 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.

class VTExpressionsManager{
	function __construct($adb){
		$this->adb = $adb;

	/** Caching logic **/
	private static $cache = array();
	static function addToCache($key, $value) {
		 self::$cache[$key] = $value;
	static function fromCache($key) {
		if(isset(self::$cache[$key])) return self::$cache[$key];
		return false;
	static function clearCache() {
		self::$cache = array();
	/** END **/

	function fields($moduleName){
		global $current_user;
		$result = vtws_describe($moduleName, $current_user);
		$fields = $result['fields'];
		$arr = array();
		foreach($fields as $field){
			$arr[$field['name']] = $field['label'];
		return $arr;

	function expressionFunctions() {
		return array('substring(string,start,end)'=> 'substring(string,start,end)','preg_replace_str_only(pattern_str,replacement_str,subject)'=>'preg_replace_str_only(pattern_str,replacement_str,subject)','concat' => 'concat(a,b)', 'time_diffdays(a,b)' => 'time_diffdays(a,b)', 'time_diffdays(a)' => 'time_diffdays(a)', 'time_diff(a,b)' => 'time_diff(a,b)','time_diff(a)' => 'time_diff(a)',
			'add_days' => 'add_days(datefield, noofdays)', 'sub_days' => 'sub_days(datefield, noofdays)', 'add_time(timefield, minutes)' => 'add_time(timefield, minutes)', 'sub_time(timefield, minutes)' => 'sub_time(timefield, minutes)',
			'today' => "get_date('today')", 'tomorrow' => "get_date('tomorrow')",  'yesterday' => "get_date('yesterday')", 'power(base,exponential)' => "power(base,exponential)");
