ...");
-		$this_module = $currentModule;
-        $related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$other = new $related_module();
-        vtlib_setup_modulevars($related_module, $other);
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		$parenttab = getParentTab();
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
-		else
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id='.$id;
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,4, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT')." ". getTranslatedString($related_module). "' class='crmbutton small edit' type='button' onclick=\"return window.open('index.php?module=$related_module&return_module=$currentModule&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid=$id&parenttab=$parenttab','test','width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');\" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT'). " " . getTranslatedString($related_module) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-			if(in_array('ADD', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " ". getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"EditView\";this.form.module.value=\"$related_module\"' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$userNameSql = getSqlForNameInDisplayFormat(array('first_name'=>
-							'vtiger_users.first_name', 'last_name' => 'vtiger_users.last_name'), 'Users');
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.*,
-			vtiger_invoice.*,
-			vtiger_inventoryproductrel.quantity,
-			vtiger_account.accountname,
-			case when (vtiger_users.user_name not like '') then $userNameSql
-				else vtiger_groups.groupname end as user_name
-			FROM vtiger_invoice
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
-				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid
-			LEFT OUTER JOIN vtiger_account
-				ON vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_invoice.accountid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_inventoryproductrel
-				ON vtiger_inventoryproductrel.id = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-				ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_invoicecf
-                ON vtiger_invoicecf.invoiceid = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_invoicebillads
-				ON vtiger_invoicebillads.invoicebilladdressid = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_invoiceshipads
-				ON vtiger_invoiceshipads.invoiceshipaddressid = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-				ON  vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0
-			AND vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid = ".$id;
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($this_module, $related_module, $other, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_invoices method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
-	/**	function used to get the list of pricebooks which are related to the service
-	 *	@param int $id - service id
-	 *	@return array - array which will be returned from the function GetRelatedList
-	 */
-	function get_service_pricebooks($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $currentModule,$log,$singlepane_view,$mod_strings;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_service_pricebooks(".$id.") method ...");
-		$related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		checkFileAccessForInclusion("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$focus = new $related_module();
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = "&return_module=$currentModule&return_action=DetailView&return_id=$id";
-		else
-			$returnset = "&return_module=$currentModule&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id=$id";
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes' && isPermitted($currentModule,'EditView',$id) == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_TO'). " ". getTranslatedString($related_module) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"AddServiceToPriceBooks\";this.form.module.value=\"$currentModule\"' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_TO'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_crmentity.crmid,
-			vtiger_pricebook.*,
-			vtiger_pricebookproductrel.productid as prodid
-			FROM vtiger_pricebook
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity
-				ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_pricebookproductrel
-				ON vtiger_pricebookproductrel.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_pricebookcf
-				ON vtiger_pricebookcf.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0
-			AND vtiger_pricebookproductrel.productid = ".$id;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_product_pricebooks method ...");
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($currentModule, $related_module, $focus, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_service_pricebooks method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
-	/**	Function to display the Services which are related to the PriceBook
-	 *	@param string $query - query to get the list of products which are related to the current PriceBook
-	 *	@param object $focus - PriceBook object which contains all the information of the current PriceBook
-	 *	@param string $returnset - return_module, return_action and return_id which are sequenced with & to pass to the URL which is optional
-	 *	return array $return_data which will be formed like array('header'=>$header,'entries'=>$entries_list) where as $header contains all the header columns and $entries_list will contain all the Service entries
-	 */
-	function getPriceBookRelatedServices($query,$focus,$returnset='')
-	{
-		global $log;
-		$log->debug("Entering getPriceBookRelatedServices(".$query.",".get_class($focus).",".$returnset.") method ...");
-		global $adb;
-		global $app_strings;
-		global $current_language,$current_user;
-		$current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Services');
-        $no_of_decimal_places = getCurrencyDecimalPlaces();
-		global $list_max_entries_per_page;
-		global $urlPrefix;
-		global $theme;
-		$pricebook_id = $_REQUEST['record'];
-		$theme_path="themes/".$theme."/";
-		$image_path=$theme_path."images/";
-		$computeCount = $_REQUEST['withCount'];
-		if(PerformancePrefs::getBoolean('LISTVIEW_COMPUTE_PAGE_COUNT', false) === true ||
-				((boolean) $computeCount) == true){
-			$noofrows = $adb->query_result($adb->query(Vtiger_Functions::mkCountQuery($query)),0,'count');
-		}else{
-			$noofrows = null;
-		}
-		$module = 'PriceBooks';
-		$relatedmodule = 'Services';
-		if(!$_SESSION['rlvs'][$module][$relatedmodule])
-		{
-			$modObj = new ListViewSession();
-			$modObj->sortby = $focus->default_order_by;
-			$modObj->sorder = $focus->default_sort_order;
-			$_SESSION['rlvs'][$module][$relatedmodule] = get_object_vars($modObj);
-		}
-		if(isset($_REQUEST['relmodule']) && $_REQUEST['relmodule']!='' && $_REQUEST['relmodule'] == $relatedmodule) {
-			$relmodule = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['relmodule']);
-			if($_SESSION['rlvs'][$module][$relmodule]) {
-				setSessionVar($_SESSION['rlvs'][$module][$relmodule],$noofrows,$list_max_entries_per_page,$module,$relmodule);
-			}
-		}
-		global $relationId;
-		$start = RelatedListViewSession::getRequestCurrentPage($relationId, $query);
-		$navigation_array =  VT_getSimpleNavigationValues($start, $list_max_entries_per_page,
-				$noofrows);
-		$limit_start_rec = ($start-1) * $list_max_entries_per_page;
-		if( $adb->dbType == "pgsql")
-			$list_result = $adb->pquery($query.
-					" OFFSET $limit_start_rec LIMIT $list_max_entries_per_page", array());
-		else
-			$list_result = $adb->pquery($query.
-					" LIMIT $limit_start_rec, $list_max_entries_per_page", array());
-		$header=array();
-		$header[]=$current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_SERVICE_NAME'];
-		if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Services', $current_user->id, 'unit_price') == '0')
-			$header[]=$current_module_strings['LBL_SERVICE_UNIT_PRICE'];
-		$header[]=$current_module_strings['LBL_PB_LIST_PRICE'];
-		if(isPermitted("PriceBooks","EditView","") == 'yes' || isPermitted("PriceBooks","Delete","") == 'yes')
-			$header[]=$app_strings['LBL_ACTION'];
-		$currency_id = $focus->column_fields['currency_id'];
-		$numRows = $adb->num_rows($list_result);
-		for($i=0; $i<$numRows; $i++) {
-			$entity_id = $adb->query_result($list_result,$i,"crmid");
-			$unit_price = 	$adb->query_result($list_result,$i,"unit_price");
-			if($currency_id != null) {
-				$prod_prices = getPricesForProducts($currency_id, array($entity_id),'Services');
-				$unit_price = $prod_prices[$entity_id];
-			}
-			$listprice = $adb->query_result($list_result,$i,"listprice");
-			$field_name=$entity_id."_listprice";
-			$entries = Array();
-			$entries[] = textlength_check($adb->query_result($list_result,$i,"servicename"));
-			if(getFieldVisibilityPermission('Services', $current_user->id, 'unit_price') == '0')
-				$entries[] = CurrencyField::convertToUserFormat($unit_price, null, true);
-			$entries[] = CurrencyField::convertToUserFormat($listprice, null, true);
-			$action = "";
-			if(isPermitted("PriceBooks","EditView","") == 'yes' && isPermitted('Services', 'EditView', $entity_id) == 'yes') {
-				$action .= '<img style="cursor:pointer;" src="themes/images/editfield.gif" border="0" onClick="fnvshobj(this,\'editlistprice\'),editProductListPrice(\''.$entity_id.'\',\''.$pricebook_id.'\',\''.number_format($listprice, $no_of_decimal_places,'.','').'\')" alt="'.$app_strings["LBL_EDIT_BUTTON"].'" title="'.$app_strings["LBL_EDIT_BUTTON"].'"/>';
-			} else {
-				$action .= '<img src="'. vtiger_imageurl('blank.gif', $theme).'" border="0" />';
-			}
-			if(isPermitted("PriceBooks","Delete","") == 'yes' && isPermitted('Services', 'Delete', $entity_id) == 'yes')
-			{
-				if($action != "")
-					$action .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
-				$action .= '<img src="themes/images/delete.gif" onclick="if(confirm(\''.$app_strings['ARE_YOU_SURE'].'\')) deletePriceBookProductRel('.$entity_id.','.$pricebook_id.');" alt="'.$app_strings["LBL_DELETE"].'" title="'.$app_strings["LBL_DELETE"].'" style="cursor:pointer;" border="0">';
-			}
-			if($action != "")
-				$entries[] = $action;
-			$entries_list[] = $entries;
-		}
-		$navigationOutput[] =  getRecordRangeMessage($list_result, $limit_start_rec,$noofrows);
-		$navigationOutput[] = getRelatedTableHeaderNavigation($navigation_array, '',$module,$relatedmodule,$focus->id);
-		$return_data = array('header'=>$header,'entries'=>$entries_list,'navigation'=>$navigationOutput);
-		$log->debug("Exiting getPriceBookRelatedServices method ...");
-		return $return_data;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Move the related records of the specified list of id's to the given record.
-	 * @param String This module name
-	 * @param Array List of Entity Id's from which related records need to be transfered
-	 * @param Integer Id of the the Record to which the related records are to be moved
-	 */
-	function transferRelatedRecords($module, $transferEntityIds, $entityId) {
-		global $adb,$log;
-		$log->debug("Entering function transferRelatedRecords ($module, $transferEntityIds, $entityId)");
-		$rel_table_arr = Array("Quotes"=>"vtiger_inventoryproductrel","PurchaseOrder"=>"vtiger_inventoryproductrel","SalesOrder"=>"vtiger_inventoryproductrel",
-				"Invoice"=>"vtiger_inventoryproductrel","PriceBooks"=>"vtiger_pricebookproductrel","Documents"=>"vtiger_senotesrel");
-		$tbl_field_arr = Array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>"id","vtiger_pricebookproductrel"=>"pricebookid","vtiger_senotesrel"=>"notesid");
-		$entity_tbl_field_arr = Array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>"productid","vtiger_pricebookproductrel"=>"productid","vtiger_senotesrel"=>"crmid");
-		foreach($transferEntityIds as $transferId) {
-			foreach($rel_table_arr as $rel_module=>$rel_table) {
-				$id_field = $tbl_field_arr[$rel_table];
-				$entity_id_field = $entity_tbl_field_arr[$rel_table];
-				// IN clause to avoid duplicate entries
-				$sel_result =  $adb->pquery("select $id_field from $rel_table where $entity_id_field=? " .
-						" and $id_field not in (select $id_field from $rel_table where $entity_id_field=?)",
-						array($transferId,$entityId));
-				$res_cnt = $adb->num_rows($sel_result);
-				if($res_cnt > 0) {
-					for($i=0;$i<$res_cnt;$i++) {
-						$id_field_value = $adb->query_result($sel_result,$i,$id_field);
-						$adb->pquery("update $rel_table set $entity_id_field=? where $entity_id_field=? and $id_field=?",
-							array($entityId,$transferId,$id_field_value));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		parent::transferRelatedRecords($module, $transferEntityIds, $entityId);
-		$log->debug("Exiting transferRelatedRecords...");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Function to get the primary query part of a report
-	 * @param - $module primary module name
-	 * returns the query string formed on fetching the related data for report for secondary module
-	 */
-	function generateReportsQuery($module,$queryPlanner){
-	   	global $current_user;
-			$matrix = $queryPlanner->newDependencyMatrix();
-			$matrix->setDependency('vtiger_seproductsrel',array('vtiger_crmentityRelServices','vtiger_accountRelServices','vtiger_leaddetailsRelServices','vtiger_servicecf','vtiger_potentialRelServices'));
-			$query = "from vtiger_service
-				inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_service.serviceid";
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_servicecf")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_servicecf on vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_servicecf.serviceid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_usersServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_usersServices on vtiger_usersServices.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_groupsServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_groups as vtiger_groupsServices on vtiger_groupsServices.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_seproductsrel")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_seproductsrel on vtiger_seproductsrel.productid= vtiger_service.serviceid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_crmentityRelServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_crmentity as vtiger_crmentityRelServices on vtiger_crmentityRelServices.crmid = vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid and vtiger_crmentityRelServices.deleted = 0";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_accountRelServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_account as vtiger_accountRelServices on vtiger_accountRelServices.accountid=vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_leaddetailsRelServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_leaddetails as vtiger_leaddetailsRelServices on vtiger_leaddetailsRelServices.leadid = vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_potentialRelServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_potential as vtiger_potentialRelServices on vtiger_potentialRelServices.potentialid = vtiger_seproductsrel.crmid";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_lastModifiedByServices")){
-			    $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_lastModifiedByServices on vtiger_lastModifiedByServices.id = vtiger_crmentity.modifiedby";
-			}
-			if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("innerService")){
-			    $query .= " LEFT JOIN (
-					SELECT vtiger_service.serviceid,
-							(CASE WHEN (vtiger_service.currency_id = 1 ) THEN vtiger_service.unit_price
-								ELSE (vtiger_service.unit_price / vtiger_currency_info.conversion_rate) END
-							) AS actual_unit_price
-					FROM vtiger_service
-					LEFT JOIN vtiger_currency_info ON vtiger_service.currency_id = vtiger_currency_info.id
-					LEFT JOIN vtiger_productcurrencyrel ON vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_productcurrencyrel.productid
-					AND vtiger_productcurrencyrel.currencyid = ". $current_user->currency_id . "
-				) AS innerService ON innerService.serviceid = vtiger_service.serviceid";
-			}
-			return $query;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Function to get the secondary query part of a report
-	 * @param - $module primary module name
-	 * @param - $secmodule secondary module name
-	 * returns the query string formed on fetching the related data for report for secondary module
-	 */
-	function generateReportsSecQuery($module,$secmodule, $queryPlanner) {
-		global $current_user;
-		$matrix = $queryPlanner->newDependencyMatrix();
-		$matrix->setDependency('vtiger_service',array('actual_unit_price','vtiger_currency_info','vtiger_productcurrencyrel','vtiger_servicecf','vtiger_crmentityServices'));
-		$matrix->setDependency('vtiger_crmentityServices',array('vtiger_usersServices','vtiger_groupsServices','vtiger_lastModifiedByServices'));
-		if (!$queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_service",$matrix)){
-			return '';
-		}
-		$query = $this->getRelationQuery($module,$secmodule,"vtiger_service","serviceid", $queryPlanner);
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("innerService")){
-		    $query .= " LEFT JOIN (
-			SELECT vtiger_service.serviceid,
-			(CASE WHEN (vtiger_service.currency_id = " . $current_user->currency_id . " ) THEN vtiger_service.unit_price
-			WHEN (vtiger_productcurrencyrel.actual_price IS NOT NULL) THEN vtiger_productcurrencyrel.actual_price
-			ELSE (vtiger_service.unit_price / vtiger_currency_info.conversion_rate) * ". $current_user->conv_rate . " END
-			) AS actual_unit_price FROM vtiger_service
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_currency_info ON vtiger_service.currency_id = vtiger_currency_info.id
-            LEFT JOIN vtiger_productcurrencyrel ON vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_productcurrencyrel.productid
-			AND vtiger_productcurrencyrel.currencyid = ". $current_user->currency_id . ")
-            AS innerService ON innerService.serviceid = vtiger_service.serviceid";
-		}
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_crmentityServices",$matrix)){
-		    $query .= " left join vtiger_crmentity as vtiger_crmentityServices on vtiger_crmentityServices.crmid=vtiger_service.serviceid and vtiger_crmentityServices.deleted=0";
-		}
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_servicecf")){
-		    $query .= " left join vtiger_servicecf on vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_servicecf.serviceid";
-		}
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_usersServices")){
-		    $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_usersServices on vtiger_usersServices.id = vtiger_crmentityServices.smownerid";
-		}
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_groupsServices")){
-		    $query .= " left join vtiger_groups as vtiger_groupsServices on vtiger_groupsServices.groupid = vtiger_crmentityServices.smownerid";
-		}
-		if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_lastModifiedByServices")){
-		    $query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_lastModifiedByServices on vtiger_lastModifiedByServices.id = vtiger_crmentityServices.modifiedby ";
-		}
-        if ($queryPlanner->requireTable("vtiger_createdbyServices")){
-			$query .= " left join vtiger_users as vtiger_createdbyServices on vtiger_createdbyServices.id = vtiger_crmentityServices.smcreatorid ";
-		}
-		return $query;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Function to get the relation tables for related modules
-	 * @param - $secmodule secondary module name
-	 * returns the array with table names and fieldnames storing relations between module and this module
-	 */
-	function setRelationTables($secmodule){
-		$rel_tables = array (
-			"Quotes" => array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>array("productid","id"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-			"PurchaseOrder" => array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>array("productid","id"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-			"SalesOrder" => array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>array("productid","id"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-			"Invoice" => array("vtiger_inventoryproductrel"=>array("productid","id"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-			"PriceBooks" => array("vtiger_pricebookproductrel"=>array("productid","pricebookid"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-			"Documents" => array("vtiger_senotesrel"=>array("crmid","notesid"),"vtiger_service"=>"serviceid"),
-		);
-		return $rel_tables[$secmodule];
-	}
-	// Function to unlink all the dependent entities of the given Entity by Id
-	function unlinkDependencies($module, $id) {
-		global $log;
-		$this->db->pquery('DELETE from vtiger_seproductsrel WHERE productid=? or crmid=?',array($id,$id));
-		parent::unlinkDependencies($module, $id);
-	}
- 	/**
-	* Invoked when special actions are performed on the module.
-	* @param String Module name
-	* @param String Event Type
-	*/
-	function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType) {
-		require_once('include/utils/utils.php');
-		global $adb;
- 		if($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
-			require_once('vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php');
-			$moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
-			$moduleInstance->allowSharing();
-			$ttModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
-			$ttModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'));
-			$leadModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Leads');
-			$leadModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'));
-			$accModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts');
-			$accModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'));
-			$conModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
-			$conModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'));
-			$potModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Potentials');
-			$potModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'));
-			$pbModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PriceBooks');
-			$pbModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance,'Services',array('select'),'get_pricebook_services');
-			// Initialize module sequence for the module
-			$adb->pquery("INSERT into vtiger_modentity_num values(?,?,?,?,?,?)",array($adb->getUniqueId("vtiger_modentity_num"),$moduleName,'SER',1,1,1));
-			// Mark the module as Standard module
-			$adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_tab SET customized=0 WHERE name=?', array($moduleName));
-		} else if($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
-		// TODO Handle actions when this module is disabled.
-		} else if($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
-		// TODO Handle actions when this module is enabled.
-		} else if($eventType == 'module.preuninstall') {
-		// TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted.
-		} else if($eventType == 'module.preupdate') {
-		// TODO Handle actions before this module is updated.
-		} else if($eventType == 'module.postupdate') {
-		// TODO Handle actions after this module is updated.
-			//adds sharing accsess
-			$ServicesModule  = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Services');
-			Vtiger_Access::setDefaultSharing($ServicesModule);
-		}
- 	}
-	/** Function to unlink an entity with given Id from another entity */
-	function unlinkRelationship($id, $return_module, $return_id) {
-		global $log, $currentModule;
-		$log->fatal('id:--'.$id);
-		$log->fatal('return_module:--'.$return_module);
-		$log->fatal('return_id:---'.$return_id);
-		if($return_module == 'Accounts') {
-			$focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($return_module);
-			$entityIds = $focus->getRelatedContactsIds($return_id);
-			array_push($entityIds, $return_id);
-			$entityIds = implode(',', $entityIds);
-			$return_modules = "'Accounts','Contacts'";
-		} else {
-			$entityIds = $return_id;
-			$return_modules = "'".$return_module."'";
-		}
-		$query = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE (relcrmid='.$id.' AND module IN ('.$return_modules.') AND crmid IN ('.$entityIds.')) OR (crmid='.$id.' AND relmodule IN ('.$return_modules.') AND relcrmid IN ('.$entityIds.'))';
-		$this->db->pquery($query, array());
-	}
-	/**
-	* Function to get Product's related Products
-	* @param  integer   $id      - productid
-	* returns related Products record in array format
-	*/
-	function get_services($id, $cur_tab_id, $rel_tab_id, $actions=false) {
-		global $log, $singlepane_view,$currentModule,$current_user;
-		$log->debug("Entering get_products(".$id.") method ...");
-		$this_module = $currentModule;
-        $related_module = vtlib_getModuleNameById($rel_tab_id);
-		require_once("modules/$related_module/$related_module.php");
-		$other = new $related_module();
-        vtlib_setup_modulevars($related_module, $other);
-		$singular_modname = vtlib_toSingular($related_module);
-		$parenttab = getParentTab();
-		if($singlepane_view == 'true')
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
-		else
-			$returnset = '&return_module='.$this_module.'&return_action=CallRelatedList&return_id='.$id;
-		$button = '';
-		if($actions && $this->ismember_check() === 0) {
-			if(is_string($actions)) $actions = explode(',', strtoupper($actions));
-			if(in_array('SELECT', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,4, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT')." ". getTranslatedString($related_module). "' class='crmbutton small edit' type='button' onclick=\"return window.open('index.php?module=$related_module&return_module=$currentModule&action=Popup&popuptype=detailview&select=enable&form=EditView&form_submit=false&recordid=$id&parenttab=$parenttab','test','width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');\" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_SELECT'). " " . getTranslatedString($related_module) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-			if(in_array('ADD', $actions) && isPermitted($related_module,1, '') == 'yes') {
-				$button .= "<input type='hidden' name='createmode' id='createmode' value='link' />".
-					"<input title='".getTranslatedString('LBL_NEW'). " ". getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."' class='crmbutton small create'" .
-					" onclick='this.form.action.value=\"EditView\";this.form.module.value=\"$related_module\";' type='submit' name='button'" .
-					" value='". getTranslatedString('LBL_ADD_NEW'). " " . getTranslatedString($singular_modname) ."'>&nbsp;";
-			}
-		}
-		$query = "SELECT vtiger_service.serviceid, vtiger_service.servicename,
-			vtiger_service.service_no, vtiger_service.commissionrate,
-			vtiger_service.service_usageunit, vtiger_service.unit_price,
-			vtiger_crmentity.crmid, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			FROM vtiger_service
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_service.serviceid
-			INNER JOIN vtiger_servicecf
-				ON vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_servicecf.serviceid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_crmentityrel ON vtiger_crmentityrel.relcrmid = vtiger_service.serviceid AND vtiger_crmentityrel.module='Services'
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_users
-				ON vtiger_users.id=vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups
-				ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-			WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 AND vtiger_crmentityrel.crmid = $id ";
-		$return_value = GetRelatedList($this_module, $related_module, $other, $query, $button, $returnset);
-		if($return_value == null) $return_value = Array();
-		$return_value['CUSTOM_BUTTON'] = $button;
-		$log->debug("Exiting get_products method ...");
-		return $return_value;
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Services/actions/MassSave.php b/modules/Services/actions/MassSave.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cb46e55df4d40fbeaba9a72454f16efbedfb2efc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/actions/MassSave.php
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_MassSave_Action extends Products_MassSave_Action {
diff --git a/modules/Services/actions/RelationAjax.php b/modules/Services/actions/RelationAjax.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dea91344cb1308e86959a1b4d4a491634c328150..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/actions/RelationAjax.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_RelationAjax_Action extends Products_RelationAjax_Action {
diff --git a/modules/Services/actions/SaveAjax.php b/modules/Services/actions/SaveAjax.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d2dce1e8316bdac00d27a95de8a192e97a48be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/actions/SaveAjax.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_SaveAjax_Action extends Products_SaveAjax_Action {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/DetailView.php b/modules/Services/models/DetailView.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e702ed3e291b6bab28bb58618a5454311b3b818c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/DetailView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_DetailView_Model extends Products_DetailView_Model {
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/ListView.php b/modules/Services/models/ListView.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a1a15db745c03546be0d0a48996645f8e0adf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/ListView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_ListView_Model extends Products_ListView_Model {
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/MassEditRecordStructure.php b/modules/Services/models/MassEditRecordStructure.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 580284c9dd013d288f1d3814e070b4317f0c05f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/MassEditRecordStructure.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
- * Mass Edit Record Structure Model
- */
-class Services_MassEditRecordStructure_Model extends Products_MassEditRecordStructure_Model {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/Module.php b/modules/Services/models/Module.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f5e710372747bcf432ed505aa2b7468943e032..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/Module.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_Module_Model extends Products_Module_Model {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get list view query for popup window
-	 * @param <String> $sourceModule Parent module
-	 * @param <String> $field parent fieldname
-	 * @param <Integer> $record parent id
-	 * @param <String> $listQuery
-	 * @return <String> Listview Query
-	 */
-	public function getQueryByModuleField($sourceModule, $field, $record, $listQuery) {
-		$supportedModulesList = array('Leads', 'Accounts', 'HelpDesk', 'Potentials');
-		if (($sourceModule == 'PriceBooks' && $field == 'priceBookRelatedList')
-				|| in_array($sourceModule, $supportedModulesList)
-				|| in_array($sourceModule, getInventoryModules())) {
-			$condition = " vtiger_service.discontinued = 1 ";
-			if ($sourceModule == 'PriceBooks' && $field == 'priceBookRelatedList') {
-				$condition .= " AND vtiger_service.serviceid NOT IN (SELECT productid FROM vtiger_pricebookproductrel WHERE pricebookid = '$record') ";
-			} elseif (in_array($sourceModule, $supportedModulesList)) {
-				$condition .= " AND vtiger_service.serviceid NOT IN (SELECT relcrmid FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE crmid = '$record' UNION SELECT crmid FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE relcrmid = '$record') ";
-			}
-			$pos = stripos($listQuery, 'where');
-			if ($pos) {
-				$split = spliti('where', $listQuery);
-				$overRideQuery = $split[0] . ' WHERE ' . $split[1] . ' AND ' . $condition;
-			} else {
-				$overRideQuery = $listQuery . ' WHERE ' . $condition;
-			}
-			return $overRideQuery;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function returns query for Services-PriceBooks Relationship
-	 * @param <Vtiger_Record_Model> $recordModel
-	 * @param <Vtiger_Record_Model> $relatedModuleModel
-	 * @return <String>
-	 */
-	function get_service_pricebooks($recordModel, $relatedModuleModel) {
-		$query = 'SELECT vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid, vtiger_pricebook.bookname, vtiger_pricebook.active, vtiger_crmentity.crmid, 
-						vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_pricebookproductrel.listprice, vtiger_service.unit_price
-					FROM vtiger_pricebook
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_pricebookproductrel ON vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebookproductrel.pricebookid
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_service on vtiger_service.serviceid = vtiger_pricebookproductrel.productid
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_pricebookcf on vtiger_pricebookcf.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid
-					LEFT JOIN vtiger_users ON vtiger_users.id=vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-					LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid '
-					. Users_Privileges_Model::getNonAdminAccessControlQuery($relatedModuleModel->getName()) .'
-					WHERE vtiger_service.serviceid = '.$recordModel->getId().' and vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0';
-		return $query;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/Record.php b/modules/Services/models/Record.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a053b3a20408039c03166b83010352bc703cd321..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/Record.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_Record_Model extends Products_Record_Model {
-	function getCreateQuoteUrl() {
-		$quotesModuleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('Quotes');
-		return "index.php?module=".$quotesModuleModel->getName()."&view=".$quotesModuleModel->getEditViewName()."&service_id=".$this->getId().
-				"&sourceModule=".$this->getModuleName()."&sourceRecord=".$this->getId()."&relationOperation=true";
-	}
-	function getCreateInvoiceUrl() {
-		$invoiceModuleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('Invoice');
-		return "index.php?module=".$invoiceModuleModel->getName()."&view=".$invoiceModuleModel->getEditViewName()."&service_id=".$this->getId().
-				"&sourceModule=".$this->getModuleName()."&sourceRecord=".$this->getId()."&relationOperation=true";
-	}
-	function getCreatePurchaseOrderUrl() {
-		$purchaseOrderModuleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('PurchaseOrder');
-		return "index.php?module=".$purchaseOrderModuleModel->getName()."&view=".$purchaseOrderModuleModel->getEditViewName()."&service_id=".$this->getId().
-				"&sourceModule=".$this->getModuleName()."&sourceRecord=".$this->getId()."&relationOperation=true";
-	}
-	function getCreateSalesOrderUrl() {
-		$salesOrderModuleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('SalesOrder');
-		return "index.php?module=".$salesOrderModuleModel->getName()."&view=".$salesOrderModuleModel->getEditViewName()."&service_id=".$this->getId().
-				"&sourceModule=".$this->getModuleName()."&sourceRecord=".$this->getId()."&relationOperation=true";
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get acive status of record
-	 */
-	public function getActiveStatusOfRecord(){
-		$activeStatus = $this->get('discontinued');
-		if($activeStatus){
-			return $activeStatus;
-		}
-		$recordId = $this->getId();
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$result = $db->pquery('SELECT discontinued FROM vtiger_service WHERE serviceid = ?',array($recordId));
-		$activeStatus = $db->query_result($result, 'discontinued');
-		return $activeStatus;
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/Relation.php b/modules/Services/models/Relation.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c9393c6ff89303e6f8f9f01a3d7f2b37c66f857d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/Relation.php
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_Relation_Model extends Products_Relation_Model{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/models/RelationListView.php b/modules/Services/models/RelationListView.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 56f069ff93f71a859d85a13d55110425bec0dda5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/models/RelationListView.php
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_RelationListView_Model extends Products_RelationListView_Model {
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/Detail.php b/modules/Services/views/Detail.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e66db53ab2e42a25eedcd3a00a031a7b7c800d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/Detail.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-class Services_Detail_View extends Products_Detail_View {
-	public function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$modulePopUpFile = 'modules.'.$moduleName.'.resources.Edit';
-		$moduleDetailFile = 'modules.'.$moduleName.'.resources.Detail';
-		$moduleRelatedListFile = 'modules.'.$moduleName.'.resources.RelatedList';
-		unset($headerScriptInstances[$modulePopUpFile]);
-		unset($headerScriptInstances[$moduleDetailFile]);
-		unset($headerScriptInstances[$moduleRelatedListFile]);
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-				'modules.Products.resources.Edit',
-				'modules.Products.resources.Detail',
-				'modules.Products.resources.RelatedList',
-		);
-		$jsFileNames[] = $modulePopUpFile;
-		$jsFileNames[] = $moduleDetailFile;
-		$jsFileNames[] = $moduleRelatedListFile;
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/Edit.php b/modules/Services/views/Edit.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e82d9ed6a50b3553bc9d0686c98f07580e87591..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/Edit.php
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-Class Services_Edit_View extends Products_Edit_View {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of Script models to be included
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_JsScript_Model instances
-	 */
-	function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$modulePopUpFile = 'modules.'.$moduleName.'.resources.Edit';
-		unset($headerScriptInstances[$modulePopUpFile]);
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-				'modules.Products.resources.Edit',
-		);
-		$jsFileNames[] = $modulePopUpFile;
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 60f8ce57605788926ac134efd4cc329663e2b8c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/List.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* +***********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * *********************************************************************************** */
-Class Services_List_View extends Vtiger_List_View {
-    /**
-    * Function to get the list of Script models to be included
-    * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-    * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_JsScript_Model instances
-    */
-   function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-           $headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-           $moduleName = $request->getModule();
-           $modulePopUpFile = 'modules.'.$moduleName.'.resources.Edit';
-           unset($headerScriptInstances[$modulePopUpFile]);
-           $jsFileNames = array(
-                'modules.Products.resources.Edit',
-           );
-           $jsFileNames[] = $modulePopUpFile;
-           $jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-           $headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-           return $headerScriptInstances;
-   }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/MoreCurrenciesList.php b/modules/Services/views/MoreCurrenciesList.php
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index 91e45aab3194a5985e11a73631beb585f85c3589..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/MoreCurrenciesList.php
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class Services_MoreCurrenciesList_View extends Products_MoreCurrenciesList_View {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopup.php b/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b92d762817046c48bf31619eb66bc33e25c038b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class Services_PriceBookProductPopup_View extends Products_PriceBookProductPopup_View {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopupAjax.php b/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopupAjax.php
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index af7405370d0ef46d365e167ad42f75aa80c92f19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/PriceBookProductPopupAjax.php
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class Services_PriceBookProductPopupAjax_View extends Products_PriceBookProductPopupAjax_View {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Services/views/QuickCreateAjax.php b/modules/Services/views/QuickCreateAjax.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f22f92c6af5a88ea54e1ad533878b2fc9700f1e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Services/views/QuickCreateAjax.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Services_QuickCreateAjax_View extends Products_QuickCreateAjax_View {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/actions/Save.php b/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/actions/Save.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 84a05ef32ce70a5d092dfb2bb9b894c005d4d7fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/actions/Save.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-class Settings_CustomerPortal_Save_Action extends Settings_Vtiger_Index_Action {
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$qualifiedModuleName = $request->getModule(false);
-		$privileges = $request->get('privileges');
-		$defaultAssignee = $request->get('defaultAssignee');
-		$portalModulesInfo = $request->get('portalModulesInfo');
-		if ($privileges && $defaultAssignee && $portalModulesInfo) {
-			$moduleModel = Settings_CustomerPortal_Module_Model::getInstance($qualifiedModuleName);
-			$moduleModel->set('privileges', $privileges);
-			$moduleModel->set('defaultAssignee', $defaultAssignee);
-			$moduleModel->set('portalModulesInfo', $portalModulesInfo);
-			$moduleModel->save();
-		}
-		$responce = new Vtiger_Response();
-        $responce->setResult(array('success'=>true));
-        $responce->emit();
-	}
-        public function validateRequest(Vtiger_Request $request) { 
-            $request->validateWriteAccess(); 
-        } 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/models/Module.php b/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/models/Module.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3321b1284ea78bf2ac6cfbd59ef3275ae564e1f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/models/Module.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Settings_CustomerPortal_Module_Model extends Settings_Vtiger_Module_Model {
-	var $name = 'CustomerPortal';
-	/**
-	 * Function to get Current portal user
-	 * @return <Interger> userId
-	 */
-	public function getCurrentPortalUser() {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$result = $db->pquery("SELECT prefvalue FROM vtiger_customerportal_prefs WHERE prefkey = 'userid' AND tabid = 0", array());
-		if ($db->num_rows($result)) {
-			return $db->query_result($result, 0, 'prefvalue');
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get current default assignee from portal
-	 * @return <Integer> userId
-	 */
-	public function getCurrentDefaultAssignee() {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$result = $db->pquery("SELECT prefvalue FROM vtiger_customerportal_prefs WHERE prefkey = 'defaultassignee' AND tabid = 0", array());
-		if ($db->num_rows($result)) {
-			return $db->query_result($result, 0, 'prefvalue');
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get list of portal modules
-	 * @return <Array> list of portal modules <Vtiger_Module_Model>
-	 */
-	public function getModulesList() {
-		if (!$this->portalModules) {
-			$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-			$query = "SELECT vtiger_customerportal_tabs.*, vtiger_customerportal_prefs.prefvalue, vtiger_tab.name FROM vtiger_customerportal_tabs
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_customerportal_prefs ON vtiger_customerportal_prefs.tabid = vtiger_customerportal_tabs.tabid AND vtiger_customerportal_prefs.prefkey='showrelatedinfo'
-					INNER JOIN vtiger_tab ON vtiger_customerportal_tabs.tabid = vtiger_tab.tabid AND vtiger_tab.presence = 0 ORDER BY vtiger_customerportal_tabs.sequence";
-			$result = $db->pquery($query, array());
-			$rows = $db->num_rows($result);
-			for($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) {
-				$rowData = $db->query_result_rowdata($result, $i);
-				$tabId = $rowData['tabid'];
-				$moduleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($tabId);
-				foreach ($rowData as $key => $value) {
-					$moduleModel->set($key, $value);
-				}
-				$portalModules[$tabId] = $moduleModel;
-			}
-			$this->portalModules = $portalModules;
-		}
-		return $this->portalModules;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to save the details of Portal modules
-	 */
-	public function save() {
-		$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
-		$privileges = $this->get('privileges');
-		$defaultAssignee = $this->get('defaultAssignee');
-		$portalModulesInfo = $this->get('portalModulesInfo');
-		//Update details of view all record option for every module from Customer portal
-		$updateQuery = "UPDATE vtiger_customerportal_prefs SET prefvalue = CASE ";
-		foreach ($portalModulesInfo as $tabId => $moduleDetails) {
-			$prefValue = $moduleDetails['prefValue'];
-			$updateQuery .= " WHEN tabid = $tabId THEN $prefValue ";
-		}
-		$updateQuery .= " WHEN prefkey = ? THEN $privileges ";
-		$updateQuery .= " WHEN prefkey = ? THEN $defaultAssignee ";
-		$updateQuery .= " ELSE prefvalue END";
-		$db->pquery($updateQuery, array('userid', 'defaultassignee'));
-		//Update the sequence of every module in Customer portal
-		$updateSequenceQuery = "UPDATE vtiger_customerportal_tabs SET visible = CASE ";
-		foreach ($portalModulesInfo as $tabId => $moduleDetails) {
-			$visible = $moduleDetails['visible'];
-			$updateSequenceQuery .= " WHEN tabid = $tabId THEN $visible ";
-		}
-		$updateSequenceQuery .= " END, sequence = CASE ";
-		foreach ($portalModulesInfo as $tabId => $moduleDetails) {
-			$sequence = $moduleDetails['sequence'];
-			$updateSequenceQuery .= " WHEN tabid = $tabId THEN $sequence ";
-		}
-		$updateSequenceQuery .= "END";
-		$db->pquery($updateSequenceQuery, array());
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/views/Index.php b/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/views/Index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b16c8827a1aab35475b34fc4a69a7df8bce3a44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Settings/CustomerPortal/views/Index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-class Settings_CustomerPortal_Index_View extends Settings_Vtiger_Index_View {
-	public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$qualifiedModuleName = $request->getModule(false);
-		$viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
-		$moduleModel = Settings_Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($qualifiedModuleName);
-		$viewer->assign('PORTAL_URL', vglobal('PORTAL_URL'));
-		$viewer->assign('QUALIFIED_MODULE', $qualifiedModuleName);
-		$viewer->assign('MODULES_MODELS', $moduleModel->getModulesList());
-		$viewer->assign('USER_MODELS', Users_Record_Model::getAll(true));
-		$viewer->assign('GROUP_MODELS', Settings_Groups_Record_Model::getAll());
-		$viewer->assign('CURRENT_PORTAL_USER', $moduleModel->getCurrentPortalUser());
-		$viewer->assign('CURRENT_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE', $moduleModel->getCurrentDefaultAssignee());
-		$viewer->view('Index.tpl', $qualifiedModuleName);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the list of Script models to be included
-	 * @param Vtiger_Request $request
-	 * @return <Array> - List of Vtiger_JsScript_Model instances
-	 */
-	function getHeaderScripts(Vtiger_Request $request) {
-		$headerScriptInstances = parent::getHeaderScripts($request);
-		$moduleName = $request->getModule();
-		$jsFileNames = array(
-			"modules.Settings.$moduleName.resources.CustomerPortal"
-		);
-		$jsScriptInstances = $this->checkAndConvertJsScripts($jsFileNames);
-		$headerScriptInstances = array_merge($headerScriptInstances, $jsScriptInstances);
-		return $headerScriptInstances;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/BaseList.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/BaseList.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ccd30f826b7b679c02f7921d186fc62fa815c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/BaseList.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-var Vtiger_BaseList_Js = {
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the parameters for paging of records
-	 * @return : string - module name
-	 */
-	getPageRecords : function(params){
-		var aDeferred = jQuery.Deferred();
-		if(typeof params == 'undefined') {
-			params = {};
-		}
-		if(typeof params.module == 'undefined') {
-			params.module = app.getModuleName();
-		}
-		if(typeof params.view == 'undefined') {
-			//Default we will take list ajax
-			params.view = 'ListAjax';
-		}
-		if(typeof params.page == 'undefined') {
-			params.page = Vtiger_BaseList_Js.getCurrentPageNum();
-		}
-		AppConnector.request(params).then(
-			function(data){
-				aDeferred.resolve(data);
-			},
-			function(textStatus, errorThrown){
-				aDeferred.reject(textStatus, errorThrown);
-			}
-		);
-		return aDeferred.promise();
-	},
-	getCurrentPageNum : function() {
-		return jQuery('#pageNumber').val();
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/Field.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/Field.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9472c4221698c5e164635c24b7248bafccb361bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/Field.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-	/**
-	 * Function to get Instance of the class based on moduleName
-	 * @param data,data to set
-	 * @param moduleName module for which Instance should be created
-	 * @return Instance of field class
-	 */
-    getInstance : function(data,moduleName){
-		if(typeof moduleName == 'undefined'){
-			var moduleName = app.getModuleName();
-		}
-        var moduleField = moduleName+"_Field_Js";
-		var moduleFieldObj = window[moduleField];
-        if (typeof moduleFieldObj != 'undefined'){
-			 var fieldClass = moduleFieldObj;
-		}else{
-            var fieldClass = Vtiger_Field_Js;
-        }
-        var fieldObj = new fieldClass();
-		if(typeof data == 'undefined'){
-			data = {};
-		}
-		fieldObj.setData(data);
-		return fieldObj;
-	}
-	data : {},
-	/**
-	 * Function to check whether field is mandatory or not
-	 * @return true if feld is madatory
-	 * @return false if field is not mandatory
-	 */
-	isMandatory : function(){
-        return this.get('mandatory');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the value of particular key in object
-	 * @return value for the passed key
-	 */
-    get : function(key){
-		if(key in this.data){
-			return this.data[key];
-		}
-        return '';
-    },
-	/**
-	 * Function to get type attribute of the object
-	 * @return type attribute of the object
-	 */
-	getType : function(){
-		return this.get('type');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get name of the field
-	 * @return <String> name of the field
-	 */
-	getName : function() {
-		return this.get('name');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get value of the field
-	 * @return <Object> value of the field or empty of there is not value
-	 */
-	getValue : function() {
-		if('value' in this.getData()){
-			return this.get('value');
-		} else if('defaultValue' in this.getData()){
-			return this.get('defaultValue');
-		}
-		return '';
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the whole data
-	 * @return <object>
-	 */
-	getData : function() {
-		return this.data;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to set data attribute of the class
-	 * @return Instance of the class
-	 */
-    setData : function(fieldInfo){
-        this.data = fieldInfo;
-		return this;
-    },
-	getModuleName : function() {
-		return app.getModuleName();
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui type specific model
-	 */
-	getUiTypeModel : function() {
-		var currentModule = this.getModuleName();
-		var type = this.getType();
-		var typeClassName = type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1).toLowerCase();
-		var moduleUiTypeClassName = window[currentModule + "_" + typeClassName+"_Field_Js"];
-		var BasicUiTypeClassName = window["Vtiger_"+ typeClassName + "_Field_Js"];
-		if(typeof moduleUiTypeClassName != 'undefined') {
-			var instance =  new moduleUiTypeClassName();
-			return instance.setData(this.getData());
-		}else if (typeof BasicUiTypeClassName != 'undefined') {
-			var instance =  new BasicUiTypeClassName();
-			return instance.setData(this.getData());
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Funtion to get the ui for the field  - generally this will be extend by the child classes to
-	 * give ui type specific ui
-	 * return <String or Jquery> it can return either plain html or jquery object
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<input type="text" name="'+ this.getName() +'"  />';
-		html = jQuery(html).val(app.htmlDecode(this.getValue()));
-		return this.addValidationToElement(html);
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui for a field depending on the ui type
-	 * this will get the specific ui depending on the field type
-	 * return <String or Jquery> it can return either plain html or jquery object
-	 */
-	getUiTypeSpecificHtml : function() {
-		var uiTypeModel = this.getUiTypeModel();
-		return uiTypeModel.getUi();
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to add the validation for the element
-	 */
-	addValidationToElement : function(element) {
-		var element = jQuery(element);
-		var addValidationToElement = element;
-		var elementInStructure = element.find('[name="'+this.getName()+'"]'); 
-		if(elementInStructure.length > 0){ 
-			addValidationToElement = elementInStructure; 
-		}
-		var validationHandler = 'validate[';
-		if(this.isMandatory()) {
-			validationHandler +="required,";
-		}
-		validationHandler +="funcCall[Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.invokeValidation]]";
-		addValidationToElement.attr('data-validation-engine', validationHandler).attr('data-fieldinfo',JSON.stringify(this.getData())).attr('data-validator',JSON.stringify(this.getData().specialValidator));
-		return element;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the pick list values
-	 * @return <object> key value pair of options
-	 */
-	getPickListValues : function() {
-		return this.get('picklistvalues');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - select element and chosen element
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<select class="row-fluid chzn-select" name="'+ this.getName() +'">';
-		var pickListValues = this.getPickListValues();
-		var selectedOption = app.htmlDecode(this.getValue());
-		for(var option in pickListValues) {
-			html += '<option value="'+option+'" ';
-			if(option == selectedOption) {
-				html += ' selected ';
-			}
-			html += '>'+pickListValues[option]+'</option>';
-		}
-		html +='</select>';
-		var selectContainer = jQuery(html);
-		this.addValidationToElement(selectContainer);
-		return selectContainer;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the pick list values
-	 * @return <object> key value pair of options
-	 */
-	getPickListValues : function() {
-		return this.get('picklistvalues');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - select element and chosen element
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<select class="select2" multiple name="'+ this.getName() +'[]">';
-		var pickListValues = this.getPickListValues();
-		var selectedOption = app.htmlDecode(this.getValue());
-		var selectedOptionsArray = selectedOption.split(',')
-		for(var option in pickListValues) {
-			html += '<option value="'+option+'" ';
-			if(jQuery.inArray(option,selectedOptionsArray) != -1){
-				html += ' selected ';
-			}
-			html += '>'+pickListValues[option]+'</option>';
-		}
-		html +='</select>';
-		var selectContainer = jQuery(html);
-		this.addValidationToElement(selectContainer);
-		return selectContainer;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to check whether the field is checked or not
-	 * @return <Boolean>
-	 */
-	isChecked : function() {
-		var value = this.getValue();
-		if(value==1 || value == '1' || value.toLowerCase() == 'on'){
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - checkbox element
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var	html = '<input type="hidden" name="'+this.getName() +'" value="0"/><input type="checkbox" name="'+ this.getName() +'" ';
-		if(this.isChecked()) {
-			html += 'checked';
-		}
-		html += ' />'
-		return this.addValidationToElement(html);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the user date format
-	 */
-	getDateFormat : function(){
-		return this.get('date-format');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - input text field
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<div class="input-append">'+
-						'<div class="date">'+
-							'<input class="dateField" type="text" name="'+ this.getName() +'"  data-date-format="'+ this.getDateFormat() +'"  value="'+  this.getValue() + '" />'+
-							'<span class="add-on"><i class="icon-calendar"></i></span>'+
-						'</div>'+
-					'</div>';
-		var element = jQuery(html);
-		return this.addValidationToElement(element);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * get the currency symbol configured for the user
-	 */
-	getCurrencySymbol : function() {
-		return this.get('currency_symbol');
-	},
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<div class="input-prepend row-fluid">'+
-									'<span class="add-on">'+ this.getCurrencySymbol()+'</span>'+
-									'<input type="text" name="'+ this.getName() +'" value="'+  this.getValue() + '"  />'+
-					'</div>';
-		var element = jQuery(html);
-		return this.addValidationToElement(element);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the picklist values
-	 */
-	getPickListValues : function() {
-		return this.get('picklistvalues');
-	},
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<select class="row-fluid chzn-select" name="'+ this.getName() +'">';
-		var pickListValues = this.getPickListValues();
-		var selectedOption = this.getValue();
-		for(var optGroup in pickListValues){
-			html += '<optgroup label="'+ optGroup +'">'
-			var optionGroupValues = pickListValues[optGroup];
-			for(var option in optionGroupValues) {
-				html += '<option value="'+option+'" ';
-				//comparing with the value instead of key , because saved value is giving username instead of id.
-				if(optionGroupValues[option] == selectedOption) {
-					html += ' selected ';
-				}
-				html += '>'+optionGroupValues[option]+'</option>';
-			}
-			html += '</optgroup>'
-		}
-		html +='</select>';
-		var selectContainer = jQuery(html);
-		this.addValidationToElement(selectContainer);
-		return selectContainer;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the user date format
-	 */
-	getTimeFormat : function(){
-		return this.get('time-format');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - input text field
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<div class="input-append time">'+
-							'<input class="timepicker-default" type="text" data-format="'+ this.getTimeFormat() +'" name="'+ this.getName() +'"  value="'+  this.getValue() + '" />'+
-							'<span class="add-on"><i class="icon-time"></i></span>'+
-					'</div>';
-		var element = jQuery(html);
-		return this.addValidationToElement(element);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - input text field
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<textarea class="input-xxlarge" name="'+ this.getName() +'"  value="'+  this.getValue() + '" style="width:100%">'+  this.getValue() + '</textarea>';
-		var element = jQuery(html);
-		return this.addValidationToElement(element);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - input percentage field
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<div class="input-append row-fluid">'+
-									'<input type="number" class="input-medium" min="0" max="100" name="'+this.getName() +'" value="'+  this.getValue() + '" step="any"/>'+
-									'<span class="add-on">%</span>'+
-					'</div>';
-		var element = jQuery(html);
-		return this.addValidationToElement(element);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the pick list values
-	 * @return <object> key value pair of options
-	 */
-	getPickListValues : function() {
-		return this.get('picklistvalues');
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to get the ui
-	 * @return - select element and chosen element
-	 */
-	getUi : function() {
-		var html = '<select class="row-fluid chzn-select" name="'+ this.getName() +'">';
-		var pickListValues = this.getPickListValues();
-		var selectedOption = app.htmlDecode(this.getValue());
-		for(var option in pickListValues) {
-			html += '<option value="'+option+'" ';
-			if(option == selectedOption) {
-				html += ' selected ';
-			}
-			html += '>'+pickListValues[option]+'</option>';
-		}
-		html +='</select>';
-		var selectContainer = jQuery(html);
-		this.addValidationToElement(selectContainer);
-		return selectContainer;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/BaseValidator.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/BaseValidator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4055c388b519681f9fab8fe559d0189065507d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/BaseValidator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-	moduleName : false,
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		//If validation engine already maked the field as error 
-		// we dont want to proceed
-		if(typeof options !=  "undefined") {
-			if(options.isError == true){
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		var listOfValidators = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getValidator(field);
-		for(var i=0; i<listOfValidators.length; i++){
-			var validatorList = listOfValidators[i];
-			var validatorName = validatorList.name;
-			var validatorInstance = new validatorName();
-			validatorInstance.setElement(field);
-			if(validatorList.hasOwnProperty("params")){
-				var result = validatorInstance.validate(validatorList.params);
-			}else{
-				var result = validatorInstance.validate();
-			}
-			if(!result){
-				return validatorInstance.getError();
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets the complete list of validators based on type and data-validator
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return list of validators for field
-	 */
-	getValidator: function(field){
-        var listOfValidators = new Array();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		if(typeof fieldInfo == 'string') {
-			fieldInfo = JSON.parse(fieldInfo);
-		}
-		var dataValidator = "validator";
-		var moduleEle = field.closest('form').find('[name="module"]');
-		if(Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.moduleName == false && moduleEle.length > 0) {
-			Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.moduleName = moduleEle.val();
-		}
-		var fieldInstance = Vtiger_Field_Js.getInstance(fieldInfo);
-		var validatorsOfType = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getValidatorsFromFieldType(fieldInstance);
-		for(var key in validatorsOfType){
-			//IE for loop fix
-			if(!validatorsOfType.hasOwnProperty(key)){
-				continue;
-			}
-			var value = validatorsOfType[key]; 
-			if(value != ""){
-				var tempValidator = {'name' : value}; 
-				listOfValidators.push(tempValidator); 
-			}
-		} 
-		if(fieldData.hasOwnProperty(dataValidator)){
-			var specialValidators = fieldData[dataValidator];
-			for(var key in specialValidators){
-				//IE for loop fix
-				if(!specialValidators.hasOwnProperty(key)){
-					continue;
-				}
-				var specialValidator = specialValidators[key];
-				var tempSpecialValidator = jQuery.extend({},specialValidator);
-				var validatorOfNames = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getValidatorClassName(specialValidator.name);
-				if(validatorOfNames != ""){
-					tempSpecialValidator.name =  validatorOfNames;							
-					if(! jQuery.isEmptyObject(tempSpecialValidator)){
-						listOfValidators.push(tempSpecialValidator);
-					} 
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return listOfValidators;
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets the list of validators based on data type of field
-	 *@param accepts fieldInstance as parameter
-	 * @return list of validators for particular field type
-	 */
-	getValidatorsFromFieldType: function(fieldInstance){
-        var fieldType = fieldInstance.getType();
-		var validatorsOfType = new Array();
-		fieldType = fieldType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fieldType.slice(1).toLowerCase();
-		validatorsOfType.push(Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getValidatorClassName(fieldType));
-        return validatorsOfType;
-	},
-	getValidatorClassName: function(validatorName){
-		var validatorsOfType = '';
-		var className = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getClassName(validatorName);
-		var fallBackClassName = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.getFallBackClassName(validatorName);
-		if (typeof window[className] != 'undefined'){
-			validatorsOfType = (window[className]);
-		}else if (typeof window[fallBackClassName] != 'undefined'){
-			validatorsOfType = (window[fallBackClassName]);
-		}
-		return validatorsOfType;
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets validator className
-	 *@param accepts validatorName as parameter
-	 * @return module specific validator className
-	 */
-	getClassName: function(validatorName){
-		if(Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.moduleName != false) {
-			var moduleName = Vtiger_Base_Validator_Js.moduleName;
-		} else {
-			var moduleName = app.getModuleName();
-		}
-		if(moduleName == 'Events') {
-			moduleName = 'Calendar';
-		}
-		return moduleName+"_"+validatorName+"_Validator_Js";
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets validator className
-	 *@param accepts validatorName as parameter
-	 * @return generic validator className
-	 */
-	getFallBackClassName: function(validatorName){
-		return "Vtiger_"+validatorName+"_Validator_Js";
-	}
-	field: "",
-	error: "",
-	/**
-	 *Function which validates the field data
-	 * @return true
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		return true;
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets error message
-	 * @return error message
-	 */
-	getError: function(){
-		if(this.error != null){
-			return this.error;
-		}
-		return "Validation Failed";
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which sets error message
-	 * @return Instance
-	 */
-	setError: function(errorInfo){
-		this.error = errorInfo;
-        return this;
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which sets field attribute of class
-	 * @return Instance
-	 */
-	setElement: function(field){
-		this.field = field;
-        return this;
-	},
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets field attribute of class
-	 * @return Instance
-	 */
-    getElement: function(){
-        return this.field;
-    },
-	/**
-	 *Function which gets trimed field value
-	 * @return fieldValue
-	 */
-    getFieldValue: function(){
-        var field = this.getElement();
-        return jQuery.trim(field.val());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/FieldValidator.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/FieldValidator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 317ceb5e426ca688816aea47dbd7bc08a7ddb2e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/FieldValidator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,950 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var emailInstance = new Vtiger_Email_Validator_Js();
-		emailInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = emailInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return emailInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the email field data
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		return this.validateValue(fieldValue);
-	},
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the email field data
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validateValue : function(fieldValue){
-		var emailFilter = /^[_/a-zA-Z0-9*]+([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?\^_`{|}~-]?[a-zA-Z0-9/_/-])*@[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\_\-\.]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.([\-\_]?[a-zA-Z0-9])+(\.?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/;
-		var illegalChars= /[\(\)\<\>\,\;\:\\\"\[\]]/ ;
-		if (!emailFilter.test(fieldValue)) {
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		} else if (fieldValue.match(illegalChars)) {
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var positiveNumberInstance = new Vtiger_PositiveNumber_Validator_Js();
-		positiveNumberInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = positiveNumberInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return positiveNumberInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var negativeRegex= /(^[-]+\d+)$/ ;
-		if(isNaN(fieldValue) || fieldValue < 0 || fieldValue.match(negativeRegex)){
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var integerInstance = new Vtiger_Integer_Validator_Js();
-		integerInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = integerInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return integerInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Integre field data
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var integerRegex= /(^[-+]?\d+)$/ ;
-		var decimalIntegerRegex = /(^[-+]?\d?).\d+$/ ;
-		if ((!fieldValue.match(integerRegex))) {
-			if(!fieldValue.match(decimalIntegerRegex)){
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate("JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE");
-				this.setError(errorInfo);
-				return false;
-			} else {
-				return true;
-			}
-		} else{
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var percentageInstance = new Vtiger_Percentage_Validator_Js();
-		percentageInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = percentageInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return percentageInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the percentage field data
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response != true){
-			return response;
-		}else{
-			var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-			if (fieldValue > 100) {
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100');
-				this.setError(errorInfo);
-				return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Url
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var regexp = /(^|\s)((https?:\/\/)?[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+\.?(:\d+)?(\/\S*)?)/gi;
-		var result = regexp.test(fieldValue);
-		if (!result ) {
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS');//"Please enter valid url";
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	invokeValidation : function(field, rules, i, options) {
-		var validatorInstance = new Vtiger_MultiSelect_Validator_Js ();
-		validatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var result = validatorInstance.validate();
-		if(result == true){
-			return result;
-		} else {
-			return validatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Multi select
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldInstance = this.getElement();
-		var selectElementValue = fieldInstance.val();
-		if(selectElementValue == null){
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-Vtiger_Email_Validator_Js ("Vtiger_MultiEmails_Validator_Js",{
-	invokeValidation : function(field) {
-		var validatorInstance = new Vtiger_MultiEmails_Validator_Js ();
-		validatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var result = validatorInstance.validate();
-		if(!result){
-			return validatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Multi select
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldInstance = this.getElement();
-		var fieldInstanceValue = fieldInstance.val();
-		if(fieldInstanceValue != ''){
-			var emailsArr = fieldInstanceValue.split(',');
-			var i;
-			for (i = 0; i < emailsArr.length; ++i) {
-				var result =  this.validateValue(emailsArr[i]);
-				if(result == false){
-					return result;
-				}
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var GreaterThanZeroInstance = new Vtiger_GreaterThanZero_Validator_Js();
-		GreaterThanZeroInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = GreaterThanZeroInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return GreaterThanZeroInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and greater than zero value
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response != true){
-			return response;
-		}else{
-			var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-			if(fieldValue == 0){
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO');
-				this.setError(errorInfo);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-    /**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var instance = new Vtiger_WholeNumber_Validator_Js();
-		instance.setElement(field);
-		var response = instance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return instance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and whole Number
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response != true){
-			return response;
-		}
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		if((fieldValue % 1) != 0){
-			if(! jQuery.isEmptyObject(fieldInfo)){
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('INVALID_NUMBER_OF')+" "+fieldInfo.label;
-			} else {
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('INVALID_NUMBER');
-			}
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the birthday field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldDateFormat = fieldData.dateFormat;
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		try{
-			var fieldDateInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,fieldDateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		fieldDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var todayDateInstance = new Date();
-		todayDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var comparedDateVal =  todayDateInstance - fieldDateInstance;
-		if(comparedDateVal <= 0){
-			var errorInfo = fieldInfo.label+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-                return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the datesold field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldDateFormat = fieldData.dateFormat;
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		try{
-			var fieldDateInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,fieldDateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		fieldDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var todayDateInstance = new Date();
-		todayDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var comparedDateVal =  todayDateInstance - fieldDateInstance;
-		if(comparedDateVal < 0){
-			var errorInfo = fieldInfo.label+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO')+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_CURRENT_DATE');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-                return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the dateinservice field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldDateFormat = fieldData.dateFormat;
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		try{
-			var fieldDateInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,fieldDateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		fieldDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var todayDateInstance = new Date();
-		todayDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var comparedDateVal =  todayDateInstance - fieldDateInstance;
-		if(comparedDateVal > 0){
-			var errorInfo = fieldInfo.label+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO')+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_CURRENT_DATE');;
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var fieldForValidation = field[0];
-		if(jQuery(fieldForValidation).attr('name') == 'followup_date_start'){
-			var dependentFieldList = new Array('date_start');
-		}
-		var instance = new Vtiger_greaterThanDependentField_Validator_Js();
-		instance.setElement(field);
-		var response = instance.validate(dependentFieldList);
-		if(response != true){
-			return instance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the birthday field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(dependentFieldList){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldInfo = field.data('fieldinfo');
-		var fieldLabel;
-		if(typeof fieldInfo == "undefined"){
-			fieldLabel = jQuery(field).attr('name');
-		}else{
-			fieldLabel = fieldInfo.label;
-		}
-		var contextFormElem = field.closest('form');
-		for(var i=0; i<dependentFieldList.length; i++){
-			var dependentField = dependentFieldList[i];
-			var dependentFieldInContext = jQuery('input[name='+dependentField+']',contextFormElem);
-			if(dependentFieldInContext.length > 0){
-				var dependentFieldLabel = dependentFieldInContext.data('fieldinfo').label;
-				var fieldDateInstance = this.getDateTimeInstance(field);
-				var dependentFieldDateInstance = this.getDateTimeInstance(dependentFieldInContext);
-				var comparedDateVal =  fieldDateInstance - dependentFieldDateInstance;
-				if(comparedDateVal < 0){
-					var errorInfo = fieldLabel+' '+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO')+' '+dependentFieldLabel+'';
-					this.setError(errorInfo);
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-        return true;
-	},
-	getDateTimeInstance : function(field) {
-		var dateFormat = field.data('dateFormat');
-		var fieldValue = field.val();
-		try{
-			var dateTimeInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,dateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return dateTimeInstance;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate event status , which cannot be held for future events
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(dependentFieldList){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldLabel = field.data('fieldinfo').label;
-                var status = field.val();
-		var contextFormElem = field.closest('form');
-		for(var i=0; i<dependentFieldList.length; i++){
-			var dependentField = dependentFieldList[i];
-			var dependentFieldInContext = jQuery('input[name='+dependentField+']',contextFormElem);
-			if(dependentFieldInContext.length > 0){
-				var dependentFieldLabel = dependentFieldInContext.data('fieldinfo').label;
-				var todayDateInstance = new Date();
-                                var dateFormat = dependentFieldInContext.data('dateFormat');
-                                var time = jQuery('input[name=time_start]',contextFormElem);
-                                var fieldValue = dependentFieldInContext.val()+" "+time.val();
-				var dependentFieldDateInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,dateFormat);
-				var comparedDateVal =  todayDateInstance - dependentFieldDateInstance;
-				if(comparedDateVal < 0 && status == "Held"){
-					var errorInfo = fieldLabel+' '+app.vtranslate('JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD')+' '+dependentFieldLabel+'';
-					this.setError(errorInfo);
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the birthday field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(dependentFieldList){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldLabel = field.data('fieldinfo').label;
-		var contextFormElem = field.closest('form');
-		//No need to validate if value is empty
-        if(field.val().length == 0) {
-            return;
-        }
-		for(var i=0; i<dependentFieldList.length; i++){
-			var dependentField = dependentFieldList[i];
-			var dependentFieldInContext = jQuery('input[name='+dependentField+']',contextFormElem);
-			if(dependentFieldInContext.length > 0){
-				var dependentFieldLabel = dependentFieldInContext.data('fieldinfo').label;
-				var fieldDateInstance = this.getDateTimeInstance(field);
-				//No need to validate if value is empty
-				if(dependentFieldInContext.val().length == 0) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				var dependentFieldDateInstance = this.getDateTimeInstance(dependentFieldInContext);
-				var comparedDateVal =  fieldDateInstance - dependentFieldDateInstance;
-				if(comparedDateVal > 0){
-					var errorInfo = fieldLabel+' '+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO')+' '+dependentFieldLabel+'';
-					this.setError(errorInfo);
-					return false;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-        return true;
-	},
-	getDateTimeInstance : function(field) {
-		var dateFormat = field.data('dateFormat');
-		var fieldValue = field.val();
-		try{
-			var dateTimeInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,dateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return dateTimeInstance;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var currencyValidatorInstance = new Vtiger_Currency_Validator_Js();
-		currencyValidatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = currencyValidatorInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return currencyValidatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Currency Field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response != true){
-			return response;
-		}
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var strippedValue = fieldValue.replace(fieldData.decimalSeparator, '');
-        var spacePattern = /\s/;
-        if(spacePattern.test(fieldData.decimalSeparator) || spacePattern.test(fieldData.groupSeparator))
-            strippedValue = strippedValue.replace(/ /g, '');
-		var errorInfo;
-        if(fieldData.groupSeparator =="$"){
-            fieldData.groupSeparator="\\$"
-        }
-        var regex = new RegExp(fieldData.groupSeparator,'g');
-        strippedValue = strippedValue.replace(regex, '');
-		//Note: Need to review if we should allow only positive values in currencies
-		/*if(strippedValue < 0){
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS');//"currency value should be greater than or equal to zero";
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}*/
-		if(isNaN(strippedValue)){
-			errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		if(strippedValue < 0){
-			errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and whole Number
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var parentElement = field.closest('.fieldValue');
-		var referenceField = parentElement.find('.sourceField');
-		var referenceFieldValue = referenceField.val();
-		var fieldInfo = referenceField.data().fieldinfo;
-		if(referenceFieldValue == ""){
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_REQUIRED_FIELD');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Decimal field data
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response == false){
-			var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-			var doubleRegex= /(^[-+]?\d+)\.\d+$/ ;
-			if (!fieldValue.match(doubleRegex)) {
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate("JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE");
-				this.setError(errorInfo);
-				return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-		return response;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var dateValidatorInstance = new Vtiger_Date_Validator_Js();
-		dateValidatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = dateValidatorInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return dateValidatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-		return response;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and whole Number
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldDateFormat = fieldData.dateFormat;
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		try{
-			Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,fieldDateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate("JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE");
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function which invokes field validation
-	 * @param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation : function(field, rules, i, options) {
-		var validatorInstance = new Vtiger_Time_Validator_Js();
-		validatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var result = validatorInstance.validate();
-		if(result == true){
-			return result;
-		} else {
-			return validatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Time Fields
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		var time = fieldValue.replace(fieldValue.match(/[AP]M/i),'');
-		var timeValue = time.split(":");
-		if(isNaN(timeValue[0]) && isNaN(timeValue[1])) {
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate("JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME");
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-//Calendar Specific validators
-// We have placed it here since quick create will not load module specific validators
-	getDateTimeInstance : function(field) {
-        var form = field.closest('form');
-		if(field.attr('name') == 'date_start') {
-			var timeField = form.find('[name="time_start"]');
-            var timeFieldValue = timeField.val();
-		}else if(field.attr('name') == 'due_date') {
-			var timeField = form.find('[name="time_end"]');
-            if(timeField.length > 0) {
-                var timeFieldValue = timeField.val();
-            }else{
-                //Max value for the day
-                timeFieldValue = '11:59 PM';
-            }
-		}
-		var dateFieldValue = field.val()+" "+ timeFieldValue;
-        var dateFormat = field.data('dateFormat');
-        return Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(dateFieldValue,dateFormat);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the birthday field
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldData = field.data();
-		var fieldDateFormat = fieldData.dateFormat;
-		var fieldInfo = fieldData.fieldinfo;
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		try{
-			var fieldDateInstance = Vtiger_Helper_Js.getDateInstance(fieldValue,fieldDateFormat);
-		}
-		catch(err){
-			this.setError(err);
-			return false;
-		}
-		fieldDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var todayDateInstance = new Date();
-		todayDateInstance.setHours(0,0,0,0);
-		var comparedDateVal =  todayDateInstance - fieldDateInstance;
-		if(comparedDateVal >= 0){
-			var errorInfo = fieldInfo.label+" "+app.vtranslate('JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE');
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var repeatMonthDateValidatorInstance = new Calendar_RepeatMonthDate_Validator_Js();
-		repeatMonthDateValidatorInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = repeatMonthDateValidatorInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return repeatMonthDateValidatorInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and whole Number
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-		if((parseInt(parseFloat(fieldValue))) != fieldValue || fieldValue == '' || parseInt(fieldValue) > '31' || parseInt(fieldValue) <= 0) {
-			var result = app.vtranslate('JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32');
-			this.setError(result);
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var WholeNumberGreaterThanZero = new Vtiger_WholeNumberGreaterThanZero_Validator_Js();
-		WholeNumberGreaterThanZero.setElement(field);
-		var response = WholeNumberGreaterThanZero.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return WholeNumberGreaterThanZero.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers and greater than zero value
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var response = this._super();
-		if(response != true){
-			return response;
-		}else{
-			var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue();
-			if(fieldValue == 0){
-				var errorInfo = app.vtranslate('JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO');
-				this.setError(errorInfo);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Function which invokes field validation
-	 *@param accepts field element as parameter
-	 * @return error if validation fails true on success
-	 */
-	invokeValidation: function(field, rules, i, options){
-		var alphaNumericInstance = new Vtiger_AlphaNumeric_Validator_Js();
-		alphaNumericInstance.setElement(field);
-		var response = alphaNumericInstance.validate();
-		if(response != true){
-			return alphaNumericInstance.getError();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Function to validate the Positive Numbers
-	 * @return true if validation is successfull
-	 * @return false if validation error occurs
-	 */
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.getElement();
-		var fieldValue = field.val();
-		var alphaNumericRegex = /^[a-z0-9 _-]*$/i;
-		if (!fieldValue.match(alphaNumericRegex)) {
-			var errorInfo = app.vtranslate("JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS");
-			this.setError(errorInfo);
-			return false;
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/NumberValidator.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/NumberValidator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e055965bb4170a87a59b811054e32303a40ac9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/NumberValidator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-	error: "",
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.fieldInfo;
-		if(jQuery(field).attr('id') == "probability"){
-			if (isNaN(field.val())) {
-				// this allows the use of i18 for the error msgs
-				this.getOnlyNumbersError;
-			}else if(field.val() > 100){
-				this.getProbabilityNumberError;
-			}
-		}
-		if (isNaN(field.val())) {
-			 // this allows the use of i18 for the error msgs
-			this.getOnlyNumbersError;
-		}
-	},
-	getOnlyNumbersError: function(){
-		this.error = "please enter only numbers";
-		return this.error;
-	},
-	getProbabilityNumberError: function(){
-		this.error = "please enter only numbers less than 100 as field value is in percentage";
-		return this.error;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/PhoneValidator.js b/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/PhoneValidator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 021b9c3e007bfcaf84e067036b7d823159d70449..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/PhoneValidator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-	error: "",
-	validate: function(){
-		var field = this.fieldInfo;
-		var fieldValue = field.val();
-		var strippedValue = fieldValue.replace(/[\(\)\.\-\ ]/g, '');
-	   if (fieldValue == "") {
-			this.getEmptyPhoneNumberError();
-		} else if (isNaN(parseInt(strippedValue))) {
-			this.getPhoneNumberIllegalCharacterError();
-		} else if (!(strippedValue.length == 10)) {
-			this.getPhoneNumberWrongLengthError();
-		}
-	},
-	getEmptyPhoneNumberError: function(){
-		this.error = "You didn't enter a phone number.\n";
-		return this.error;
-	},
-	getPhoneNumberIllegalCharacterError: function(){
-		this.error = "The phone number contains illegal characters.\n";
-		return this.error;
-	},
-	getPhoneNumberWrongLengthError: function(){
-		this.error = "The phone number is the wrong length. Make sure you included an area code.\n";
-		return this.error;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/de_de/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/de_de/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 098801958ffef8f12f4f81fe050a6f90f34b1c92..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/de_de/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Assets'                       => 'Bestandsverwaltung'          ,
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Bestandsverwaltung'          , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Bestandsverwaltung'      , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Bestandsverwaltung List'     , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Bestandsverwaltung Information', 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Bestandsverwaltung Nr'       , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Seriennummer'                , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Verkaufsdatum'               , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Servicedatum'                , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag-Nummer'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Rechnung'                    , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Versandmethode'              , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Sendungsverfolgungsnummer'   , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Titel Bestandsverwaltung'    , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Organisation'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Beschreibung'                , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'unterstützt'                , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'wird nicht mehr unterstützt', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/en_gb/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/en_gb/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f491d7479e4bca84b5e8551afd32e01cd5104a5a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/en_gb/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Asset Information'           , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No.'                   , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Tracking Number'             , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Customer Name'               , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_es/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_es/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a00dc2d994881f770d40ed0cecf03c709f53d82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_es/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-25
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Recurso',
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Añadir Recurso',
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Recursos',
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Detalles de Recurso',
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Número Recurso',
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número serie',
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Fecha venta',
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Fecha instalación',
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Etiquetado',
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Referencia Factura',
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Forma de envío',
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número seguimiento envío',
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nombre Recurso',
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Adquirido por',
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas',
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Servicio',
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fuera de servicio',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_mx/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_mx/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c99e328e7e7cae03e945b4ebc89a5c480cf194..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/es_mx/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Activo'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Agregar Activo'              , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Lista de Activos'            , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Información de Activo'      , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Número Activo'              , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número serie'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Fecha de venta'              , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Fecha de instalación'       , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Etiquetado'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Factura Relacionada'         , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Forma de envío'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número seguimiento envío'  , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nombre Activo'               , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Instalado en'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Servicio'                 , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fuera de servicio'           , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2775bc01c726c52284b4201f7eedefc40040cd60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/fr_fr/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Liaison'                     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Information de liaison'      , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Liaison N°'                 , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Numéro de série'           , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date de vente'               , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date de mise en service'     , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag'                         , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Facture liée'               , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Livraison via'               , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Numéro de suivi d\'expédition', 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nom de liaison'              , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nom de Compte'               , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'En Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Hors service'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b5639aa69b4abeff9ed01b9382047012473986..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/hu_hu/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Vagyontárgy'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Vagyontárgy hozzáadása'   , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Vagyontárgyak listája'     , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Vagyontárgy adatok'         , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Vagyontárgy No.'            , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Gyári sorozat szám'        , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Értékesítés dátuma'     , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Karbantartás kezdő dátuma', 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Címke száma'               , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Számla/Díjbekérő megnevezése', 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Szállítási mód'          , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Szállítási azonosító szám', 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Vagyontárgy neve'           , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Vásárló neve'             , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Leírás:'                   , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'Karbantartás alatt'         , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Üzemképes'                 , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/it_it/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/it_it/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8339c4904801a85ed7ec0f279265ec001e895f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/it_it/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Assest Details'              , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'                    , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Shipping Tracking Number'    , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nome del Cliente'            , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 88eb1e5c0e570a358ae23a35280f36a4913ea55d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/nl_nl/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Activa'                      , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Activa Toevoegen'            , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Activalijst'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Activa Informatie'           , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Activanummer'                , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serienummer'                 , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Datum Verkocht'              , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Datum in Service'            , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tagnummer'                   , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Factuur Naam'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Transportmethode'            , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Verzending Trackingcode'     , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Activa Naam'                 , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Klant Naam'                  , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notities'                    , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Uit Service'                 , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/pt_br/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/pt_br/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8835914bf647fe8bbdcdd81e71b8a47986d2ba7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/pt_br/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Ativo'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Informação Ativo'          , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'No. Ativo'                   , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Número Série'              , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Data Venda'                  , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Data em Serviço'            , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Número Etiqueta'            , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Nome Fatura'                 , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Método Entrega'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Número Rastreamento Entrega', 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Nome Ativo'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nome Cliente'                , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notas'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'Em Serviço'                 , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Fora Serviço'               , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e769289b565368b64d71dec2dee9ff0719fe2730..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ro_ro/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Assest Details'              , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'                    , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Shipping Tracking Number'    , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Nume Client'                 , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notes'                       , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d441fc723eb649eec2499748a247aff3d652ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/ru_ru/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Активы'                , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Asset'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Информация Актива', 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Актив №'              , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Серийный Номер' , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Дата Продажи'     , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Дата Сервиса'     , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Номер Тега'         , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Счет'                    , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Метод Доставки' , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Номер Доставки' , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Название Актива', 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Название Клиента', 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Примечания'        , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'Обслуживается'  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Не обслуживается', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 73fcf81b5468f11000358d1d8b42b301a353e207..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Assets/languages/tr_tr/Assets.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'SINGLE_Assets'                => 'Asset'                       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'Add Assets'                  , 
-	'LBL_RECORDS_LIST'             => 'Assets List'                 , 
-	'LBL_ASSET_INFORMATION'        => 'Assest Details'              , 
-	'Asset No'                     => 'Asset No'                    , 
-	'Serial Number'                => 'Serial Number'               , 
-	'Date Sold'                    => 'Date Sold'                   , 
-	'Date in Service'              => 'Date in Service'             , 
-	'Tag Number'                   => 'Tag Number'                  , 
-	'Invoice Name'                 => 'Invoice Name'                , 
-	'Shipping Method'              => 'Shipping Method'             , 
-	'Shipping Tracking Number'     => 'Shipping Tracking Number'    , 
-	'Asset Name'                   => 'Asset Name'                  , 
-	'Customer Name'                => 'Müşteri Adı'              , 
-	'Notes'                        => 'Notlar'                      , 
-	'In Service'                   => 'In Service'                  , 
-	'Out-of-service'               => 'Out-of-service'              , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 109fe39ab75247bd71a89ab9c8da0f8a59dba0a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/de_de/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-Mail-Vorlagen' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'In E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-Mail-Vorlagen',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-Mail-Vorlage',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Vorlagenname',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Beschreibung',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Gegenstand',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Allgemeine Felder',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Wählen Sie Feldtyp',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Vorlagen verwalten für E-Mail-Modul',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f2801d45b92a87283f1a3a6741f6f58d1d5ca6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/en_gb/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Add Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Template name',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subject',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Fields',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Select Field Type',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Manage templates for E-Mail module',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bedc0cf278a6cd22ca6305045576e4deba2b55d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_es/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-07-14
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Plantillas de Email' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Añadir Plantilla Email',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Plantilla Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Plantillas de Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Plantilla Email',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nombre Plantilla',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Campos Generales',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selecciona Tipo de Campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Administrar plantillas de E-Mail',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_mx/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_mx/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c30706efe77c0688469748eed75d7be64203663d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/es_mx/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Plantillas de correo' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Agregar plantilla de correo',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' 	=> 'Plantilla de correo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'		=> 'Plantillas de correo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' 		=> 'Plantilla de correo',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' 		=> 'Nombre de la plantilla',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' 			=> 'Descripción',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' 				=> 'Asunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' 		=> 'Campos generales',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' 	=> 'Seleccionar tipo de campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Administre las plantillas para el módulo de Correo',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6167ca36acc5e1cba061befade70f0420cf5430e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/fr_fr/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	  'Email Templates' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Ajouter Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Modèle de courrier électronique',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nom du modèle',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Sujet',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Général champs',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Sélectionner le type de terrain',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gérer les modèles E-module Courrier',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c9bde8eab0c5e5ab6e6ae7a5a3eb09596ebf13e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/hu_hu/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-mail sablonok' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'E-mail sablon hozzáadása',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mail sablon',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-mail sablonok',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-mail sablon',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'E-mail sablon neve',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Leírás',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Tárgysor',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Fields',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Válasszon mezőtípust',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Sablonok kezelése az E-Mail modul számára',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 863d840ad03845f32f3b1e1fc5e43f8299aefc65..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/it_it/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Email Templates' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Aggiungi Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Nome modello',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descrizione',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Soggetto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Campi Generale',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selezionare il tipo di campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gestire modelli per il modulo E-Mail',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a61ac5c6ff20a3caeee52d0f8a6192e4f5e5063..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/nl_nl/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-mailsjablonen' ,
-	 'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Voeg E-mailsjabloon toe',
-    'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mailsjabloon',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-mailsjablonen',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-mailsjabloon',
-    'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Sjabloonnaam',
-    'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Omschrijving',
-    'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Onderwerp',
-    'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Algemene velden',
-    'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selecteer veldtype',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Beheer sjablonen voor E-mail module',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7b406a8361842d328968ba097ccc73aeca20f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/pt_br/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Email Templates' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Adicionar Email Template',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Email Template',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'nome do modelo',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'descrição',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'assunto',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Geral Campos',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Escolha um tipo de campo',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gerenciar modelos de E -Mail módulo',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed77d0e4e907763b6d0d788e167e9a73a486259..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ro_ro/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	 'Email Templates' => 'Template-uri de e-mail' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Adăugați șablon de e-mail',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'Format e-mail',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Template-uri de e-mail',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Format e-mail',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Numele Format',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Descriere',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Subiect',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'General Domenii',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Selectați tipul câmpului',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Gestionarea template-uri pentru E-Mail modul',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ru_ru/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ru_ru/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8341deadb2f45e68e62aab8bd4127957b8f51cd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/ru_ru/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'Шаблоны Email' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Добавить E-mail шаблон',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-mail шаблона',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'Шаблоны Email',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-mail шаблона',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Имя шаблона ',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Описание',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Тема',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Общие поля',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Выберите тип поле',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'Управление шаблонами для модуля E-Mail',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c229d29c5b8cbda5c26c0df5f298dff242798e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/EmailTemplates/languages/tr_tr/EmailTemplates.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Email Templates' => 'E-posta şablonları' ,
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'E-posta Åžablonu Ekle',
-	'SINGLE_EmailTemplates' => 'E-posta Åžablonu',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES'=> 'E-posta şablonları',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'E-posta Åžablonu',
-	'LBL_TEMPLATE_NAME' => 'Şablon adı',
-	'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Tanım',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Konu',
-	'LBL_GENERAL_FIELDS' => 'Genel Alanlar',
-	'LBL_SELECT_FIELD_TYPE' => 'Seçin Alan Türü',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION'=>'E-posta modülü için şablonlar yönetin',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ar_ae/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ar_ae/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f2f1e44852cae829aa4e321bd3919b976af6ee07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ar_ae/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"خريطة",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"جوجل",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"التحديثات في CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"التحديثات في جوجل",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"تحديث",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"وأضاف",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"حذف",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"متزامنة",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"هل غير متزامنة بعد",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"مزامنة الآن",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"إزالة سينك",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"هناك المزيد من السجلات إلى أن تكون متزامنة في vtiger إدارة",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"هناك المزيد من السجلات إلى أن تكون متزامنة في جوجل",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"الاتصال اسم",
-	'Email'	=>	"البريد الإلكتروني",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"الهاتف المحمول",
-	'Address'	=>	"عنوان",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"عنوان الحدث",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"بدء التسجيل",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"حتى تاريخ",
-	'Description'	=>	"وصف",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'اتصالات إعدادات المزامنة',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'اختر المجموعة جوجل',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'إضافة رسم الخرائط مخصص',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'البريد الإلكتروني',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'هاتف',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'رابط',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'عرف',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'تحديد اتجاه سينك',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'مزامنة في كلا الاتجاهين',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'من جوجل لvtiger إدارة فقط',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'من vtiger إدارة إلى Google فقط',
-        'Job Title' => 'لقب',
-        'Company' => 'شركة',
-        'Birthday' => 'عيد ميلاد',
-        'Phone' => 'هاتف',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'هاتف',
-        'email' => 'البريد الإلكتروني',
-        'url' => 'رابط',
-        'home' => 'منزل',
-        'work' => 'عمل',
-        'custom' => 'عرف',
-        'mobile' => 'متحرك',
-        'main' => 'رئيسي',
-        'work_fax' => 'فاكس',
-        'home_fax' => 'الصفحة الرئيسية فاكس',
-        'pager' => 'بيجر',
-        'profile' => 'الملف الشخصي',
-        'blog' => 'بلوق',
-        'home-page' => 'الصفحة الرئيسية',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"مزامنة الآن",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"مزامنة ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"هل غير متزامنة بعد",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/de_de/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/de_de/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c333df049300167bd87e06c762164a8acb52d50f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/de_de/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Karte",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Updates in CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Updates im Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Aktualisiert",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Zusätzlich",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Gelöschte",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Synchronisierte",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Sie haben noch nicht synchronisiert",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Jetzt synchronisieren",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Sync entfernen",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Es gibt mehrere Datensätze in vtiger synchronisiert werden",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Es gibt mehrere Datensätze in Google synchronisiert werden",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Kontakt Name",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-Mail",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Handy",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adresse",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Titel der Veranstaltung",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Startdatum",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Bis Datum",
-	'Description'	=>	"Beschreibung",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Kontakte Sync-Einstellungen',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Wählen Sie Google-Gruppe',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Add Custom Mapping',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'E-Mail',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'URL',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Brauch',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Wählen Sie Sync Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Synchronisieren Sie beide Richtungen',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Von Google zu vtiger nur',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Von vtiger bei Google nur',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titel',
-        'Company' => 'Unternehmen',
-        'Birthday' => 'Geburtstag',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'E-Mail',
-        'url' => 'URL',
-        'home' => 'Zuhause',
-        'work' => 'Arbeit',
-        'custom' => 'Brauch',
-        'mobile' => 'Handy',
-        'main' => 'Main',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Startseite Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Funkrufempfänger',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Startseite',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Jetzt synchronisieren",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Synchronisieren ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Sie haben noch nicht synchronisiert",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/en_gb/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/en_gb/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 262f3c07bc8a88ac339fdde3b09c0d076957edb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/en_gb/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-    $languageStrings = array(
-        'Map' => 'Map',
-        'EXTENTIONNAME' => 'Google',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_CRM' => 'Updates in CRM',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE' => 'Updates in Google',
-        'LBL_UPDATED' => 'Updated',
-        'LBL_ADDED' => 'Added',
-        'LBL_DELETED' => 'Deleted',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Synchronised',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'You have not synchronised yet',
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Synchronise Now',
-        'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC' => 'Remove Sync',
-        'LBL_MORE_VTIGER' => 'There are more records to be synchronised in vtiger',
-        'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'There are more records to be synchronised in Google',
-        'Contact Name'=>'Contact Name',
-        'Email'=>'Email',
-        'Mobile Phone'=>'Mobile Phone',
-        'Address' => 'Address',
-        'Event Title'=>'Event Title',
-        'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-        'Until Date'=>'Until Date',
-        'Description'=>'Description',
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contacts Sync Settings',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Select Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Add Custom Mapping',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Phone',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Custom',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Select Sync Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sync both ways',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'From Google to Vtiger only',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'From Vtiger to Google only',
-        'Job Title' => 'Title',
-        'Company' => 'Company',
-        'Birthday' => 'Birthday',
-        'Phone' => 'Phone',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Home',
-        'work' => 'Work',
-        'custom' => 'Custom',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobile',
-        'main' => 'Main',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Home Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profile',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Homepage',
-    );
-    $jsLanguageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Synchronise Now',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Synchronising....',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE' => 'You have not synchronised yet'
-    );
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_es/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_es/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f9880fc23b95be40cb25179ce81daaa41d74327..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_es/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-* ********************************************************************************
-*  Language     : Español es_es
-*  Version      : 6.0.0
-*  Created Date : 2013-07-14
-*  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
-*  Last change  : 2013-07-14
-*  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
-    $languageStrings = array(
-        'Map' => 'Vinculación',
-        'EXTENTIONNAME' => 'Google',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_CRM' => 'Actualiza en CRM',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE' => 'Actualiza en Google',
-        'LBL_UPDATED' => 'Actualizado',
-        'LBL_ADDED' => 'Añadido',
-        'LBL_DELETED' => 'Eliminado',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Sincronizado',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Todavía no se ha sincronizado',
-		'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Retire Sync",
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Sincronizar Ahora',
-        'LBL_MORE_VTIGER' => 'Hay más registros para sincronizar en vtiger',
-        'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'Hay más registros para sincronizar en Google',
-        'Contact Name'=>'Nombre Contacto',
-        'Email'=>'Email',
-        'Mobile Phone'=>'Móvil',
-        'Address' => 'Dirección',
-        'Event Title'=>'Título Evento',
-        'Start Date'=>'Fecha Inicio',
-        'Until Date'=>'Fecha Hasta',
-        'Description'=>'Descripción',
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contactos Configuración de sincronización',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Seleccione Grupo de Google',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Agregar asignación personalizada',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Correo electrónico',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Teléfono',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Costumbre',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Seleccione la dirección de sincronización',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sincroniza ambos sentidos',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'A partir de Google para Vtiger sólo',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Desde Vtiger a Google sólo',
-        'Job Title' => 'Título',
-        'Company' => 'Empresa',
-        'Birthday' => 'Cumpleaños',
-        'Phone' => 'Phone',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Teléfono',
-        'email' => 'Correo electrónico',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Casa',
-        'work' => 'Trabajo',
-        'custom' => 'Costumbre',
-        'mobile' => 'Móvil',
-        'main' => 'Principal',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Inicio Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Buscapersonas',
-        'profile' => 'Perfil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Página principal',
-    $jsLanguageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Sincronizar Ahora',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Sincronizando....',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE' => 'Todavía no se ha sincronizado'
-    );
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_mx/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_mx/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 867f379a8faba43a2669b98869a360a34d8dd664..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/es_mx/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Mapa",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Actualizaciones en CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Actualizaciones en Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Actualizado",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Adicional",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Suprimido",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Sincronizada",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Usted no ha sincronizado aún",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincronizar Ahora",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Retire Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Hay más registros que se van a sincronizar en vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Hay más registros que se van a sincronizar en Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Nombre de contacto",
-	'Email'	=>	"Email",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Teléfono Móvil",
-	'Address'	=>	"Dirección",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Título del evento",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Fecha de inicio",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Hasta Fecha",
-	'Description'	=>	"Descripción",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contactos Configuración de sincronización',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Seleccione Grupo de Google',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Agregar asignación personalizada',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Correo electrónico',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Teléfono',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Costumbre',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Seleccione la dirección de sincronización',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sincroniza ambos sentidos',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'A partir de Google para Vtiger sólo',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Desde Vtiger a Google sólo',
-        'Job Title' => 'Título',
-        'Company' => 'Empresa',
-        'Birthday' => 'Cumpleaños',
-        'Phone' => 'Teléfono',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Teléfono',
-        'email' => 'Correo electrónico',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Casa',
-        'work' => 'Trabajo',
-        'custom' => 'Costumbre',
-        'mobile' => 'Móvil',
-        'main' => 'Principal',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Inicio Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Buscapersonas',
-        'profile' => 'Perfil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Página principal',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincronizar Ahora",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Sincronizar ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Usted no ha sincronizado aún",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/fr_fr/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/fr_fr/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9557ae56153e9be0b848c17f17488e903a491391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/fr_fr/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Carte",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Mises à jour de CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Mises à jour dans Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Mise à jour",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Ajouté",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Supprimé",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Synchronisé",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Vous n'avez pas encore synchronisé",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synchroniser maintenant",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Retirer Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Il ya plus de dossiers à synchroniser dans vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Il ya plus de dossiers à synchroniser dans Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Contact Nom",
-	'Email'	=>	"Email",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Téléphone mobile",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adresse",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Titre de l'événement",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Date de début",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Jusqu'à date",
-	'Description'	=>	"Description",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contacts paramètres de synchronisation',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Sélectionnez Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Ajouter cartographie personnalisée',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Téléphone',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Coutume',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Sélectionnez Sync Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Synchronisez les deux sens',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'De Google à Vtiger seulement',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'De Vtiger Google ne',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titre',
-        'Company' => 'Société',
-        'Birthday' => 'Anniversaire',
-        'Phone' => 'Téléphone',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Téléphone',
-        'email' => 'Email',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Maison',
-        'work' => 'Travail',
-        'custom' => 'Coutume',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobile',
-        'main' => 'Principal',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Accueil Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Page d\'accueil',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synchroniser maintenant",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Synchronisation ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Vous n'avez pas encore synchronisé",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/hu_hu/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/hu_hu/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9bf7f5d10112b67645a8009200a58c8ba57716c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/hu_hu/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Address'         => 'Cím',
-	'Contact Name'    => 'Kapcsolat neve',
-	'Description'     => 'Leírás',
-	'Email'           => 'E-mail',
-	'Event Title'     => 'Esemény megnevezése',
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'   => 'Google',
-	'LBL_ADDED'       => 'Hozzáadva',
-	'LBL_DELETED'     => 'Törölt',
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'Több, szinkronizálásra váró rekord is van a Google-n',
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER' => 'Több, szinkronizálásra váró rekord is van a Vtiger-ben',
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Még nem szinkronizált',
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC' => 'Szinkronizáció megszüntetése',
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Szinkronizáljon most',
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Szinkronizálva',
-	'LBL_UPDATED'     => 'Frissítve',
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM' => 'Frissítések a CRM-ben',
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE' => 'Frissítések a Google-n',
-	'Map'             => 'Térkép',
-	'Mobile Phone'    => 'Mobil telefon',
-	'Start Date'      => 'Kezdő dátum',
-	'Until Date'      => 'Záró dátum',
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Kapcsolatok Sync Settings',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Válassza ki a Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Add Custom Mapping',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'E-mail',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Szokás',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Válassza ki szinkronizálás irányát',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Szinkronizálja mindkét irányban',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'A Google a Vtiger csak',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Re Vtiger a Google csak',
-        'Job Title' => 'Cím',
-        'Company' => 'Vállalat',
-        'Birthday' => 'Születésnap',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'E-mail',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Otthon',
-        'work' => 'Munka',
-        'custom' => 'Szokás',
-        'mobile' => 'Mozgó',
-        'main' => 'Legfontosabb',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Otthoni fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Honlap',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-    'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE' => 'Még nem szinkronizált',
-    'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'    => 'Szinkronizáljon most' ,
-    'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'   => 'Szinkronizálás....'   ,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/it_it/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/it_it/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index edec34d5d0e452f206204e5f273c18b3c2be42b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/it_it/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Mappa",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Aggiornamenti in CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Aggiornamenti di Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Aggiornato",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Aggiunto",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Soppresso",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Sincronizzato",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Non hai ancora sincronizzato",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincronizzare Ora",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Rimuovere Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Ci sono più record da sincronizzare in vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Ci sono più record da sincronizzare con Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Nome del contatto",
-	'Email'	=>	"Email",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Cellulare",
-	'Address'	=>	"Indirizzo",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Titolo dell'evento",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data di inizio",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Fino alla data di",
-	'Description'	=>	"Descrizione",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contatti impostazioni di sincronizzazione',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Seleziona Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Aggiungi mappatura personalizzata',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefono',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Abitudine',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Selezionare Sync Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sincronizza in entrambe le direzioni',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Da Google a Vtiger solo',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Da Vtiger a Google solo',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titolo',
-        'Company' => 'Azienda',
-        'Birthday' => 'Compleanno',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefono',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefono',
-        'email' => 'Email',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Casa',
-        'work' => 'Lavoro',
-        'custom' => 'Abitudine',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobile',
-        'main' => 'Principale',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Casa Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profilo',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Homepage',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincronizzare Ora",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Sincronizzazione ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Non hai ancora sincronizzato",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/nl_nl/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/nl_nl/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 191f77264e1496aab99d2d75d3a1e1693f99280d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/nl_nl/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Kaart",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Updates in CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Updates in Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Bijgewerkt",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Toegevoegd",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Verwijderde",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Gesynchroniseerd",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"U bent nog niet gesynchroniseerd",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Nu synchroniseren",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Verwijder Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Er zijn meer records worden gesynchroniseerd vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Er zijn meer records worden gesynchroniseerd in Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Contact Naam",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-mail",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Mobile Phone",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adres",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Event titel",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Startdatum",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Tot Datum",
-	'Description'	=>	"Beschrijving",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contacten Sync Settings',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Selecteer Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Voeg Custom Mapping',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'E-mail',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefoon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Gewoonte',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Selecteer Sync Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Synchroniseren beide manieren',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Van Google naar Vtiger alleen',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Van Vtiger naar Google alleen',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titel',
-        'Company' => 'Vennootschap',
-        'Birthday' => 'Verjaardag',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefoon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefoon',
-        'email' => 'E-mail',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Huis',
-        'work' => 'Werk',
-        'custom' => 'Gewoonte',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobiel',
-        'main' => 'Hoofd-',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Thuis Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pieper',
-        'profile' => 'Profiel',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Homepage',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Nu synchroniseren",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Synchroniseren ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"U bent nog niet gesynchroniseerd",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pl_pl/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pl_pl/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 71978019928c902cffbaef7e5cd24cd225ff62a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pl_pl/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Mapa",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Aktualizacje w CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Aktualizacje w Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Zaktualizowane",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Dodano",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Skreślony",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Zsynchronizowane",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Jeszcze nie zsynchronizowane",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synchronizuj teraz",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Usuń Synchronizuj",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Istnieje więcej rekordów, które mają być synchronizowane w Vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Istnieje więcej rekordów, które mają być synchronizowane z Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Kontakt Nazwa",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-mail",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Telefon komórkowy",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adres",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Tytuł wydarzenie",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data rozpoczęcia",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Do daty",
-	'Description'	=>	"Opis",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Kontakt Ustawienia synchronizacji',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Wybierz Grupa Google',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Dodaj odwzorowanie niestandardowy',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'E-mail',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Zwyczaj',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Wybierz kierunek synchronizacji',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Synchronizacja w obie strony',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Z Google do vTiger tylko',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Od vTiger do Google tylko',
-        'Job Title' => 'Tytuł',
-        'Company' => 'Spółka',
-        'Birthday' => 'Urodziny',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'E-mail',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Dom',
-        'work' => 'Praca',
-        'custom' => 'Zwyczaj',
-        'mobile' => 'Przenośny',
-        'main' => 'Główny',
-        'work_fax' => 'Faks',
-        'home_fax' => 'Strona główna faks',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Strona główna',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synchronizuj teraz",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Synchronizacji ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Jeszcze nie zsynchronizowane",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pt_br/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pt_br/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 705fde78d732ad692dbbc96c724459a96c247de1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/pt_br/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): Valmir C. Trindade - Translate to Brazilian Portuguese - 26/04/2014 - www.ttcasolucoes.com.br
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-        'Address' => 'Endereço',
-        'Contact Name'=>'Nome Contato',
-        'Description'=>'Descrição',
-        'Email'=>'Email',
-        'Event Title'=>'Título Evento',
-        'EXTENTIONNAME' => 'Google',
-        'LBL_ADDED' => 'Adicionado',
-        'LBL_DELETED' => 'Apagado',
-        'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE' => 'Existem mais registros no Google para serem sincronizados',
-        'LBL_MORE_VTIGER' => 'Existem mais registos no vtiger para serem sincronizados',
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Você anida não sincronizou',
-        'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC' => 'Remover Sincronização',
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Sincronizar Agora',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZED' => 'Sincronizado',
-        'LBL_UPDATED' => 'Atualizado',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_CRM' => 'Atualizar no CRM',
-        'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE' => 'Atualizar no Google',
-        'Map' => 'Mapa',
-        'Mobile Phone'=>'Celular',
-        'Start Date'=>'Data Início',
-        'Until Date'=>'Até Data',
-        //Missing Fields
-       'FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Mapeamento Campos',
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contatos configurações de sincronização',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Selecione Grupo Google',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Adicionar mapeamento personalizado',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefone',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Personalizado',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Selecione Sincronizar Direction',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sincronizar os dois lados',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Do Google para Vtiger apenas',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'De Vtiger a Google só',
-        'Job Title' => 'Título',
-        'Company' => 'Companhia',
-        'Birthday' => 'Aniversário',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefone',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefone',
-        'email' => 'Email',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Casa',
-        'work' => 'Trabalho',
-        'custom' => 'Personalizado',
-        'mobile' => 'Móvel',
-        'main' => 'Principal',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Início Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Perfil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Homepage',
-    );
-    $jsLanguageStrings = array(
-        'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE' => 'Você ainda não sincronizou',
-        'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON' => 'Sincronizar Agora',
-        'LBL_SYNCRONIZING' => 'Sincronizando....',
-    );
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ro_ro/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ro_ro/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index d28df01dfe735a883141bf92788f7a4a8d354dd8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ro_ro/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Hartă",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Actualizări în CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Actualizări în Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Actualizat",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Adăugat",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Eliminat",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Sincronizate",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Nu ați sincronizat încă",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincroniza acum",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Scoateți Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Există mai multe înregistrări să fie sincronizate în vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Există mai multe înregistrări să fie sincronizate în Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Nume de contact",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-mail",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Telefon mobil",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adresa",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Titlul evenimentului",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Data începerii",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Până la data",
-	'Description'	=>	"Descriere",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Contacte Setări de sincronizare',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Selectați Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Adăugați Mapping personalizat',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Adăugați Mapping personalizat',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Obicei',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Selectați Direcția Sync',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Sincronizarea ambele sensuri',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'De la Google pentru a Vtiger numai',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'De la Vtiger la Google numai',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titlu',
-        'Company' => 'Companie',
-        'Birthday' => 'Zi de naștere',
-        'Phone' => 'Phone',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'E-mail',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Acasă',
-        'work' => 'Lucru',
-        'custom' => 'Obicei',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobil',
-        'main' => 'Principal',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Acasă Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Pagina de start',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Sincroniza acum",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Sincronizarea ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Nu ați sincronizat încă",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ru_ru/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ru_ru/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 74b4feb8cf31c11d1166634bec9698546148133e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/ru_ru/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Карта",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Обновления в CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Обновления в Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Обновленный",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Добавленный",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Удаленный",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Синхронизированный",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Вы еще не синхронизированы",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Синхронизация Теперь",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Удалить Синхронизировать",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Есть несколько записей, которые будут синхронизированы в Vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Есть несколько записей, которые будут синхронизированы в Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Контактное лицо",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-mail",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Мобильный телефон",
-	'Address'	=>	"Адрес",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Название событие",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Дата начала",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"До Дата",
-	'Description'	=>	"Описание",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Контакты Настройки синхронизации',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Выберите группу Google',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Добавить пользовательское сопоставление',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Телефон',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Обычай',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Выберите направление синхронизации',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Синхронизация в обоих направлениях',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'С Google в Vtiger только',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'С Vtiger в Google только',
-        'Job Title' => 'Название',
-        'Company' => 'Компания',
-        'Birthday' => 'День рождения',
-        'Phone' => 'Телефон',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Телефон',
-        'email' => 'Email',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Домой',
-        'work' => 'Работа',
-        'custom' => 'Обычай',
-        'mobile' => 'Мобильный',
-        'main' => 'Главный',
-        'work_fax' => 'Факс',
-        'home_fax' => 'Главная Факс',
-        'pager' => 'Пейджер',
-        'profile' => 'Профиль',
-        'blog' => 'Блог',
-        'home-page' => 'Домашняя страница',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Синхронизация Теперь",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Синхронизация ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Вы еще не синхронизированы",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/sv_se/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/sv_se/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 30526e0d84ef314b8e3135fb27a3f3e367a3f5ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/sv_se/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Map",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"Uppdateringar i CRM",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Uppdateringar i Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Uppdaterad",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Inkom",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Borttaget",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Synkroniserad",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Du har inte synkroniserat ännu",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synkronisera nu",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Avlägsna Sync",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"Det finns flera poster som ska synkroniseras i vtiger",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Det finns flera poster som ska synkroniseras i Google",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Kontaktnamn",
-	'Email'	=>	"Email",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Mobiltelefon",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adress",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Händelse Titel",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Startdatum",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Fram till datum",
-	'Description'	=>	"Beskrivning",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'Kontakter Synkronisera inställningar',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Välj Google Group',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Lägg till anpassad mappning',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'Url',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Anpassad',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Välj Synkronisera Riktning',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Synkronisera båda hållen',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Från Google till vtiger endast',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Från vtiger till Google endast',
-        'Job Title' => 'Titel',
-        'Company' => 'Företag',
-        'Birthday' => 'Födelsedag',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'Email',
-        'url' => 'Url',
-        'home' => 'Hem',
-        'work' => 'Arbete',
-        'custom' => 'Anpassad',
-        'mobile' => 'Mobil',
-        'main' => 'Huvudsaklig',
-        'work_fax' => 'Fax',
-        'home_fax' => 'Hem Fax',
-        'pager' => 'Pager',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blogg',
-        'home-page' => 'Hemsida',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Synkronisera nu",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Synkronisera ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Du har inte synkroniserat ännu",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/tr_tr/Google.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/tr_tr/Google.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ac04df98f0985c9eb2d802391939a3d288df216..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/Google/languages/tr_tr/Google.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-* The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-* All Rights Reserved.
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'Map'	=>	"Harita",
-	'EXTENTIONNAME'	=>	"Google",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_CRM'	=>	"CRM Güncellemeler",
-	'LBL_UPDATES_GOOGLE'	=>	"Google Güncellemeler",
-	'LBL_UPDATED'	=>	"Güncelleme",
-	'LBL_ADDED'	=>	"Katma",
-	'LBL_DELETED'	=>	"Silindi",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Senkronize",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZED'	=>	"Henüz senkronize değil",
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Åžimdi senkronize",
-	'LBL_REMOVE_SYNC'	=>	"Sync Kaldır",
-	'LBL_MORE_VTIGER'	=>	"VTiger senkronize olması daha kayıtlar vardır",
-	'LBL_MORE_GOOGLE'	=>	"Google senkronize olması daha kayıtlar vardır",
-	'Contact Name'	=>	"Kişi Adı",
-	'Email'	=>	"E-posta",
-	'Mobile Phone'	=>	"Cep Telefonu",
-	'Address'	=>	"Adres",
-	'Event Title'	=>	"Olay Başlığı",
-	'Start Date'	=>	"Başlangıç ​​Tarihi",
-	'Until Date'	=>	"Tarih kadar",
-	'Description'	=>	"Tanım",
-        'SYNC_SETTINGS' => 'İletişim Senkronizasyon Ayarları',
-        'LBL_SELECT_GOOGLE_GROUP_TO_SYNC' => 'Google Grubu Seçiniz',
-        'LBL_ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING' => 'Özel eşleme ekle',
-        'LBL_EMAIL' => 'E-posta',
-        'LBL_PHONE' => 'Telefon',
-        'LBL_URL' => 'URL',
-        'LBL_CUSTOM' => 'Görenek',
-        'LBL_SELECT_SYNC_DIRECTION' => 'Senkronizasyon yönü seçin',
-        'LBL_BI_DIRECTIONAL_SYNC' => 'Her iki yönde senkronize',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_GOOGLE_TO_VTIGER' => 'Google vtiger sadece',
-        'LBL_ONLY_SYNC_FROM_VTIGER_TO_GOOGLE' => 'Vtiger itibaren Google\'a sadece',
-        'Job Title' => 'Başlık',
-        'Company' => 'Åžirket',
-        'Birthday' => 'Doğum günü',
-        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'URL' => 'Url',
-        'phone' => 'Telefon',
-        'email' => 'E-posta',
-        'url' => 'URL',
-        'home' => 'Ev',
-        'work' => 'IÅŸ',
-        'custom' => 'Görenek',
-        'mobile' => 'Hareketli',
-        'main' => 'Ana',
-        'work_fax' => 'Faks',
-        'home_fax' => 'Ev Faks',
-        'pager' => 'Çağrı cihazı',
-        'profile' => 'Profil',
-        'blog' => 'Blog',
-        'home-page' => 'Anasayfa',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SYNC_BUTTON'	=>	"Åžimdi senkronize",
-	'LBL_SYNCRONIZING'	=>	"Senkronizasyon ....",
-	'LBL_NOT_SYNCRONIZE'	=>	"Henüz senkronize değil",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/en_gb/MailManager.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/en_gb/MailManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index cd453e5aa08c833d092893aa9479a570cd9e2c8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/en_gb/MailManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array (
-	'JSLBL_Body_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'Body cannot be empty',
-	'LBL_10_MIN' => '10 Minutes',
-	'LBL_5_MIN' => '5 Minutes',
-	'LBL_Account_Password'     => 'Account password',
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'Account Type',
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'         => 'Actions',
-    'LBL_ADD' => 'Add',
-	'LBL_ALLMAILS' => 'All Mails',
-	'LBL_Associate'       => 'Associate',
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENTS'  =>'Attachment:',
-	'LBL_Attachments' => 'Attachments',
-	'LBL_BCC'         => 'BCC',
-	'LBL_Cancel'          => 'Cancel',
-	'LBL_CC'          => 'CC',
-	'LBL_Certificate_Validations' => 'Certificate Validations',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_EXISTING_FOLDER' => 'Choose an existing folder',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER' => 'Copies of the sent mails for this account will be saved in this folder.',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER_DESC' => 'Copies of the sent mails for this account will be saved in the default <b>Sent Mail</b> folder.<br><br>If you want to change the default sent mail folder, after creating the mail box click on <b>Settings</b> icon and <b>Edit</b> the Mailbox.',
-	'LBL_Compose'         => 'Compose',
-	'LBL_Create_Contact'  => 'Create Contact',
-	'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX' => 'Create Mailbox',
-	'LBL_Date'        => 'Date',
-	'LBL_Delete'          =>  'Delete',
-	'LBL_DELETE_Mailbox' => 'Delete Mailbox',
-	'LBL_Do_Not_Validate_Cert'    => 'Do not validate certificate',
-	'LBL_Drafts'=>'Drafts',
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_LIST'=>'Email Templates',
-	'LBL_FIND'=>'Find',
-	'LBL_Folders'         => 'Folders',
-	'LBL_Forward'         => 'Forward',
-	'LBL_FROM'        => 'From',
-	'LBL_Go_Back'         => 'Back',
-	'LBL_Imap2'       => 'IMAP2',
-	'LBL_Imap4'       => 'IMAP4',
-	'LBL_IN' =>'in',
-	'LBL_Like'            => 'like',
-	'LBL_MAILBOX_DETAILS' => 'Mailbox Details',
-	'LBL_Mailbox'         => 'Mailbox',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Accounts' => 'Add Organisation',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Calendar' => 'Add Event/Task',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Contacts' => 'Add Contact',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Emails' => 'Attach Email',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_HelpDesk' => 'Add Ticket',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Leads' => 'Add Lead',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_ModComments' => 'Add Comment',
-	'LBL_Mail_Server'     => 'Mail Server Name or IP',
-	'LBL_Mark_As_Unread'  => 'Mark as unread',
-	'LBL_MODULE_DENIED' => 'module denied!',
-	'LBL_MODULE_DESCRIPTION' => "Mail Manager is an integrated email client that allows users to perform CRM related actions on incoming email. It helps you create Leads, Contacts, Organisations, Trouble Tickets and Tasks from the emails that you receive in your inbox. Should a sender's email address match with a record in vtiger CRM, you can perform other actions like: Attaching emails, adding Tasks, Comments and Tickets. Additionally, you can manage composing, replying, forwarding emails etc.",
-	'LBL_MOVE_TO'=>'Move To...',
-	'LBL_Newer'           => 'Newer',
-	'LBL_Next'            => 'next',
- 	'LBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED' => 'No emails selected.',
-	'LBL_No_Mails_Found'  => 'No emails found.',
-	'LBL_No_Matching_Record_Found' => 'No matching records found.',
-	'LBL_NONE' => 'None',
-	'LBL_No_TLS'      => 'No TLS',
-	'LBL_Older'           => 'Older',
-	'LBL_Outbox'          => 'CRM Outbox',
-	'LBL_Password'             => 'Password',
-	'LBL_Previous'        => 'previous',
-	'LBL_Print' => 'Print',
-	'LBL_Protocol'    => 'Protocol',
-	'LBL_READ_ACCESS_FOR'	=>'Read access for',
-	'LBL_Refresh'         => 'Refresh',
-	'LBL_REFRESH_TIME'=>'Refresh Time',
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORDS' => 'Related Records',
-	'LBL_Remove'          => 'Remove',
-	'LBL_Reply_All'       => 'Reply all',
-	'LBL_Reply'           => 'Reply',
-	'LBL_SAVE_NOW'=>'Save Now',
-	'LBL_Search'          => 'Search',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACCOUNT_TYPE'     => 'Select Organisation type',
-	'LBL_SELECT_DOCUMENTS'=>'Select Documents',
-    'LBL_SELECTED_FOLDER' => 'Selected Folder',
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'=>'Select Email Template',
-	'LBL_Send'            => 'Send',
-	'LBL_SENT_MAILS' => 'Sent Emails',
-	'LBL_SSL_Options' => 'SSL Options',
-	'LBL_SSL'         => 'SSL',
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'	=>	'Subject',
-	'LBL_TLS'         => 'TLS',
-	'LBL_TO_ACCOUNTS' => 'To Organisations',
-	'LBL_TO_CONTACTS' => 'To Contacts',
-	'LBL_TO_LEADS' => 'To Leads',
-	'LBL_TO'          => 'To',
-	'LBL_TO_USERS' => 'To Users',
-	'LBL_Username'             => 'User Name',
-	'LBL_Validate_Cert'           => 'Validate certificate',
-	'LBL_WRITE_ACCESS_FOR'	=>'Write access for',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Add your comment here ...',
-	'LBL_Your_Mailbox_Account' => 'your mailbox account',
-	'MailManager' => 'Mail Manager',
-$jsLanguageStrings = Array (
-	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Cannot Be Held For Future',
-	'JSLBL_ACCOUNTNAME_CANNOT_EMPTY'=>'Organisation Name cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_ADD_COMMENT'=>'Add Comment',
-	'JSLBL_Associating'          => 'Associating',
-	'JSLBL_ATTACHMENT_NOT_DELETED'	=>	'Attachment could not be deleted',
-	'JSLBL_CANNOT_ADD_EMPTY_COMMENT' => 'Comment cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_CC'=>'Cc: ',
-	'JSLBL_Choose_Server_Type'        => 'Choose server type',
-	'JSLBL_DATE'=>'Date: ',
-	'JSLBL_Delete_Confirm'            =>'Do you want to delete the Emails permanently?',
-	'JSLBL_Delete'            =>  'Delete',
-	'JSLBL_Delete_Mails_Confirm'      =>'Do you want to delete the Emails?',
-	'JSLBL_Deleting'              => 'Deleting',  
-	'JSLBL_DRAFT_MAIL_SAVED'=>'Mail is saved under Drafts',
-	'JSLBL_Drafts'=>'Drafts',
-	'JSLBL_EMAIL_FORMAT_INCORRECT'=>'Please provide proper email address',
-	'JSLBL_ENTER_SOME_VALUE' => 'Enter some string to search',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Open_Mail'  => 'Failed to open the email',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Save_Mail'		=>	'Failed to save the email',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Send_Mail'  => 'Failed to send the email',
-	'JSLBL_Fastmail'                  => 'Fastmail',
-	'JSLBL_FILEUPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'=>'File Upload Limit exceeded!!',
-	'JSLBL_Finding_Relation'     => 'Finding relation',
-	'JSLBL_Find_Relation_Now'    => 'Find relation now',
-	'JSLBL_FORWARD_MESSAGE_TEXT'=>'---------- Forwarded message ----------',
-	'JSLBL_FROM'=>'From:',
-	'JSLBL_Gmail'                     => 'Gmail',
-	'JSLBL_LOADING_FOLDERS' => 'Loading Folders..',
-	'JSLBL_Loading'              => 'Loading',
-	'JSLBL_Loading_Please_Wait'  => 'Loading Please Wait',
-	'JSLBL_MAIL_MOVED'=>'Mail(s) moved',
-	'JSLBL_MAIL_SENT'=>'Mail Sent',
-	'JSLBL_MOVING'=>'Moving Mail(s)',
-	'JSLBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED' => 'No Emails Selected.',
-	'JSLBL_NO_MATCH'				  => 'No match found',
-	'JSLBL_Nothing_Found'             => 'Nothing found',
-	'JSLBL_Opening'              => 'Opening',
-	'JSLBL_Other'                     => 'Other',
-	'JSLBL_PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY'=>'Password cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MAIL'=>'Please select at least one email',
-	'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_RECORD'=>'Please select at least one record',
-	'JSLBL_Receipents_Warning_Message'=>'Please select recepients',
-	'JSLBL_Recepient_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'Recepient (To) cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_Removing'                  => 'Removing',
-	'JSLBL_Replied'              => 'Replied',
-	'JSLBL_SaveWith_EmptySubject'=>'Save with subject empty?',
-	'JSLBL_Saving_And_Verifying' => 'Saving & Verifying',
-	'JSLBL_Saving'					=> 'Saving', //Duplicated key-value pairs
-	'JSLBL_Search_For_Email'          => 'Search for email',
-	'JSLBL_Searching_Please_Wait'=> 'Searching Please Wait',
-	'JSLBL_Searching'            => 'Searching',
-	'JSLBL_Sending'              => 'Sending',
-	'JSLBL_SERVERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY'=>'Server Name cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_Settings'             => 'Settings',
-	'JSLBL_Subject_Cannot_Be_Empty'     => 'Subject cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_SUBJECT'=>'Subject: ',
-	'JSLBL_TO'=>'To: ',
-	'JSLBL_Updating'             => 'Updating',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_CANCEL'	=> 'Cancel',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_DROPFILES'=>'Drop files here to upload',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_FILE'=>'Upload',
-	'JSLBL_USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY'=>'User Name cannot be empty',
-	'JSLBL_Yahoo'=>'Yahoo',
-	'MailManager' => 'Mail Manager',
-//Special Handling: Mix of language strings are used.
-$languageStrings = array_merge($languageStrings, $jsLanguageStrings);
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/hu_hu/MailManager.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/hu_hu/MailManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index aeffadf4563eddac7270e499f89523f63a523751..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/hu_hu/MailManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = Array (
-	'JSLBL_Body_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'A törzs nem lehet üres',
-	'LBL_10_MIN'          => '10 perc'                     ,
-	'LBL_5_MIN'           => '5 perc'                      ,
-	'LBL_Account_Password' => 'fiók jelszó'                ,
-	'LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE'    => 'E-mail fiók típusa'          ,
-	'LBL_ACTIONS'         => 'Műveletek'                   ,
-        'LBL_ADD'             => 'Hozzáad'                     ,
-	'LBL_ALLMAILS'        => 'Minden E-mail'               ,
-	'LBL_Associate'       => 'Társít'                      ,
-	'LBL_ATTACHMENTS'     => 'Csatolmány:'                 ,
-	'LBL_Attachments'     => 'Csatolmányok'                ,
-	'LBL_BCC'             => 'Titkos másolat'              ,
-	'LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Mégse'                   ,
-	'LBL_Cancel'          => 'Mégse'                       ,
-	'LBL_CC'              => 'Másolat'                     ,
-	'LBL_Certificate_Validations' => 'Tanúsítvány ellenőrzés',
-        'LBL_CHOOSE_EXISTING_FOLDER' => 'Válasszon egy meglévő mappát',
-        'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER'   => 'A fiókból küldött e-mailek egy másolata ebbe a mappába kerül mentésre.',
-        'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER_DESC' => 'A fiókból küldött e-mailek egy másolata alapértelmezetten mentésre kerül az <b>Elküldött üzenetek</b> mappába.<br><br>ha ön meg kívánja változtatni az alapértelmezett elküldött üzenetek mappát, akkor a fiók létrehozása után kattintson a <b>Beállítások</b> ikonra (linkre) és <b>Szerkessze</b> a fiók beállításait.',
-	'LBL_Compose'         => 'E-mail írás'                 ,
-	'LBL_Create_Contact'  => 'Kapcsolat létrehozása'       ,
-	'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX'  => 'E-mail fiók létrehozása'     ,
-	'LBL_Date'            => 'Dátum'                       ,
-	'LBL_Delete'          => 'Töröl'                       ,
-	'LBL_DELETE_Mailbox'  => 'E-mail fiók törlése'         ,
-	'LBL_Do_Not_Validate_Cert' => 'Ne ellenőrizze a tanúsítványt',
-	'LBL_Drafts'          => 'Piszkozat'                   ,
-	'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_LIST' => 'E-mail sablon'          ,
-	'LBL_FIND'            => 'Keres'                       ,
-	'LBL_Folders'         => 'Mappák'                      ,
-	'LBL_Forward'         => 'Továbbítás'                  ,
-	'LBL_FROM'            => 'Feladó'                      ,
-	'LBL_Go_Back'         => 'Vissza'                      ,
-	'LBL_Imap2'           => 'IMAP2'                       ,
-	'LBL_Imap4'           => 'IMAP4'                       ,
-	'LBL_IN'              => 'itt: '                       ,
-	'LBL_Like'            => 'mint, pl.'                   ,
-	'LBL_MAILBOX_DETAILS' => 'E-mail fiók adatai',
-	'LBL_Mailbox'         => 'E-mail fiók'                 ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Accounts' => 'Cég hozzáadása'     ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Calendar' => 'Teendő hozzáadása'  ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Contacts' => 'Kapcsolat hozzáadása' ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Emails'   => 'E-mail csatolása'   ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_HelpDesk' => 'Kérés hozzáadása'   ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Leads'    => 'Vevőjelölt hozzáadása' ,
-        'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_ModComments' => 'Feljegyzés hozzáadása' ,
-	'LBL_Mail_Server'     => 'E-Mail Szerver neve vagy IP cím',
-	'LBL_Mark_As_Unread'  => 'Olvasatlanként jelöl'       ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_DENIED'   => 'modul tiltva!'              ,
-	'LBL_MODULE_DESCRIPTION' => "Az E-Mail Menedzser egy beépített e-mail kliens program, amely lehetővé teszi a felhasználóknak, hogy CRM-hez kapcsolódó feladatokat végezzenek a bejövő e-maileken, mint Vevőjelölt, Kapcsolat, Cég, Kérés vagy Teendő létrehozása a fiókba érkezett e-mailből. Ha a küldő e-mail címe egyezik egy már a Vtiger CRM-ben, akkor további műveletek is végezhetők, mint az e-mail iktatása, Teendő létrehozása, Feljegyzés, vgy Kérés hozzáadása. Emellett Ön írhat, összeállíthat e-mailt, válaszolhat egy e-mailre vagy továbbíthatja azt, stb.",
-	'LBL_MOVE_TO'         => 'Mozgatás ide: '             ,
-	'LBL_Newer'           => 'Újabb'                      ,
-	'LBL_Next'            => 'következő'                  ,
- 	'LBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED' => 'Nincs E-mail kiválasztva.',
-	'LBL_No_Mails_Found'  => 'Egy e-mailt sem találtunk.' ,
-	'LBL_No_Matching_Record_Found' => 'Nincs megfelelő találat.',
-	'LBL_NONE'            => 'Nincs'                      ,
-	'LBL_No_TLS'          => 'Nincs TLS'                  ,
-	'LBL_Older'           => 'Régebbi'                    ,
-	'LBL_Outbox'          => 'CRM Kimenő doboz'           ,
-	'LBL_Password'        => 'Jelszó'                     ,
-	'LBL_Previous'        => 'előző'                      ,
-	'LBL_Print'           => 'Nyomtatás'                  ,
-	'LBL_Protocol'        => 'Protokoll'                  ,
-	'LBL_READ_ACCESS_FOR' => 'Olvasási hozzáférés: '      ,
-	'LBL_Refresh'         => 'Frissítés'                  ,
-	'LBL_REFRESH_TIME'    => 'Frissítési idő'             ,
-	'LBL_RELATED_RECORDS' => 'Kapcsolódó Rekordok'        ,
-	'LBL_Remove'          => 'Töröl'                      ,
-	'LBL_Reply_All'       => 'Válasz mindenkinek'         ,
-	'LBL_Reply'           => 'Válasz'                     ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Mentés'                   ,
-	'LBL_SAVE_NOW'        => 'Mentés most'                ,
-	'LBL_Search'          => 'Keresés'                    ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'Válasszon e-mail fiók típust',
-	'LBL_SELECT_DOCUMENTS'=> 'Válasszon dokumentumokat'   ,
-        'LBL_SELECTED_FOLDER' => 'Kiválasztott mappa'         ,
-	'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE'=>'Válasszon E-mail sablont',
-	'LBL_Send'            => 'Küldés'                     ,
-	'LBL_SENT_MAILS'      => 'Elküldött levelek'          ,
-	'LBL_SSL_Options'     => 'SSL opciók'                 ,
-	'LBL_SSL'             => 'SSL'                        ,
-	'LBL_SUBJECT'	      => 'Tárgy'                      ,
-	'LBL_TLS'             => 'TLS'                        ,
-	'LBL_TO_ACCOUNTS'     => 'Cégekhez'                   ,
-	'LBL_TO_CONTACTS'     => 'Kapcsolatokhoz'             ,
-	'LBL_TO_LEADS'        => 'Vevőjelöltekhez'            ,
-	'LBL_TO'              => 'Címzett'                    ,
-	'LBL_TO_USERS'        => 'Felhasználókhoz'            ,
-	'LBL_Username'        => 'Felhasználónév'             ,
-	'LBL_Validate_Cert'   => 'Tanúsítvány ellenőrzése'    ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_ACCESS_FOR'=> 'Írási jog részére: '        ,
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Írja a feljegyzését ide ...',
-	'LBL_Your_Mailbox_Account' => 'az ön e-mail fiókja'   ,
-	'MailManager'         => 'E-Mail Menedzser'           ,
-$jsLanguageStrings = Array (	
-	'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Nem tartható meg a jövőre nézve',
-	'JSLBL_ACCOUNTNAME_CANNOT_EMPTY' => 'A Cégnév nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_ADD_COMMENT'              => 'Feljegyzés hozzáadása',
-	'JSLBL_Associating'              => 'Kapcsolódó',
-	'JSLBL_ATTACHMENT_NOT_DELETED'	 =>	'A csatolmány nem volt törölhető',
-        'JSLBL_CANNOT_ADD_EMPTY_COMMENT' => 'A Feljegyzés nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_CC'                       => 'Másolat: ',
-	'JSLBL_Choose_Server_Type'       => 'Válasszon szerver típust',
-	'JSLBL_DATE'                     => 'Dátum: ',
-	'JSLBL_Delete_Confirm'           => 'Törölni kívánja véglegesen ezt az e-mailt?',
-	'JSLBL_Delete'                   => 'Törlés',
-	'JSLBL_Delete_Mails_Confirm'     => 'Törölni kívánja ezt az e-mailt?',
-	'JSLBL_Deleting'                 => 'Törlés',  
-        'JSLBL_DRAFT_MAIL_SAVED'         => 'Az e-mailt piszkozatként mentettük.',
-	'JSLBL_Drafts'                   => 'Piszkozatok',
-	'JSLBL_EMAIL_FORMAT_INCORRECT'   => 'Kérjük, hogy adjon meg egy megfelelő e-mail címet',
-        'JSLBL_ENTER_SOME_VALUE'         => 'Adjon meg egy karaktersorozatot a kereséshez',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Open_Mail'      => 'Nem sikerült megnyitni az e-mailt',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Save_Mail'		 => 'Nem sikerült menteni az e-mailt',
-	'JSLBL_Failed_To_Send_Mail'      => 'Nem sikerült elküldeni az e-mailt',
-	'JSLBL_Fastmail'                 => 'Fastmail',
-	'JSLBL_FILEUPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'=> 'Fájl feltöltési limit túllépve!!',
-	'JSLBL_Finding_Relation'         => 'Kapcsolódás keresése',
-	'JSLBL_Find_Relation_Now'        => 'Keress kapcsolódást most',
-	'JSLBL_FORWARD_MESSAGE_TEXT'     => '---------- Továbbított üzenet ----------',
-	'JSLBL_FROM'                     => 'Feladó:',
-	'JSLBL_Gmail'                    => 'Gmail',
-	'JSLBL_LOADING_FOLDERS'          => 'Mappák betöltése..',
-	'JSLBL_Loading'                  => 'Betöltés',
-	'JSLBL_Loading_Please_Wait'      => 'Betöltés, kérem várjon..',
-	'JSLBL_MAIL_MOVED'               => 'E-mail(ek) eltávolítva',
-	'JSLBL_MAIL_SENT'                => 'Elküldött üzenetek',
-	'JSLBL_MOVING'                   => 'Eltávolítandó e-mailek',
-        'JSLBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED'       => 'Nincs E-mail kiválasztva.',
-	'JSLBL_NO_MATCH'				 => 'Nincs találat',
-	'JSLBL_Nothing_Found'            => 'Nem találtunk semmit',
-	'JSLBL_Opening'                  => 'Megnyitás',
-	'JSLBL_Other'                    => 'Másik',
-	'JSLBL_PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'Jelszó mező nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MAIL'=>'Kérjük, hogy legalább egy e-mailt válaszon ki',
-	'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_RECORD'=>'Kérjük, hogy legalább egy rekordot válaszon ki',
-	'JSLBL_Receipents_Warning_Message'=>'Kérjük, hogy válasszon címzetteket',
-	'JSLBL_Recepient_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'Címzett (To) nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_Removing'                  => 'Eltávolítva',
-	'JSLBL_Replied'                   => 'Megválaszolt',
-	'JSLBL_SaveWith_EmptySubject'     => 'Mentsük üres tárgy sorral?',
-	'JSLBL_Saving_And_Verifying'      => 'Mentés és ellenőrzés',
-	'JSLBL_Saving'                    => 'Mentés',
-	'JSLBL_Search_For_Email'          => 'E-mail keresése',
-	'JSLBL_Searching_Please_Wait'     => 'Keresés, kérem várjon..',
-	'JSLBL_Searching'                 => 'Keresés',
-	'JSLBL_Sending'                   => 'Küldés',
-	'JSLBL_SERVERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY'=> 'Szerver neve nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_Settings'                  => 'Beállítások',
-	'JSLBL_Subject_Cannot_Be_Empty'   => 'Tárgysor nem lehet üres',
-	'JSLBL_SUBJECT'                   => 'Tárgysor: ',
-	'JSLBL_TO'                        => 'Címzett: ',
-	'JSLBL_Updating'                  => 'Frissítve',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_CANCEL'	          => 'Mégse',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_DELETE'             => '[x]',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_DROPFILES'          => 'Ejtse bele ide a fájlokat a feltöltéshez',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_FAILED'             => 'Sikertelen',
-	'JSLBL_UPLOAD_FILE'               => 'Feltöltés',
-	'JSLBL_USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY'  => 'Felhasználónév nem lehet üres',
-        'JSLBL_Yahoo'                     => 'Yahoo',
-	'MailManager'                     => 'E-Mail Menedzser',
-// Special Handling: Mix of language strings are used.
-$languageStrings = array_merge($languageStrings, $jsLanguageStrings);
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/pt_br/MailManager.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/pt_br/MailManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e54a39e197713cfc7f8473282b0f307e1477a9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/MailManager/languages/pt_br/MailManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* +**********************************************************************************
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.1
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): Valmir C. Trindade - Translated to Brazilian Portuguese - 20/06/2014 - www.ttcasolucoes.com.br
- * ********************************************************************************** */
-$languageStrings = Array(
-    'JSLBL_Body_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'O corpo da mensagem não pode estar vazio',
-    'LBL_10_MIN' => '10 Minutes',
-    'LBL_5_MIN' => '5 Minutos',
-    'LBL_Account_Password' => 'senha conta',
-    'LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'Tipo Conta',
-    'LBL_ACTIONS' => 'Ações',
-    'LBL_ADD' => 'Adicionar',
-    'LBL_ALLMAILS' => 'Todas as Mensagens',
-    'LBL_Associate' => 'Associado',
-    'LBL_ATTACHMENTS' => 'Anexo:',
-    'LBL_Attachments' => 'Anexos',
-    'LBL_BCC' => 'Bcc',
-    'LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Cancelar',
-    'LBL_Cancel' => 'Cancelar',
-    'LBL_CC' => 'Cc',
-    'LBL_Certificate_Validations' => 'Validações Certificado',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_EXISTING_FOLDER' => 'Choose an existing folder',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER' => 'A cópias dos e-mails enviados para esta Conta serão salvos nesta pasta.',
-    'LBL_CHOOSE_FOLDER_DESC' => 'As cópias dos e-mails enviados para esta Conta serão salvas na pasta padrão <b>E-mails Enviados</b>.<br><br>Se você deseja mudar a pasta padrão de e-mails enviados, após criar a caixa de correio, clique sobre ícone <b>Configurações</b> e <b>Editar</b> Caixa de Correio.',
-    'LBL_Compose' => 'Nova Mensagem',
-    'LBL_Create_Contact' => 'Criar Contato',
-    'LBL_CREATE_MAILBOX' => 'Criar Caixa Entrada',
-    'LBL_Date' => 'Data',
-    'LBL_Delete' => 'Apagar',
-    'LBL_DELETE_Mailbox' => 'Apagar Caixa Correio',
-    'LBL_Do_Not_Validate_Cert' => 'Não validar Cert',
-    'LBL_Drafts' => 'Rascunhos',
-    'LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_LIST' => 'Modelos Emails',
-    'LBL_FIND' => 'Localizar',
-    'LBL_Folders' => 'Pastas',
-    'LBL_Forward' => 'Enviar Cópia',
-    'LBL_FROM' => 'De',
-    'LBL_Go_Back' => 'Retornar',
-    'LBL_Imap2' => 'IMAP2',
-    'LBL_Imap4' => 'IMAP4',
-    'LBL_IN' => 'em',
-    'LBL_Like' => 'como',
-    'LBL_MAILBOX_DETAILS' => 'Detalhes Caixa Entrada',
-    'LBL_Mailbox' => 'Caixa Entrada',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Accounts' => 'Adicionar Organização',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Calendar' => 'Adicionar Compromisso',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Contacts' => 'Adicionar Contato',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Emails' => 'Adicionar Email',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_HelpDesk' => 'Adicionar Chamado',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_Leads' => 'Adicionar Lead',
-    'LBL_MAILMANAGER_ADD_ModComments' => 'Adicionar Comentário',
-    'LBL_Mail_Server' => 'Nome Servidor Mensagem ou IP',
-    'LBL_Mark_As_Unread' => 'Marcar como não lida',
-    'LBL_MODULE_DENIED' => 'modulo negado!',
-    'LBL_MODULE_DESCRIPTION' => "O Gestor de Mensagens é um cliente de e-mail integrado, que permite aos Usuários executar ações relacionadas com o CRM quando uma mensagem é recebida. Através dele é possível criar Leads, Contatos, Organizações, Chamados e Tarefas a partir dos e-mails recebidos em sua Caixa de Entrada. Quando o e-mail do remetente é coincide com o cadastrado no vtiger CRM, você pode realizar outras ações, tais como: Anexar o E-mail, Adicionar uma Tarefa, Comentário e Chamado. Alem disso, você pode gerenciar a composição, respostas, encaminhamento de e-mails etc.",
-    'LBL_MOVE_TO' => 'Mover Para...',
-    'LBL_Newer' => 'Recente',
-    'LBL_Next' => 'próxima',
-    'LBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED' => 'Nenhum Email Selecionado.',
-    'LBL_No_Mails_Found' => 'Nenhuma mensagem encontrada.',
-    'LBL_No_Matching_Record_Found' => 'Nenhum registro foi encontrado.',
-    'LBL_NONE' => 'Nada',
-    'LBL_No_TLS' => 'Sem TLS',
-    'LBL_Older' => 'Antigo',
-    'LBL_Outbox' => 'Caixa Saída CRM',
-    'LBL_Password' => 'Senha',
-    'LBL_Previous' => 'anterior',
-    'LBL_Print' => 'Imprimir',
-    'LBL_Protocol' => 'Protocolo',
-    'LBL_READ_ACCESS_FOR' => 'Acesso leitura para',
-    'LBL_Refresh' => 'Atualizar',
-    'LBL_REFRESH_TIME' => 'Tempo Atualização',
-    'LBL_RELATED_RECORDS' => 'Registros Relacionados',
-    'LBL_Remove' => 'Remover',
-    'LBL_Reply_All' => 'Responder a todos',
-    'LBL_Reply' => 'Responder',
-    'LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Salvar',
-    'LBL_SAVE_NOW' => 'Salvar Agora',
-    'LBL_Search' => 'Pesquisar',
-    'LBL_SELECT_ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'Selecionar Provedor',
-    'LBL_SELECT_DOCUMENTS' => 'Selecionar Documentos',
-    'LBL_SELECTED_FOLDER' => 'Pasta Selecionada',
-    'LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE' => 'Selecionar Modelo Email',
-    'LBL_Send' => 'Enviar',
-    'LBL_SENT_MAILS' => 'Enviar Mensagens',
-    'LBL_SSL_Options' => 'Opções SSL',
-    'LBL_SSL' => 'SSL',
-    'LBL_SUBJECT' => 'Assunto',
-    'LBL_TLS' => 'TLS',
-    'LBL_TO_ACCOUNTS' => 'Para Organizações',
-    'LBL_TO_CONTACTS' => 'Para Contatos',
-    'LBL_TO_LEADS' => 'Para Leads',
-    'LBL_TO' => 'Para',
-    'LBL_TO_USERS' => 'Para Usuários',
-    'LBL_Username' => 'Nome Usuário',
-    'LBL_Validate_Cert' => 'Validar Cert',
-    'LBL_WRITE_ACCESS_FOR' => 'Acesso escrita para',
-    'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE' => 'Adicionar seu comentário aqui ...',
-    'LBL_Your_Mailbox_Account' => 'sua conta de correio',
-    'MailManager' => 'Gestor Mensagens',
-$jsLanguageStrings = Array(
-    'JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD' => 'Não pode ser mantido para o Futuro',
-    'JSLBL_ACCOUNTNAME_CANNOT_EMPTY' => 'O nome da Organização não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_ADD_COMMENT' => 'Adicionar Comentários',
-    'JSLBL_Associating' => 'Associando',
-    'JSLBL_ATTACHMENT_NOT_DELETED' => 'O anexo não pode ser apagado',
-    'JSLBL_CANNOT_ADD_EMPTY_COMMENT' => 'O Comentário não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_CC' => 'Cc: ',
-    'JSLBL_Choose_Server_Type' => 'Escolha o tipo de servidor',
-    'JSLBL_DATE' => 'Data: ',
-    'JSLBL_Delete_Confirm' => 'Deseja apagar os Emails de forma permanente?',
-    'JSLBL_Delete' => 'Apagar',
-    'JSLBL_Delete_Mails_Confirm' => 'Deseja apagar os Emails?',
-    'JSLBL_Deleting' => 'Apagando',
-    'JSLBL_DRAFT_MAIL_SAVED' => 'A mensagem foi salva nos Rascunhos',
-    'JSLBL_Drafts' => 'Rascunhos',
-    'JSLBL_EMAIL_FORMAT_INCORRECT' => 'Por favor, forneça endereço de email correto',
-    'JSLBL_ENTER_SOME_VALUE' => 'Digite uma palavra para pesquisa',
-    'JSLBL_Failed_To_Open_Mail' => 'Falha ao abrir a mensagem',
-    'JSLBL_Failed_To_Save_Mail' => 'Falha ao salvar a mensagem',
-    'JSLBL_Failed_To_Send_Mail' => 'Falha ao enviar a mensagem',
-    'JSLBL_Fastmail' => 'Fastmail',
-    'JSLBL_FILEUPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'O tamanho do arquivo excedeu o limite para transferência!!',
-    'JSLBL_Finding_Relation' => 'Encontrando relação',
-    'JSLBL_Find_Relation_Now' => 'Encontrar relação agora',
-    'JSLBL_FORWARD_MESSAGE_TEXT' => '---------- Mensagem enviada ----------',
-    'JSLBL_FROM' => 'De:',
-    'JSLBL_Gmail' => 'Gmail',
-    'JSLBL_LOADING_FOLDERS' => 'Carregando Pastas...',
-    'JSLBL_Loading' => 'Carregando',
-    'JSLBL_Loading_Please_Wait' => 'Carregando... por favor, aguarde',
-    'JSLBL_MAIL_MOVED' => 'Mensagem(s) movida(s)',
-    'JSLBL_MAIL_SENT' => 'Mensagem Enviada',
-    'JSLBL_MOVING' => 'Movendo Mensagem(s)',
-    'JSLBL_NO_EMAILS_SELECTED' => 'Nenhum Email Selecionado.',
-    'JSLBL_NO_MATCH' => 'Nada encontrado',
-    'JSLBL_Nothing_Found' => 'Nada encontrado',
-    'JSLBL_Opening' => 'Abrindo',
-    'JSLBL_Other' => 'Outro',
-    'JSLBL_PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'A Senha não pode estar vazia',
-    'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MAIL' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma mensagem',
-    'JSLBL_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_RECORD' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos um registro',
-    'JSLBL_Receipents_Warning_Message' => 'Por favor, selecione os destinatários',
-    'JSLBL_Recepient_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'Destinatário (Para) não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_Removing' => 'Removendo',
-    'JSLBL_Replied' => 'Respondido',
-    'JSLBL_SaveWith_EmptySubject' => 'Salvar com assunto vazio?',
-    'JSLBL_Saving_And_Verifying' => 'Salvando & Verificando',
-    'JSLBL_Saving' => 'Salvando', //Duplicated key-value pairs
-    'JSLBL_Search_For_Email' => 'Pesquisar email',
-    'JSLBL_Searching_Please_Wait' => 'Pesquisando... por favor, aguarde',
-    'JSLBL_Searching' => 'Pesquisando',
-    'JSLBL_Sending' => 'Enviando',
-    'JSLBL_SERVERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'O nome do Servidor não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_Settings' => 'Configurações',
-    'JSLBL_Subject_Cannot_Be_Empty' => 'O Assunto não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_SUBJECT' => 'Assunto: ',
-    'JSLBL_TO' => 'Para: ',
-    'JSLBL_Updating' => 'Atualizando',
-    'JSLBL_UPLOAD_CANCEL' => 'Cancelar',
-    'JSLBL_UPLOAD_DELETE' => '[x]',
-    'JSLBL_UPLOAD_DROPFILES' => 'Solte os aquivos aqui para transferir',
-    'JSLBL_UPLOAD_FAILED' => 'Falhou',
-    'JSLBL_UPLOAD_FILE' => 'Transferir',
-    'JSLBL_USERNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY' => 'O nome do Usuário não pode estar vazio',
-    'JSLBL_Yahoo' => 'Yahoo',
-    'MailManager' => 'Gestor Mensagem',
-//Special Handling: Mix of language strings are used.
-$languageStrings = array_merge($languageStrings, $jsLanguageStrings);
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c2e8abb7931cca1d29dbfafdefb1c54d9fd02630..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'ارسال رسالة نصية للارقام المحددة',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'الخطوة ١',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'الخطوة ٢',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'حدد حقول رقم الهاتق للارسال',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'اكتب الرسالة',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'اكتب الرسالة هنا',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'اضافة حقول اخرى هنا',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'اعدادات الخادم',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'التحقق من الحالة',
-	'message' => 'الرسالة',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION' => 'معلومات الرسالة النصية',
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'اخطار الرسالة النصية',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c1aa42635edba77a4d14536f4fd8ad2f74f1927..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ar_ae/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'New Configuration',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Provider Configuration',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'New Configuration',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Edit Configuration',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Select One',
-	//Fields
-	'providertype' => 'Provider',
-	'isactive' => 'Active',
-	'username' => 'User Name',
-	'password' => 'Password',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e36d5f96bce46b10401aed70b10ca6d2ae7cdb2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Konfiguration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'prüfe Status'               , 
-	'message'                      => 'Nachricht'                   , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 695c7eb511147266a7889f6a46cd52843dd5362f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/de_de/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , 
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , 
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , 
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , 
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , 
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , 
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , 
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', 
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', 
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index a4b36a385272c1e495a413335645416c49cb4641..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check status'                , 
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index fe92283e78b6bce151f679d65a040288399e8eb0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/en_gb/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'New Configuration',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Provider Configuration',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'New Configuration',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Edit Configuration',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Select One',
-	//Fields
-	'providertype' => 'Provider',
-	'isactive' => 'Active',
-	'username' => 'Username',
-	'password' => 'Password',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider deleted successfully',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'SMS Provider configuration saved',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c82866793d71891c2dadb9a62a2dd1376db538ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by JPL TSolucio, S.L. are Copyright (C) jpl tsolucio.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2012-10-26
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-03
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Enviar SMS a los números seleccionados',
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecciona los números de teléfono',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Escribe el mensaje',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'escribe el mensaje aquí',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Añadir más campos',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuración Servidor',
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Verificar Estado',
-	'message'                      => 'Mensaje',
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Notifier',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 20ddc31275720b6f9f6aa4b9b954b85969743245..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_es/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * ********************************************************************************
- *  Language     : Español es_es
- *  Version      : 6.0.0
- *  Created Date : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *  Last change  : 2013-05-10
- *  Author       : JPL TSolucio, S. L. Joe Bordes
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Nueva Configuración',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'Configuración Proveedor SMS',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Nueva Configuración',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Editar Configuración',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Selecciona uno',
-	//Fields
-	'providertype' => 'Proveedor',
-	'isactive' => 'Activo',
-	'username' => 'Nombre Usuario',
-	'password' => 'Contraseña',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar esta configuración de proveedor SMS?',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'Se ha eliminado la configuración del proveedor SMS',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'Se ha guardado la configuración del proveedor SMS',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a435b1646c4ba80f8803c835e92a3469429ba87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Envía un SMS a los números seleccionados', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Paso 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Paso 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecciona el campo de teléfono para enviar', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Tipo de mensaje'             , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'Escribe tu mensaje aqui'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Agregar más campos'         , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuración de Servidor'  , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Verificar Estado'            , 
-	'message'                      => 'Mensaje'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Información SMS'            , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/es_mx/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c73eb022121e2b3d3c16c51abffc4e060dc11676..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuration du serveur'    , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Vérifier le statut'         , 
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Information SMS'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/fr_fr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 33d902fb0e8fe4356d2a4246e9d52b0c2550e779..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'SMS küldése a kiválasztott számoknak', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => '1. lépés'                  , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => '2. lépés'                  , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Válaszd ki küldésre a telefonszám mezőket', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Írd be az üzenetet'        , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'írd ide az üzeneted'       , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'További mezők hozzáadása', 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Szerver beállítások'      , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Állapot ellenőrzése'      , 
-	'message'                      => 'Ãœzenet'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS adatok'                  , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/hu_hu/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index db248b4d3ee33776366846fde30743be924bbe8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                , 
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/it_it/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 087d999a6f60aa65419421c99b4d97d03da58ac1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Stuur SMS naar de selectedeerde nummers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Stap 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Stap 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Selecteer de telefoonnummervelden om te versturen', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Typ het bericht'             , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'schrijf uw bericht hier'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Voeg meer velden toe'        , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Serverconfiguratie'          , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Controleer status'           , 
-	'message'                      => 'Bericht'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Informatie'              , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/nl_nl/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index d43f8c883e0e3bff4e8700271710e7c79c03ec9d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pl_pl/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Wyślij smsa do zaznaczonych numerów',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Krok 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Krok 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Wybierz pola numerów do wysyłki',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'Rodzaj wiadomości',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'tutaj wpisz swoją wiadomość',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Dodaj więcej pól',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Konfiguracja serwera',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'Sprawdź status',
-	'message' => 'Wiadomość',
-	//Blocks
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION' => 'Informacje o wiadomości',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 24542f1450cdbf32027ef21a10663933667c903c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Configuração Servidor'     , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Checar status'               , 
-	'message'                      => 'Mensagem'                    , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Informação SMS'            , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/pt_br/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index db248b4d3ee33776366846fde30743be924bbe8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                , 
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ro_ro/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8519310826b4b5bba57c697434425fe83b3ad7fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Конфигурация Сервера', // KEY 5.x: SERVER_CONFIGURATION
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Проверить статус', 
-	'message'                      => 'Сообщение'          , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'Информация SMS'    , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Инфо'                , 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f4c552b5835a56384081d12e18350e235237cf01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/ru_ru/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS-Уведомления'  , 
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Активен'              , // KEY 5.x: LBL_ACTIVE
-	'username'                     => 'Пользователь'    , // KEY 5.x: LBL_USERNAME
-	'password'                     => 'Пароль'                , // KEY 5.x: LBL_PASWRD
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fd48490b654f6b4b699527435e7a01101354560..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	// Basic Strings
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Skicka SMS till de valda nummer',
-	'LBL_STEP_1' => 'Steg 1',
-	'LBL_STEP_2' => 'Steg 2',
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Välj telefonnummerfälten för att skicka',
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE' => 'Skriv meddelandet',
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE' => 'skriv ditt meddelande here',
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS' => 'Lägg till mer fält',
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Server Inställningar',
-	//DetailView Actions
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS' => 'Kontrollera Status',
-	'message' => 'Meddelande',
-	//Blocks
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Notifierare',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 337fd152be515a8f73a31a27fd7a906c210b501c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/sv_se/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD' => 'Ny Konfiguration',
-	'SMSNotifier' => 'SMS Erbjudanden Konfiguration',
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION' => 'Ny Konfiguration',
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION' => 'Redigera Konfiguration',
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE' => 'Välj En',
-	//Fält
-	'providertype' => 'Leverantör',
-	'isactive' => 'Aktiv',
-	'username' => 'Användarnamn',
-	'password' => 'Lösneord',
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Är du säker, du vill ta bort det här SMSNotifieringskonfigurationen',
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS leverantör raderad Framgångsrikt',
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED' => 'SMS leverantörkonfiguration sparad',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index db248b4d3ee33776366846fde30743be924bbe8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_SEND_SMS_TO_SELECTED_NUMBERS' => 'Send SMS to the selected numbers', 
-	'LBL_STEP_1'                   => 'Step 1'                      , 
-	'LBL_STEP_2'                   => 'Step 2'                      , 
-	'LBL_SELECT_THE_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELDS_TO_SEND' => 'Select the phone number fields to send', 
-	'LBL_TYPE_THE_MESSAGE'         => 'Type the message'            , 
-	'LBL_WRITE_YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE'  => 'write your message here'     , 
-	'LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS'          => 'Add more fields'             , 
-	'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG'           => 'Server Configuration'        , 
-	'LBL_CHECK_STATUS'             => 'Check Status'                , 
-	'message'                      => 'Message'                     , 
-	'LBL_SMSNOTIFIER_INFORMATION'  => 'SMS Information'             , 
-	'SINGLE_SMSNotifier'           => 'SMS Notifier'                , // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ccce57a6e4a31c3e52dbcf440f5f54cc3ffd395..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/languages/tr_tr/Settings/SMSNotifier.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ************************************************************************************/
-$languageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_ADD_RECORD'               => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'SMSNotifier'                  => 'SMS Provider Configuration'  , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION'        => 'New Configuration'           , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION'       => 'Edit Configuration'          , // TODO: Review
-	'LBL_SELECT_ONE'               => 'Select One'                  , // TODO: Review
-	'providertype'                 => 'Provider'                    , // TODO: Review
-	'isactive'                     => 'Active'                      , // TODO: Review
-	'username'                     => 'User Name'                   , // TODO: Review
-	'password'                     => 'Password'                    , // TODO: Review
-$jsLanguageStrings = array(
-	'LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'      => 'Are you sure, you want to delete this SMSNotifier Configuration', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY' => 'SMS Provider Deleted Successfully', // TODO: Review
-	'JS_CONFIGURATION_SAVED'       => 'SMS Provider Configurations saved', // TODO: Review
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/layouts/v7/modules/Settings/SMSNotifier/resources/List.js b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/layouts/v7/modules/Settings/SMSNotifier/resources/List.js
index 3d8971f3e856c23467a6d94d8c2448bfe81767aa..a0e691c6fede62b8dc4bd6f9806782f9adf2f634 100644
--- a/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/layouts/v7/modules/Settings/SMSNotifier/resources/List.js
+++ b/pkg/vtiger/modules/SMSNotifier/layouts/v7/modules/Settings/SMSNotifier/resources/List.js
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ Settings_Vtiger_List_Js("Settings_SMSNotifier_List_Js", {
 	 * Function to register all the events
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/(CustomerPortal) es_mx.lang.php b/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/(CustomerPortal) es_mx.lang.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b658dc3b8959bfae371e2dc895b9096e73348b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/translations/MexicanSpanishLanguagePack_es_mx/(CustomerPortal) es_mx.lang.php	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * Portions created by tsolucio are Copyright (C) JPL TSolucio, S.L.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Author: Francisco Hernandez www.odinconsultores.com info@odinconsultores.com
- * based on work of Joe  @ tsolucio
- ********************************************************************************/
-$app_strings = Array(
-'customerportal'=>'Portal de Cliente',
-//Tickets Language Strings
-'LBL_NEW_TICKET'=>'Nuevo Reporte',
-'LBL_MY_OPEN_TICKETS'=>'Reportes Abiertos',
-'LBL_CLOSED_TICKETS'=>'Reportes Cerrados',
-'TICKETID'=>'Nº Reporte',
-'TICKET_MATCH' =>'Coincidencia',
-'LBL_NONE_SUBMITTED'=>'Ningun Reporte',
-'LBL_CREATE_NEW_TICKET'=>'Crear Nuevo Reporte',
-'LBL_PRODUCT_NAME'=>'Nombre Producto',
-'LBL_SERVICE_CONTRACTS'=>'Contratos de Servicio',
-'LBL_TICKET_PRIORITY'=>'Prioridad Reporte',
-'LBL_TICKET_SEVERITY'=>'Severidad Reporte',
-'LBL_TICKET_CATEGORY'=>'Categoría Reporte',
-'LBL_CLOSE_TICKET'=>'Cerrar este reporte',
-'LBL_COMMENT_BY'=>'Comentario de',
-'NO_ATTACHMENTS'=>'No hay Adjuntos Disponibles',
-'LBL_FILE_UPLOADERROR'=>'Error al subir Archivo:',
-'LBL_ATTACH_FILE'=>'Adjuntar Archivo :',
-'NONE' =>'Ninguno',
-'LBL_STATUS_CLOSED'=>'Cerrado',//Do not convert this label. This is used to check the status. If the status 'Closed' is changed in vtigerCRM server side then you will give the exact value of status 'Closed' which is in vtigerCRM server.
-'LBL_NEW_INFORMATION'=>'Introduce la información requerida para crear un Reporte.',
-'LBL_TICKET_ID'=>'Nº Reporte',
-'LBL_GIVE_VALID_FILE'=>'Introduce un archivo válido para subir!',
-'LBL_UPLOAD_FILE_LARGE'=>'El archivo suministrado excede el tamaño máximo de archivo permitido. Intente con un archivo menor a 2.5 Mb',
-'LBL_PROBLEM_UPLOAD'=>'Problemas al subir el archivo. Por favor intentelo de nuevo!',
-'LBL_FILE_HAS_NO_CONTENTS'=>'El archivo no tiene contenido y no será aceptado',
-'LBL_UPLOAD_VALID_FILE'=>'Por favor suba un archivo válido.',
-'LBL_PROBLEM_IN_TICKET_SAVING'=>'<br> Puede haber un problema creando el reporte. Por favor compruebe si ha sido creado o no',
-//Tickets Block Name
-'Ticket Information'=>'Información Reporte',
-'Description Information'=>'Descripción',
-'Solution Information'=>'Solución',
-'LBL_TICKET_COMMENTS' =>'Comentarios',
-'LBL_ADD_COMMENT'=>'Añadir Comentario',
-//Tickets Fields
-'Title' =>'Título',
-'Assigned To' =>'Asignado a',
-'Priority' =>'Prioridad',
-'Severity' =>'Severidad',
-'Hours' =>'Horas',
-'Days' =>'Días',
-'Ticket No' =>'Nº Reporte',
-'Related to' =>'Relacionado con',
-'Product Name' =>'Nombre Producto',
-'Status' =>'Estado',
-'Category' =>'Categoría	',
-'Description' =>'Descripción',
-'Solution' =>'Solución',
-//My settings
-'LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD'=>'Cambiar Contraseña',
-'LBL_OLD_PASSWORD'=>'Contraseña anterior',
-'LBL_NEW_PASSWORD'=>'Contraseña nueva',
-'LBL_CONFIRM_PASSWORD'=>'Confirmar Contraseña',
-'LBL_MY_DETAILS'=>'Mis Datos',
-'LBL_LAST_LOGIN'=>'Ultimo acceso',
-'LBL_SUPPORT_START_DATE'=>'Fecha Inicio Soporte',
-'LBL_SUPPORT_END_DATE'=>'Fecha Fin Soporte',
-'MSG_PASSWORD_CHANGED'=>'Se ha cambiado la contraseña correctamente.',
-'MSG_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORDS_SAME'=>'Contraseña nueva y confirmación no coinciden',
-'MSG_YOUR_PASSWORD_WRONG'=>'Contraseña anterior incorrecta.',
-//Added fields for Knowledge Base details
-'LBL_KNOWLEDGE_BASE'=>'Base del Conocimiento',
-'LBL_SEARCH_RESULT'=>'Resultado Búsqueda:',
-'LBL_NO_FAQ_IN_THIS_CATEGORY'=>'No hay artículos en esta Categoría.',
-'LBL_NO_FAQ_IN_THIS_PRODUCT'=>'No hay artículos en este Producto.',
-'LBL_NO_FAQ'=>'No hay artículos.',
-'LBL_NO_FAQ_IN_THIS_SEARCH_CRITERIA'=>'No hay artículos coincidentes con el criterio de búsqueda.',
-'LBL_ADDED_ON'=>'Añadido el: ',
-'LBL_FAQ_ID'=>'Nº FAQ',
-'LBL_PRINT_THIS_PAGE'=>'Imprimir esta página',
-'LBL_EMAIL_THIS_PAGE'=>'Enviar por correo esta página',
-'LBL_ADD_TO_FAVORITES'=>'Añadir a Favoritos',
-'LBL_RECENTLY_CREATED'=>'Artículos nuevos',
-'LBL_CREATED_DATE'=>'Fecha creación',
-'LBL_MODIFIED_DATE'=>'Fecha modificación',
-'KBASE_DETAILS'=>'La base del conocimiento se estructura por categorias y productos, por favor seleccione la categoría o producto en el que esté interesado.
-Además, puede buscar en toda la base del conocimiento introduciendo palabras de búsqueda en la caja de más abajo.',
-'LBL_DOCUMENTS' =>'Documentos Relacionados',
-'LBL_FAQ_TITLE' =>'Título',
-'LBL_ARTICLE_INTERESTED'=>'Aqui hay un artículo que puede ser de su interés:',
-'LBL_PRESS_CNTR_D'=>'Pulsa Ctrl+D',
-'Contact Information'=>'Información Contacto',
-'Customer Portal Information'=>'Información Portal',
-'Address Information'=>'Información de Dirección',
-'Custom Information'=>'Información Personalizada',
-'First Name'=>'Nombre',
-'Contact Id'=>'Nº Contacto',
-'Office Phone'=>'Tel. Empresa',
-'Last Name'=>'Apellidos',
-'Mobile'=>'Tel. Móvil',
-'Lead Source'=>'Origen de Prospecto',
-'Home Phone'=>'Tel. Particular',
-'Other Phone'=>'Tel. Directo',
-'Mailing Street'=>'Dirección (Factura)',
-'Mailing Po Box'=>'Apdo de Correos (Factura)',
-'Mailing City'=>'Deleg./Mpio. (Factura)',
-'Mailing State'=>'Estado (Factura)',
-'Mailing Postal Code'=>'Código Postal (Factura)',
-'Mailing Zip'=>'Código Postal (Factura)',
-'Mailing Country'=>'País (Factura)',
-'Other Zip'=>'Código Postal (Envío)',
-'Other Street'=>'Dirección (Envío)',
-'Other Po Box'=>'Apdo de Correos (Envío)',
-'Other City'=>'Deleg./Mpio. (Envío)',
-'Other State'=>'Estado (Envío)',
-'Other Postal Code'=>'Código Postal (Envío)',
-'Other Country'=>'País (Envío)',
-'Birthdate'=>'Fecha de Nacimiento',
-'Assistant Phone'=>'Teléfono del Asistente',
-'Reports To'=>'Informa a',
-'Yahoo Id'=>'Yahoo Id',
-'Do Not Call'=>'No llamar',
-'Support End Date'=>'Fecha Fin Soporte',
-//Product Block Name
-'Product Information'=>'Información Producto',
-'Pricing Information:'=>'Información Precios:',
-'Stock Information:'=>'Información Stock:',
-//Products Fields
-'Product Name'=>'Nombre del Producto',
-'Product Active'=>'Producto Activo',
-'Sales Start Date'=>'Fecha de salida al mercado',
-'Product Category'=>'Categoría de Producto',
-'Sales End Date'=>'Fecha de retirada del mercado',
-'Vendor Name'=>'Nombre Proveedor',
-'Vendor PartNo'=>'Nº de Parte del Proveedor',
-'Product Sheet'=>'Hoja del Producto',
-'Product No'=>'Nº Producto',
-'Part Number'=>'Código de Producto',
-'Support Start Date'=>'Fecha de inicio de Soporte',
-'Support Expiry Date'=>'Fecha de fin del Soporte',
-'Mfr PartNo'=>'Nº de Parte del Fabricante',
-'Serial No'=>'Nº de serie',
-'GL Account'=>'Cuenta contable',
-'Unit Price'=>'Precio Unitario',
-'Commission Rate'=>'Comisión (%)',
-'Usage Unit'=>'Unidad de Uso',
-'Qty In Stock'=>'Cantidad en Stock',
-'Reorder Level'=>'Nivel de pedido',
-'Qty In Demand'=>'Cantidad Pedida',
-//Quotes Block Name
-'Quote Information'=>'Información de la Cotización',
-'Address Information'=>'Información de la Dirección',
-'Terms & Conditions'=>'Condiciones Generales',
-//Quotes Fields
-'(Download PDF) Subject'=>'(Descargar PDF) Asunto---',
-'Potential Name'=>'Oportunidad',
-'Quote No'=>'Nº Cotización',
-'Quote Stage'=>'Estado de la Cotización',
-'Valid Till'=>'Válido Hasta',
-'Contact Name'=>'Nombre de Contacto',
-'Inventory Manager'=>'Encargado del Inventario',
-'Account Name'=>'Nombre de la Cuenta',
-'Billing Address'=>'Dirección (Factura)',
-'Billing City'=>'Deleg./Mpio. (Factura)',
-'Billing State'=>'Estado (Factura)',
-'Billing Code'=>'Código Postal (Factura)',
-'Billing Country'=>'País (Factura)',
-'Billing Po Box'=>'Apdo. de Correos (Factura)',
-'Shipping Address'=>'Dirección (Envío)',
-'Shipping Po Box'=>'Apdo. de Correos (Envío)',
-'Shipping City'=>'Deleg./Mpio. (Envío)',
-'Shipping State'=>'Estado (Envío)',
-'Shipping Code'=>'Código Postal (Envío)',
-'Shipping Country'=>'País (Envío)',
-'LBL_PDF_CANNOT_GENERATE'=>'No se ha podido generar el PDF',
-'Invoice Information'=>'Información de Factura',
-'Invoice No'=>'Nº Factura',
-'Customer No'=>'Nº Cliente',
-'Invoice Date'=>'Fecha factura',
-'Due Date'=>'Fecha vencimiento',
-'Excise Duty'=>'Arancel',
-'Sales Commission'=>'Comisión Venta',
-'Basic Information'=>'Información Básica',
-'File Information'=>'Información Archivo',
-'Folder Name'=>'Nombre Carpeta',
-'Document No'=>'Nº Documento',
-'Download Type'=>'Tipo Descarga',
-'File Name'=>'Nombre Archivo',
-'File Type'=>'Tipo Archivo',
-'File Size'=>'Tamaño Archivo',
-'Download Count'=>'Número Descargas',
-'LBL_SERVICE' =>'Servicios',
-'Service Information'=>'Información Servicio',
-'Service Name'=>'Nombre Servicio',
-'Service No'=>'Nº Servicio',
-'Service Active'=>'Servicio Activo',
-'No of Units'=>'Nº Unidades',
-'Service Category'=>'Categoría Servicio',
-'Commission Rate'=>'Comisión',
-'Account Information'=>'Información Cuenta',
-'Account No'=>'Nº Cuenta',
-'Ticker Symbol'=>'Símbolo Bolsa',
-'Member Of'=>'Miembro de',
-'Other Phone'=>'Teléfono alternativo',
-'Other Email'=>'Email alternativo',
-'SIC Code'=>'RFC',
-'Email Opt Out'=>'No envial email',
-'Annual Revenue'=>'Ingresos anuales',
-'Assigned To'=>'Asignado a',
-'Notify Owner'=>'Notificar encargado',
-//Customer Authenticate 
-'LBL_CANNOT_CONNECT_SERVER'=>'No se ha podido conectar con el servidor. Por favor consulte al administrador.',
-'LBL_ENTER_VALID_USER'=>'Por favor ingrese un nombre de usuario y contraseña válidos',
-'LBL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE'=>'Esta versión no es compatible',
-'LBL_CANCEL_ALT'=>'Cancelar [Alt+X]',
-'LBL_SAVE_ALT'=>'Guardar [Alt+S]',
-'LBL_NOT_AUTHORISED'=>'No tiene permiso para acceder a esta información',
-'MINE' =>'Mios',
-'ALL' =>'Todos',
-'LBL_FORGOT_LOGIN'=>'¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?',
-'LBL_YOUR_EMAIL'=>'Su email :',
-'LBL_SEND_PASSWORD'=>'Enviar Contraseña',
-//'LBL_LOGIN_NOTE'=>'Email y Contraseña son insensibles a caja.',
-'LBL_LOGIN_NOTE'=>'Email y Contraseña no distinguen mayúsculas.',
-'LBL_MY_SETTINGS'=>'Mis Preferencias',
-'QUOTE_RELATED'=>'Cotizaciones Relacionadas ',
-'INVOICE_RELATED'=>'Facturas Relacionadas ',
-'LBL_NOT_AVAILABLE'=>'No disponibles',
-'LBL_EMAILID'=>'Email :',
-'Created Time' =>'Hora Creación',
-'Modified Time' =>'Hora Modificación',
-'Related To' =>'Relacionado con',
-'MODULE_INACTIVE'=>'Módulo Inactivo',
-// Tab names
-'HelpDesk' => 'Casos',
-'Faq' => 'Base del Conocimiento',
-'Accounts' => 'Cuentas',
-'Contacts' => 'Contactos',
-'Products' => 'Productos',
-'Services' => 'Servicios',
-'Quotes' => 'Cotizaciones',
-'Invoice' => 'Facturas',
-'Documents'	=>'Documentos',
-'MORE_THAN_ONE_USER'=>'Puede haber más de un usuario con esta configuración. Por favor consulte con el administrador.',
-'INVALID_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD'=>'Nombre de usuario o contraseña inválida',
-'LBL_CATEGORY' => 'Categoría',
-'In Progress'=>'En Progreso',
-'Wait For Response'=>'Esperando respuesta',
diff --git a/pkg/vtiger/translations/PolishLanguagePack_pl_pl/cron/language/phpmailer.lang-pl.php b/pkg/vtiger/translations/PolishLanguagePack_pl_pl/cron/language/phpmailer.lang-pl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 31227902f84f42db552990b2f7e442c78a705536..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/vtiger/translations/PolishLanguagePack_pl_pl/cron/language/phpmailer.lang-pl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Terms & Conditions are placed on the: http://vtiger.com.pl
- ********************************************************************************
- *  Language		: Język Polski
- *  Vtiger Version	: 5.4.x
- *	Pack Version	: 1.13
- *  Author          : OpenSaaS Sp. z o.o. 
- *  Licence			: GPL
- *  Help/Email      : bok@opensaas.pl                                                                                                                 
- *  Website         : www.vtiger.com.pl, www.opensaas.pl
- * PHPMailer language file.
- * English Version
- */
-$PHPMAILER_LANG = array();
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["provide_address"] = 'Należy podać co najmniej jeden ' .
-                                     'adres e-mail odbiorcy.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["mailer_not_supported"] = ' program pocztowy nie jest obsługiwany.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["execute"] = 'Nie można wykonać: ';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["instantiate"] = 'Nie mogła by wykonana instancja funkcji poczty.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["authenticate"] = 'Błąd SMTP: Nie można uwierzytelnić.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["from_failed"] = 'Błędny adres Nadawcy: ';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["recipients_failed"] = 'Błąd SMTP: Dla następujący adresatów' .
-                                       ' nie powiodło się: ';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["data_not_accepted"] = 'Błąd SMTP: Dane nie zostały przyjęte.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["connect_host"] = 'Błąd SMTP: Nie można połączyć się z hostem.';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["file_access"] = 'Nie można uzyskać dostępu pliku: ';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["file_open"] = 'Błąd pliku: Nie można otworzyć pliku: ';
-$PHPMAILER_LANG["encoding"] = 'Nieznane kodowanie: ';
\ No newline at end of file