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Closed dubwise requested to merge dubwise/vtigercrm:fix_french_translation into master

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  • French Translation update based on CRM Expert (AB Online) translation pack

  • It still misses some translations. Should I do my own merge and push requests or do you want me to send them to you ?

  • E.g. in Vtiger.php :

    'LBL_MERGE'                    => 'Fusionner',
    'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Le premier enregistrement sera conservé après la copie. Vous pouvez sélectionner la colonne pour laquelle conserver la valeur.<br />Les autres enregistrements seront supprimés mais l\'information liée sera fusionnée.',
    'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_IN' => 'Fusionner les enregistrements dans',
    'LBL_MERGE_SELECT' => 'Sélectionnez les enregistrements (max: 3)',
    'LBL_ACTION' => 'Action',
    'LBL_FIELDS' => 'Champs',
    'LBL_RECORD' => 'Enregistrement',
    'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Configuration du serveur',
    'LBL_QUICK_CREATE' => 'Création rapide',
    'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENT_CONFIRMATION' => 'Supprimer définitivement cet utilisateur ?',
  • Hi Guillaume,

    I don't know what is recommended as I'm not familiar with Gitlab yet, anyway you could send them to me and I will update ASAP.

  • Here you go, full additions list. I'll update this request if I find new missing translations.

    The LBL_YES additions are needed but it's in fact, a bug, as module should take it from Vtiger.php translation file.

    • Calendar.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW' => 'Ajout de calendrier', 'LBL_YES' => 'Oui',

      • $jsLanguageStrings 'JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD' => 'Aucun calendrier utilisateur disponible', 'JS_RECORD_DELETED' => 'Suppression effectuée', 'LBL_YES' => 'Oui', 'LBL_NO' => 'Non',

    • Invoice.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS' => "Sous-produits",
    • Settings/CustomerPortal.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_YES' => 'Oui',
    • Settings/ExtensionStore.php

      • $jsLanguageStrings 'JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_INSTALL_THIS_EXTENSION' => 'Etes-vous certain de vouloir installer cette extension ?',
    • SMSNotifier.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_YES' => 'Oui',
    • Users.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_YES' => 'Oui', 'LBL_NO' => 'Non', 'LBL_ALL_FIELDS_BELOW_ARE_REQUIRED' => 'Il est nécessaire de compléter les champs ci-dessous', 'LBL_ALMOST_THERE' => 'SELECTIONNEZ', 'LBL_Space' => 'Espace',
    • Vtiger.php

      • $languageStrings 'LBL_MERGE' => 'Fusionner', 'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Le premier enregistrement sera conservé après la copie. Vous pouvez sélectionner la colonne pour laquelle conserver la valeur.
        Les autres enregistrements seront supprimés mais l'information liée sera fusionnée.', 'LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_IN' => 'Fusionner les enregistrements dans', 'LBL_MERGE_SELECT' => 'Sélectionnez les enregistrements (max: 3)', 'LBL_ACTION' => 'Action', 'LBL_FIELDS' => 'Champs', 'LBL_RECORD' => 'Enregistrement', 'LBL_SERVER_CONFIG' => 'Configuration du serveur', 'LBL_QUICK_CREATE' => 'Création rapide', 'LBL_DELETE_USER_PERMANENT_CONFIRMATION' => 'Supprimer définitivement cet utilisateur ?',
  • dubwise Added 1 commit:

    Added 1 commit:

    • 787fb03f - update_french_translation_from_crm_experts
  • Updated, thanks Guillaume

  • A small one in Users.php : 'LBL_GET_STARTED' => 'Commencer',

  • dubwise Added 1 commit:

    Added 1 commit:

    • 2e1e9b97 - update_261115_french_translation_from_crm_experts
  • Hi,

    I would prefer to provide language pack translation update through marketplace extension.

  • So you will stop providing french language pack as an optional package, that's it ?

  • It would slow people who doesn't understand english from installing vTiger. An alternative choice would be to allow people to choose packages from marketplace during installation.

    vTiger install package would be lighter but it could be installed in french (or another language). That or either a languages choice during install so all unneeded languages packs would be deleted.

  • @dubwise ,No we will provide the general french language pack in the CRM Package. User can able to update this packages through the marketplace.

  • @guillaume.hilt As we are giving a access for a each user to change the language as they need ,its very necessary to retain all the language packs.

  • @manu.k I understand that users may update their french language pack via Marketplace but I don't get why you prefer to keep a bad/incomplete/incorrect one by default. In other words, why not providing the best french language pack as possible in order to offer the best vtiger user experience ?

  • @dubwise The Language pack which are available in the marketplace can be easily accessible to all versions. There is no need to wait for the language patches for all changes. Users can easily install and upgrade the language pack by using the marketplace and the language pack extensions which are submitted for the marketplace will be under go to complete review process. Before each main release we will pull those changes to the main branch.

  • @manu.k AFAIK, default embedded french language pack has not been updated for a very very (very) long time while CRM Expert (AB Online) french translation had been published on marketplace in december, 2014. So, I've never seen what you've talking about, the work from CRM Expert (AB Online) on french language pack have not been pulled to vTiger. Another problem I see : users have to wait for AB Online to update the language pack while community users may help maintaining/improving it. What is the use of Gitlab if we can't contribute to such simple thing as translation ?

  • @dubwise got a point here. Languages pack should be updateable here by everyone and regularly updated on the marketplace. Especially since vTiger en-us language pack is missing entries, so french language pack is missing the same ones.

  • @dubwise I agree with you, Our main concerned is to make a centralized update for the language packs .It would be fine for us. Hoping the extension store language packs will get update frequently according to the updates in the git repository, we will validate your merge request ASAP .

  • @manu.k OK, thanks.

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