vt71 - no tables found fresh installation
Fresh installation vt71 from 04-01-2018 shows:
This is where the tables should be created in 660_to_700.php This two tables are not being created in fresh installation
if (!Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable('vtiger_cv2role')) {
'(`cvid` int(25) NOT NULL,
`roleid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
KEY `vtiger_cv2role_ibfk_1` (`cvid`),
CONSTRAINT `vtiger_customview_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`cvid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_customview` (`cvid`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `vtiger_role_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`roleid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_role` (`roleid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)', true);
if (!Vtiger_Utils::CheckTable('vtiger_cv2rs')) {
'(`cvid` int(25) NOT NULL,
`rsid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
KEY `vtiger_cv2role_ibfk_1` (`cvid`),
CONSTRAINT `vtiger_customview_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`cvid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_customview` (`cvid`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `vtiger_rolesd_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`rsid`) REFERENCES `vtiger_role` (`roleid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)', true);
The error:
Query Failed:SELECT vtiger_role.roleid, vtiger_role.rolename FROM vtiger_role INNER JOIN vtiger_cv2role ON vtiger_cv2role.roleid = vtiger_role.roleid WHERE vtiger_cv2role.cvid = ?::ADODB error Query Failed:SELECT vtiger_role.roleid, vtiger_role.rolename FROM vtiger_role INNER JOIN vtiger_cv2role ON vtiger_cv2role.roleid = vtiger_role.roleid WHERE vtiger_cv2role.cvid = ?::->Table 'vtiger_vtig554.vtiger_cv2role' doesn't exist