diff --git a/data/CRMEntity.php b/data/CRMEntity.php
index ac5e74d8afa5cee6ad0f854325c1591f8073104f..49045999cfe143d9e5660ff73ba16541b6e55b6d 100755
--- a/data/CRMEntity.php
+++ b/data/CRMEntity.php
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class CRMEntity {
-		$userSpecificTableIgnoredModules = array("SMSNotifier", "ModComments");
+		$userSpecificTableIgnoredModules = array('SMSNotifier', 'PBXManager', 'ModComments');
 		if(in_array($moduleName, $userSpecificTableIgnoredModules)) return;
 		$userSpecificTable = Vtiger_Functions::getUserSpecificTableName($moduleName);
diff --git a/modules/Migration/schema/701_to_710.php b/modules/Migration/schema/701_to_710.php
index f0b0c03c289ad44fbfe032d21145b13852a248ae..2c2ff3de0c73c367d1281f47f83fae3eed680ef2 100644
--- a/modules/Migration/schema/701_to_710.php
+++ b/modules/Migration/schema/701_to_710.php
@@ -171,11 +171,50 @@ if (defined('VTIGER_UPGRADE')) {
 	//START::Google calendar sync settings
 	if (!Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable('vtiger_google_event_calendar_mapping')) {
-		$db->pquery('CREATE TABLE vtiger_google_event_calendar_mapping (event_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, calendar_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, user_id int(11) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8', array());
+		$db->pquery('CREATE TABLE vtiger_google_event_calendar_mapping (event_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, calendar_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, user_id INT(11) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8', array());
 		echo '<br>Succecssfully vtiger_google_event_calendar_mapping table created<br>';
 	//END::Google calendar sync settings
+	//START::Centralize user field table for easy query with context of user across module
+	$generalUserFieldTable = 'vtiger_crmentity_user_field';
+	if (!Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable($generalUserFieldTable)) {
+		Vtiger_Utils::CreateTable($generalUserFieldTable,
+				'(`recordid` INT(19) NOT NULL, 
+				`userid` INT(19) NOT NULL,
+				`starred` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
+				Index `record_user_idx` (`recordid`, `userid`),
+				FOREIGN KEY (recordid) REFERENCES vtiger_crmentity(crmid) ON DELETE CASCADE)', true);
+	}
+	$migratedTables = array();
+	$result = $db->pquery('SELECT vtiger_tab.tabid, vtiger_tab.name, tablename, fieldid FROM vtiger_field INNER JOIN vtiger_tab ON vtiger_tab.tabid=vtiger_field.tabid WHERE fieldname=?', array('starred'));
+	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
+		$fieldId = $row['fieldid'];
+		$moduleName = $row['name'];
+		$oldTableName = $row['tablename'];
+		$db->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET tablename=? WHERE fieldid=? AND tablename=?', array($generalUserFieldTable, $fieldId, $oldTableName));
+		echo "Updated starred field for module $moduleName to point generic table => $generalUserFieldTable<br>";
+		if (Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable($oldTableName)) {
+			if (!in_array($oldTableName, $migratedTables)) {
+				if ($oldTableName != $generalUserFieldTable) {
+					//Insert entries from module specific table to generic table for follow up records
+					$db->pquery("INSERT INTO $generalUserFieldTable (recordid, userid, starred) (SELECT recordid,userid,starred FROM $oldTableName INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON $oldTableName.recordid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid)", array());
+					echo "entries moved from $oldTableName to $generalUserFieldTable table<br>";
+					//Drop module specific user table
+					$db->pquery("DROP TABLE $oldTableName", array());
+					echo "module specific user field table $oldTableName has been dropped<br>";
+					array_push($migratedTables, $oldTableName);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	echo '<br>Succesfully centralize user field table for easy query with context of user across module<br>';
+	//END::Centralize user field table for easy query with context of user across module
 	//Update existing package modules
diff --git a/vtlib/Vtiger/Functions.php b/vtlib/Vtiger/Functions.php
index 0f6fee2d1855f8fcba793490b138c1a5a8b15d94..1cfecae8c9be54549e2715f5840946ec4bdb952b 100644
--- a/vtlib/Vtiger/Functions.php
+++ b/vtlib/Vtiger/Functions.php
@@ -1320,11 +1320,7 @@ class Vtiger_Functions {
 	 * @return type -- table name
 	public static function getUserSpecificTableName($moduleName) {
-		$moduleName = strtolower($moduleName);
-		if ($moduleName == "events") {
-			$moduleName = "calendar";
-		}
-		return "vtiger_".$moduleName.'_user_field';
+		return 'vtiger_crmentity_user_field';